Index to New York Irish History, Volumes 1–15 by Mary Nahon Galgan
NYIHR_P49Galgan_V16.qxd 6/11/05 7:32 PM Page 49 Index to New York Irish History, Volumes 1–15 by Mary Nahon Galgan INTRODUCTION An increasing number of questions from members B about the contents of New York Irish History has Balch Institute of Ethnic Studies 1:15, 2:4 indicated the need for an index to the Banished Children of Eve 8:62 Roundtable’s journal. Barren, Andrea, Ship Fever and Other Stories 11:36 In the index provided below, for published Bergen Hill [N. J.] riots 14:5 Bernstein, Iver, NYC Draft Riots: Their Significance for articles there are author, title, and subject entries. American Society & Politics in the Age of the Civil War Reviews of books, exhibitions, and/or films are 5:53 shown in italics, and have author, title, and review- Between Yankee Stadium & Gaelic Park 12:54 er entries. Bonding Time 8:61 Books listed in the journal, but not reviewed, Bourke, Finula, Irish Gravesites in New York 2:19 have no entries. Columns without authors, bul- Bourke, Finula, Irish Lighthouse Keeper 2:20 Bradley, Ann Kathleen, History of the Irish in America 2:21 letin boards, letters, editorials, and illustrations Bradshaw, Harry, Johnny Patterson: the Rambler from have not been indexed. Clare 6:18 Initial articles like “A” and “The” have been Brady, Nicholas 2:11 dropped. Periods have been dropped from reli- Branigan, Geoffrey, rev. 13:56 gious abbreviations, such as “SJ” and “RSM.” Brennan, Thomas 10:6 Briggs, Francis J., Joseph, William, 9:20 Where possible, “New York City” and similar Bristol [Ship] 3:17 names are abbreviated, e.g., ”NYC” and “NYPD.” British flag riot 4:16 Brooklyn 1:5 A Brooklyn famine relief 12:16 Brooklyn Tablet [Newspaper] 8:8 Abingdon Square 13:10 Brooklyn’s Cemetery of the Holy Cross 6:31 Alexander T.
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