Von Balthasar's Ideal Theology
APPENDIX VON BALTHASAR'S IDEAL THEOLOGY It is well known that von Balthasar spent the early years of his theological career studying the patristic period of Christianity. I When one considers the dominant view in that period of what an ideal theology, as well as what an ideal theologian, should consist in, it soon becomes apparent how great is the patristic influence on his thought. Certainly, both his ideal theology and his conception of what a Christian theologian should be clearly show the influence that the patristic period had on him. In this appendix, I first draw out some of the features of the dominant view held within the patristic period2 of an ideal theology and an ideal theologian-a view which had such a marked effect on von Balthasar. I then discuss his proposals for the way forward in theology-proposals which incorporate the specific ideal which he draws from the patristic period. Thus, in this appendix, I shed further light on von Balthasar's appeal for a return to a more integrated approach to theology. (a) The Early Centuries If we are to gain any further insight into von Balthasar's conception of what both theology and theologians ought to be, then we must take into considera tion what, for him, was the definitive period of Christian theology-namely, the early centuries of Christianity. The most relevant feature of this period, 1 Indeed, von Balthasar's ·fIrst significant theological pUblications were in Patristics. See Hans Urs von Balthasar, Kosmische Liturgie. Hohe und Krise des griechischen Weltbilds bei Maximus Confessor (Freiburg: Herder, 1941); Hans Urs von Balthasar, Die Gnost ischen Centurien des Maximus Confessor (Freiburg: Herder, 1941); and Hans Urs von Balthasar, Presence et Pensee.
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