Sl)t--..€llsw0rtf) American. TOW raioa. *1M rt» rut. limn u twooitD -*olam mattu * v. LII. nr pai» iw mmol, li «. | Vol. 1ST ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 30, 1906. ) at raw ituwotn rommot. | **' wmnnniiai, LOCAL AFFAIRS. them from Ellsworth the heartiest good GREEN LAKE ‘•DOWN IN MAINK. will of a host of friends* Mr. Adams’ Raai are now. is to take an interval of a being caught Creditable Performance b Ha- MKW ADVKKTl*KMKNr» THIS WEEK. prescut plan year Burrill before work. Oapt. John A. Lord, of Ellaworth, was fhe National Bank resuming pastoral worth Talent—New Seen C H Wood, E 8 Clark— Notice of foreclosure. here one the week. The slow rate at which licenses are day past OF ELLSWORTH, MAINE. Bankrupt notice—Est James Foley. dog The production of the four-a' itna Fishing rod lost. in seem to indicate that there has Mrs. Noyes, Mrs. Benedict and children to commence business October 24. 1887, the coming “Down in Maine”, by a local cat-' J. itur- pioneer National Bank Umbrella loat. will a week at Authorized been in the spend their cottage. < of Ellsworth, Maine. Beads lost. unprecedented mortality dog day even ins:, was a very credits >er- Admr notice—Eat Chas H Cloason. of population Ellsworth during the past The Morse cottage is progressing formance. Hancock hall was v ted, Portland, Ma: year, or else that there soon will be. Up rapidly, and will be a wonder of modern and the proceeds from the entert enk, Mianua motor*. WE SOLICIT ACCOUNTS~OF to noon licenses comfort. which will new INDIVIDUALS, The National Casualty Ina Co. Tuesday only eigbty-two go toward paying for had been issued. At the same date last rTRMS and CORPORATIONS, and OFFER EVERY F. E. Bragg and family spent a week at scenery, were gratifying. The pro- 176 had been issued. The total num- CONSISTENT WITH SFAE ftCHfUHJLK OF MAILS year, their cottage, and returned to Bangor ceeds will be about flOO. ACCOMMODATION ber of licensed last was 207. AT KLLBWOKTH roST U1TICI. dogs year Monday noon. The new scenery was in place, was BANKING. The LEGITIMATE In 6, 190<9. timelimit expires Junel, when the admired. The stage is gre im- 'Ayp effect May Memorial Day quite a number is ex- duly National Shawmut Bank of dog constable will get busy. The increased of feet Corrcajwmlents. Boston ; National Com- pected, and several boats have been en- proved. depth MAILS KKCKIVKD. allows a much better ith- Bank, Albany, New York. Thirty thousand salmon fry from gaged for fishing. stage setting BKTiiai From West— 7.16 a m, 6.11 p m. the Green lake hatchery were planted in out decreasing the seating capacity the From F.ast— 1 l.f« a m, ft JO and 10.17 in. Capt. Horace F. Lord bad his flag-staff p up-river pondM last week. Ten thousand ball. The new drop curtain an inga MAIL CLOAKS AT roSTOFFICK. raised Monday, and will decorate his were planted in King pond, 10,000 in Kift extend flush to the galleries oi ther C. LYNAM & CO. Ooiwo East—7 a m and 6.60 p in. building Memorial Day. FRED pond and 10,000 in Several side, giving an appearance o iucl» Oomo Wbat—llJOa m, ft and 9 p m. Long pond. have been made The Danforths are making extensive width. are contei BLN DATS. plants in previous years greater Changes tted, at these repairs on their cottage. The season which will still further F~ire Insurance. Mull from the West arrises at 7 21 a m; leaves ponds, and the fish are doing well. improve ap- for the West nt 6 to be a one. 07 pm. At Long pond, in which there were no promises lively pearance of the hall. The scenery put salmon previous to the first plant of I. O. Merrill visited the lake Friday and in place by Edgar F. Jordan, and i ex- j3na lo*omoe« Oo. of Hartford Liverpool and London ami Globe Ins. Co.. Eng- fry Mrs. C. A. Hanscom, of ar- four a six and made a catch of three fine the cellent of work. Continental In*. Vo. of New York land Baltimore, years ago, one-half pound bass, largest piece rived for the summer CnotM^tirut InnuitllM Co.. Hartford London Assurance Corporation Hunflay months. salmon was taken this spring. At Green weighing three and one-half pounds. The cast of characters at S rday mefteaa Iu*. Co., of New York Norwich Union Fire Insurance lake from the was as follows Qctuaui A Society, England The Ellsworth festival chorus will meet 100,000 togue fry Monmouth The past week brought many people to night’s production of New York Northern Hope luAunuK-e Co., Assurance Co., of London as usual this evening at Manning hall. hatchery were planted last week. Green Lake. Saturday evening’s arrivals Zeph Cummings, of Hardscrable 1 1. Fire Insurance Co. New York Underwriter*’ Agency The sale of stock from Dr. C. C. Morri- included Mr. and Mrs. Lowell and two ’way down in Maine. Believes h e Natlo The poatoffloe will be closed to-day— al Insurance Co., Hartford Golden Rule, and practices wlir e Memorial 9 a. m. until after son's farm at Mariaville, which took daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams, Providence-Washington Ins. Co.. R. I. Day—from place believes.J A Cum ham Insurance of the distribution of the mail. at Wyman park last Wednesday, was not Mr. Nutter and son, Messrs. Miller, Noyes, Ro)al Company, Liverpool evening ivinpu, uin moiuri, u iiew mri uimn rc, Sun but those who were Insurance Co.. England W. II. Burlen and J. L. Batman are in largely attended, Harlow, Hardy, Benedict, Harry Lord, Milton b with 8L Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co. mere came to Day. h.. K. acted wife and a tew friends, of Bangor, MrB. E. Neil a the city to-day (Tuesday) on business con- Hopkins Wentworth, young inventor, Western Assurance Co., of Toronto as auctioneer. The cows sold were fuLl- J. Emery. AL thiira nected with the Union river dam proposi- blooded Jerseys and Dr. Mor- Bingle, the old fisherman.Fred ooke seventeen of this as- tion. Guernseys. The Companies agency represent rison Tomps, the hired man.Martin land had one of the ft nest herds in east- LAKEWOOD. The West Sullivan tug Phillips Eaton a “Fresh Air” sets in the United States of $142,518,401. Seven of these are ern Maine. About fifty head were dis- Jimpsey, Kid......Halp. loyal was at Curtis’yard last week for repairs Mose (iossin, a stuttering lover, assets of millions more. posed of. One of the largest buyers was Ralph Garland is at home from MLlli- foreign companies representing many and (tainting. She was fitted with a new Charles alpin. W. E. Peach, the Bar Harbor nocket, where he has had employment. one of these has sent to its dairyman, Susie Cummings, Ralph’s daughter, letters agents propeller. who Every companies bought about eighteen Jersey cows. Jeremiah Moore shows slight improve- Miss Effi /avia to all SAN and The schooner M. M. showing its ability pay FRANCISCO losses Lavolta, Capt. F. H. Tapper and N. E. Newman, of Ban- ment, but is still in a critical condition. Mrs Cummings, Zeph's wife, Whittaker, arrived at Bar Harbor with nine cows. still continue in business, ready to meet all future contingen- gor, bought George W. Garland has sold his farm Mrs L Gile® coal Monday. Capt. Whittaker is at hb Keziah, “forty-three and desperate” statement of com- Preparations for the observance of Me- and contemplates moving away in the fall. cies. The of the financial these home here. Miss Helen onsey ability morial in Ellsworth, to the Day according John Frost, of Orono, was called here H W to meet all losses have been verified Insur- E. W. Lord, assistant commissioner of Betsey Tomps.Mrs aynes panies fully by progrumme announced in detail in The last week the death of his Mrs. by mother, Miss Nan 1. was accom mist. education of Porto Rico, is expected to ar- are Druinmey ance •lourimls, by the Daily Press, and by Private Investiga- American two weeks ago, complete. In Polly Frost. rive in for a of a The parts were well and thi •■am- Ellsworth to-day stay the early morning details from the post taken, tion this Wilfred Clarry, of California, who has ateur” was irent by agency. _ few days. will visit the various cemeteries in the only slightly ap been relatives here for a visiting short throughout. To mention any woi d he Chandler Hale spent a few days last w eek vicinity to decorate the graves of comrades. LYNAM CO. time, went to Otis last week to renew old but to of the work of aach. FRED C. & at “The Pines”. He will return with bis At 1 o’clock the members of the post will speak good associations. The entire performance reflected err lit on BAR HARBOR, IS/1E. family next week to occupy “Firlands” assemble at Grand Army hall and march to Mrs. A. H. Wilbur and son those and on the for the summer. the soldiers’ monument where the usual Henry taking part, pains iking started tor the West last week. Mrs. Wil- and efficient work of Mr. Coo e as Mrs. M. E. who has the service will be held. The line will then Dresser, spent bur has been in director. be poor health for some time winter in Southwest Harbor, is the guest reformed and march to Hancock hall and hopes to be benefited by the change There were unavoidable delays b< tween of Mrs.
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