Kahwuy Record,, i-riday Afternoon, November 2. 1917.

and Mrs... James Herring* , The 'home , BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED mac. - . -^ will be flowing and knitting;,- They SECOND PREaBYTEft)AN CHURCH Cottage prayer-" meetlne Tuesday was decorated. with autoxria ^ ?flaVe« In cilebratlon ol' nor sixth birthday recipient of many pretty gifts. . Th« expect to do much work for tho Rev. Wallace H. Carver, Paator ' James Parker's house. anniversary M5ss Elizabeth A. Mc-home and dining table were prettily Church News soldiers. All girls are invited to Join. 10.30 a- m.. Morning worship; aer- A hearty welcome to an. and. chrysanthemums, Thoto present Miss Marion Rittor and Mrs. Benja- mon topic, "Knowing and Trustta*." were: Mr, and Mrs. Frank Splane,, Mic-.hnel, daughter of Mr. and , Mrs'. decorated for the occasfon. .Those F1HST BAPTIST CHURCH •IS m- Bible schooL i I Lnwls C. MtiMichanl. of 39 East Mlf- min King,.Jiv.are in charge. .7 p. HL. C- B ipawMiig. Q. F. John-- PLEASANT GATHERING Miss. Ruth Splane,' Mrvand Mra. Oeo. present were: The ««»•••«*£" •voafimAm^' — - - •-• V/and iira^i Ed- aiSB«CKH«i«?'J5s^.^.sp 0.45 a. ttu Brotherboofl moating; 7.45 p. m.. Evening worship* sermon Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. William Mel- lior young friends on Tuesday after- 8T. PAUL'S CHURCH -.^ ward Struber, of 190 Eaat Milton ave- tore, Flora Iledoirfaii. VnroMC- Gin- topic, "Ruth—A' Woman's Choice/" .^r^JMr. ^and JMr^: Ja.mes^Her/lng, mjon_^_^Tho time waa Voli occupied ElSBS»KT$i$nfsgrne,a, yoial J^liSJ^tB\; Marion McCormlck. Mildred lO.ffO a, m.. Communion service, ln- Twenty-second "Sunday mental music and refreshments. The r*rfaWF="-'fiterlS5': -.- — T ~ J. Franols Vandorhorat, Paator varied program of games, music, Mra. Joseph 1». Spllatore, Hr. and J! ty. • . ' - feature of tho latter was a large Sehoadi8-'B»TW2aK»ffi?.a^**«* cl tiding the giving of "The Hand of 7.30 a. m.. First celobratlon of tho 10.46 a. m.. Sermon by the pastor. dancing and refroohments made the Mrs. Carl Enqulst, John SomerlnilyUe , Fight Tuberculosis—»100O birthday cake'bearinR six lighted can- Fellowship.** .Jly cjammunlon. Corporate commun- 12 noon, cloas meeting . ^ occasion one of enjoyment for all.John Thomas. Miss Berthtf/lielnaiito. The Sueeener et tha Union Democrat. EsUbllahed 1S4O. 1 -dles.™Prise* lit- the games-woro—won LiJUhw.-.y,. Buyyoujaed^ q«»_chr'•« —ll-;4&"a;-nj:. Bible school; laaaon on. ion for tba Induatrlat-chaptfir. . „: """"130 "p.'."&.. Sundajr schoor "Frizes In" tfie games were wartrjr Mrs. Mr. "and Mrs. Charles Melbourn,—Mr.- PRICE TWO CEiVT^ "Dofeat Through Drunkenness." 10.30 a. m.. Second celebration of and Mrs. Edward Struber. by Norma Spilatore and; Flora Hede- , NOVEMBER 6, 1917 he holy communion and ttermon. 7.15 p. m., Allen Christian Endeavor Charles Melbonrn, Miss Ruth Splane TUESDAY 11.45 a. in- Junior Brotherhood; 3 D- ni... Sunday achool. New pupils meeting. _,_,.._ Mrs. J. h. Spliatore and Bliss Bertha. study theme, "The Liquor Evil.*' always wulcomo, . 8 p. m.. Preaching by tho pastor. Melbonrn. There was an entertaining VOL. VH;- SERIAJLNO. 839. 7 p. m.. Y. P. S. C." B., subject 7.30 u, in., Rventng prayer! and ser- Communion morning and evening. exhibition dance by John Melbourn "Perseverance;" leader, Edwin Cook. mon. , . WodnoHday, 7.45 p. m.^ Evening 7.45 p. m., Evening^worship. At tho> prayer and addread on the Sixth ouoiiinKT^*"aong^ service Tabernacle poatitude- .ROTH-CO; Hymns will be used and the Brother Thurrtdny uvenhiK tho Vestry will The Result of a Busi- _ ____ ^». •—*-> - . ^»^» A nm iTIAlin • f^l H I B I mot at the roaldonco o( B. S.Savngo, EFEfCTIVE WORK hood Quartet will Bins; sonnon ou IN CITY AND JEWELRY GONE "Bollover'a Bajjtiami" • . . ' Weat Milton avenue. ^ , • MADE IN FOOD PLEDGES ASSOCIATIONS Wednesday! Nor. 7, mid-week meet- TRINITY' M, E. CHURCH ness Administration Valuable Heirlooms M?sterionslf7 ing; 7.4G p. rn.. song service; 8 p. m., OF mURS R«v. J. W. Rydvr, Paator Mayor, Water Commissioner and Four Goon Devotional niootlnfi; topic, "Where BEEF MARKET SLTGHTLY EASIER Local Pastors Give Inspiring Dissappear From Local OHice- Did Wo Get the Old Tostainont?" 10 a. jn,( Sunday Bcri6o!_an0l pastor's Energetic Canvass Leads to Securing Many oilmen Elected. Furbef Runs Third. Ulblti chum for limn. . The Kind of Business That Fails, Leaving for QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS Everybody invited.- Bring your Tab- Anaual Meeting of Visiting Addresses at Washington ll-u. ni;, fubllc worahli*, Holy com- the Creditors a Van Load of Fancy Office More Names Than Was Anticipated. Trunk Sewer Plan Favored. of Adams Express Co. tirnaclo Hymn books. muuloi) aiid proptiratory talk by the Noise Committee oi pastor. „ .--__. Furniture, a Heap of Gaudily Print- ALWAYS IN LINE WITH THE and Lincoln Schools FIR8T METHODIST CHURCH : li, m,, HuUan MIBBIOH a»d_ Sun- Factories Cooperate In Movement the Cm«j Clab In <»jo of ttu». hottest campaiena in loy, Doui., Cli; Oiiuuivo Thtiiinoi', Soc, EDWARDRIDENODR, AGENr Rev. 6. 8' Crowcroft, Pastor day jt^hool. ed Prospectuses, and an 30; WUliutxl C. MacKinnon, Pro.. 3. 7 p. in.* Epworth Luaeuo. ... GOVERNMENT'S POLICY thohiatoryof th*> city tho Republicans 10 a, tn., Sunday school eosaion. 1 WILL ENTERTAIN COUNTY Socoiul tlUirlct,"Warnor, 87; Lapaley, 7.-IS p. m., 1'ublli. "worship; addroafl Empty Safe. of thO _^^ARRESTED____^ H «. m.. Church, service and com — by Amio V, Curkhuffi Superintendent honors today; reolocting Mayor Marry, wml Wednesday 7.45 p. in., Prayoi* Simmons, SamuoOiT*SfortonT*counctl*"l AN INCBEASH IN VALUATION OF $1,000,000.00. lood. conservation and ttdxalmstratloia nauaeiH nun ^ «, r . ThtU iiiyatorloua disappcaranco of- t p. m.i Epworth Ueaguo; topic, meeting. "Our Candidates Eloct and SHOWN IN REPORTS iwvigrani showed that Rabway rallied ward; Miss Edith Collins,; E, Clal- manat-larso, throo ot the flvs council Ltipsloy, 137. Ourselves" will be tho theme of tho Can you got any more- for your homo this your than last 7' j ^J.&OO Worth of joWolry from tho locat "The Immigration Problem",'* loader, inep'_hlgb.ly credit-! boarno Moras, Fifth ward; advisory Tlioru wor« two^woll attended and, moii and tho wmor comiuissloner. Sim Plurality "hi ward, for Warner 4S. -tiastor's iirayor tulk. v\; ^~_-V~~"_"Z_^_ --•AuJuorcnso in tha TaxHato-:pf-^OHffiCBJBN-EOlN.TS._ Second Ward—gifat district; ^ j ottVce of tho~Adams Express-Company' N U. Turner, —-. - V.. '_Z.- i -"o f— Uw—P-ar-ent-- 'moHH-dot oate d—Ex^May or_Th_otnaa_A Friday, 3.SO \u m. Junior Epworth Tho tiorabiiuitiou of Increased Valuation and Increased Tax '" Tha anmiairSSSnae o£ tho Visiting able £o~TGe "clty^aiidr'excoetied—th ner, 163; Lutisley, ~ ^~' '" ~ to tUVi arrost today" of .Agont * 7 4G p. m.. Church musical and aong VE S^vSttlLman. Sooutmaater, Chester Pyffo, Democrat by 18S, and Ex-Mayor >y, tio; -i-npifowr. w, lll(1t o UW arroai wum «€-.-»«» League., - . Nurse Committee ot| tae Civlo Club anoat aan'ffuln« expectations of- those service. ^ ... •I*hurBi5aV,"~573O p. uiu~ Intordoubm- Hulo meaim that~~i£ your valuation, is increased but $500.00 Jam as B. Furbor, , Socialist, by 341,MacKinnon, K. Second dtatrict. War- Wurii J, JildGnour, of 4& V*ultoi\ utreot. , .national Blbld claaii lor .womon_-at waB unnblicd with the regular montli- Interested in '£%£££f -r.- -B-c«.y. s^.^«J: Wedncsday( 7.45 I'ruyof aorvloe and you will find an increase of $11.90 in your taxes. -' 'Revt.. Father Republican, was nor, 7C; Lapsley, 78; Theimor, 35; no Wlli; takoh Into custody by Dotoc- Mra. J. 0. Smith's, corner Comnaorco I Whole Legs Veal oppoalUoii-lp^tho JLUtle.^Rpv.-C.-.J. Kaiio Official Board meoling.. :; ted Crater commissioner ovor tormer- •j»niiiivy» «.., •nonxrr«™v." _ _ _ tiv^.. uiid Bryant Htroetii;. Hov*. J. W. Uyduf.' They appropriated $20,000.00 for streets. Not satisfied high school audltorluni on Prlday a£- movement and only a very few: fail- Horsky, R.dv'T™jr''W7™ir, ( lutf thd company and was lodged at Thursday 8 ». m., Coltago moet toudhur; subject* "Ahgelii." Frank G. StaEolhart by Total In ward, for Warner, 1-79; for with this tlioy triuisrufred $ij,790.00 Erom the Contingent a»id ...tprnnon find waa largely,attended.- The urns to sign the pledge cards were re-] P. Davis, C, H. Byrne and Thomas pollcxT h»ud«)imrtorii to await a h«»ar^ ported. It was1 expected .that, aooi^t; timely and effect __ -lApaloy, 1.33. ~CHURCH~OF~WSl.V ^aiilTOHYEK- TnnSvsf*mTH~BisTmV)it Funds, KmiK'jrTismK~iIwiV»y"^«T3™i' Ward;' Thomas J. Loughlln;Democrat. "" Plurality In ward, for Warner nsv.R. W. Elliott. Rector. ports at what has already been ac- 1.850 signatures Would be secured, but' meemeetingg , the 1 "ho jewolory consisted of Rev. L- Y. Graha:n, Jr^ Paster S«\wv Permits. Only the Ciiy Treasiii'i'i' k uniiiia] report will of ward raauagers mentioned In tn Socond ward; J Jervis Vall/JlopubU- Third Ward—First district '"" 10 a. :tu.', Suuday school. complUhed *aod toward making the this number wass exceedeexceeaeda bDy 153;»J,, mth^e -. „ rector ot-^St. Paul's church, apoaking i*uirloomtj-whioh hud been • r«yt>iil how imieh wax foully thrown away. In ten nmtitlis can. Third Ward; Robori W. Walker. _138jJLd^aloy, 90; Tholmor, 29; Mac- 11 ttVj' mV. Tho': boly ' communion.- _^..^0 n. ni., blblo achool"—• •:w*rk of-tho.-nttiaB.3tm,-ttiore .et£eotivor total-number eecored betn$J 2.Q03. This 1 foregoing paragraph tho canyaaalnR froin llouttin to Mfd. Holen Edgar, of' Chops -27c 1b 1 ^nd^h«j;^.\_ W. -Item'ocra^'-Fourth, ward^andZOrlanda Kinho«. 1. Second district, Warner. Tho rector will prodcli on the siibjoct 11 a. ni., Church BorvIcoT^ A new plan; which is likely to be t>ut' Result compares favprabiy_tojany «lty t"-Was.r donMitta --bs yM .::th,o.;:;^1 Bedmiinf olio . wins Mrs: .• W -thirs. H~t .Tlydoi', t>n"i*tor oil. 'Trinity MothmUiti i57; X-apsley, 80; Theimor, 3GT; t h I rf c, 1ty. Th o soulii«t"uaclcaBa' arrivc*7 jmstor. skeptical w to look ut.tlu? t'omlitinn olr our"slrcctnI ^*""-**"*** '•* ^t"nnrtrtirtn to thO i•ward, H. Hoy, Republican. , Fifth".ward,.Jwer^^ o "How to Live on Twenty-four Moura Into efto-ct this week is In the country In ..proportion to the 'Mra! A. W,-Framo, Mra, Jo- "church, delivering ,thi> addfosrf a.i Lin- Kirinon* B. in thiti city accordhi£ to the company**' t p. in.r^Jiriatian IQndeavoi' moot- : elected. Tho Co'inmoja Council hext hooks oil October 2i, two WOOVH ago, a Day." lijtf 1 toplt!, "IVrsovoraiico;" load of, They bomiwed sji20,000,00 from one of our local hilnksf, Station for Babies," whlph will be *a- population and not only beapeaks the coln School, CbimidtSrablo /~Church sorvIcGj sornion In the post otnee building, and proyifi- housewives, _ but. also' reflects great S M!('oipti( tor 1'JIU of sfilTS.pOO.OO. Mi: Oloiiry states thiit the Round Mrs. J. A. Hughes,- _Mxu, GoorRe Marr Boclutton ~" 7 ' ~———••-- -pluraUty In waitd, fdi^Warrtoi* 17S^— Tho Junior LoaKuo \viU-meet -Mon- by fcaHtoiv-^ - ' Sirlpin. Spring l)\i! Its worth and -effectiveness "are in- croait on the brmd off workers whWhoo i Mrs. J. A. nusm!»,>.ni.. «• „- "Truth" was th* theme ot R«v. Mf. .Mayor Simmons carried every ward in th<* moiintlmo dotocHvea bavn - WoduoBday oVonlng prayer meetlntf Fourth "Ward—First district,-"Warner - Citj' Tft'iimiit't' reported u' tuiliiuoo iii itll iunda. If true, wliy creased larger quarters will subse- niufle the-canvass sio thoroughly and! tin. "Mrs/CharleH Molboura, ilre. ' 411 tho cit boon on tho trail ot Agent Ridenour day at 3.30 p. ni. This la.a clasd s^ 7.45 iod by pastor; topic "Companion' Lamb Roast Klug.-'Mrt), P. J, McCartney, Mra. Am- Sadllur at WuBhlngtoh «chool and ho* y «^cept tho Sacond which 94; LartBley, H\ Theimor, 17; Mac- liori'ow J .. . " • ". Steak quently be secured. It ^s the aim oCintelligeHtly. • waa and claim to havo obtained autflclont ~ girls whose ehlef activity this eeaaoid khlp." - plesH FaKana, Mra. Clarence Fisher, faeeilouaty .remarked 'at tho outtt^e ^pturod by Kx-Mayor Pyffe by I. Socond district, Warner, Tlioy Imvc -pilliiiiod tho Interest and ..Diacouut. l_ I'liiid in wliii'h thm'c in ulwnyx it Hln'inkuf,»ii. iriliould any of Mrs. John J, tJotfrnun, -citptaln;' Mcfi. called to al>eak upon ''Truth" at ii tuo^filned latrlcts. turner wa» uuumu i how to fiave Uvea by preventing ill' workers at the naanufafcturlng plants inn6n 4 montd will bo fevoatod when the tfUU our tux piiytii'tj t'Onwidei' hi.4 tux oxdossivo lit* nutuvally William HollhiKa, ^' wg. ».» ,>—- achool. Ho u the in every district with tho excepdon of ^ ' ' ^__ |-in--the—cl|^attachfld^heJr__Bienaturos g E ^-l~tlia_ Jl tst—dl atrj ct._pi_tho_I^Bt_ward1 -xV«itt i l tj~iii- th ia^-iutaorb o comeJtn own r.,_ apiuShutilt! tiio appuul bo sustained an<3~HirdiiTD ^ life of George Wasn^ng£on"~ai -__^ ^..i_.^ *•'*!.« w^f wnrH.l Total In Ward,-for Warner, 100; for ^FH E~HE M^FI RE— aiao be developed -from—this plan, to the pledge cards very Teadlly, This where he led. Simmons by two votes- Plurality In ward, for Warner 79 ton. Miss ; Ella Baumgartnerr Mlsa ample of living the truth. "'Boyn and insuffluimit lnonoy to Miitiai'y tho I'.iium li lioml itwiiu will h Whereby .little girls -who "have charge branch of the •worlc Vaa 'well conduc- Tho Fifth ward gave. Mayor Simmons ELSEWHERE- 'IH. Uo.i, rlccurow Kate Dale, Mrsi Matthew; Armstrong, girls ofton toll lies because thoy don't Fifth Wurd—First rlliitrlct, Warner, ELECTION nccvH.iiii'y ID moot tlio J«fii:ioiicy. , . of small chliaren may be taught the ted by James P. Boland and "H. T. Mc- th« larKOMt- plurality of ti«i, whiles tbo toplt- PORK JERSEY Henry W. Cleary; soeond district Mrs. uniloi'-tuhd the value of truth. It is 17!>; l.iiuriti»y. Oti; Tholmrti'.- ^S; M Tclaphous 35O-R. RALPH WOODWAKb, Mjr. Tlii\v lutve HpiMit, iipotlliwsly .tlio inty's fund in proper way of handling, deeding, bath- CHntock with the. following results: Third titi/i* fourth wanly iiach Kinnon, 2. - Eariy Returns Show interest)no R^- Edwin Haliday, captain; Mrs. M, Rit^the duty of the_paventa to Impress lilni Srt plurality. - — ^Cal Hams _lng and 4recslng them. - Merck •& Company, 555; Qulnn & "Bo- 4^r. "Mra. • fioprge Helnastadter, "Mra". Totili. In~?>l>v7 foi* Wurnof. 1.Q7K; tor\ gt jS.tatoa State SoyervIsTpg~Kqrgg Mlba Mai -ttfXJIi—< 111]- .11 »n i -n •- i i , irt 1 h iir t" trT~* SvaryTinml . for Tbeimoi*. ±\2\ tr. V-ui'ly VolUruw rihtiw thut Jobrj 5^ furniMhtHl, ont- ailvor(inins? In I'IR'II oasti would liuvo Iicon Hiilii- 1 John Hfiusman, Mrs. it. B. Stutzlen, Many children ara not moro truthful Vv.. . uncuwttCrich wana Vpreseni«v^ t a_t —the _meetin g ton Cooperage, 54; Royal "ManuTac- except the Fir«t, Hyhtii, D«niot:rat and Tuttimany concJI- vioitt. .It in luird to ui'ulovtstHiiil how. miy olliciul or olliuials -Miss tavelyn Ruckbell. Mrs. Annie because the ~ parents are not more MacKinnon, 22. Wallace Reid Loins Pork and congratulated Rahwaay and the turinS Companyf 76; -Wbeatena, 48; A majority of 172 was Kivon in. IMUrality in city for Warn** "datij, wtiii—nrrthubly tsUjftod Mayor -ot"* ~ ' • • * • • .willi irlio lea«t I'laim to 'iiitt'Uitfcuuu could lsir"lgnoi'init of < Wraight, Miss Margaret Haliday, Mrs. . truthful." Aa an example he called at- •f* ... Civic Club upon Its progjreaslvene&s Wfllbury Atlantic Company, 34; Three j fnvoj' of tin* trunk uowor plan, the pro- NftiW Vorlt by u plurality of about: : A, G. Urm»ton, Miss Bella Ritchie. tention to a common iiractice of sond Surrogate. mH'OKsury dctnil. along the lines mentioned and showed ln,-One '.OU Company, 19; Superior : 14S.O0O. hia voto beinst' 301.0QX. -Mtt- Regular Fresh-Hams MIHS M. Skidmore, Mrs. Ch&rles Bost- Ing children to;tho door to answer the ject beHiiR favored In every ward In the ,td=FiiMt-d(iitrM.- Charles "The Squaw Alan's Son" Wo have n fund devoted to flic velironicnt oh! City lionds how this -wcrrtc for tboTjatlefl would do Body Company. 16; Graves St. Co., 16; ! elioll ran second witb U7.tUS :md.' wick;. ••••.-.•.•; •. . - •."• •• . •' • city, Ten-ill '.Brothers. 15; Egyptian. Lac- bell and toll the caller that "mamma N. Coddin .Ron.; 97; Loroy A. Gibby. t Mlllqult Hail 1U6..137. ' fiurton Jlolttiem Tfuxv^logtt« Mutual Comedy thut iloi'ivos its moiiiiy 1'i'Oni licenrnw imd m^ontl-elims j'.uih'oiui much toward preventing tuberculosis Third ward, Mrs. X B. Purber, Mrs. 1a. u.ot ln." "By doing thiB a parent One Republican and; one Democratic Max Tholmor,- Soc U7. and other constitutional diseases aud quer Gty., 12; Pennsylvania RaiU-oad 1 Womau'u BUftruito probably won T& pi-ojH'i'ty, tirodiiviiiK'uliout. s(;2Q,OOa6o a yoat'. Uinler proper freight 'station, 9; Pennsylvania Rail- C. M, Forrest, captains; Mlss^ Sara sets a false standard before the child- Freeholder ~wa8~ chosen,- -'Clifford -B.- Second district. CwidiiiK. tio; Gibby, SATURDAY • produce a generation of healthy men ; Peny Esterbrook, Mrs.; S-' Harris, Mrs. Honesty and ti'uth aro closely allied- GehrlnV beins; the winner on tho Ro- Sfiiw York Stuto by about 7o,«00 voto*-- hmiJlhi(!-thiM ishould tcdliee our olllngor. Mrs. H. F. Kalllgan, Mre. J. of the moat remarkable votes In the report of Ktfl. A, R. WimaeH, eeore- j '^'^S^ixprewiPaVB; Hydrex Co. Mr. Sadtler then showed that 'the VuIralUy, In ward. fQr,Coddtna^ -4&, hibitiou by.,jxinarrow margin. .,.;_. .. in « On tin! most nmmeiitouH (luestiou that Ims i'aeud tlio City. 1 8 w ,^ C, pprnell, Mrs. F. W. Mershon, Mrs. -Sunday echooV and^day Bchool could-! TilBlc-Vy '.pi tno ^5(ty; ROttinir -n«arly Socond Wurd-^Flrut atHtrUiU-.Co4. of UuUwuy in its (•xistenifo our uitizonH ai'o itHkoil to tnlce snap . J^ ^^^JF!?? ^^ ^ ?an_.a.y 4 lGasligh Nagel tStee Co.l, | CV- A." Matzer* Mrs': J. Stanley Tiavls, 1.200. The- Socialist and German. Alllanc* - Novot Musical Offering w not bo expected to reform a child ini?, 99; Gibby, «G; Thclmnr, lfi.'Sec- in Cltlcojto waa dofeated by the loyal- judginoiit. Why wore riot tho trunk sewer painphletn nmiled ' 4; 'Raftway Auto Body. Coi,' 3; j Mrs. Walter Orvis, Miss Millie Tappen- Kiffhty^per cont. of tho'jroRlstered' titl dlutrlnt. Codding. 77; Gibby, 7:** At the close -of its fourth year th6 Co., when ha or she did not have the Amorlcnns by about 80.000. The ratt' And 3' Other. Good.. Acts. " Added to' Mrs. Galea. Miss Edith Patterson. voters of the city cast their ballots, I holmur, ;ii. u wook or nior« a^o to nllp\y_ propel* .\uiderstandiiig anil "Visiting Norae Committee feels that —„- Novelty Co., 2. proper Btandarda sot before thom~*ttt ! i-hiiio orj:iniaatlon won over • the r©> • Miss Elsie Parrell. Fourth ward, Mrs. the -vote- falling short of Presidenital Tottil' U\ wui'ti. Tor .Codding. I7tl; - Dorothy Phillips in dolilierutionT A (piesition that took months to put m-Nliiipe it has -paesed thrrragh -a most, import-, this- number there_.wer_e.; 3J.81: In ,___the home. ^Ho _aaid ?tliat the ebUd'ls the In Philadelphia by a naxram We Close at Noon Next—Tuesday, Election-Day Henry LHtT Mra.'~Maufice 7CHianiet, greatesBitju.^owt proble„.„-_ m and discovery of the yftar by only seventy-. Oat of a Gibby. 139; Tholmor, 47. ! high school, 127 in the eighth grade '••• | _/ . . ^ airt period In the helpfulness and* ex- i margin, "A Doll's House" _. M. jeXpectcd....tU-.ha-.niiswercd. iii. ..a J!es. .daJ'S Is-Uiol* -aH- Mlsa Martha ChailleU Mrs. Joseph ace, and that each one comes Into the ' . \ --«••- ,. . «» Plurality in ward, for dpddinfr.-^^- ^ * UiitHloni of Itss work.work . The Committee and '-eight high -school and eighth Tho local option issue has resulted • Kthiopiilri in ttio fuel hoapV _.._. : Wooster, Mlsa Bertha Vanderhoven, b ' , . . _ . total of 3,128 votes cast only 23 were Third - Ward—-Ctrst district. Cod- "SOWALfST« MASS MEBTING MQNDAX. remains us formerly wltli tho excep- (••grade teachers who mlso signed tho In Democratic ealus In. Now Jersoyr" STioUld your money be spent for iTttlo pobblea that-servo- — MISH EUle Harned, Mrs, H. J,f.Wyckoff lives of njaronta as a trust,from God, _ • . . 1S4; GIbhy, 9G; Thoimer. 26 tion of our -chairman. At .'tho begin- cards. _ - t: ...., : • ' .' Misa Grace.Beck,.Mra". John B. Thomp- diiiff,, 1S4; Gibby, »G; Theimer, zu. m i^«u.^.^.^ .„ ._ . . . TUESDAY only to stop your .sowers ? p - .The work - was systematleally , or- ttoro brin, tog lov thee .chil.Its dparents up to, know Its croa- r*]ectwL Socond district. Codding. 144; Gibbyj Covernor Samuel W- McCall, RepabU- ning x>t our yoaK 'our devotefl .cbttir- son. H'lfth ward/ Miss Madeline Par- keetor, p ttho love truthe it.s parentsMe quote, tdo knoSolomonw an^d The total reglBtratton *» th» dty can, watt roolected in Massachus^ttB^ 1 ganized and carried out under the di- p ~_.. »„„ *-«»'«t«i*t»(t in MassiLCliUSQttB Gladys Brockwell in Should necessary money liuvu'.been uponl ftn-'nj man , Mrs. Karl HeisoiVberg. was coblig- sons, captain; Mrs.. Herbert R. Moras, words. ^'Lyini •g - lipU s are ani.. abominatiojbominatio <3^nwtnn*na | Wetshowes odf th2V66e3 five Vote wards ins thase followsnine dls: -I ^. Thojraoi.( 2f by a largo u r majority. WestmbrelaSuST rection of FrocV C. Hyer, to whom 1 wiry motor truelcl And should this truck bo'i'*^ j • •od to resign 'and.Mrs. Brearley who Mrs. Miles Hileman, Mra. Oacar B.Unto the Lord." It, was then pointed I ^*rst ward, Urst district. 247^ second I Totai in ward, for Codding. 328; 't>.avis, Democrat; was elected Eovar - "To Honor and Obey'" much credit is due. He was aided by Gibby, 188; Theimor. 60. " has helped the work so aplenclMy "ac: Garthwaite, Mrs. George B. Cladek. ttbr of Virginia. .,..,, , ,- • , ~., -rrik- >urcd in coin- " Over The Top the following; Vice-chairman- Mlsa out that the rather Is the hero of the Plurality In ward, for Codding. 140. 1 cepted t"he ofllc« Mrs, O. H. Dey, Miss Irene Harrlman. Lrii;i petition Withtruiikmen \vho ure taxed jr n ve 't? - M.' Ada Farreti; secretary, E. Clal- id the mother the heroine of the -< *«w,.-.™w.— _ . to first time la ten years Louls^- l (Continued: on "Page ~r>**o) To the efforts of the above mention- ward Is it uot time to nut tlui ili'UJiW^ • W J. i "~ S Our Boys in Khaki have started over into ""NN o Man's Land" bourne Mores; executive commttto girl andlhat if either parent is guilty - first,district. 402; second district aC . • , , JtHOlSrin in u condition to prevent foflying they havefailod: in-one, of .tho 379- Fourth Ward, flrst district, 218; opubllean_c*ty_tickel. A and they will win, just as patrons here Witt help win the-war. MTTS. -. "Second" district, Codding. TDO; Oibbyr a ... « eo,^ratio.ty ^ A reeout^ ^ due. highest callings of life. The Throo nloctiqns to Congress to aVm th(J housaa ttom A large and enthusiastic meeting of 'Coftey, of mrst\wara; Miss Elizabeth movement is 07; Thcimer, 18- • . vacancies caused by deaths of ReDuly llroome ^^^fark^ The ftabway department clid -noi_ the "Women's.Home -an-d 'P'OTeiKn Mis also showed that a pursing of the' lips, Total Iii Ward, for Codding. 187; Mao Marsh in ^_.tor±hex.wiU.sav^ tell Into line wl»h the re ltcans were held and Republicans. ™S£yU-->> -^ Newark cull. AtiTr"aVUilo~they~pxtinKuislieil slonary Society, of tho Second Presby- SOCIAL GATHERING BRILLIANT B1RTHDAV PARTY a shrugging of the shoulders, a, liftinUIMHKg *«.«--, Gibby. 100; Thaimor, 37, A surprise birthday party was ten-of th"e eyebrows could be used In tell- mainder of Lite county In giving a sub- Plurality In wurd. for Clodding, 78. wnro elected to the positions. * Thesfr "Polly of the Circus" terian, church, waB_heldJMonday after- . - ,-—... , ., ,,— _,,j - nttnr stantial-jnajorlty to all of the Re- oloetiong- occurred in the Fonrth Co»- ^airc-on_SIuiu:Str_ee.ti___ ^ '. •".- NOTE THESE WEEK-END OFFERINGS: ""riot)Frr-^rt'-lti»e--l»om« --of-—Mrs^ZTp4~-E7'' "Tne - *^__ ___._ldaughter-pf • .i^tho, JJBg_did nrtfnot utter j^ They Imvo retained in ofllce aK Chief of Xiolieo~5~>nmrwtr6'i Mr. and Mrs. Edward J, Beat, of that many characters had nticUcut. t£e~SfiHi^MaasacliilBBttB"mnt'.- With Every Purchase Wegive Best Premium Blue or S.&H. Green Stamps , "Wycltotf, Commerce street,. -Two very •of a:-pleasant social gathering It Is expected that William N, Runyon 17»; Qlhby, 91; Theimor. 27. tho TwentyolBhth Ponnaylvania liy iii« own udmissioilt i« incompetent. In u recent murder.- interesting' and instnict,ive Bttpefa o««*™. -- .. .'„-_. "Tli. o time "was wetl, oc Seminary avonuo, last evening;' by ruined In those wayHT"" ~- be named senator; James E. War' Plurality In ward, for Codding. 88. group of ;young people. Tho time . In, concluding his remarks Mr. Sadt- trlcts. " case he failed toi notify ibe county-prosecutor, and brought were read by Mrs. A. R.>. Smith on Jasx^upiet (aveningd Ttfith'. variou^io stlrao^a social diversionss ^etl.^oc-, nor, sheriff: CharloH N. Codding, Total In city, for CoddlnK. 1.057 wa» flelightfully spent with a diversity ler showed that a Ho Is dangerous down upon liimselt' a vigorouM letter of •censuris from tliiit 1'Latin' America,* whtle Mrs. W. A. music and refreshments. ~ Thos««*-top, Look and Listen: The_J)e.mocrats .never ap- GUby, Mrs. Harry M. Bedford, Mra. Una, Mtee M«ry Collins, Woodbrldge; this city ranged from 300 to 400, lor. Son.. :lli; Wlllium M. Van Clue, sudden dealh of W, Leon Oliver, agoftr Saturday, November 3* Novcmter 5 propriated more than $14,000.00 for Streets, The Repuh-. Mrs. ThomaBClark. Miss Anna Clark. and rooms -were prettily decorated Supervising Prniclpal Miss Emily ;- • Henry Lorance, "Mrs. Prances Cowie. Excellent Tea, lb •Ith the national colors, chrysanthe- Kallday urged the parents to examine Senator. . Pro.. 13. Socond district^ Rayue. S7; 34. of 8-t Maplo avenap.. about 1&^ lieuns appropriated ^0,000.00, spent $215,660.00'. in ten Best Plantation Coffee, lb 35c : • Mrs.-tstttheF Mundy, Miss Amanda Mrs. George Eckert. Ttfrs, Thomas mum s-tid autumn leaves. There were the report cards ot the children and First Ward-—First District. William Roller. 3r; Van Clao. X«. o'clock. Ho 1B survived by bis mother Tow-nicy, Mrs. E. B. Young, Mrs, -W. Trotter. Mrs. Thomas O'Connor, Miss Mra. Charlotte K. Oliver, of Dayton*. months and undoilhiedljl liy the «II<| of the i/ciir will have, C dainty place cards decorated with thereby know when the child Is doing. Total In ward, for Rayno, 177; I QRIES/BROS Sirloin Steak,not trimmed,lb 3Oc A- Ransom, Mrs. A; R.^Perham Smith, Mabel Payne,.. Mrs. ..Elizabeth Gray. Pla.; one brother, Elmer Oliver, alao- spent $80,000,00. The difference between the Democratic Fricassee Chickens, lb - 26 Mrs...Bdward Kltto tlao Misses Eliza- American flags and favors In the form the boat he or she can. She urged the J Roller, 07; Van Clue, 27. RIES Proprietor . Mlas, Jennie Thompson, Mrs. Aaron 'Plurality In ward, for Rayno. of Daytona. and one sister. Mrs.- Wu- 31 Cherry St H»M-AN/g iind Republican adininislratiun expenditures for Streets is EJvelyn Gray and Mrs. Thos; of 1918 calendars, representing a na- encouragement of pupils by parents orioh goc_ ;,„. EuBonB A. Smith. Pro.. i PeSn.Mrs. N. V. Compton, Mrs. A.-W-" f llnm H. Rolllniirin^jif WMT Milton aye- el. 36-R Rahway, N. J. Baker's Ftesh Grated— uf doing homo iV"rV ^"d-'illao Of at- ! n^ Qcconil dlntr^ . wnnvonWimvon.. m91 ;: i>ummBoard»s j weconu >vnm—* *.^y •——.'latrtct --,• Rayn~ o ^V^lWMT^vkich-^pmitd-itTn'F-miirl&-^a^^-itt..n.nn II!S(«,AM.> Ttavno. SB: Koller. 30. vanp.- E. Oliver Coal Company, " Suits. Extra quality, all for on OH>) item alone, and with tin increased valuation o/!_ boy, waa guest of honor and the bos-! OIL STOVE CAUSES decided1 to Join the Union County- .. ward, for Runyon. 182; for!d iatr|ct. Rayno, 85; Koller. 30; Vanavenue, a member of the Union < Value 85c. W ~ teas of tho afternoon. Mrs. Wyckoff by the MisseB Margaret Ruddy, Helen sizes. R>g. $1.50 a Suit $1,000,000.00 there are others! •'.'•. '.'•••' Rib Roast Mixed Nuts By the sudden Ignition of an"oil Council of Parent-Teacher A.s»ocla- Boardsley. 130; plurality in ward for' ciae> 8- In ward' . ' ty Roadsters, and one of the moot Special Del Monte Apricots •* Qr> "j gave a luncheon in honor of her friend Beat, Sarah Mullroney and Grace Best. Special $1 29 a Suit If you want a bettor administration in "a time that try Blade End, lb pound 20c .5. stove in "the home of Steve Roberts. There were two largo birthday cakes tlons and to do tholr share toward en- Runyon-43. . • Roller..47Total l; nVa wardn Clse, .fo 24r .llayne, 150; prominent young business men oX Qusf Slightly soiled, can JL2/C 24c .and .former neighbor, Mrs. Crowell. lively Second Ward.—First d^latrlct. Rua-- men*>i KOIIIH** read the .following ticket and vote it: ' colored, of 31 Union place, and many beautiful presents for thetertaining tho County Council at the Plurality ln ward, for Rayne. 10a city. . . .' • •' ' Flannel p. m. yon. 95; Beardsloy, 65; Frledorich, 18; Ladies Washable Kid New Sweet O/)^ y HALLOWE'EN PARTY blaze was caused about 5.47 little celebrant. Prises In the games convention to bo held in his city next Third Ward—First district. Rayno, . $1.25 • Del Monte Ploms Beef "Liver _ spring. It was voted to procure paper Smith. 3. Second district, RunyoU. 77; Gloves. White. Tan and FOR MAYOR Cider, gallon V> t/C ',: A delightful Hallowe'en gathering today. Mr. Roberta grabbed the blazing were won by the MISBOS Margaret 137i-«ollor. 3D; Van Clse. 45. Second Michael Lenao 95c each Slightly soiled, can,18c pound 19c stove and threw it out of the window Schwindlnger. Anna M alien. Hegina Beardsley. 77; Frlederlcb. 31; Smith. district, Rayne. 10(1; Koller. 38; Van Michael Longo, aged 1 year, Black. Vat $2 00 a pair. THO'S A. FYPPK '; '-was held by Miss Mil|red Ludlow's napkins for all -children who come 1. Toial In -ward; for Runyon. 172; Into the street. Some of the flaming McMabon and Albert Miller. Others to school without handkerchiefs. One Clso, 32^ monthB and 5 days, son of Mr: * ^ 'Indies AU-ovcr-Aiddy- -Sj>ecial $ 1.65—a-pair_ ^ class of the First Presbyterian Sun- v for Beardsley. 142; plurality in ward, Trenton ~~ ~rr. Poison Fly — .8-. oil "dropped' on the. root . of ...tha. present besides those aTrefiay~TirGn new' member, Mrs. TJStnriSSdman. •was Total In ward, for Rayne. 233; Kol- Mrs. johu Lengo, ot Lower Aprons, plain andflightJig- Van Camp's f-da"tlay achooschool andd a fetew friendtriencxbs oun Saturoami - ui* ^m^'ubiw^ .. tor Runyon 30= ^Ladies W. B. Corsets yrauk C.. Engelhart - Scrapple, lb Paper, pkg : tloned -were: The Misses Marguerite received. The fourth grade taught by Third Ward—First district, l^unyon, ler. 77; Van Clse, 77. street, died yesterday. 2c [day evening at the liorae of Miss Kath- anda beneath tbe window and a Uvely urcd Percales. V/al-$1.25 Long or Shorl styles fOA> '..COVSailAtA.V-.lT'LAKGK '• Spaghetti, can Mlas Elizabeth W.' Bell won tho pic-187; Beardaley. 91; FrederlcU. 27: Plurality ln ward, for Rayne, 156. jljHM Millie^ daughter of Mr. and blaze was started. The entire tire de-1 tloned were: Tne Misses margumm ' cure prize for having the greatest Smith. H. Second district, Rnnyon. HALLOWE'EN CELEBRATTONn :• i Special 95c each ~Saiierlcraut Large California V |:Mra. Udward MUnes. of 142 Whlttler partment was called out by an alarm I Bergen Helen Lanir. Grace McLansh Fourth Ward—First district. Rayne ilt2r_LB^ardBleyr87:-FrJ6dert |: i D..IL Trombley, Ed. Leonard "ate' 'd " fo* r th• o -^--r«functio—n iln« •„,true„ uniimsHallow-. lyv «xtlnE^ilsheextinguished withb elightslight~ daniageTdamage, tj t'orflfora,. tauiormCtttlierlna—Kinxnatekr-^—f3iadyso ,u^™.t., _ ,_- Dress Skirts at Total In ward; for Runyon. 33S; for JI9Celse, , 26AU. . soclatlon. of Trinity Methodist chord* Ladies Wool Sweaters H^e>'«ni stylatvle - andd „same s , an_. d stunts ap- Mr, Roberts had his right nand burned jTltua, .».Ann Shannona Franks. Georg. Stanleye Walker. Boyle, Jo-, for the teachers' rest room. No .re- POK COUXVJLMKtf • Wednesday, November 7th; doable stamps on alt purchases paid at siote «-.. freshments will be served at . theBeardsley, 178; plurality In ward, for Total In ward;' for Rayuo. 137; Kol- hold on Friday evening and wm»- Low Prices Color Old Rose and Copenhagen feroprlato }.o the season were enjoyed. slightly In throwing the- blazin••--'—g oi-•»l 1 "oniiinseph mBubbles Shannon. Edwar. Georgd eBest Walker. Rolan, Jod- Kirtit Ward—Clius. .Walth !4rst prize In the games was .won by meetings during the food conservation Rnnyon". 157. ler. 44; Van Clse. 37. largely attended. A woU dlverslfle*; Children's Colored Cor. Bine. Val 4.50. Spec $3 ^8 stove out o£ the window. . Best, Grace and Helen Best, Mr. and durov Coats. Sizes 2 to irUvoiid \Vaixi—Tlios. Tjougldin STAMP SPECIALS STAMP S P E CIA LS tlss Ella Miller., Vocal and Instru- [ Mra. Edward J. Best. period.;-'- •',• ;, ;_ • • ••• '. • • *' Fourth. Ward—-First district. Runyon ^•"ward-FT™.Pluarllty Iu ward,! todlstrictr Raynf o 93Rayne. . P"8ram of g^es. mujuc M*;tt*w»^ iental music and refreshments.made SERVICE FLAG PROCURED A fine entertainment program was 101; Boardsley. -43; Frledertch. 24; — tnenta mado the Hmo well occunlat 6. Value 4.50. Babies White Crib Third \Var time pass pleasantly. Those pres- Through the efforts of Clarence V. BOYS ON A UARK carried out, consisting of two splen- Smith.1. Second district, Runyon. 93; '; ^g. | g ' . Special $3.5O et-s • Regular 25c each. Fourth Ward—Robt. Walker r.».-- Van^ C S...wardas , for Rayne. 103. tures, eacingnest flndlnejin award •*;; ... Special'19c each 20 with each lb Progress Coffee - 35c 10 with ^acli hottle Puritan Vanila 20c ©t were: MIBS Minnie Margery, .of Ludlow. a service flag: .containing i Four: bpya who rode to this city Sat- didly rendered solas. The Choir BeardBley. 62;- Frlederich. 20; Smith,- — •—•-' - White and Ecru Cor Vifth Ward—John .T. Dalj- telnlleld;" the Misses Ella MlHer. seventeen ..stars Indicating seventeen I urday on a motor truck and then ap Celestial" and "Sing Me to Sleep." by ; I Total-In «l«y. for Rayne, 838: forthe end ot tho web. There wore manar FOR STATESHXATOK 20 with eacb'lb Red Ba^ Co£Pee 30c 10 with bot. Puritntj Lemon Ext. 20c Total in ward, for Ranyon. 194; tor1. RoUer. 235; for Van Cls«, 197- pretty and inystlfyinK muqnenAe^ tain Scrim, 36 inches wide^ White Scrim Curtains [OTloitrWoodruff, Helen Squler, liar- ln u,e u 3 service was suapendod for lodging at police headquar Mrs. Albert Regale, wltn Wlllium Kfttri Teneyck R. Beardslcy 10 with each lb Gridea Santos Coffee 25c 10 with i-Ib Fed Star Baking Powder 10c > • HollingB. Mildred Bareford. ,„ front ot the Flret Presbyterian »UM «"««*"» •"• »~..™ ,.. Guentber as accompanist Mrs. Frank Beardsley, 10S; plura^ty In ward tor Plurality ln city, for Raype, 537- costumes. One of the most wutsitnK- fine Va, 29C yd. with lace edge. Reg. $L50. torB were retnrnea Praaholders • . that worn by ^.^. Alfred Gtroud^ . ' Special $1.19 a pair FOR SHERIFF lyn Burden, Grace Hoftman, Helen ,.narcn on Sunday. Mr. tudlbwcol- to;«Helr parents by Cowan admirably presented two reci- Runyon 89. wo mm woru OT ! 21c yard rers. LouisLouiae La,denb«rgeru»»g . Gladys lecteiectedd ththe necessarynecessary.fund. fus among th.r nameChief sRamsey and addresse. The.boys sa sgav followe theisr tations, "Curfew Must Not Ring To- First Ward—First district. Clifford box nmche» were dl»po»e4 ot«TJ Howard C. liapsley .": namea an . Fifth Ward—First district. Runyon. - —*. . T— ^ M^,^aA th-w fiaa and. James Flnkenoyd addresse. 13, san -ad Joha followsn Sabr:, B. GcbrlnE, Rep., 103; Willtam H. uou. fhB committee ii charBS; w-^ Janlor and Inten Assortment o{ Colored ""White or G.^ey Bed FOR SURROGATE lo Elizabeth and Kathryn Ln- young men and procured the Dag and night," and an original poem relating 171; Beardsley. 97: • Frlederich, 30; Mildred Lodlow and Mrs. C. S. the necessary ststara s will be added as 12, of 367%' Henderso— •"*• n street• T«l.»;. 'Jame dak*s to the war and the part the Rahway Randolph. Rap.. SO; Edward Leonard siatod at SUnlay Wlldrlck. WUU«m OS- |:*»:*tlte essays at, 36 inches Wide. Rr(<- B'ankfts. Extra large. Leroy A. Qibby Kth h t Smith, 2. (Contlnued on P»o» Four) Smith. Randolph U .Wlman; :~~^i: ^limi' to theli' 'teic • v«rd- Regular $3.98 a pair. lies. Randolph MUoes. Miss Kather- young men from the cbnrch enter Gallagher. 12. of 160 First stree' —• boys are to bear. The latter struck Plurality ln ward, tor Runyon 74. ; FOR CORONER : Mllnes. Mr. and Mlia. Edward Prarids Ardanowsld, 13, of 148 a patriotic chord and elicited sreat Hushes, Alfred HoDkln*. th« ^ThaeyrUl bo coiRJal 29c yard the. service.' Total In city, for Rnnyon, 1,054; ton : : 1 Special $2.98 a pair J. Edward Rayno : street, all of Jersey City. applause. President Mrs. Caesar BARN BURNED ' .-. 'SarHi., -'-- ' -- '•-- " - ' -•'•i'' , toTiTSasinilttoe and «iVr(Ytmber 36^>\ ne s. ' •, HEAR THE NEW EDISON. FIRST! Beardsley, 661; for Frlederich. 240;' Be»t Qaility T^bU Oil Cloth FOB ASSEMBLY Loonhard was In charge of the meet- for Smith, 18. ! PlrI'lrct of unknownunknown'' origiorigin destroyedestroyed aa. •'-•'•' • •• .; ; bonoAa>Ie mention win C^,w Shades, all NOTICE TO HUNTERS ^Before Inveiltlng In. a - talking na- LEARN THE NEW BALL-ROOM chine be rfnre ~to- hear and compare' ing and Mrs. Clarence J. Cook served Plurality.In city, for Rnnyon 393. I'.arRO barn on U)» Frank M. StlUman bnshol» of potatoe*. »omtagJMf ' ,„ jr iariSo Knoter rec«f*4lcte. To-i»i*^^^^ fticst-inerit In tlio opinion 6X . Francis A: 6ordon \ \ X. Lincoln oonwi > >«. » Moadav Only 22c yd . farm Is positively prohibited v n wn First Ward--Fir«t district, Jamps Saturday morhln*. S(S llveslock WW Tn» lu»» 1» «b°.at Tl-fiWl ..each WaJtfr tT. -Tnv-crnor ' . A stirring address that made a deep ;. *Warner. Hep.. 95; Howard O. Lan»l '.wpt in the' barn. About. tlilrtr ty w»» inourwK.y • penalty of law. - (Continued on Pi(j» Four) C. F; NICKOLSON. Owner. Appointment. \ \ street. W&k

**»*w wste Rah way Record, Tffe*tf*y Afternoon, November 6 r r Altern^n, November 6. J917 — «gp onoaa NOTEO—-—- IWnrytnw having i-uuinnnts of Uutlt' und Saturday afunmoon» to HtVENUtlAXON hit; wool-loft over attar <:ouipluliu# a EFFECTIVE .WORK.- wtur Vroiifiht i ttinlr babtos There Js i\ HOST BRILLIANT PERFORMANCE OF HOPPE wdfiltorf, 'fl"d W> ."r'Grftfbrt (ui»f A DEED PAfteELPOSTMATTEfl iii.f-iiii?!it In ft»(juofttnd to roturn lUnm •itmiiUty. " """ ' _ ~' iutw shirting A "Ctady Wool lu vory <-

r^Z^?^^j~^-^^r^?^~^^^~^S^^ during Out dity unU wu luipw Ury; MM. K <*. ily,nr; Mm. M. KMtutio- n • tfifrra will bt> u "LlteW And this is th* Store where you can $18, $20 and S2T5 Tiio lolluwliift -ordur .luiii. becu lo- «f tho valno of. tli" lm»'<- j« tort<>us Team fin1-it lui'uo ami regular ottPinJanco, . Molht*r'H OuU" n»d tho piair yrift it*r find everything to make «h« Horn* not «UCHT by. Lltu fhh'd .ottttlntaiit pootuuifl- <4iiluu, Mru, tl. Ifl. (JuU-wuy, ud<]uurtaru IMMIII iluim lo ulUiviuto uuliuritta ftiid would doimU' any of tho noodtid ur- F< C. Bauer's Store Drop in and look 6ver our- stock o< «imlM>«1iuil In purumupliB 7 ami a, Uau-wlil poo.r~pHt~.r~rH.ht;— eli la our stocKs v/ill be found in tioloit, Irvinj Strset. HahWgy, W. llou 4f>(l, Vtutlul l.iiwii und lli-ntilutlotin Our* Ulvlnioii htmiinunrtvv» wilt aciuii RE2CPD OF CE'uPAL LEAGUE . illicit our" lanL r«poct UUJ' nurttou ihis group. MM unioiidutl. by Onltii' Mti. H;ll, iiupow- extuuii l^minundo of drcaaiiiKU TroUi u* In t:\omiitii thitt rnuort, wit wl»h to S Furniture, Carpets lk<> lo1 it a rMiiit'tiibnr in ihuU(jii< . out your' buvo Luui iiltf yatluiil*, uiudo 1,400 hoarllly thunk all thotto who tiuvt* »o A wealth of fabrics in styles to Uxt o tax o^jj '-""' ' *****''" l«>»ti*fi" 1 t'ltiitniitir In put nV~icm»L two bourn u liitruiutf violin, 7I Ji» i't'ltltt *> 11 pli^HH ROM. JJI • tllO fourth wtwk down for uiiruicul Uru»u)iiifi>. lit year* ulttior with monoyv worky tlrno Witr thu to urn nnvat tstiuimh., ojwrat i«nt*—uy4—mlvtiu ttfiuf euro lu K« Jiiil.HOI'KN dnw or imixul iu»»( itntii.M' on or taliint, W« appruclutu und vuiuo Oil Cloths, Etc, Sl'un. sw'ug-suits for the man who Wu huvti ijotiii) Wool, ituDuriully tot liffooii miiioniity utuma, iftmai thu U«- tluilr InUirosi uud hope thut «von in (Ii«* poutuiif rtnimmiu in tio( hu 1 1 1 U built slender. More conservative ttDv.kii mid Wiiiii vohmtdot'a tot niaklng kiniihitf of tlui Work tb« vUUn of oUr thutto flayft of many domiuidM jth«)«*• liiuli ItiH'oni ohj umiillii Blunt11* or ..mull of plocati. t I'.AI.I'K K. HITTEK Hi'lllK tHnni 111 ut houdquartum at uny btii MINH Moriiuii, of Kllziibath, wai u G. V,' WKNDKLL. Exhibition ! If iniercsrfed, it will pay Many Models in smart "Stein* i C cujjablo, Hiib»titntn"~ fnr~™ 'tjyttE^i Tbt?"httnr«nl" rnvmim? ~»tnnit>n «.H. x ~yourta*ee7o6rswsortmejjt4-— f Cottninl ~BIJi ^Sattsrpricedirom— Mi£ Cuutara of tbo meeting tfUui MIMM Vun Uuod'waa jut Price* to~Snii-Every Want! —; IK» «'uini.*i<*il by th« Htuidor placing, Mow York Hun will whtid Ili.'hl lu u In wa* » tfxaaly iittil. liitorofitlii^; addrnuM for two w«oltri- Miuri Cory $20 to $45 by JCraeut l>, Idatou, «xncotlvti iwicro- o Vlllfvino tlio Hod Cro-» —jmUmiU with tiii»m;ult Dining Ro6m Qutfitsj tt lu tbti part (if iivnry wood cllTxoil wllh tlu< dul» upon which tiid uiiim twlcd uu JiiHiiy- u*i luflt ymr; twvuu wtio com^ sucb as Extension Table*. Chairs, Side uml i>v«ry Und (h'o^ii Worltnr1 tu di" Winter orv utlurlmri or UM»M1. Ih iin vu liH'Iploiil ciiutiu .uiifi throtr advuju:ud. iLaliway upon tU*# fact that ita uoc»lvij aiut'ti HUiuij,,, nui.-.r hd i'tihrnlv ttiid thr«Mt mturiw'fl Improvud. All whuii ai» uuuiy aro *nitoriu*£ various IciimuiuL' . oi;—lUisiitxklluua—pnruWid.r Parlor Suites and Tables Coats iof *rwery parp :ie.—iorirsii toy poutul~-uuuiia\ outi hav«j- buuii—hulpod-by -tilo C'otuiuittco bruJiL'hriu of jenverritaunt «"rvico. Jfo Tl.f)l-«i iirM it lioiuii vurMiaif- ot uiau- ; yo_r--c»r- .os-biaiicry^s/icdy^d a_vSi -'<.)«ru.-ahuli "t>n loxortMuod to b«o thui uC thuli' iiuoda Und wurni uuid thai iiiiuti- nuruurt iirtf Junt ai* in »11 the latest upholstering!* and de- (lnr, tivni-y wfi.ry imtiiuMy t'ultto- but Ilicfull uhioutu of inml.ii«« ul tlni/up- .'luthhiK br'ovldtul: foi'- th« (ihilly out inuuh itauilttil aX tiixtni^ a* ev«>r- I(o Rahway Liq^uor Store L lot the m»o whio l£«:_cs z.r>- wa :fe- nil tuiillcldiirily iHirinii(t.uif» and ull hi* ttiED ANDERSON'S RISE proprlutiv fourth :c lu kit rulo tn [iropujd <'nll(ul ktLoutioii tu tin/ CuctT thitt froiu O>_t* tor the man wo-> troltcy'a n uiLiluKulJHi;. (loiUldmird 111 th« One old jtiitloui» huvo iilmi I «Hh.or.by. )>oiti tij;r*' •!.iOnp» <>r in moimy, itut r«-. two UJ Jivo , p«r i;uiit, uf tltn"Husis. «k- 162 Main Street Bedroom Suites tt.e tfcSrty^sJtt yard Be* licit Cl'oriu. i.i.nu!).M ..(I uiul f.-nl ut llborty to Coat* to take yott ther Mailer (ln« UrmUfoMH of d.Mtlou -i'tt, toll Uk Hrn Inml for uriny b«jrvjc« hji^ tuber- Family Trade a'Specialty. *rlu< I'uportu iiow. iiui'ulatuiitly put in newest designs. Ex-Fed Hurisr to Share in I'oatnl f. IWK und Uiunil iliuiin, und iUltowlM, i(u aiild that th«i«o>"~~~raiuT» U Big Eoglisb oliters.,mate ci Scotch In Ph'iiuluflon hni'i* liinliijt!tloi! haw b«Hiu iclvnii tho- Ui* Dint Ijnrini ill, In tilt t'uaou paid by woiii.l If.i kiii-r in luiu-lr wUh by thu hih'ly HiHiiroviMl idM«. IplfJit ciiji<«M uitil ilu* ,;r)»i]ii].tJt' - New Fall Rugs m«um» of luturitul fovnuun Htauipii. ( Wliitii. *Hnftittttiiut wui* ^niicla to th« I'iii liH.iyV, • Hiiuulilnu, fmuh tfli', truut KIMI f*««taitmi tarn pit wtiitil uot^bit roitliluti IKl.ttrm, A lJ6n(uniii.iw»iiiii)J tJultt of lli»i Crou^'Obfiutnla^ uxiaU Utid -in great variety'of patterns.— coats,-tiies-e bo£C on»:{^Jm oili-iiihlllMtiL, llUM bomi prumililul- with In liayniuni of th« lai, iior uliu.il lhu MHU^«h«d iiv»ry corih-c at Now VJiiuIam hit wnid lliu tiui i^Jiial or^aiifxatUiti M r,n,| iMHuKri. llllt II. tut .nl/^h- U|i|,lll imrrtml r»»v«*nin' utunip"' '» |tayntt»nt 'for vni-lficutlnii of tulmi roluthiif 'lli< hoptid to• MJU'itn'u' thrttu ir'tlllaiu* of ciol- Arm Chairs, Wing Chatre, Sofas. Io minimi thU ijt'oiltl ilttiuiiM.i of Ilii' iui;, im ('Oli)i(o(i hi luiytm'tit of HU lit at HWtiiilk.'ti. tttwt Hm'ku whfi'b wur Pcke4 ?rq?J St5jp^i2|. acc The* tax IH""no _'M»1 a tlin* of ttvlilmt^n. Honiii ouDH(uj;i' Ih<< tux N out* \v'li roitlij MKI (iiiiuiiiid ho ti-itt-^ii to j very liiippy Mint In 11*15tlio uulo ot Nbti. SJi.lMO woi-th und1 tbut" thi« follow- j Helps Win the War I •Imllar manner aal Broom. 1 Boilding on purcoiH oit which lln* PO IIu offiiJiK A I'uw itolili'iru. ovuriiUjUiMoil, j "nulw nut.U.Ml ^.100, hunt y iUtf Ittid bti.ni HiUjUid. to huvo t-hiirt^u- SAVE a loaf of bread a week Mackle and Jone* »Ians«l tfcroogit Jo' 1 TELEPHONE 127 oniouultt to train lit> to t>i> ciint IMHI tjnhl Iht'lr Hw.iitiurn, hut tliu UMX- uu now woot MiH milmi: Cluirchuu,. Miau .KMU Irving U»ree to fi»e yard 'cafes'until tie tai' oa b7 — 1 i tax itfJAvo oiiultt. ti:u:h. uiul nn on, Iniil ulvon IVnoly lino ' '"•;: flint ull ymir Ctirhttiiutii i ho f'ollliiH; Ujfii.tf'n Afiu. John J. Hoi'i'iiiui SAVE Wheat—Use Corn wai. at the piittr^i&L y«^ "= « idv "llirr and U nri~Tr~~n rltDi. M'IMM UurtcusalU Hrfutar; A tnoiit int'M't'HiUitc \mri of tliu work "SAVETHeat—Usef ish and Beans ItH ilf'l'off. lw, Mru. lU^lmH MoMoriw. ciuh«, Cherry Wbeil tie ball oai agaili nu hoitn tho ul'tdr t!iii'u ittvuH to thn It lii u na tu nil (h> i)loiitu«)nt 17/ Mm. O(*orij(i- I(J. Cu ; 1'lrwt ward, SAVE Sugar^Uoc Sjrriip — bo^i ~ t&aiai' tfloSC"taro*-ai tt-Ki vlttMnni ot Infuiitlli) yat-ulyulu. Of IVllKwluii fujuoMtiH* ukitl tluplldity that A. \V. VViuiUi; ti Wttrd, Mrii. Streets play »ee-3a.w«i back; and torti WHAt GERMANY PACES ID foiirtfjm fitHim tti Huh way luut Our WASTE, makes our lint liml Cvouii, thu -«r*utijat and al- Uoliorl H. liUftKlu Third ward". the first period ~a» nui*. 11 vu urn now ablo to wulU man & PB» rrr Rahway muut tli** (inly ruttiuln itf humtmiht- Mm. V, V. Dubblna; Kuiirth Ward tiot WANT! Awvonty.fivb P*r -doht Of WbHd irouich l.h« irouliuuiit uivim at tho BiU*co»»or» tit h. U. UyiUj. HUM lnntltiitl(Mriu TlKfworld, iihoiild yol uolcujtud; l^lfth ward, Mm* Oiicur had'eazrted tfce ball "fioir »Ba-t Against Mttltary Autocracy rllioiKullo Uotmi-tmout ot til.' I-Jli-zur P UH ERA L OIXE'CTOBS bo ultui'kud by l*fUH»duu uunntu In fhia U. Ourthwalto; arvain;e for * 6b- tincea E<»«Ue cMalned _ Moro thun Mivoc ftHirllin - of tliu hutuful tqilrlt. Vor thu uuUo of eur utli'u HuuiiltuI und tho truutujuutu of NO WfMVINflHTUEKT.KAUWiV.K.3. Doa't Get Caoght : uot'vuntiu oi Tubortiuloalri Sunday, Mri.. ine oral on Bahwaj[l*_t?r«ity-o-e ya- ••rorWu bopiiiutlon It Vow hi tint u!uh uoldlurii nud In honor of tho ufforta bu tmreo. Two otiyuu uvu btil] hohilf t. D J, Aduuia; publicity. Mr«i" line. GaJlxway, Gal£n«y :and FcU<5 f a &uon coutriod ut wur with Otirmaity or at—.tltu-tliouududu at aonatQUS ttad routud. Uosiia.ot tliiiot; llt(!u cliUdruu MEW without Alcohol in Ai-thui: Jl- Weudell. - eained fl»e yard* eaca and then Gal!o-f ,„„ .hnr allioii, uc^ordliiit io uouiplliitlouu' Croiia wofkord lot thbuu dirty littla a takoti to tho hotipitul by our SrfO il EABT Birth .J2UJr.Intf_lW.b(1 Mil?can__jBpuuiou .plaii«_ way and Galiney nafl" two each Oo,I> r L your Auto Radiator, whUpoHnutj «uuHO uut! their ttuthoro io or frioiida til tlio CbumiHt«e, and- .--.-EllOWlt. MUHBAV woro uuuouiicod Top—& boiwfit-T card" the next stay Gallowsy" «"«* , ^^ Tht> Jioraoiiri llvlutf With hi tliu coii' liu pUlilithiid. :ro la bat gratofiil ^for tha tiiiaia tailed. I10BPITA.II OAiLs, NKW YOKK. or- ^vithou* a &et ot THOS. A. ROARKE ^ party to bo hold Momo tlmo thlti Qiontb rst3 foUhtHoi* urO iiUtiiWinlnjrod WOrt* At OlirlBtuum tlluo, Uirough tbo BHOO1CLVN AKIJ JEIWEV O1TY T STATION aduok'h thu nciuidulmomtor—und at t_a homo of MrS, W. W. Poudlotoo, IJIVEN VUOMPT ATTBKT1ON. Weed Tire Chains hau taovtnl tJm^ii b^' uutl-Ciiirulutite aiiorouliy of tha Athoiilun Olub, Mfas 1 kuop oil Mlm iLvanuo. . UAV AND HIOBT Day and Night Service T Plumbing Heating.Tinninc iiu. iiml tho proponlH(.ii IH ury distributed thlrtoon dlnnorfl and JVlrSr J. Henry BTako. of Cotnmorco Aiiio Service If Joce* isade tliree yards xod tfcea a ^^^ . _ _ JL. _» * t ^l. «vroll*5d- «V«it—UIKUWT—If H.5t»uUiorutioU RAiLHOAD EMPLOYES LoVAL lirouich unotbor fund, ton -; dollaxa- V ••-•• '•'• -.." •"alao' . . ..'"• atrout^. "waa'rocolvod Into momborabip- forward paas to Sloaiman netted HtJe chat wbo t_/" —*« - GENERAL HARDWARE i» mkou of thu populiitlbhU of tho tiiil forth ot toyd/ bouldoiJ otlior (jltta. r twenty yard*, the ereatest single ga-j Pyro Denatured j l'r.mldont Mrd. Gal la way gave a. Limoasinee and Touring Cats far alloccasions I boeitere bw' a few year* &r«-ct w — —• ti> * —^ il' Mr. Ohuinborlalu Hho Wai ablo to tho- rucoiit State t'odoration mooting :tt.a cryotxc tna.ny.'v< ciictolori now include Hourly Uottiriiu which huvt) boon OGmpilod Prompt and: Efficient Service lacitte/ Tbe Rahwayana- taeo tried p«s£a—ted with. *iarpr«»- f B6po*" ^-oii bii 6lao» at it* tobte oc* urnluh «ix famllloa with a hull tori at Trenton and-iilno callod attention $135 a gallon 113 Wlain Street - RAHWAY, N. J •11 thi- whit.* und yollow rucoK, uud 'row ull ikifMouu tit tho fomiMylyaliiti, ..Bother- paa* and Captaic Jotle* thre*_ . for-morc 5MF»Mifii1iTitr' ' J jjs^ iija aad: KeaiSswiH. • tea the oc feocM afaca! tc«» bean* a pls,ar»>Cf- f coal each, and. tkiB^waa^eroatly Q-f' to tho plana to oatablisb a recreation RAHWAY MUTUAL FIRE is guaranteed to all our patrona! .tlio phywioal t^tiouroijti tifJ about hull! ilttllroutl Hydtoui, lucludluif tho linos irucJutod. .'•'••• r-«h« tisV'tfce Eofl»to F«i-!• looter. «»><< the oofetos toai'.to.Ia »to^^tare«tte>a«fl«^ebr^*tt<».y . 4J&u u'orld'ri uroa uro luobliliod jujulnst t Uiid woat of tnttaburuh, BIIOW conter at Camp Dlx, Wrightatown, INSURANCE CO. were »niaiiS "t!^:-'S&ori "fo^i.{t^i.«i wiSM':fe«a^^ Tho tJ.ulou Ald.Sooloty and Society for tho BaldJor ahnllar to those osj Galloway woo broke away from the 1 t Weed Tire i aim i!orooii of. Gcruitiny, AUtitrltviluu* hat u totitl of 122,<{Sti omiiloyoi* oub- 'or tho Sick Poor have .willingly con- Railway tean» and ran dowtt the tteWl m«erSr*mf« ^'«c«>n « au^t' I the rr.tdmm-i prosre^ae ««aat oiler fc^ =«*« ^f *If^^' •: bod to tho Httcbiut YJIioriy I.oali, tu.bliahod.-by Homo otbor orBanlzatlonri. Uuk ttuU Sid they had no irr^Ie settles hU • _Lt the enIuy of ili* On thu Ihiou uuwt of l^lttafaiirgb 77> womoii'ln .this plan. 112 Irving Street, Rahway, N. J- _., Feds tr-;s!e- t n «ie«-e'T>d tn nut- noatrulii, iiicliidtntf S iw.iii7~ih" 5 buuhi04*3-ii«ssloJi-a«d-thea-turuod-tb,a a y thu Visiting Niirao. llndii touch, tioud -Telephone-H 6 Cora. waMhed and during theflrstbalf-" - . f For a cold room hu I!nut* Wtiut, -iG.IliJi ohiployou mooting over to tho. VisitlnR' Nurse We ire «xs«rs» aad Swodurt, Norwuy, (or thoro Iti bftou aud. luck of preDar- Soon altef.the «p£nins of the third der= lii tho future • CA&W 'ci fnnser »:nd*ii<:» wSo xuLtlbiiM which Uuv« hrukua roluiloiv UoiiU, tUo totu. yubacrlptlinu, for tho ry'w oltlco uccuimtbiij^tq any blroc'tor. A Lawsoa Gas CASH PER CAPITA $47JD3 IS to 3 - . . .' . ilgaia* on the icheda^bc* Gil- r ser^fcyr' i"E«t« 3*is- HUiwaar . tilt wttli ticrumny or her ulllod. Thoao tomi.uMy uhd./ortha omt>loyoa of thta who wished to Hocut_j.hom.. Monoy hi circulation In tho United Brachrtnaen got tfee next lcteS:-of£ ^ half fci^i; oa r aciia.>l 'tit tbirtr. 51INTON D. BROSS «j« Brazil, Ilulivlu, Coata Ulcu. Guutu 'Utiimu, amount to $19,061,700. It hUii booii of tbo Kroatost aasist- j towayy IS* bis Heater • niaia. Haiti, Il«»mlurun. Nlcuruuvm An unulyairt ot tho bubticrlptloud oii StatoH haH IncroaBed to $4,924,928 348 jrd ran baci aeireraJ yards. Jones tht ftoaelle teatnv utico that a woll plucod ofllou has - IVru. tlrmjiiuy^ and Suiita Domingo. thvi lluoa oust oC Pittsburgh nho~i li por capita'of circulation of $47.03 ..nd Uro«-n •^^de «e»en yari* between j wo.1' r^msM ^<>i"rip.g chit G{>inWMi-1 iWinrii:^ T^i •PUOSE 2 -* boon KIVOII UH, rotit fxou, for tho t>ast that iho jjroat hulk of tho tnoiioy Wu tho hlghout ovor recorded and oxcoed- !tim •,-. ^taopi wiirflieo.-n-ule to\ It l»i ivolniL'd OUt hurt* thut of tho throo yoarn. tho VaiUablo gift of Mm; T. H- ROBERTS Bubscrlbod In aumll^ or compufutlvo] lhK tho figure of u year ago by almost pj-it tx»- b tB oat oi dacger bat th« J 3^ te was alio the soroo^ear; th« aaj^e ."tie i* Ejiway biit »c!^- vorld'ri totu.1 l>olmlatioii of i.G'JliOOO A. 10. Woodruff. Tbo ofllco; has ro- 146 Main Street OCHl, Jibout 1,^42.000.000 Uvu midor th Hkimll '-uniOiihU. Out of tho toti ^•cU. vis o!ocli«i. and tbe ball rolled ^ dir. os tha defeeae- Tha_ Eafcway Uo «!aw a- ~euer.n:a=sb«r.oe. toj cohtly booii iiiuvodi to th« Woodruff i flasn at tin* Contfnl Vowor> opoil Tho tnercaao U due almost ontlroly tr,».ira [>--' Bahw*tf-«<^iiU^- Wtl£^' Wonu for tamro than ji.OOO uiich. Pay to thu tr^mondo'tia Incruaae In tho 1 ^ KOJU-IIP player fet! « the- bali.[ ^^».J£ i I I it " nant- B i»5« that the' sanM •; list-et Eah-war H«& S^acct WX^-^T-J «neuiioB 1M the wur. About 40,000 0o6 It iu Kratliyinit to kiittt© that tho tmhabll iho roUkiirluii which hiiv< .i.«..t. 1» ruin way nmdo by B,Wi »m Biio of Federal- R*>3orve bank notori, Galtuef. t'jHey and GallOTiJ...csade r5S«s_ I , « , Mh.«.mda!U !:"«t;ui.'-oto«- B,to{ ^l«-»V.^= ConimoM Council iabt Jaiiuary au M Urokou ru^^onii. alid S^^.OOO.OOO Hr- kiluytid of tiu* lim-M oast vh'ttu*r71,K0: MotwltliBtaiidliig tho ^Oovorii—lont'tl el -'•or:: eai-», after whlcb the Utter uiuitral, whilii_thti lioplilutioH of Got MUbBi-rlhod UthW thu lUstaUniTnt J>la« - •j^.ca- r r.ronsh tbe Itja.^rar Use for CJ3 of $100 ,ovof tho t>r«vibua your. Wo culatlon as Car dd poaHlbio, tho amount many ami hor.ulilos U. about 177.000 by which Ihuy will «uvo tho iv.U^j c 'rmrth toucbdonrn. " Acewaer porvr at-| valuu thU rwubgnttioii of'our sorvlbo—ftr--^aia~vaXirTn clrculaUon ' at tho •( apt was made at kicSang fce seal f iti Uuhway by tho Mayor and1 Conmioh roBoiu tlmo U $371,000,000 more LADIES ulaklhji ttiiymtttit lu the—tuii—ulout lt iiftrb'2rT5e~r_tr* j a Patriotic Of.' llitT orld'rt touil Ufoil at S7 Oounoll.. al»o tho CJoramlUoo irt.Krato than it Aviiii u your uge/ iT«iricwl orformalico. "Tlio Uahway r«aa» of jl.000.000 000 within the hmall K--=S_ all under ter- yard^ tbey | ~t>tUhuuluHtit. Local - liihorty I-oui | C sacs i=ec are £e«" dt "vinlohhi, u.td lii iiil Khj.i»S a.id dop:lr J'*U1UI. • • I W. K .Sproule. Jr^ Assistant Cashier, t down ^bortly. Altboacb Mackte and "war oil Surbia. Thoitt* dorlut tuohta.. Koarly 2t0oo. taou wore uctlvu* 'Ou'r Hourcos of .KiVonuo tho |>ast, jj-'i c_de somer sood £2.in* in-this abo« six^jrl* l!ab«^j. S. J. h.uv« boon: iy *'tiKUt:»*i]| In tho work of uoHeltatlou, . Columbia National Bank. In-* ~ <| Economical ^Nutritious yciit* huvo booti UH (ollowa; Ai>pro-' dlanapolta, tndlana | [erod the medns'-cf, Brown. •• and , ibt Ut'ltrium, Mouton uiid oV-nry ono of tho (juari«rmliH6n thai there-were =or* peopie w&o f i»»« a .toil ct^» thJ w l>r!uiloii froui Jho Cohimoii Council Say a: Wo wore bothered quite a lit1- j Ilra-hha-oien -ra» Che ijarticnUr. teat | tiHwlii und 'Sorlilu; UuljeaW mtiuoy ...ral»o*t.J>y ontortnlnmout, saio tic by rata In our baatunent, deatroylnff j.- -re \c ro time did either of thern T Fred Amderaon. Serblw: China iu;ui«»t Auuirlu iy ursod to *'buy a bond^i **~ ~ co^janieJ^e *«=' than there w.re > there wCi be =<*!«* *»« til* Rod CronM Soala, salt* of n«WHi>npor« our atatlonory, but attar distrlbutlnfi I ike»'people praiperaa* rz auul Gnruuiuy; CuUil Ui;utn»t Otiruiu tby Mrs. llotHOiiberft^, luonoy. donatod S^a^o. srxrfe^t,. Several years; t«- 1= ci~ «? oi b^^tSa FOR TEA, COFFEE, your RAT-SNAJ* Very thorough!-,, we] to MoruoriuT" KumtT tnohoy donated In 1 -^when P-ah^y Ptayed .Bt-n. [«•»=..«*• .Thfr, ««. » BUTTER. EGGS li well tiutrt* Ubi household i\t' ar-a fclaased to report-that *e aro no bocr. used eorher m the saaie • •«« ^ to ^ n^ fco b»tK McGr»W» rt,*«i)toiit*t* to 7G ajipoalrf uoiit out4 fooa ; there: were'two. car. _ of. .-•&%!« ,.«*ooi [; her .of .bc?A x=d E=U. to. . lcu; uUo vnoii' od, toya, out- loticor botherod with them. Thiv« j j^cxt-r «.-« *td hafe w*JO3 mscn. oilterent. i. - _ — . : •> , ,« ««£**# «wonr GOTO :-•- -•"• ad Uussia; C!n>ot llrttuh) front imtU'ittM and frotu Motropolltan .tndentswfcoatteadedtheo^ne-Can.i^tool who cazaot ,d«« sisos. ^5c. G0C and $I;00 Sold >>y— ; Weaker .-«s In tactHng was shown ^..'iHis year therex-Fed wls=I«- 6a« BulcuHa. AUbiYia; Oormun> lAtv VtiBuriinco Co,, anhual sub- \Veakj=« fc cii suit! in tucl aiiytbiMK you •„> the Raharay payers, several of not b*«a «TTTed cpon » do a ereat Turkey; GrWAN on bomi all.' •rtJle- dnK but »*» the weedins-od Austria and Oortuuhy; TurUo while the other end to which the ball other "thtacs the Yoa can start «i»t QNE;''.I>OIXAlt. tnort^.»^e. Hyer ft' Arm»tronc> A> | FOOT SPECIALIST -rocesi came It was Aatean who rt^wasdJs^oed. all tho Ententes liutiobit N'av «/as thrown was •nrroonded by op- 1 tornoya. Rahway Nat Bank Bid*' j stiscfe. aad he * «al there- AiKlersoa -al*. .poke cen^rata* 'of Kew Tork. . Jte-! 1914. and later ntitlutu Uuniunl.i of Jersey Rahway, - New Jersev ponents. Captain Jones ddisplayed U«L Vstaabie =a» to can toto the box Statcu aealust Germany. il-hw*y, N. J. octlS-tf h there are fortj »1 Conkey's exeat grit m"" conttnnlntl e in tthh esnaoB as a. pbu* pttcner. tor h* IS enitr Us*- ^»** .&* ' ' : : ^—^—~"^"^ I alter belns Iniored to an attempt to books at (lie public library ai ishoa to A.uuoniu-1 tinit K.. IIIIN Oiiuutftl'uu- with Hiiwur: "Calvary Alloyv ni«-o: "l-oini j tackle Galloway. SXossman and Bitchie Poultry followa: "My Wife." Uurke; "Tl: _iyu the Kiuij." liinshttrt; "TUK Uwt-I- j MISS KNOWLES played wen as ends and showed: the HeaTU" KJnc; "The No* Curt ll'.K l'lnco of Llcht," ChurchMl; "In \ c-OR THE TKKATMtNT OF ALl. AILMtMS OF THK FttT • -> best form oi the season- The Rahway e." Eckboud *-lTa<^-Shnllr-yji UIITDfNTi -'— —OfFICC HOIJCS kl Remedies -C«)rtla."-Ho«£bton; "A Son of tho l>oor, . Seuman; "Ilavon Patrol, of; Waalfield. H. J. MONDAYS .nd THUBSDAYS, 0 !o b welL but some of them were weak on c suit popsm- and bntt Border," Garland; **Tho Wan J^jb'u Hill."' Uurtoij; "Putty Blossom," J Phooo 669-W SATURDAYS, v to5 «»d 7 ta S • taxe th« hia* school tootaan team«B>: .-.-viiTiir The RnaeHe tee w»» < I of the' hlxS scboni £* rr.tt-i »," Johnaon; "The Lookout Mau* "^ Ta" rour ko=»e ToiattUlea. Bxl-t' j eood In 1 ~'ri I » ««aa«to-S Fred Batter. «to nai b*»n oat oi- 7 BEiD THE. aCCC j t to ; l 1 ; rr 1 rtS:r,o *p'':.,ii -N^^^I-V.: /I-S^-SV^S^'^^-r^T"? ';'» i u? f'5« ;^Twrt^^-"is.prn: ;;:^^."J ;;:v';.:"H 1 1 1 1 i 1 i f v : YfT^l^f^f^^frKirJrf^-TTr^r^™ ; ^5p|,gli=,«,-,;ij:j1f ,,J.;.i-j.. ;.-,y>;.-i••>'>'••; •••' ••.';•.'; •'•.- ..-,;••.".'• 'H/.''••'•'• 1 A :'••••-':'Vpi": i:'/-' ;;;' :;",.". •'•1 .v vj; =( 'i-;<';;» ' 'i'

I-;..'-'.: T*:'- •••;•. ••' ':. ;•:"•.•'..•••-:••,-•- r; ,•,.-• j.. ;•••'.••. •••;•; fifi igfiwsy ;Ttie-diy Afternoon. November ft, 1917. TO for small apartment: fternoon, houau or £ Son. 138 Rah way's Vote on the Assembly Candiciaf es 1 Frosman Railway Record j rurally. f It vko flag rontalnlng forty-four stars WITH THE SOLDIER! BOV* TRassiTTef Irving: »tf»«'- SECOND WAF10 TMIBOWABO POUBTHiWABO rUTTHWARD TOTAL Indicating th» number from the parirt FIRST WARD Frank Clafk, wlio bts been in tha GENERAL ASSEMBLY 1st. O. .2nd. D. 1st. D. Srid. .0. lit. D. 2nd. D. On* O. ' J TUTOHlNO-1-rtvolo tatortne by »" •>.,a PERSONAL Hi who bare ontarod Uio TJ. 3. Borrice. GREAT VARIETY OF 1st. O. 2nd. p. avtiUioo eorp« ot San Antonio, Tmm; - ,,xp«rltn£.. wny* in -frhfrli Wnlior I. Klrstbrook,'Vro','.•". 26 ii UBL PniCMAtt *-SON, 133 IHVINC el iau£uld, -oak run do««T 4 . 1 homo over tho week end, .. few days. tiwry are vuriofiMly tw-In^ pr*'*< nted* WllUain II. Klna. 1'ro. .... 3 3 8TBEET. bees. There wore knitting- bees Mon- thn« In paragraph* or* probably, a Anoibet* f**Biur*' in that thonsb th# LoUKlilln, Dom., tin. tho celebrated play Into a tremendous hi th.uk hain't thangtd. It Itobert— DavU, of tho Navy, spent nay to put it 1st tbut «ho want* " ':. (Contlnuad from fag* Oos) Wiiet Milton avenue, ontortaned Mr. —A memorial maeting of tho Union coat H*t;\t. iimy not bo of fur. for of Tlilrd Ward— I'lrut district, J. jurvis photo-spoctncUj, conici; to tbo Empire JOHN J. CO»"POV. t« IRVINO today With hla parents, Mr. and Mr»- InipreBBlon on Iho lurgo uudlonco was •a* jli»t aa good btloie that seal of and Mrs. J. A. Macclary on Sunday Missionary Society will be'held at tho kind 4>at*rt promtpimtly into itM Vnil/Uop.. 218; Joun M. Tuftn, Dom.. Theatre Wednesday, Nov. 7, Uio first lltal Estaia. Buroty Bonds. Sire, J. T, I>av!s, of Whlttler street. Dnui., 7»; David II. Troluuloy. Bom., dollvorod by Ilov. Mr. Itydor In whlcU ritical authority. evening, the occasion being a dollghf First Presbyterian church next Tues- . *ni*-r.- ia, iH-rhai>tt, o roll- 57. riouuiid dlstrlol. Vail. 100; Tufts, of the eagerly awaited Goldwyn Pic- mobile and Liability Insurance, rapra- Abo Vanderwende. (of Park street, back: fur cellar, f«r cufU or fur but- Hi. btoeoiid illutrlct. Oohrillg. ioS; ho tttronKly oinphasiafied. tbo attltudo But when it «3 Utiiiicd, trie person tal birthday supper In honor of Karl day afternoon at 3.30 o'clock tn honor Ualicioipll, 113! I^ionard, 100: Tromb- 37. Majority fur Vttll, nop,, 310. tures. Aftor an absence of almost an sentina the County. Insurance Com- it KNOWS .he U of Mra. C. K. Archer, who passed away who ha» been In tho Navy for •ovorai torui. In many cnw» thore ht a border THE ELECTION and dutloa of tho parents aud toacbors pany of atato of Pennsylvania, Royal, who receives KNOWS h U Hacciary. loy. KU. ..•••• fourth Wanl^-l'lrot district, Clauda outlre yinar from tho acfevn. Moo wh last week. The speakers will be Mrs, years, haa boon advanced to.chief-pet- Iy>f tut Mu«wbcrr around the horn, oward tho' oblldran of today lu Ylow 1 It Is expected that there will bo a Toinl in ward, fur Uohrlng, 311; II. Kooii, Jr., nop., 70; nuotirt W. Wnl- Marsh, who won worldwide popular- Royal Exchange, X..«rpool. Umdo* SAFE in accepting it- Augustus S. Crane, of Elisabeth, and ty offlcor and Is now connected with i uom«rtim«s virfy narrow, uoroetlmcs ex- Thu uepluotinu of NJuyor Hurry Mini f thii fuct that they arc to bo the mon large attendance- on Friday avenlne at \ tendiojt to qulfa'a couaid<;rabl« d*T?th, Rnnd'olpui HI". I.ooud.roV_iS7 i T kur, Dmn., lid. fli'cond district, Ilund. ity In "Tho Birth of a Nation" and ft Olobcr. Rochostsr Oerman Un4*--U4 ; Btook milk is good milk Mrs. Douglas Bo-yd. of New Brunswick. the Naval Reserve at City Inland. uonB un ohlof uxiM'iitlvn uf thta city .lid woman of 'tomorrow. Ho drow tae dance to bo held In Koonlg'n hall Inv <7!l - 65; WnlUar, 107. Majority for Wai "omen again to urnot Ay#*o gopci ^nillc—pure Qoid*n-coior«U niccooo IK being asm! •"^t^vu 'y utLfit ""H*i™TaTtt "^fttior1 uany liupmuulvu-word— pliitur«»-«HHl undor~tfao auspices of tho Y-ouag—Pee^- Thf) Tf^i li, V. flraftanii rtastor of Lester Halt of Camp Pte.-«pymt^tbe_ v*ry much in this wnjr, and lynx cat B.M'OM.I -Ward—Wri TtorT Uonu7"*a. ~~.. I ' T bop-hugo-throims-ot-adnalr,. ti-in-ona- wriurs. and »nn. uf^Uib pollc r = : r uttorod-miuy,tronohaiit-ftliUi». ^ pie's floclotx.of tho German jLuthorau tan V^rstPreSb^teTtKBchaTcAs; 1 fiigj W7 r Ilaii"a5IpliP7 i'V" EBonnrdroll i: ^ IfilUv-TWaid- KlroCiliitrict, Oxliindo thai hdhntjCiwTlmj gut tlitritttf tho i>- norfarCERTlFIED. "•• ' ~ chufcS. TnS comnslltso Ifl chargTS~cfinr od the mtsetlng of Uio Miaatonary Com- oniiiloy, 71*. flocoiid il!»lrlct; Qohf H^rMyH- »>Y..Up., iUpT . U8; JuKii TrDuJ p produotlonw over-ttittdo for tho screon- G7H. two yettismul of-iho alum of Iho o ot plans tat forming a•-day nuruory sisls of Frits Olbrlcht. William Mar- mit to« of the Eliiabetb Preatiytenr at William J. Daly, of Hamilton jfutlnit tot white for trtro- lla;_ltoi;tt«o..'U/JJ!oro; Hot-., an. PluraP- ^tfolly— at -tho-Clrcus"_WBB_JdIrootel iut_jf_y.QU_had' never titarrf ot it ming&r—Vfhltu-tuf-\#-tt>-b«neen on cttut cinls to givo tho city a bu»ino«* m "wuoru wonioU who. woro-ttblliSBil-to'Eo': — baeii and-^rnast^-Droego. :• -—=—_.. _.. .-.r appropriation a memner - of iha -JMayal_ilea«r_Y5( la h"y:"fil)ii'rl'«iii":Hontn, 'Virtually a »«*• 'io~worlt"would-huvii ur-trinor-to luaVo- Misu igluuuui MIIIM, uf-5^- aonilnary r~ttrX -w—taJ Tot»rin wurtl. for OobrliiB. - orner nmotiK directors, and tho mag* er in 1 *w>HJl>lox and imtiquutod ^linrtor und l du l ll t MONEY TO LOAN on Bond and S safe ictzuit it's CERTIFIED: sveuuo. and Miss Evelyn Lawrence, of I " N®* Jersey. pean waters. tntnc, soniAtimes some sabstltTite^ ot H!«Hll_«I» Wt9H_ t ilt:yii_ -'i>l:> ."_ ii(fiofut^«<»ttlnes—and artlatlc—details by a lilmurlal'. cttiulitrun that iua*kai olitrul point without hooping oldor Mortgagd. I. L, "Hunt, ~ 22 ~Wc»t 2QH West -Orand utruot, - attended tlio-1 "Companionship" will be the therno* " Luciano Saplenza and J which la pin i* the fashlonablo name. are tim croatlon of Kvorott Shlnn. Iho 'tice^~ite pet Quart. ^evonod of un lnlallJBOlit 'a\\tl wull qunll of r.OD to «07, a, majority of 173. It .v/aa voted trt comblno-with "tho "VSiiton always wefconwdV' itiK at tho homo of Ml^^nd Airs, John ovenlne- ' " . Itiiliiiolpli.. SB.1 J t-ounuril. 234' Troinu of tho aiiiniul and rldlnK. aoU tiiu 1 the ClirtstmnB shopp4rr< Jt.ls on on- ' flcuWyjia of mun iiiid tho city id fbriuii • Tim voti* tni tilt' propoMlltol^.in tlip ithuV loual. tiit^iulu.tluiia In uiiturtaln* lurlVal of tko circiio In li viilaco at TO RKN1 —Mooms- furnished or on- ""OibttonJ PJclon. for tho benefit of tho REPUBLICAN RALLY I| Don't forget tEo ruznmaco kalo under SOME CLEVER PUCE CARDS - ato in'iiiivhiij tlitit <^onditlon coniinut VivrioUH iVnriirt wad ilM fnllowM: lilt thu County Caiiiuill iio»t uprin^. furnlsbod; batST EaS and heat. Ad <*oul fund of Hothlohom chap«t. About VuiirTli Wur.l—V'imt (district, Ooiif- duybi'oak "inl lt» diiparturo In tho thti auspJcos ot the ^Committee of taffeta; a tm»re or iemii ntruljzht coaJL I Klr»( \Vill-t rr«[M-« Y»i(, Mil',. N»- W. V'iMli'tli VVui'il— i'lfut King. Mtaa Lillian UumJ»toii. Clifford .1 Und C o'clock Wednesday or ta tho npeak»r and bu a^« a roualnff pa- mt*atui iff »tittjUlntin2 tiiLi« talk really Judcluuiu umT^coiumoti. " iimViMr^'ni _lirJ J OY AS L BJB^iJaEtilSB. JPAHTV__ biiih; Drlvati) family. 2C2 West 1 BainSt.r-'-LrM. BesvPfop. Humiflton und Winiam Oibaon I t hnrrh Wodnoaday ovcnlnfi, trlotlc ituId[res¥~InJ~~'whIch~7h6T con-~ r g noooBHury* to itroiiorly haiulit« thoiiii l.'lfi.li Wuiil-Fii "! tllntrust, dnlii'lnx. Tliii ultruiillva hciniij of foniKif Firo driuiil Mtroot. nvl%c w(If, dtclar** a wrlter ta th«r Inlnl, Thorn U liroiit rca|hlilHlblllty (Sid; numlnliili, - t-ll); baiiliuril. ' ttllj (ihlufulill'Mi'il. TitHdty ln«trlmihlntf und in «f- Tu-Mipnin* nnd rnpb. l-'Qn! uicNT—Two nlcoly_ furnished HOME READING CLUB MEETS the Socialists at tho prttscnt time and orchid tdnes. The bodice (• cut 1 IVrh»H »»« <*f t\w i'UU't (hurtle i.t«m^ an wt>)l HU htviuir oonuootod, Wljli tiny olinTbyHilini i£HUllltt""Mlx"and' Credit' »t 10!|-t1iilmi-rfli'yot,-wua-tiio~lii:unu of- l»*'W trlalrnnnt for favor Uiuy \>*J r«ml« inti onti'ti owp place*. curd*- Id fffwxj ToUl ht i-ity. for O.ihrliiK. 1.1M: — rwlnlii "wltii Ull improvements. In bright inflii dau^litur of Mr* and Mru, said that It would: b« a disgrace Ui in irrvQuttr polnui'oVer' hipa, *n from bit* of UhakL navy wool mubi rtioiiitnlxo that roMpoiiwHiliity tti Klltllly two vnli'il wofO ('lint. Vnt Will lit. tho or^anlziitfon of u KITIJI' knfttinK 1 •houldertb Tho short eiaevea */» tin- Mnr«>4»v*V U U.ftnlm-nrly frnintctxi, .tot loy. IM14. flub w*rr« [tloojiantly entertained Pri^ office at thii* time. There woro other Th« ftrvnUiamt cont app'-nrn Ir7"c<>n»- r and white duck. Wee *oldl«r* and Hunltttvr IVll V.yvM 11. ll.uildilluy, Uubl. in tlu* abnoiioit ot Mt'n. K, l>. Lovo, utjitn, Ji'. 'riui oVntliilii WUM d«ivotnd 5c 10c l«h»d with chinchilla. * . -ordor to Rtvu IIIH biml tt«irvl»u(. Mayor. club und or iho IMUi ot th«i II, H C. day af tornoon by President Mrs, Aaron fipeaches by Donald H. McLean pfiny With ' tust-Auniinz kn-v/ «h*i»*i nuto-aiflt-a^ia"''ciiii"il^ t...o,l.^»n,U ft, .f twfr^.tho.iJyri.ftfwuw Wlitliiiti N. Uiinynn, Hi>|i.. 4il; MmSiim- ut-y. 1'rnsliluut Mm. I, W. Thorn w.nu iitcltiK 11ml ri-froMlt(iiiuuiit •wnr.-r -Aliiui'l. ("iitffoy, Th*t Hr»t mcntiuK wan h«Id with Miss 1 "bcr.' ••,-'•. flow'crtf nf-chiffon of wuiHn nuu*f uiUi . .L «l>MIdmatlvo of Uio lioIHlcal )i«lty by lain.. US; Jdtulan U. l'Sirbor, tjou., 8ii. L. Vttudorwonda, Park Stree Tho creator part of the time -was do- W< La n KM troth Mayor Simmons^ Or- •only U,lz> Howard O. IjUpHluy, Dom., 31;. OukUWd lalhfluld; Hurold Luilt!, Wltllui'u T'nr- G«1HOI nnd thn uuxurw-.th Mfmi Maud ^Ttbewi arc Htlrrlnff time* In the world tut tij.' tirox . Th.» Utili. bnt, suit whom ho Is olootoJ. but that liu lo raw iiiiil dliHHc'1, fc!lmimin«, 7r>; l^ffo, M'hono 223-It. It Wednesday vottid to Rod Crosit work, A flno ro* lando H* Doy, councflroanlc Candida to J Thuhiiiii". Hue. II; JimiiiM M. Wiirmir, POLICE cAses •ell, thu MIUUISH Alk'« -LttiiK uiid Aittio of baying txiul *e\Hn% women's apparoL Koiii^tii»cJ ii-wlde Hbbori, with t»«r«,| l*K)»L-n thi toutiiuti, it* tatiU** lUf thc*-nectntioait of tho tOW th-Ul tit !act( «u. ©ath «?d£ir; ti«u(ii>«l j draw" •fiisily. I.-tiJtii.-il fhtr AtiU:l, u;k«! r©al!» corporation |uiw.-r», U j JMi>s<<» for Ihit Wol- ntalicn at Hvo contfl por largo bun The Thought nan Dorl« Cbiino/ I>orothy^ColHnfl-and4~W-' Wyckotf. TliOHti proaont -•- woro; Handolph and Clifford _B. Oehri'ns. gloomy prophets, tti^ro is a iwrrnmblo k'ffo, 1!lo; furbor, 133. Coddlnii,' Uoii.-, 45*; Loroy A. dlbby, • lid, evidently thought that a ttoldior'n .icMahou, Vlorondu BailnrB, liitiidl can IWJ inadt) trr»m plain' wliiiu hr1*tol fare of tho rlty ill Koitnritl ttiid %ir*^ 'Uio ndvuncamant uf lhi< iiiiofoot Of liny num.. 10: Mil* TKotraoTTTioo., 0; Vox oc30tf Machine" A &nuill change purso lost at tho provident Mrrt. Walter C. Terrili, Mra. missioned William A. Ranaom, secre- women on this continent at this mo- loro and ru»rr«»w#-r <>n. Ilk.-Hint on.' Ward—-Hrot dliitriot, alni- lio mnaBbod tho window at tho ticket iwllla Ulsglno, Carl AudoillMijoi', wovwUjrt jrun*, t«lolniur«j loaii and ev«-a ' oartlcular Bootlou or Uolltledl party. Mombora of aoilordl Asiombiy—ICr corn or of Contra! avenue and Irving W/B- DuRlc, Mrri. Honry M. Wood- taryat the Sanitary Commission, the roent, They bavo money; thc*y wont tn jlciwrv. .Tl.ir luxi word j re dun* by J.uul/ mid \i mona,-S3: ITytfc, da: fc-urbor,' Bo. Boo- olllco o( tbo 1'oniiMylvaula Itullroad Iliitrlos Bader, Karl'.wrataht, John i.j|jl.o/*> rutapany of tiu »uitdttfr« utnxitt' ' Patty politics uuoiild bri oilmliiutod and Uoot J. Boutell, Soc, i»j John Jr. 01! PLAYER PIANO FOR BALES—Wl •tnuit may- be-had—by the owner- by ruff/ Mrs. X-A-Maccian^Mr iattor;»pcnkinjr in "favor" "of~tfao~trun*r tn offldilrftsamt fot^ boudoir or breuL* i juuih tutit^t.- • ohd dlatrlot, almmuuo, til; Fytto, S3; tiou, whon ho found it cloeod. Ho wa» JlllHoll, Richard Mitrly, "William llob- •oil at sacrlflco to Quick buyo ins" ui^eiatit, ---.- TbtSj ~~xac*v—tint* *uk tho sroatost number Houabi tti uvary bortnon, floa., S! William W, Wooks. calling at the homo r>( Mtwg Margaret WiUon and Mra. Edith Medallion newer plan. - "co*iutocry quite in keeping with oui^ tins* mlii.iit bo dni(*Hi yffo. 144; irurbor, lid. • rolls. Player Piano caro Record. ing ha* none to the people who offer nouo; lTranpls A. Gordon Dom., 10!ooll aftor bolng flnod »B. When Offlcor tin, John Mullronoy* Earl Jackson, > Sfltf ut *tme* «n(ln, Vtlour onii vt'lvwt. ! place Curtlv Is to prt^u flower* 1'iuralliy In Ward, for Fyffo, ono. Clar6t.ce V. LndVbw, of''162 Sem- clothes that ore not eccentric or over- Paris Designer* Place Unusual Oe- Hdwurd A: McQrttlh, Dom.. S3; yrnltor Jamoa Lynch usod some {orooful por- William Flanagan, Mrs. P. J. Boylan, lUilix of Jet will L« Wdtiti on ono-plec* tuiste saaitfwlitre on the cortt, 3 UNCERTAIN VERDICT inary avenue, ww a visitor at Camp priced frocks tot Uio aftcrnuon. Tho cadit slons^on'Almoct &very Kind of Mm^ Third Ward—Wrst district, 81m- Cbarlo» It, auaslon ho chaugod his attltudo. Fred Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flanagan r—• torlal. Even Chlfloo. lona. 147; -Fytto^-U*;- Furbor. 63. H. Tavornpr, HELP WANTED Dlx. Sunday, WncxT fasbionaT are slack.- women sash !of the hour, which t» used on Morgan. Hop., 40 J Arthur N. Plorspn, Kanu, 20, who aocompanlod Plsko, Kdgar Milnen, of tho U. S. Navy, have time to read obont them la de- abort coats as well as frocks will bo "PUB SET" FILLS BIG MEED Attor UVavlly ovor-uuuseriblnii tho Second dlotrict. Blmmom, Hi; Fyffo. and_wa»_hold_on_a_almllar_oharoo_of_ EUJOVADLE DOX SOCIAL -'-'-Thursday'- 1 two aroiil t-Iliprty Xoana, making a mecompanlod by Robert Hog&oU, Bpont tail when they ore being rushed across weighted with tiilek Jet tassels. I ^ r Coroner—Rudolph Kolior, Sod. dluordorly conduct, paid tho flnoo for tJhdoi* tho aUal»lcori of tho' Wo- tho stage: bat now. as ln.an-exdtfuff tablfAlfx! tnct, an opportunity has b^e t In more wars than anyone coold « sparo moments to sponr! Dom.. 18. For Town Clork—-Auguof Melbourn and family, 10 East Milton colors which are ptxt wltb gray -srowpji ?•! 4Ei^nt of patriotic yount; mon who bavo oild dlstrlot. Slmnxons, Bl; Fytfo. 00; wrockod a trolioy car. woro pirolod This Is uo\ time, therefore, to dwell \i\»tn tli*. .little ltut^tl' toucbeSv !h -dlnnlayod Its patriot lorn and loyalty to >rfto, 10«; Furbur, S3. For oaualns a dlsturbanco, Harry Vuhdorhov()n;_ duot* tho MIBOGB May WAMTED—Qlrls I(J yoa-t* ot ago and there Is not half enough space In wulcJi tallomti «nlt». bavo fitted, -medieval ' ar# r*nily Important, says Town Committoo for ono your^—Jacob at root, aro rocoivlng congratulations writur In titu N«w York Time*. Xu Iho country-^aiul.U»_wlora_at_lho_Bon- SIaphoisrof-204-Wost Haielwood liyo- _Oldor.".'.Xtpod. pay- - Tho Ilogina Com- "The Red Ace" to..s»y..it.-' •-•-—-- • ••••• ..._.••.. corselets ouiijd of braid* - , ColclTtnam7Dom.. 4oTTHonry~TrBnhlvo- "~-ltouia«-Q**oiuer!~t*oadinsr*3rfrs,'"Al*- Dany; . o2G-4t txpou the arrival of a daujchter on Sat' era! election today by adminUiorlnira Plftli Ward—Mrst dlatrlot, 3im- uo, waa waruod and discharged, A colossal cornucopia of fanhlous hnw Careless cravat* on the mon forms) 3 . nop., si, .* V ''-' • . bort Brunt; soutti MIHB Loua Woatland . Klvo Part F«atur« •rday. ' • . decisive defeat to Janioa 11, Vurb moii». 158; Vyffo. " : l'"urbor, 54. uomplainant was Potor H. Wakofleld. uiui Charlos Wontland; dubt. May and been_ shaken oat over -th« b*md» at stilts, gala In lrtti>ortance. This klnrl %he SoclatlHt. onndldala for Mayor. riufiility In word, for altumonu. 68. Appropriations—Contingent fund of MISCELUHEOUS Mr and MTS< Hunt* Larson and child vomni, - and one ttt cntrhlng as oneof- neckwear started in Paris lost May. it** en*y Upoii u chdrgo of obtaining monoy LOUIHO Qroinor: j^cltation»_M(flfl_Mt\ri Kids"__ I>t.*cat»K*« ut ..ttftr infinite ntlott tn After a ^^rauuisn of Uio tuuat •Total In city, for BimmonsY $400, tti tor and 4 UKulimt; Road Fund o*! Perth Amboy. spent Sunday with can cntcb here afid_ there. Ho mu< h rt undor fulao lirotbnc.o. William T. gai-ot VabdurhoVon.. After tho program ROOMS WANTED—Roflnod couple T peanjj» nf-fft" t"ft't-f<"'-ai"l'..nno airalimt; Voor her parents. Mr. and Mrs. %, J). Dunn, i is changed, so mticb that is new Utalus it i •Unialy until tho new antumn Flalio rPpf PlaihIIOId~waB~ bound-ovei "~d"es1f'o"TIS;ht~ honsokoepinsT rooniB; -Sast MHton mrwnM/^T^1""'-"^ offered, su vtat of pcrtudlou u^ sow a. In thla city. In which practically tha I'lurallty lu'city, for Slmmouii ovor Fund of $400, B4 for nnd f> udnhiot. o tho Grand Jury and hl» ball flxoi nw«3 Wool fnv$*rrii7fcTy^ at uuctiou by Charlort -Wontland. A roasonablo. 6ox R. Record. It Mr. and Mrs. William Thorno and aqd. onllvenln£ faabioos bave fnll^n sanio attackn . wcro coulluuod on l.">fro. 188: for SluimonB ovor Furbor, ut JluO by Judgn Rlblott yoatorday These cravaU are made of the cloth I %tl ^ ., . , „.„ , ...... 1 - -.— at JluO by Judge Rlblott yostorday Hoolal tlmo and done lug folio wod. All child, of Elizabeth, visited her parentn from tbe iklo. an It were, that women, sroup ot tho loading; cltlKous fur six341. • • "' REMODELED HOUSE LIKE NEV\L-Hu_was_endeavoring to socuro advor tiioiubors of tho corps took part In Mr. and Mrs, Philip Close, of if>o West ever alert for lx»t£.rf*tlntf <;loth«» at > or seven consecutive Saturday UIG Counoliman-at-Large. tiuitig Tor a hotel card, claiming t< cnrryhijs out thd plans. Grand street, over the week end, this lumjoa ot ttu^ yenr, are asking a 2 *&£&*. -fins' -zz I ^^°-ifssrs5;~ tho groat bulk or*cltiKanj bocama dis- aravu-1 xi. Morton, Hopubllcan, had thousand question* und* n'ldfns more 1 0 h Dwelling That Is Made Over May huve Uio authorization of J, J. Sull Don't Miss the h.e Campaign Bible Class will meet scheme, which has many advantages i ™" "f "'"- - * "*** throosb it on Custod with such dirty tactics and opposition at candiOato far counoll- before .tbe*« arp uiurwerGcL Coma Nearer. Meatlno Needs Than van, of Hotol Konsinirton, Plnlnflold SOCIAL GATHERING ay afternoon at 2.30 o'clock at ro&ntfCBtod tholr disapproval In no n^it-iarKO? havrnsf boon - nominated One Constructed-to Order. Uuler this mimnluK, tha one who Mr. Sullivan dohiod this. It lator de Tlio MIBHOH lionine nlid LoonJo Co; homo of Mra. P. O. Smith. Bryant uncertain or untuiataUablo way at tho4>y tilo Hopublloans and ohdoruod by POPULAR DANCE reports faflbion* niuut try to txxeet th« volopod that Fisher had obtained Wan, duliehtora of Mr. anil Mrs. Frank street. Hereafter the meetings will bo slttmtliin by tnrnlnc oat the news in eOr^2%z£ThT^ j stampes=? d ^rr^^LIj&ortoasly upon the materia:l poUs. ••'..-' Iho l^ouiot^ru-ts. Ho rocolvod Vote* In *riiie l» ofteofton more $7.Bo In this' manner from the El. B .'.•.. of tho Youug People's Society &f-tlio other kind of collar that motmts ta tho cimifortiihlo. clmrmliur and NntUfylt Cowan* oi '1$ felsaoX ntr«ot, .Woro the held at the Red Cross headquarters/ tluft old. old form of Joarnallnic 'i- It wasuothiue moro tUuit could havo kho nlno dUtriciii an follows: First bavls Markol Co., Plalnflold. Ho tried Govma:: IintlioinB Church, to bo hold iu presalon known as tbe rcporter'a note- chla has been employed to supply the lying stitches. The artist takes a thuii*otie built n*'\vk Uuylnc a bou: iiodtoflsoa (it.a very ohjoyuble Roclal Kn. Leonard Vanderwende. • Abe, Ward—lllrat district. 147; second dis- to work the eamo oiv William Hu demand for hlgb neckwear. n«*etl!e sod a strand ot tMteu oxpoctod of a couiniUnlty o UIIHMUI^ built Is luucli like purcbusiutf Kathoriirji oil Saturday 'livening, ThQ KOENIG'S HALL John and Miss Carrie Vanderwende. of book. After n while, affoln will nils' trict, 165. Second Ward—First dis- of the St. Qeorgo avenuo llotol, am ner down. .They will establish them- Tbe trench muffler Is datigbted In l>y rrd wool nod works out a da- lo>al Aluorlcanu who rvallso ttuxt thi fliitiioni r^tuly-niiulit; It U nevor .quite homo was urtistlcaliy 'doco.rdted lu Part streeL apent Sunday with rela- many women, wnether It Is made of wua arrested by special Offlcor Cha! 1> Friday Evening, November 9th selves on a nonnd basis and probably sign directly upon -the gown, directly Soi'lalist platform of tho proaoni year trict, J30; Bocoud district. 13S. Third u (iorfect tit : iborit is novor porfoct "Hnl!o\yo oi» Htylo und a tine program of tlTOfl In Paterson and witnessed fnr or cloth. It almost disguises the font. remain on that foundation until next tbo ipof where it will U»o until and its lcudom at tho. pronout tlm Ward—*Pirst district,, 25S: »oeor.d dls- iiuruiony with llnilviilual ttjwls und muttlc^. rocltaitona.- dancing and ro- Excellent Music and Pleasing Program great soccer gqma betwenn thw R wbuln creation has boeome passe. till' I*hluldelphla 't*uMI* donu oth'orwla (rich TSO;* second dlatrlot. 142. "Fifth ly. It was tho u'niiultnoils vordlct that Ernest Droego. • *~ States and th.o Patoraon F. c. the I pour out all ttur news of the hoar Pockets ta do. 11 vj;ould biivt!- boon, a di&cructj- tU-tb l.(Hli;or, itt'inoil^llnji nnikt^si It virtu- Vor iho bmiolU of tho ..Rah Ostrllcn piutnes are slowly coming •Wart!—*Srsl—distrlcCl—Sat .Totals ally urii"tmM'.T\vIth~tlu>Tiildot uiiil liuprovciuuuta of 107 Bryant atroot, ontortainod at Tha strongest evidence that women rhrongb ~h7gb~aeiariea. Tnesa'women • . " °~*°« amount of msterial. used and despair at tneir not toioo aM*. ts (•"Ifat Wurtl—First district. Uul;triiui wbut Mnrujuorito Coitloy, Satlio Shannon, ami Mrs. J. C. Scrimshaw and family, tb UmJ A loyal citison. uud if clecti'd. wl ihuu to HOC thoui lu iinm? curds on 'Friday _ nfiornoan, Honory will wear Hen collars In the winter. believe fnat seaUkin eoats. dlamomll "* * • a«"<» <* «n* iaxgs poefc- purchase sue* sxpeiulws arOeles. m Uerry. Rep.. S9; 1-Tank C KnoKlhurl. Loonl«i Bonnlo und Gertrude Cowan, of 65 Monroe street. *' _ • r thv curhinf of eni>iiile»*' itrtivl yen!*** of occupancy iind • uusoclutloii Mm. Monton TO. Martin, Mm. Stanly Coaucll~No;~3i7 Junior O. U. A. M.. plumes ar* sclliag tbere today at (90 : • °* " P * "'tier oanectssory sp- their east la aeg^lbie la comparleaw I'lurallty In want, for Kns»ihe.rt, 7. irrow-M Into a fiimlllur udJUKtnit*nt"tT and Rahwack Tribe. No. 1C5. Inde- as the one that flares st toe top la and 110O apiece, because of reduction ' C*ndaf**- Tn« taanafatturera ax» Ue» froni witliliu i« not worthy th W. Jonoti. Mra. Qoorgo I*. Orton, Mrs. MANAGER LOCKE SURPRISED the Frencb fssnluro and envelope thi* with tha cost of the rail «Mo». Tha support of any. truo cKlzdl a^id th SKCOIIII Ward—First district. Burrs'. ibt' n«.MHl« of tbu fiinitly. But UKUulUt WAR TAX pendent Order of Rfd Men...... : in supply, there arc buyers aplenty ' making th* cottoa back wlta wool 1 J. W. Wise, Mra. U. D, Tucker, Mrs; Manager David ft. LocUb. of th« fleah at the top of tbe neck Instead for-them; It Is expected that tbo In- ; flU'°g tor the snrr.t reason, art shown in the picture la nude of Is- manner in •whicb-hu was turn*Hi down ; KuKwlhort, S5- S*M?ond district. th,-r*v tHimoil. u. jrroWlUH roallrjitltin o Troop 3, Boy. Scouts, and 1 pahan ncboa trtmnasat at gfka> the nwnj' ways in which it lulirht b< 6. A. WUkorson, Miss Clara Mead ani! Thnso-in-Onp Oil Company. Wari very tof poshing It up. dnatrfal condition of AXDeflca wm be j».-rry,.S5;. Knjelbaxr. 94. MI Is Complete and Yours for the Asking. jBembers of Troop 4 and'friends hiked and with baadaaf rsr rosniag 1 »Uvr...l-uinl-lnipi-.'V.'.I.—Tim;m ut"v'"i.B""ylng | '"' Gnrtnnio Vnn Campen. The strons desire shown by tea crest the same as Utat whicb baa unrvaOed 'I'ma1-iii wmvl lui-Bui'i}. liti-^Uiigtil ~ ta~M a TK&nJ rrtrjday7~\Ttii\y" WJBTO* gecom-_ hart. 177.. ... -fntnttj— chmtc^Hl nrrutiironit*m>s; tir tlu* tuKto of WILL REVISE CODE ! it company1 oC friends. Tho group psmfod by Scoutmasters Otto Welmer flsnre In an gnwns. This tor part of tie war, and that tae i'iumlity in ward, for Uerry. «.. At tbo, cnootlng of tho Board of petticoats tea large measure. When tho L>\va**r, tMHN.tnUijr flnrr with th(» ! iuado thoir appearance at Mr* Loeko's lend Choster Buckley. , women, wbo are the raal spenders of Thlrxl Ward—First district. Berry. oiso hold last ovonliig ltd u-aa voted Legal Advice they are worn, they most be esceedV a nation, wfll buy clothes - iaoisb- L, or lu-lt<**r*Ml fort lino huilc*tuir* tt j 0Ui;y homo buforc ho had tho Blishtoat Mrs. A. L. Campbell, of 99 Hamilton SURPRISE FARTV. iM4: Kne«!lhart. 120. SooQud dl»trlct. »»a*U*r !«• taiitUo hlri tlrx'jims il r^'uiity, to ask City Attorney. P. V. bobbins to fas»r «lln»"on»of soft mateMal. - ly and reekXssly tfcao they have fora: | inklhiK of tholr visit und tho Surprise streot, has retired from her duties as A coodly couiluiHy oi yoliUK ' Hurry, 143; Euc»Uiart, 122. brUiip* hlui' tucv- to fuc*j» with "tlu. tavUo tho oXclso code, and brinj? it The tendency toward tbe dlrectotre century. Tbe reason, tor til* Is that Btaefc, rose and brown are tarasj pop> lirxiMoni of rx'UUuIcllnir, nhoulU ho not j was complete. Mr. Looko ralliod to Regarding Your Taxes Will be Free. SownUtmoremarkedsstneaatmns ad- they arc toting tbe places of men and tavont**r~atu: ton ot tss~t9rHr" tendered ur Total tu_yard. for Berry. 327: Kn- Into harmony With existing lawn to A pleasant Hallowe'en surprh»e Eelhart.' 242. car** to m»»Vc to M HOW ilwi^Uni; wliioh I thii occasion tn his usually happy etyio Tanres, especially as regards mortal gttriog money to spend wltboot asking may b* worn with almas evey Cowan. >oil of Mr. dato. .The codo will thon bo laid bo- party was tendered Charles. George,. wslstcnats thai fit tbe figure. t'luralily In ward. lor Borry. SS. inlsht .M-OVO. \vl;t>ti if^tinj by occu- 1 a.nd proved au oxcollont host. Pinochle LAVING OF CORNERSTONE »fl la place and the exercises will be nwa for it. ....•- • • j llntr* *Qk Tie* wtt& velvet m p CtiVun. at :i t:k.Xt>x strvet, on foro the board tor action. All mom- • James,-Samuel and Raymond Morton, KnltaJiky wIU bold Its place as ta« As for th* ostrich, feather te Jkxacr- j inl to* public, and tt i» s» soft aad 1 | uiid ubitit wore oiijoyed. Those prea* ^Fhis-Interests You. i eveuinz. Th<« llni* ^ 'u-isll c- Kourlii Ward—t'iral district. Borry. lxjr*i ot tho bourd Woro nroiwnt.. In-, cf Lawrence street, on Wednesday rarrtod oot at Koeulg's hall in Msi;i leader at peltry this season. It wiS pliaMe that It Ota ta vei* w«O «ttk dk* Hi; KiiKclliart. 6S. Sct-ond district, Tin* two prinrliml rts>tu»uH for *-e- out were; Mr. and Mrs. Xlatthow Arm- Imposing Services Next Sunday for street. Large de]««ations wm be nraa- lea. It Is slowty maktog iu acpearaae*. I -with flujluc prt^uldont William J. Browno,' evening by. about fifty frtends. The be lavi*h!y tueil tortrUnraio g street arytea of t»e day.-. - '• . • ' lit-rry. S2; KnKelhart. S4. . aru tho utlltturiun and tb* stronj:, Mr- and-Mrs. I. W. Thorn. Mr. : New Lutheran Chapel eni from the Lotbann cbarchaa '*6i but It tosponsore d by so maay jand- refreshmout^. T i Robert Hornlntn and .,, ' See Us Now! • , time'was well occupied with-games. snlti. Un-Uon seal rants high. Its As tar shapes, taka your ctafea S ; the UIHHI of laorv" hi«n*« *-» aiul Mra. Jamo» H- I*. Rittor. Mr, and Imposing sstfvlce ~ will take place and EUxabctB and other wft amt pliable aklo sltaws It to fithomes that Bo.doabt it artU. were: The Mlti^os CU Total iniward^'lor Bg^y. 17O; Kn- Bufejc and it delectable collation. A many bits wbrn. tbe cold" "wiaUier Broad brio* aad ttarrsw osea. btglt tVlllord Sliafor, Mr. ai -Sunday afternoon at Z -o'clock at the IHfs unit tmros. • • lu Klin i*. cltuzinz: ilrsiiery w£ rti^ u lvit. Alice Cvilhart. 152. . ... J' tho uwturul d«Urv to n.ttki* crowns aad aaroanr mm aao) erawsat Ifwrni and Ktta V^a l^ambcrt. l\-rcy Hulick. Mr. and Mr*. OUostor Tne birthday of John Kelly was :tltc c! the proposed new chapel ot the •<-nr. Stcnnfactprcts *a? there is n IJtat are round a* a fan BMOHL alt ap- Scbuctx. Alice Millor. Cl A Vmi l>ykv Plurality lu ward, tor Bern". IS- j auuxt bt»autlful to the «yw Tne««amlttt?r in coargc consists Batter's plash ts strongly Indorsed *'. HaynoB und *Mt«3 Margaret Hayu«s, pEeauuintly celebrated last evening at Germqn I^jtheran church In CJUQD- pear ta hat land. Ethel Schneider. Err>'. *2. pac«ai^nt of tholr dauchter. Miss • fine dinner was served to a few hem. wIU be fashionable. Ota mazoai at roar face. d Cro» ttuHli"llnc c-vcj* a stamp of ladlvido- r.eratono will be carried oat with an Welser... ;' . eonapalbl* vdvet crowna. Pactunately j 'Erereu Boulton. Fay Wolf. I--. Total tn Htj. far *Bt»rr>'. l.Oia; Ku- ullty to a tlwolliatf a^ nothluc cbw Gladys K. Miller^ and John B. Rich- PECULIAR FREAK OF NATURE £ncnds and a period of social Inter- Jet, In every form, wffi b* accvotabte for the majority at women, tb- 6cU- •H, O«OTK©.Seal*. Haney Vati OyWt'. Haturduy- »- t« appropriate program. The Rev/C. H. Toe contract for tie-erection at the this year. Tbe reopenlns of tbe old CGlhart, S77-. can. fi»r, U tnrans i\i6 n>vls.tnc of tin- ardft. «on of Mr. and Mr*.'William'P. Tho prowing of a now tooth ut 54 Monday E» entasis 5 < CTaTse and various diversions ver» lsler. pastor, will be In charge and afcaped bat wtocfa was> Is fssnloo last , Arthnr GalalBlier. Harold- vu.» V«lt. chapel Is In the bands of me well- mines la ftaglas^..'ieblen wesv-ttOc*- BBmw, will be retains* far tbvwtatcr KSTATE FOR -air riuriUty'ln cityt-for-ll«rry. 1«- buUdlut; within iiwd without to hur- Richards, of PlatnIleld'...n,'Both. young >vars of app i» n most unusual In- mttiajed. . - }l3or<> will be flttlne speeches In both Baymond LaMottft. ttuxt y and Karl Councllman. monlzu with ludlvkduol tastes und known bulkier. J. A. Josephson. and wortcil by rhe moofcm, ba> siveat • la this new ntsUrtaL . ) anal pooi>lo arc well known and hare a cident, but such Is tho accomplish* ^^^sns ^ire* rtL^3lQL£3^ n^^ r^ ^^^^~^^^^^^jj^Ti ^^^ English and German. .£oiter. WtUlsa SkanJaGd. Howard First Ward—Fir»t district. Charles tbe work on Use structure will be atrong Impetus to the trade la Maes r. by l&s KaCSar* ICswss*' [ host of friends tn thoir respective taaont of Mra. John Hold, of 90 West Sir a three days* carnival at St li*ry*« Mtu:ic will be provided by tse cboir crystal. Sequins wm not be nsed. The *B auMlsn i and KiUor.- Kep« 101; Charles Walch. Grand stroat. pushed as rapmy-as pojslbje and with READ THE «ECO HO communities. ymH, commeii^.p^.Nov. ,!&. . and a program of paxticnlar lnterwc aortaes wia b* facetted aad UgnJy pos- atot CTH«9» test only 'taw TVi-B . so. Second district. FUser.J 9C; farorsble wearaeT conditions its is in Tiihercoteal* 11CBB ArrangemenU l^sve b««a made by Uhed. BMtc* goarus of Jat In aoperb roor-cci red stash wat* repaired. r-;!l 1 e provided, tf the weather j pected that the edifice win be com ,n Rahway. Ouy yew Rtd Craoa Christ SL Mary's- oarUh for succrtrnc % «*r-. ! design, PwnHad oar bladt. talle. wffl ~rdv#!^..*tonr7 tSia^ ccnoraiaae. win be[p:ct«a bj TbsnkssjTmg. nut State at home.


4,^^. .,^]Vc 3 ^


ftahway Record, Tuesday November 6. 1917. W* COOk A Sons V Pr HONDRflOLLOF |NEWS BREVITIES^ says we> are pleased to state we con- •,.,, Sheriff's Sale is a, «t,wat jOif iv'itfi »< Miltigly nd»ar« oiipuKh It doo..^ A rat will alder HAT-SNAP U without doubt the ' lion eortsftfto tt jJ COLONEL HOUSE, tlio nii'iiulnu of i-ltlinr of tho wunia. 0.S W9UHDE0 colduous *>r nustnrity. Ho hn» n MIIBO iia wiiiiiae&.-Jit does sixybti cisim. | of limuur woll d >w loin <1 iin^u Um mm iM Local Men Who Have HnUstedl the State and Reduced in Size for Quick Perusal In Udustud. T<""'». In Iho. year 18W), I WHI>NEMt»AV. THE TTII HAV ' OF i ICdward M. Houno Avus boru. llu wai In The Various Branches II 1 n Merchant Marine Is First Line of \ Officer, Many Times Injured, Loud at two ,,'ciock In tha alum state lr»r- j •*• *ttorUS» 61 labor because men U—UaulsKiod ajxl Le«»»111e ingot. but lievpr him bunn a i-ilnilldnto for of* Many -Rrtiwar boyi hat* «""tt«d 7 lie laws hereafter throush the Bur- * ha»e cone to other positions where 14 -Main and Ccmaierca Mtiaets. arni ident Is a Modest But Well tefore the time tar tb» draft to b* nighty nnd ', \ Add til. tl»'«ti ndmlUeilly uwngat da- llngton County Firemes's association, they can make more money has made 1.*.— New Bmsairtck aad lAke A»aa la t Posted Man. ARE FEEDING MANY LANDS j TELLS OF HIS EXPERIENCES mada, wbil* » goodly r»pr—«nt»i]oa officer* of which have received com* bmf thtztymt* (30» on roaii n* J ! tulU uiin'fuct nnd uuquunUonubly yoa It necessary for the Burlington Coun- ltr Tmnt Map N'o. 24. of CCf ' uuiu Ui« uity um»e •«•»« wrnw lot will Imvh tlin ncrrut'flf illl» UlUll's pow- plaints tbat in several Instances re- ty Transit company t> partially dls- 2t-Ua.pl* ax4 Si. Ocwc* Av«na«a Coorsw' S«tlo» 2. Townshlo *>f I t dro. IJtUrto Onnty. .3K, J. «or»*ye*l Inn* \\ Recognized Chas.. Rowland MHnu yaAr*. 'ELM Ha£»Al la mwcently Bremen have been, badly hin- conttooa a -half boor achedole Ui-at engllah rrelghters Fight U-Boato Many American Olrla Among Nurse: 2&—MiOoa Annaa and Dnnuit Bu—t l.jr «, t-, WUlIanw. arUt fll#«f Itt t&*- dered on the way to ares by thewas pm into affect between Mount While Noutrsl Craft Ply to 8afo on tho Wcotorn Front—Man With O«j4vorlnj( tu putiiiau a Uat^H^ttosw M—Campbell anil CBerrr BtresUu "'","' STUDENT OF WORLD AFFAIRS tuliillc ninUfm, Ki-ora tlio liny thnt. ho thoughtlessness of other driven. Uolly and Moorestown. Tho company p It*,. VSC B-- _U Zonos—Half tonnage Worklno ; Artificial Hand Pulls drew- •no are in me United 'Siaia* Krr}c« 32—Oracd Street asd Bt, a«ers* A»« \VIIK ol«l oniiilllh io tjiiiliTtultn Jji'rlnun Kfforta to persuade Burlinctou la «o f seriously affected that It has i piirtr /*«" ta* Gnu part! Thrift Car «liiily, lSilwuril XI. IMilu.. )m« for France Sent by England." 7i some Joke on Visitors. ot nave anrullea tat same and wooiit county farmers to convert their ex- dlfflculty In maintaining an early 33- -MJJD Strut and EUzmbatti AM. ll —Grand aad Irciaa; Stnett. ir.thilay Other Problems Which Mu.t Do |:i lt>uliJ"iil"H. 1'" l>l niiirKhnlrd lu hl.'i London.—'An analysis of tho prc»- WWilnuton.—"Tiio lionpltal Ecrvice ottuued.lrom Uie appended Uot. u wor^tnode at a field meetlsa* at- the evening naif hour achednle between *z—Mllum An. aad-ltoDtsotaaT7 8L ril*.S in : Solved at tho Peace TBblo- Haa Qttlcm of UnJon Connfynnfy. IInn Hook ^TO t>t I of r Ilillld llll tlm Krunior avuuLX U'llli:h llnvu ont Htutus at Grout llrituln'tf uiorchiini. on tho wuKturu front lii oxcnllunf," »«l'I" Carpenter Builder nltuiea or triaads know of any xrtm Beniamjn StUes farm, near Cros»- Mount Holly aad Burlington. <3—Grand. Bond u« Ucmma BtnmtM <&—d» tog *&14 Canntyy *.»» pa p*a fii A Qualifications That Oo to Moke hnlipclli'il III thi'HU thrno worilri. Mori*- floot as uffoctod by tho wur will liuii- UJutunnut — . of-tho Hoyal Kly are In aenrlce and not «l»en below vrldcs. t>snwnstra.torB from the state Tlie two old flrehoosea in Sioores- u~- EUsabetb and Jackson itsmt. K ('. OTTO; Hh+rift. a Sound biplornot. ovor, ho hild tho uicn/ tbu 1hliiji» anil V experiment Natation showed home Wit. B. cuto moro clonrly tbuu nny ntutcnn!lit \nu. .•orj«. "I <>ii«lit to knoW- ~I' ". It would he (ready appreciated tf town nave been sold with the. under- si— CooinU *».. and sUpl* Tanmea. till' ttioHVt-fl cnimrrti'tl With i'llcll ctiMI lillil iiioilch vx'|».-rlviicMM1OU licforo -him. tliu iill'rclulnt iniirlno hiia liuun ub* in loss furl- Between the two.Jsoues of Liberty be-q«i«d for election purposes. v The Record at once. Th« honor list axtii, and Lanotajpon Sheriff a Sale. u lit (jtilitlc to triu'o H Uiillwo lo an vt- Horbed into liutlomil tiervlco undui- tii«' woiiinluil umu c-omforiiililo; ii"d loan bonds the financial institutions airs. J. Lv Howard la president of : iWl. iil' lo |;o Ilui Vi'vurim routn. Ho effort'lii Kuarc'd l« »»Vn th«i.in'^»- . Ccorca A»»," KtoMr Canm muieriluiu control of tlio i 'follows; - of New Jersey ahow Increases ta de- the new Food .Conservation league at 0*tw*an) M •luiM li.'t-n lixtuili'lil of liuiniiii niittiro " " - ":"•' '"I .trltlcHlly-wiiiiiided iiiMn'ri lifo. Genera) Confractc posits, but Immediately Pitman, with Miss Julia Elton s«cr« f.K—tt. J. Retortnatorr. vin«. <-AtnrUluaat ami II hurt Uiv Aii Iliifir lit luuny' at tlio aosald O. •cken. Army Ih.ro I, uu inon. .•iiiiiliiitc-!.r..of| ..j j ,„ cot. intii tho liosnltal ut loan a decrease. ls_ shown by Banking tary and Mrs. Leon. A. Ooff assistant Second Ueotenanr Wm-P. till* and I '^ oLtliL| juuiKursLjiUHtliU* K..KI«U1JIlii!eZl!lH!iani2i^I thun llllji llllillyHlri of tlli' ^ Worn wu f«e«I ra2r6y^Xrcbiir''4^^ uplendid womun, ' theflo DUrBcfl, »n*I James Anfalo, Aviation Cotps. i hunt 11 I't'ii—lg-t6r~lcraiicg;-for'ltul./., Juno 20 and September 11. but dur tike Camden Police 'Sen wlvAr 1U' " •ii'iimi lili'linuaC: Tliroucli. >IICI-I!SH1VO liilmlnlatrntlons cfiielchti... wsji a decrease" because of the .wll By EDWARD D. CLARK. M. Bei^tuitt. Army. armory for .the annual car- In T*i!ius tltu KDvurilorM - of Ihu Mntt;, I hud been there four or tlvo tlraos. 1 drawn! of money to subscribe to th» __ HIT, ^.stani W»wiptii^ Union.) i If Um iillli i did i Lawrence Benedict. Anny. notwtthstandinf OUIT^.M ftp.r—u UQtli*- r*-.ci>n'*'' U^d_X!plonDl_ lilllll"m l—l"v| ^it^tn "luM'niUln I USUHH.V-- • lLS.6W&fcJiafewait.-.==.-. , t.lbnrty /*U».tf«',- 1*1»* .tHil b*U.« Ir. fh« Town' Washington.—\Vhr> Is Col.-JnVlwnni HoiiHt^ i>u IMihlU.1 liiittinrif. liow doop nllvi, linuiw. luuiiUJonsToqiilimieUlT wns unt-onMcloufi. But. tliey nlwuyu Edmund iartlett. Marine.. f I.tnd*n tn It.* Conncy »£ inU. food »ii[i|ilii n Imvi! lioon liroiiirhi: from j l TowBMit^, trea^mx«:r -of tho rtr Union Connty Distributors for over ten year a Uniulull' 1!holo« by Ainnrlcati fruaa A«s Androw Broberg, Ambulince Corps, j llenb ~aiihi butter, egga and cheese! Iho late Oeorgo This Is a question thnt id Y>i»lhtf iink<"ii_ to Uiiilcu Toxntiri know* tluit tliey urn hitmi II n but for nit of lirltnlu'rt al- boon imcanscloui* for moro; thun ii Oeorgo Ball. Army according to tho, figures obtained by has received a check for by a very liirco i»r«i>oHtim of ihn I>tfo" lu tiltrlbutiuif to hiiii muuy of Mtlltnry'lruinliiii Is"working Wondort witli rookies. In u «iiort upm-u «i llerf uud for mmtrulav Without tliu WGirkr*! woito up In lCnirliind, 'Infiteiid 'l'h.i accuuiiuiny.- Captain X ElBcott Brown, Army plo of the Uuluiil-States umKlli fuel Hnio raw ftn'rllitu me. irluilo-iiViit-luifl-.w»ll Uol Ui» iiritlilh merciiiiiit tiiuriuo tlio worlds of at lSoulouire.- 1 kimw-thon that I Liitii1lJtli>nt: VylWn; ;|. Its Inspection system. dent WUson. In which he "liTlJ |if|TiiiTj:nijTfiS"wi~re' tnken lii a i»illill<-"|i'iMr ' 1 "Inii'i'iiiiilniiiil '^'oniihy'rco Would bo^'ol- luUHt .1IU.VO..1M'<.!|I ..H(trloii^iy_injurod Xlio Ernest L Brown; Jr., Ma»y. of oil tlio alliod iiutlons.. " .Tlimltf!* _!iot_ lirtNUluttMl Wealthy i r 1 1 A dtlxcn. reeardleas of-party affiliation !L'O it tit. u' Mluntlfitili. " " Minting for nlho_ J Colonel Hoiim- docs nor wwr tlm thcKij dnyi uf hiiilii fortunes. Colonel "»irtii'iiii ~iw"nlviiil Mii'iii."'~'ljiwi !i' nhows- tie-"HIIII'II.- mon most surlounly tiijurcd—thomi Hot Adolpb Baumann. machinists mat*. • i which his family heard nothing from should/lend his aid-to thlt* nio*/umen£ record of his d.-,-d«^on iilrf »!«•»'• ft UoiUo IM quilu Well lixod unuiicliilly A fiiiu/iua iiutliority on whipping und l'XiH;CtlMl tO HVI! UMUlilly iirU HUlll tO Naval Reserve. OEO.W;TSYLOR imviil lirt'lllrrt rocoiitly pointed out; tinit him, Jamed T. TomlJn has surprtned la prohnhlo that If this unoiliilnl coun- rind it not uiiu'itfud in biiuinofld of iy HuniHifutu. Friiiu London 1 Went-to Kenneth Daumann. Aviation Corps, tlio llH'l'clniiit. lilurlml luiiJ iiecomo tlid bis »n Leon by vlaitlnE bia hone at WORKS F5ft MATlONiTL UNITY sellor to the -prasliinut,'»f tlm Wniieil kind. • fHoiil (Hioitit ifii<1 Word |il'rhit|*S If "Wil ltnluMKUte. a'lioy IliiW' a wonderful Officers' Beser»e. ilt'tit; tltic of mivul di'fenwo In ihli^ wuf; BaniKboro, Tbe elder Tomlln nays he J firntt* wero-io-be-«loctetl.to_c«nurr«i<. fjoliiiVU_Uiv.iilit;l(illL«iiyi!iif_.».l>mit__tli" lioypltiil thoro. trunk Bergen, Navy. thirty, link*, t« a po»t , CATERERS 1 lv 1 tho nutobioBrniihy which hi- would l>ro- tiriipor Mliiily at iiiiiiikluil. SENATOR BANKH6AD— ,.,"iiliii-lt-'lM'llt ''rnlry-truc;—-Amnrj'. .: . ~"^^~Taktf"the-Qea^Alr;"""^- -— - j I linW tlllked to Coioiiol lIoilHO Jihi) LATULENCB OomlnicW Bottln. Army : [ ii'-'cause of exorbitant charges mado piirn for tlio congrcmioniil directory I imltiM Odloiii'l Ilniiuo svhiit hlu roc- "Down aluuK thu wiitur-front ihur« havu leurilud tliltiiii' .which -uuiUu Im DIU OIIUI\ ij I tliinvl'lii'e tuUtl tlio uutnd chuncos ii». Louis H. U.own. Army. i Bord&ntown and Camp* . Dlz at ![^fotilings Too JL,fiif*5gje and KAwnrd Mnndoll House, tJoroocrnt at try1 to t>ut'lllt interpretiltioil Ultoii uottl liiu niul WIIIUIUK." 111M llbru^ uheiviM 7S'fl'tit wiile. --Wliuli 'hopoloos' COHON ot Infcsitiiics " ., . W WUrrthllii*. Tlioy ur« uttiidled by the Hnbbr.ril P. Coapln. Artillery. I V/rightatown the Bordentown author AUMln. Toms; born 185S; olocttil lo of his lni-ilHHlH of-lining tlilnuu. lio IX KliOW til.' Illllll III" IllloltB tllllt hi) Illi" PWothinjjr Too Small! froo onouuli to »uy tmTt 1UT1III» utuJ iirsmrhi foiiiiitia imirwnrmiriimBir chiilfrt wliioh 'they propol with their Franlc~CaTdTcotCAnay:; : a unlfoom rate. ii»«te» CMl«rrrfuliy <^**#-r». In thi» brief, uttra-niai'lfsi. If you s>IH. hard nt ocotionilc; Iwjlliiccil liud to rend, for tlnmi> I" ttiu book cuHiiU luiudx und uont down to tlio prome< David Carpenter. Artillery. lCero»eno bajf been sabstltuted for wny would -this Toiuii l>« iirmupii'ii to iatlvo Bubjectii. Ili> lirolinbly oVcil tir.» iim.ic* tlm cairipiiiiloitH ii«y l>y day iinilii foi thu uuii iiit. 1 uuw miiny Tbomos CahlU, Aviation Corps. gasoline In the enKlnes at the pump- Pbone 346 Kafaway iOO Jaqu«» Avtpue. Bah-way. N J. Wrlto u._ uufobjoaruiihjr, jit»tifl'''l would lio willing to itiltnte that In of Um iitliern iiu they coin.' from tbu Ll)ly_ I'lliillV llilliL'" mi tlliit I'lromoilado. Thu ImjM-.deu tii« Forniaiion j Clifford Comefma»al Raser»« Ing* station of "Fltman'a munlclp 1 wa doubtless from tho viewpoint of nlbi-i- thinks tho ri'uuliK of thedo uludies cJ tbulr Iriwto In Wnteril far from tho Our- Bernh.irdt Claim*. Marines. terworlca, -and t<;*t« nhoW .It to b aeokltttf iufohimtlon Miniily wllliinit liettltiK noun' ut Dr. l, Til the. Ilritinh lllcfi.-lllult. lll'et lU'C'eptml tir.ipoftlonu t'utii^ud *»| «!••« lit ',-^ii-ir tlm whin.' 'Jheri thuro John K. Daiy. Aviation Corps". The lare of htf;b woffefl In who. uniu eriiiriiTT'Vtmhi—in—thr Sheriff's Sale. i'onnuteopl< ntt« HUH lino n( tlio uchalufn 111 politics. the recent damaKlni? cold »p«ll. —BROTHER froirt thein. who tuk«s nil In- tliii Irroiicli iilllllHtiy of Uiul'f'lilltilo of, puliiful work •Wuro Undone in thin Joaopb De/lnnoy, Army of a- grout democracy din (ij>iirovtij It \ hud roud "Quito u irood lieu) of. ll," ob- ,», A pear wol£bin£ ZB Z-4 ounces Is lure»t ll« tleei) In thi) llvillli jlfouelit I'M SlUrVt'll till! I'OIIUUylVlUlld MeiiUtOi'.: ij miirlne hun jjisued tt utiltt-iuont which way". 'Hobort Davla, Navy, WEDSZHttAY, Tilt; TTIf J>AV OV SO- . Consulted by PresldiHt, . ha does in tho ileuci l>nni, uud wim null ovorythluif tYmn AHHIOIIIIIIIIOH' "l^roBs" on exhibition In Woodbury. It 1» VKMIECU, A. (>., ]&ir. Do yolriilloWfiimt If that Htlul: 1| Bots"?orth tba"c6ni]ltluil Ut tho li'ruiicb "It used to ba funny and Bomotlmes nidDcfaard I>urand< Officers' to Lnt'kn'H "Mutnuu Uucioftilundinii" from the orchardM of E. lit tw« .V.I.^k tf. tUW utffntxtn rrf nattl In tho Wnshlnuton iid s**verut times li- Horvlceiiiiluri'or old liiJ'lt U let"U« Hliy tltil* **f Unit «!»'"•» •• ins-ill* ," *>ittht*#n l(oli*V' * *(avO^. j 7r«r: "Coiom-1 ITOHKO liilii iic'll 1» the It. history retieillH lrmjii tk'.w" to Uu* lluhter .initidod roudur, lontf Iron rulls uuppoftud by posts be- Carl G Ellaaoi^ Offlcers Mra. Ethe. B. Hotter, who IM coa- «../! premie- aitu.it** lylna un,l Wntf la Wo ti.ove KDyth in^—»n)iwlj*'r^ Ttil, - : W.ilff.tKia-tonH, at which U;100.000 tons tht Undcn, Coaaty of Coka h f > down i'o i»vei-ytiilu(f- heavy -olid-seuil- r FVank Kngblhartj Army- rt * to-ip * we.1!; ot hlu dotith. Sohntof lloar kept tho rull« with their hands and walk iTork tomorrow' mornttiti." (' whejl he Witw hoidiUK ulllco rtn jiOVer- iho tfcutloimm (rolu Aluliuiiiu. i*; :tonnuK" worklmr IW Frnnci- in furnlnh- now ha^ 35 conVerta to her credit. l p No, 2S I nor of New Jefse.v. It I h\u lileiltill condttloTi baluncud by turn' from (mo eiid of tho putli-to tbo other, t. »uT~*mymr1 Vmbru-- I thin tin* (jlllcU to ri\)i'<.-t tho hint 'This. ]•; od by Orelit Ilrltnlu. TdH iM particu- Capiain Stanley Elsaman, Quarter- The Horvicest will b« continued; K.y J. L B O ff iiii^ tiot m. rely from tho heavy to tho i'liii ntunt wnu to turn nrouiid with from the t.. Durtntf tho viaitrf of th« candidates an«I Hnrveyot, KUxnb+th, il. J.. which uld thnt tho prtuililent uil*l HIH visitor dis- j ttttitl ho eimm to Uttil. rNtiitul light on OIIIIHIOII, bur to tho actual, hundu off tho rails. Many o time Thoodore &•'. Vail, w/ho i-** bead"oY the mat, »»i nu-t In rb«* [Tnlua Crmttty w uohii; td tilUu It down homo If }»j|knowu fact~~tiiii ehuh Hhliipluc hiia. Horace &. Prazcc, Mirlnea around Glbbatowii votcrw have-been. tnr'm t.ra^", EIl*i.t>#th. N. J,, <*trtb*iT PutYonr Heating I^afiue for Nattooal Unity, o 'r COBIHMJ MeSticnn rnntttru. or Kur.>itenn j yj,, x^m |lud I of llction. Ho read! you tollowv ovtll" uut throlluh >J f f:•*'•.•;>• toiulorly by tho luiVo"«ooii n tiian go feprawllntf when I exacting plodgci* that -effbrtu will be ;beCri '.I'-'ttlt ""! V. Edward Fay, Navy. - - PASTEURIZED MILK BUlttoni. or it niny be. hut lit this lat on» of his 1CK-< went out from tihdor i mado for tho- improvetacnt of the road retr*>ntly \\itti the approval of uhHi-juiiimluu hero und udjouio. Sj Qernmn subiuui iied, --" - — ProblemUptoUs Samuel Foaa, Cavalry^ dent Wilson, la preparing an iatenxtve 1 Jfer COBO mr<-ly. poHilcitl hinttenj. It will bo Juut.tho tliluu for mo iji f Vi'onch shlppillK cor- him. I betwfcen that place and Fsulaboro, - -._ ,— - ————..—*,__ Co. -fa *Fhu Kreltteiir Oscar B. Garth wai te, Jr.; Navy cnmpalgn for tha Unincati^a of 'pnblle X -: The pulille hns known little moro ' • lo Ubii When 1 KO prowlluit S ft Rather Qrewftotne Joke* i Hnndrcda of citizens of MlUvlile of frwrf X. ElMThftrrll poratlons hnli boon particularly fortu- Our resident staff ol effl- HlUIard R. page. Ambulance Corps. opinioa In th*> war, Mr, Vail 1« pre*- 1 Jitooary 7th. 1O0O »nrf. retrorded 6c- •bout Colonel House thnn ilmt ho Is J; ulound rny furm." jjj "Thero WaN ono chap at Itamacaio and vicinity Inspected the new numen' r 20th. IWIO In uU Tj'nlorv County 12**' nnte in this rognrd, and a curious CJC- elency engineers is at your ldent'-of thcr Am<-rfcrin Tt:leffraph and • man fr.»le Mtf *t Dc«d* tar laM 2T» mlnt(?*n Went, nnm l*nt«>3', thttwn North 1ft row WIIHOO und n niivu In whoso judj^ : out of nn'nrtlfldal hand.'. Xt got to a Bonjamln v Herman, Commissary Millvtlle hospital. The home com- in ICuh Wa,j_IT. riipt tt..«J l.'e|iabl«: "Pranci an*>«t •'or itoa« j 9 »^.^_^^ flilenco- Tticro Ijl ft Bort of a Bl««i°ur V influential reliffloUH ordem-of the Ilo- wouldn't pull htH 'hand Joko' when expert advice concerning Albert Hendrlckson, Coast ArtiUerr. tion. V ';•• • .'-. " • •' •.« ROOSEV^LTMILK «bout •'tnon:'\ii>a thinirs which iir« mys- Series of Tests by Government Shows taan Catholic, and thnt the Germans thuy Introduced him ta their women every detail, Put it Up to Herbert Holline*. Cavalry. Timber sales in south Jersey are tertoaa. It would sintm thnt heciiUie j —That Product Is Durable and' have Blhdo it a policy hot uniiocessurlly f rieads. • them and investigate for Francis Hally, Aviation being better patronized than over, a** _ Cf the attraction, which tnyM.ry hn" | ,, .Satisfactory- to glyo offease In this qunrtor. Second- "*Vou'ro rlc'ht,1 ho'd-snld* *that jok yourscU ihe merits of many farmers and townspeople are Corps,-- *' ( - for' tho' poor>io. us shown If >ou will ly, It In u niatter of Yfilijiienrufito that is protty crude, "l^von't pull It agntn." In their slutionous rvndlnn of dctec ICdwardJ. THally,-Signal Corp»r fueL,'"" •'"""..•• '• "••:"• '. " '• • "".' >few I-ondort, Conn,—A contract for cortillll l'rcnch shlpn Uro lllwuys per- But whim the time for the introduc- tlvo storlo* and the like Shut wrllirn mitted to escnpo'. whluS other Vessels •Harold Housman, Field Artillery. 1,000 HhurlC hoolcH. !!00 to bo completed 1 tion camo tho impulse waa irresisilbl The New York Shipbuilding corpo- v Square Pot Alexander Haney. Navy- . of. tho news of tho »Iii\ In linrt hu\« n ten days and 700 in twenty /tit *•( Bread at Home." truth In tho cn»o of Colon. 1 It .usi us CLUB FOR ARMT OFFICERS boiief will you enjoy the the country. nttachodtOi each hook. init .to thii l'>oneli mlhlatry of marine. wrote Price, who "jeondacta ) ft It Is tn tho ciiiMi of «n> oth« r man serve.' :.- ,.."•• • • •_.._• Charged with killing a doe wttlle We do not propose to argu«r~tbat question, bat It In reported froii'l u WilMhlniston Franco Imported *y land 18.000,000 many advantages it affords— whoso dolnim lire of liudll Int. n st ll Lord Leconflold's House In London Be- David VJ Johnson, Medical Corps. sbae-ghlaing parlor here, "and lorn spoudolit that tile i;overiiuit;nt 1« tons iiunuully'. whllo last year her increased radiating surface, hunting near Rlaley^ Oacar Carr, an we freely assert thai there ti no need to bake bread Is modiwty liot mystery which hns boon infl Fitted Op for Use of Amer- First Lieutenant John H. Johnson, that they bavo to do It them- nhout to prospect in u new luuthor^ lnirtorvn l*y land amounted to Only 1,- same-lcnf;th grate bars, quick, Atlantic City ,aj>ort4imap, was apore- " J R. BAUMANN al home here in Rafaway. when you cac get oar tho hnslc dimcnlty. j . icans- *e\ve*. If yoa can make a place Held, tlult of MhiirU KUhW. In u se- OOO.OM. Inn^niUch ntt tho total, of cleaning ash pit, etc* Ordnance Dept- \ g -C«r*:.-<-» their spnrc thiui. Ijorcmtlli'!d has 1 do the job—do it well, with Joseph Karioter, Army. - Clinton F. Slmpaoii. Ofllcora' H*- Fight Tubercuioais^-Siodb needed ;ltlllJ Jjonin Klger, Aviation COVXM^ ; popular sizes, and ait cor productions bave that Gains^ SOO'PoiIKHs aa Sofdlor, J—less atUJnliaij.-Jess-fucLand t in Rartway. Buy yoa Aed Cross Chriat- r ini.y v.im.', to civ.. Wlut h. i m 'f Salil th:it l^nihcc is even more i\< !rbocbaJ.-t Sullivan, -*Cavy. - > HOME-MADE FLAVOR! - c,,i,n~-r..t' hlit VI.-WK ? to tl IMlurims aro^buay. trnnsformlnc It Into your dealer of consult 4JS- by &mll Klger, Engineers* Corp*. of iln> Tf!nlt.sl S^tilteii. \\1" >.li ml I lit In* ninttor with UhltiHl s tu ten army 'portd^nt upon 'nmlntnlnlnif htir toucii ! mail.. Harold H. Bc<, Anny, STEADY WORK FOR GOOD MEN Let us serwc yoa—We guarantee to gi_*c. per feet one ot tho coziest clubs In tlul city. It Freeman JLnfberry. Navy, j P. J. ZiSriiiie Supl. Jersey City Suck t any nur.' >' olh r uuin •• ml u with the BOH thun is TSngland. — Merc*:r Slcidxnirc, jLEtlllery. >l will bo at the disposal o£ the ^tnierlcan James LaBar, Army. i Yards Company, Jersey City. satisfaction ? triK.iIh'tlntf ii.-rulj ulu uil > r u lulid of S.rgonUt ImhoiT, quartvrniufli<>. M (•.! Boyntois Furnace Tboit-as Stephen-;, Army. Good men can secure good position* ThiV.French KoVornmcnt is co-oporat- officers within a few •Weeks. Oeorge Lntz, British Army,' i ' ; New' Jersey ' ] xirparBitttloocil ut^tho Synicuso cxpiiti* Ihli with Enultiiid In every posslbl Coinpawy - ,.Ct-porKC Stewart, Army. Auto Deliveries.^ Telephone 366 MOD cuuip* tctlrinl utter Uvluc «» Herman Louden. Nary. as motormen or conductors on Public 'll,. s,,rt I,, th<-"\Vtillu Uoui.. fctuv wn>' to incrvuso tho production of now HVER A ARMSTRONG ~3tLT': ' We osefl OAT-SNAF poi-j Undo Sum's "ciiucU" tfor twenty-scvou ; William Lints, Ambulance Corps. 111*'WhlU'-.uud h'nvei on.! lkiuu» " toiitmgu ;• but Krnncc'a contribution Counselors at Law 37ib S«. no., ^. AMKCIO Saladino, Army ' • cased of 70a about oar plant for tb« Service Railway by applying at Car jr.nt luJM'S till tin *tn n at nn- 'ycart*. hiiwf: necessarily be-iniall compared John.T. Leary, Army. extermination of rats with marked Col Edward M House. Rahway National Bank Building Itollo Ssitth. N'avy. RAHWAY BAKERY prxuicti or cieiMirturv. oxclu* ImhoiT Wotcb«jfl 125 when ho cnilHtod to th*»^«r of Ku«ttihd and th« James B, Luckharst. Ambulance *ucces*r~ir 1* a. wonderfol prepsr- House, Smith and Livingston- Streets, lv .r Tii UO\ uud.^25 \vhon ho ^ttreUi und. aa he is RAilWAY. H. 3. * " "" \\ Jro\v W llaoii it In Raid, turnrf jtlon. It did beyond question all yoa iVtoln Street, Hahway.N. a. Lilm. .it irw .f ih tut lu Will amid W-hii tho Inrui'st soldior In tho Corp*-. . Qwcn W< Spencer. Uuiae order of the dny'x_ wonl* coj. II\MI> from tin Mtvullf. of Mntoa, tmxt •'Thi* fronch minister of marine snld Elizabeth, between 11 A, M. and 1 P. M 1 r »• William Langton, Aviation Corps. _ Albert S Scbwotzer. Mar;. claimed It wonld do. klllinr, the rodents wch vl«lt. ll\ 1 m.M or liU 111. 1 ">r nmi prvwiit uud In pro-.,. s.ti\© ta ilv Ncorld, cKnllt ennnot bo Withheld* Ihiii-Gnuit'Britain would .shortly have ti ih (i i!J Ralph Martin, Am balance Corps. : Gives No Word of Work i \ il» Mr llou- hut I Ki \ 4 It ii uliii,. of whit th» 1 lullsh t«U .U'lltiV lo rotmll a port of the 70O VOBSCIS • Frifierick* W. Sc^iuber Naval «f ih HNM Raymond Morton. Marines. talnnMng odors krlslos from tbelr ! tt perbuli* IK not too I m< h t 1.1% I tlulit mul 111. e*iuil>.. II ir tlr . liulri und \\hit the Aun-ricuati lu ' Draft Leave* Only Al)«na. which she had lent tt> France. British -^iU-ia. ( uud I* 1 t ath. We cheerfnlly endorse Its oae J tbat. If tho lull rvcord of tin r ,ult* ,dinl if Hi I lilt •>! si .1 tli t*M «li\s cu)\t \ \ Wow Imckit. It \\Virtuwu. W. Vu.—Tho soloctivo n*HM4s arc Increaslnc rapidly, and no James Maye. Ambulance Corps. tittuT" «,. Simct«vn, nirny r All year work at good pay. Sick and of-tiw confercixM's, which Horn*. J Incly tlm n Vit'i lu- li> uinl Is h.il«l th tl th* • p aU» - of tho houw* irart \vUU«aVo only fon.*lKu^ra In th!a vessel will ho recalled*trom tho Borv- •George Mantlo, Navy. S*r* nd LJeut'prrant. frank places Infested with »ermln- Three aon «>f—l i» -* f-i> i i *- *i ui'v ^ ( 1 - »p ClarlC-Htajia letj-of-»n-ally-tmless.lt.la. O4creod-J3c=_ W. Miller.' Artillerjr j •. ' Harry Stncy. I sizes, 25c, 50c and tl-00. Sold br— death benefits paid. Keeping Business. f.'lind thill TftT.Hrft Air 'hixv \ •iwocn itiho T^vo f^on^trli^tt rnnf IT—i^ T. Anton Scbellce. Mnsldan In Nary- SOUfiht In somo of thi II« > upllalnsl u»r\l llm « HMIIMW \MI» in bus found i kli ,f hKti i\ To t il lip "for ti?\Wt aliens \yht» nhi oSeiupt from mlUtury ihore uecessary to Bngland than to the John J. McCruddea. Army...--:.;._- Alfred Saladln. Army. of tile pre*ent jiduilul»-trutlon l^Iwurd M litmifci un ud\l»or\ iiKs* t F. I «>. U of th* I (n«l whlcl i.,T>ln>. I'metically every ph.v8lc-.iily : fin I ully. . 'Tlolllns Moore, Army. _. '--[.-*~ '" J it torn any sauafacsiaa to yau ta /Quit Woocirow Wilson has Im il luo> <- \ liunpv lit American Will |be tukeu tu tho Urst Captain Dr. Ralph O. *3tiUnan. The British nation before the war £dear Milnes, Navy. ' ;L" ~ to certain courses or immili m-d In ru>»t^ri uboul a limn who t»i« kin Reads Good Fiction pitaj TjjiJt jio. S. tlflws tf jreo could pat WM «* your money Uras Vm was Importing 53,000,000 tons oTeooas Frank MarfcTey, Navy. Ms -purpose to pursuu ih. 11 1 > th. thU tnut war b tuli 1 i« 1 > n ktiil In th 111 i-irj «f < l«nul HOUSA' a year, which fell to 43.000.000 tons In j diser Tabler. Marines. Federal Rasarva B*ithsr-3 System wbiefc Is counsel of Edward M H >u*« I- •'. r i i abro-id uw u MM*C!UI t* IIIUIIMI MI. r fii ih rx l» ,'1 M(V » f >. > 1 t'ttlun- il NICK CARTER is IN ECLIPSE Edward McMahon. Ambolsjace Corps Kenneth Tlllman. Army. 1018 and Will be considerably further tusk ot tint «taad]ri(ia tfta> buaiaua l«ta»«at» at ta* be doubted. The lnu».>ssllil" « »ld. at of the I nit si siuu » Col I •. i, tt turn lo Nhl Curler, nor to reduced tnla ' year. Before tho war JTenry Meyers, Navy. Ellsworth Oliver TervlB. Army. Boy Reader* Want Airmen or Subma- be to sot from the Uu r u d. Unit .mil 11 IUKI luih IKH n tulc* In lUrllii 'Mi llUiltii Hun*! »f Mr*. K. t), J-- foodstuffs represented less than 23 p«r Edward Mann, Army. Ensign Harold M. Terrlll, Varcl word concvrnlAc «•»«• po.>Ut >«orL In llvo Uiueji hi VurlM, aud rr** 'Owl l\ic*s rine CapUIno for Meroes Instead Brucp ; MacWhlnnt*;*. Ambolftnc-; cent of tho Imports; In 1916 two-thlrda Instructor. ^ Vou can <*» it ey 9cwltia3 your near/ wie» which bis «oun*ei has t>hxj>"d u Juirt- other of Iho Croat EuroiMMili c pUnlK. "XIK" l*;i\v't»*'*'***. of Il*':iJitf tliiiu1 IIOVL1 of Old Thriller*. . . . of all Imports consisted of foodstuffa, Some day II may tw.» that W Corps. •.•.,•• Stewart Terrlll. Navy. us. as oor Those who have baiU up u wall of _^. . lodrov* funwS l>ut lit* li.ttUjii:^^ t«* k.H*p tho tut-n- munitions of «ar and the manufacture •Wwirf >!e!son. Navy. will wrlto what may l«> callxl . IVnVef. Colo.^—'X cunvus of book- Abrohani Vanderwvnde. ] rederai »»a«w»« bank, mtimrm H win bo ready «w mystery about the inair-ivho 1. studj- XELI buluii*t' vvon hy ~an" o\vnlnc lump of war auppllca. ~<"ap:ain David Oltafah. Engineers" Iwr matters a£uliist the aax of pojic*.' au autooiosroplilcal rcvlevr of Ids «d- hour \*t tW*> with ttu» AVrltcrts of .fic- Btnlls In Denver—thi! Very center'of Ernest Van Scholek. < Corps. . apparcoxiy haw tiot »1iWMJ 1»H mlulKtratioli. If. ho docs It IB cntlix-ly tion who can lay clutui to wimt, tl .. p ... that tho fcnisrr.bns put thp wratrnv Hector Punchardj Navy. ' dowu tlielr, haodJu-iirlt. Tbo wull c^u I likely that tie part tnWon.liy Colonel Chiirles WaU, ATtUlery brand of romance out of business. As i;rbau t'elUnger, Caralry. unyone vrho Xrieii IH '• llouso In tho shaping of some of the rmt*l llouw I** ontoritic U fZneeae Werner. Artlile:y ono dealer explained It "trtth.tha war Benjamin Pachman. Marlnea- Impolicies of the president muy be j^voli ir of ,ir»*i"nrinc nintcrta Be young J. Wilbur Wrisbt. Nivy. . k_-- _^_.m.» •.!«.«.• Ifhl*. - I sentiment sweopkiff the land, youus Harley Paige. Army. \Vrl/-ht. K turc will be K.-r>lce B""" B^". KhwBmdjr nnd Nick Charles -W. Parks. Engineer's Corps WUllc-Uvluc In New York CJolonel f,.r.-nce. Al.mli. r i.us wMtten thl5J Carter, and demands a hero patterned Ralpl A. Woodward. <"njjt ArtJlIery TOU Cleau, Quick iko*t Kcouoiulcaltf' Edward G. Poboda. Army. tlm dally'Into tbe place* where men llouso r.isldci^ln an urwrrm.nt ru»t ^^^rnhiL- the ,-ho!.v'».y ihe pwsl.lentj after th^dashlrul aviation_captaln or Bernard A. Wllsoa. Ntnl AsxSUtry throng. If one want* to know about the aubmnrtne cominandeT. Roland tlossell. Artdery. v.ry fur uptow«.xH ts n homellUo of cvloliel lloiiw'for this vork: "Ho "" *" ' MANTLES. CHlMNISYt4.Uli:PLE!X A.Nl> KAUIO Rahway National Bank him tbrousb motives other tl>»o UK»I» TVUhnr/RosseU. Ambulsnce CotT* pluco uliore c»od books are fouudlaud lK peculiarly qualllled for It by his dlp- Crets&tca Nary of the Idltmess of curiosity Jiejcsja s«> It ts u uoupnuEir William Roddy, Army. Mm and talk with * him, and thauluro good friends may «tenr>-af recent years.' bV Charles Walter Artation Stxaal Irvils St. nd Tail Place lnc« and ,no curtaln>^jf* mi'jJteo- —' v his Mudy of political problems which r. RJttet, Officer* Tttsarre Corps. ctuisas «re that he wJU be told «TerT- far BawltNpt. -B«w Dow*It ItsuwtK »e? thtaK cancenOOM 'the'ftiti&ci"Ht'Vk to- bone* over the door of anj" on" of IW the wur has -rn|spd and by bis Intejritj Doan's Ointment- A UtU« of tt toes [ RahwaIVnirmy Avc taa- auj sMa mLight"Co tlu>. ~ i,-. i. : RHk Weber. iCa-ry. tb«t aajr na* -* rooms. Men s° thero and are w**l- ofmlnd and char«ct<-x." „ Irmc nt ••

hway Record, Tuesday Afternyyji. November 6. 1917. OT MAnva HONOR ROLL «GD CROSS XVBPblNGS. STATE'S SURPLUS High- M»fte*=AoMflvO • doltt;htful ana largely Minn nutti Btcll, of 141 E««t Ornnd attended-card; piarty at the homo ol and ware onltod; In marrlaco Tliurs- Colt Tablets End' M Hov.'C. J, Kitno, line tor, ehtrwod that and MM." "VVall«-~M. SUM,. th» ita*. Vtitttei Salton. Now Fisoal Year Was Booun List of Coutcatants and Dates terrnco, Saturday aftarnoon tor tbo olxty nnvon pup Ha bad attained 86 por MeKIU—TononJI Hem ^erse9 HCwcatc t>«n«at at tho Ucd Cro_. Haarta was • With Cash on Hand clout oV iHiltor In (lictlr utuHIod duriliff of Games ForScason ""VailJy'McKIU," Jr.r aiMSB tlin launtli of October, Tills wan aight tho chiof zama ftnd tea tabloi woro oc- r TorjonJI. both at this city, Wsro r/mr- break up a severe cold ciljier in lar" tbao durlug Huyt"mlmr. Tho of 1917 - 1918 - uplod by Iho filayer». Tho tsbUii EIGHT Nearly $3,000,000. • rtod aatarday at tho Orcolr Cftthollr woro In chnrso of tho following: Tbo V1L SERIAL NO. , ONION COUNTY, N- J-, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 9. 1917 limit imirkn worn wncurod by Jam aft rhurch In West Grand street. or limbs. •'• , - luonlly, of tho o.Hhlh lirado, mid Mlnoon Myrtle Muddoll. IWIli Ander- strils. Tun Hubodalti for tho Irratornal Or- , They promptly 'op-Jo up nos TO SPREAD CHRtSTMAa CHEER JERSEY'S BULGING COFFERS. znbnih ^ryimy, of tho aovahth oach non,. Morgarot Tally, tfrancaa lUiarke, MEW COMCeitW SURELY COMINS fLEASANTLV ENTBRTAINBO WOMEN or VESTEHDAV* whom hud ,02. Tho sixth, tfrmie doV of ICutrios Howling Loaguo watf Mariob Oirtannor* 2&dltb Davis. AtUEU^ '•M^lfe.-w the liewi^top r Mr, and Mm, J. A. Macclary of K»- i> gxatianoe- THU Prco Ca»)t l« the. Aotuai Oaiano* tt 1ml by Mario I^nim), (Uth by comptntad at a mooting held In Kllsa-1 la ticaff and tho hootoaB, Prizes woro rv.icvc Papular 1 S«rvies tfe* pa Mia g of ta« tt:> t&^ MOOSE PLAN OF t orb rook av«nuo cnt*Trtaln«.r~on Hal-- foe tS« extsiie btoclt boosdai Jny ^ NG THEIR BIT j *wou by tho following: ' Tho Mlaaoa ATER °mb)fWt]* Oiorefc He ma I tilntf AH^r DodUotlng Con- Allcr. ICiin.a, fourth by ICionnor-AHoB boUfoii Sunday* Caab prlzorf for Dp«l Jooophlno Whlto, Edith and Vlrlofi An- icwo'mi In honor of Minn Kdlth Stoyvo' and sti Bm2X3wtc& srcia^ Soxxtii Broauf, Ia firsts tia..*. ta* Arm*nla.a. traotual ObUgatlotia Incurred) and Uorirutio-Loiieb-llii, third-by Fran- tion uiid Individual prizes aro to be 1 ~lJ-n ha»e been bteaed fs, an ddrsony Mabol Xxiva, Madollno Squier, sunt Hyckman Macclarj and MAster (ormuUJu.™ which they ire u^d 'sad'Albert jcreetx porcoaaeit by tie but HJVO Not boon OettUd. t'.lti (lorinnh ttiij AdoJn 9cliwindini:or, by tie eboicsa niad» by woma." tho iianio oil luot yoar. Tbo Plain Hold livti Halpert, Uuth Muddoll. Louies ICaH Macr.lary/Jr, Tho guesta wero; FOR UNCLE SAM COOPERiiTIOM nitc) by Mury I)<>o.»y Uiid Mury HOLDS MEETING NEMON Mr, und Mrs. Francla Uyckman, D. oilier cola tablets. •iscne of the terpovtanl cates cos: Ba&v-y win jjF'^rat. f-peaivywtriaa •• Sunday s*iiiool at Monuhtiu, utid (IK* ...ml .>y Anna Ma- Kaulou w«ro-cbuDii)IonB lust year and Zlminormon, jjollna Mantlo, Alta naa- Btuyvosttnt Hyckmariv anhtW»» Mrs. Karl Marclary, of West Milton Rcxa 11 CoM Tablets Local Lod£e Tb tho KToiitowt liiiirilicir" on Uu) Hat. Tho Tho homo WEU artistically decorated To opeutaa sermon; of bi* EfettedRcpresealaJireToGiaffii tia, the Burc3»» cf jTWO SOUS 01, uil.dOO unV- Ixmuntiiurt ilHi VUifaiuui Mchmiithlin, Kuiiii und a rjulnl»t thut should glvo a. Afirvatlon Htippor?' wa» aonrcd bofon duties—anxa." 'SSe te« tor Ox aer- i -' ' .' • i ' j ilfroKram Wua u crodltublo solo, "Bun- nrnor Kiiii** "C ti«lulU of what hi rmiliy HH; tii iuta."l.»ii.i, UT; 'Mtiriih McOlonkoy IjoOti ui'*:i>lint of thoiuuolvori will rppro it roaring wood flr«. The "Hoover men to «oaad In Eotnv cim&et ioe *n yT otf 1 ^-4JSLJ iTr tVv iTlUTr «i ttfrK onb h aii j r «B« CM T&iEusirax. . Mr, Car*«j point- LLEAISESIS Thh Novombor tC—Homorvillo at"TBIIxffi t tuiid for tho ttoldlor boytf lii tuul hioiioy llmt ruinuJ.it. UMuxpumldii tti); Outhorliid "eg "onftHat on* ot tBe"«w»fcare"cSoIc>» belli, W««t Ihidiion dt NoWarU, Hah Vruuco. for- tho £ AS {£a£aiXcon: atree£* ta b«haX£ 1 Wttyt Hudnoii. Mararotta LoVo, Martfarot Tally, I^llth oMJitailtme, thu kitafu will afurt Ihu f of .Odd. -S-eao-w-iU^ thxouaaout. Bii»i !• . • Plans w«i?e alao- ma4* tor t&* Civrlat. Novonibor* ?0——UomorVllld ut-ilah- Davlii, Myrtlo Muddull. Kathryn Jonoar IS OVER uu« "tUcal yottf willj botwoorj $i!,fi00, i-iixth ardilo—Mili'lft Noluii, BO; Mur- a hriet-sttary of -JTTTTT -prnnri-n Qa^-fc&e SnnrfaaL.OT*6 way. Want l.Udnou ut I'luiulhMtl, Bllza Miirgurot Caraon, Autciista BcUff Dor and winners 000 and JJ.OOu.UOO uu tho Hglijt oiJu or enfcna;" by wblcfe all UsstA* ftnar ac-t_« report' bai- yiui' 14—Wijiit UudHOii'aL.tiuML "H*sw>hre<£ that fas t&Aae'mott-vea aa a baata. b«cata« aii*-1 HiiJr*i< WEDNESDAY 7, ail Dat>aiea: *Iapoatt«riJ -t*v Oi 1 f..,vfit*rtAii*ii:ii a.t tin* .-UJitta* *rf _Wir^-iiri*t-! Tl..riit.y, K7; D.ii'tuhy ltiimiiii.il, HU. at IMultnluld. ngelman's Qien""'to toraaks- aC* et**" a-sd cfeave r E«porta. hy a*icr«txry STaratt 3f :ui* Hbarkti, Mdhii B*fdn.a», KVa thaao balanuMii to bo Uirii«>ly. wilitid out Kaurlb tirado—Uhianoi' Alloii. HI; at tii* .BAsun) of Water Coffi urae* th«>- "Lcrd_"' "Euth: hatfian; affec- Mr.*.- B- &lu.a:t*iaia.ii. lliin- «tr«wc r.^ j , WR-iTiii««iy. alK^v«tt£ thai .th**' aclicoi *ar" (uiimtry 1—1^HKU1>*JC1T at tit OludyH Orowdfl, MurKurol Oul* l on Tr&rs lit tite Kai-way Sartngat Iiv **«i*r" Tot^li M. Eni^hnia-n. aoirt lira. D. i 1 -~-tho~ll»t-d^y-.tttLtli«iJlo^jiuoiiil yoairjiy ___r__l'Hlil Muleu, tioit fojf KaoTni i!^iG of rare devotion; (fig f^»* IJIIAC y«aj' )ia,j|. i^-if* tli«s- IIISIIASC js.ttv+ -A ot* aa a alx*kia& fazuS for: tit& r& it- OttAPal.!.- Wlicv r_un«s oii t'voiii l^*%w" j applying Ulan to cuiitriiOU *nd other HU; l.oulii lluek, M; Atlxirt yiilMvun; Hallway- V. arut [cw»i b«t morer tliaa t&la a love a.i?*ra4ta actanitac* hi tta ixlitauy and obligation*.. Mil; Orunu tiiaiuiuullnif. »t-\ t'litlioiliu. HOD, Kliiiubiith LukiiiiH, Jaiujp Mae~Marsh ixt of water bond» be trans- Cor". Mamoi'a.Ootl sL_>out. w&/>ia'aOA Utait tlift -co&ftrtliaxiiaciB itav* b*eo; ccr- .laituury 11 -Hoinnrvlllo .it riulnlluM, WhUn, jliilun {.tihultx, Muvlbn Bc Tbo bal&nco thla year it. tictu&l. *1 ICIinlu, S6; Gruco Clout., Ht,. in • • ' • .... ferred to tiie Sinking Fund: Commi been tau^Iit aot/oTiIy by wocd boz. h?j Uuhwuy at Nuwitrk. Wtmt HudHoir ut Lnilluu ^liiihlbi'riiaii, Adofft Joiiii«, .eashiii ia tho olatu ti-uiumry. liiid ovofy. Thlnl Clfiiilti—1'i-itiic'lu Oiii'ludt. Ill; %Uxa «£ th.* Mayor and Common Court th# ftxaaiciUt .of Her" m.oth^r-iJi.-Iaw. iGliiuhoth, iiiifttr. Hull, Mrti. Alfred iJluonrir itiid poaulblo obUfiUtioti ltt h«i paid ft'uLu tYtii Adohi achwliiilliiiiur. HI; Annn Zryimy c3 of tbe'City cf RaHway tt> be held by Eieaptt^ h^r* Etataral* tore fewr the nattver fr«aiimea * w«»re a*srv«d by M- a £- .Tttiiutiry ltt—Italiwuy ut yomo^vlllo, Circus" j. y I*U™LI4I1 cor jtreaoai it tut a fuiiiiu w«ra doductud h*i i'M>; LnAVftiiicti HutrU. DO; Mitflo LOHKII- Mm. WulUit* M, Hall. Ianfl and; all past aaftorfatttsn* and t&e Story' claau J—d a «^1,ti ti=i« IMuliilloldjit Wont IIudHon, Nuwurk ut-i JCor« iho baluuco wuu atinouueud by tlto lin. nr:-_ Ht_i>hit.h "'"- PLeASANTLY ars^imenEs o£ ^£Mnal xgainac aer tale- WxaHiaa^c tv- C- He will f 1'JHzabnth. - ... From tit* World Fa •tatu trat mjcix aV. ciaa/ otT ca* uliuii. «r,; Mariciirot UIOH, HK. fiiuntlu. A wull dlvt:r«lllud j^oxrani rexrart ezmtaioed Uts (oOa-wfns: cemenCfttt by x cotrnaon; h>yft - to Gad llmliioii. Uuhwuy at KUxuhoth, t'luln* worth purchased. 1 iilalo1* •nf-Wiillnwn'.in mililtn. iglmi.iH. munli! with. "ta_r"ioo_tt! th«e Love b«twe»;ni i Crfenda and . betwe RECOVER STOLEM CAR fluid at riuctud.tlohi. S8; Annu HotsU. 87; fit)d u Mnti colliitloii- Miudo th^ ot'ciiylon 1_ Just tht same! pftpftari and rfti'HI an4 ^rm-^^vn' HiT^haT 3L uew: Fbii'iT car • «vt3aa£^" ato thut yciar thoro Wuu a, biiliiuco of on«* oi? Ki'oiit dttlluht. Trhoro wor^ mimy Arthur Riillly. HT; * Ilmirlatta Uuriton, HAVE LIVELV SESSION Uie xuimber of bacteria la both, wor and wife ta always t2ie beat and biarfcr from somewhere (B. P*noaylTian.ia. waa 1 477.G13.'" la IMVd thd Domonrutu cutue 8U. !j)i**)t.ty utld UilliiUfl tjiMtUhioH. Virtit jt — *-*Jtered water And an toereaie;. in eacvbna seated; fey the Ic*ve o*1 Gcd^" a&axu&uMrS la Sc CHtcrjjft- arpntmi*» naay into power uud bt Iho olotiu of that — Frances Nelson : Thouo fo«N>lvlnif hotiomblo tnuiitlon j prl^.fjii wijfo won by mm Ad6lo-H«rold Alt regular ^oods and Tfaft evangeltatte "iidtfi t» Drcmirretit tin* • GaHasii«r' place yeatftjrtta.y- Tlwc lineal y©ar._tiia balmi<:o;_w_aiL^i4_0,K4^, Odd PellbWS Elect R«proiflhtatlvo» jjeraentage rezmnred 'by lite fti^ Mluii Miitu Haritod und IIuisli Bhuuiioii. tuid lu tbu following >«ur tbo Fioo bill* lu thn kltuloi'uitrtoii uro UM followu: and Hear Ihtoi-oatinfl Addros»e_( prices, with orte-tcntH ^*^ At ajraceirt vialt to year wont* to< all at titese popu^sr Simtiay evening ance wan outlr^ty wlpod out uud a !Mirl»nn>linr Hoylo, Jolm ICd-iuy, Mury hurt* way it llvoly contuMt l-Viduy Thci iifttttd naitrch wuii lod by ^lys' "BeautifulLie^ I joanrf shat ttte {liters were, one by hidden.-to tlie- <^ir' an*f Cictltlona oanii" I, doflcit of SidO,^S4 oxl«tdd. Tho Uo< Limry, Kuthiuuii UiibltiMOt), Muty uliiu at th« uituiiliUf. ni ifiHrtux Coun- Hurold, who wuu In Juputuiitv attlro; off— "Fighting; Trail," No. 6 ante, being. thorocgtUy i7i>ve*3- The filtrate frota the two-Railway p«o&te .tl.the lairjsw w3omt torn th«.cjjr besLeinst V.'•SL-JL.'.Cwap-]) luro in-lDlB-tUid-WflUfld- Utili Murlid WllllnmM, Turkl»h coiitumo; alread'y flnfslued was TnTr**^! ftcttey evftnlUiS -eem^reisa-ticiaa. i£ the 3-scoiwi j • GKOl DSx-JT^. ^.1- TTi« car" *aar ahandortadi j 1 Uattal yetit with «L tjftyd balutico of $322,* EL ClOS-SCORE BIG Thu Iwttlu of appearance titan the c-rnerai filtrate Cftxwh la aa ItulfesLCloo; Tte present, j 3^ jTTrexuoji. Hi* sel*«l*m Cor t3x . <*vfrtm_)iit tho looiil lodge ut cluded; ~ MIHH Ajfiins Stewart, Mlart 128 Main St. Buriori Holmes Travelogue Mutual dgTTt Bftasjanllii KHae> off Kline tore aine-. zddext Jcatoresi to- atn bonrj E.MJOVASLE CARD- PARTY thU dopartmont ttlroady coUoctod plucci Momtuy uvifiiluu In KouiUu'it hull, tlio district tuootliiji to bti hold next Kliiaboth Tutblli, Mlari Krancoti Itain- ancL •Innyroremfcn-t .."Company, I as pra*lc-aa th-ea^ xpedil and a r«ai({erit of >Catiey at- tsac"tcnieC~He j, d'X Array Cniiin, !l»»u4 nato- Xnaibor $700,000 U^lu ttl£tit tor*, w«r» wren! by D*rn..-Jfe.- H^ CTJam^ecEato. . ,-Therit £s na'donating &£ tfite type o£ tho now yoar from a number of umall' nnll Dunlul Hoyburh. couMlutfm; of Clonioiit h. Walkor, and John "tCissIIngr^oiTeph. Shannon. t •four nerr 'basaSfea . hocacie i paiat erxnd to. January. tMi 1 1 and- Mrs. LeGnand H«d2ea- ' Amoaf nnyf^ofiVfcTT • to 6e found is. tit* fjinrtty or «atutos. tn the tax collected for tho 'fhii imzuVuH jG hi if bid. Thti award Howard dlTCorCXt^nHfUd Herman arid Mr. and Mrt. John Hazley, tbo Missed After some diaoias In gi the aernroo. _Hr. Siiicjf bcconiitxjf iQ< O^£ FeJIiw lift i^***- 1 Choae ppftaenc werit^ Ur»^ I£- A. !„ of Councilman) and Mrtj. Fraattl* T^ l&st year is $200,000 from ih« estato of wan mudu hy-Muyoi* Hiii'ry yUnmtmu, C'harloy Huiuiutoh tnado u fratorniil I-:iizaboth, frail ceo, Lucy and Hazel ver stated,. ""Women Make the World taken, a- de«p' lniereat ta Sb* welfare- VUiatl Uy i£j;*. Xi»p»jJt^ . Jurcordinjc. co-J jn^t mmuraeii. from tile military Sadder; B££a»--'E&athl Sti'ITman.- Mrs,' iSiSly. off I2S- ffiiwt GPamf ats*«t. thaie Ferdinand W. UoobHiitf, St. wlio iiiudi) tt Heat ami iUttilit H poo oh in vlHlt to PwjfJiWtet l^i'm*!, at lirooklyn, Bell. Tba home Was prettily decor- . of jrevtons extensions' by that bTislicer and betrer- ' • la ' their choices .oi". tiie.order"-ar the r^utihuiuy' jii«^a th** ctii^lt^u' wu.-a-.'.xf, 5pu>tuta.h*tiric '&. C ttiataic Governor's ir« Aroused' Prxnlt ML SUHmao:^ 5£ra^ Otta Pttlrav whteh \ta eouuratulatud tho club upon Tliuruiluy ov«inl«i;. Mf. Wiilkoi1 had at'od with autumn loaves, cornstnlku and- aacrtflcc*- they—an»or-..-.tlie-.-aairie. and Hallowo'en omblemri. :Tira.ff,fr and! 'atrctisili 'crt.ib.fted' . by Mrs.- WiHIani BIHti. M'rnrrCftftTrr'Fra^ S2U ur* m'^ trtw^ gru In «.- letter to l*rovoat Marans.1 dun* [ty-bUCtioBB Uiid uiJOH tho U^nbral t'Ofl thu honor of providing over tho ttio«t- Notiee! apare time for- the advancement of the' : Notice! Strm. TE>. LaGranrf HSIIJBIS**.. Ura- A- H- ta- aero otuia-c at Caaap- Kaily. Sao. J. * er*I Ci*o»dor. at Wttahington, CioVor- dli^t tit itB Uffttlfi.. Intf, . L>eiTaeat fvf tb*r Y^ M. C i.. latr Y nren, Tlae great .eiw£ces off Iff** are- lodse. He was eSectadi secretary of i ic • nor Kdso denouncoa the "obtttinacy or 1 C&imberlaiav Mrs- Ed^ward S- FCe»t- Atttoixlell paid cobtructorei'* for : 1 aian .. • -Mrs. Clifford Itniesr,. XIaa Slay pa JaIy.2S.and wtmc ta> Teaa.»y DEAUI- ftSte ppropofled^Tie*p w j t In; Srytny s jj and wtlt'p«swar;v TTEte gwatteat the position ever- atnceu ha-vta^r oc delay In the Complntlon of. QuaVtora lit Itopulur and ttatlufaotnflly uotidtictet H|ii,.mlld addroMM upon "Cuutoni^ In tut 3,. . He £a maw a corporal in. tn*s E Uiutie Soitt . «atr cweary t wsut srranted. This pipe will be- i alt I*- the choice- of Jesoa- CltrlaC. Ttds copied all th«6-: other office* In . zSixt Baker, itiaa Anna BaJc-Sr., E. Camp -X)ix, Wrluhtatown, and at tho wan inditiuttid by tho fuct thut a (iood foreign CoiiiitHeK," dealing pjirtlcii- Forty-ninth Aero-'Siiiiadroti. wiiiln' the ; wil*> Uv«u tn tnrt lxauu*» with, the ' •jitfljx o£ whinr.il w*sre ^geir: wwixaoainc L choice conata the. mane and Iodise. '•:'.•. . • '. .'['•' .. Mey«r and 3£B3-. Ifantoix D tunfi ilxho protoutod titroneiy thu con- ly tmtiibor of lliOiio who liavo utttindud lat-ly with Turkey and Cvitacti, wait Uwxer euJJJted ott 4oly IT aarf want t& thu nHHual funntini, uj^thingluhjfoi' Specials and tor pcrptwea. . A • .liiialitUa: -Make tb,£a" aH-fcrnport;- , For cwo term* lie ha^* served aa dia-1. _by_a,...W; Parkar, flf..'.Puglfic. T«xa» oa. .liitfiiat 10.. H« U* WH,7 fnwL Coca th*t jjr«u*»u catloa' oil thia j, incai' icarvl»cn; j.a*l aiaiia i OUottt iiri- | hint tiHl 111* il.VO ytiiii'rt W6ftT~ii?*sil'ijh"t aaE ctoice an,d aae yocr lo-ve,. ac«rra«jB- trict. depttcy. and .la-, now. IGfceiy to. be CORWER3TOME CAVIMG 1 tho bs-lanco of M«w Jniti , No. 123. of N'ow Bedford, :... j fa**c S\ulw& Bucitlay r«ndtfr»Kt Judos- ("ria* witii Ul»i^ tjua^e , •.'.all*.. FOR ~ TTb.er«j ..wait^^Mn-Q* -tESicusainn.. .of tlte" f , dor the HoloctK'o draft. . luut Muwlc wa« provldud by WIlO 'hii St- tfjt\ In tho eoun- naTTW^t fmrt&e-tteUnl mvivz—tt^feg'itoq&c^ tirbn- Ceeat wiaj tk=! ^uirpriitt af"«tlcfi' ef ae3t of FVant H. Traaaler.' agent The aubiertal Cor" the retnaittder" die; new chanet of the- German Lather - that Ihd do* ( tltiforHl"r'_.. M oi*chwntm und :i"pl trl«tH m-4s**' a nuwcr corapreheast an church: to be erected to CamubeH lim* of iliuu'oH wti« curt-tad out. wofii alaa itlvon by Charlos K. Hood, WEDNESDAY QUA' day Aooot after f h^iF" -awivnX - a.g ciufr wtnatsamst* call*!.! by ta*. •and Ji'itioytnori, many of whom K "ferred to-tfes ct3CTiritte« on. diatribn- j "'F.sih&T—A "Woinaii'a "Cc gnraajv of Odd Fellowship- than; Mr, atreec oppisntte tlur ftialt sniiooE build- TtiUhiliM (^urrlVitii UCUH] UH chulrixlun of •At. flmrldu Maxiiuld, -GuonJo W. Kft££y fl*i-Ui,, ntfit^^n' knowtoit that tiu» (.oa«littrtQj ot cltH cniclca up ill Air. posl^ioiiii WOQUS ngd (ri ariilcl* tloa anil «*itenstorj at the prertoiis XSv *T,ydia—-A "Wotnan."« Coinreralon;'" Xewtonv Hta selection again, aa cep-- fag wilt t-tk« place ots Sonday after- pation of boiniC ilhnocit HiUiiwdlut Uiu cntutitlttrui, wltllo JatnoH Ilnmi Wright, OatyrKo K. Newton, John othitr waj* *«at to than. DdinX- 1 nieetins- It WM cialmetl by'Sdr-'fTiraa*-- Scf*r 2S. "Phcche—A Woman** Chris- reae&tacLve to the Grand I-cdga-, s**- nooo-at J o'clock' gnrtair^tae dJrectlott pent to Ciirnli XMx. Tht^o mon, it lu c wu» tUuii' iiUHDiKtir titid Holmrt Hornby Mont*, John itrooks and othors. Tho Tnr a reeaat luttar to- liia Barent* CAftO PAATV 1 ; of Etev.. EL- H. [flier,, naator. There wtK tcudtMl.'uro bow forodd to aii mtftit UHHlnttiiit. Tho othtif tuiTinbori. ot Iho- wua Iar^oly u.tt»tid6d. ler -tlra£ die, pipe -aucvplrtng^ some oC tSanity,*" ' • ' ." " . ' ' • . ' . is deeply to- hia many ?xbtii «mr£ party ctt*'!' T. Craaa. dr.. ffeaaJi: tf. Cl»d»8k.N MFT Wti-rfet** "Tiooses -in OKver sw-eet nrrutive tdlonotuj, tuHctti ht'coHMtiry by club nyylutiul In carrying out the ar- AT friaiwi* aad to--all tmtert*atarf bi die tto rbfnmlctMif wu*!;^'- Via. E^itt-aa** Cotfimata«fair tho unccrtitliity a* to wlieri tlie uov* was not of *a(aei«o.t-aize tosorpply a. BABY^TATIOB* TO OPEH an«i special -maalcat aciiscaoiw by Oi*1 *» *. «l«»cr*9^a «>C *_teTrUsw of h CONTEST Dr. J. B. Kosenthal t welfare o? tfie Odd Fellow lodged of 13 00 m.i? ut' lii-<. Olii-' Eru-wu- t"a.pcjiii WUlioai. T. '. 1 choir, tf "tft* weather to tnHavorabl* | ^P ^ - t»fl£a*...ct t!» wrcplaa, Vnmuiit will wa«f thorn. Thlw, it In siitEciea.t aatocist ctf.water"- Xb.a lscc*ir JTans- .ars Droi^rwaaiELS satisfactorily this' district aa ntxny ixaQact&ax. mar Arruti^Montu have boon comt>Iotu:l the corn«r3toae will be »f Is UIax« 1. UnNAL JUNIOWS WIN by tho .ijtocutlvfl commlttoo of thu wi t:Jl ein!W SURGEON DENTIST ing; "He' Ceela. that tie Is, tnc»t now j.to- b«5 ojjeacd i*y die Ctirtc Club- xmdur ga.Kiza.riou' at thia time and^hfl wain* aadcb*«x«rc:i3«a^trfacKo«eniJE**lian;-!. . * **" ^ «*«' ^o-*ta«.«|, uud ijiay eitoct tb«lr morale. Ci.rlwtlan Knedavor Socloty of th l a cf Iit;tran Ia . TtWt*«B o*»saifttifi 1 rUrtpafJon. hist bsibvintg aait Wnrfnt Pi rut VruHbyturtun church • for tUu ot Uaving .th.*3 district tiipceacutecf by' •«.».. 4- ^..J-W. . •turtnsc u; hmtny tUiwii-ijoiii OL' rain a*:- j X. EoJtar. Mra.! ^ Sc CUiurf- FU-. wient txa -«fflt. Aiit-iitloit I> ut.BD__t;aUiiil to tho ftood wrater ia now aoW: by yoar board at ao j atrra*. Th.a station: will be opp-xn»d ta by Wldo M»Valtt« ,-'- » EitloUinfiy- Coiitiiat to tttart-U.t--bnco,_j crte- tlioroiKj^lv' Canuliar " with, ail t -5*- ri*. Wiit*ae Offultt,, 'jQ^nd cii* wiacmr. • • • , ' • •• oi luttorw pf protpiJl daily I'ouohltiii thu lycbHe '- th<»- post office odlrb of •Acttttg-Adjutattt~Cc.ifcvul-C;!l-(< TlH' STuiUnml Juniors ntart« ilwl- t have taken full charge of nay office at- L-T-prcnrn u gr T*; TIt-i' r r^nr • :. CAMP-FIRE GlRUi M£ET . . - the" ci»veroor ciptnltiH that IH u wuy ho Cld vV. (\ ut MeCaHnuy'u ulloytt on folluwhiK wayy pohitHCiin~be~*iaJ:utid; tailiAjjin,,-.lctjp»tif.' Ett*»- loop iw*vrta f Octo £*aim.- ltj». sUt it f<'«]»i perjionully rbhit; uttt'iiduhct* at ohurch In «vo«- «l by thecomnxittee to be sttp&tled. by The- members- of the "Sunday school ether" atuata *uci:eau£iaily m tint c.f CUCford S£lii*tr. wM -wicit demonstrations -wlTX be given; at the neon ax rJi« h*im*? Qf Goa-rdlan 3Iiaa j '1 fe«d it U lmpuratjv.4 tliut tin* ]»rnp- HpiirlubU* iioor-j mwl lii* Uitl tliij Hold liiU, ono iioitti; taklni; part in C.-feL- private pip«s and it was. t&e' opinion class of Trinity Methodist chnirett. of- st njcy -ttii-Ut jpiitt,' • • - • . r. and 5 rr auihurltifiii tako tbu i>Wip*ir uottuu StAttOIL . „ • Eiina. Elxj-urard. aC^W&tz yiiltan. awwaiufe.. i" with tin uvoruifu ut 1«". S'ouKobiuiul' iu*t<.it tni;**.- o«o .tolnt; aiitmduuco at 31 CKerry Street, Rahway, that they had been down, so long/that known as "Pearl Gatherers^**' t:utjgat hgr- ---Elrufijii -la taca.pl!faatre KC liily . to insure «lihi-r u Withdi-uwul of thu 1 I Plans were mailti Coir tfi» dirtrtcmaw a«-1 UHHH'il tho MlttlOllUl JUiitOrd WUH QVipnii'oi nj«'»"Unw Wednesday ^viinlne:, VEAL VEAL they Ixad becotae more or teas clogged Miss Grade Moore-, daughter of Ajiaiat- dlxty d«i^r«M« In u. f*tw li*uir»'W«r»i ; t] TlUirts'wad. a Dlttoaaa^iuicuC -.jtUJUrv j< f*i^ ti* • t;ot3ie«rtioii c£ cltt ai»wao»« contract from tlie* htitulu f^«- SOLEMN VESPER *»LA*iS „ tivittea. Foilofwisx dua- roottoa of tins: j out* jvoiiit; turW tuctxibortf fctkTurt»d, thereby reducing the amount; of water snt JPoAtmaster* and SCra. Chartci* JV. to- b« x mjaimou. ciilaa: ia. t^uic «*nrt I in* on Tuttudu.? aiternacit ax tiw awm** coopue. r^'iti, j it-flr*;.'.' A?.'t tltts »BJ51at rut cbntructwrii, if they ur») unuliln to uvomu'i* »f asi.l.. Arnold u«d McCur- If you trade here you wjhere.all patients will be treated by me personally.. The Hev.. JT. A.. O'Brien, paator of meeting, ja.nwa tnuaiti, KOCWI can save from 1 to 4c tb St.. Mary's chitrch, • East Orange. were eniD'^mi- nticpasary arilow as will r't'ltovei th« \\u< two"iL'iixus arc MUri KilzalH-tlJ ! matter was yafrt QU tlift tabt&. entertaxned' by 3£l3a iioore on. Uttaiiii. aaxi ar^ «ujdyin« Ux-'ir , ctu rufirmiaaiititca ami a <"t of tit** worse of til** adaneiiilttaQk- inivuntujii*. Thu haul Indlvtduul unniu fornter paator of SL, Mary's chaT%2i» -la.- situation and ^irovldo uccouuunilutloHfi WUH 2_!1 by N^niiiibuuor. Tho vcort'': . 04KbWait<' at tl»u bciuJ of lb« HfcdB. i RelaxiTe to water rates, la Railway afternoon. ' A pfiaaaJTig program . af XIld thii city, has been secured to- deliver^ Annie and "Mary Gallo. Elai* Cwfrf-lng" [ "trxlnin^ to^t&r Ji«J&« «TU.S lor Uio uion druft«'f lni« tht* nufvlcit NATIONAL JUNlOllri anJ Ci-ortf W- Mitijjus u> it^ad Uiti.! Breast Itr. Ransom read a list ot cttie* la Cxnxes^ music and refreshments oc^ month»-aca." Governor \ld£i> **tutt*M lu I EXTRACT TEETH PAINLESSLY, and for ONE the address at- the solemn vesper ser- ton. G«rtmd« Cawan. En:n^ Van ^ • ^ ^ CAM^tCw KuuuuhaUt't* -." 1W 221 11Ulu*->>^ . Ttx« .ouU-a promi»fe» u iiv«ly j different parta '.of the. country about cupied the time.- Those present were:_ rjui lira- B- V. hla letter. — Veal vlc»3 to be held under the ansplces of v Ratit ; • "' • Arnold ,.,...... •' 171 lt«" 14sKiim- iitid will ^)*.jt.; tuUcb ii*tt-*ts»i. , MONTH, from November 7 to December 7,1 will make the sire of R*b.wa.v to whicli It- waa Rahway CoonctL No- I^-iS- KaSgbla The SHaaes Delia. PtemkBtzr that the wuter rmte of t* per Rlker. Dora Prices Alma Rlier^ Anna Jersey". New Unit. CH oT K. j-MH-*oriiiU-k- i n—UI—lia—liu : Colmnho*. on Sunday evening.' Dec. 2_ MEET ING ...Williams y aovemor Ed's" liui b.-.n notified by U(>b(kl»um ^. i5- i-(J 1-0 ^the'eharge forthis service^O-CENTS.-——--' _:' /•'. — - -ycar^-teWw-tfeaa-^-aTmfwt TTI nf frn». th» war departliit-nt tltul K^w Jri-Hi-y 134 Veal ^L%»^ lb . cities of similar popolation in the Mills was also. / coeat of may proe**d to KUitpty on* r«Kliu»nl • coontry and that. Rahway ha* an * iloor© dnrtns the event. 2' sallons of water had b*wn. GREAT OWOaTUMCTY TO - of field artillery, abi Iwo liatttflifs ui | Touiln *£i t^ Legs When haying dental work done" all teeth will be ex- tUtlonal cipcns^ tiutt many at the pn.TT?p«^rt during the past TPf*TTr^. an In- ooa*t «rtUlery of ibn K.tlonul Guard I t.tU« u( Mm. tliti E^onoxoic linni 1CL CiD A. fiij rtoc fcLCtva fta being obliged to fUt< FOB HOSPrTAL i»riU. .il* >' a.veiiuo, i of aioat TJOOJMMJ. T_i_ sliow«i with the reouUitlon UrilfonnB. und lh« j Veal tracted free for one month. , '.and treat the water, which otany money wUl bo remitted later by tii* | ubrrti,y . lit tetiU-1. a daily average of water tiiron^ti tius- enterprise of- 3ty*.-F'. A. the cities do not &t> because of dif- T qnarters toe ^fw^ *c<£tiirlni c^- ^»«* T?^^-* (rderol covernmcnti l-%Jr six hanntha"| _ , „ t*rvtd-; ]^^Xt£son.. will ti^rlrti SJZ ttiscticix ll. Veal Chops 25c lb ferent sources of «n.pply. Race! In CHerry street ttr tt* the governor tan bflon -it.mfilnj: to : * ^ ' nri of tho city about bo hi.'U. NoV. U, ui Now RrUcUtuu* S. reported to have been $3j£3 i teat the new TJt C.:, A, A. R. will hold a sale of food UIMI i V.-io o'clot-k Saturady morulug Johtt 1. A ro^uont WUB made by tho presi- and ftccooats amcontin^ to S3JX9&.T? ^. cepted, were ordert paid. The cenxtiscent faucj' articles Thursday aftoruooil. I Kiiiuck. UKO() 4S. of 1J Nowtoti hi root, dent for |Uitt*irukt of Crots Btitch, Daily, 9 A. M. to $ P. M. HEAR THE NEW EDfSON. FIRSTt &ipertntendent K£rste£a reported was nsplenished J33UJS3, Nov. 8. ul the homo of Misa P. W. Wurt itti-uc^ by loi^iuottvo No- 737 und rrodiol, «ml>n>ltinry, knitting and Sundays, 9 A. M.to 12 Noon y la- -« 9(n. Praacia W. La-i«3irroto. Scala 1 U Htuutlv killed Thu body WUB taken bubv ariiclGH to bo »«»nl to chlnu, aa A.U members of lh* board were pr**- be saxe ta hear tad W tfiUOSWAWTta Commttf».» CEARM THE UW IjuiKttrolli.. Thu artlclos will bo Roth-Co. a£ua . fastm ' 'KBDMRIE •. Wl t in «-hure** ^>y Morcuokvoitor Harry thouo thlnfis an to tap flu** msixtiL ent. iaetodin_p Pxesiiteiu F. ' i ta XE. ftukatMa;t«aat ot Woodr on Dnucrutnn at e_e placed on *uue at a JO p. m. and will f tKtut woxlc vu beiss <^F"*I no atroth. Mayor Harry th* ooly tastrttauBit arMcs Ia; ilaatrtma of inmrlin «3Xae» not exceed 50 cents each. The pnv Ix3bmillor. Thu victim loaves a widow 14 CHERRY STREET creates the Cvfac votei* off dk» srttst* nntl ono von. Tho funeral wm hold Mr. and Mrs. A, Deaii* with frtenda, Telephone Rahway 40-J Lady nurse in attendance. jt^iatrea. hrdxanta and pipe* in pre- mlssXunera "W., A. Ransom. Frank. roods will go (or the Hod Crosa. niotorod toSw Girt on Sunday, had a Telephone 4O3 SoM. mtcwor ^WC. peaatdk. . AiMnn* Ttnnao yesterday morn las ut St. Mary's r^ttlTur IBWTIHTW" nwciaHs* erf »' 9t«mt church. Iut«rn)«nt «ai tn SL, Mary's doliichtful day. arid cloaed their inm- Dsrvftr Case reported- that *!i*l n3«r hoiuv for th Perth Am TWIT HEAD THt t ceinoiCvry. I \