Consorci Grup D'acció Local Noguera – Segrià Nord
Rialb reservoir and biking (Lluís Vidal) Consorci Grup d’Acció Local Noguera – Segrià Nord Noguera: Àger, Albesa, Algerri, Alòs de Balaguer, Artesa de Segre, les Avellanes i Santa Area: 2 Linya, Balaguer, la Baronia de Rialb, Bellcaire d’Urgell, Bellmunt d’Urgell, Cabanabona, 1.967,10 km Camarasa, Castelló de Farfanya, Cubells, Foradada, Ivars de Noguera, Menàrguens, Montgai, Oliola, Os de Balaguer, Penelles, Ponts, Preixens, la Sentiu de Sió, Térmens, Population: Tiurana, Torrelameu, Vallfogona de Balaguer, Vilanova de l’Aguda and Vilanova de Meià. 52.863 inhabitants Segrià: Alfarràs, Alguaire, Almenar, Corbins, la Portella and Vilanova de la Barca. Population density: 26,87 inhab./km2 Number of municipalities: 36 municipalities Territory Contact details Consorci Grup d’Acció Local Noguera - Segrià Nord works in Noguera and in six municipalities of the North of Segrià region. This territorial area is divided into two very different parts in Office landscape terms: the North part, with Montsec range close to Pre-Pyrenees, and the plains in the South, occupied by cultivation land, horticulture and non-irrigated land, among which Noguera Regional Council fruits trees and cereals stand out. Pg. Àngel Guimerà, 28-30 The most important economic industries are the agrarian, in expansion thanks to the irri- 25600 Balaguer gated-land facilities; and the tourist, which has a lot of possibilities, especially those related Phone (+34) 973 44 89 33 to the natural and landscape heritage in Montsec and its sky, which has been certified as a “Starlight Reserve”. The territory also has the distinctive feature that it is bordering with the capital of the de- C partment and its influential area; so it is very close to important communication ways, such as Consorci-GAL-Noguera-Segrià-Nord high-speed train railway station Lleida –Pirineus and Alguaire airport.
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