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[KILLY'i SHOPKEEPERS Continued 1~08 S.EO NOTTING HAl\~SHII~E. [KILLY'I SHOPKEEPERS continued. Isaacs MissC. E. 159Derby rd.Nottinghm Kidger Mrs. Sarah Ann, 28 Abbey street, HolmesHy. Barton-in-Fabis,N ottingham Islip Geo.48W estminster st.N ottingham Old Lenton, Nottingham Holmes Herbert, I5 Albert st. Newark- Jackson Mrs. Ann, 39 Northumberland Kilbourne William, 7I Duke street, New on-Trent street, Nottingham llasford, Nottingham Holmes John,4IPeasHill rd.Nottingham Jackson David, 28 Broad st.Nottingham Kinder Harry, 15 Loscoe road, Car­ Holmes John, Thurgarton, Southwell Jackson G. 33 Coventry road, Bulwell, rington, Nottingham Holmes Saml. 7 Cartergate, Nottingham Nottingham . King C. Windsor st. Bees ton, N ottinghm Holmes Samuel, Eastfield side, t>utton- Jackson J. 98 Arkwright st.Nottingham King Mrs. Elizabeth, 20 Lincoln street, in-Ashlield, Nottingham Jackson J.H.26Chesterfield st.Notnghm Basford, Nottingham Holt David,MansfieldWoodho.Mansfield Jackson Jsph. W.srClare st.Nottingham King H. 5 Kirke Whitest. ea. Nottingbm Holt Jeremiah, Arnold, Nottingham Jackson Lewis, Walesby, Newark King J. 5 Lombardst. Newark-on-'lrent HootonMissB.I8Lit.John st.Nottingham Jackson Richard,Bradmore,Nottingham King John, uo Willoughby street, New Hooton E.8High st.Basford,Nottingham Jackson T. Main st.Carlton,Nottingham Lenton, Nottingham HootonG. 25Elson st.NewBasfd.Ntnghm Jack son Thos.63Truman st.Nottingham King J oseph, Hill top, Eastwood S. 0 Hopewell Ueorge, Uranby, Nottingham Jackson Wm. I Derwent st. Nottingham Kirk Elias, Lambley, Nottingham Hopewell John, 2 Vane street, Radford Jacqueslssacha,33Fishergate,Nottnghm Kirk Mrs. E. 4 Lowdham st. Sottinghm Woodhouse, Radford, Nottingham Jacques Mrs. Rebecca,Bunny,Nottnghm Kirk Mrs. E. 55 Manning st. Xottinghm Hopkin T.HucknallHuthwaite,Mansfield James Mrs. Ann,East Leake,Loughboro' Kirk Geo. Main st. Carlton, Nottingham Hopkins P.86Pierrepoint st.Nottingham James Mrs. Elizabeth, 169 Willoughby Kirk H.rConnaught st.Radfrd.Nttnghm HopkinsonC.Newtown,London rd.Retfd street, New Lenton, Nottingham Kirk John, 8 Cornhill street, Hyson Hopper W.I7 Glasshouse st.Nottingham James Frederick William, 39 Northgate, green, Nottingham HopwellJn.8oNarrow marsh,Nottinghm New Basford, Nottingham Kirk John, 25 'l'hurman street, Hyson Horton &Son,6zA,Sneinton rd.Notnghm James Mrs. Mary, Easthorpe street, green, Nottingham Horton T.Daybrook,Arnold,Nottingham Ruddington, Nottingham Kirk W. sen.Maiu st. Carlton,Nottnghm Hose William, 9 Lotus st. Nottingham Jamieson Walter,2o Lower Eldon street, Kirk William Henry, 7 Ferrers street, Hough Mrs.A.BrickYard side,Mansfield Sr.einton, Nottingham St. Ann's Well road, Nottingham Hough J. I38 Stockwell gate, Mansfield Jansen James D. 53 Deptford street,Bul- Kirkham;\'Irs.H.BurtonJoyce,l'iottnghm Hough "\Yilliam, 44 Sutton rd. Mansfield well, Nottingham Kirkham Mrs. H. West Retford, Retford HoughtonEphraim,Kimberley,Notnghm Jarvis John, 6 Bromley st. Nottingham Kirkham J. IO Broad marsh, Nottingb.m HoughtonW.Blaxton,Finningley,Bawtry Javes Lawrence, 59 Northgate, New KirklandMrs. Mary,Fishpool, Mansneld Hoult J. 79 Long Hedge la. Nottingham Basford, Nottingham Kirkman William, 189 Quarry road, HousdenMrs.Charltt.I2Cross st.Newark Jebb Joseph, Edwinstowe, Newark Bulwell, Nottingham Housley J obn, N ewthorpe, Nottingham J ebbett William, I 5 Lincoln street, Kirks Mrs. Elizabeth, I3 Forster street, Housley William, Hill top, N ewthorpe, Basford, Nottingham Radford, Nottingham East wood S. 0 Jefferys Sl.Red hill, Arnold,Nottingham Kirman Thos. 42 Welbeck st. Nottnghm Howard J n. I2IPeas Hill rd.Nottingham Jeffrey Mrs. E. Calverton, Nottingham Kirton Jn. I2 Huskinson st. Nottingham Howard Mrs.l\1.8Bunbury st.Nottinghm Jenkinson Mrs.E.24 Pennypot st.Notgm Knifton John, I42 Carlton rd.Nottinghm Howard William, Fiskerton, N ewark J ervis C. 7 Mandalay st.Basford,N otngm Knight Edwin, IS Plimsoll street, Hyson Howe Mrs,S.394Woodboro' rd.Nttnghm Johnson Edwin, 57 Denison street, Rad- green, Nottingham HowettMrs.Ann, 17 Belvidere st. Mansfid ford, Nottingham Knight W.35 Forster st.Radfd. Nottnghm Howitt J.54Up.Parliament st.Nottnghm Johnson Mrs.E.23 George st.Nottinghm Knightat' T. 45 Hounds gte. Nottingham Hoyles Albert,7 Mount Pleasant, White- Johnson Mrs.J. 79Leeming st. Mansfield Knighton 1:::..;a. Elizh. Selston, .Alfreton moor road, Basford, Nottingham Johnson John, Hill top, Newthorpe, Knighton Mrs.U. Newthorpe,Nottinghm Huckerby Mrs. Rlizabeth, Chapel street, Eastwood S.O Knighton Jn. I3 Blue llell hl.Nottinghm Cartton, Nottingham Johnson Mrs. Louisa, 2 Graham street, Knighton W.-Nottingham rd.Eastwd.S.O HuckerbyJas.City,Beeston,Nottingham Radford, Nottingham Knott Cbas. H. qAlbionst. Nottinghm Huckerby Waiter, III Birkin avenue, JohnsonMrs. S. 8Manversst.Nottinghm KnowlesJsph.I6 Woolpackla.Nottngbm Hyson green, Nottingham Jones James & :Mrs. Elizabeth, 53 Krause Henry, 87 Liddington street, Hudson J.Nottingham rd.Eastwood S.O Coventry road, Bulwell, Nottingham New Basford, Nottingham Hudson Thos. Chesterfield rd. Mansfield Jones l\1rs.E.24 Sycamore rd.Nottinghm Lacey Christr. Nottingl1am rd.Mansfield Hufton Jn. Redhill, Arnold, Nottingham Jones Mrs. Emma, IO Oak street, Car- Lager Miss Betsy, Garden rd. Mansfield Hufton Matthew, Station street, Sutton- rington, Nottingham Lamb Alfd. I9 Newcastle st. N ottinghm in-Ashfield, Nottingham Jones Mrs. Kate, 87 Montpelier road, Lambert James, I Oldknow street, HuftonW.rs6Quarry rd.Bulwell,Ntghm Dunkirk, Old Lenton, Nottingham Hyson green, Nottingham Hugh Mrs. Annie, 38 Collison street, JonesMissM . .A. II4Sneinton rd.Nttnghm LambertN.I37DameAgnes st.Nottnghm Hyson green, Nottingham Jordan Joseph, I Batcman street, Hyson Lambert Thomas, I3 Appleton gate, Hughes H.28Lincoln st.Basford,Nttghm green. Nottingham Newark-upon-Trent HughesJ .3Guildhall st.N ewark-on-Trnt Jordan Wm. I8 Manvers st. Nottingham Lammie Mrs. I::J. I5 Mount st.N ottinghm Huish Mrs. Hannah, Annesley road, Jowett Edmund, I Monsall street, New Lancaster Thomas, Moorgate, Retford Hucknall Torkard, .Nottingham Basford, Nottingham Land W.31 Thorneywood rise,Nottnghm HulbertWm.344Alfred st.nth.N ottnghm J oyce Jn. rr8 Main st. Bulwell, N ottinghm Lander Jn. 35 Corporation rd.Nottng-hm Humphreys lly. Pleasley hill, Mansfield Joyce T. 28 Narrow_ marsh, Nottingham Lander Thomas, 6 Mansfield street, Hunt Mrs . .Ann, I Finkhill st.Nottinghm Judkins Mrs. Mary Ann, I6 Hutchinson Sherwood, Nottingham Hunt John, ro Bunbury st. Nottingham street, Nottingham LaneH.25Chatham st.Bulwell,Nttnghm Hunt Jn.4gKingsmeadow rd.Nottinghm Judson Edgar, Bulcote, Nottingham Lane Samuel, Stanton hill, Mansfield Hunt t>alome, 103 Montpelier road, Dun- Jukes Wm. so Allison rise, Nottingham Lane Wm. North Wheatley, Ea. Retford kirk, Old Lenton, Nottingham Keeling David, .Awsworth, Nottingham Langford Mrs. Mary, zA, Church drive, Hunt \Villiam, Cossal, N ott.ingham Keetley Christopher, 5 Head street, New Carrington, Nottingham Hunt William, Misson, Bawtry Lenton, Nottingham Langham George, rr Baldwin street, HuntW.17Parliament st.Newark-on-Trt Keetley Joseph, Easthorpe, Southwell Radford, Nottingham Hunter James, 6o Trafalgar street, Rad- Keetley Jsph. 8 Newton st. Nottingham Langham George, 7 Grant street, Rad- ford, Nottingham Kelley Mrs. Sarah, Oldcotes, Rotherham ford, Nottingham HunterJ.6oPercy st.Basford,.Nottinghm Kemp Arthur, Chilwell, Nottingham Langley Levi, Kimberley, Nottingham Hurst Abraham, Fulwood, Mansfield KemptonMrs.A. M. I 8 sWilfrd.rd. Ntghm LangsdaleJ. 70~ arrow marsh,N ottnghm Hurst Miss Anne, Portland st. W orksop Kendall W. I36Kirke W bite st.ea.Ntnghm Large J n. 68 Pierrepoint st. Nottingham Hurt Williaro, Kneesall,. Newark Kenney Joseph, 19 Citadel street, Rad- Lawrence Mrs. Eliza, I73 Kirke White Hurt W.64 Quarry rd. Bulwell,Nottghm ford, Nottingham street west, Nottingham Hutchings Mrs. Mary .Ann, 35 Goodhead Kerry Joseph, 21S Birkin avenue, Hyson Lawrence George, Brinsley, Nottingham street, Nottingham green, Nottingham Lawrence Mrs. M. CoalPitla.Nottnghm Hutchinson Mrs.A.28Derwent st.Ntngm Kerry Samuel, Cavendish rd. Hucknall Lawson Isaac & Sons, I6 J\llill gate, Hutchinson C.69Ratcliffe gate,Mansfield Torkard, Nottingham Newark-upon-Trent Hutchinson Geo. West thorpe, Southwell Key John, Farnsfield, South well Lawton George, 42 Bunting streetl Dun- Hutchinson J.32Thoresby st.Nottinghm Key John, I4 Manvers st. Nottingham kirk, Old Lenton, Nottingham Hyde Samuel, 43 Denison street, Rad· KeyS.t7IDenman st. Radford,N ottnghm Layhe Mrs. Sarah, ·13 Potter st. Worksop ford, Nottingham Key Waiter, Colwick street, Nottingham Layhe William, gi Kilton road, Worksop Ilettt Mrs. Mary, 5 Milk st. Nottingham Key W. C. I7 Charlotte st. Nottingham Leach Sl. r6I Forest rd. we. Nottingham Ingar Thomas, 13 Whitemoor road, Bas- KeyWm.I Queen st. Basford,Nottinghm Leathland Frederick, 18 The Building, ford, .Nottingham Key William, 65 York st. Nottingham Bulwell, Nottingham IngramMrs. Mary, Coddington, Newark KeysJ.5INorwood rd.Radfrd.Nottinghm Leavesley Mis'3 K. Edwinstowe, Newark IresonB.52Elandst.NewBasford,Notghm Keyworth Mrs. H. Thoroton, Bingham Ledger Fredk. Kimberley, Nottingham Isaac Miss Maria, II4 B.adford road, Kidger Charles, 15 Abbey street, Old Ledgett William, l\1oorgate, Retford. Hyson green, Nottingham Lenton, Nottingham Lee James, Kirkby Folly, Nottingham .
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    My Ref: IG-14698 Your Ref: Contact: Freedom of Information Team Email: [email protected] Freedom of Information Team Information Compliance Legal & Governance 2nd Floor Loxley House Station Street Nottingham Requester NG2 3NG At contact address specified for request number above Tel: 0115 876 4376 Email: [email protected] www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk 26 March 2021 Dear Requester Request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act) The council has considered your request which was received on 26 February 2021 and our response to your questions is shown below. This week new barriers were installed at Park Road / Lenton Road on the Lenton / Park Estate boundary. I’d like to seek the information you have on how these came to be installed please. The barriers were installed following complaints from the Park Estate, neighbouring residents and other users of this path linking Park Road with Lenton Road. The path is at the boundary of the Castle and Lenton and Wollaton East wards. These complaints have been ongoing since September 2019. Following the initial complaints officers carried out site observations and discussed the proposals with the Council’s Rights of Way Officer. It is also worth bearing in mind that this path is not public highway or a legal cycle route, it is designated a public footpath and is part of the Park Estate. Cyclist have permission to use the path from the owners, The Park Estate Limited. This does not include motorbikes or mopeds. The Council’s primary objective here was to safeguard the legal users of the public footpath, i.e.
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