Spring 2015 2 2 - 7 1

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In this issue… S S Community Clear Up’s Keep Our Estates Looking Great 3 2

How You Can Get Involved - 1

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With Your Community a s p

e i h r t o t o Garden Competition S B Entries Open Now www.villages.org.uk More than just a Landlord Welcome to the Spring Meet the Scheme Managers Edition of Villages have four Scheme Managers who manage the sheltered Our Times... accommodation schemes in both and Stockbridge Village. The team includes Marie Morgan and Arthur Mason who are based in Stockbridge Spring is finally in the air, time to Village and Dana Murphy and Lesley Cutter who are based in Fitton Hill. dust off the cobwebs and venture outside again. The Scheme Managers are responsible for making residents are safe and will respond to any daily contact with sheltered accommodation safeguarding concerns. If the early Easter break has filled residents in order to establish their well-being whilst Dana Murphy said “We all really love our job, you with the joys of Spring we identifying and taking appropriate action in any have some great tips on page 7 mainly because we help our vulnerable tenants to areas of concern. They do this by making daily remain independent in their own home and make a for de-cluttering your home ready phone calls to residents and recognise their care difference by providing a friendly face or voice; we for the warm weather. needs and, when necessary, refer to or liaise with are there to help when help is needed.” The new Neighbourhood plans other agencies, residents’ families or next of kin. They are also the first point of contact for residents to speak Lyn Kelly Supporting People Manager said “The role have now been written for to regarding property and tenant management of the Scheme Manager is extremely important, the Stockbridge Village and Fitton (including responsive repairs). team know the residents really well and understand Hill for the next 3 years and will their needs. The job has changed over the years be available on the Villages Along with this, they also promote and encourage and so much more is expected of them now but they website at the end of April. health and wellbeing and support and encourage always have the residents best interests at heart. residents to enjoy social activities in order to reduce The team are all really committed to each and every Each plan has been written social isolation. They are on hand to ensure that following your feedback about resident, and do a wonderful job”. what is important to you about your estate. This time of year is also a great time to start gardening. If you Villages Staff News have a garden you are really Since our last issue we have welcomed communities warm and welcoming to all. I proud of, enjoy growing some new staff to the Villages team. Thomas have never met such fantastic, committed vegetables or even have a Bow has joined the Stockbridge Village and friendly people in my 35 years in this spectacular hanging basket on Landscape Team as a Landscape and job. This is the part I will miss the most, I your balcony, then I would Arbiculture Operative along with two new have loved every minute working with them Estate Workers; Rachael Goulding and Neil and I will miss each and every one of them. encourage you to enter this years’ Burrows. We have also welcomed Helen I’d like to thank everyone who has sent me gardening competition. It’s a Alvarez to the Customer Services team in kind messages of support, lovely cards and great opportunity to win some Fitton Hill. gifts.” fantastic prizes, you can find out We bid a fond farewell to Head of Housing more on page 8. Services, Bernie McConnell in March. After Have a great Spring everyone. working in housing for over 35 years and with Villages for the past 11 years, Bernie Vernon Jackson , Chief Executive, will now be enjoying her well earned Villages Housing Association retirement. Bernie said “Of all the years I have spent working in housing, I treasure the past 11 years working for Villages the most. The most wonderfully rewarding aspect of my job has been working with our fantastic tenant volunteers who form The Tenant’s Our Times has been approved by a Tenant Forum, The Tenant’s Scrutiny Panel, The Readers Group. We would like to thank them for Tenant’s Complaints Panel and all the other kindly giving up their time to offer their input into groups, far too numerous to mention. These the look and content of this newsletter. selfless people work so hard to make our

1 B Neighbourhood Plans O T H

You may remember in the Autumn edition of Our Times that we A wanted to know what was important to you about your estate? R E

We also asked our Facebook followers, website visitors, as well A as holding a special meeting with the Tenant’s Forum to S understand what residents think is important. The new three year Neighbourhood Plans outline the main issues that residents told us affect their neighbourhoods and identified what needs to be done to address them. Some of the priorities include: Employment: Training and volunteering, helping you prepare to find work, IT issues & digital training, financial & budgeting training. Social value: Activities for older and disabled persons, community events (gala days, Halloween, bonfire and Christmas activities). Health and well being: Energy and fuel poverty issues, North West in Bloom activities, healthy living. Neighbourhood: Issues with litter, area cleaning, fly tipping and to identify and promote venues for the community to use on the estate. The full plan for each estate will be available on our website from the end of April www.villages.org.uk . Service Standards now online Last year the Villages Scrutiny Panel investigated how we prepare We created the ‘New Homes Promise’ leaflet which the panel our properties so that they are ready for the next tenant. Through were very happy with. Following this we decided a thorough this they told us that they thought the service standard for letting review of all of our service standards was needed. Our service new homes was difficult to understand and not very appealing. standards are our promise to you, our customers, as to what you The panel suggested that a new leaflet be produced and made can expect from the services we provide. The new service available on the Villages’ website that would include lots of standards are now available and you can access them on the images and shorter bullet points of what Villages promises are Villages’ website, www.villages.org.uk/servicestandards when letting new homes to customers.

Would you like to Get Involved With the Scrutiny Panel? The Villages Scrutiny Panel is currently looking for new members. This is a great opportunity to get involved with your local community and have your say about the services that Villages deliver to you. You will receive training and support which will help develop your existing skills and improve your CV. It will also provide you with a unique insight into the housing sector. If you would like to get involved, contact your local Villages office for more information. Fitton Hill: 0161 633 4060 Stockbridge Village: 0151 480 1313

Dear Villages Community, Villages Scrutiny panel is run by tenants on behalf of tenants. We look and scrutinise the services that Villages offer, some areas we have already looked at are: • Repairs • Complaints • Older peoples Services • Rents We present reports to Villages after our investigations and have already made a lot of positive changes to the way Villages deliver its services. Being a member of the scrutiny panel only takes a few hours of your time each month, it’s a great way of meeting residents and making new friends whilst helping tenants to have the best service possible from our landlord. If you want to make changes- GET INVOLVED! We are welcoming new members now. I look forward to hearing from you!

Helen Wild, Chair of Villages Scrutiny Panel

2 When Mary Wilson visited the Fitton Hill Work Club, My Fresh Start she hadn’t worked for a while after suffering from ill health. She was put in touch with the club by job centre, and after visiting the club for two weeks had already been appointed as the new midday supervisor at St.Martin’s Primary School. Mary said “I hadn't worked for a while. It had taken me some time to build my physical and mental strength up again after being ill, but going to the Work Club really gave me that push to get my foot out of the door and back to work and I am really enjoying it. I really enjoy working at the school, the children are so much fun, and after being at home for such a long time it's great to be interacting with people once again. One of my favourite things about the role (apart from the school holidays) is enjoying hearing the children read.” Along with her new role, Mary has also returned to education and is studying Math and English at Oldham College, something she hopes will give her more skills when applying for future jobs. She has also been helping out at the Work Club in her spare time as she wants to help other people in the same way the club helped her. “I would recommend anyone who isn’t in work to visit “Finding work has improved my the Work Club. It’s really handy being here on the estate and the support you receive there is fantastic. confidence and I'm now physically The club really helped me find the strength to get back to work after such a long break, and my confidence and mentally stronger.” has improved so much as result.”

Do you need some help and support with your job search? The Work Club in Fitton Hill and Job Club in Stockbridge Village are here to help you. Make the first step today…

Fitton Hill Work Club Stockbridge Village Job Club Mondays, 1pm – 3pm Villages Community HUB Mondays 2pm – 4pm The Village Hub Thursdays, 10am – 12noon Villages Community HUB For more information contact Barbara Murray on For more information contact Lisa Fowles on 0151 949 5021 / 07736543652 or like the 0161 633 4060 / 07834126664 or like the Stockbridge Village Job Club Facebook Page Fitton Hill Work Club Facebook Page /stockbridgevillagejobclub /fittonhillworkclub

Fed up of searching for a new job? Or call your local office directly: Need some help with your CV and application Stockbridge Village 0151 480 1313 forms but don’t have time to visit the work clubs? Fitton Hill 0161 633 4060 Then register now for My Work Search, the After you have been registered you will receive an website that brings thousands of jobs to you. email from My Work Search with a link to create Register with Villages for free by your username and password. You can then use Visiting www.villages.org.uk/myworksearch the site and find your dream job.

3 B O T

Are You Thinking About H


Moving Home? S If you are currently a Villages tenant and you would like to move into another Villages property for reasons such as you need a smaller or a larger property; a property on ground floor level; a property with a Scheme Manager, then this is possible. Whether you are in receipt of benefits or you are in employment you can move from one Villages property to another. There are two main ways to do this, either through an Exchange (where you find someone to swap with) or through the local Choice Based Lettings scheme. • If you would like to exchange your property with someone else you will need to discuss this with the team at your local Villages office who will advise you how to go about this. • If you want to move through the Choice Based Lettings scheme you would need to register with the relevant scheme online. If you are not sure how to do this give us a call or visit your local Villages office and we can advise you what to do. Oldham: www.fcho.co.uk : www.propertypoolplus.org.uk Once you have registered you can ‘bid’ for suitable properties that are advertised. It is your choice what you bid on, you would not be allocated any property you don’t want, this is because you choose which properties you want and only bid on those properties. The lists can change on a daily basis so you can check everyday online to see what is available and if you like the look of something you can bid on it. (Please note - although you can bid on any property you will usually only be allocated a property you are eligible for). If your bid is successful you will then be contacted by the Villages team who will complete the application process with you.

Choice Based Lettings FAQ I want to move to a bigger/smaller property can I use Choice Based Lettings? Yes you can. I work, can I use choice based letting? Yes you can. If I want a Villages property can I use Choice Based Lettings? Any resident currently living in a Villages home may apply for another Villages home through their local Choice Based Lettings. I know a property is becoming vacant soon, can I request this before it is advertised on Choice Based Lettings? No, all of our properties are advertised through Choice Based Lettings before any other form of advertising. Will I be forced to move to a property I don’t like? No, you bid on only properties you would like to live in – in other words it is your choice of property. Do people in receipt of benefits get priority? Choice Based Lettings use a banded system assessed on need rather then your background.

4 “Moving to Stockbridge Village was the best move I’ve ever made” Stevie Jennings moved to Stockbridge Village two years ago and is delighted with not only his home but the community that embraced him when he arrived.

Before moving to Stockbridge Village Stevie was living in a hostel, and with health problems he was finding it difficult to find a new home. With support, he applied for a new home in Stockbridge Village in order to be closer to his family. Telling us about his move to the area, Stevie said “I moved to Stockbridge Village via Property Pool and was really happy with my new home. I was given decorating vouchers and offered help and support with getting some new furniture to make the flat my own. I decorated it all myself and love how it looks now. Villages staff offered me so much support, ‘the Scheme Managers were great, they really helped me to get back on my feet and I really love living here. My neighbours and I have also recently benefited from new heating systems and windows and my home is really warm now – not that I am here as much as I used to be, I’m so busy now!” After moving to Stockbridge Village, Stevie became involved with the Roughsedge House Community Centre and together with some of his neighbours has formed the Brandhearth, Roughsedge, Spruce Grove Committee. The Committee have been busy organising many activities for the local community recently such as pool competitions, bingo evenings plus Valentine’s meals and Mother’s day lunches. “I have never been so busy’, said Stevie ‘It’s such a close knit community that everyone looks out for each other and we really enjoy meeting for a cuppa and a chat. From the minute I moved in, my neighbours have made me feel welcome, we really have a laugh and because they made me feel so welcome I really wanted to give something back which is why I volunteer with the Committee now.” School News The Staircase that links Stockbridge Ofsted Report Village to London Children at Stockbridge Village Primary Outstanding for School have been busy working on an Newbridge artistic masterpiece which tells the story of the journey from Stockbridge Village to Learning Centre London. Starting at the Croft Shops, the staircase includes the Liverpool City skyline Staff and students at Newbridge and some of the capitals most famous Learning Centre in Fitton Hill are sights. Children from each year were celebrating after the schools asked to research and then create the recent visit from Ofsted marked buildings from each of the areas. Most of the children used the internet for their them as ‘Outstanding’ in all research, and some even went to have a areas. A summary of the report look at the buildings before starting. After stated that ‘Behaviour is making the Mersey Ferry model, year three excellent across the school. children are now looking forward to their Students enjoy their lessons and trip aboard the famous vessel. their attitudes to learning are Some of the children who worked on the exemplary. Students feel very project are pictured here next to their safe in school and enjoy masterpieces. Amelia Corrigan, Lewis excellent relationships with staff Steqardm Lilie Skelthorn, Lauren Channel, to share any concerns’. Shaun Tomlinson, Sam Crickson, Congratulations to all of the staff Megan Ryan, Joe Bow, Imogen Hughes, and students at the school. Alfie Raford and Eva Lily Higgins.

5 B O T

Community Clear Up’s H


Keep Our Estates Tidy! S

Both estates held community clear up days in March as part of ‘Keep Britain Tidy’ campaign, and took place to celebrate the start of Spring. Community groups, friends, neighbours, litter clean-up groups, local businesses and schools all got involved, with lots of bags of litter being collected from streets and green spaces across both estates. The Stockbridge Village Community Clear Up took place on Friday 20th March. Organised by Knowsley Council, staff from the council and from Villages were joined by local residents and the school children from Stockbridge Village Primary School to clear rubbish outside of the Neighbourhood Centre, along with some nearby pathways. In Fitton Hill the Community Clear Up took place on Wednesday 25th March at the Spur. Staff from Villages and Oldham Council together with residents from the area filled 4 skips with rubbish and cleared footpaths and the green space in front of homes. Kelly Nicholson, Neighbourhood Services Officer in Fitton Hill said “It’s great to hold these events and see so many residents working hard to keep their estate clean and tidy. As part of our support with Keep Britain Tidy, we are hoping to hold more events in the future.” We would like to say a very big thank you to all of the volunteers who kindly gave up their time and came out to help.

6 Time for a Spring Clean? The flowers are blooming, the birds are singing once again, but does your house still feels like it's stuck with the Winter blues – could it be time for a spring clean? Spring cleaning is a tradition that allows us to freshen up our homes in time for the warmer seasons. If you are thinking about a spring clean follow our top tips below to help…

Clearing Clutter Clean from the and Organizing Top Down One of the biggest parts of Spring cleaning is Start by wiping down the walls, clean the getting rid of clutter that you no longer need windows, dust pictures and sanitize the doors or want. and light switches. When you're done, move on Box up items you don't need. Find out how to to the furniture. Take everything off the tops of donate items that are taking up space. Stockbridge furniture and dust. Books and knick knacks are Village residents can drop off unwanted clothes, notorious for collecting dust, so you need to dust books and DVD’s in good condition at the R&R them off (just use a dry cloth) before replacing Store every Friday 10am-2pm. them onto your clean shelves. Don't forget about lamps, shades, picture frames, mirrors, and light Remember these wise words: 'If in doubt, throw fixtures. Then you will need your all purpose it out' – although always check to see if you can cleaner to wipe down windowsills and donate or recycle it first! baseboards and the outside and inside of any storage pieces. Finally finish with the floors. Let the light in Check the Dates It’s amazing how When you are Spring cleaning your kitchen much extra light a cupboards, don't just pull everything out and cleaned window put it back in. Actually check jars, cans and lets in and the light boxes. Most items will have an expiry date and brightens and you would be surprised what’s been lurking in freshens up the corner since 2010. It’s also worthwhile everything in the clearing out your medicine box at the same home. Window time as medicine, creams and plasters all have washing from the expiry dates too. outside is a classic Don’t Forget - Villages provide skips for residents Spring cleaning to dispose of any extra rubbish they may have. task. You can find out where the skips are each Thursday on the back page of every edition of Our Times.

Top Tips Have a shoe box in the hall, porch or utility room that everyone can chuck their shoes and trainers in. Also when you're tidying up, you can just throw all stray shoes in as you go. You don’t need to buy expensive cleaning products for your Spring clean…why not try some of our ‘green clean’ methods, the Fantastic Four cleaners vinegar, salt, lemon juice, and baking soda can make your household tasks less complicated and easier on you and the environment. Mix up 1 cup vinegar with 1 gallon warm water (be sure it's warm!) and mop it onto a ceramic tile, linoleum, vinyl, or wood floor. There is no need to rinse afterward saving both time and water.

7 B O T H


Green Fingered R E A Residents Get S Ready for the Garden Competition Many of our residents are creative, work hard and take pride in their gardens, and we like to recognise these achievements. Each year we hold a gardening competition which lets you enter yourself, family, neighbours and friends for the chance to win a range of prizes. Entries are now open for the 2015 gardening competition so whether you have a spectacular hanging basket, a garden that looks like it belongs in the Chelsea Flower show or a community space that you have helped to cultivate we want to hear from you. It’s easy to enter and it’s lots of fun, simply complete the form below and return to your local Villages office. Judging will take place in July.

Villages Annual Gardening Competition Entry Form Name:




Community Space* Best Container Display

Best Pensioner Garden Best Vegetable*

Best Garden *Only applicable for Stockbridge Village entries

Stockbridge Village closing date for entries is 12th June. Fitton Hill closing date for entries is 26th June. Please return to Barbara Murray, 16 The Croft, Please return to Lisa Fowles, 2 Fircroft Road, Stockbridge Village, , L28 1NR Fitton Hill, Oldham, OL8 2QN

8 North West In Bloom Spring has finally sprung and with the warmer weather we have already begun working hard on this year’s North West in Bloom entries. 2014 saw both estates take home sparkling Silver Awards, with Stockbridge Village taking Silver gilt. This year we would love to win the gold, but we need your help to do this! We are always welcoming new projects and volunteers to help, so if you would like to get involved in this year’s entry please get in touch: Stockbridge Village residents contact Barbara Murray Telephone: 0151 949 5021 , Mobile: 07736 543 652 Tweet @villagesbarbara Fitton Hill residents contact Lisa Fowles Telephone: 0161 622 6894 Mobile: 07834 126 664 Tweet: @villageslisa

Are You A Savvy Energy Shopper? The Villages Energy Champion held an energy advice session at Holy Rosary school in Fitton Hill last month, with many residents attending to have an online energy comparison check completed to see if they could save money by reviewing their energy tariffs. The comparison checks revealed that they could save an estimated total of £1,400 over the course of a year with one resident potentially saving nearly £600! Have you checked to see if you could save? Could you be our next Savvy Energy Shopper – call the Villages Housing Energy Advisor on 0151 949 5074 for more information or go to www.goenergyshopping.co.uk or visit the Villages’ website. Keep in Touch

Do you want to be the first to hear about what’s going on in Stockbridge Village and Fitton Hill? Then like the Villages’ Facebook page and follow us on twitter to keep updated with what’s going on in the area every day. You can also ask us questions and pick up advice. Villages Community Development Officers are now on Twitter too. You can keep up to date with everything that Lisa in Fitton Hill and Barbara in Stockbridge Village are doing, from running the job clubs each week to seeing the different projects that they are working on for the North West in Bloom entries. Follow Lisa Fowles @villageslisa and Barbara Murray @villagesbarbara



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y y Big-Hearted Louis Helps Out 9 year old Louis Barton was shocked when he saw homeless people bedding down on the streets and asked his family how he could help. After donating bags of clothes in Liverpool at a homeless charity event, Louis and his grandmother along with volunteers from homeless charity ‘Manchester Angels’ visited Manchester City Centre and handed out food and drinks to homeless people.

The Stockbridge Village Primary pupil has been praised by his Louis was able to understand the man and gave him something teachers and friends for his thoughtfulness and told us he wanted to eat. The man put his arms out for a hug and without hesitation to raise people’s awareness about homelessness and was happy Louis reciprocated, and then sat with him for a while. Louis said that he could do something to help others. “The man told me it was nice of me to be so kind to him. He was Louis said "It's a good thing to do and made me feel really good difficult to understand but I realised what he was saying through that I'd helped them" his hand actions” Whilst in Manchester, Louis met a homeless man who found it Louis is already planning to visit people again with the charity, and difficult to communicate, yet through his body language alone hopes that by helping he can make a big difference to someone.

Emotional First Aid Training at Our Schools

Knowsley Council has received funding from the Big Lottery Fund’s with activities in schools, community settings and families. As part Head Start programme to trial some new initiatives and ways of of this work a team of trainers have been put in place to deliver improving the emotional well being and mental health of young Emotional First Aid training to 120 people over the next 6-12 people aged 10-14 years of age. It is intended that by working months. The first training session took place in early March to train with young people in schools, the family and community, a range 12 local Teaching Assistants and Mentors from Stockbridge of approaches and projects will be developed with young people Village Primary Schools in Primary Emotional First Aid. This training and families to see what approaches have the greatest impact will raise awareness of issues that young people have to deal with on building resilience and well being. Learning from the and help put in place a more structured, understanding support for programme will form a longer term funding bid that will hopefully children whilst also building capacity within the schools. The see a more sustainable, preventative system implemented across training was delivered by Patrick Goodison from KMBC and the Borough, particularly at community level. Approximately Barbara Murray from Villages. twenty projects are currently being tested across the area,


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Your chance to say thank you to the people who chance Your in your community. make a difference Pick up your nomination form in any council One Stop Shop or library, Pick up your nomination form in any council One Stop Shop or complete your nomination online at www.knowsley.gov.uk (search for Good Neighbours)

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R 9 Your Estate Needs You! Are you passionate about Stockbridge Village and its future? Do you want to make a difference to YOUR estate? Would you like to improve your communication skills and boost your CV? Then you could be just who we are looking for to join the Stockbridge Village Estate Management Committee. Your opinion matters to us and this is your chance to have a We currently have two tenant member vacancies on the real say on how Villages day to day services are provided; Stockbridge Village Estate Management Committee and discuss local issues and make decisions about local applications are open now for tenants to apply. You can community grants. You do not need any experience as contact Kerry Noon 07595 651 379 . training will be provided. Your estate and Villages needs Don’t just take our word for it, Stockbridge Village residents YOU for your local knowledge, your enthusiasm and Gerry Hill and Sandra O’Boyle are members of the commitment to the community. Committee and would urge anyone thinking about joining to do so… “I joined the Estate Management Committee several years “Sometime ago I was invited to attend a meeting for the ago to be able to give a tenants perspective when plans tenants of Stockbridge Village and found it very interesting. are being considered on our estate. To date, I have learned I’ve lived on this estate for over forty years and found that so much about how our estates are managed. The officers there were so many good things going on, I had no idea and staff are really helpful when I make enquiries about about. From attending that one meeting I became involved anything. with Stockbridge Village Estate Management Committee. I have received lots of training and now feel much more The Committee looks after the interests of all residents of the confident about asking difficult questions about some very estate, and decisions are made and passed in a fair and complex issues. I would encourage anyone to join the democratic way. If you would like to have a voice in your Committee who is interested in making our estate a great community why not get involved? You can make a place to live!” difference, I have.” Gerry Hill Sandra O’Boyle

Easter Fun! St. Alberts cycling Club and the Little Woods of Stockbridge organised a fantastic day of fun for families this Easter. With over 50 families enjoying the event which included an Easter Bonnet and Mad Hatter competition. This was judged by Father David Potter along with Blodwen and Tom Owen who are celebrating 70 years of marriage this year. The day ended with that old British favourite the egg and spoon race which everyone thoroughly enjoyed – the sunshine helped too.

A breath of Fresh Air at St.Alberts Allotments The once neglected allotments at St.Alberts have been injected with some tlc thanks to Stockbridge Junior Rangers who have been working hard tidying the area up and preparing for a fruitful year. The children will be planting their own vegetables at the allotments throughout the year along with holding two highly anticipated competitions ‘who can grow the biggest sunflower’ this summer and ‘who can grow the biggest pumpkin’ by Halloween. The Allotments are already looking fantastic and we are looking forward to seeing how the two competitions get on later this year. VIllages have supported the allotments by funding a new water system at the site.


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30th April. Nominations wi 30th April. Nominations e are on the lookout for this year’s commun We are on the lookout D D Al ‘Maur automatical We are on the lookout for this year’s community champions and need your help! and champions lookout for this year’s community lookout for this year’s commun We are on theWe are on the this year? something at excelled who has really know someone Do you you? neighbour who has helped a fantastic have Do you to help others and the community? mile someone who has gone the extra of aware you Are the estate? to improve hard working who are individual or group know an Do you by it Villages office to the below and return form the nomination. Simply complete your we want If so, without contact details the nomination. of the person making not be accepted will 30th April. Nominations will the most votes individual with or The group ceremony. awards to the be invited All nominees will the and Cohesion Award’ Lappin Community into the ‘Joseph consideration for automatically be entered Champion Award’. Clunan Community ‘Maureen Ar D I  Thee VViVillageillaggeg HHub  @ The Croft, Stockbridge Village  From IT courses to the Re-use and Recycling store,store, thethe > HUB has an abundance of things for you to enjoy.enjoy.


15 S T It’s time to stop hibernating and get out and take part in O C

something new. There are lots of fun activities going on in K B

Stockbridge Village over the next few months that are R I D

waiting for you to enjoy. G E

V I Stockbridge Junior Rangers L L A

The Stockbridge Rangers are welcoming new members so if you would like to G volunteer your services or if you have a child aged 7 or over who would like to join E the group, call George Jewell on 0151 489 4505 .

Three Queens Meeting Ace Youth Club Free Literacy & Numeracy course Liverpool Waterfront Stockbridge Village Neighbourhood Craig’s Community Centre 25th May 2015 Centre Wednesdays 9.30am – 11.30am Queen Mary 2, Queen Elizabeth and Mondays, 6.15pm – 8.45pm Supported sessions with Lesley Queen Victoria on the River Mersey For young people aged 13 -19 years, the Makarel a tutor from FACE. marks the 175th anniversary of Cunard. A club offers awards, issue based projects and trips out through the school holidays. world first, they will perform synchronised The Sewing Cafe manoeuvres on the Mersey in a salute to Plus the opportunity to design your own Stockbridge Village Neighbourhood their spiritual home. programmes e.g. residential, arts, crafts, sports, computer suite, accreditations plus Centre For more information visit much more. Thursdays 10am – 12pm www.visitliverpool.com. 50p entrance The course is open to all Knowsley Contact Rose Spellacy 07810 054 134 residents. All materials are supplied Trip to or email: (residents can bring along any old bits of Bowness-on-Windermere [email protected] fabric, old duvet covers, curtains, wool etc. if they wish too!) It's a great Saturday 6th June opportunity to meet other people and Do you fancy visiting the Lake District Book Break have a chat over a cuppa too. this summer? If so, join us for a fantastic Tuesdays 1pm - 2.30pm day trip to the picturesque Bowness-on- Come along to meet people, listen to Windermere. Scouts a good read, eat something tasty and For more information or to book relax… The Craig’s Community Centre a place contact Bernie Wileman Tuesdays 6pm – 7.30pm "If I hadn’t come to this reading group, 0151 480 7994 m. 07841 145 858 Call Christine Costello for more I’d hate to think that I’d gone through information on 07983 581 504 my life without reading books, you know, Stockbridge Community Engagement properly, because I think it’s a great Forum (S.K.E.F) pleasure. People like me wouldn’t have The Safari Club Craig’s Community Centre known what they were missing if they Stockbridge Village Neighbourhood Every 3rd Monday of each month weren’t introduced to it." Centre 4pm - 6pm For more information contact Helen Saturdays 12noon – 3pm An opportunity for community groups to Wilson [email protected] Activities and fun for children up to 12yrs. network and discuss opportunities for / 07807 106 693, or just drop in. Giant Bouncy Castle, Multi Sports, Arts partnerships and further external and Crafts, Community Café, Monthly prospects. Movie Club, Cookery and so much more. Words & Pictures Don't forget to bring your leisure pass! Stockbridge Village Library The Stockbridge Village Ramblers Wednesday 2 - 3pm St.Alberts Club Under 5’s Term Time Only Every other Thursday 8pm. Book Chat Police and Crime Commissioner Stockbridge Village Library attending SCEF meeting in May Every other Tuesday On Monday 18th May, The Police and 2 – 3pm Crime Commissioner the Rt. Hon Jane Read a book you would love to share Kennedy will be attending the with others or perhaps you need ideas Stockbridge Village Community on what to read? Do you have an event planned for this Engagement Forum (SKEF) to talk about For more information contact year that you would like included in her role and listen to members of SCEF Stockbridge Village Library on ‘Our Times’? If so please contact and local residents. 0151 443 2501 Alexandra Kinsella on 0151 949 5032 The meeting will be held at the Craig’s or email Community Centre, Little Moss Hey, 4pm - 6pm. The Commissioner will attend for the [email protected]. first hour of the meeting.

16 Fitton Hill Needs You! Are you passionate about Fitton Hill and the future of the estate? Do you want to make a difference? Would you like to improve your communication skills and boost your CV? Then you could be just who we are looking for to join the Fitton Hill Estate Management Committee. Your opinion matters to us and this is your chance to have a Don’t just take our word for it, real say on how Villages day to day services are provided; discuss local issues and make decisions about local “I’ve been a member of the Fitton Hill Estate Management community grants. You do not need any experience as Committee for a while now and it really is a fulfilling role. I training will be provided. Your estate and Villages needs enjoy volunteering a few hours of my time to the committee YOU for your local knowledge, your enthusiasm and every so often to discuss and make decisions that affect commitment to the community. where I live. I am very passionate about Fitton Hill and We currently have one tenant member vacancy on the Fitton enjoy discussing local issues, I would urge anyone who is Hill Estate Management Committee and applications are interested to get in touch with Villages and have a chat open now for tenants to apply. You can contact Kerry Noon about how they can get involved.” on 07595 651379 or email [email protected] Fred Jones

Oldham Carnival and Rootz Festival Sunday 14th June @ Alexandra Park Great News! Respect Our Community Awards (ROCA) will be this year's official sponsor for the RootZ Stage. The RootZ Stage has become a major part of the festival and attracts local bands who perform around headline bands. The Oldham Tinkers will be celebrating 50 years of music in 2015 and Oldham Carnival have announced that the famous folk band will be performing live on the RootZ Stage. Applications are now open for local performers - including dance teams, musical bands and solo acts are all welcome to apply online at www.oldhamcarnival.org.uk/rootzstage If you represent a community group or charity, then it costs you nothing to bring your group to Alexandra Park and spend the day promoting your groups activities, raising funds and/or recruiting members. You can apply online at www.oldhamcarnival.org.uk/bookspace

17 F I T T O N


New Community Hub Opens The Villages Community Shop is Mondays changing. From April the shop will be Keyring 9am – 12.30pm, Work Club 1pm – 3pm transformed into a busy Community Tuesdays Hub with events and activities taking My Work Search (start 21st April) 9.30am – 12.30pm place each week and with its new look Wednesdays Skills Swap Shop 12.30pm – 2.30pm comes its new name ‘The Fitton Hill Thursdays Community Hub’. Work Club 10am – 12noon Young at Heart (Fortnightly)1pm – 3pm Green Fingers at the Ready

We have our eyes firmly set on Gold at this year’s North West in Bloom Awards and need all the help we can get to achieve this. We will be holding a number of hanging basket workshops throughout May.

Hanging Basket Workshop Friday 1st May, 10am – 12noon and 1pm – 4pm @ The Fitton Hill Community Hub Fruit, Vegetables and Herb Hanging Basket Workshop Tuesday 12th May, 10am – 12noon and 1pm – 4pm Hanging Basket Workshop Friday 22nd May, 2pm – 4pm @ The Green (grassed area in front of the Post Office) Children’s North West in Bloom Workshop Wednesday 27th May, 11am – 2pm, Wildbrook Community Allotments Bring the children along to Wildbrook Community Allotments for plant pot painting, jam making and apple pressing. We will also be planting sunflower seeds and holding a competition to see who can grow the tallest sunflower.

For more information about the events please contact Lisa Fowles on 0161 622 6894 / 07834 126664 or tweet @villageslisa

18 Easter Fun at Wildbrook Community Allotments Together with Wildbrook Community Allotments and volunteers from Fitton Hill Junior Youth Club we held some Easter arts and crafts events during the school holidays which were thoroughly enjoyed by children and parents alike. With the sun shining throughout the week, the children enjoyed arts and craft sessions outside at the allotments and created some beautiful Easter bonnets and egg baskets which were later used for an Easter Egg Hunt. The Easter Egg Hunt was certainly the highlight of the week with the children searching high and low for the hidden eggs. Lisa Fowles Community Development Officer said “It’s been such a wonderful week of events for families to enjoy. The community allotments are such a special place and the setting for a really great Easter Egg Hunt. Everyone really enjoyed the events and it’s great to be able to provide some fun free activities for families in Fitton Hill during the school holidays.” Over-50’s Movie Matinee Club The Fitton Hill Over 50’s Matinee Club is held at Fitton Hill Library and is a great opportunity to enjoy some of Hollywoods classic’s without leaving the estate. Each film is free to attend so just bring the popcorn! There are some fantastic classics on over the next few months, to book a place contact 0161 770 8000 or ask a member of the library staff. What’s On Thursday 30th April @ 2.30pm 40 Guns to Apache Pass Thursday 14th May @ 2.30pm The Intelligence Men Thursday 28th May @ 2.30pm Ivanhoe Thursday 11th June @2.30pm The Number Station

For further information contact Fitton Hill Library on 0161 770 8000 or email [email protected]

19 F I T

Community Groups Join Forces for T O N

Rycroft Hall Visit H I L L The older people’s groups in Fitton Hill are going from strength to strength and some of them are now joining forces to enjoy some fantastic excursions together outside of their usual gatherings. The 2 o’clock Club, Skills Swap Shop and Young at Heart will be heading to the beautiful Grade II listed building Rycroft Hall to enjoy a fun packed day together later this year. The excursion has been organised by the 2 o’clock club who will soon be celebrating one year together and have recently been constituted, which means that the voluntary run group is now set up as an organisation in its own right with a management committee, and its own bank account. This enables the group to apply for grants from organisations. We hope the groups enjoy their visit and look forward to hearing all about it.

Villages Staff Get ‘Pretty Muddy’ For Voluntary Action Cancer Research! Grants Presented Some of the staff at our Fitton Hill office are busy training for a muddy contest to raise money for Cancer Research. to Our Community A twist on the traditional ‘ Race for Life, ‘Pretty Muddy’ isn’t like any other fundraising event. It is a 5k muddy Groups obstacle course where women climb, jog and walk all over cancer. Staff will competing in the race on 12th July Great news for two of our community groups, the 2’oclock club and we would like to wish them the best of muck! and the Over 50’s film club who have been rewarded for making a difference in the community. The groups both received £100 grant which was presented by Adele Thomson from Voluntary Action Oldham. The two projects were praised for helping to make a positive difference to the lives of people living in the Oldham Borough. Voluntary Action Oldham rewards groups who help: • Reduce isolation and encourage people suffering from loneliness to connect and meet up with other members of the community. • Get people more active, more often • Support people with their physical and/or mental health If other groups are interested in applying for the fund they can do so by contacting a member of the Voluntary Action Oldham development team on 0161 633 6222 or email [email protected] to talk about your idea.

20 #WeStandTogether

We stand together is an initiative which celebrates our differences, and brings us together against hatred and intolerance, to build a safer and stronger .

Greater Manchester Police in Oldham East along with example to the rest of the world, which we should be Community leaders have launched a national initiative immensely proud of. Recent attacks in Paris and Denmark promoting community cohesion and unity. ‘We Stand have inevitably caused tension and fear within our Together’ encourages people to come together as one and communities and it is more important then ever that we celebrate their differences in order to build a safer and come together as one and send a strong unified message stronger UK. The initiative was launched following recent that any attempt to create disharmony or fear is futile. We global events which have caused concern within all have a responsibility to encourage community cohesion communities across . Chief Constable and I am calling on people to stand together against Sir Peter Fahy said “Greater Manchester has a long and hatred and intolerance and show their support for each proud tradition of celebrating differences and sets a positive other during this time.”

@villageshousing We are proud of our differences and #WeStandTogether to build a safer and stronger UK

Alzheimer’s Society Coffee Morning Wednesday 27th May As part of Villages fundraising for our annual charity the Alzheimer’s Society we will be holding a coffee morning at The Brew on Wednesday 27th May from 10am – 11.30am. Please join us for a coffee and a cake to raise as much money as we can for this great cause.

21 F I T T

The light nights are finally here, so it’s time to O N

put a little Spring into your step and enjoy the H I L

fantastic activities L Family Fun Day Saturday 25 April 11am - 3pm Oldham library will be holding a family fun day with Jill Murphy the award winning children’s writer of The Worst Witch titles. Come and meet Jill and hear more about her books. Free Entry, to book your place please contact Oldham Library on 0161 770 8000

Community Choir Young at Heart Look after the Pennies Community room of the Hilltop Villages Community shop Fitton Hill Library Surgery. Bi weekly Thursdays 1 - 3pm 14th May, 2.00pm – 3.15pm Mondays 7pm Enjoy an afternoon of bingo, quizzes Library staff will guide learners through Do you enjoy singing? and fun. No need to book just turn up. these modules: Then why not join the choir? Look after the pennies online, banking 50p per session online, shopping online Contact Keith Neilson on For more information contact Fitton 07557910125 Stories and Rhymes Hill Library 0161 770 8000 Fitton Hill Library Beat the Monday Blues Fridays, 10.15am - 11am Online Basics - Need help to and join us for a Brew Come and share rhymes and get online? Villages Community Shop songs at these fun activities for Fitton Hill Library Bi Weekly on Mondays the under 5’s. Tuesdays, 2.00pm – 3.30pm 10am - 12noon Please ring your local library to check Sessions include stories and availability, and to book and confirm a Meet people for the community music to develop language and for a cuppa and a chat. place on a course. communication and promote For more information contact Fitton 50p for a cup of tea or coffee a love of books in babies and Hill Library 0161 770 8000 and biscuit. young children. Fitton Hill Arts and Social Group English Course Bounce and Rhyme Neighbourhood centre Medlock Vale Children's Centre (0 – 18 months) Tuesdays, 6.30 – 8pm Tuesdays 9.30am – 11.30am Every Saturday morning For more information contact Joe (Crèche provided) 10.30am – 11.15am Hadfield Booking required call Fitton Hill Library 0161 770 2153 Get together with other parents and Daisy Nook Bank Holiday carers of babies up to 18 months at Craft Fair these free weekly sessions and enjoy 11am – 3pm Skill Swap Shop songs, stories and rhymes, sensory play Daisy Nook Garden Centre Villages Community Shop and musical instruments Stannybrook Road Wednesdays, 1pm - 3pm For more information contact The skills swap shop meet weekly 0161 681 4245 for an afternoon of learning and to 2’oclock club share new and existing crafts. The Community Room at Milltown to Moors Series - 7k Hilltop Surgery Sunday 17th May, 10am £1 entry Tuesdays, 2pm - 4pm The 7k run kicks off at the Lion’s Den If you are over 50, why not join in the fun. area in the award winning Alexandra Fitton Hill Junior Youth Club With different activities taking place each Park, allowing runners to glide through Fitton Hill Neighbourhood Centre week, from craft sessions to exercise there the parks stunning gardens before Fridays 6.30pm - 8.00pm is something for everyone to enjoy. traveling down Deanshut Clough to the For young peoples aged For more information contact Dana wonderful Park Bridge Heritage site. between 8 and 10 years. Murphy or Lesley Cutter Runners will venture through urban and on 0161 633 4060. country locations, with differing levels of hill profiles before returning to the Park via Lees New Road and Abbeyhills Road. For more information contact 0161 207 7000

22 Spread the Word and Earn £100 Do you know someone who is looking for a new home? If so, let them know about Villages available apartments in Stockbridge Village and if they sign up and stay in their new home for more than 6 months you will receive £100 as a thank you from Villages. So start spreading the word today it will be the easiest £100 you’ve ever earned. Do you need to get rid of unwanted rubbish? Skips will be available to residents from early morning until 12noon... or whenever they are full. The skip service cannot be used for fridges, freezers, gas bottles or tyres and cannot be used for commercial waste. To remove these items, please contact Knowsley Council on 0151 443 2400 or Oldham Council on 0161 770 6644 ; however, there may be a charge for this service.

Fitton Hill 2nd April Wildbrook (car park at the front of numbers 59-85) 9th April Rosary Road (opposite No 66 on central grassed area) 16th April Woodpark (to the side of No 60) 23rd April Fold View (on the grass across from the Ace) 30th April Snipe Road (by grassed area at the junction) 7th May Dowry Street carpark 14th May St Cuthberts Church, Tanners Fold (in the grounds of the church) 21st May Sportsmans Drive (in the parking bay on the left) 28th May Reins Lee Avenue 4th June The Spur (parking bay outside no 48) 11th June Mcdonough Close (in front of the chippy opposite no 1) 18th June Southcroft (on central grassed area)

Stockbridge Village 2nd April Plum Tree Close 9th April Rosewood Close 16th April Boodecroft (Car Park rear 328) 23rd April Boodecroft (Car Park 135) 30th April Hollowcroft 7th May 93 Custley Hey/ 64 Woodfarm Hey 14th May Marled Hey 21st May Spruce Grove 28th May The Spinney 4th June Round Hey 11th June The Grove, Dannette Hey (Car park adjacent to 11) 18th June Barley Mow (Car park to rear)

Our Times has been approved by a Tenant Readers Group. We would like to thank them for kindly giving up their time to offer their input into the look and content of this newsletter. If you would like to get involved in future publications then please get in touch with Alexandra Kinsella, our Marketing and Communications Officer on 0151 949 5032 or email [email protected].

How to contact us Stockbridge Village Fitton Hill www.villages.org.uk [email protected] 16 The Croft 2 Fircroft Road Stockbridge Village Fitton Hill /villageshousing @villages Knowsley Oldham Merseyside, L28 1NR OL8 2QN Housing App (T) 0151 480 1313 (T) 0161 633 4060