United Statespatent [191 [11] 4,335,109 Hill [45] Jun
SR 6/15/82 XR 4933591019 United StatesPatent [191 [11] 4,335,109 Hill [45] Jun. 15, 1982 [54] WATER REPELLENT AQUEOUS WOOD [5 6] References Cited TREATING SOLUTIONS U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Inventor: Robert E. Hill, Webster Groves, Mo. 2,571,030 10/1951 Govett et a1. ..................... 424/68 [75] 2,876,163 3/1959 Garizio et al. .................. .. 424/68 [73] Assignee: Koppers Company, Inc., Pittsburgh, Primary Examiner—-Lorenzo B. Hayes Pa. Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Donald M. MacKay [57] ABSTRACT [21] Appl. No.: 216,123 An increased water repellency is imparted to wood and [22] Filed: Dec. 15, 1930 other cellulosic materials with an aqueous solution con taining a mixture of an aluminum ~halohydrate and a water soluble salt of a mono, di or trivalent cation se Related US. Application Data lected from zinc, manganese, barium, calcium, cobalt, [63] Continuation of Ser. No. 96,333, Nov. 21, 1979, aban magnesium, nickel, copper, cadmium, strontium, beryl doned. lium, lead, mercury, chromium, sodium, lithium, and potassium and- a monovalent anion selected from for [51] 1m. (:1.3 .................... .. A01N 59/20;A01N 59/06 mate acetate, haloacetate, acrylate, methacrylate, propi [52] us. (:1. ..; ................................... .. 424/140; 106/2; onate, chloro and bromo-propionate, butyrate, isobu 106/1505; 424/145; 424/146; 424/150; tyrate, nitrate, sulfamate, iodide, bromide, and chloride, 424/153; 424/154; 424/289; 424/291; 424/293; said water soluble salt excluding the nitrates, sulfamates, I 424/294; 424/295; 427/440 chlorides and bromides of sodium, potassium and lith Field Of Search I. ............... .. 106/2, 1505; 424/68,.
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