Nelson College Newsletter Term 1 2019
Nelson College Newsletter Term 1 2019 Term 2 Calendar of Events 29 April - Start of term 2 6 May - PTA meeting in the staff room, 7.00 pm, all welcome 10 May - Showquest Performances at Trafalgar Centre, 7pm 11 May - Boarding Open Day, 10am - 2.30pm 14 May - Nelson College Cross Country 14 May - Careers Roadshow in Hall, 9am - 11.30am 15 May - Junior Homeroom Cup, Period 5 in Hall 17 May - Pink Shirt Mufti Day 28 May - NCG Production 30 May - Marlborough Boys College Winter Exchange 31 May - TEACHER ONLY DAY 3 June - QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY 6 June - Senior Reports issued 11 June - Year 9 Respect 360 in Hall (9HN, 9GD, 9AN, 9BF) 12 June - Attitude Presentation in Hall 14 June - Year 9 Respect 360 in Hall (9CU, 9NN, 9PK, 9ZN) 24-25 June - Shirley Boys High School Exchange 25 June - Senior Drama Production at Theatre Royal 27 June - Mufti Day 4 July - Junior Reports issued 5 July - Last day of Term 2 Click to view full calendar on the Nelson College website Academic Colours The award of academic colours is our most prestigious recognition of academic excellence for NCEA and is awarded to current Year 12 and Year 13 students. Congratulations to the following students who gained this award for their 2018 NCEA results. Level 1 Colours – NCEA Level 1 with Excellence: Jamie Aran, Johan Banks, Liam Brennan, Maxwell Busby, Josh Chan, Billy Check, Zach Cornelisen, Victor de Maupeou, Euan Fenwick, Jamie Foster, Ben Grenfell, Finnian Hall, Mika Hervel, Ewan Hey, Sam Innes-Walker, Brett Kerr-Laurie, J-L Louverdis, Brock Matthews, Pete Middleton, An Nguyen, George North, Jake Patel, Liam Philp, Leo Secker, Jordan Stirling- Rowling, Ronan Thompson, Patrick Wilson, Haruka Yamamoto.
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