It is customary to perform the Kapparos ritual on Erev (p. 2). The Chazzan’s portion after each of the five services It is a to eat and drink on Erev Yom Kippur. on Yom Kippur contain beautiful Piyutim (liturgical (p. 6) may be recited after 1:11pm and before poems), Selichos and Vidui (additional confession). 6:38pm. Vidui is recited after Shmoneh Esrei. These form some of the most stirring parts of the One should leave time for the Seuda Hamafsekes Yom Kippur service in shul. These are not obligatory, (final meal), which is eaten any time after Mincha and however it is highly commendable to recite or review must be finished by 6:37pm. them, particularly the additional Viduim. Candlelighting (p. 34) is 6:17pm. It is customary for women to recite Shehechiyanu (p. 34). The 13 Attributes of Mercy (“Hashem Hashem”) may It is customary to light Yartzheit candles in memory not be recited without a Minyan. of one’s deceased immediate family members. The fast begins at 6:37pm. It is customary for Men to daven in a kittel and tallis. They should don the tallis with a bracha before 6:37 pm. Morning hand washing is performed up to the knuckles and with the usual blessing. Kol Nidrei (p. 56) may be said at home, but is not obligatory. Men recite Shehechiyanu before Maariv. Sunrise is at 6:45 am. Shacharis Shomnei Esrei should not be davened before this time. Maariv (p. 66) is recited. “Boruch Shem” (p. 68) at the start of Shema is recited out loud. Latest Shema, 10:42 am “Boruch Shem” (p. 344) at the start of Shema is Vidui (p. 92) is recited after Shmoneh Esrei. recited out loud. Avinu Malkenu (p. 144) should be recited, even at Private Vidui (p. 360) is recited after Shmoneh Esrei. home.

A person davening without a minyan does not repeat the Shemone Esrei. See note above regarding parts of the Chazzan’s Repetition. The Piyutim that are commonly chanted at Shacharis include: Dogul Mirvava (p. 376), Haderes V’haemunah (p. 402), L’kel orech din (p. 404).

Avinu Malkenu (p. 436) should be recited, even at home. It davening at home, it is commendable to review the Torah portions and Haftarah readings on Yom Kippur. Yizkor (p. 470) may be recited at home. This year in Shul Yizkor will be recited following .

(p. 486) Fast ends at 7:49pm. Havdalah should be recited before one eats. Water may be drunk before Havdalah. If It is proper to start Mussaf before 1:10pm. necessary, a wife need not wait for her husband and can Vidui (p. 92) is recited after Shmoneh Esrei. recite Havdalah. See note above regarding parts of the Chazzan’s Havdalah is recited, including the blessing on a flame, Repetition. Boreh M’orei Ha’esh. The flame used for this blessing should be only from a fire that was kindled before Yom The Piyutim that are commonly chanted at Mussaf are: Kippur (such as a yartzheit candle). Imru laylokim (p. 522), Unesaneh Tokef (p. 530), V’chol ma’aminim (p. 538), V’ye’esayu (p. 544). The Order of the Temple Service (Seder Ha’avoda, p. Many have the custom to recite Kiddush Levana after 554) may be recited at home. Yom Kippur, if the moon is visible (p. 794).

Mincha (p. 650) may be davened after 1:10pm and should be completed by 6:36pm. See note above regarding parts of the Chazzan’s Repetition. Avinu Malkenu (p. 700) should be recited, even at home.

Neilah (p. 706), the fifth and final service of Yom Kippur should be started before sundown (6:36pm) in the late afternoon / evening. See note above regarding parts of the Chazzan’s Repetition.

Avinu Malkenu (p. 758) should be recited, even at home.

The final declarations Shema Yisroel, Boruch Shem and Hashem Hu Ha’elokim (p 762) should be recited at home. We look forward to davening together next year. All page It is customary to blow Shofar in Shul at the end of numbers are from the Artscroll Machzor. Thank you to Rabbi services before Maariv. This Shofar blowing is not Dov Foxbrunner, Cong. Beth Jacob, Atlanta for permission to obligatory and no special effort need be exerted to come use this summary. to Shul hear it.