V O L . No. 35 Issue 27 Z413 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE, MAY 2, 1946 PRICE THREE CENTS Junior Prom Features Stunt Nite is Fun Nite; Since colleges were invented, stu- Greatest Show on Earth Return of Mai Hallett «dents have habitually lifted gadgets First Post-War Prom ranging from highway department fix­ Friday Nite, Stunt Nite— tures to 2 x 4 signs bearing mottoes Rite Nite, for Fun Site! Scheduled for May 10 Community Choir like “Men’s Room” — these to grace Dr. Milton D. Farrar The Junior Prom Committee has the walls of their living quarters dur­ The first tryouts for Stunt Night announced that Mai Hallett and his ing their few months of occupation. Accepts Position Here were held in N. H. Hall Tuesday eve­ famous 14-piece orchestra, recent Travels to Boston Outrages committed upon public and ning, before the executive committee guests on the Coca-Cola Spotlight The Durham Community Church private property have gone unpunished Dr. Milton D. Farrar, Research En­ of the Sophomore Class. Band Program, will provide the “ swing Choir wild participate in the Ninth for so long that campus rah-rah boys tomologist of the Illinois Natural His­ These were more than enough to in­ and sway” for this gala event. The date Annual Choir Festival to be held next have come to consider it their right tory Survey, has accepted a position sure that the Sophs’ revival of U N H ’s is May 10th, the time is 9 to 1:30', and Sunday, May 5, at 4:30 in Trinity and privilege to remove a DANGER as Associate Director of the Crop Pro­ own vaudeville show will be the most the place is New Hampshire Hall. The Church, Boston. Seventy-two choirs or a DETOUR sign, the absence of tection Institute, at the University of talked about stage production of the Prom is the first to be held at the Uni­ from greater Boston and vicinity will which might result in a broken leg or New Hampshire, and will terminate year. The first act is going on prompt­ versity since 1943. compose the huge chosus of 1100' a wrecked vehicle. his work with the Survey in July. ly at 7:30, Friday evening, N: H. Hall Well known throughout New Eng­ voices. Dr. H. Augustine Smith of Our brief, however, is not in behalf Dr. Farrar, who came to the Survey — admission is twenty-five cents. The land, Maestro Mai’s smooth and dance- Boston University will direct. of good citizenship. That is more in as a Crop Protection Institute Fellow careful selections of the executive committee have guaranteed that Friday able rhythm has been added to by the Selections given by the combined the province of the municipal dailies. in 1928 and had been on the staff for evening will be the most hilarious return of many of his former feature choirs will ’be “ Unfold Ye Portals” We cry out, rather, in the indignant 16 years, will be associated with Dr. three hours you ever spent at dear old men who are back from the service (Gounod), “Lovely Appear” (Gou­ spirit of all those who love our cam­ W . C. O ’Kane, director of the Crop UNH. and once again combining their talents nod), and “How Lovely is Thy Dwell­ pus and everything on it. W e level Protection Institute. On arrival, he When college students take their under the familiar name of “ Mai Hal­ ing Place” (Brahms). The Durham full cannon against those souvenir will continue his research in insecti­ minds off books and dates, and are lett and his Orchestra.” In view of Community Church Choir will sing maniacs whose empty-headed, infantile cides, fungicides, fumigants; and plant given absolute freedom to create any­ the recent “ rave” reviews from many “Souls of the Righteous” (Noble) in impulse drove them to rip the great pests with the CPI, which serves as thing their longing hearts and sly music critics concerning the smooth­ the North Gallery with 300 other seal of our unviersity from its place a research medium between industry minds can dream up, the results are ness of his dance music, the Junior voices. atop the recently-greeted board mark­ and experiment stations, doing explora­ ing the site of our own Student Union tory work op research problems be­ both startling and sidesplitting. You Class believes it has made *a commend­ There will be over 30 members of Building. fore submitting them as projects to didn’t know SHE could be funny! able choice. the Durham Choir attending. Students experiment stations throughout the You didn’t think H E ’d go out on the The crowning of the “ best-looking from the University of New Hamp­ We ask the ( thoughtless vandals, country. stage and do that? Not ordinarily, couple on the floor,” chosen by the shire attending the festival are Ruth now that they’ve had time to recon­ Formerly of Abilene, Kansas, Dr. but this is Stunt Nite. chaperones, as King and Queen of the Belyea, Edith Anne Emery, Elizabeth sider, to return it. W e suggest that Farrar received his Bachelor of For the most uproarious hijinks that May will be the feature attraction of Hallock, Mary Wadleigh, Rugh Wig- they place it under the board tonight. Science degree from Iowa State Col­ have disturbed the quiet of our learned the evening, and all the pageantry of gin, Phyllis Willey, sopranos; Eloise We further propose that if it is not lege, Ames in 1925, and his Doctor of campus since pre-war days, be on hand a real court will add to the imagery Braun, Katharine Frizzell, Charlotte returned within the week we shall Philosophy degree from the same col­ at N. H. Hall, Friday evening, at 7:30, of the scene. The decorations will form Haslam, Phyllis Henry, Wanda Lib­ with every power at our command lege in 1933. He received his Master when the 1946 Stunt Nite takes its an appropriate spring background for by, Marcia Setzer, Helen Swan, Eliza­ press for a thorough investigation of of Science degree in 1927 from South place with Carnival Weekend as one the strains of Hallett’s combo. beth Wright, altos; Paul Abell and the incident, including, if need be, an Dakota State College, Brookings. He of the year’s never-to-be-forgotten Tickets at $3.60 will be on sale short­ Richard Starke, tenors; and Frangcon exhaustive search of every student- is a member of Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa events. ly. Jones, bass. occupied room and apartment Phi, and Gamma Sigma Delta, pro­ fessional fraternities; the Entomologic­ "BONFIRE HILL” AGAIN BUZZES WITH ACTIVITY al Society of America; and was recent­ Wildcats Cop First As ly re-elected Secretary-Treasurer of the North Central States Branch of the American Association of Economic White Allows 4 Hits Entomologists. Francouer and Krupa Pace Dr. Farrar is married to the former Helen Tremain of Sioux Rapids, Iowa, Cats with Two Hits Apiece and they have three children, Doris, Weavers Twirier Wild 18, Lloyd, 12, and Curtis, 6. With Fred White twirling a four-hit game and the Wildcats playing head’s up ball the Swaseymen opened the ’46 baseball campaign by eking out a 2-1 Announce Nominees victory over the Weavers of Lowell Textile. For W.R.A. Board Bob Francoeur tallied the first UNH The following girls have been nomi­ run as he opened up the third inning nated for the W om en’s Recreation with a clean single through the middle, Board of 1946-47: advanced to second on White’s sacri­ President — Jane Whitney, Ginny fice and crossed the plate as Emil Kru­ Skinner, Ellie Smith; Director of In­ pa blasted a single to right. The Cats terclass — Nat Kemp, Shelly Boyd, threatened again in the sixth as they Doris Buser; Treasurer — Joan Ste­ loaded the sacks but the Weavers vens, Betty Cafon, Arianna W'hitte- smooth working pitcher was equal to more, Barbara Young; Director of In­ the situation as he wiffed Joe Beaudoin terhouse — Ralene Martin, Jane Thur- and got Dave McCullough on a pop low, Eleanor Gay, Sarah Peavey; Di­ up for the third out. rector of Co-Recreation — Jean De­ Tally in Eighth land, Marjorie Douglass, Joyce Mit­ Art Massucco salted the verdict in chell; Secretary — Janet Chase, Phyllis the eighth canto as he worked Men- Karpinski, Alfreda Leocha, Joyce Mc- drala for a walk and completed the cir­ Cue; Publicity Manager — Joan cle of bases on two wild pitches. Boody, Doris Hewitt, Ruth Coombs, The Weavers, whom W hitey had and Connie Garbutt. in complete control for eight innings Elections will take place in the vot­ threatened to tie up the ball game in ing booth under T-Hall arch on Mon­ the last frame but a fast double play day, May 6, and all women students erased the threat and gave the W ild­ should vote. cats their first victory of the season. PiekEtfskie, the first batter in the ninth, Newman Club Election of reached on an error, advanced to sec­ ond, White gave Dunn a free stroll Officers on Monday, May 6 and after Mendrala popped up, scored Newman Club will elect officers for on M cNiff’s single. With men on first UNIVERSITY OF KEff HAMPSHIRE the coming year at a regular meeting and third Mattiew lined out to Fran­ next Monday at 7 :00 p.m. in the O r­ coeur who threw to McCullough “ Bonfire Hill,” site of the proposed ping a lighted match on the pile. When dents who had been mistreated and un­ ganizations Room at Commons.
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