MonSFFA’ s Executive: MonSFFA CALENDAR OF EVENTS Bernard Reischl President Except where noted, all MonSFFA meetings are held Sundays at 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Sébastien Mineau at the Days Inn, St-François Room, Vice-President 1005 Guy Street, corner René Lévesque. Sylvain St-Pierre Treasurer Programming is subject to change. Appointed Positions: December 3, 2005 PR, Membership, editor of Impulse Keith Braithwaite MonSFFA Xmas Dinner and Party See page 12 for details Web Master Bernard Reischl January 22, 2006 Audio/Video Wayne Glover Dave Shuman & Paul Simard of the RASC: Montreal Centre Present: A Journey to Mars, a 3-D multi-media presentation Editor of WARP Cathy Palmer-Lister MonSFFA Election of Executive BOA: Planning for 2006. Board of Advisors (BoA) All members in good standing! Please help February 19, 2006 us plan our activities! Hit or Miss: The State of SF Television Urban Legends: True or False Game On the Cover March 26, 2006 Scene illustrating events from When Worlds Collide, by Keith Braithwaite 1994. Ray Harryhausen & Stop Motion Retrospective April 23, 2006 Write to us: MonSFFA Superman Returns: A look into the entire mythos PO Box 1186 of the Man of Steel Place du Parc from the comics origin to television and the movies. Montreal, QC, H2X 4A7 May 28, 2006 Hot Rods in Science Fiction President: You are Not Alone! A Primer to Fandom
[email protected] editor:
[email protected] The Real Fine Print: WARP is published quarterly by the Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association (MonSFFA), a non-profit organization of fans interested in sharing their love of science fiction and fantasy.