Liverpool City Region Skills for Growth

LOW CARBON A Skills for Growth Agreement Contents

Skills for Growth Agreement 3

Headline Actions 5

Sector Briefing - Low Carbon 7 Low Carbon Sector Composition 8 Low Carbon Sector Performance 10 Locating Sector Skills 10

Low Carbon Skills Profile 12 Low Carbon Job Types 12 Workforce Composition - Age Structure 13 Workforce Composition - Occupational Profile 15 Key Qualification Levels 16

Supply of Skills 18 STEM Skills 19 Training Provision - Low Carbon 24 Vocational Training - Apprenticeships 29 Vocational Training - Further Education 30 Low Carbon Careers Education and Recruitment Support 33

LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 1 Current and Future Opportunities 36 Managing Demand 36 Anticipated Demand 39

Conclusions 58

Glossary 59

References 60

Skills for Growth Agreement 63

Appendices 65 Appendix 1 - List of level 2-4 Low Carbon provision 65 Appendix 2 - Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) Training voucher 77 scheme Appendix 3 - Sector Skills Councils and National Skills Academies 78 Relevant to Low Carbon Appendix 4 - Summary of LCEGS Sector, Liverpool City Region - 79 Key Data Appendix 5 - PAS 2030 Qualifications, competence and green 80 deal work Skills for Growth Appendix 6 - Institute of Environmental Management and 82 Assessment (IEMA) EIA Quality Mark Register Agreement

Appendix 7 - Higher Education Provision relating to low carbon 84 This agreement, produced by the Liverpool City Region Labour Market in the Liverpool City Region Information Service, is one of a suite of agreements that will be produced for Appendix 8 - Specialist Skills requested within Green jobs 87 key sectors and employment locations within the City Region. advertised online between Jan 13 - Dec 13 within the Liverpool City Region The agreements have been commissioned by the Liverpool City Region Employment and Skills Board, as part of the ‘City Region Deal’ with Government. The purpose of the agreements is to capture the current and future skills needs of businesses and communicate this to schools, colleges, learning providers and universities to enable them to plan courses and provision.

As part of publicising this agreement, employers, skills providers and local employment partnerships within the Low Carbon sector will be encouraged to work together to resolve the mismatch in employment and skills within the City Region.

It is hoped that individual (or where applicable groups of) employers, and providers, will agree bespoke Skills for Growth Agreements and will publicise these agreements to encourage others to do likewise.


Focus provision on building the competences of existing employees The Low Carbon sector exhibits strong growth and has transformative potential for the economy of the Liverpool City Region. This includes businesses accessing new national and international markets and increased Gross Value Added (GVA). This has significant implications both for City Region policy and the offer made by providers to employers.

• Providers will need to support employers to upskill their existing workforce to adapt to new market requirements.

• Top-up training needs to be flexible and delivered in the workplace; shaped around low carbon products and business processes.

Define a City Region Low Carbon offer The diverse character of the Low Carbon sector has led to fragmentation of provision and careers information across a range of Sector Skills Councils. This Agreement provides intelligence for employers and providers to establish the skilled workforce we need. This is particularly important to foreign direct investors, who see skills as a major issue in choosing where to invest.

• Work with the National Skills Academies and other partners to raise awareness of the training on offer for the sector.

• Utilise greater employer ownership of skills funding through the Liverpool City Region Skills for Growth Bank. This provides a way to raise capacity within the City Region for employer-led training provision.

• Embed basic conversational and technical foreign language skills into appropriate low carbon course content. For example, on technical foreign language skills, knowledge of the main component parts of a wind turbine in the language of the main supplier companies.

Building Skills for the Future to the success of the Low Carbon sector in the Liverpool City Region is the availability of strong underlying skills based at NVQ level 2 and in STEM subject areas including for Higher Level Skills. Core skills need to be complemented by employability, innovation and enterprise.

Work with National Skills Academies and other specialist organisations to further develop training/employment routeways to meet the needs of the sector. For example Centres for Off-shore Renewable Engineering (CORE), Maritime Skills Alliance and National Workboat Association.

• School and further education focus on application and numeracy, with links to product and services examples from the Low Carbon sector.

• Low Carbon employers have an opportunity to support the work of schools support organisation MerseySTEM, identifying STEM Ambassadors from their workplace that can give careers and educational talks and take part in events for prospective and current students, including for the Robot Challenge STEM days for schools. There is also an opportunity to explore holding a Schools Hydrogen Challenge for Liverpool City Region.

4 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 5 • Through the Skills for Growth Agreement expand employer commitment to vocational training and accreditation for existing staff and increased take up of Apprenticeships.

• Business leadership in Low Carbon skills - contributing intelligence to providers on significant shifts in the Low Carbon market and working with supply chains to commit to skills for the future workforce. Sector Briefing • Building higher level skills provision to carry forward further education and Apprenticeship provision into new market opportunities including the Making it campaign: Low Carbon

The creation of a Low Carbon economy is now well established as an international goal through Few other locations in the multilateral agreements to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and has created a trillion dollar UK or Europe have the market place for goods and services. The movement to decarbonise affects all aspects of the natural potential and economy from the production of sustainable energy through to the daily practices and behaviours of low carbon business households, businesses and employees to reduce waste. This creates a vast array of challenges to capability of the adapt to new ways of working and to capture new Liverpool City Region business opportunity by realising the full potential of existing industrial and labour market capability. Source: Liverpool City Region Growth Plan & Strategic Economic The international market for Low Carbon Plan 2014 environmental goods and services is estimated to be some £3.3 trillion in 2010/11 and showing a rising UK Government has sought to maximise the annual growth rate, which for 2010/11 was 3.7%. opportunities offered by the Low Carbon economy The UK is a major participant in this globalised as a means to build the international market ranked 6th by value of global sales competitiveness of business and attract trade and representing £122.2 billion in 2010/11. The UK has investment to the UK 3. National policy has included strong performance in the international economy commitments from Government to support the with consistent annual sales growth of around development of skills to complement investment by £4.5 billion per year since 2007/8 a trend that is business and underpin a transition to a Low Carbon forecast to continue over the medium term. and resource efficient economy 4. Liverpool City UK businesses are among the international leaders Region policy also supports local gearing of skills in a number of high value sub-sectors including investment activity through the City Region Deal with carbon finance, alternative energy, geothermal, Government. Businesses working alongside photovoltaic and wave and tidal energy 1. education and training providers create an important opportunity to ensure the right skills are While rapidly growing and sizable, the international being developed locally. Business investment in skills Low Carbon sector is highly complex and also raises the ‘absorptive capacity’ of companies competitive with rapidly changing regulations and to benefit from innovation in the sector, contributing standards being applied as new markets emerge overall to the value and competitiveness of the and new industries mature. A key challenge for UK sector 5. business and government is to build the essential capabilities of the private sector, and that of Liverpool City Region, to maintain a leading edge in the development and application of technology. Central to this is improving the underlying labour market as this will be vital to maintaining the global share in the sale of goods and services within a highly dynamic international environment 2.

1 Data from BIS (2012) LCEGS Report for 2010/11 2 See Romani et al (2011); CBI (2011) 3 See for example UK government international trade and investment promotion of low carbon sector: 4 DECC (2010); HMT / BIS Plan for Growth (2011) 5 Jagger et al (2012)

6 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 7 Liverpool City Region is well placed to develop its role Total employment in the Low Carbon and in the global Low Carbon sector. With existing There are some 1,280 An additional 4,000 Environmental Goods and Services sector in the strengths in marine, logistics and heavy engineering City Region is estimated to be 23,460 full time sectors combined with international research facilities companies in the Low companies in the equivalent jobs in 2012/13. A breakdown of figures and specialist financial services, the City Region has across the level 1 sub-sectors is shown in Figure 2 the potential to build on its regional hub status. Data Carbon sector across the engineering, below. from kMatrix estimates that there are some 1,280 companies in the Low Carbon sector across the Liverpool City Region manufacturing, process FIGURE 2 Liverpool City Region employing circa. 23,400 KEY DATA FOR LOW CARBON AND ENVIRONMENTAL people (with significant numbers of self-employed employing circa. 23,400 and professional services GOODS AND SERVICES SECTOR, LCR 2012/13 workers). These businesses generate approximately people sectors in the City Region £2.7 billion Gross Value Added (GVA) annually to the Businesses Employees Sales national economy 6. Given the diverse range of have the potential to (£m) business activity within the sector, there are estimated to be an additional 4,000 companies in the This affects not just existing vocational and higher diversify into the Low Low Carbon 715 13,691 1,558 engineering, manufacturing, process and education training providers but creates a Renewable Energy 367 6,422 794 professional services sectors identified as having the requirement for in-work up-skilling and safeguarding Carbon sector Environmental 199 3,346 427 potential to diversify into the Low Carbon sector 7. of existing jobs by refocusing competences to reflect emerging market demands. Total 1,281 23,460 2,778 When this underlying capacity is combined with a For the purpose of this Skills for Growth Agreement growing base of contracts that include; construction the definition developed by Government of the Low of on-shore and off-shore wind farms (Liverpool City Low Carbon Sector Carbon Environmental Goods and Services (LCEGS) Source: BIS (2012) Region has been awarded CORE status as a Centre sector has been adopted 10 . While the coverage of for Offshore Renewable Engineering based on Composition the national definition is imperfect, by using this assets centred around the Wirral); retrofitting of social national definition, Liverpool City Region is able to housing and the micro-generation of energy; access a range of comparable statistics both on The Low Carbon sector is difficult to define because combined heat and power networks; civil nuclear composition and relative performance of the sector of the diverse range of business activities to which supply chains; biomass; and low emission vehicles to inform skills planning. BIS has defined the sector the umbrella term ‘Low Carbon’ can be assigned. there is a substantial opportunity to create further using 24 sub sectors divided across 3 broad 8 When considering the skills implications it becomes jobs in the City Region . It is notable that in the categories as set out in Figure 1 below. The current particularly problematic to limit where the sector face of such a severe economic downturn as that definition includes 2,800 product and service begins and ends. For example, while the experienced since 2008, the Low Carbon sector in activities that derive from sector supply chain and construction of offshore wind turbines may be Liverpool City Region has held its own in terms of value chain activities. economic performance. In addition to the considered part of a Low Carbon energy sector it opportunities identified above, the recent upturn in also forms part of Advanced Manufacturing and the housing sector should also feed through to Marine sectors. Equally business consultancy FIGURE 1 increased demand in the order books of City advising on waste minimisation can be considered BIS DEFINITION OF LOW CARBON AND ENVIRONMENTAL GOODS AND SERVICES (LCEGS) Region manufacturers producing low carbon as part of Low Carbon sector while also a Financial Level 1 Environmental Renewable Energy Low Carbon products. and Professional service. Low Carbon is both a description of a productive process - making or Level 2 Air Pollution Biomass Additional Energy Sources Central to the challenge to the Liverpool City Region creating fuel cells or wind turbines but is also a set is creating a labour market able to meet the of practices or behaviours across business activity Contaminated Land Geothermal Alternative Fuel & Vehicle anticipated demands of employers and investors. as a whole such as acting to reduce waste or Energy Management Hydro Alternative Fuels energy consumption. Within discrete business As discussed below this is a complex area of Environmental Consultancy Photovoltaic Building Technologies economic activity that overlaps with a number of activity there may be significant overlap of these other sectors and creates demand for skills from a activities, especially given the use of technology by Environmental Monitoring Wave & Tidal Carbon Capture & Storage diverse range of vocational areas and disciplines. the sector and the degree of convergence Marine Pollution Control Wind Carbon Finance Existing studies of the Low Carbon sector 9 indicate between functional activities. Noise & Vibration Control Renewable Consulting Nuclear Power that in addition to an increased requirement for Recovery and Recycling labour much of the additional demand will require adaptation of existing skill sets, particularly those Waste Management founded on science, technology, engineering and Water Supply & Waste Water Treatment mathematics (STEM) knowledge. Source: BIS (2012)

6 BIS (2012) 7 kMatrix data for LCR LEP on Low Carbon Economy 2012/13 8 Based on previous econometric work 12,000 low carbon jobs were predicted to be created in Liverpool City Region by 2015. However this figure did not take into account the impact of the recent recession and new econometric work is currently being developed to update this figure (2011) 9 OECD (2011) 10 BIS (2012)

8 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 9 In addition to enhanced competences the Sales growth is expected Place greater emphasis on Employer demand for character of ‘softer’ skills has heightened importance within dynamic sector conditions. to continue over the supporting companies to strong underlying craft Businesses are seeking not just sufficient skills to meet basic occupational requirement but favour medium term with adapt and update the and technical skills at level flexibility, entrepreneurial flair and ability among staff to contribute to company innovation and projections indicating a skills of existing staff 3 and above, efforts to access competitive markets. According to DTZ 13 this reflects an articulated need by Low growth rate of 4.8% in supplemented by Carbon employers to address issues including 2014/15 This has important implications for the labour market knowledge of specific multi-skilling to cover cross sector opportunities; response in the City Region and places greater more diagnostic and fault finding skills; greater emphasis in most sub-sectors on supporting Low Carbon products integration of installation and design skills, more companies to adapt and update the skills of staff leadership and project management skills; and Low Carbon Sector rather than increasing the volumes of new entrant or processes greater environmental and legal knowledge and training. Alongside adaptations, there are also health and safety awareness. Performance opportunities arising from new business models and new contract opportunities including in the off Demand arises from both new specialist companies The LCEGS in the City Region has experienced shore wind sector. It is important, as far as possible, formed to compete for business opportunities in the growth in sales between 2008 and 2013 of around the City Region gets the skills pipeline right to benefit sector as well as existing companies extending their 4% per annum. Sales growth is expected to from these opportunities or over the medium term range of products and services in order to maximise continue over the medium term with projections risk severe labour and skills shortages. For example, the expanding market. indicating a growth rate of 4.8% in 2014/15 11 . it takes 4 years of training to become a qualified It has been particularly strong, compared to the marine welder. In the context of a fast changing and globalised UK average, in a number of sub-sectors including market place for Low Carbon Goods and Services, building technologies; geothermal, environmental there is a need for individuals, employers and consultancy, additional energy sources, Locating Sector Skills training providers to commit to raising the level and photovoltaic and wind. LCEGS exports from maintaining the relevance of skills to market businesses in the City Region are valued at over conditions. A major EU study of the impacts of The diversity of business activity within the Low £271 million per annum and are increasing climate change policy on skills levels suggests that Carbon sector is reflected in the wide range of skills annually. to date employers response has focused on demanded by employers operating Low Carbon updating of the skills of existing staff rather than large businesses. From a labour market perspective, while While sales growth is strong, the data indicates that scale recruitment of new employees with a different there is a narrow band of specialist skills the growth in sales is not mirrored by an equivalent set of skills 12 . growth in employment. This has been a feature of requirements emerging from the sector, the majority the LCEGS sector across the UK since 2008/09 and is of skill sets derive from existing competences not restricted to the Liverpool City Region and present in, for example, engineering, construction, therefore this is to be expected. In the current marine and energy sectors as illustrated in Figure 3. FIGURE 3 economic situation, many companies are still Based on discussions with City Region employers, SECTOR SKILLS CONNECTIONS - LOW CARBON AND ENVIRONMENTAL BUSINESSES recovering from the economic shock of 2007-08 their primary requirements are for strong underlying and are currently working at comparatively low craft and technical skills at level 3 and above that Skills sector Environmental Renewable Energy Low Carbon productivity levels, thus able to absorb growth within can be augmented by specific additional or adaptive training around Low Carbon products or s their current workforces. Likewise, new company e l l t c e e a n processes. n t u formations are replacing company failures in the t y f c n s e a i

n y c o a n e i t a e i g m t t n

sector. Until the general economy starts to grow f l v n

W i o e l a m a t

o i e t n / g g l n

The key challenge for employers in utilising existing o y v a

this is likely to remain the case, in spite of market d r o n

u i a m o n o n g o t s r e r e t b r r d d i n h d t r

skills and future workforce planning is sourcing l n a d i o n e e v growth. n m c a i a t a y o l e u h n n a e e r H W B t L r P A t W C E m recruits that have core competences that can be E c enhanced to fit the needs of the sector. This Chemicals industry   New business models and includes for example plumbing, plastering or HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) skills Energy    contract opportunities are needed by employers in the home energy Manufacturing production  efficiency and micro-generation market or electrical Construction  providing growth, engineering and technical skills for energy and    environmental services. Marine/Logistics including in the off shore Engineering   wind sector Finance and professional  

12 GHK (2009) 11 Unpublished kMatrix report to Liverpool City Region LEP on Low Carbon Economy 2012/13 13 DTZ (2009)


Low Carbon Skill Level / Occupational Type Skill Level / Occupational Type

• Fuel cell technology development Skills Profile Level 5+ • Design of wind turbines gearing systems Researchers, Adv. Engineers, Product • Marine geology and mapping • Electrical control systems Development, International Business • Specialist legal advice including patenting Management • Process Engineers

The Low Carbon sector has a diverse mix of • Electrical / grid engineering occupational requirements that extend from the Level 4 highest levels of innovation and scientific knowledge • Design of wind turbines Engineers, Project Managers, Financial and • Specialist financial services and accounting through to the application of traditional craft and • Chemical treatment of waste Professional Services technical skills, albeit employed in the creation of a • Process management and quality control new set of products and processes. The following section provides an overview of the types of occupations and skills currently demanded by • Turbine technicians employers operating in the Low Carbon sector of Level 3 • High integrity welding the City Region economy. Engineering Technicians, Fabrication Team • Health and safety technicians • Plumbing to solar thermal systems Leaders, Supply Chain Managers • Logistics managers Low Carbon Job Types • Plant operatives / drivers Level 1/2 In order to describe the range of job types present • Warehouse workers Semi-skilled workers in manufacturing • Installation of solar panels within the Low Carbon sector it is helpful to consider • Construction - housing refit / marine production, logistics and construction the occupations of employees within the sector at • Waste management and recycling various skill levels. Overall, the sector has a The sector also has a strong concentration of the comparatively high skill requirement with almost * Demand occupations sourced from UKCES (2010) 40% of employees qualified in the Low Carbon highest levels of research, development and energy generation sector, for example, qualified to engineering skills across a range of sub sectors of Low Carbon addressing new product challenges in level 4 / 5 according to UKCES 14 . There is also a FIGURE 5 alternative energy, fuel cell technology, the significant overlap in occupational types with Workforce Composition - LOW CARBON SECTOR ESTIMATED AGE PROFILE, chemicals industry and associated support services workers more generally identified with the Age Structure LIVERPOOL CITY REGION 2012 manufacturing, construction and logistics sectors. in financial, legal and international business Figure 4 illustrates occupational type by broad skill management occupations. The labour market for level for the Low Carbon sector, and drawing on these occupations operates on an international As indicated previously, due to Low Carbon being a data from UKCES, identifies areas where there is a scale. UKCES identify unmet demand in civil and relatively new sector of the economy, complete reported undersupply of skills. mechanical engineering alongside skills shortages national statistics are unavailable. For this reason for project managers with engineering data has been extracted from a range of Employers in the Low Carbon sector are competing qualifications. comprehensive sources to build a picture of the with construction and manufacturing employers for sector. As the occupational mix demanded by Low workers with similar skills. From its research with UK Carbon employers reflects those found in more business UKCES states by way of an example that traditionally defined sectors of the economy, we “the design, installation and maintenance of can assume that the age profile of workers in Low micro-generation systems does not require very Carbon mirrors the sectors from which staff are different skills than those which already exist within being drawn. Using national standardised data for the building service engineering sector” comprising industrial employment the established sectors of electrical trades and installation, plumbing, heating ‘Energy’, ‘Manufacturing’, ‘Construction’ and and ventilation and air conditioning and ‘Transportation’ have been used, in aggregate, as a refrigeration 15 . They identify cross-over of skills with proxy for Low Carbon. While imprecise it provides employers providing task related top-up training for sufficient data to construct a broad picture of the those with good basic craft and technician skills. composition of the sector and a basis for identifying key issues of importance to employers.

Source: ONS APS (2012) 14 UKCES (2010: xi) 15 UKCES (2010: xxiii)

12 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 13 Drawing from employment data for the Energy, While a lack of detailed information prevents a While this profile provides an indication of the share Manufacturing, Construction and Transportation more specific analysis of the Low Carbon workforce, Around half of all jobs in of jobs by occupational type it is likely to understate sectors we can estimate that the Low Carbon sector the proxy data indicates a challenge of increasing the impact of the dynamism of the sector on the has fewer younger workers (aged 16-24) than the the numbers of young entrants to Low Carbon in Low Carbon are likely to skills content of more traditionally defined jobs. average for the City Region economy at 10% common with ‘feeder’ sectors. As the Low Carbon This, in areas such as precision welding, may blur compared to 15% for LCR but the same number of sector matures in the medium-term it may begin to be in skilled trades and occupational boundaries between skilled trades 50+ at 29% as the City Region. Within these figures distinguish a discrete set of requirements that will and associate professional / technical occupations. there is considerable variation by sector with require bespoke training provision. However, short plant and machine Similarly the growing importance of on-site employees in Manufacturing and Construction term it is important that careers information diagnosis and problem solving in a range of roles occupations having a higher average age than emphasises the potential for employment occupations. A further may create demand for technicians who can work that found generally in the City Region 16 . pathways through vocational training and 30% of jobs are in at a higher occupational level. This dynamism is a Apprenticeships into Low Carbon businesses. key characteristic of a new and evolving sector Latest figures from CITB highlight that 20% of managerial, professional where existing occupational definitions are being construction workers in the North West are aged 55 With nearly two thirds of employees aged between reset through on the ground practice. Employers in and over, with a further 24% aged between 45 and 25-49 age group, this group are a prime target for and technical roles the City Region report that this situation is addressed 54 (announced 6 July 2013). This suggests a serious in-work up-skilling and adaptive training to meet through on-site training which is unlikely to be risk of a skills shortage in construction if today’s the specific needs of new areas of Low Carbon certificated. This practice may resolve specific skills young people shun construction in favour of other activity and reflect the anticipated shift from the gaps for the employer but, being outside of national industries. Nationwide, CITB’s Construction Skills production of high to Low Carbon goods and Workforce Composition - accredited training frameworks, limits the Network (CSN) forecast also shows that more than services 18 . As the Low Carbon sector grows, in the Occupational Profile transferability of skills within the sector. 29,000 new construction workers will be required context of national economic recovery, this each year over the next four years in order to meet segment of the workforce will face the greatest National studies indicate that employees in the Low the industry’s demand. demand from employers across a range of sectors. Figure 6 below profiles the likely occupational mix of Carbon sector on average have a higher skill level Training that increases the flexibility of employees to employees within the Low Carbon sector. This is when compared to the wider economy. Steve Housden, Sector Strategy Manager for CITB in adapt to changing demands of employers for skills intended to give a broad indication of the distribution Additionally, the average market value per ‘green’ the North West, commented: will contribute to overall labour market performance of occupational types based on the Energy, job is higher than the national average for all and expand the range of access points into Manufacturing, Construction and Transportation jobs 20 . This differential reflects a perceived employment available to workers resident in the sectors. The data indicates that around half of all underlying shortage of skills available to employers City Region. jobs in Low Carbon are likely to be in skilled trades and may in turn contribute to wage inflation. In fast and plant and machine occupations. A further changing market conditions, and as employers With 20% of local construction 30% of jobs are in managerial, professional and seek to attract the highest calibre of staff, the workers nearing retirement, we The 25-49 age group are technical roles. This is likely to under estimate the availability of labour has a direct effect on business are facing a potential skills ‘time level of skills demand within the broad occupational performance. Just as low skill levels dampen structure. UKCES analysis indicates for Low Carbon bomb’, so we urge local young a prime target for in-work innovation and productivity so high skill levels can that 40% of employees in Low Carbon are qualified contribute to rapidly growing sectors. people to consider construction up-skilling and adaptive to level 4+ 19 . ‘‘as one of their options as they training to meet the think about taking their next step. FIGURE 6 specific needs of new LIVERPOOL CITY REGION LOW CARBON SECTOR OCCUPATION PROFILE

Construction offers a huge range of opportunities for young areas of Low Carbon people, particularly in the current activity

economic climate where going to university involves taking on a huge amount of debt before emerging into an uncertain job market. Construction boasts an ‘‘ exciting range of career options, including CITB’s Ofsted Outstanding, gold-standard Apprenticeships, which meet the needs of a high-tech, world-class industry. 17

Source: ONS APS (2012) 16 Data analysis using ONS APS (2012) 17 19 UKCES (2010) 18 Ecorys (2008) 20 Innovas (2009)

14 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 15 Key Qualification Levels FIGURE 7 Stiebel-Eltron CONVERSION TO LOW CARBON SKILLS - ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Stiebel-Eltron is a German owned Central to the requirement of employers in the Low

Carbon sector is good underpinning skills and s e company manufacturing and l

qualifications in science and technological c e n


supplying heat pumps, solar thermal disciplines combined with solid practical experience f n a

d n a e n and solar PV globally. The company gained in a range of sectoral settings in energy, i v e i a c t t

i b manufacturing, construction and logistics / marine e n n n has a base in Wirral serving the UK v a i o i j t h

o n

occupations. National studies with Low Carbon a i r t a n market. The company recruits c r e m a

businesses suggest that rather than demanding a r t o e

l l e t l

e b e

experienced plumbers and heating d a p r

new range of qualification frameworks that a

e d t n c r

o i a s n

a n

and ventilation engineers and i n

employers expect recruits to largely come from e r c n w g I


a h b a

i r

existing trades and through vocational training n n e w i provides training on-site in heat pump c V n r l u c r i t e

21 P o o t

l o c

programmes suggesting an iterative adaptation a n

technology. As their products are new r y n h b d e i h r s w a s of skills as Low Carbon markets become more c l n f c a i f a to the UK market specific product e e e o

established. This is not to say that there are not skills e R N C W O t S m R training is unavailable which creates shortage areas with employers indicating hard to fill

22 a high demand for experienced t

vacancies in higher skill occupations and in s l n l


f e

generic enterprise and management skills that are y technicians. Stiebel-Eltron offers k n o

s g


m t o

evident across all sectors of the UK economy. t s i o e l h e n

training to staff both to raise skill levels t l

a n k c g a e a o r y

i r l e o / r l d r

and also ensure the high quality of its n

a g a t m b e a

Figure 7 opposite provides an illustration of jobs that e h r t g o t l e n l m s d c s

product installation and after sales a n a o i w ,

with conversion training in new concepts could be o t n n r e e c i

i y n t o r n n

m i s

a v f technical support. The company l

relevant to Low Carbon sector employment. This is c f

n h e w a d n o e e k r a n o c l

t o r

intended to underline the relevance of existing core n m e l , n expects that as the market in the UK i o e

b e

i s e l t g e t a t b y

s w r i c skills and potential application of existing a i r n l

l a a matures then plumbing and heating i o p

e e n

j u

o s e n c

v r c t n n

qualifications to Low Carbon occupations. While r i e i g g y u q i o t f e

ventilation air conditioning (HVAC) i a o r i a e o n n l l t t c c e r i i h i considering this adaptive model, it is also important p r h e b t o u n

e o r n n

a s l d a i i f s vocational training will start to reflect r f p l g

e to recognise and reduce the labour market pressure i f n a w x f f d d a a e k e r r d R A s C a r A t O t O e I o the importance of heat pump that is potentially created during transition periods. o 23

technology as a core competence Studies have highlighted the potential for ‘negative / spill over effects’ were critical skills are demanded p i

area for employees in the sector as / /


by more than one sector. In these conditions e s

p has happened in Germany where the p e i i e employers in different sectors can be adversely r D h h c g s s h i technology is more established. affected when the total number of prospective t P e e e

Q n / c c D

V i i

employees is insufficient to meet short-term e

t t r e N e n n

t demand. p e Source: / r e e

a p r r g t

g u A C n p p n

i e E d Q Q Q e p p 4 T

This also highlights a key challenge for employers n i

D V V V a / A A B

r m

a s N N and providers to co-produce short course training N r r

g 3 3 3 2 e t / / / r



l l l l Employers expect recruits i

and technical competences that can be made t e e u e e e e s C C C r d v v v v E E E q

available flexibly to reflect demand. Were possible a o n T T T e e e e

to largely come from e M C U r L L B B L B these should be new or existing units of qualifications L existing trades and that have been accredited and could be co-ordinated within a City Region Low Carbon skills

through vocational framework. This would have the benefit of providing e n

a menu of competence based provision to v

a i i t n

training programmes augment core skill area while also contributing to a c a i a r i n

wider programme of Low Carbon focused training. e c i h s p n c a

o r h e

l g t

e c

r a e e d s o T

c a o l i r b n e t p n

o l s o

c a i j a t

i a n e a t i s d r i

c e n p i c t o r e s m t e n t n h r i o s s e r c a r f a a f h u e n e l i C F C A O m E W

21 See Bird and Lawton (2009) 22 UKCES (2010) Source: BIS (2012) 23 See Jagger et al (2012)

16 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 17 The Liverpool City Region has a large and diverse In 2011/12 around 4,380 pupils in the Liverpool labour market with some 980,326 residents of City Region achieved science or maths A-Levels. working age, 41,180 business units and 574,188 This equates to almost one in four of all A-Level jobs. While the City Region has a lower proportion of achievements in the year - a rate that has Supply of Skills adults with qualifications compared to English increased annually since 2008/9. While 2% lower averages, this gap has narrowed since 2007. than the average, the gap has closed over There has been particular improvement in the recent years. Figure 8 shows A-Level maths to be number of young people gaining 5+ A*- C grade most popular subject among STEM learners with GCSEs. The City Region faces particular physics being the least popular. This reflects challenges in technical and higher level skills with national participation trends and a need for schools a shortfall of some 71,400 additional qualifications and colleges to encourage learners with an The dynamic nature of the at NVQ level 3+ and 82,700 at NVQ level 4+ aptitude for physics to continue to study it by The Low Carbon sector is dependent on the supply sector demands significant required to match the national average. demonstrating the range of potential careers in of employees with a good standard of education This challenge is magnified among older workers science and engineering available to those with and skills developed either through vocational input from employers in who in general have a lower level of qualification physics qualifications. training in craft and technical occupations or as attainment than younger counterparts 26 . graduates with science and engineering the provision of workplace qualifications. While the requirements of Low Carbon businesses are diverse, there is a consistent training in specific Low requirement for formal training for both new entrants STEM Skills and members of the existing workforce. As the Carbon products and sector is relatively new, positive attitudes and Scientific and technical skills form the core entrepreneurship are also attributes that are processes requirement for a majority of employees within the important to employers. As good practice in Low Carbon sector where there exists an acute workforce planning employers should aim to This approach reflects UK Government policy which demand for entrants with qualifications in STEM establish a ratio of trainees to existing workforce is encouraging public / private co-investment in the subject areas 27 . Nationally, government has numbers or contracts: for example in engineering skills system and greater employer leadership in the prioritised the take-up and achievement in STEM this could be one apprentice for every 10 skilled design and the delivery of training. It also reflects subjects as vital to the UK’s economic engineers and many housing associations work on the capacity being developed in the Liverpool City competitiveness 28 . Workforce development for Low the basis of 1 trainee per £1 million contract value Region in the adoption of the Employer Ownership Carbon requires both strong performance in (or variations of). of Skills 24 programme and the establishment of the science and mathematics at GCSE and BTEC level UK’s first Skills for Growth Bank 25 . 2 as a route into technical Apprenticeships and into The dynamic nature of the sector demands higher level study. Data for Liverpool City Region significant input from employers in the provision of indicates rising participation at A-Level in the workplace training in specific Low Carbon Liverpool City Region as can be seen in Figure 8 products and processes. A number of key Skills for Growth Bank below. employers in the Liverpool City Region have The Skills for Growth Bank is an FIGURE 8 developed bespoke training facilities, often with the employer-led mutual backed by the support of training providers, to meet their specific STEM SUBJECT A-LEVEL ACHIEVEMENTS, LIVERPOOL CITY REGION skill demands within a rapidly changing market Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise place; building upon core skill sets in areas such as Partnership. It supports business in the plumbing, electrical maintenance, construction Liverpool City Region with funding for and mechanical engineering. These provide training to invest in the skills their workforce development opportunities to adapt the workplaces need to grow, enabling skills of employees to reflect the demands of new markets and also as top-up training to augment them to boost their productivity. It can structured learning delivered in learning institutions. part fund a wide range of training, from individual courses to workplace- wide comprehensive training plans. As the sector is relatively Based on a typical grant award, funding of up to 60% of the costs of new, positive attitudes and the training could be made, with the entrepreneurship are also remaining 40% paid for by the employer co-investor. attributes that are Further Information can be found on important to employers Source: DfE AS/A Level Results 2008/09 - 2011/12

26 Data from Liverpool City Region Skills for Growth Annual Report 2013 24 See 27 UKCES (2010) 25 See 28 UKCES (2010)

18 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 19 FIGURE 10 Students studying across SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY STUDENTS AT MerseySTEM UNIVERSITIES SERVING THE CITY REGION MerseySTEM manage the STEM Ambassador Programme and schools STEM Advisory the UK who have a home Programme in Liverpool City Region. These programmes are funded by the Student address in the City Region Higher education institution numbers Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (via national organisation STEMNET) in recognition of the vital nature of STEM skills to the UK’s future economic success. are an important University of Chester 7,018

The STEM Ambassador Programme enables anyone with Science, Technology, economic resource and Edge Hill University 7,719 Engineering or Maths (STEM) skills to volunteer their time and expertise to inspire young should be a key target for Liverpool Hope University 1,222 people and demonstrate the possibilities of STEM subjects and careers. MerseySTEM recruit and train the volunteer Ambassadors and support the work of schools in employers to attract back Liverpool John Moores University 12,316 organising events such as school careers days, STEM Clubs, curriculum support and to the City Region on Liverpool Institute for the Performing Arts 82 exciting careers talks. Specific examples include: University of Liverpool 12,663 • Robot Challenge Days - using Vex Robotic kits, teams of students from different completion of their studies Total 41,020 schools build Vex Protobot with support from STEM Ambassadors, from engineering & manufacturing backgrounds. The robots are pitted against each other in a Source: HESA (2012) Robot Wars style competition. The event enables students to understand a variety FIGURE 9 of design, science and engineering principles but also encourages teamwork, STEM-RELATED SUBJECTS AT HIGHER EDUCATION, Across these six higher education institutions there leadership and problem-solving skills. LIVERPOOL CITY REGION RESIDENTS 2011/12 are some 9,827 students studying for undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications in • Engineering Your Future - MerseySTEM, on behalf of the Institute of Mechanical subjects directly related to the Low Carbon sector in Engineering, organise five workshops run by companies representing different 2011/12. An analysis of this provision is shown in areas of engineering and also a market-place careers fair. MerseySTEM organise Figure 11 and includes 1,115 students in geological and physical geographical sciences, 2,831 in for local sixth form students to attend the event and at the 2012 event, students computer sciences, 1,076 in electronic engineering from 26 local schools/colleges were in attendance. and 263 in maritime technology. There are 101,000 students studying these science disciplines at • STEM Clubs - bringing real-world context to student activities. For example universities in the wider North West region 30 within ‘Chopping Bikes’ held with Rainhill High School - rebuilding scrapped bicycles to travelling distance to the Liverpool City Region. create new improved models - with the support of Veolia and STEM Ambassadors from Mexichem Fluor in Runcorn and Liverpool Community College. Liverpool University and Liverpool John Moores University are the two largest institutions providing • Curriculum Support - STEM Ambassadors from United Molasses & Storage worked Low Carbon skills in the City Region. See Appendix 7 with Maghull High School to develop their design and technology curriculum and for a full list of related courses offered within the provide a computer aided design product brief for pupils. Liverpool City Region. Combined they have nearly 8,000 students or 80% of the student population of For further information go to: or universities serving the City Region in physical sciences, engineering and technology. Liverpool John Moores University offers a specialism of undergraduate, postgraduate and professional This rising profile of participation in learning science intelligence and a further 11% in mathematical training in marine technologies. and technology is also reflected in the increased sciences and operational research. Students Source: HESA (2012) take up of STEM related subjects by Liverpool City studying across the UK who have a home address Region residents. UK Data from HESA shows an 11% in the City Region are an important economic Among the universities located within and serving growth in the number of City Region residents resource and should be a key target for employers the City Region there are some 41,000 students studying STEM subjects between 2008 and 2012 29 . to attract back to the City Region on completion of studying for undergraduate and postgraduate As can be seen during 2011/12 participation by their studies. qualifications in science and technology subjects. 7,039 learners was spread across STEM disciplines. Figure 10 shows student numbers for all science and Just under one third of students (31%) were enrolled technology disciplines by institution. in physical sciences which includes chemistry, physics and other materials sciences with a similar number studying mechanical and electrical engineering and technology. Over one quarter of students are enrolled in computer sciences including software engineering and artificial

29 Higher Education Statistical Agency, (2012) 30 HESA data 2012 for the universities of Lancaster, Central Lancashire, Bolton, Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan, Salford and Keele

20 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 21 Logistics Offshore and Marine Research Institute Liverpool University Liverpool John Moores University is a world leading maritime university delivering New MSc in Nuclear Power Engineering education, training, and research and development to the maritime, offshore and This new MSc has been designed to exploit existing and new appointments in nuclear transport sectors. Research projects undertaken by the University’s Logistics Offshore science and engineering which will utilise the unique facilities for nuclear research and Marine Research Institute have contributed to the modernisation and productivity provided by access to the NNL Central Laboratories at Sellafield, the Dalton Cumbrian of the marine industries. The InTraDE project for example has helped to improve the Facility and the National Tsing Hua University research reactor in Taiwan. efficiency of port and terminal operations, developing specialist automation, and new techniques for optimising traffic flow, which have reduced space and The aim of the MSc in Nuclear Power Engineering is: energy consumption. a. to provide a systematic understanding of nuclear power engineering; Projects in logistics have optimised transport b. to provide a comprehensive and broad overview of contemporary issues and networks to reduce energy and emissions and applications associated with nuclear power engineering; improve resilience to external uncertainties, and research in safety and reliability has contributed c. to prepare students to become professionals in the global nuclear industry; and to the development of decision support systems d. to develop the abilities of students to work independently and in teams to research, which have improved the quality of decision design, implement and execute creative solutions to engineering problems. making helping improve the safety of offshore systems and for example reduce marine pollution. The Liverpool Maritime Academy delivers bachelor, Source: Masters programmes and training for maritime professionals. The Academy is equipped with the ship handling simulation facilities, which are amongst the most advanced in the world. It has the only facility in the UK FIGURE 11 with a 360-degree field-of-view visual system. The flexibility of the system has enabled STUDENTS AT HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS SERVING THE LIVERPOOL CITY REGION 2011/12 - BY LOW CARBON SUBJECT AREA* it to undertake specialist projects for port developers and offshore operators for example it has assessed the impact of proposed river terminal extensions and harbour Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool facilities on port operations, and of offshore installations on navigation. Chester Edge Hill Hope JMU LIPA University Total

Chemistry 8 92 134 467 701

Physics and Materials Science 8 382 390

Businesses in the Low Carbon sector operate within At the higher skills level, there is an increasing Physical Geographical Sciences 199 199 168 549 1,115 international markets, supply chains and also for the blending of skills. Evidence from consultation within highest skilled jobs within global labour markets. the Low Carbon sector suggests at higher level skills Mathematics and Statistics 159 68 25 109 801 1,162 An adequate supply of skilled personnel for energy people enter the sector predominately with an Computer Science 352 424 191 1,167 697 2,831 efficiency, green engineering and green engineering or science background. Over time construction has been identified by the International their skills become more hybrid e.g. a chemical Electronic Engineering 47 420 82 527 1,076 Labour Organisation as a central condition to realise engineer learning automotive engineering skills. Production and Mfr Engineering 56 133 108 297 a transition to a Low Carbon economy 31 . The role of To respond to this market dynamic higher level universities as centres for research and training for skills providers need to be able to mix and match Civil Engineering 418 342 760 Low Carbon sector skills is vital to meet the needs their provision and make greater use of short of businesses and to deepen the capacity of the courses and modular study (some of which is Mechanical Engineering 367 307 674 labour market within the City Region. already taking place). Maritime Technology 263 263

General Engineering 318 243 561

Total 813 707 308 3,497 82 4,423 9,830

Source: HESA 2012

*NB the above figures include international as well as EU ‘home’ students

31 ILO (2012)

22 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 23 Training Provision - Low new employees. Discussions with providers in the City Region have identified a number of areas of Hugh Baird College Carbon good practice and preparations to respond to the demands of Low Carbon employers. However, Industry partnership with Wetherby Building Services feedback indicates employer demand has been Vocational training provides the primary route into lower than anticipated which is consistent with the Hugh Baird College’s Construction department have developed a partnership with craft and technical careers in the Low Carbon general finding that businesses are adapting the sector. Within the Liverpool City Region there is Wetherby Building Services to support and deliver the Diploma in Insulation and skills of existing staff rather than initiating training Building Treatments, which includes the application of external wall insulation. This is a substantial and well established capability to programmes for new staff or recruitment of pre- deliver training in construction, engineering and trained staff. A list of qualifications supporting the level 2 qualification and forms part of an Apprenticeship framework. maritime skills. Technical capacity is also matched sector can be found on Appendix 1. by an awareness of the importance of employability The partnership has included college staff training at Wetherby Building Services and skills and entrepreneurship to businesses recruiting raw materials being provided for students to gain experience. wall-insulation-level-2 Provider Examples of Good Practice

Absolute Training Solutions Ltd University Technical College (UTC) Liverpool Engineering & Logistics Fenestration Industry partnership with Liverpool based companies Total Glass Ltd UTC Liverpool Engineering & Logistics is led by the City of Liverpool College, Liverpool and Bootle Glass Company Limited John Moores University and international employers including Laing O’Rourke, Peel Ports and Arup. ‘Absolute Training Solutions Ltd is a specialist training provider within the glass sector and have recently completed Fenestration based QCF qualifications with two local The UTC will open September 2014 has been developed as a unique response to the glass companies. This included their first ever female Apprentice as part of their strategic landscape of the city and wider city region, providing a curriculum that has commitment to widen participation and target under-represented groups within the been developed in conjunction with employers both to meet the needs of the fenestration industry. Both Total Glass and Bootle Glass Company Limited recognise regeneration efforts underway and to tackle the skills gap. the importance of a highly trained workforce and have fully supported their Young people will have the opportunity to gain a greater awareness of employers Apprentices and experienced workers through the onsite assessments and training needs in environmental technologies, maritime, logistics and engineering sectors delivered by Absolute Training Solutions Ltd. needed to support Liverpool's strategy for regeneration and development. The UTC The qualifications completed by staff form part of the government’s ‘Green Deal’ will provide a different type of educational experience to students following a initiative, enabling both Total Glass and Bootle Glass to work towards becoming a technically-oriented course of study which includes traditional GCSE’s and will benefit recognised Green Deal approved installer. Both companies are committed to from: installing Energy Efficient Windows and through investments in staff training this • Employer-led student projects commitment will enable the companies to offer energy-saving improvements to both • Work experience placements homes and businesses across the North-West.’ • Guest employer lectures Absolute Training Solutions Ltd can offer specialist training and National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) in the following areas: • Specialist employer advice on training and equipment • Fenestration Installation Level 2 It will provide academic and vocational training linked to ongoing employer based activity in the Low Carbon sector. UTC Liverpool will provide a series of pathways into • Fenestration Installation and Surveying Level 3 Low Carbon careers available within the City Region. A key stakeholder underlined • Production of Glass Supporting Fabrications Level 2 the significance of the UTC in stating: • Production of Glass Supporting Fabrications Level 3 “we recognise that young people should understand about their • Glazing Level 2 environment and be aware of what Low Carbon technologies are currently available. They must also be actively involved in developing • Glazing Level 3 new technologies for the future and the UTC will provide this opportunity • Glass Processing Level 2 for them." • Glass Processing Level 3 Ian Forster, Regional Manager, Cofely GDF Suez • Installing Domestic Fascias, Soffits and Bargeboards Level 2

24 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 25 Liverpool University The Construction Industry Wirral Metropolitan College Liverpool John Moores University Centre for Global Eco-Innovation Training Board (CITB) Part time study In Environmental Maritime Operations MSc course Liverpool University’s School of The Shared Apprenticeship Scheme Management (NEBOSH) initiative Environmental Science encompasses The Shared Apprenticeship Scheme The college offer environmental This dynamic, contemporary two departments (Department of allows employers to support and management courses that employees programme is designed to meet the Earth, Ocean and Ecological benefit from apprentices, even if they can study on a day release or ever changing needs of the maritime Sciences and Department of are unable to offer them a long-term evening basis. These have been industry. It takes a strategic Geography and Planning) and offers placement. It also allows apprentices offered for a number of years in perspective of the industry with a wide range of programmes to complete a full Apprenticeship response to demand from large particular emphasis placed on the focusing on the study of Planet Earth. programme by working with a number employers in industry. The course management of ports, shipping The University also houses the Centre of different employers, to gain the skill supports staff responsible for operations, maritime law, maritime for Global Eco-Innovation in sets they require to become qualified. managing environmental issues as safety and environmental protection. part of their work, particularly existing The programme will furnish students partnership with Lancaster University It has been set up to help employers health and safety or facilities with the skills required to secure and an international who want to support the development managers. The course is available at positions at the highest level within this commercialisation consultancy, of skills while working on regional Level 3 certificate (7 weeks part time) ultra-competitive worldwide industry. Inventya. The Centre is a £9.8 million contracts, but are not in a position to and the Level 6 Diploma. project part-funded by European offer a full term Apprenticeship, and The course includes a number of Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to who wish to support training the future The qualification meets the academic Industrial visits and would typically provide Research & Development workforce. requirements to apply for Associate include: Port of Liverpool, ship visit, expertise to Small Medium Enterprises membership (AIEMA) of the Institute of insurance underwriters (usually in The Scheme is being rolled out by in the North West to bolster the region’s Environmental Management and London), P & I Club and IMO. There CITB following successful pilots in economy in key export markets and Assessment. This qualification is also are also a number of specialist Lancashire, and Wales. drive forward improvements in green accepted by the International Institute industry speakers invited throughout Ten schemes are being developed, technology and service. of Risk and Safety Management the year in conjunction with which will see 500 extra apprentices (IIRSM) as meeting the academic professional bodies and institutions. Inventra can support businesses in the joining the UK’s construction industry requirements for Associate North West who are: workforce every year. membership (AIIRSM). The • Looking for ways to make money qualification includes a work based from their technology Source: project and the assessing of • Seeking new international markets environmental management systems with reference to UK legislation. • Looking for ways to commercialise an idea • Need assistance with Research Waste management training and development The college is also able to offer • Got a problem to solve bespoke training in waste management, accredited or non- • Need additional resources to accredited to fit around the needs of determine how to access a the organisation. Courses can be market delivered in a 1 day session to full Further information can be found on weeks or part time delivery either in college or the workplace dependant on the employers needs.

26 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 27 Vocational Training - CNS Learning Ltd Southport College Apprenticeships Smart Metering - Supporting Thexton to diversify into Renewable Energy Training British Gas Apprenticeships External wall installation The Southport College Energy Training Apprenticeships provide an important route into the Utilities companies including gas, Low Carbon sector and have been designed to CNS delivers qualifications to Centre is part of the National Skills water and electricity are developing reflect the skills demands of employers. Courses significant roll out programmes for apprentices and experienced workers Academy and offers a series of short have a minimum duration of 1 year and are in training and assessment for External courses designed to give the skills and available from Level 2 through to Level 6. In order to smart metering, either directly or Wall Installers. Thexton, a multi qualifications needed to work in the quantify the level of Apprenticeship take up for the through their supply chain. faceted construction company have field of Renewable Technologies. The sector Skills Funding Agency (SFA) data has been taken from the Construction, Planning and Built The volume of work is substantial and recently diversified into external wall Energy Training Centre Accredited Environment and the Engineering and there will be opportunities in both installation and CNS has worked with courses offered are: Manufacturing Technology Apprenticeships as a providing training to the workforce as the company in up-skilling their • Award in Environmental proxy for Low Carbon. While these are not exclusive well as through direct employment. routes into employment in Low Carbon sectors they existing workforce and Apprenticeship Technology Systems Awareness This direct employment will be in terms recruitment and training. provide a representative picture of recent trends in starts and achievements. of installation, product innovation and • Award in the service industry jobs encouraging CNS helped Thextons access wage Installation/Maintenance of Solar Apprenticeships are available at three levels - consumer behaviour change to grants (4 have been funded by Wirral Thermal Systems Apprenticeships) as well as holding intermediate at Level 2, advanced at Level 3 and adopt smart metering to make • Award in the higher Apprenticeships at Level 4. Nationally savings on utilities bills. the recruitment days at their premises. emphasis is being given to increasing the numbers Installation/Maintenance of Solar The programme has been designed of advanced and higher level Apprenticeships and British Gas is at the forefront of to be flexible to work around weather Photovoltaic Systems improving the progression routes for learner progressing smart metering and is conditions and meet Thextons needs, • Award in the between levels. For example, SEMTA, which is the recruiting enthusiastic, customer delivering 4 weeks training upfront so sector skills council for the advanced manufacturing Installation/Maintenance of Heat and engineering sector has recently introduced a focused Apprentices to help that the apprentices were contributing Pump Systems new higher Apprenticeship framework. This includes customers understand and transform straight away to the organisation. • Award in the seven pathways covering a wide range of job roles how they use their energy in the Apprentices then attend further blocks in the sector. This provides pathways relevant to the Installation/Maintenance of Water future. The successful Apprentices will of training when the weather is too Low Carbon sector covering aerospace; nuclear; Recycling Systems carry out meter installations, bad to install Solid Wall Insulation. mechanical; electrical / electronics; automotive; maintenance; and wind turbines. This framework is maintenance and repairs and Experienced existing workers qualified • Green Deal Assessor Award available at Level 4 with embedded pathways to associated meter work. They are via the On Site Assessment and Level 5 / 6 qualifications and will enable Apprentices required to work in customers’ homes, Training route, working with a team of to work towards the professional standard of including outdoors dependant on 32 assessors carry out assessments and Incorporated Engineer status . where the meter is situated. observations on their work sites. In addition United Utilities have an aspiration to Apprentices will receive excellent The impact of this project is become energy neutral and are exploring many technical training, which includes the demonstrated on innovative technologies from around the world to City & Guilds Level 2 QCF Diploma in achieve this. Some of these are being developed Smart Metering Dual Fuel and hands in conjunction with LJMU. turnover-doubled-thanks-to-green- on field experience gained with a skills-training-reveals-canny-thextons-b Data for the Liverpool City Region indicates that qualified mentor. oss.aspx?lang=en there has been growth in both the number of starts and achievements in Apprenticeship frameworks related to the Low Carbon sector. Over the period 2008 - 2012 with an additional 1,210 starts in 2012 compared to 2008. This is reflected in the level of achievement in Apprenticeships feeding the Low Carbon sector, as illustrated in Figure 12.

32 Framework available:

28 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 29 FIGURE 12 Vocational Training - Accordingly, this creates a major capacity gap to fill APPRENTICESHIP ACHIEVEMENTS FOR LOW CARBON Maritime and Engineering the anticipated additional 10,000 operation and RELEVANT FRAMEWORKS 2008-12 Further Education maintenance jobs in Europe forecast for 2030. LIVERPOOL CITY REGION College North West FIGURE 14 As with Apprenticeships there are no specific sector The College offers Advanced CHANGING DEMAND FOR SKILLS WITHIN THE WIND programmes for Low Carbon, with training linked to Apprenticeships in Engineering that ENERGY SECTOR the core trades and specialist skills demanded by provide training and assessment to occupations across the sector. The SFA Data Services First Statistical Release for 2010/11 shows learners that have placements in that there were 4,900 achievements in sector skills engineering companies. Apprentices frameworks feeding the Low Carbon sector. Figure work towards a Level 3 qualification in 13 below shows the number of achievements engineering maintenance, fabrication across the skills areas identified as relevant to Low and welding or mechanical Carbon. manufacturing engineering. FIGURE 13 Integrated into the training are key ACHIEVEMENTS BY LOW CARBON RELEVANT skills in the application of number, TRAINING, LIVERPOOL CITY REGION 2010/11 communication IT and working with others. Based full-time in a company apprentices have day release to attend the College. Source: BIS First Statistical Release (2013) Source: European Wind Energy Technology Platform (2013: 12) The SFA data indicates that workplace training constitutes 35% of all training delivered for Low Carbon relevant sectors and that a majority of Myerscough College A key skills challenge, as indicated previously is the provision for all sectors, except Process and Apprenticeship in Sustainable age of the existing workforce in Low Carbon sectors Manufacturing by trainees age 19+. With growing entrance into Apprenticeship programmes and a Waste Management with indications that expanding demand and the current age profile will exacerbate skills shortages in significant scale of workplace based training this is a Myerscough College offer Sustainable the future. Additionally, there are concerns for positive indication of skills investment into Low Carbon. Waste Management Apprenticeships example in the wind energy sector to raise the skills of existing employees 34 . This is a factor of slow for several organisations including adaptation and upgrading of existing skills sets for There is extensive provision within the Liverpool City Halton Borough Council. workers transferring into the industry and also Region offering training in the construction trades around upgrading existing properties (retrofit). All The Apprenticeship consists of training reflective of changing patterns of demand as the Low Carbon practices become established. The construction training now includes an element of in a variety of skills including Manual EWEA report indicates that over the period 2013 - low carbon training and providers are now offering Handling and Refuse Collection 2030 skills demand will substantially shift from the up-skilling opportunities for existing trades people. Vehicle Operator Training and manufacture of wind energy technology to the Source:BIS First Statistical Release (2013) includes NVQ Level 2 Certificate for operation and maintenance of wind technology. Sustainable Waste Management Operatives and a City & Guilds Level Science Engineering and Manufacturing 2 Certificate in Principles of Technology is the largest curriculum area within Low Over the period 2013 - Carbon relevant sectors of training, constituting Sustainable Resource Management nearly half of all achievements within this group of 2030 skills demand will qualifications. These will give courses. This includes a range of engineering and apprentices professional level manufacturing activity working in automotive, metal substantially shift from the knowledge in key aspects of their job fabrication, electrical equipment, marine manufacture of wind in frontline waste operations including maintenance and mechanical engineering. Apprenticeships can form the core of business skills energy technology to the recycling and waste management planning, as with Cammell Laird where nearly 10% technology, health and safety, and of its workforce is apprentices in key trades including operation and dealing with hazardous waste. mechanical engineering, pipe fitting and welding fabrication 33 . maintenance of wind technology

33 See Cammell Laird website - 34 European Wind Energy Technology Platform (2013)

30 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 31 Centres of offshore renewable Low Carbon Careers The City of Liverpool College engineering (CORE) Education and In 2012, the Liverpool City Region was named as Green Energy Centre one of the Governments designated centres of Recruitment Support The City of Liverpool College have invested in the development of a £250,000 offshore renewable engineering (CORE). Notably bespoke green training centre in the Vauxhall Road site, which features a full-size each of the other 5 COREs, all situated on the East Reflecting the diversity of occupations and skills ‘green indoor house’ to deliver the latest skills training to the industry's new and existing Coast, have Off-shore Survival Training centres and found within the Low Carbon sector, careers workforce. This supports the delivery of a wide range of Environmental this is a significant gap for the City Region. Therefore information is provided from a number of sources. Wirral have a proposed ambition for an Off-shore The National Skills Academies (NSA) produce Technology/Low Carbon provision including industry recognised qualifications for Survival Training Centre to be set up in order to: materials for aspiring entrants to the sector as well as electricians, plumbers and heating engineers in sustainable technology, from installing • Build the skills and qualification capacity for information for existing employers and employees - solar panels to heat pumps and water recycling system as well as short courses in Offshore Wind Sector: Local industry feedback a list of web addresses for NSAs relevant to Low Installation & Maintenance of Heat Pumps Systems, Solar Photovoltaic Systems, Solar has identified that as there is no offshore survival Carbon is provided in Appendix 3. An example of training facility available locally, the cost and careers materials is produced by the NSA for Thermal Hot Water Systems, Water Harvesting and Environmental Technology Systems 35 affordability of offshore training for businesses Environmental Technology who provides a Awareness. The college have also ensured that all tutors have received training in the summary route guide - emphasising latest technologies in order to keep up-to-date with industry. and local people is exacerbated and for some unreachable owing to increased transport and Apprenticeships - into Low Carbon careers. Careers accommodation costs. An additional barrier materials are also provided by Renewable UK on 36 “The growth in the sustainable sector is a huge opportunity for this relating to the availability and promptness of jobs in the wind and marine sectors and by Crown training owing to over subscription/ demand has Estates who focus specifically on the wind energy region. Our training centre, which is one of the largest in the UK, will be 37 also been identified by local businesses. sector . able to equip workers and businesses with the skills they need to ensure • Provide a bespoke testing environment for R&D: While there is value in a number of Sector Skills our region will be the leader in the field of green technology.” Local businesses and industry specialists have Councils (SSC) identifying their skill areas with Low (Elaine Bowker, Principal and Chief Executive at The City of Liverpool College) identified that the maritime sector struggles to Carbon, the provision of careers information accommodate research and development becomes fragmented and fails either to provide a “The training centre, with the life-size house, gives students a real feel of requirements in developing new products that coherent picture of opportunities in the sector or to require intensive testing, e.g. marine safety make links between functional work areas that are the practicalities of installing green technology, even to the extent that equipment. represented by different SSC. This presents an they can learn what it’s like to install full size solar panels at height, on the opportunity to build upon existing City Region activity, to create careers materials that more fully roof of a house.” represent the diversity of career pathways available (Justin Smith, Assistant Principal, Technical and Enterprise at The City of Liverpool College) within the sector - linked to specific employer activity and training programmes. “Came back to brush up my skills and was surprised how good the kit It is important for schools and employers to work and workshops are. Trainer was spot on with the knowledge too.” together to promote and educate young people (John, NVQ Level 3 Heating & Ventilation student) about sustainability and the huge range of career opportunities in this sector, an example of good practice in this area is found in Veolia, who have set up 2 discovery centres within the region. The National Skills Academy in Environmental Technologies have approved 12 local providers within the region who are able to offer training through the recently launched Renewable Heat Incentive training voucher scheme (October 2013) see Appendix 2. These include: • Blackpool & the Fylde College (online training is • St Helens College now available through this centre) • Southport College • Combined Harvesters Ltd • The City of Liverpool College • Hugh Baird College • West Cheshire College • Inteb Sustainability Ltd • Wirral Metropolitan College • Knowsley Community College • Liverpool John Moores University • North West Training Council 35 See 36 See 37 See

32 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 33 There are a number of online resources that can develop and support individuals further understanding of the Veolia Waste Management - opportunities within this sector: These include: Recycling Discovery Centre open for Schools visits • Liverpool City Region Jobs for Tomorrow Careers Resourses, found on Veolia Environmental Services is dedicated to changing perceptions of waste within • National Careers Service, found on Merseyside. Their waste education programme aims to raise awareness of waste solutions and promote action to reduce, reuse and recycle. • The National Skills Academy in Environmental Technologies, found on Veolia have two Education Centres in Merseyside that offer schools the opportunity to see state-of-the-art recycling in action and delve into the world of waste! Offering an • Low carbon career routes information sheet, found on interactive experience which uses the very latest technology to inspire and educate all schools and community groups. • Cut the Carbon, Develop Skills Grow Business, found on The Centres are accredited by ‘Learning Outside the Classroom’ for the range of interactive activities available, and the opportunities for ‘learning through play’. Many • CITB, found on of the topics covered during sessions are part of the eco-schools framework and there are endless cross-curricular links which can be explored during visits. • Summitt Skills careers map, found on Veolia actively work with schools and community groups to tailor visits to your needs. • Asset Skills Careers Guides, found on Whether it’s an introduction to recycling, an in-depth science lesson or guidance for an eco-council, Veolia can provide a fun and educational day out for all. Typical • Lantra Career pathways in Environmental Conservation, found on activities at the Recycling Discovery Centre include: Primary Schools - Guidance for eco-councils, Litter workshops, Waste Free Packed • National Skills Academy in Power, found on Lunch challenge, Inter-school eco-summits, WasteWise activities, Recycling Computer Games, Interactive whiteboard activities, 3Rs workshops, Green Screen and video • National Skills Academy for Nuclear, found on camera and drama performances. Secondary Schools - Explore the waste hierarchy and discuss global, national and • The Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) local responsibilities, Understand the human impacts on the environment, Explore Environment Careers Advice portal, found on renewable and non-renewable energy sources, Contextualise maths in a business environment, Interactive group work and discussion groups exploring waste solutions for sustainable development. Higher Education Courses - BTEC Environment and Countryside, Geography, Environmental Science, Developing Environmental Awareness, Architecture, PGCE and Teacher Training. Community Groups - Information and discussions about recycling at a global and local level. Veolia welcome all community groups for a guided tour of the recycling facility. There two Recycling Discovery Centres in Merseyside based in Gillmoss and Bidston.


34 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 35 Fusion21 - Low Carbon Employer Stobart Pool in the housing and Biomass Deal - Widnes Hub Current and Future construction sector Stobart Biomass division have secured This service was established by a 15 year £75m deal for its biomass Opportunities Fusion21 to support local companies division to supply 115,000 tonnes of and organisations to invest in local recycled wood each year to the new labour, contribute to training outcomes Evermore power station plant which is and reduce worklessness. The to be constructed in Few other locations in the UK or Europe have the Employer Pool is a social enterprise Derry/Londonderry by summer 2015. natural potential and low carbon business recruitment agency matching skilled capability of the Liverpool City Region. The group launched its biomass unemployed people with businesses in With strengths in offshore wind, marine tidal energy, division in 2010 and it is now a the housing and construction sector retro-fitting, bi-product hydrogen, waste processor, supplier and transporter of management and recycling, water treatment and providing access to training in biomass fuels. Stobart Biomass and energy management - the mix of capability employer demanded low carbon skills. 38 employs around 300 staff and has is second to none . The Employer Pool helps businesses to plans for its own biomass plant deal with the risks associated with The Liverpool City Region has a major opportunity to alongside its transport depot and taking on new staff or trainees within a consolidate and build upon existing capacity and multi-modal hub based in Widnes. labour market expertise to grow the Low Carbon market context of short-term contracts sector. Achieving this will be influenced by a range Managing typical for housing energy efficiency “Stobart Biomass is seeing of market based factors including building a skills improvements. The service aims to increased demand for its pool able to meet the current and future demand Demand of employers. The following section provides an raise the skills and work readiness of range of products across the indication of the current requirements for labour and residents of the City Region and Employers with labour and UK and is pleased to support skills focusing on anticipated demand which reflects skill requirements address their needs through two contribute to the availability of skills for known medium-term investments and indications Evermore with this key primary routes. Firstly, they reorganise and deploy the low carbon economy. from business on forthcoming vacancies. existing staff onto new or additional tasks. This may development in entail providing staff with informal training or support Source: Derry/Londonderry. through mentoring and supervision by colleagues. Few other locations in the Addressing labour and skill needs informally is The second route for employers to respond to “Stobart Biomass has an potentially the most cost effective response for demand is by taking on additional staff either to fill a extensive pipeline of UK or Europe have the employers, and may be attractive particularly where specific vacancy or a trainee position that may there is some uncertainty about whether new assist across a number of jobs. The recruitment opportunities. We look natural potential and contracts, markets or areas of work continue into the practices of businesses vary depending on the forward to helping plant low carbon business future. This can be a very creative exercise for experience and culture within a business sector and developers and funders to employers to help them to understand the capacity also in relation to level and type of job available. capability of the and skills of staff and may uncover additional value Employer practices will be conditioned by a range bring those opportunities to for the business through its labour force. Where of factors including the number of posts to be filled, fruition and growing our own Liverpool City Region workers are redeployed within a company in the skill level sought and knowledge of local supply. response to contract opportunities this may appear High skilled jobs may be recruited from a national biomass business.” in aggregate as ‘jobless growth’. Thus in or sometimes international market catchment and Andrew Tinkler, employment terms may be seen to have a be advertised through specialist press, employment Stobart Chief Executive negligible impact on the economy, however can agencies or professional networks or specialist serve to increase the productivity and the GVA of websites such as . firms and create a wider benefit to the Intermediate or lower skilled posts may be Source: Liverpool Daily Post, 2013 competitiveness of sectors. From an external advertised through press, word of mouth, Jobcentre perspective much of this action may be invisible but Plus and via websites and social media outlets. may create a demand from employers for advice Employers, particularly where they consider there to and support on issues such as retraining of staff, be a shortage of skills, such as Low Carbon, may backfilling of redeployed posts and upgrading the use all of these routes simultaneously to try and get skills of employees that may have taken on the best response. This makes identifying the level of additional supervisory or line management demand for particular skills or sectors a challenge responsibilities. beyond identifying key trends in recent employment levels. Figure 15 highlights key issues affecting recruitment to Low Carbon occupations. 38 Liverpool City Region Growth Plan & Strategic Economic Plan 2014

36 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 37 FIGURE 15 Anticipated Demand In addition to the Liverpool Local Enterprise KEY ISSUES IMPACTING ON RECRUITMENT TO LOW CARBON OCCUPATIONS Partnership (LEP) 41 there are a number of associations across the region that are focusing on The following section provides an overview of how to increase/ stimulate demand and identify

r anticipated demand for labour and skills in the Low skills needs of the sector including the North West



t 42

f Carbon sector. This is set within a context of sales

d Retrofit Roadshow and the North West Skills for e e c o e o n s

v 43 r t

growth in Low Carbon and Environmental Goods e s Growth Forum coordinated by CITB .

. a s d e a s

e o g r and Services of 3.8% in 2012/13 and forecast t h h e

m e n


i o y i t

e 39 w t e d h

s n d

h growth of 4.4% in 2014/15 . The sector contrasts

i k t b u There is a diverse range of businesses in the sector n


c n u s d


l g o

s b B e e n

a with wider economic conditions in the UK with the e

e e u p

t both manufacturing products and/or providing o

g r s a

l o u

n h s .

o i s p a e f n t e

s Office for Budget Responsibility indicating growth of t r s l i

sales, technical support and professional service R i d s u d n c t o i f b d h e a 40 s


t e n o C

o 0.6% in 2013 and 1.8% in 2014 for the national e

t o n i l n functions located in the City Region area. The p y e o L r i t r m

l a h i r e

d a s t

u g u s o i

p economy. For the Liverpool City Region the

o p s

n numbers of employers against the 24 sub sectors g

t u e l i c m n n

o l

e p

w s p

i y

b s

c prospect of major infrastructural investment and s s h a p c

e included in the BIS definition of Low Carbon and k , u t n o b r

r r i i o s s t e l s e

h m



r market opportunities will be important in shaping t o r t t Environmental Services sector is detailed in w e s i i d a f d o e

s w f a d

o t v k

e n e n s labour market demand and realising the full growth r e e d a t d s Appendix 4. b n y e s f r u e i l


o t e b


a a o b y r o

r potential indicated in sector forecasts. n

s y r

y l e w m l o o s r e f

a o e e d l c t f

R e

t e a n h p t u g e s p v t n a e a i u i s n C d


f c p n t

i r i s e i L o g t i y m m o t y


r o i a t

l a i o e i

t s l a e e n e f i n d t l n t p

i c p y c g e e r

e n r d c r y b r m a s e g p t l

a a m o


d Liverpool City Region: Energy Workshop, Low Carbon s a i d

a n o i o n u s n d

e r h i r t

i p

a e t r t o S u

a s e e e y t

c s

p a n

n l d t n

f i a e i Sustainable Energy Solutions Liverpool, July 2013 t s . e h

e l c x s o e n o a e l o y s i c s

n t s i l n

t g r u i

e a u n c s k h a e

b a


l u t o a f r s e b a i o d f r e Over the next five years, LCR will see Drivers of Demand identified by ARUP

o u

i r e e

p o n j w r o t h t k s r

u w t

r n v r d c u d

e f a s a h f s c g l d

s o

o substantial investment across the e o n t

a l


n l r

o r i

r t

• Alexandra Dock 150MWe o


e p b i a d s l n w

e k e e a r l i t g

r o l o n g i s s energy sector. The Liverpool City o

e t y d u

r s a e m a t k

n u g o a biomass plant, application n t s r r e i r i


o s t e p t t s l p n c d

s C p I i i Region LEP’s Action Plan for Low o i o s s e

a w

t f i c

a a p h r e awaited by PINS under the NSIP r a r e n m p s y o p w k c i d e e e g r

e a d Carbon provides more depth to these i x m o o r r g e e n o u h h

i planning regime H K a p p s e c a t T L c c G A e c R l investments. Off-shore wind investment, waste-to-energy plants in • Stobart Park/3MG 20MWe some of the area’s largest Combined Heat and Power (CHP) manufacturers, and research required plant recently approved by for a Mersey Tidal scheme creates a Halton s r

g s e s powerful supply chain for research s

n • 10.6MWe EfW CHP in St Helens n s i r s

g p s r s s a e e i a r and technology application. This is in O s u e p

v application under consideration

r e i n c e s i t o e s s e O e n r t a g i

addition to the general market n n h n a s s s i n i r e p s r r i a h l e g t e a r • Pre-application and M l s t i g r e o

e e h r n n c l l n demand to lower energy costs and s

e s a

c n a e e p s c E i e t a e e o e s a e r

e Environmental Impact Assessment

E i t s r r l n n n

a e v

t i i W O l become more sustainable. n

e d M c n i

W e f a h n I

e n

g s f g g s i s a M e (EIA) Screening for solar parks in k a

g d c

c s r s n l r o n D i n n d n a

c Investment in sustainable energy t n g i t d

t n i n i t e r

d s o o e s E E a n i a i n C t s r n E

Sefton (20MW) and St Helens u e n i a t g

n e

c g e c r s s E

a W

g solutions is strongly backed by the l i e a

a y y c a

n s s c

e t s n e n a

i o r t t l a i r i r o i i

r r b

E (5MW) n s h u l l l e e n T t m n t g

e r i e a i

P i e l w d local manufacturing sector, with the o r t c t i l o

d c c t a a n e c s m r e v r w f g b i v t e a f e e a e u u o o o i h u a e e r t e l l r r r l n o o i o identified first steps to focus on local • Pre-application and EIA P J D G M C P A W E P P Q M E Q M F S P M P C W D energy generation, capture skills and Screening for 3.3MWe biomass


r CHP in St Helens e competencies in power d v e d i e t

i e

e management, and invest in local r f , a i n • Knowsley Industrial Park heat n l i s c r i o

t t i

n a

s s s energy infrastructure. g i i n networks - OJEU for technical t u d d a c e n n i e


e n v n n s q

s d e



p e advisor d a a n m a i a y

n y d n l n r d i a l i o s d t c

b Source: Making It, 2013 T r i n n



n a s t , u a s a

u l o o n s

2 d a g t b i i a

s i a l r n


t t

e r r r p n e - t c o s t


v Source: ARUP, 2013 a i l e o +

c c r i t e e l i t s J s i t i a a

r s c s g u u 5 4 3 1 f o i i e e / k c r r

s t t n u a

i o t t i l l l l s l a u n r t n n

i i e n s s c d s p f e e e e f n n h e i e f m d n n e g g e a v v v v v i p o c r a a g r p i a n r d n n o o e e e e 39 e c t u e

o BIS / kMatrix data for LCR (2013) L L D m s L a c e s T e L L m G p O c a s l 40 OBR (2013) 41 Source: HESA 2012 42 43

38 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 39 In order to examine anticipated demand for employment two case studies of key sub sectors are FIGURE 16 provided for renewable energy - construction of Wirral’s Offshore Wind Investment Cammell Laird - centre of global ESTIMATED JOB CREATION FROM OFFSHORE WIND offshore wind farms and subsequent operation and Regional Growth Fund (RGF) engineering excellence, serving FARMS - LIVERPOOL BAY AND NORTH WALES COAST maintenance requirements; and energy efficiency - programme the offshore renewables, civil Wind farms MW * Jobs ** housing retrofit and installation of insulation and energy micro-generation systems. nuclear, engineering and Wirral’s successful award of £5million maritime sectors Walney 1 184 392 RGF will enable investment into the Walney 2 184 392 offshore renewable energy sector of RWE npower renewables are Renewable Energy - Wind Power Ormonde 150 320 some £25m leading to the creation of contracted with Cammell Laird in The Liverpool City Region area is a key national 500+ jobs. The fund will be used to Birkenhead to support the Barrow 90 192 location for the manufacturing and servicing of off- support projects in the offshore construction of Gwynt y Môr, one of Burbo Bank 90 192 shore wind power facilities. The City Region is one of renewable sector, creating new the largest offshore wind farms in six national Centres for Offshore Renewable construction in Europe and involves Gwynt y Mor 576 1,227 Engineering (CORE) tasked with promoting the UK to private sector growth, increasing foreign investors in renewable energy and also productivity and addressing the over a million pounds of steel North Hoyle 60 128 supporting innovation and business growth amongst balance between public and private fabrication work. Cammell Laird will Rhyl Flats 90 192 local firms. The City Region is the primary base for sector employment. These aims will also be bidding for work in the Round Irish Sea operations and benefits from major 3 wind farm projects for the Irish Sea. Total 1,424 3,035 companies including ABB, Siemens, DONG Energy, be delivered through key themes: Maersk, Bibby, Jaguar Land Rover, UTC, and To help service this and other work, Source: * Jobs per MW from Crown Estate 2013 ** Job creation Unilever. Additionally, Cammell Laird has the • Infrastructure Improvements to the Cammell Laird now have 64 rate from McNeil et al 2013 largest heavy fabrication, marine engineering and facilities at Cammell Laird to Apprentices in the business, with a maintenance base port facilities on the UK’s west capture engineering, fabrication, While there are some new skill requirements for the coast 44 . These companies alongside the increasing focus on ensuring its workforce has wind power sector a majority of employer demand prominence of the City Region as a location for operations and maintenance transferable engineering skills. The is for high quality craft and technical skills in metal renewable energy business activity underpin the opportunities in the offshore Company work in partnership with fabrication, electronic and mechanical potential for future sector growth. renewable energy sector. This will specialist training provider Maritime engineering and marine based operations. accelerate investment to enable and Engineering College North West In common with other sub-sectors within Low Business in the City Region have benefited from contracts to be secured from Carbon core skills can be found in the traditional major contracts for the fabrication of wind turbines (MECNW), which is situated next to the industrial and maritime sectors located in the City and ongoing maintenance of facilities. This developers that would otherwise yard and is one of the premier Region. The key challenge is to define the includes the €2 billion Gwynt y Mor facility located in potentially go to businesses locations in Britain for maritime additional competences required by employers, in Liverpool Bay which when completed will have 160 elsewhere in Europe engineering training. the context of functional change in employer turbines in operation 45 . Existing and approved wind requirements - from installation to operation and farms on the North Wales Coast and Liverpool Bay • Marine Supplier Park to create an maintenance - and feed these into the planning are estimated to create over 3,000 jobs across both initial 25,000 sq ft of bespoke FIGURE 16a arrangement of training providers. construction and operational phases - see Figure business space to meet employer TOP 10 SUPPLIERS (GLOBAL) IN 2012 16. Indications are that the scale of construction demand within the sector and and maintenance contracts will continue to attract inward investment within increase over the medium term creating additional demand for skilled labour. The development of the offshore renewable energy offshore sites also creates additional demand for market and to enable specialist sub surface technical services including diversification and the growth of hydro-graphic surveyors and geotechnical local suppliers engineers for mapping of ocean bed sites and specialist divers able to support construction work • Targeted Financial Assistance for and undertake technical inspections. As the scale businesses to diversify into the of the wind power sector expands in the City Region offshore renewable energy sector there will be increasing demand for specialist marine skills. to grow and increase employment opportunities, and reduce barriers and accelerate private investment into the growth in the supply chain.

Source: BTM Consult - A part of Navigat - March 13

44 Source: UKTI (2012) - Building Offshore Wind in England 45 Source:

40 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 41 The top wind turbine manufacturers are based in FIGURE 17 America, Europe (specifically Denmark and Employer demand is for CORE AND ADDITIONAL SKILL COMPETENCY AREA FOR WIND POWER Germany), India and China Figure 16a shows the main global suppliers in 2012. high quality craft and

It will be increasingly valuable for individual’s to have technical skills in metal

s s

the ability to converse and follow technical foreign n o m fabrication, electronic i s languages in the appropriate low carbon content. t s i s a e n t

For example, on technical foreign language skills, e n s a l i g

and mechanical b h

knowledge of the main component parts of a wind b b s n r i u c a r s u s turbine in the language of the main supplier m


t c l l o

e e engineering and marine t r i t e a m

companies would be very beneficial. y n s

s i t o n r i c f s y i

g o b r t s e c r e s t i

based operations n a l r i g e v

u m n t c r

t Figure 17 provides an illustration of traditional skills e a n

n o r c e i m a i l d c

m t d a i e a t

areas and their application to the wind power sector g r e i l r e n

a n t

c l n i c a g k e a i f

r c

d focusing on three principle functional areas of o

e o e

f f t w j n r


n e l e t l o d f o o heavy engineering fabrication, the construction and h


u r n w c a e n o

c i n

n o o n o p c i f

installation of wind turbines and the ongoing f i r n

e t y o

w o l t i c a i o

n e o t

e t c

r d r

operation and maintenance of wind power. This b y a e c e m b n e a e t e l r o r i l h n u n l m n g i

aims to show the additional skills needed to adapt i p b h o i a c a f d e n a s s g t b p r a f c s i r e u f established trades and occupations to the Low s o o

e n s r e e k u n w A D P Q S I C O P e T S Carbon sector. This assumes qualifications in core M o L • • • • • • • • • • • occupations and a willingness to adapt and • augment to new sectoral activity.


. , h g s d s n

e i g c

While there is not a linear relationship between the n n

a e d i

d i . n l u w i r a v g

n u s r t


l g

expectations of employers and the volume of jobs f a


s t u a s o r n n c o d c t

i g u i s

a r

demand in the labour market, trends can be e s o


g n l c . i i n f n d g i


e s g a o i a g h n m s observed from national occupational data n

r r h f d i e d i l e n l t

i y n r i c i l e e i u s g n l l e d i r i v k

combined with key market indicators. Data has e o r u o e a

n r i u

t b t b h e i g a n


i c e u o a d e i o

been assembled for renewable energy - wind a r n e n e c r n d i q h n w n i c p i a n o f d h t m e

i p

i i


power - based on the occupational analysis above e h

b l . e r h i , d y r e c g m m a r

c s i

g m m m

v s n u

and set out in Figure 18. This indicates the diversity e g i n e g l s t e u r l n n d o o o

t i i i c a d c e r r r p a n


q f f f n t

of occupational areas relevant to the wind power k n n S l n d

i o y s l d

g n e

e i a s s s t

. o m a l l l a r t l

n e l l sub sector and while there has in aggregate been a l n e n

t g i i i i e v i e

o r a s a f

r r a r m l k k k l w g n n l l

f r i

d small overall reduction in employment this masks i o s s s n i h a o

a n

a i e n s o k n n a o p i g h t r r

f d i r s i e e e significant variation employment levels for some m . r t s l l l s o t

a r i u u

a i f l n d


h n t t t r l f l n e i

b b b t i n d n f a occupations over the period 2008 to 2012. a a i

c c a o h a a


a a a

t d n o

a r r r p i c e y a a c c

c s

i g i r i f f i r t o f e a e e e f e t i i w h e

i f f f n r n u u o t

h t s i n i s

s s s l m i There are 32 occupational groups identified as c e c h h n n u n g r u n n n d d i i a e m s e b

e c f a a r d o s being relevant to the Low Carbon wind power n f h a a a • Electrical and mechanical maintenance fitters d e e o a p p r r r e r r u n A T m S m a o s T h i h T t C c f T t sector, of these 10 occupations (shown in green) - medium term priority to meet the need for a have grown over the 2008 - 2012 period. These personnel with strong diagnostic skills to maintain posts fall within engineering, technician, precision power installations and networks. e

v n metal workers and electrical fitter occupations. i t

o i a g

While this data does not exclusively relate to t • Ship personnel - linked to the expanding wind r n a i e s l r

employment within Low Carbon, the areas of growth farm market there is increasing demand for r l p

e e g a o v are consistent with the intelligence gathered during skilled workboat and service vessel skippers and n i t e

t m a s n e i

i a the Skills for Growth Agreement consultation process. crew. Local consultation within the sector t n r n c c n I

g i c

r r e n a g n

indicates that recent demand has resulted in a n i i e s

e e d j p r a s h e c n i g e e

• Engineering occupations - rising demand is o requirement of around 1,000 additional o e e c r s

t m n n n n a t i r i i d

i e p r e

reported by employers seeking staff for the h

f nationally each year. t m e

o l g g

n n f e l l c n e c r n n a o t assembly and ongoing installation of wind n e a a a e i n o s r e s e t e

c i t o n i

c c t i i y l l l t a i i c

farms. This includes both qualified engineering p a g c

w t s

c u g

n n n a a a n e s u l g e a i d u r r

staff and skilled technicians with experience of r n e a c c c a a r o n i i i t y c t n t i m a r r r r c i e n h h s t s

t t t

e r precision metal work and instrumentation. n a l e d s i o c c i l

n t n n l v c c c p r l b r i s v i a e e e o g o i o e e e e i l l l a k u y h S F A C E M W E C C C M R S E M S S

Source: Adapted from Crown Estate (2010)

42 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 43 FIGURE 18 Workboats/Wind Farm Transport EMPLOYMENT TRENDS BY OCCUPATION LIVERPOOL CITY REGION - RENEWABLE ENERGY Vessels Employment 2008-2012 Trend Occupation 2012 Change (%) Demand Multi-purpose vessels are used in support of Offshore wind farm Production Mgrs in Manufacturing 3,869 -27.9 construction in the region and other Production Mgrs in Mining and Energy * N/A marine civil engineering and subsea Physical Scientists * N/A projects. Typical of the type of work undertaken could encompass: Civil Engineers 368 -51.4 • Anchor handling Mechanical engineers 1,722 12.6 • Towage and handling of transport Electrical Engineers 384 -79.1 barges Electronics Engineers 1,036 N/A • Towage and handling of rock Design and Development Engineers 253 -78.6 barges Production and Process Engineers 576 -29.1 • Dredging support Engineering Professionals 1,132 -55.5 • Transfer fuel and freshwater to Electrical and Electronic Technicians 638 -37.9 other vessels Engineering Technicians 1,232 61.7 • Transfer of cargo and equipment, with vessels' own crane Building Civil Engineering Technicians 628 N/A • Personnel transfers Quality Assurance Technicians 534 -37.0 • Plough dredging & bed levelling Planning Process Production Tech’ns 885 27.9 • SBM Buoy work Ship and Hovercraft Officers 710 101.7 • Tanker hose handling Sheet Metal Workers 578 -14.5 • Use as a dive platform Metal Plate Workers and Riveters * N/A • Hydrographic survey Welding Trades 2,015 132.4 • Subsea equipment deployment Pipe Fitters * N/A These services provide support to: Metal Machining Setters Operators 244 -72.2 • Dredging and reclamation Tool Makers and Tool Fitters 358 -15.0 projects Metal Working and Maintenance Fitters 5,239 16.8 • Pipe and cable laying operations Precision Instrument Makers / Repair 714 N/A • Offshore production platforms Aircraft Maintenance Trades 1,100 248.1 • Salvage operations Boat and Ship Builders and Repairers * N/A • Marine civil engineering and Electricians and Electrical Fitters 6,237 50.3 construction projects Skilled Metal and Electrical Trades Supr 1,830 8.0 • Offshore wind farm construction Metal Making and Treating Process Ops - N/A Metal Working and Machine Ops 1,336 11.9 We may also see an increased demand for diving Crane Drivers * N/A ability around off shore wind farm installation which will benefit from the proposed off shore survival Elementary Process and Plant Ops 1,921 -15.6 training centre and other industries who are involved Total 35,539 -3.9 in that maritime sector. Key Decrease Increase

Source: ONS APS Data (2012) - Special Run

44 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 45 Linked to renewable energy generation is the development and reinforcement of the Continued infrastructure required to deliver this energy to either REECH Initiatives a local grid or to the national grid. Significant REECH (Renewables and Energy Housing Projects: investment is required by the district network Efficiency in Community Housing) is a operator. Investment plans typically cover an 8 year Four Acre Green, St Helens period which allows local employment opportunities European Regional Development Helena Housing has installed a range of energy efficiency measures in 449 properties to be realised within the supply chain. In addition Fund (ERDF) project aimed at in Four Acre Green, St Helens. The houses, built between 1966 and 1974, are a mix of energy centres and other innovative ideas are improving energy efficiency in some traditional and system built construction. developing that seek to manage peak time network of the most deprived communities in loads. These again provide employment Merseyside and Halton. Working with The properties have received external wall insulation, innovative combination boilers, opportunities, both in developing products and in air tightness measures, voltage optimisation and LED lighting. their installation. housing providers throughout Merseyside and Halton, and The total programme costs are approximately £3,385,800, with funding from ERDF, There is also the potential for new district heating managed by Sefton Council, REECH through the REECH Initiative, and CESP (Community Energy Saving Programme), schemes and combined heat and power schemes will refurbish over 2,000 homes with a through British Gas. Smart meters are also being installed in a number of homes across within the LCR, driven by the carbon saving agenda. range of measures to make them the estate. Again this provides employment opportunities, both in developing technology and in their installation. more energy efficient at a cost of £15 million. This work is known as Stockbridge Village, Knowsley retrofitting. The aim is that the Villages Housing Association has delivered 2 phases of energy improvement work in Energy Efficiency - Housing Retrofit increased demand for green Stockbridge Village. In phase 1 608 low-rise properties have had external wall technologies will provide new business insulation, top up of existing loft insulation and replacement central heating with A The Green Deal programme is established and opportunities for local suppliers and rated boilers (this replaces fan warm air partial heating systems). Residents also home improvements are also being commissioned contractors working in the green received a tailored Home Energy Advice Pack. by local authorities and housing associations. Indications from local consultation are that energy/low carbon sector. The total programme costs were approximately £4 million. The funding is from ERDF installation skills will provide the bulk of new demand Over the lifetime of the initiative over through the REECH Initiative and CESP through British Gas. This work forms part of a for skills for staff carrying out external and internal wall insulation. 2,000 homes will receive much wider estate regeneration scheme delivered by Knowsley MBC in partnership refurbishment works, 12,000 tonnes of with Villages. Liverpool City Council on behalf of the Liverpool City carbon dioxide will be saved and Phase 2 saw 1 tower block and 44 low-rise properties improved. The tower block had Region have established an OJEU compliant over £9,500,000 of private sector external wall insulation and draft-proofing measures installed. The low-rise properties framework of four major contractors / energy funding will be used. The REECH companies as a channel to accelerate the delivery received the same measures as phase 1. Initiative has developed a of Energy Company Obligation (ECO)/Energy To compliment the physical work Villages have launched the Energy Monitor Loan Efficiency funding opportunities. The framework will programme of complementary provide a robust delivery service which will minimise activity to wrap around the REECH Scheme and Energy Advice Surgery. The monitors can be borrowed for up to 3 the cost to market for ECO obligated parties and retrofit programme in order to gain months. The advice surgery provides additional information on how to save energy thereby maximise investment within the City and the the greatest level of impact on the and how to get improved energy tariffs. The information provided at the surgery is City Region. Successful organisations will be assisted tailored to meet residents individual requirements. to deliver either funded installations or funding only local economy. The main areas of to deliver on their carbon savings targets and activity are supply chain/local affordable warmth targets. Works ordered through business opportunities, employment & Regenda Ltd the framework will specifically target improvements skills, community engagement/ Regenda will shortly be on site on schemes in Liverpool and St Helens. In the Clock to the creation of local jobs, improvements in local behavioural change, sustainability Face area of St Helens 17 homes will have external wall insulation fitted to the rear of supply chain and the development of local training and evaluation and dissemination. the properties and internal wall insulation installed at the front. The properties will also services. have mechanical heat recovery ventilation (MHRV) and voltage optimisers installed. Continued In Liverpool 27 homes will have internal wall insulation installed. Again MHRV and voltage optimisers will also be installed. Some of these homes are all listed and in conservation areas so they present particular challenges when installing energy saving technologies.

46 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 47 The original estimates for work included for a FIGURE 19 minimum of 5000 houses treated up until March CORE AND ADDITIONAL SKILL COMPETENCY AREAS 2015 with an aspiration for 20,000 properties by Thextons Construction firm FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY 2017, a potential investment of £20 million. diversify into Cavity Wall Proposed national changes to energy policy are

Installation /

likely to mean that these targets will have to be r n e l i delivered more slowly and over a longer period. o

Construction boss Simon Thexton says i t

o s s a t b l i

retraining his workforce in external wall t u n Changes in national funding criteria for the Feed in m s n

u insulation (EWI) to win green work has e

t n e y l I Tariff (FIT) and ECO do create uncertainty within the i s

l g a c y l r

sent his bottom line soaring to about i s

market, though it is anticipated that most measures f a

m e f l r n £8 million turnover this year - now he’s e o W

will progress albeit at a slower pace. For example


r s e l t n y t h


solar PV feed in tariff changes did halt the market in t n urging other businesses to follow suit. a o

g e i n a r r n t o r 2012 though as the international market continues u e a e m

c a l r l e

n s o t Business is booming thanks to staff V o a

to develop and the capital cost of equipment u d x

s e h P s m

E k n f f f f

n r continues to fall growth in installation of photovoltaic gaining the right skills and n e I a t o o o o

o o d


i s l

cells is once again improving with a current return t n n n n qualifications to win contracts under n g w y a

s a a n o o o o l

i i i i on investment time of around 5-7 years. i

n l W t t t t r

the Energy Company Obligation u

g o s a o a a a a y l l l l n t t l l l l i b i n n i I t (ECO), which works alongside the r r

n a a a a The market will be further accelerated by the v t t t t t a a e f o t s s s s a e Green Deal. He says small and c

establishment of the Viridis group, a City Region o

n n n n n I C L I I h I I m

partnership of the LCR Local Authorities and medium-sized businesses with “the w o • • • • • • • Registered Providers to share best practice and bottle” to grasp the green skills nettle L expert information to maximise local economic

are in pole position to win ECO-



s s

investment. s t l a g i

e funded work with local authorities and


n n d i i

d g n r

r y i r u l y n

l n

housing associations that need to a n e i The core skills required for installation of energy e o s r t g a l V f t a k l r o


i i r P a l t efficient and electricity generation measures in make buildings energy efficient. n

e k g n e o f a s c o n m n i e

g i o

l w t r

domestic and commercial premises are found c u

i e i

. r d

r b a t w n t d

“If you’re prepared to invest in n d e s

largely in existing construction trades. Figure 19 e i e n e l

o c m n d c i n i o n t u w i m g e

identifies ‘traditional’ skill areas and their application, A

a l l o v the training and legwork that t


i a n o o . l i s d c p e d l o s t d

with training, to Low Carbon work tasks. For energy n h

i t n e

a a i k r goes with complying with PAS d

t n h e

i m m m

efficient installation Low Carbon competences g s a s y A u y u r g o o o

l n

i t n l u r r r i . g i r

q f f include skills that enable individuals to meet quality 2030 you’ll end up with a f l r

s e v

a i a e d s s s l n e a e h l l l i r n

l l l standards for national programmes such as PAS g

n i i i o n t n

workforce that can take on d o s s r s i k k k l l a e o l l a

t a

2030 (see Appendix 5). Based on discussions with i s s s i i

i f

. o r t

f i t k k g e

n o d g these jobs, the reward for that is s s e e e

training providers and construction firms in the City l l l d

n e o n d l l d i i i m n b b b t d g A h k a a Region for an experienced plasterer it would take up e o o

you’ll have walls to work on in t r A s i a a a a . . i d n n l t

r r r h o s . a to 10 weeks to train to undertake internal and i n u e t e o o e e e a s i l i i l s f f f f w g t t front of you and we are now l c h c i i

e s s s i

external wall insulation. For new entrants to the w n n i a o g i v n n n d d d d d i t

o s r v s n s i n sector NVQ and Apprenticeship frameworks are d a a a d

actively talking to housing d e a n r r r o r n T t a f T a i h A g T a k a available for traditional skill areas that increasingly associations in relation to taking A include construction and maintenance techniques

on the EWI contract main

for Low Carbon materials and processes. n o i

contract wise, without the need t a

In addition to adaptive craft skills, industry reports l for a main contractor above us” l a

have indicated a shortage in supervisory and t s

project management skills for the energy n I

The focus on green skills training

l /

efficiency sector. This reflects both regulatory a means Thextons is aiming to make the t

y c n requirements to comply with standards and quality i r r n n r t e

lucrative leap from subcontractor to e e o of installation and, given the large scale retrofit o i i c n n t t m i i e l l

main contractor. e o a contracts becoming available, personnel and a

y r r E J r s g

/ e e project management skills. Increasingly for SMEs it /

e D


n n

g n y / n d n s

will be important that staff multi-skill and are able to r e e n g t r a

i o a a a

Source: i i r g g n n y e t g i T

deal with ‘whole-house’ energy efficiency e - - c r

M r doubled-thanks-to-green-skills-training-reveals-canny- i e a n

a r b o o l i e l t t a C t r improvements and are able to provide energy r p z

thextons-boss.aspx?lang=en k

r s l u c m a A l c 46 c c a i s i i i l a a u

efficiency advice . e e V l r l l k n I P B H C G M P H E M S

46 See Energy Efficiency Partnership for Homes (2010) Household Energy Efficiency Skills Review

48 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 49 The volume of demand for these occupational areas is difficult to estimate given variation in Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service achieves 23% carbon reduction market conditions and the changing requirements Energy Saving Trust with retrofits of regulation. However, indications are that there is Formed in 1992, Energy Saving Trust is an increasing recognition of the PAS 2030 standard A programme to overhaul Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service’s 31 fire stations and a social enterprise with a charitable (see Appendix 5) for installation of energy efficiency Foundation. support buildings with a low carbon retrofit has reduced their emissions of carbon measures which is expected to increase the dioxide by 23% over the past five years and resulted in a saving of £117,000 in gas demand for training and competency assessment Through their partnerships they offer and electricity a year. among SMEs and self-employed construction impartial advice to communities and workers. Major contracts for retrofitting of private households on how to reduce carbon Their fire stations and support buildings, used by 1,200 employees, are a mixture of and social housing are anticipated in the Liverpool emissions, use water more sustainably buildings dating from the 1940s to the present day. Their Building stock includes fire City Region and Northwest during 2013/14 which and save money on energy bills. stations, which vary in size from 1-2 appliance sites to larger 3-4 appliance sites, a will impact on labour demand for PAS 2030 registered trades people. However, the scale of They work with governments, local workshop, the headquarters, a training and development academy and the impact will depend on the extent to which local mobilising and communications centre, which accepts and processes emergency authorities, third sector organisations contractors are able to compete with national firms and businesses. calls. Some of these buildings were so old, tired and inefficient that they required a using roving staffing arrangements. major refurbishment in order to decrease the ever mounting maintenance costs and Their activities include: improve their functionality. The Government has announced that it will extend • delivering or managing the Renewable Heat Incentive from business to In the public sector raising funds for energy efficiency projects is very difficult and domestic energy users from spring 2014 47 . Energy government programmes requires compliance with strict financial regulations. Merseyside Fire and Rescue users will receive payments for use of renewable • testing low-carbon technology Service, therefore, sought a Salix Local Authority Environmental Fund from the Carbon energy sources including heat pumps, geothermal • certification and assurance for and solar thermal. This is expected to increase the Trust were the loan for each energy saving project is repaid over a period of up to 5 demand for skilled technicians and installation businesses and consumer goods years using the savings made from their energy bills. engineers with plumbing, electrical and HVAC • developing models and tools To date Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service have spent £480,000 on retrofitting their experience . The launch of the Renewable Heat Incentive training voucher scheme (October 2013) entire building stock. The low carbon retrofit entailed five main areas of work: should support companies wishing to diversify into • A Trend building management system was installed so that heating of all stations this area (see Appendix 2). Major contracts for could be remotely controlled. Additionally, effective planning and installation of retrofitting of private and • The existing heating and hot water systems were improved with the installation of equipment requires architectural skills to calculate burner controls, high efficiency combi boilers and Andrews water heaters. As the heat usage and to ensure the most efficient social housing are location of heat sources within ‘whole-house’ energy central heating and hot water systems operate separately the heating is now management systems. This is a new area of activity anticipated in the Liverpool switched off for 3-4 months over the summer in order to increase savings even that employers indicate requires staff to extend further. competences. City Region and Northwest

• Lofts and pipe lines were insulated. The LCR Save Energy Advice Line is a local free during 2013/14 which will • Energy efficient lighting replaced the internal and external halogen lights. phone number (0800 043 0151, Mon to Fri impact on labour demand 9am-5pm) run by Energy Projects Plus and bought • Voltage Optimisation Units (step down transformers) were also fitted to reduce the into by the 6 LCR local authority boroughs. The for PAS 2030 registered voltage supplied to half of the building stock, which was being wasted advice line provides free impartial advice to unnecessarily as heat through lighting and computers. This alone resulted in residents on energy efficiency around the home, trades people renewable energy and information about the latest 10% of electricity savings. grants and discounts available. Other refurbishments were aimed at improving the usability of the buildings for deployment, staff and community users. The previously unwelcoming buildings were refurbished, washing facilities were improved, study rooms re-modelled, flooring Increase the demand for replaced and new appliance bay doors fitted. skilled technicians and As a result of this major retrofitting programme Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service are installation engineers with saving £117,000 in gas and electricity per year, with a tremendous carbon saving of 23% of CO2 emissions per year (from a 2007 baseline) over the past five years of their plumbing, electrical and Carbon Management Plan. HVAC experience

Source: merseyside-fire-and-rescue-service-achieves-23-carbon-reduction-with-retrofits/

47 See

50 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 51 Figure 20 shows employment numbers by Environmental Sustainability occupation for employment areas relevant to Intelligence from Royal Mail energy efficiency. The distribution of occupations Other areas of demand may come from reflects the strong craft basis for employers contractors indicates that organisations who wish to work in a greener way and Environmental impact initiatives delivering energy efficiency improvements in meet their own environmental impact targets. domestic and commercial properties. Over the plasterers are training to Larger organisations in particular have invested in Royal Mail Environment Manager, period 2008 - 2012 the level of employment shown qualify for internal and expertise to monitor their environmental impact and James Kokiet, put 24 Royal Mail staff in this ONS data has fallen by over 2,300 or 6.9%. carbon emissions; which has led to a growing need through the Working with This overall pattern reflects broader trends in the to ensure the whole workforce is engaged in the construction industry which has experienced external wall insulation in Environmental Sustainability and green agenda in order to meet their targets. These Managing with Environmental significant reductions in housing construction, the absence of contract are often advertised as Sustainability Managers or maintenance and repair over the period of the Co-ordinators who have studied Environmental Sustainability courses during a pilot 48 recession . opportunities in plastering Sciences in University, however the responsibility can during November 2012. also come under the remit of Estates, Facilities or There are however, a number of areas of growth Procurement Managers within some organisations "Royal Mail has a huge that relate specifically to the demands articulated in response to funding for the installation of heat and therefore it is essential that they have the workforce; if we are able to by employers in the Low Carbon sector. While these pumps and heat management systems. Employers opportunity to undertake CPD in this area. From get even a small proportion occupations do not exclusively relate to the also indicate areas of oversupply for example in October 2013, UK legislation changes mean that all installation of energy efficiency improvements, plastering which has seen a 17.4% drop in quoted companies have to measure and report to work in a greener way it growth in demand does indicate potential supply employment. Intelligence from contractors greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. positively impacts on the pressure should the demand from Low Carbon and indicates that plasterers are training to qualify for the wider construction sector increase in the internal and external wall insulation in the absence Furthermore manufacturing businesses are actively environmental targets that I medium term. For example the growth in of contract opportunities in plastering. This reduces exploring low carbon initiatives in relation to energy am responsible for. electricians, plumbers and ventilation engineers demand for traditional plasterers in the short term consumption and greater efficiency. There is a may continue, despite the reduced demand and shifts emphasis to short courses in insulation strong focus on optimising manufacturing/chemical Since the training we’ve seen expected from the installation of micro-generation, skills. processes and transport networks and therefore a reduction in energy use there is a need for all employers to have a good FIGURE 20 understanding of LEAN manufacturing and matched with an increase in EMPLOYMENT TRENDS BY OCCUPATION LIVERPOOL CITY REGION - ENERGY EFFICIENCY sustainable consumption and production. recycling at the plants where our delegates work. I’d Employment 2008-2012 Trend The Carbon Trust have produced a report which Occupation 2012 Change (%) Demand reviews environmental targets being set by categorically say that this companies in the FTSE 100 and highlights best Production Mgrs and Directors in Construction 1,884 -38.1 training has instilled some practice by identifying exemplars. 49 Building and Civil Engineering Technicians 628 N/A extra motivation in those who The Institute of Environmental Management and Quality Assurance Technicians 534 -37.0 attended and I can see how Assessment (IEMA) has set the environmental they all want to make a Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Engineers * N/A standard for non-environment professionals by joining forces with City and Guilds in developing a difference which is very Construction and building trade supervisors 270 -78.8 suite of courses in recognition of the need for encouraging”. Skilled metal and electronic trades supervisors 1,830 8.0 tailored, high-quality environmental training for all Electricians and Electrical Fitters 6,237 50.3 workers in any role, (see Appendix 6) these include: Source: • Working with Environmental Sustainability Bricklayers and Masons 765 -61.6 • Managing with Environmental Sustainability Roofers, Roof Tilers and Slaters 2,213 23.1 • Leading with Environmental Sustainability Plumbing Heating and Ventilation Engineers 4,163 27.1 Carpenters and Joiners 4,839 -18.2 See more at greener#sthash.thftr17G.dpuf Glaziers, window fabricators and fitters 1,195 40.4 Other Building and Construction Trades 3,361 -31.1 Plasterers 1,034 -17.4 Elementary construction occupations 1,879 -13.1 Total 30,832 -6.9

Key Decrease Increase

Source: ONS APS Data (2012) - Special Run for LCR. Key: * Number suppressed due to low sample size

48 See Construction Skills and Experian (2012) 49

52 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 53 Furthermore the Energy Companies Obligation Furthermore the local Universities have developed a (ECO) has been introduced in Great Britain which range of existing research facilities. Jaguar Land Rover Sustainability Commitment has led to a demand for a number of warmth Jaguar Land Rover have developed a substainability commitment, encompassing advisers or energy home assessors . ECO operates The Nuclear Sector elements of the design engineering and manufacturing of their vehicles: alongside the Green Deal and places obligations on larger energy suppliers to deliver energy There are also significant employment opportunities “At Jaguar, we are striving to achieve a sustainable business approach efficiency measures to domestic energy users. Utility within the nuclear sector which is worth mentioning by balancing our economic, social and environmental responsibilities. companies are also responsible for ensuring that in this report as plans are in place to rebuild the households are environmentally sustainable. Wylfa power plant in Anglesey as well as further Obligated suppliers must achieve carbon and cost investments in Sellafield. These will create It’s an approach to sustainability which focuses on the complete savings in respect of three distinct targets: ‘lifecycle’ of a vehicle, rather than simply looking at traditional measures opportunities for Liverpool City Region construction • 20.9 MtCO 2 savings under the carbon emissions and manufacturing businesses, which in turn create like fuel consumption or CO2 emissions when the car is being driven. A reduction obligation (CERO), specific skill requirements to meet the nuclear industry standards. These include skills that are life cycle approach involves analysing all aspects of the product’s • 6.8 MtCO savings under the carbon saving 2 required by the growth industries in the region such community obligation (CSCO); and creation, use and disposal and then using this data to set specific as high integrity welders who are needed in wind targets for reducing the environmental impact of each aspect. • £4.2 billion under the home heating cost turbine production and ship building and reduction obligation (HHCRO). maintenance. For example this would mean using low energy manufacturing processes, using recycled materials and making the car easier to The targets are divided between obligated suppliers The nuclear sector spans electricity generation, new according to a formula proportionate to their share build including nuclear manufacturing and recycle at the end of its life. of domestic customers. These targets needed to construction, uranium enrichment, fuel production, be achieved by 31 March 2015, however recent decommissioning and waste management. To this end, we’ve invested in the very latest, state-of-the-art lifecycle changes in Government policy have led to an analysis software that assesses the ‘cradle-to-grave’ environmental extension to this deadline. The sector has an interesting structure being impact of our vehicles - and identifies ways in which we can improve. dominated by a few major Site Licence Companies Environmental consultancy and (SLCs) e.g. Sellafield and Magnox, and major This single-minded focus on sustainability throughout the vehicle’s life specialists fields Operators such as EDF Energy, however, it is has already been demonstrated by the all-new XJ’s achievement of supported by an extensive supply chain which is growing rapidly with the expansion of the nuclear There remains a need for environmental expertise in ISO 14040 as certified by the UK’s Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA). programme. With the value of the new nuclear the provision of Environmental Impact Assessments build programme forecast to be £60 billion, in This considers the environmental impact of a car through every stage of for all major planning applications that have a addition to the already accelerating its lifecycle. We’re proud to have achieved it. direct impact on the environment. These are decommissioning programme (£3bn/yr), the produced to ensure that a local planning authority nuclear industry is on the cusp of a renaissance. But our focus on sustainability at Jaguar is only becoming more intense. consider the specific impact on the environment when deciding whether to grant planning Our Design, Engineering and Manufacturing teams have never worked It is vital that the UK responds now to this opportunity permission for a project. The Institute of in order to safeguard and grow jobs within the UK more closely together, with the single aim of making cars that are both Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) and remain competitive internationally in terms of have registered a number of organisations on their exciting to drive, and easier on the planet. skills, expertise and innovation. To enable this to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Quality Mark happen, companies firstly need to understand what Our Commitment that that have made a commitment to excellence level of skills and experience exists in their business in the EIA activities they deliver (see Appendix 6). • To reduce dependency on fossil fuels and production of man- and their contractors; to train up their employees with the right skills to deliver their future business made CO 2 emissions Research and Development objectives. With nearly a third of the Nuclear Sector • To use fewer natural resources and create less waste workforce based in the Northwest of England there An essential area of continued skill demand is will be opportunities for business and individuals • To enthuse our employees and stakeholders for sustainable business specifically around research and development in all within the Liverpool City Region. Particular development” low carbon solutions. opportunities will present themselves in Construction and Manufacturing with key areas of need including One example is Wirral's planned Marine Innovation but not restricted to; Project Managers, Construction Source: Campus which will create a centre of excellence Project and Programme Managers, Steel Fixers, and enable the R&D and manufacturing strengths Nuclear Safety Site Supervisors, Control & of all stakeholders to focus on innovations in the Instrumentation Technicians/Engineers, offshore energy sector. The proposed vision for an Geotechnical Engineers, Environmental Engineers, Offshore Survival Training Centre will provide a Design Engineers. central hub for new product technology testing for the marine sector while serving commercial market demand for a local offshore training facility.

54 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 55 In addition many organisations are up-skilling their 50 workforce in the area of Project Management Liverpool University Research Facilities through the Association of Project Managers suite of UK Faces Welding Skills Shortage • Geomagnetism Laboratory (Oliver Lodge Laboratory) has state-of-the art courses and qualifications, delivered to the Nuclear for Nuclear Future Sector by 20/20 Business Insight and Gen II. This technology and expertise and a wide scope of research interests in Palaeo-, Geo- suite of programmes was enhanced last year with In a bid to end the current shortage of and Archaeomagnetism. the introduction of the Higher level Apprenticeship in welders in the engineering Project Management, delivered by Blackpool and construction industry, the Engineering • Marine chemistry (Nicholson Building). Equipped with a wide range of analytical The Fylde College and Gen II. Further information equipment for spectrophotometry, liquid and gas chromatography, gas on the skills requirements of the industry can be Construction Industry Training Board chromatography-mass spectrometry and electroanalytical chemistry. found in the National Skills Academy of Nuclear Plan (ECITB) has invested £4m of industry for 2013-15 51 . funding into welding training and • Rock deformation Laboratory (Jane Herdman Building). Research in fault zone development. permeability structure, earthquake nucleation in faults such as the San Andreas Waste Management and characterisation of hydrocarbon reservoir fluid flow properties. The £4 million investment comes in Waste Management & Remediation activities have support of a consortium of employers been identified as a high productivity sector in the • Research Vessel - R.V. Marisa . The RV Marisa of Liverpool is a state-of-the-art who will be involved in the up-coming inshore research vessel certified by the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency as a Liverpool City Region. Between 2001 and 2011 productivity growth in the region was higher than Nuclear New Build programme. The Category II workboat. The vessel supports research and teaching at the University recorded nationally in Water Supply, Sewerage, companies, led by Doosan Babcock, 52 of Liverpool, and is available for charter by organisations requiring coastal Waste Management & remediation activities . include Alstom Power, Tei Ltd, Shaw research capabilities. Vacancy Demand Group, PJ Douglas and Babcock • Seismological Laboratory (Jane Herdman Building). This has 12 seismic stations International who won a successful comprising of Trillium 120P broadband sensors and Taurus data loggers. Employer demand can also be articulated through bid through the Employer Ownership advertised vacancies created by employers within of Skills pilot securing £4 million of • Stable isotope Laboratory (Nicholson Building). the Liverpool City Region. Online vacancy information on the number of specific ‘Green’ government funding for welding • Electron Microscopy Laboratory - EBSD-SEM (Nicholson Building). Offers cutting vacancies advertised in LCR indicate small numbers training. This brings the total edge technology and expertise in electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and of demand. However it’s worth considering that the investment to £8 million. energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) in the scanning electron microscope (SEM). number of jobs involving low carbon and sustainability is far greater than indicated by these EBSD and EDS are applied to numerous different disciplines at the forefront of Martyn Fletcher Director of Operations sources as the low carbon agenda encompasses a Support, Doosan Babcock and ECITB research. The laboratory comprises a Philips XL30 tungsten filament SEM and a wider range of jobs that are not labelled as ‘green’. CamScan X500 Crystal Probe field emission gun (FEG) SEM. For example and opportunities for experienced Regional Chairman said: trades people working on retrofitting homes in the “High integrity pipe welding is • Cartographic Suite (Roxby Building & Jane Herdman Building). The region may not be advertised as green jobs. Cartographics Design Studio has three full time members of staff and is primarily a major skills gap in involved with providing a service to the School of Environmental Sciences, other Previous analysis of these vacancies suggests that engineering construction, certain low carbon skills are particularly attractive to University departments and external clients, with expertise in Cartography, employers, eg. contract management (see and has been cited as a Graphic Design, Desktop Publishing and Digital Imaging. Appendix 8). specific skills risk to nuclear new build delivery. The All new entrants (construction and manufacturing These programmes are either delivered via employer opportunity pilot firms who wish to diversity their customer base) to the classroom provision by the Skills Academy network has allowed us to secure Nuclear Industry will also need to understand the of High Quality Providers Nuclear Fundamentals and a number of significant investment to programmes to address this gap have been or via e-learning through the Nuclear Training address this risk quickly.” developed by the National Skills Academy for Network Nuclear, including: Source: • Triple Bar Existing sites NuclearFuture1/ • Triple Bar Nuclear New Build sites • Triple Bar Manufacturing • Human Performance Fundamentals • Award for Nuclear Industry Awareness

51 50 52 Liverpool City Region Growth Plan & Strategic Economic Plan


The Low Carbon Sector encompasses a very wide The push for the development and use of BIS Department for Business, Innovation and Skills range of industries, sectors and job roles. The push alternative fuels also creates demand for new skills. CITB Construction Industry and Training Board for greater sustainability and the continued The opening of the biomass campus at Stobart in exploration of low carbon alternatives to existing Widnes is an example of how this is taking place in CORE Centres for Off-shore Renewable Engineering products and services will lead to new skills being practice. ECITB Engineering Construction Industry and Training Board demanded across a number of sectors. It is envisaged that the green agenda will impact on The sector is very much driven by government EWEA European Wind Energy Association many existing roles and lead to the development of policy and the need to reduce carbon emissions EWI External Wall Insulation new occupations and skills needs. across all countries and in particular the UK, which has a target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions FIT Feed In Tariff There will be a demand for experts in all areas of low by 80% by 2050. Gemserv Green Deal oversight body carbon as well as flexible individuals who are prepared to undertake ongoing learning. For The Low carbon sector has been slowly growing, GHG Green House Gas example updating the skills of existing skilled trades despite the economic climate and changes in GVA Gross Value Added people and job roles with small units of learning will public subsidies in this area. Training providers have help to upgrade older public housing stock to invested in resources and facilities locally to meet HESA Higher Education Statistics Agency become more sustainable. current and future demand and therefore it is HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning essential that businesses utilise these skills There is also the potential for growth in research and opportunities. IEMA Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment development as well as engineering roles to LCEGS Low Carbon Environmental Goods and Services Sector develop new alternative technologies and There are 3 key areas that that need to be focused products, leading to the need for technical on: Making it Campaign Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership led campaign to promote and specialists to work with the new technologies further develop the City Region’s advanced manufacturing sector • Encouraging providers to offer flexible provision involved in low carbon. for building the competences of existing MerseySTEM Publicly funded contract holder supporting schools and teachers in Liverpool City employees Region to enhance young peoples STEM skills Offshore wind farm manufacture, installation and NVQ National Vocational Qualification maintenance is envisaged to become increasingly • Defining a City Region Low Carbon offer to important in the region with contracts secured for make it easier for employers and job seekers to PAS 2030 Competence requirements for Green Deal installers and other low carbon work further developments. This will specifically create understand the full range of provision available PV Photovoltaic’s greater demand for high integrity welding and in the region fabrication skills, as well as installation and • Building on the skills required for the future by SEMTA Sector Skills Council covering engineering, science and technology skills maintenance engineers from companies involved promoting the sector and importance of STEM SSC Sector Skills Council in the contract such as Cammell Laird. skills to students as well as skills needs from businesses in the region STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Specialist consultants will continue to be required to UKCES Commission for Employment and Skills advise on the environmental impact of initiatives requiring planning and other regulatory consents. LCR Liverpool City Region UTC University Technical College


Bird, J. and Lawton, K. (2009) The Future’s Green: Jobs and the UK Low-Carbon Transition. IPPR. London. McNeil C and Slim A (2012) Further Higher? Tertiary education and growth in the UK’s New Economy. University and College Union. London Available: BIS (2009) Skills for Growth: The National Skills Strategy. Department for Business Innovation and Skills. London. Available: National Audit Office (2007) Local Labour Market Analysis. The Stationary Office. London.

BIS (2012) Low Carbon Environmental Goods and Services Report for 2010/11. Department for Business OECD (2011) The Jobs Potential of a Shift Towards a Low-Carbon Economy. OECD Green Growth Papers Innovation and Skills. London. 2012-01. OECD Publishing. Paris.

CBI (2011) Risky Business: Investing in the UK’s Low-Carbon Infrastructure. Confederation of British Industry. Office of Budget Responsibility (2013) Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2013. Available: London. Available:

Construction Skills and Experian (2012) Construction Skills Network North West 2012 - 2016. Available: Romani, M., Stern, N. Zengelis, D. (2011) The Basic Economics of Low-Carbon Growth in the UK. Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment Policy Brief. London School of Economics. London.

Crown Estate (2013) Offshore Wind Operational Report 2013. Available: UKCES (2010) Strategic Skills Needs in the Low Carbon Energy Generation Sector. Evidence Report 16. UKCES. London.

Crown Estate (2010) Your Career in Offshore Wind Energy. Available: UKTI (2012) Building Offshore Wind in England: CORE Centres for Renewable Engineering. Available:

DECC (2010) Meeting the Low Carbon Skills Challenge - A Government Response. Department of Energy and Climate Change. L ondon.

DTZ (2009) Impact of the Growth in the Green Economy on Future Jobs and Skills Requirements in the Liverpool City Region Final Report for Liverpool City Council September 2009. DTZ Manchester

Ecorys (2008) ‘Environment and Labour Force Skills - Overview of the Links Between the Skills Profile of the Labour Force and Environmental Factors’ Report for the European Commission DG Environment. Available:

Energy Efficiency Partnership for Homes (2010) Household Energy Efficiency Skills Review. Available:

European Wind Energy Technology Platform (2013) Workers Wanted: The EU Wind Energy Sector Skills Gap. Available:

GHK (2009) The Impacts of Climate Change on European Employment and Skills in the Short to Medium-Term: Vol. 1. Report to the European Commission. Available:

Jagger, N., Foxton, TJ., Gouldson, A. (2012) Skills Constraints for Low Carbon Transitions. Sustainability Research Institute Paper 31. University of Leeds.

Liverpool City Region (2011) Low Carbon Economy Action Plan 2011 - 2015 The Mersey Partnership. Liverpool.

McNeil, C., Rowney, M., Straw, W. (2013) Pump up the Volume - Bringing Down Costs and Increasing Jobs in the Offshore Wind Sector IPPR.

60 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 61 Low Carbon Skills for Growth Agreement Meeting Employment and Skills Demand with Supply by Agreement

Business involved in this agreement Partner organisations involved in this agreement

What will the agreement accomplish (please tick at least one)

We will work together to develop a better understanding of the job opportunities within the Low Carbon sector and inspire the career choices of local people

We will identify STEM Ambassadors from within our organisation and take part in the activities of MerseySTEM

We will support the development of a Schools Hydrogen Challenge for Liverpool City Region

We will work together to clearly explain and publicise the Low Carbon related curriculum of our learning and/or employment programmes to a wider audience

We will work with National Skills Academies and other specialist organisations to ensure training/employment routeways meet the needs of the sector

Other specific objectives (please specify)

62 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 63 Business named in this agreement will undertake the following actions (please specify) Appendices Appendix 1 List of level 2-4 Low Carbon provision

Environmental Technologies

Learning Aim Awarding Body LARA Link Colleges, providers and partners named in this agreement will undertake the following actions Level 3 Award in Environmental 600/0701/1 City & Guilds (please specify) Technology Systems Awareness es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=287080&aimRef= (QCF) 60007011&academicYearID=1112&

Level 3 Award in the 600/6377/4 BPEC Fundamental Principles and es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=323859&aimRef= Requirements of Environmental 600%2f6377%2f4&academicYearID=1213& Technology Systems (QCF) 600/4282/5 City & Guilds es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=311820&aimRef= 600%2f4282%2f5&academicYearID=1213&

600/0665/1 EAL es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=286845&aimRef= 600%2f0665%2f1&academicYearID=1213&

600/5715/4 LCL es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=324167&aimRef= Signatories 600%2f5715%2f4&academicYearID=1213& Level 3 Award in the 600/5696/4 City & Guilds Business Signatories: Partner Signatories: Provider Signatories: Installation of Small Scale Solar es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316933&aimRef= Photovoltaic Systems (QCF) 600%2f5696%2f4&academicYearID=1213&

600/5175/9 EAL es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316099&aimRef= 600%2f5175%2f9&academicYearID=1213&

501/1846/8 EAL Period of Agreement es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=283159&aimRef= 50118468&academicYearID=1112&

Date from: Target date: 600/6363/4 Proqual es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=323863&aimRef= 600%2f6363%2f4&academicYearID=1213& Although Skills for Growth Agreements do not form a legally binding contract they should form a public commitment. To help underpin and publicise this commitment please return completed Agreements to: Level 3 Award in the 600/6283/6 BPEC Installation and Maintenance es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=323860&aimRef= Liverpool City Region Employment and Skills Board, c/o City Region Employment and Skills Team, of Small Scale Solar 600%2f6283%2f6&academicYearID=1213& Knowsley Council, PO Box 21, Archway Road, , Knowsley, Merseyside, L36 9YU Photovoltaic Systems (QCF) 600/5695/2 City & Guilds es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316925&aimRef= For an electronic version of this template, please go to 600%2f5695%2f2&academicYearID=1213&

600/5252/1 EAL es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316346&aimRef= 600%2f5252%2f1&academicYearID=1213&


600/5775/0 LCL 600/5253/3 EAL es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=324168&aimRef= es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316347&aimRef= 600%2f5775%2f0&academicYearID=1213& 600%2f5253%2f3&academicYearID=1213&

600/6256/3 Proqual 501/1643/5 EAL es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=318199&aimRef= es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=282836&aimRef= 600%2f6256%2f3&academicYearID=1213& 50116435&academicYearID=1112&

Level 3 Award in the 600/5694/0 City & Guilds 600/7730/X LCL Installation of Solar Thermal es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316934&aimRef= es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=328692&aimRef= Hot Water Systems (QCF) 600%2f5694%2f0&academicYearID=1213& 600%2f7730%2fX&academicYearID=1213&

600/5248/X EAL 600/6258/7 Proqual es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316342&aimRef= es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=318198&aimRef= 600%2f5248%2fX&academicYearID=1213& 600%2f6258%2f7&academicYearID=1213&

600/6385/3 Proqual Level 3 Award in the 600/5690/3 City & Guilds es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=323994&aimRef= Installation of Water Harvesting es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316935&aimRef= 600%2f6385%2f3&academicYearID=1213& and Re-use Systems (QCF) 600%2f5690%2f3&academicYearID=1213&

Level 3 Award in the 600/6608/8 BPEC 600/5247/8 EAL Installation and Maintenance es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=324550&aimRef= es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316341&aimRef= of Solar Thermal Hot Water 600%2f6608%2f8&academicYearID=1213& 600%2f5247%2f8&academicYearID=1213& Systems (QCF) 600/5693/9 City & Guilds Level 3 Award in the 600/6282/4 BPEC es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316926&aimRef= Installation and Maintenance es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=323861&aimRef= 600%2f5693%2f9&academicYearID=1213& of Water Harvesting and Re-use 600%2f6282%2f4&academicYearID=1213& Systems (QCF) 600/5251/X EAL 600/5689/7 City & Guilds es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316345&aimRef= es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316927&aimRef= 600%2f5251%2fX&academicYearID=1213& 600%2f5689%2f7&academicYearID=1213&

501/1640/X EAL 600/5250/8 EAL es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=282838&aimRef= es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316344&aimRef= 5011640X&academicYearID=1112& 600%2f5250%2f8&academicYearID=1213&

600/7439/5 LCL 501/1644/7 EAL es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=327883&aimRef= es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=282839&aimRef= 600%2f7439%2f5&academicYearID=1213& 50116447&academicYearID=1112&

600/6257/5 Proqual Biomass tbc HETAS es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=318200&aimRef= 600%2f6257%2f5&academicYearID=1213& Level 2 NVQ Certificate in 600/6014/1 ABBE Installing Solar Collectors to es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=317463&aimRef= Level 3 Award in the 600/5692/7 City & Guilds Roofs: Solar Photovoltaic (QCF) 600%2f6014%2f1&academicYearID=1213& Installation of Heat Pumps es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316932&aimRef= Systems (Non-refrigerant 600%2f5692%2f7&academicYearID=1213& Level 2 NVQ Certificate in 600/6013/X ABBE Circuits) (QCF) Installing Solar Collectors to es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=317464&aimRef= 600/5249/1 EAL Roofs: Solar Thermal (QCF) 600%2f6013%2fX&academicYearID=1213& es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316343&aimRef= 600%2f5249%2f1&academicYearID=1213& Level 2 NVQ Diploma for the 600/1373/4 GQA Installation of Photovoltaic es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=288982&aimRef= 600/6364/6 Proqual Panels (QCF) 600%2f1373%2f4&academicYearID=1213& es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=323862&aimRef= 600%2f6364%2f6&academicYearID=1213&

Level 3 Award in the 600/6606/4 BPEC Installation and Maintenance es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=324549&aimRef= of Heat Pumps Systems (Non- 600%2f6606%2f4&academicYearID=1213& refrigerant Circuits) (QCF) 600/5691/5 City & Guilds es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316924&aimRef= 600%2f5691%2f5&academicYearID=1213&

66 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 67 Building Services Engineering Learning Aim Awarding Body LARA Link Learning Aim Awarding Body LARA Link Level 3 NVQ Diploma in 600/1117/8 City & Guilds Domestic Heating (Gas fired es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=287983&aimRef= Level 3 NVQ Diploma in 501/1624/1 City & Guilds water and central heating 600%2f1117%2f8&academicYearID=1213& Electrotechnical Services es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=282740&aimRef= appliances) (EUSGU022) (Electrical Maintenance) (QCF) 501%2f1624%2f1&academicYearID=1213& 600/1454/4 EAL es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=289256&aimRef= 501/1604/6 EAL 600%2f1454%2f4&academicYearID=1213& es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=282729&aimRef= 501%2f1604%2f6&academicYearID=1213& Level 2 NVQ Diploma in 600/5270/3 BPEC Plumbing and Heating (QCF) es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316976&aimRef= Level 3 NVQ Diploma in 501/2232/0 City & Guilds 600%2f5270%2f3&academicYearID=1213& Installing Electrotechnical es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=283871&aimRef= Systems and Equipment 501%2f2232%2f0&academicYearID=1213& 501/1981/3 City & Guilds (Buildings, Structures and the es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=283402&aimRef= Environment) (QCF) 501/1605/8 EAL 501%2f1981%2f3&academicYearID=1213& es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=282739&aimRef= 501%2f1605%2f8&academicYearID=1213& 501/1752/X EAL es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=282977&aimRef= Level 3 Award in Requirements 600/3046/X City & Guilds 501%2f1752%2fX&academicYearID=1213& for Electrical Installation on es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=302577&aimRef= BS7671: June 2008 (2011) 600%2f3046%2fX&academicYearID=1213& Level 3 NVQ Diploma in 600/6863/2 BPEC (QCF) Domestic Plumbing and es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=325781&aimRef= 600/3719/2 EAL Heating (QCF) 600%2f6863%2f2&academicYearID=1213& es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=309774&aimRef= 600%2f3719%2f2&academicYearID=1213& 600/1122/1 City & Guilds es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=287986&aimRef= 600/5432/3 LCL 600%2f1122%2f1&academicYearID=1213& es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=324166&aimRef= 600%2f5432%2f3&academicYearID=1213& 600/1252/3 EAL es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=288246&aimRef= Level 2 Diploma in Domestic 600/5271/5 BPEC 600%2f1252%2f3&academicYearID=1213& Heating (QCF) es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316975&aimRef= 600%2f5271%2f5&academicYearID=1213& Level 3 NVQ Diploma in 600/1124/5 City & Guilds Domestic Plumbing and es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=287984&aimRef= 501/2102/9 City & Guilds Heating (Gas fired warm air 600%2f1124%2f5&academicYearID=1213& es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=283541&aimRef= appliances) (EUSGU021) 501%2f2102%2f9&academicYearID=1213& 600/1451/9 EAL es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=289233&aimRef= 501/1606/X EAL 600%2f1451%2f9&academicYearID=1213& es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=282741&aimRef= 501%2f1606%2fX&academicYearID=1213& Level 3 NVQ Diploma in 600/1134/8 City & Guilds Domestic Plumbing and es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=287985&aimRef= Level 3 NVQ Diploma in 600/6871/1 BPEC Heating (Gas fired water and 600%2f1134%2f8&academicYearID=1213& Domestic Heating (QCF) es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=325782&aimRef= central heating appliances) 600%2f6871%2f1&academicYearID=1213& (EUSGU022) 600/1657/7 EAL es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=289293&aimRef= 600/1473/8 City & Guilds 600%2f1657%2f7&academicYearID=1213& es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=289255&aimRef= 600%2f1473%2f8&academicYearID=1213& Level 2 NVQ Diploma in 600/1806/9 City & Guilds Heating and Ventilating es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=289723&aimRef= 600/1253/5 EAL Industrial and Commercial 600%2f1806%2f9&academicYearID=1213& es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=288239&aimRef= Installation (QCF) 600%2f1253%2f5&academicYearID=1213& 501/1622/8 EAL es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=282619&aimRef= Level 3 NVQ Diploma in 600/1116/6 City & Guilds 501%2f1622%2f8&academicYearID=1213& Domestic Heating (Gas fired es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=287982&aimRef= warm air appliances) 600%2f1116%2f6&academicYearID=1213& Level 3 NVQ Diploma in 600/1009/5 City & Guilds (EUSGU021) Heating & Ventilating - es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=287827&aimRef= 600/1453/2 EAL Industrial and Commercial 600%2f1009%2f5&academicYearID=1213& es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=289257&aimRef= Installation (QCF) 600%2f1453%2f2&academicYearID=1213& 600/1163/4 EAL es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=287987&aimRef= 600%2f1163%2f4&academicYearID=1213&


Level 3 Award in the 600/6159/5 City & Guilds Level 3 NVQ Diploma in 501/1688/5 GQA Installation, Commissioning es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=317887&aimRef= Fenestration Installation (QCF) es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=282972&aimRef= and Safety Aspects of Hot 600%2f6159%2f5&academicYearID=1213& 501%2f1688%2f5&academicYearID=1213& Water Systems for Domestic Use in Accordance With UK Level 3 NVQ Certificate in 501/2109/1 GQA Building Regulations (QCF) Fenestration Surveying (QCF) es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=283531&aimRef= 501%2f2109%2f1&academicYearID=1213& Level 3 Award in Water Supply 600/6165/0 City & Guilds (Water Fittings) Regulations es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=317888&aimRef= Level 2 NVQ Certificate in 600/6019/0 ABBE and Water Byelaws in the UK 600%2f6165%2f0&academicYearID=1213& Insulation and Building es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=317467&aimRef= (QCF) Treatments (External Wall 600%2f6019%2f0&academicYearID=1213& Insulation - Boarder) (QCF)

Level 2 NVQ Certificate in 600/6020/7 ABBE Insulation & Fenestration Insulation and Building es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=317687&aimRef= Treatments (External Wall 600%2f6020%2f7&academicYearID=1213& Insulation - Finisher) (QCF) Learning Aim Awarding Body LARA Link Level 2 NVQ Certificate in 600/6018/9 ABBE Level 2 NVQ Certificate in 600/3532/8 CSkills Awards Insulation and Building es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=317465&aimRef= Insulation and Building es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=309159&aimRef= Treatments (Draught proofing) 600%2f6018%2f9&academicYearID=1213& Treatments (Construction)(QCF) 600%2f3532%2f8&academicYearID=1213& (QCF)

600/8370/0 GQA Level 2 NVQ Certificate in 600/6022/0 ABBE es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=330420&aimRef= Insulation and Building es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=317689&aimRef= 600%2f8370%2f0&academicYearID=1213& Treatments (Internal Insulation) 600%2f6022%2f0&academicYearID=1213& (QCF) Level 2 NVQ Certificate in 600/6017/7 ABBE Insulation and Building es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=317466&aimRef= Level 2 NVQ Certificate in 600/6021/9 ABBE Treatments: Cavity Wall 600%2f6017%2f7&academicYearID=1213& Insulation and Building es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=317688&aimRef= Insulation (QCF) Treatments (Insulate Framed 600%2f6021%2f9&academicYearID=1213& 600/3187/6 City & Guilds Sections of Buildings) (QCF) es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=302966&aimRef= 600%2f3187%2f6&academicYearID=1213&

Level 2 NVQ Certificate in 600/6023/2 ABBE Green Deal Assessment & Advice Insulation and Building es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=317690&aimRef= Treatments: Loft Insulation 600%2f6023%2f2&academicYearID=1213& Learning Aim Awarding Body LARA Link (QCF) 600/3185/2 City & Guilds es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=302968&aimRef= Level 3 Certificate in Domestic 600/5478/5 ABBE 600%2f3185%2f2&academicYearID=1213& Energy Assessment (QCF) es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316566&aimRef= 600%2f5478%2f5&academicYearID=1213& Level 2 NVQ Certificate in 600/3186/4 City & Guilds Insulation and Building es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=302967&aimRef= 600/6063/3 BPEC Treatments - External Wall 600%2f3186%2f4&academicYearID=1213& es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=317641&aimRef= Insulation (Construction) (QCF) 600%2f6063%2f3&academicYearID=1213&

Level 2 NVQ Certificate in 600/3479/8 City & Guilds 600/5739/7 City & Guilds Insulation and Building es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=308819&aimRef= es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316880&aimRef= Treatments - Internal Insulation 600%2f3479%2f8&academicYearID=1213& 600%2f5739%2f7&academicYearID=1213& (Construction) (QCF) 600/5881/X EDI Level 2 NVQ Certificate in 600/3480/4 City & Guilds es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=317252&aimRef= Insulation and Building es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=308817&aimRef= 600%2f5881%2fX&academicYearID=1213& Treatments - Draught-proofing 600%2f3480%2f4&academicYearID=1213& (Construction) (QCF) Level 3 Certificate in Non 600/5958/8 ABBE Domestic Energy Assessment es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=317342&aimRef= Level 2 NVQ Certificate in 500/7834/4 GQA (QCF) 600%2f5958%2f8&academicYearID=1213& Curtain Wall Installation (QCF) 600/6590/4 City & Guilds Level 2 NVQ Diploma in 500/7825/2 GQA es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=324583&aimRef= Fenestration Installation (QCF) es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=275077&aimRef= 600%2f6590%2f4&academicYearID=1213& 500%2f7825%2f2&academicYearID=1213&


Level 4 Diploma in Non 600/7764/5 ABBE Level 3 Certificate in 600/0550/6 EdExcel Domestic Energy Assessment es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=328709&aimRef= Understanding Sustainable es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=286820&aimRef= (QCF) 600%2f7764%2f5&academicYearID=1213& Energy Efficiency (QCF) 600%2f0550%2f6&academicYearID=1213&

Level 3 Diploma in Domestic 600/5488/8 ABBE 600/5494/3 Proqual Green Deal Advice (QCF) es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316567&aimRef= es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316576&aimRef= 600%2f5488%2f8&academicYearID=1213& 600%2f5494%2f3&academicYearID=1213&

600/6277/0 BPEC Level 3 Certificate in Air 600/1119/1 ABBE es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=323895&aimRef= Conditioning Energy es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=287975&aimRef= 600%2f6277%2f0&academicYearID=1213& Assessment (QCF) 600%2f1119%2f1&academicYearID=1213&

600/4934/0 City & Guilds Level 4 Diploma in Air 600/1399/0 ABBE es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=315714&aimRef= Conditioning Energy es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=288948&aimRef= 600%2f4934%2f0&academicYearID=1213& Assessment (QCF) 600%2f1399%2f0&academicYearID=1213&

600/5124/3 EDI Level 3 Diploma in Operational 600/7763/3 ABBE es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=315993&aimRef= Ratings (QCF) es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=328707&aimRef= 600%2f5124%2f3&academicYearID=1213& 600%2f7763%2f3&academicYearID=1213&

Level 4 Diploma in Non 600/6025/6 ABBE Level 3 Carbon Management tbc EdExcel Domestic Green Deal Advice es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=317665&aimRef= in the Workplace (QCF) 600%2f6025%2f6&academicYearID=1213&

600/4885/2 City & Guilds es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=315591&aimRef= Environmental Sustainability 600%2f4885%2f2&academicYearID=1213& Learning Aim Awarding Body LARA Link 600/5157/7 EDI es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316110&aimRef= Level 2 Award in Understanding 600/3382/4 EAL 600%2f5157%2f7&academicYearID=1213& Sustainable Refurbishment es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=308734&aimRef= (QCF) 600%2f3382%2f4&academicYearID=1213& Level 3 Certificate in Domestic 600/0361/3 ABBE On Construction Energy es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=286274&aimRef= Level 1 Award in Environmental 501/0419/6 Ascentis Assessment (QCF) 600%2f0361%2f3&academicYearID=1213& Sustainability (QCF) es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=280915&aimRef= 501%2f0419%2f6&academicYearID=1213&

Level 2 Award in Environmental 501/0420/2 Ascentis Energy Efficiency Sustainability (QCF) es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=280916&aimRef= 501%2f0420%2f2&academicYearID=1213& Learning Aim Awarding Body LARA Link

Level 1 Award in Introducing tbc ABBE Sustainable Energy Efficiency to Potential Customers

Level 2 Award in Understanding 600/5865/1 City & Guilds Sustainable Energy Efficiency es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=317251&aimRef= (QCF) 600%2f5865%2f1&academicYearID=1213&

600/5493/1 Proqual es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316570&aimRef= 600%2f5493%2f1&academicYearID=1213&

Level 2 Certificate in 600/5495/5 Proqual Understanding Sustainable es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=316574&aimRef= Energy Efficiency (QCF) 600%2f5495%2f5&academicYearID=1213&

Level 2 Award in Energy 600/2376/4 City & Guilds Efficiency in the Workplace es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=301639&aimRef= 600%2f2376%2f4&academicYearID=1213&

72 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 73 Other Learning Aim Awarding Body LARA Link Learning Aim Awarding Body LARA Link Level 3 Know the requirements K/602/3138 EAL to install, commission and es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=305859&aimRef= Quality Management System MCS001 MCS Not applicable handover small scale solar City & Guilds K%2f602%2f3138&academicYearID=1213& Training to Achieve MCS photovoltaic systems (EAL) Approval tbc SQA

Daikin Altherma: High DUK-SE18 Daikin Not applicable Level 3 Install, commission and K/602/3088 EAL Temperature Split systems handover small scale solar installation and commissioning photovoltaic systems (EAL) City & Guilds (Daikin) tbc SQA Daikin Altherma: Low and High DUK-SE15 Daikin Not applicable Temperature Split systems - Level 3 Know the requirements M/602/3089 EAL selection and application to inspect, service and including Monobloc (Daikin) maintain small scale solar City & Guilds photovoltaic systems (EAL) Daikin Altherma: Low and High DUK-SE17 Daikin Not applicable tbc SQA Temperature systems - Advanced service and fault Level 3 Inspect, service and M/602/3092 EAL finding including Monobloc maintain small scale solar (Daikin) photovoltaic systems (EAL) City & Guilds

Daikin Altherma: Low DUK-SE11 Daikin Not applicable tbc SQA Temperature Split systems installation and commissioning Level 3 Know the requirements F/602/3100 EAL including Monobloc (Daikin) to install, commission and es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=304470&aimRef= handover solar thermal hot City & Guilds F%2f602%2f3100&academicYearID=1213& water systems (EAL) tbc SQA Units Level 3 Install, commission and L/602/3102 EAL Learning Aim Awarding Body LARA Link handover active solar thermal es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=306360&aimRef= hot water systems (EAL) City & Guilds L%2f602%2f3102&academicYearID=1213&

Level 1 Understand 600/1603/6 ABC Awards tbc SQA Fundamental Environmental es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=289324&aimRef= Protection Measures within 600%2f1603%2f6&academicYearID=1213& Level 3 Know the requirements Y/602/3104 EAL Building Services Engineering to inspect, service and es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=308266&aimRef= 600/0986/X City & Guilds maintain active solar thermal City & Guilds Y%2f602%2f3104&academicYearID=1213& es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=287656&aimRef= hot water systems (EAL) 600%2f0986%2fX&academicYearID=1213& tbc SQA

600/1063/0 EAL Level 3 Inspect, service and K/602/3107 EAL es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=288022&aimRef= maintain active solar thermal es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=305856&aimRef= 600%2f1063%2f0&academicYearID=1213& hot water systems (EAL) City & Guilds K%2f602%2f3107&academicYearID=1213&

Level 2 Understand 600/1604/8 ABC Awards SQA Fundamental Environmental es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=289323&aimRef= Protection Measures within 600%2f1604%2f8&academicYearID=1213& Level 3 Know the requirements Y/602/3054 EAL Building Services Engineering to install, commission and es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=308263&aimRef= 600/0989/5 City & Guilds handover heat pump systems City & Guilds Y%2f602%2f3054&academicYearID=1213& es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=287718&aimRef= (Non-Refrigerant Circuits) (EAL) 600%2f0989%2f5&academicYearID=1213& tbc SQA

600/1023/X EAL Level 3 Install, commission and D/602/3072 EAL es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=287719&aimRef= handover heat pumps (Non- es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=303996&aimRef= 600%2f1023%2fX&academicYearID=1213& Refrigerant Circuits) (EAL) City & Guilds D%2f602%2f3072&academicYearID=1213&

Level 2 Installing Solar K/503/2959 EdExcel tbc SQA Collectors to Roofs in the es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=313934&aimRef= Workplace CSkills K%2f503%2f2959&academicYearID=1213& Level 3 Know the requirements F/602/3078 EAL to inspect, service and es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=304468&aimRef= maintain heat pump system City & Guilds F%2f602%2f3078&academicYearID=1213& installations (Non-Refrigerant Circuits) (EAL) tbc SQA


Level 3 Inspect, service and L/602/3083 EAL maintain heat pump es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=306358&aimRef= installations (Non-Refrigerant City & Guilds L%2f602%2f3083&academicYearID=1213& Circuits) (EAL) tbc SQA Appendix 2 Level 3 Know the requirements T/602/3109 EAL to install, commission and es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=307794&aimRef= handover rainwater harvesting City & Guilds T%2f602%2f3109&academicYearID=1213& Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) Training voucher scheme and greywater reuse systems (EAL) tbc SQA

Level 3 Install, commission and K/602/3110 EAL handover rainwater harvesting es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=305857&aimRef= The training voucher scheme has been launched The funding will be available to support apprentices and greywater reuse systems City & Guilds K%2f602%2f3110&academicYearID=1213& by government to help industry install renewable who have already selected a particular renewable (EAL) heating systems. What does this mean for technology to complete their Apprenticeship tbc SQA plumbing/heating and ventilating engineers and programme but wish to add additional how will it work? technologies. Level 3 Know the requirements M/602/3111 EAL to inspect, service and es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=306815&aimRef= maintain rainwater harvesting City & Guilds M%2f602%2f3111&academicYearID=1213& The scheme will also support those apprentices who and greywater reuse systems Cross-skilling support have selected a ‘conventional’ fuel on which to (EAL) tbc SQA complete their Apprenticeship programme (such There is £250,000 of funding to support installers who as oil or gas) and who wish to take up one or more Level 3 Inspect, service and A/602/3130 EAL are already qualified in heating and/or plumbing renewable technology in addition to the maintain rainwater harvesting es/aimKeyDetails.aspx?LAId=303512&aimRef= conventional fuel. and greywater reuse systems City & Guilds A%2f602%2f3130&academicYearID=1213& and can go on to up-skill and obtain qualifications (EAL) in heat based renewable technologies. tbc SQA Funding is available through training vouchers for Where you can train... Source:, (2013) qualifications in the installation and maintenance of the following technologies: The National Skills Academy for Environmental Technologies delivers accredited training in • solar thermal environmental technologies across the UK (see • heat pumps We offer to accompany our courses a full selection of quality • biomass learner manuals and handy pocket guides (see The vouchers are valued at 75% of the cost of the training, up-to a maximum of £500 per voucher, Or, if you and your colleagues prefer not to miss enabling up to 500 training vouchers to be issued. too much time from work we also offer different Vouchers will be limited to five per company and will training options, via assessment only, top-up or a full be issued to the applicant, you will then be allowed training programme - which can be delivered via to redeem your voucher on a qualifying accredited our online materials. Visit the online courses on course of your choosing.

Apprenticeship support What's next? A further £250,000 of funding is available to support To register your interest in obtaining your RHI apprentices to include renewables in their vouchers please visit: Apprenticeship programme. Again from the following heat based renewable technologies: • solar thermal • heat pumps • biomass

76 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 77 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Sector Skills Councils and National Skills Academies Summary of LCEGS Sector, Liverpool City Region - Key Data Relevant to Low Carbon

Sales £m

Sector Skills Council Industrial Coverage

Asset Skills Property, planning, facilities management, housing, cleaning and parking Construction skills Construction Cogent Chemical and pharmaceutical, oil, gas, nuclear, petroleum and polymers ECITB Engineering construction Energy and utility skills Gas, power, waste management and water GoSkills Passenger transport Lantra Environment and land based industries Employment Proskills Building Products, Coatings, Extractive and Mineral Processing, Furniture, Furnishings and Interiors, Glass and Glazing, Glazed Ceramics, Paper and Pulp and Printing Semta Science, Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies Skills for Logistics Freight Logistics and Wholesaling Industry Skillfast-UK Fashion and Textiles SummitSkills Building Services Engineering

National Skills Academy Location Web Address Contact Email Companies

Construction Kings Lynn Contact via website Manufacturing Watford [email protected] Nuclear Cockermouth [email protected] (HQ) Materials Abingdon [email protected] Production and Supply Power Solihull [email protected] Environmental Milton Keynes [email protected] Technologies (HQ) Logistics Milton Keynes [email protected]

Source: Skills Funding Agency, (2013) - Source: Source: BIS (2012)

78 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 79 The work: Condensing boilers (natural gas-fired The work: Lighting fittings and liquefied petroleum gas-fired) The qualification: Relevant QCF/SCQF The qualification: Relevant QCF/SCQF qualifications/qualification units defined in the qualifications/qualification units defined in the Common Minimum Technical Competence. Common Minimum Technical Competence. Where to find it in PAS 2030: Annex S Where to find it in PAS 2030: Annex A Where to get the training: SummitSkills Where to get the training: SummitSkills Appendix 5 The work: Lighting controls The work: Condensing boilers (oil-fired) The qualification: Relevant QCF/SCQF PAS 2030 Qualifications, competence and green deal work The qualification: Relevant QCF/SCQF qualifications/qualification units defined in the qualifications/qualification units defined in the Common Minimum Technical Competence. Common Minimum Technical Competence. Where to find it in PAS 2030: Annex T Where to find it in PAS 2030: Annex B Where to get the training: SummitSkills Where to get the training: SummitSkills The Green Deal could create a significant amount The work: Internal wall insulation The work: Ground and air source heat pumps of work across Britain for builders who are skilled-up The qualification: Derived from National The work: Heating controls The qualification: Achievement of the relevant and ready. The document that sets out the Occupational Standard Units COSVR641 + 645 + The qualification: Relevant QCF/SCQF QCF/SCQF qualifications/qualification units defined competence requirements for Green Deal installers 644 qualifications/qualification units defined in the in the Common Minimum Technical Competence. is PAS 2030. This document lists all of the Where to find it in PAS 2030: Edition 1 Annex L. Common Minimum Technical Competence. Where to find it in PAS 2030: Annex U 'improvement measures’ (the jobs) and provides Edition 2 Annex B8 Where to find it in PAS 2030: Annex C Where to get the training: SummitSkills details of the competence that you need to get Where to get the training: CITB Where to get the training: SummitSkills cracking. PAS 2030 is not just for Green Deal, either. The work: Solar thermal If you have PAS 2030 competence under your belt The work: External wall insulation The work: Under floor heating The qualification: Relevant QCF/SCQF you're ready to take on a load of eco-friendly work if The qualification: Derived from National The qualification: Relevant QCF/SCQF qualifications/qualification units defined in the clients come calling. This page provides details of Occupational Standard Units COSVR641 + 448 + qualifications/qualification units defined in the Common Minimum Technical Competence. qualifications that are relevant to PAS 2030 449 Common Minimum Technical Competence. Where to find it in PAS 2030: Annex V competence requirements. Where to find it in PAS 2030: Edition 1 Annex M. Where to find it in PAS 2030: Annex D Where to get the training: SummitSkills Edition 2 Annex B4 Where to get the training: SummitSkills Please note: a qualification is not the only route to Where to get the training: CITB The work: Solar PV demonstrating competence in accordance with The work: Flue gas recovery devices The qualification: Relevant QCF/SCQF PAS 2030. Refer to PAS 2030 for further details. The work: Hybrid wall insulation The qualification: Relevant QCF/SCQF qualifications/qualification units defined in the The qualification: Derived from National qualifications/qualification units defined in the Common Minimum Technical Competence. The work: Cavity wall insulation Occupational Standard Units COSVR641 + 645 + Common Minimum Technical Competence. Where to find it in PAS 2030: Annex W The qualification: Derived from National 448 + 449 + 644 Where to find it in PAS 2030: Annex E Where to get the training: SummitSkills Occupational Standard Unit COSVR641 + 450 Where to find it in PAS 2030: Edition 1 Annex N. Where to get the training: SummitSkills Where to find it in PAS 2030: Edition 1 Annex H. Edition 2 Annex B7 The work: Biomass boilers Edition 2 Annex B1 Where to get the training: CITB The work: Gas fired warm air heating systems The qualification: Relevant QCF/SCQF Where to get the training: CITB The qualification: Relevant QCF/SCQF qualifications/qualification units defined in the The work: Draught proofing qualifications/qualification units defined in the Common Minimum Technical Competence. The work: Loft insulation The qualification: Derived from National Common Minimum Technical Competence. Where to find it in PAS 2030: Annex X The qualification: Derived from National Occupational Standard Unit COSVR641 + 452 Where to find it in PAS 2030: Annex F Where to get the training: SummitSkills Occupational Standard Unit COSVR641 + 451 Where to find it in PAS 2030: Edition 1 Annex O. Where to get the training: SummitSkills Where to find it in PAS 2030: Edition 1 Annex I. Edition 2 Annex B2 The work: Micro-combined heat and power (CHP) Edition 2 Annex B9 Where to get the training: CITB The work: Electric storage heater The qualification: Relevant QCF/SCQF Where to get the training: CITB The qualification: Relevant QCF/SCQF qualifications/qualification units defined in the The work: Floor insulation qualifications/qualification units defined in the Common Minimum Technical Competence. The work: Pitched roof insulation The qualification: Derived from National Common Minimum Technical Competence. Where to find it in PAS 2030: Annex Y The qualification: Derived from National Occupational Standard Unit COSVR641 + 645 Where to find it in PAS 2030: Annex G Where to get the training: SummitSkills Occupational Standard Unit COSVR641 + 451 Where to find it in PAS 2030: Edition 1 Annex P. Where to get the training: SummitSkills Where to find it in PAS 2030: Edition 1 Annex J. Edition 2 Annex B6 The work: Micro and small-scale wind turbine Edition 2 Annex B10 Where to get the training: CITB The work: Energy efficient glazing and doors systems Where to get the training: CITB The qualification: GQA Level 2 NVQ/SVQ Diploma in The qualification: Relevant QCF/SCQF The work: Heating systems insulation Fenestration Installations (QCF) qualifications/qualification units defined in the The work: Flat roof insulation (pipes/cylinders) Where to find it in PAS 2030: Annex R Common Minimum Technical Competence. The qualification: Derived from National The qualification: Derived from National Where to get the training: Proskills Where to find it in PAS 2030: Annex Z Occupational Standard Unit COSVR641 + 451 Occupational Standard Unit COSVR641 + 322 Where to get the training: SummitSkills Where to find it in PAS 2030: Edition 1 Annex K. Where to find it in PAS 2030: Edition 1 Annex Q. Edition 2 Annex B5 Edition 2 Annex C5 Where to get the training: CITB Where to get the training: SummitSkills Source:,-competence-and-green-deal-work.aspx, (2013)

80 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 81 Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Nexus Planning Nicholas Pearson Associates NJL Consulting Parsons Brinckerhoff Appendix 6 Pegasus Group Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment Peter Brett Associates LLP Royal Haskoning (IEMA) EIA Quality Mark Register RPS Group Ltd RSK Group Plc Savills development/planning/ sustainability-and-environment/environmental-consultancy.aspx. The following organisations are registered to the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Quality Mark having made a commitment to excellence in the EIA activities they deliver. IEMA reviews each registrant’s SKM Enviros compliance to the EIA Quality Mark Commitments on an ongoing basis to ensure the registrants listed below SLR Consulting maintain high standards both now and in the future. Found on Spawforths Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd Temple Group Ltd AECOM TEP AMEC Environment & Infrastructure UK Terence O'Rourke Arup, The Landmark Practice (TLP) Ash Design & Assessment Ltd TNEI Services Ltd Atkins Turley Associates Bidwells URS Infrastructure and Environment UK Black & Veatch Limited Campbell Reith Wardell Armstrong LLP Cascade Consulting Waterman Energy, Environment and Design Ltd Chris Blandford Associates Ltd WSP Environment & Energy David Lock Associates WYG Group Ltd Dulas Ltd Xodus Group Ltd Environ UK Ltd Environment Agency - National See more at, (2013) Environmental Assessment Service (NEAS) ERM Halcrow Group Ltd Hyder Consulting Jacobs Engineering UK Ltd LDA Design LUC Mott MacDonald Limited Mouchel MWH (UK) Ltd

82 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 83 Feeder Courses: Electrical Engineering and Electronics MEng (Hons) Electrical Engineering and Electronics with a Year in Engineering: Industry BEng (Hons) Advanced Engineering Materials - MSc (Eng) Electrical Engineering and Electronics with a Year in Industry MEng (Hons) Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology Appendix 7 - MSc (Eng) Electrical Engineering BEng (Hons) Advanced Mechanical Engineering - MSc (Eng) Electrical Engineering with Year in Industry BEng (Hons) Aerospace Engineering BEng (Hons) Higher Education Provision relating to low carbon in the Electronic and Communication Engineering BEng Liverpool City Region Aerospace Engineering MEng (Hons) (Hons) Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies BEng (Hons) Electronic and Communication Engineering MEng Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies MEng (Hons) (Hons) Electronic and Communication Engineering with Civil and Environmental Engineering - MSc (Eng) Year in Industry BEng (Hons) Mathematics with Ocean and Climate Sciences Civil and Structural Engineering MEng (Hons) Electronics BEng (Hons) University of Liverpool BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering BEng (Hons) Electronics MEng (Hons) Oceans, Climate and Physical Geography BSc Applied Geographical Information Science MSc (Hons) Civil Engineering MEng (Hons) Electronics with Year in Industry BEng (Hons) Conservation and Resource Management MRes Marine Biology with Oceanography BSc (Hons) Engineering BEng (Hons) Engineering Foundation BEng (Hons) (4 year route Conservation and Resource Management MSc including a Foundation Year at Carmel College) Ecology and Environment BSc (Hons) Engineering MEng (Hons) Energy and Power Systems MSc(Eng) (FT) Mechatronics and Robotic Systems BEng (Hons) Marine Biology BSc (Hons) Industrial Design BEng Environment and Climate Change MSc Mechatronics and Robotic Systems MEng (Hons) Marine Biology with Oceanography BSc (Hons) Industrial Design MEng Mechatronics and Robotic Systems with Year in Environment and Planning BA (Hons) Mechanical and Materials Engineering BEng (Hons) Ecology and Environment MEcol (Hons) Industry BEng (Hons) Urban Regeneration and Planning BA (Hons) Mechanical and Materials Engineering MEng (Hons) Marine Biology MMarBiol (Hons) Mechatronics and Robotic Systems with Year in Town and Regional Planning MPlan (RTPI Accredited) MSc Conservation & Resource Management Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons) Industry MEng (Hons) Master of Civic Design (Royal Town Planning Institute MRes Conservation & Resource Management Mechanical Engineering MEng (Hons) Medical Electronics and Instrumentation BEng (Hons) Accredited) MSc Marine Planning & Management Mechanical Engineering with Business BEng (Hons) Medical Electronics and Instrumentation MEng MA Town and Regional Planning Geography BA (Hons) Mechanical Engineering with Business MEng (Hons) (Hons) Environmental Assessment and Management MSc Geography BSc (Hons) Product Design and Management - MSc (Eng) Information and Intelligence Engineering MSc (Eng) Environmental Science MSc (FT) Geography BSc (Hons) (4 year route including a Simulation in Aerospace Engineering - MSc (Eng) Environmental Sciences BSc Microelectronic Systems MSc (Eng) (FT/PT) Foundation Year at Carmel College) Sustainable Structural Engineering - MSc (Eng) Environmental Sciences MSc Environmental Science BSc (Hons) Microelectronic Systems and Telecommunications Geography and Archaeology BA (Joint Hons) MSc (Eng) (FT/PT) Globalisation and Development MA Electrical Engineering and Electronics Geology & Physical Geography BSc Avionic Systems BEng (Hons) Marine Planning and Management MA Computer Science Geology & Physical Geography MESci Avionic Systems MEng (Hons) Oceans, Climate and Physical Geography BSc Artificial Intelligence BSc (Hons) Geology BSc (Hons) (Hons) Avionic Systems with Pilot Studies BEng (Hons) Artificial Intelligence with a Year in Industry BSc (Hons) Geology MESci (Hons) Population Studies MA Avionic Systems with Pilot Studies MEng (Hons) Computer Information Systems BSc (Hons) Geology (North America) MESci (Hons) Research Methodology MA Avionic Systems with Pilot Studies with Year in Industry Computer Information Systems BSc (Hons) BEng (Hons) Geophysics (North America) MESci (Hons) Research methods in Globalisation and (Foundation) (4 year route with Carmel College) Development MA Avionic Systems with Year in Industry BEng (Hons) Geophysics (Geology) BSc (Hons) Computer Information Systems with a Year in Geophysics (Physics) BSc (Hons) Research Methods in Population Studies MA Computer Science and Electronic Engineering BEng Industry BSc (Hons) (Hons) Geology and Geophysics MESci (Hons) Urban Regeneration and Management MSc Computer Science BSc (Hons) Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Geology and Physical Geography BSc (Hons) Computer Science BSc (Hons) (Foundation) (4 year MEng (Hons) route with Carmel College) Geology and Physical Geography MESci (Hons) Computer Science and Electronic Engineering with Computer Science MEng (Hons) Ocean Sciences BSc (Hons) Year in Industry BEng (Hons) Computer Science with a Year in Industry BSc (Hons) Ocean Sciences MOSci Electrical Engineering and Electronics BEng (Hons)

84 LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON LIVERPOOL CITY REGION SKILLS FOR GROWTH: LOW CARBON 85 Computing with a Year in Industry BSc (Hons) Beng Architectural Engineering eFinance BSc (Hons) BSc (Hons) Applied Chemical and Pharmaceutical Electronic Commerce Computing BSc (Hons) Sciences Electronic Commerce Computing with a Year in BSc (Hons) Architectural Technology Industry BSc (Hons) BSc (Hons) Biochemistry Internet Computing BSc (Hons) BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science Appendix 8 Internet Computing with a Year in Industry BSc (Hons) BSc (Hons) Building Services Engineering Project Software Development BSc (Hons) Management Specialist Skills requested within Green jobs advertised online Software Development with a Year in Industry BSc BSc (Hons) Building Surveying (Hons) BSc (Hons) Construction Management between Jan 13 - Dec 13 within the Liverpool City Region BSc (Hons) Environmental Health Energy and Nuclear related BSc (Hons )Extended Natural Sciences with Energy and Power Systems MSc(Eng) (FT) Job Job Job Foundation Year Skill Openings Skill Openings Skill Openings Nuclear Power Engineering (NEW) MSc BSc (Hons) Wildlife Conservation Nuclear Science and Technology MSc HNC Civil Engineering Contract Management 94 Environmental 34 Validation 18 Energy Efficiency 78 Regulations Physics 18 Radiometrics: Instrumentation and Modelling MSc HNC Construction and Property Inspection 69 Sales Management 33 Concise 18 MEng (Hons) Automotive Engineering Renewable Energy 67 Water Treatment 33 Geology 18 Liverpool John Moores MEng (Hons )Building Services Engineering ISO 14001 Standards 62 Calibration 30 Cooking 17 MEng (Hons )Civil Engineering Javascript 58 Plumbing 28 Mechanical Design 17 University MEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering Energy Conservation 57 Waste Reduction 27 Good Manufacturing 17 Solar Sales 27 Practises (gmp) MEng Architectural Engineering Business Development 56 Autocad 25 Engineering Projects 17 Feeder Courses Mphys Astrophysics Surveys 56 ISO 9001 Standards 56 Biology 25 Psychology 16 BA (Hons) Architecture Repair 55 Energy Consumption 25 Scheduling 16 BA (Hons) Spatial Design Hope University Environmental 53 Scheme 24 Optimisation 16 BEng (Hons) Automotive Engineering Management Electrical Design 24 Natural Gas 16 BEng (Hons) Building Services Engineering Computer Science (MSc)/Computer Science Cleaning 48 Accounting 23 Machinery 15 Environmental Health 47 Mathematics 23 First Aid 15 BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering (Mobile Computing) MSc Environmental 47 Report Writing 22 Energy Assessment 15 BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering Computer Science (subject to validation) Protection Appointment Setting 22 Facilities Management 14 Environmental Management (MSc) BEng (Hons) Industrial Electronics and Control Cold Calling 46 Supplier Management 22 Computational Fluid 14 Engineering Environmental Science BSc (Hons) Electrical Engineering 45 Operations 21 Dynamics BEng / BSc Extended Engineering and Technology Chemistry 45 Management Risk Assessment 14 with Foundation year Boilers 44 Process Engineering 21 Solar Panels 14 Mechanical 44 CAD/ Draughting 21 Energy Engineering 14 Engineering Record Keeping 21 Scada 14 Procurement 43 Energy Saving Products 20 Energy Management 14 Telecommunications 42 Energy Services 20 Music 13 Insulation 42 Environmental Policy 19 Economics 13 Environmental Science 40 Decision Making 19 Mentoring 13 Direct Sales 40 Civil Engineering 19 Food Safety 13 Product Sale And 38 Power Generation 19 Direct Marketing 13 Delivery Sustainability 19 Nuclear Energy 13 Purchasing 36 Workshops 18 Biodiesel 13 Biomass 35 Carbon Reduction 18 Internal Auditing 13 Building Effective 35 Relationships With Customers / Co-Workers

Source: Labour Insight, 2013


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