DANCING THE NuminOus: SACRed AND SPIRituAL TECHniQues OF COntemPORARY AmeRICAN BellY DANCERS JEANA JORGensen PhD, Instructor of Folklore Department of Anthropology Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis 425 University Blvd., Cavanaugh Hall 410 Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA e-mail:
[email protected] AbstRACT In this paper, I explore how contemporary American practitioners of belly dance (as Middle Eastern dance and its many varieties are often called in the English- speaking world) conceptualise not only the spiritual dimensions of their dance, but also how the very notion of performance affects sacred and spiritual dance practices. Drawing on interviews with members of this community, I describe the techniques of sacred and spiritual belly dancers, how these dancers theorise per- formance, and how the conflicts inherent to patriarchal mind-body dualism are resolved in these practices. My purpose here is twofold: to document an emergent dance tradition and to analyse its meanings in the relevant social context. KEYWORDS: dance • belly dance • spirituality • sacred dance • feminism What is the connection between mind and body, soul and flesh? Different cultures observe differing relationships between these elements and express such relationships in myriad ways, which folklorists and anthropologists have documented in the ethno- graphic study of bodylore and folk medicine, among other genres, traditions, and forms (Desjarlais 1992; Young 1993). In this paper, I explore how contemporary American practitioners of belly dance (as Middle Eastern dance and its many varieties are often called in the English-speaking world) conceptualise not only the spiritual dimensions of their dance, but also how the very notion of performance affects sacred and spiritual dance practices.