Phone 9-5247 Date Tuesday, March 24, 1970 Radio (1340) TV (Ch. 8) 15,000 National Guardsmen Called Pentagon Orders Troops To Move In On Mail WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS) -- The Pentagon has ord- ered 2,500 Air Force and Army troops into New York to handle strike-bound mail. And some of Salt Water them may be on their way from New Jersey bases. The Pentagon also ordered 15,000 New York Na- tional Guardsmen to report to their armories Tuesday morning for possible roles in helping Water Box non-striking postal employes. In announcing the move President Nixon said he will not hesitate to use troops in other areas of 1 Gasket the nation if necessary. The government emphasized that the military men will be used only in sorting and hauling the mail not delivering it. In addition fatigue-clad Army troops from Fort Dix, N.J., traveled by bus to Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn. After processing, they were to be bil- Repairs To Water Plant Extended leted at Fort Tilden in Queens, Fort Wadsworth on Staten Island and the Military Ocean Terminal in GUANTANAMO BAY (AFRTS)'-- Nine massive Brooklyn, for the night. "water boxes" (see diagram) which feed and Altogether 2,500 regulars from , Fort Dix, transfer water to the main section of the McGuire Air Force Base N.J., and Marines and Nav- Point Loma desalinization plant have sprung al personnel from New York will be used to help leaks, causing an extension of repairs to get the mail moving again. the plant. The net effect for base res- Israel Asks U.S. To Reconsider Her Request idents will be an extended WASHINGT6N (AP/AFRTS) -- Israel has asked the United States period of water condition to reconsider urgently its decision to turn down for the pres- "Bravo", and a continuing re- ent a request for more fighter planes. In announcing the dec- quirement for water conserva- vision, Secretary of State Rogers said in the judgement of the tion to keep base water reser- Administration "Israel's air capacity is sufficient to meet ves at an acceptable level. its needs for the time being." But Israeli Foreign Minister -The leaks resulted from un- Abba Eban.says if Arab governments believe their strength is expected difficulties in seat- greater than Israel's, an expanded conflict may result. (Cont'd on Pg.2)

Water Condition Box Score Base Water Consumption Yesterday...... 1.442 Million Gallons Net Water Giin Yest.t.ay...... 70 Thousand Gallons Current Base Water Storage...... 16.816 Million Gallons Condition Alpha Will Be Set At...... 12 Million Gallons Page 2 rGuantanamo gazette Tuesday, March 24, 1970

WASHINGTON (UPI/AFRTS)--Secretary of State William (Cont'd -from page 1.)--ing gaskets of hard Rodgers says the U. S. would stop bombing of the Ho rubber between the newly-installed water boxes, and Chi blinhTrail if North Vietname withdrew its troops sections of tubes where seawater is boiled and then from that country. Laotian Prince Souvanna Phouma condensed, producing fresh water. says that 13-thousand more such troops have recently A public works engineer described the seating op- been sent in. A U. S. government official in Laos cartion as a tricky one, since it involved "aligning says a recent North Vietnamese advance has driven an large, heavy components to very close tolerances in estimated 80 thousand Laotian refugees out of the order to withstand high pressure. area south of the Plain of Jars. Engineering specialists were flown here Sunday to study the situation, and a positive plan of action has LONOON (AP/AFRTS)--The Prime M1inister, of Cambodia been set in motion. The plan involves welding the General Won Nol is quoted as saying Cambodia will not seams which connect the water boxes to'the tube sec- return the 1). S. munitions ship "Columbia Eagle." The tions, and requires special welding rods which will he ship was hijacked into Cambodian waters ten days ago. flown in this week. The Prime inister made the statement in an interview Engineers preferred not to try to predict a repair with the London Times. completion date until the situation became more clear. Rear Admiral James B. Hildrcth, Base Commander, said EDGARTOWN, \IASSACUUSETTS (AP/AFRTS)- -The Dukes that all available resources, ashore, and afloat County Grand Jury foreman here has asked that a re- would be used around the clock to minimize the period call of the jury be arranged. The foreman says that of repairs. be made the move so that the jury could conduct its "Base residents have reacted magnificently to the own investigation of Senator Edward Kennedy's auto water conservation program these past three weeks," accident in which Mary Jo Kopechne died. Admiral Hildreth said. "I regret that this added A secret inquest into the accident and drowning burden is necessary, but I am confident that the spirit was held in January. Under a court ruling, the con- of community cooperation will continue." tents of the transcript of the inquest and the findings of the presiding judge can not he made public until all possibility of any further prosecution in connec- WASHINGTON (UPT/AFRTS)--Senator William Proxmire, tion with the death of Miss Kopechnc has ended. D-Wisconsin, says the nation's military services spent more than six-hundred thousand dollars last year ATLANTA (AP/AFRTS)--linion spokesmen here say they flying 6,800 civilians, business and community lead- may seek an injuction to bar the city from using ers on free guided tours. prisoners to collect refuse following the firing of Proxmire demanded an end to the practice. He said 14 thousand striking city employees. the Pentagon has been using taxpayers' money to "build up a group of influential citizens to back its huge WASHINGTON (UPI/AFRTS)--The Supreme Court ruled budget and to lobby for its weapons systems." yesterday that authorities can not cut off welfare payments to recipients until after a normal hearing. OSAKA, JAPAN (UPI/AFRTS)--The European Economic Tn another case, the high court agreed to rule on Community will celebrate their 13th anniversary of censorship prosecutions stemming from the showing the signing of the treaty at Rome at "Expo 70." of the film "I am Curious Yellow" in Massachusetts March 25 will be proclaimed "Hurope lay," and EEC and Maryland. officials will be present at the fair here.

WASHINGTON (UPI/AFRTS)--The Senate gave final ap- Water Condition Bravo proval to a bill yesterday to increase G.I. Benefits for veterans attending college or job training courses. The measure, now awaiting the signature of President Nixon, would boost benefits for an un- married veteran attending college from $130 to $175 Guantanamo Gazette per month. A married veteran would get $205 a month, and with one child he would receive $230 a month. ComNavBase RAdm J.B. Kildreth Public Affairs Officer Lt D.S. McCurrach Governor Lester ATLANTA (UPI/AFRTS)--Georgia Editorial Advisor JOC Jim Teague . Maddox had hinted Maddox will remain a Democrat. Editor J02 Bob Lowell when lie runs for Lieutenant Governor later this that Staff JOSN Jerry Campbell parties. However, Maddox year that he might switch JOSA Tom Betz announced today that he had-decided against such a - switch. The GUANTANAMO GAZETTE is published accuLis.6 . is running for Lieutenant Governor because rules and regulations for ship and stationnewspapers Maddox as outlined in NAVEXOS P-35:and under the direction of succeed him- Georgia law does not allow a Governor to the Naval Base Public Affairs Officer. It is printed self. four days a week at government expense on government equipment. The opinions or statements in news items WASHINGTMN (UPI/AFRTS)--The Food and Drug, Adminis- that appear herein are-not to be construed as official tration is toning down its package warnings on oral or as reflecting the views of ComNavBase or the Depart- contraceptives . The move comes in the wake of ment of the Navy. pressure from physicians, drug manufacturers and high government officials. Tuesday, March 24, 1970 Guantanamo Gazette Page 3 Twenty Six Year Old 'Mule' Gives Fleet Added Kick

Even mules have birthdays, but few live to the ripe old age of 26 and still have any kick left in them. The "Mule" as the USS MARIAS (AO-57) is affectionately named, celebrated her 26th birthday on February 12 and shows no signs of stepping out of harness. She is current- ly training here with the Fleet Training Group. Marias is certainly not as glamorous a ship as a sleek and powerful cruiser or a majestic carrier. In fact, the ship has no glamor at all. With its spaghetti strings of black hose hanging down from her sides and her Chinese maze of Jungle deck supports between her superstructures, it is quite cleat that the MARIAS is and always will be designed for one thing. Refuelings at sea. She is 533 feet long and from keel to the Cruising along above is the USS MARIAS (AO-57) top of her highest radar, she can look eye to eye with a 12-story building. If she gets very thirsty, she can swallow 152-thousand barrels or six-million gallons of various petroleum products including black oil, jet fuel and aviation gasoline. If you had a car that could use all these types of fuel and a road which stretches around the world at the equator, you could, getting 20-miles per gallon, travel the world 480 times. This floating gas station is bulky, manu- vers slowly and saunters along making a max- imum of 18 knots. It isn't.very fast, but she is really in no hurry. After all, it is from her pipes that the rest of her fleet family must feed. Her interior is a plumber's delight of tanks, valves, pipes, drums and pumps. Her mission: the complete replenishment of petroleum products at sea. Commissioned on February 12, 1944, she has OPEN DOUBLES TENNIS TOURNAMENT WINNERS: a long and distinguished history j.n the Pac- Third Place (1-r) LCDR Small and CDR Harkins, ific and Atlantic as well as the Mediterranean Sec- ond Place (1-r) CAPT Rawlings Sea. and RADM Hild- reth and in First Place LT Waldbaum If you hear her and Tom called.the "mule" you can Harrison. see how, the nickname. fit. She is slow, ugly and hardworking. But at the same time she is always a faithful companion to the fleet she serves, carrying on her back the load-of responsibility for keeping the glamor and readiness of the Navy's warships alive. Page 4 Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday, March 24, 1970 Bits and Cub Scout Pack Holds Annual Banquet Pieces

This is the only place I've ever seen where you can shop for Easter toys and baskets. .and find plenty of Christmas lights and Valentine candy.Do you have one of those trees in your yard which sprays little balls all over? I have. .and I rake and rake. and just as soon as my back is turned, that darned tree drops twice as much as before. That's frus- tration!.Right about now, if you see green grass or green plants, you know one of three things. .there's an underground spring (highly unlikely), somebody has lugged a lot of dish and bath water, or somebody's been sneaking the stuff.the rat! Seriously, just about everyone has been helping to conserve water, and although a lot of lawns and plants need watering, we can still help conserve wat- er when we get back into Condition Charlie. Maybe one thought would help .just imagine you are paying for that water."It's hard to be a Christian in Gitmol" That statement comes from a rather disgruntled Marine Ser- geant who had the following tale of woe to re- Guantanamo Bay--The Fleet Reserve Associa- late: He got up bright and early one Sunday tion sponsored Cub Scout Pack 401 held its morning (when he could have slept in), dressed annual Blue and Gold Banquet at the CPO Club in his civilian suit and went to church. When last night. it came time, as it always does, to give mon- The scouts and their parents were served etary tribute to The Lord, the Sergeant will- dinner by the CPO chefs and later in the ingly dug into his wallet. Much to his sur- evening presented with various awards in prise, all he had left to his name was a five scouting. New members joined and received the dollar bill. Not wanting to deny The Lord his Bobcat award. Others were advanced to Wolf, due. or to look cheap in front of his fellow Bear and Weblow positions. man. the Sergeant dropped the bill into the Scout Master Stanton F. Burns presented plate, figuring to at least get a couple of Norman Buldock with a recognition pin for bucks change. But. the plate flashed out of the training of the Den Mothers. The Den his reach. and the poor Sergeant slowly trudg- Mothers and Scout Masters were also presented ed back to the barracks. .without even a nick- with certificates of training. el left until payday to buy a beer.The The Blue and Gold Banquet is a traditional President has just ordered troops into New event with scouts throughout the world. FRA York to help get the mail through. I'll bet Branch 100 has made the banquet a tradition 9,000 volunteers from Guantana- he could find in Guantanamo Bay for 19 years. mol.The furor over smoking vs. nonsmoking seems to be growing by leaps and bounds. The National Observer maybe-not-so-tongue-in-cheek- ly points out that it may lead to a compromise between the two-pack-a-day men and our saintly brethren who do not. Because if there comes a day when there is segregation of smokers and non-smokers, we had better look to the Supreme Court for a rulingon just whose civil rights are being violated. After all, as the paper points out, if :it comes to that point we might begin a pettern of discrimination against people who have bad breath. .or who's body emmanates a particularly fragrant odor.or those who part their hair on the wrong side. or whose color, religion or beliefs are wrong Tuesday, March 24, 1970 Guantanamo Gazette Page 5 EASTER CHURCH SERVICE SCHEDULES


FASTER SUNDAY, MARCH 29 FRIDAY, MARCH 27 9:30 a.m. Easter Worship Service 12:30 p.m. Good Friday Devotions

CATHOLIC EASTER SUNDAY, MARCH 29 FRIDAY, MARCH,27 8 a.m. Easter Holy Communion Service 12 p.m. Good Friday Liturgy 11 a.m. Easter Worship Service 7 p.m. Easter Worship Service EASTER SUNDAY, MARCH 29 11:15 a.m. Easter Sunday Mass CATHOLIC THURSDAY, MARCH 26 5 p.m. Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper LEEWARD POINT CHAPEL (Confessions 4-6:45 p.m.) PROTESTANT 29 EASTER SUNDAY, MARCH FRIDAY, MARCH 27 6 a.m. Sunrise Service 3 p.m. Good Friday Liturgy of the Easter Worship Service 11:15 a.m. Passion and Death of the Lord (Confessions 1:30-2:30 p.m.) CATHOLIC THURSDAY, MARCH 26 SATURDAY, MARCH 28 and Proces- 5 p.m. Mass of the Bucharist 11 p.m. Easter Vigil Service and Re- sion. surrection Mass. (Confessions: Children 2-3 p.m.; Adults: 5 p.m. FRIDAY, MARCH 27 Communion 5 p.m. Solemn Liturgy and EASTER SUNDAY, MARCH 29 9:30 a.m. Easter Sunday Mass SATURDAY, MARCH 28 12:30 p.m. Easter Sunday Mass 11:30 p.m. Solemn Easter Vigil and Re- surrection Mass

EASTER SUNDAY,MARCH 29 9 a.m. Easter Sunday Mass anyu CAMP BULKELEY CHAPEL PROTESTANT EASTER SUNDAY, MARCH 29 9:30 a.m. Easter Worship Service

CATHOLIC EASTER SUNDAY, MARCH 29 12:30 p.m. Easter Sunday Mass

World wide activities of the National Rec- reation and Park Association are supported by the Combined Federal Campaign. Military recreation personnel, civilian and military, Admiral J. B. Hildreth, Commander, U. S. use the services of the National Recreation Naval Base, will speak to the residents and Park Association to provide wholesome of Guantanamo Bay over AFRTS television and meaningful leisure activities fcr Amer- at 6:20 p.m. Thursday, March 26. icans everywhere. Page 6 Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday, March 24, 1970 Pistons Take Lanier As Top Pick NEW YORK (UPI/AFRTS)--The Detroit Pistons opened the National Association an- From the world of nual draft of college players yesterday by se- lecting tall of St. Bonaventure as their number one draft choice. The All-American did not play the last two games of the NCAA'tournament because of a leg S@ p o r ts injury, but he is expected to be all right. A Detroit spokesman said that they expect to sign him within the next few days. The Pistons picked Lanier over of LSU because they felt they would have a stronger team with Lanier. Bulls Win Coin Flip, Play Hawks The San Diego Rockets who were CHICAGO (UPI/AFRTS)--The won a coin flip expected to go for Maravich pass- yesterday to become the official third place finishers in ed over the All-American in favor the western division of the NBA. Both Chicago and Phoe- of forward Rudy Tomjonovich who nix ended the regular season with identical records. It averaged 30 points per game with means that Chicago will open the NBA playoffs tomorrow Michigan this season. night against the Atlanta Hawks while Phoenix will play Maravich was taken by the At- the Los Angeles Lakers who finished second. lanta Hawks who obtained a first Atlanta won five games while losing only two to Chi- round draft choice as a result of cago during the regular season, but the Hawks only won a trade with the San Francisco two while dropping four against the . Warriors. The chose forward of Janury TkesJackonvlle penFlorida State, Cincinnati picked January Takes Jacksonille Open Sam Lacy of New Mexico State, JACKSONVILLE (UPI/AFRTS)--Veteran golfer Don January Seattle took of Cincin- birdied the last three holes yesterday to beat Dale nati, Cleveland, the first ex- Douglas' by three strokes in the playoff of the Greater pension club to select, chose Jacksonville Golf Open. guard John Johnson of Iowa, January picked up $20,000 as the winner's share of Portland, another expansion team, the take while runner-up Douglas collected $11,400 for took Jeff Petry of Princeton, his efforts. Baltimore got George Johnson, a from Stephen Austin, Phoenix got of New Kemp Leaves Pro Football Mexico, Chicago selected Kim BUFFALO, NEW YORK (UPI/AFRTS)--Quarterback Jack Collins of New Mexico State, Los Kemp of the Buffalo Bills announced yesterday that he Angeles chose forward Jim McMillin is leaving professional football to seek the Republi- of Columbia, Buffalo went for can nomination for Congressman from district 39. forward John Holler of Princeton The 34-year old Kemp told a news conference held at and the New York Knicks concluded a hotel here that he chose to enter politics because the first round by taking Mike he was convinced that at this moment in our nation's Price of Illinois. history the times demand the person who can ride above Guard of Niagra the politics of the 1960's and be more concerned with was the first man taken in the the next generation than the next election. second round. He went to the Kemp has three years remaining on a five-year con- San Diego Rockets. tract with the Buffalo Bills. His contract calls for an estimated annual salary of $60,000.


Marines Carter And Franker Decorated

GUANTANAMO BAY--A tank platoon sergeant was struck in the left shoulder while stand- whose heroism in the face of extreme personal ing atop his tank, and July 4, 1968, when a danger helped save the lives of 15 fellow fragment entered his tank and hit his left Marines has been awarded the Bronze Star. eye. S/Sgt. Paul C. Carter also was awarded two S/Sgt. Carter, an eight-year veteran of Purple Hearts for injuries sustained during the Marine Corps, has been serving in his service in South Vietnam, while Cpl. Wil- Guantanamo since January 16. liam J. Franker received the Vietnamese Gal- lantry Cross with Silver Star. in a recent Both Marines were decorated The spirit is coming to Guantanamo Bay. Jones, Jr., awards ceremony by Lt. Col. ,C.M.C. William T. Sampson's Junior Class is making 2/8 Marines here. Commanding Officer of the contact with the "other world" on April to- S/Sgt. Carter and Cpl. Franker served 9, 10, and 11 at 8 p.m. sector of South gether in the Northern I Corps Performances will be conducted at the Tank Vietnam in 1968 with Alpha Company, Third Little Theater Stage. Make plans to wit- Battalion, Third Marine Division. ness this unusual and magnificent specta- for his "note- Cpl. Franker was decorated cle by purchasing tickets from any member a tank command- worthy performance of duty" as of the Junior Class. er and for his outstanding service with forces of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam. A native of Chicago, he enlisted in the Marine Corps June 27, 1967, and arrived in Guantanamo February 12. S/Sgt. Carter was accompanying a reaction force assigned to ARVN forces engaged with a large enemy north of the Dong Ha combat base. As the Marines advanced toward the village of Cam Vu, they suddenly came under intense mortar, anti-tank and automatic weapons fire from a well entrenched North Vietnamese Army force. During the ensuing fire fight, two friendly squads became separated fnom the re- action force. When darkness set, S/Sgt. Carter establish- ed radio contact with the separated units and, directing a tank searchlight over their posi- tion, succeeded in locating them. Disregarding his own safety, S/Sgt. Carter led his tanks through heavy fire toward the friendly units. "Rapidly placing the wounded men aboard his tanks," S/Sgt. Carter's citation reads, "he directed aheavyvolume of suppressive fire upon the enemy emplacements and inflict- ed numerous casualities on the hostile forces while holding his Marines to positions of relative safety. RIGHT WORD - Yvonne Pon- "His heroic actions and sincere concern toon knows what happens when his comrades inspired all your U.S. Savings Bonds are for the welfare ,of lost buried or stolen-they are who observed'him and werq instrumental in replaced without cost. saving the lives of, 15 Marine."' S/Sgt. Carter was awarded Purple Hearts for Shrapnel'wounds on May:1, 1968, when he Page 8 Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday, March 24, 1970

THE Beeline--- 95551

The Reef Raiders will begin a new scuba class on 60Peugot,4 door with sun roof, very good condition Monday, March 30th at 7:00 PM at the EM pool, those $300. 2 pair dress shoes new size 9D latest style, interested please call 95105 AT. $25. for both. 85479 DWH 85682 AWH.

Rear Admiral J. B. HILDRETH, the Base Commander, 2 good 650 X 16 tires with wheels, bolt pattern fits will address the personnel of Guantanamo Bay on 49 and up fords. Make offer or swap for 15" tires Channel 8 television at 6:20 PM Thursday, March with or without wheels with same bolt pattern. 26th. Call 85607 AWH.

The weekly Bible study of the PWOC will be held Room A/C Philco model $35. Call 85479 DWH 85682 AWH. thursday morning at 9:30 at the home of Mrs. Murrel Catt on Granadillo Point 3C. All ladies are 63 Rambler, excellent condition $550. or best offer. welcome and invited to attend. Call 95253 DWH, or 99195 AWH.

All teenagers are invited to attend the Teen Club Cushman Golf Cart in excellent condition, can be FOLK FESTIVAL Friday, March 27th at 7:00 PM. Bring seen at the Golf Course, $300. Call 85556. your guitars and banjos and join in the fun. 8,000 BTU, 110 volt A/C. Upright Hoover vacuum All Base residents are invited to the U.S. Marine cleaner. Both in good condition. Call 98188 AWH. Corps Drum and Bugle Corps and Silent Drill Team performance during the Marines' Battle Color Zenith solid state portable stero. Call 95476 AT. Ceremonies at Camp Buckeleyat 7:00 PM, Wednesday March 25th and again on March 26th and 27th, also Ampex 4 track stero model 860, excellent condition at 7:00 PM, at Marine Site Number 2. These are $200. Call 85609 AT. the Marine Corps' FINEST. Don't miss this rare opportunity to see them in action. New 24,000 BTU compressor; never used, $80. Call For Sale 99221 AWH. 2 Fedders 115 volt, 12,000 BTU A/C, less than 8 Giveaway months old, $145. each. Whirlpool A/C, 220 volt Guppies, all sizes, Call 95458 AT. 22,000 BTU, less than 8 months old, $200. GE upright freezer, $50. Lawn Mower less than 6 months old, $30. 220 volt Westinghouse A/C in Wanted need of repair, $45. Call 85856 AWH English riding Instructor. Call Special Services.

Long Evening Gown size 9-10, worn once. one pair Ladies for swimming classes to begin March 25. slacks size 5 never worn. Call 96142 AWH There will be a morning class from 9:00-10:00 AM on Mondays, wednesdays and Fridays and evening 72 foot standard diving tank with reserve valve classes will be from 6:00-7:00 PM on Tuesdays, and boot 1967 model, $50. Call 85240 DWH 99266 AWH Thursdays and Fridays. The fee is $10. To sign up contact Special Services. 56' Chevey, V8 automatic, motor rebuilt, $350. Wizard A/C all new but frame'15,000 BTU, $125. Motorcycle 125-175cc, in good operating condition. Fedders A/C, 12,000 BTU 2 years old,$115. Swing Call 85842. set $10. Whirlpool washer $45. 63' Lambretta Scooter $75. All available May 14. Call 95458 AT. 52 Ford Generator,doesn't have to work. Call 85789 AT. 69 Lambretta 150 cc, excellent condition, $290. Sewing, Alterations and ironing in my home. Call 55 Mercury, excellent running condition $225. 99198 AT. Call 95551 DWH or 95106 AWH.

61 Chevy Convertable, Power steering Power Brakes, Lest New Tires and Paint. Call 96119 AWH. Black kitten, in GranadilloPoint area, Call 95275 AT. 51 Chevy, Needs brake work, otherwise in good A pair of shoes in the Robbyland area,Call 85286. condition, $100. Call 85138 DWH or 85353 AWH. A pair of Sun Glasses,Rx type, left at Mardi Gras. 1 Bancroft and 1 Spaulding tennis rackets, Must Call 64204 DWH Sell, Call 85554 AT.