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C13 V.I Title.P65 B. Ed. Spl. Ed. (M. R. / H. I. / V. I)- ODL Programme AREA - C C - 13 (V.I.) : CURRICULUM ADAPTATION AND STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING EXPANDED CURRICULUM A COLLABORATIVE PROGRAMME OF NETAJI SUBHAS OPEN UNIVERSITY AND REHABILITATION COUNCIL OF INDIA 1 itle T .I. V 2nd Proof 8.03.2017 1 Raju/F/C13/ AREA - C DISABILITY SPECIALIZATION COURSE CODE - C-13 (V.I) CURRICULUM, ADAPTATION AND STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING EXPANDED CURRICULUM Chairman Prof. Subha Sankar Sarkar, Vice Chancellor, Netaji Subhas Open University, Kolkata-700 064 Convenor Prof. Atindranath Dey, Director, School of Education, Netaji Subhas Open University, Kolkata-700 064 Course Writers Unit - 1 Mrs. Debdutta Maity Unit - 2 Mrs. Debdutta Maity Unit - 3 Mrs. Debdutta Maity Unit - 4 Mr. Pankaj Sha Unit - 5 Mr. Pankaj Sha Editor Mr. S. B. Pattanayak Processing General and Format Editing Ms. Antara Choudhury & Ms. Swapna Deb In-house Processing In-charge Ms. Swapna Deb The Self Instructional Material (SIM) is prepared keeping conformity with the B.Ed.Spl. Edn.(MR/HI/VI) Programme as prepared and circulated by the Rehabilitation Council of India, New Delhi and adopted by NSOU on and from the 2015-2017 academic session. All rights reserved. No part of this work can be reproduced in any form without the written permission from the NSOU authorities. Mohan Kumar Chattopadhyay itle Registrar T .I. V 2nd Proof 8.03.2017 2 Raju/F/C13/ Netaji Subhas Open University From the Vice-Chancellor's Desk Dear Students, from this Academic Session (2015-17) the Curriculum and Course Structure of B. Ed.- Special Education have been thoroughly revised as per the stipulations which featured in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) and the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE). The newly designed course structure and syllabus is comprehensive and futuristic has, therefore, been contextualized and adopted by NSOU from the present academic session, following the directives of the aforesaid national statutory authorities. Consequent upon the introduction of new syllabus the revision of Self Instructional Material (SIM) becomes imperative. The new syllabus was circulated by RCI for introduction in the month of June, 2015 while the new session begins in the month of July. So the difficulties of preparing the SIMs within such a short time can easily be understood. However, the School of Education of NSOU took up the challenge and put the best minds together in preparing SIM without compromising the standard and quality of such an academic package. It required many rigorous steps before printing and circulation of the entire academic package to our dear learners. Every intervening step was meticulously and methodically followed for ensuring quality in such a time bound manner. The SIMs are prepared by eminent subject experts and edited by the senior members of the faculty specializing in the discipline concerned. Printing of the SIMs has been done with utmost care and attention. Students are the primary beneficiaries of these materials so developed. Therefore, you must go through the contents seriously and take your queries, if any, to the Counselors during Personal Contact Programs (PCPs) for clarifications. In comparison to F2F mode, the onus is on the learners in the ODL mode. So please change your mind accordingly and shrug off your old mindset of teacher dependence and spoon feeding habits immediately. 3 itle T .I. V 2nd Proof 8.03.2017 3 Raju/F/C13/ I would further urge you to go for other Open Educational Resources (OERs) - available on websites, for better understanding and gaining comprehensive mastery over the subject. From this year NSOU is also providing ICT enabled support services to the students enrolled under this University. So, in addition to the printed SIMs, the e-contents are also provided to the students to facilitate the usage and ensure more flexibility at the user end. The other ICT based support systems will be there for the benefit of the learners. So please make the most of it and do your best in the examinations. However, any suggestion or constructive criticism regarding the SIMs and its improvement is welcome. 1 must acknowledge the contribution of all the content writers, editors and background minds at the SoE, NSOU for their respective efforts, expertise and hard work in producing the SIMs within a very short time. Professor (Dr.) Subha Sankar Sarkar Vice-Chancellor, NSOU itle T .I. V 2nd Proof 8.03.2017 4 Raju/F/C13/ B. Ed. Spl. Ed (M. R. / H. I. / V. I)- ODL Programme AREA - C C-13 (V.I.) : CURRICULUM, ADAPTATION AND STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING EXPANDED CURRICULUM 5 itle T .I. V 2nd Proof 8.03.2017 5 Raju/F/C13/ Printed inaccordancewiththeregulationsandfinancial assistanceofthe DEB-UGC, GovernmentofIndia First Edition:April,2017 Raju/F/C13/ V.I. Title 2nd Proof 8.03.2017 6 AREA - C Netaji Subhas Open C-13 (V.I) : CURRICULUM, University ADAPTATION AND STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING EXPANDED CURRICULUM C-13 (V.I.) ❐❐❐ CURRICULUM, ADAPTATION AND STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING EXPANDED CURRICULUM UNIT - 1 : CONCEPT AND TYPES OF CURRICULUM 9-91 UNIT - 2 : TEACHING FUNCTIONAL ACADEMICS SKILLS 92-142 UNIT - 3 : TEACHING OF INDEPENDENT LIVING SKILLS 143-247 UNIT - 4 : CURRICULAR ADAPTATION 248-261 UNIT - 5 : CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 262-278 7 itle T .I. V 2nd Proof 8.03.2017 7 Raju/F/C13/ Raju/F/C13/ V.I. Title 2nd Proof 8.03.2017 8 Unit - 1 ❐❐❐ Concept and Types of Curriculum Structure 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Objectives 1.3 Concept, Meaning and Need for Curriculum 1.3.1 Concept 1.3.2 Meaning 1.3.3 Need for Curriculum 1.4 Curricular Approaches in Special Education- Developmental, Functional, Electic and Universal Design for Learning Apporaches 1.4.1 Meaning of Curricular Approaches 1.4.2 Developmental Approaches 1.4.3 Functional Approach 1.4.4 Electic Approach 1.4.5 Universal Design for Learning Apporach 1.5 Types of Curriculum- Need Based, Knowledge Based, Activity Based, Skill Based and Hidden Curriculum 1.5.1 Meaning of Types of Curriculum 1.5.2 Need Based Curriculum 1.5.3 Knowleged Based Curriculum 1.5.4 Activity Based Curriculum 1.5.5 Skilled Based Curriculum 1.5.6 Hidden Curriculum 1.6 Curriculum Planning, Implementation and Evalution; Role of Special Teachers of Visually Impaired 1.6.1 Curriculum Planning 1.6.2 Implemantation 1.6.3 Evalution 9 1.6.4 Role of Special Teachers for Visually Impaired 1.7 Core Curriculum and Expanded Core Curriculum- Meaning, Need and Components 1.7.1 Meaning of Core Curriculum 1.7.2 Need of Core Curriculum 1.7.3 Components of Core Curriculum 1.7.4 Meaning of Expanded Core Curriculum 1.7.5 Need of Expanded Core Curriculum 1.7.6 Components of Expanded Core Curriculum 1.8 Let Us Sum Up 1.9 Check Your Progress 1.10 References 1.1 Introduction The developmental process of constructing knowledge and experience in such a way that it will increase the ability of the student to grow in spiritual and emotional maturity as well as in academic excellence. The prime aim of education has shifted to totality of experiences from acquisition of knowledge. As education is regarded as a dynamic process so the aim and objectives have changed. In order to justify the aims and objectives of a subject as well as a course it is essential to know what to teach. So vast is the field of sciences that it is no small problem to decide what facts should be taught. It is therefore very essential to develop or prepare or construct or organize curriculum which should meet the requirements of need of the society setting aims and objectives of the course. The curriculum is developed in different countries in different ways. 1.2 Objectives After going through this unit you will able to: 1. Explain the concept and types of curriculum. 2. Know about the various approaches of curriculum related to special education 3. Describe about the curriculum planning and the role of special teacher. 10 4. Narrate core curriculum and expanded core curriculum for children with visual impairment. 1.3 Concept, Meaning and Need for Curriculum 1.3.1 Concept The term curriculum is often used to describe only the goals, objectives, or plans, something distinct from the "means" of methods, materials, and assessment. Yet since each of these components are essential for effective learning-and since each includes hidden barriers that undermine student efforts to become master learners-curriculum design should consider each of them as a piece. On the other hand, according to secondary education commission curriculum much more than the boundaries by the academic subjects taught traditionally it should include totality of experiences that a pupil receives through manifold activities that go on in the school, in the classroom, library, laboratory, workshop, playgrounds and in the numerous informal activities and connection between teachers and pupil. But these guidelines apply to the general education curriculum which, when universally designed, should meet the educational needs of most students, including those with disabilities and also this document can help guide the design of expectations, content, methods, and outcomes across differing classrooms in each school or system. 1.3.2 Meaning The term "curriculum" has different interpretations among scholars. According to Kelly (1999), curriculum is negatively viewed as a "syllabus which may limit the planning of teachers to a consideration of the content or the body of knowledge they wish to transmit or a list of the subjects to be taught or both". In other words, simply convey subject knowledge is insufficient to be an effective curriculum. It should offer much more than a statement about the knowledge-content in order to be a productive curriculum.
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