Sunflower 03-14-1969
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Four-Hour Session enate Approves 'Pass-Fail;' Sets Amendment Vote Br RON QROm CAC and longer library hours foil work a student earns w ill course w ill not be recorded on the to John Bradfelt, BA Sr. and a student's transcript. Under the ^taff H t\H t during and near flnal e)am week. count toward graduation require floor director at Brennen Hall ments but w ill not enter Into the provisions of the resolution a stu One, UC students account forabout The resolution, advocating 24 students overall grade point aver dent could take a course which Is 80 percent of the dorm itory popu SGA adopted a resolution Tues hours o{ non-graded work, recom- age (G P A ). V^en the student dlfHcult for him and risk only lation. day recommending to the (iaculty moids to the Faculty Serate that folfills the requirements for grad his time and money but not his Amendments to the proposal senate that students be allowed to a modifled pass-foil grading sys uation his GPA w ill be applied record. were suggested by some of the sen take iq) to 24 credit hours toward tem be considered. to the pass-foil credits he has The resolutionalsorecommends ators. They recommended that graduation without being graded by The pass-foil resolution recom earned. that the courses taken for pass- dorm students be recognized as letter grade on that work. mends that any student taking at foil credit should be outside the a separateanddistlnctgroup,equal In other business the senate least 12 credit hours In a given According to the resolution, the students major and that the in to a college of the University, passed an amendment to the stu semester be allowed to take up pass-foil system will ^courage structor of the class should not and given the dorms one or two dent constitution which, ifaccepted to six hours of pass-foil work students to take courses outside know which grading system each senatorial seats. by the student body, w ill increase concurrently. Under the provi their major fields of Interest en student has elected for the course. On the (Aher hand one senator, LA and UC representation on the sions of the resolution, if the stu abling them to gain a more lib Ihe Senate approved an amend Mike Epstein, opposed giving the Student Senate. The Senate aiso dent earns a grade of or eral education. ment to the student constitution dormitories any r^res»itatian at passed resolutions recommending above in a pass-foil course, It The resolution recommends that which changes the proportional all. Epstein said, “Let's give more liberal r^laUons peitein- will be recorded simply as a pass. if a student foils a course he Is representation of the student body the dorm students an opportunity ing to diq;>laying posters in the The number of hours of pass- taking for pass-foil credit, the in the Senate. to organize voters and get a sena- tor-at-large.“ The amendment, sponsored by John Tatlock, SGA President, Sen. Scott Stucky, must be approved called Epstein's proposal, “ elit by the student body in a special ism of the first order." He as referendum before It will become serted, “ Only a minority of the part of the constitution. senators feel they (dormitory stu- The amendment If approved be d ^ ts ) do not desrve represen the students, w ill change the num tation of one sort or another." The Sunflow er ber of senators representing the He went on, “ It should be a clear- University College from two to cut m atter." four, and the number r^resenting WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY After what Epstein described FRIDAY MARCH 14,1969 Liberal Arts from two to five. VOL. LX X m NO. 38 lOj as, “ the Hne argum aits of Mr. Representation for all other col Tatlock," he withdrew his motion leges of the university will remain to exclude the sormitorles from the same as It is under the pre representation. sent constitution which designates Bredfelt spoke for the dorm two senators from each c o l l i e . Fun, Frolic, Prizes to Highlight students saying he hopes to have According to the amendment one complete representation of a ll of the four UC senators must be dorm residents Instead of just from one of the University-owned those in UC. He supported Stuc- Annual ’Greek Week’ Festivities or approved resld^ce halls and ky’ s proposed a m ^ m e n t, how will be elected by UC students ever, and conceeded, “ It's better be Monday evening when awards who reside in the halls. The second annual WSU “ Greek and Saturday morning, with the to be represented 80 percent than will be given for the Outstanding Week*' w ill be held Sunday through championship game to be played Senatorial opinion varied on how not represented at a ll." Saturday. A full schedule of acti Sorority Woman and Outstanding Satur^y at 7 p.m. the dorm students should be rep A resolution c a rrie d which re c vities is planned for officers and Fraternity Man,asweUa8aspeech resented. The amendment pro ommends liberalizing existing re- members of WSU fraternities and by Dr. Walter Frlesen , director Topping off the week's activi vides for a “ Dorm-UC senator sororities. of academic development, Pima ties will be the A ll-G reek Dance who will represent UC students Continued «n Page 3 The purpose of “Greek Week County Jr. C o llie , Tucson, A ri at the West Side Arm ory, Saturday living in the dorms. According Sat Pattar Plana 1969," aside from entertainment, zona, at 7:30 p.m. night. is to exchange and promote ideas The “ Greek Sing" Is scheduled WSU Greek organizations par with other Greeks, In an effort for Tuesday night. The organiza ticipating In “ Greek Week 1969“ to improve the organizations as tions will have the opportunity to are Beta Theta PI, Delta Sigma well as the University community hear each other perform Some of Hieta, Delta Upsllon, Kappa Alpha as a whole. ^ e songs which are traditions at Psl, Ifoppa Sigma, PM Delta Theta, An O fficer's Wortcshcp Is plan each house. Representatives Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi ned for Sunday. Offlcdrs of the ^ e music department will be judg Sigma, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Alpha Greek organizations will meet with ing and offering helpful hints to Chi Omega, Alpha Kappa Alpha, the officers o f the other organiza Improve singing style. A trophey Alpha Phi, Delt a Delta Delta, tions In a discussion group. A w ill be awarded to the winning Delta Gamma, Delta Sigma Theta, prepared list of questions will be organization. and Gamma Phi Beta. discussed. Hl^llghting the Offi “ Greek Week College Bowl" Coordinators of Greek Week cer's Woiitshop will be anaddress Is scheduled for Ihursday evening. activities are Rod Brown and Anne by a form er WSU student, Mark The rules and playing procedures Phalen. Advisor Dr. Lyle Gohn, Anderscm. are much the same as those of assistant dean o f students, has as Art work by several members the weekly television program, sisted for the past month In pre each chapter house will be dis College Bowl. paration of “ Greek Week." played beginning Monday In their reqpective houses. The Kappa Sigma Basketball Tournament will be held Friday The All-Greek Convocation will luiM* Iu4m New Trustee 2 Newsfronts Oeurt Cate 3 Sehool But Poet 4 Play Review 7 A P O L L O 9 The Apollo 9 returns safely, ending a 10-day space flight that cleared America's lunar lander for a flight to the Take Fiv e 12 moon later this year. SENATE AT W ORE- -Stadant Sanata paaaad a raaalattan Taaa. day night appraving a •paaa->ftll' grading ayatam. WASHINGTON President Nixon and Defense Secretary Laird. hold a clim actic discussion on the fote 6t the antim issile ^ stem The Senate moves toward a flnal vote on ratification of the treaty to curb the spread of nuclear weapons. 'Fantastic' First Day Beer Vote VIETNAM. The slackening of an enemy offensive caused U. S. battle deaths to decline last week, but casualties still are double Ae average for the year. 1700 Turn Out for Referendum The U.S and South Vietnamese peace delegations assail enemy terror tactics in South Vietnam. The V iet Cong warns against any Ih e first day of the beer re f the second largest polling In the dents “ fovor" or “do not fovor" ■ 1 allied reprisals. erendum produced “ a fontastic history of the school. Today's the sale of 3.2 beer in the CAC tu rn ou t," accmxiing to SGA voters will have a chance to e^ e is the culmination of muchddhion- INTERNATIONAL The big guns of Egypt and Israel blaze Election Commissioner Steve up oh ttie 5184 votes cast In last Btrating, poUticlng, and leaflOting y a l» « ' the entire len ^ . of the Suez Canal in the fourth major out Davies. foil's stadium referendum. by the Committee fo r Student's burst of fighting since the weekend. As of 4 p.m. Hiursday, 1701 Polling places w ill be open today Rights. ballots were cast, and ofthat num between 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 pm. N A T I O N A L The Navy's Pueblo investigation ends as Cmdr. ber, Davies reported that over hall In the CAC, WUner Auditorium, Earlier In the week, CSR spokes Lloyd M. Bucher and others present wHtten statements. were east in the polling places In Neff Hall, the Field House, Grace men expressed fea r that an S i g the CAC.