ROTH-CO; Efefctive WORK of Murs JEWELRY

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ROTH-CO; Efefctive WORK of Murs JEWELRY Kahwuy Record,, i-riday Afternoon, November 2. 1917. and Mrs... James Herring* , The 'home , BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED mac. - . -^ will be flowing and knitting;,- They SECOND PREaBYTEft)AN CHURCH Cottage prayer-" meetlne Tuesday was decorated. with autoxria ^ ?flaVe« In cilebratlon ol' nor sixth birthday recipient of many pretty gifts. Th« expect to do much work for tho Rev. Wallace H. Carver, Paator ' James Parker's house. anniversary M5ss Elizabeth A. Mc-home and dining table were prettily Church News soldiers. All girls are invited to Join. 10.30 a- m.. Morning worship; aer- A hearty welcome to an. and. chrysanthemums, Thoto present Miss Marion Rittor and Mrs. Benja- mon topic, "Knowing and Trustta*." were: Mr, and Mrs. Frank Splane,, Mic-.hnel, daughter of Mr. and , Mrs'. decorated for the occasfon. .Those F1HST BAPTIST CHURCH •IS m- Bible schooL i I Lnwls C. MtiMichanl. of 39 East Mlf- min King,.Jiv.are in charge. .7 p. HL. C- B ipawMiig. Q. F. John-- PLEASANT GATHERING Miss. Ruth Splane,' Mrvand Mra. Oeo. present were: The ««»•••«*£" •voafimAm^' — - - •-• V/and iira^i Ed- aiSB«CKH«i«?'J5s^.^.sp 0.45 a. ttu Brotherboofl moating; 7.45 p. m.. Evening worship* sermon Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. William Mel- lior young friends on Tuesday after- 8T. PAUL'S CHURCH -.^ ward Struber, of 190 Eaat Milton ave- tore, Flora Iledoirfaii. VnroMC- Gin- topic, "Ruth—A' Woman's Choice/" .^r^JMr. ^and JMr^: Ja.mes^Her/lng, mjon_^_^Tho time waa Voli occupied ElSBS»KT$i$nfsgrne,a, yoial J^liSJ^tB\; Marion McCormlck. Mildred lO.ffO a, m.. Communion service, ln- Twenty-second "Sunday mental music and refreshments. The r*rfaWF="-'fiterlS5': -.- — T ~ J. Franols Vandorhorat, Paator varied program of games, music, Mra. Joseph 1». Spllatore, Hr. and J! ty. • . ' - feature of tho latter was a large Sehoadi8-'B»TW2aK»ffi?.a^**«* cl tiding the giving of "The Hand of 7.30 a. m.. First celobratlon of tho 10.46 a. m.. Sermon by the pastor. dancing and refroohments made the Mrs. Carl Enqulst, John SomerlnilyUe , Fight Tuberculosis—»100O birthday cake'bearinR six lighted can- Fellowship.** .Jly cjammunlon. Corporate commun- 12 noon, cloas meeting . ^ occasion one of enjoyment for all.John Thomas. Miss Berthtf/lielnaiito. The Sueeener et tha Union Democrat. EsUbllahed 1S4O. 1 -dles.™Prise* lit- the games-woro—won LiJUhw.-.y,. Buyyoujaed^ q«»_chr'•« —ll-;4&"a;-nj:. Bible school; laaaon on. ion for tba Induatrlat-chaptfir. „: """"130 "p.'."&.. Sundajr schoor "Frizes In" tfie games were wartrjr Mrs. Mr. "and Mrs. Charles Melbourn,—Mr.- PRICE TWO CEiVT^ "Dofeat Through Drunkenness." 10.30 a. m.. Second celebration of and Mrs. Edward Struber. by Norma Spilatore and; Flora Hede- , NOVEMBER 6, 1917 he holy communion and ttermon. 7.15 p. m., Allen Christian Endeavor Charles Melbonrn, Miss Ruth Splane TUESDAY 11.45 a. in- Junior Brotherhood; 3 D- ni... Sunday achool. New pupils meeting. _,_,.._ Mrs. J. h. Spliatore and Bliss Bertha. study theme, "The Liquor Evil.*' always wulcomo, . 8 p. m.. Preaching by tho pastor. Melbonrn. There was an entertaining VOL. VH;- SERIAJLNO. 839. 7 p. m.. Y. P. S. C." B., subject 7.30 u, in., Rventng prayer! and ser- Communion morning and evening. exhibition dance by John Melbourn "Perseverance;" leader, Edwin Cook. mon. , . WodnoHday, 7.45 p. m.^ Evening 7.45 p. m., Evening^worship. At tho> prayer and addread on the Sixth ouoiiinKT^*"aong^ service Tabernacle poatitude- .ROTH-CO; Hymns will be used and the Brother Thurrtdny uvenhiK tho Vestry will The Result of a Busi- _ ____ ^». •—*-> - . ^»^» A nm iTIAlin • f^l H I B I mot at the roaldonco o( B. S.Savngo, EFEfCTIVE WORK hood Quartet will Bins; sonnon ou IN CITY AND JEWELRY GONE "Bollover'a Bajjtiami" • . ' Weat Milton avenue. ^ , • MADE IN FOOD PLEDGES ASSOCIATIONS Wednesday! Nor. 7, mid-week meet- TRINITY' M, E. CHURCH ness Administration Valuable Heirlooms M?sterionslf7 ing; 7.4G p. rn.. song service; 8 p. m., OF mURS R«v. J. W. Rydvr, Paator Mayor, Water Commissioner and Four Goon Devotional niootlnfi; topic, "Where BEEF MARKET SLTGHTLY EASIER Local Pastors Give Inspiring Dissappear From Local OHice- Did Wo Get the Old Tostainont?" 10 a. jn,( Sunday Bcri6o!_an0l pastor's Energetic Canvass Leads to Securing Many oilmen Elected. Furbef Runs Third. Ulblti chum for limn. The Kind of Business That Fails, Leaving for QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS Everybody invited.- Bring your Tab- Anaual Meeting of Visiting Addresses at Washington ll-u. ni;, fubllc worahli*, Holy com- the Creditors a Van Load of Fancy Office More Names Than Was Anticipated. Trunk Sewer Plan Favored. of Adams Express Co. tirnaclo Hymn books. muuloi) aiid proptiratory talk by the Noise Committee oi pastor. „ .--__. Furniture, a Heap of Gaudily Print- ALWAYS IN LINE WITH THE and Lincoln Schools FIR8T METHODIST CHURCH : li, m,, HuUan MIBBIOH a»d_ Sun- Factories Cooperate In Movement the Cm«j Clab In <»jo of ttu». hottest campaiena in loy, Doui., Cli; Oiiuuivo Thtiiinoi', Soc, EDWARDRIDENODR, AGENr Rev. 6. 8' Crowcroft, Pastor day jt^hool. ed Prospectuses, and an 30; WUliutxl C. MacKinnon, Pro.. 3. 7 p. in.* Epworth Luaeuo. ... GOVERNMENT'S POLICY thohiatoryof th*> city tho Republicans 10 a, tn., Sunday school eosaion. 1 WILL ENTERTAIN COUNTY Socoiul tlUirlct,"Warnor, 87; Lapaley, 7.-IS p. m., 1'ublli. "worship; addroafl Empty Safe. of thO _^^ARRESTED____^ H «. m.. Church, service and com — by Amio V, Curkhuffi Superintendent honors today; reolocting Mayor Marry, wml Wednesday 7.45 p. in., Prayoi* Simmons, SamuoOiT*SfortonT*counctl*"l AN INCBEASH IN VALUATION OF $1,000,000.00. lood. conservation and ttdxalmstratloia nauaeiH nun ^ «, r . ThtU iiiyatorloua disappcaranco of- t p. m.i Epworth Ueaguo; topic, meeting. "Our Candidates Eloct and SHOWN IN REPORTS iwvigrani showed that Rabway rallied ward; Miss Edith Collins,; E, Clal- manat-larso, throo ot the flvs council Ltipsloy, 137. Ourselves" will be tho theme of tho Can you got any more- for your homo this your than last 7' j ^J.&OO Worth of joWolry from tho locat "The Immigration Problem",'* loader, inep' credit-! boarno Moras, Fifth ward; advisory Tlioru wor« two^woll attended and, moii and tho wmor comiuissloner. Sim Plurality "hi ward, for Warner 4S. -tiastor's iirayor tulk. v\; ^~_-V~~"_"Z_^_ --•AuJuorcnso in tha TaxHato-:pf-^OHffiCBJBN-EOlN.TS._ Second Ward—gifat district; ^ j ottVce of tho~Adams Express-Company' N U. Turner, —-. - V.. '_Z.- i -"o f— Uw—P-ar-ent-- 'moHH-dot oate d—Ex^May or_Th_otnaa_A Friday, 3.SO \u m. Junior Epworth Tho tiorabiiuitiou of Increased Valuation and Increased Tax '" Tha anmiairSSSnae o£ tho Visiting able £o~TGe "clty^aiidr'excoetied—th ner, 163; Lutisley, ~ ^~' '" ~ to tUVi arrost today" of .Agont * 7 4G p. m.. Church musical and aong VE S^vSttlLman. Sooutmaater, Chester Pyffo, Democrat by 18S, and Ex-Mayor >y, tio; -i-npifowr. w, lll(1t o UW arroai wum «€-.-»«» League., - . Nurse Committee ot| tae Civlo Club anoat aan'ffuln« expectations of- those service. ^ ... •I*hurBi5aV,"~573O p. uiu~ Intordoubm- Hulo meaim that~~i£ your valuation, is increased but $500.00 Jam as B. Furbor, , Socialist, by 341,MacKinnon, K. Second dtatrict. War- Wurii J, JildGnour, of 4& V*ultoi\ utreot. , .national Blbld claaii lor .womon_-at waB unnblicd with the regular montli- Interested in '£%£££f -r.- -B-c«.y. s^.^«J: Wedncsday( 7.45 I'ruyof aorvloe and you will find an increase of $11.90 in your taxes. -' 'Revt.. Father Republican, was nor, 7C; Lapsley, 78; Theimor, 35; no Wlli; takoh Into custody by Dotoc- Mra. J. 0. Smith's, corner Comnaorco I Whole Legs Veal oppoalUoii-lp^tho JLUtle.^Rpv.-C.-.J. Kaiio Official Board meoling.. :; ted Crater commissioner ovor tormer- •j»niiiivy» «.., •nonxrr«™v." _ _ _ tiv^.. uiid Bryant Htroetii;. Hov*. J. W. Uyduf.' They appropriated $20,000.00 for streets. Not satisfied high school audltorluni on Prlday a£- movement and only a very few: fail- Horsky, R.dv'T™jr''W7™ir, ( lutf thd company and was lodged at Thursday 8 ». m., Coltago moet toudhur; subject* "Ahgelii." Frank G. StaEolhart by Total In ward, for Warner, 1-79; for with this tlioy triuisrufred $ij,790.00 Erom the Contingent a»id ...tprnnon find waa largely,attended.- The urns to sign the pledge cards were re-] P. Davis, C, H. Byrne and Thomas pollcxT h»ud«)imrtorii to await a h«»ar^ ported. It was1 expected .that, aooi^t; timely and effect __ -lApaloy, 1.33. ~CHURCH~OF~WSl.V ^aiilTOHYEK- TnnSvsf*mTH~BisTmV)it Funds, KmiK'jrTismK~iIwiV»y"^«T3™i'<ir meeting wau largely devoted to ro- Under the dlrection.and with the aid FIR8T PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH > Ward;' Thomas J. Loughlln;Democrat. "" Plurality In ward, for Warner nsv.R. W. Elliott. Rector. ports at what has already been ac- 1.850 signatures Would be secured, but' meemeetingg , the 1 "ho jewolory consisted of Rev. L- Y. Graha:n, Jr^ Paster S«\wv Permits. Only the Ciiy Treasiii'i'i' k uniiiia] report will of ward raauagers mentioned In tn Socond ward; J Jervis Vall/JlopubU- Third Ward—First district '"" 10 a. :tu.', Suuday school. complUhed *aod toward making the this number wass exceeaeexceededa bDy 153;»J,, mth^e -. „ rector ot-^St. Paul's church, apoaking i*uirloomtj-whioh hud been • r«yt>iil how imieh wax foully thrown away. In ten nmtitlis can. Third Ward; Robori W. Walker. _138jJLd^aloy, 90; Tholmor, 29; Mac- 11 ttVj' mV. Tho': boly ' communion.- _^..^0 n. ni., blblo achool"—• •:w*rk of-tho.-nttiaB.3tm,-ttiore .et£eotivor total-number eecored betn$J 2.Q03. This 1 foregoing paragraph tho canyaaalnR froin llouttin to Mfd.
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