April 4, 1995 GFK-1177



Product: Programming and Configuration Software Package, Version 5.02 IC641SWP736A – 3.5-inch 2DD (Standard Serial COM Port Version) IC641SWP733A – Demonstration Package (Standard Serial COM Port Version) CE641SWP731B – Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Programmer

Read this document before installing or attempting to use the IC641 programming and configuration software with your programmable controller system. For more information, refer to the Programming Software User’s Manual, the Programmable Controller Reference Manual, the Sequential Function Chart Programming Language User’s Manual, or the README.TXT file on the master diskette. Release 5.02 of the programming and configuration software provides logic programming and configuration for programmable logic control systems. Release 5.02 is compatible with Release 5.0 and earlier CPUs. If a Bus Controller (IC66*) is used with this release of IC641 software, the Bus Controller must be Release 3.0 or later. In addition, Release 5.02 corrects problems that existed in Release 5.00 or earlier software. These problems are listed in section 5, “Problems Resolved by Release 5.02.”

Operational Notes

1. System Requirements: A. The IC641 programming and configuration software requires either a minimum of 590K (604,160) bytes of available MS-DOS application memory, or 545K (558,080) bytes of MS-DOS application memory plus an additional 49K of (HMA), Upper Memory Blocks (UMB), or (EMS) for the communications driver. For more information, refer to the Programming Software User’s Manual. A minimum 1024K of Lotus// Expanded Memory (LIM EMS 3.2 or higher) is required for optimum performance. If additional MS-DOS application memory is required, system software error ID: 0000 EX: 0000 will occur. Check the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files to remove any device drivers and Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) programs in order to make more application memory available. For example, the IC641 software does not require the ANSI.SYS driver. B. The IC641 software will occupy approximately 4 Mbytes of disk space. Please make sure you have adequate space on your disk before attempting to install the software. C. MS-DOS 5.0 or higher. D. An 80386 or higher computer with a serial COM port serviced by the National Semiconductor 16550 UART chip is recommended. 2 Important Product Information


2. Installation: For detailed instructions on installing the IC641 software, refer to the Programming Software User’s Manual. The software is licensed to run on a single computer. You may encounter problems during the installation if you try to install the package on multiple computers. The INSTALL disks are copy-protected. Since backup copies of these disks cannot be made, they should be used to install the software and then put in a safe place. If you have over 537 MB of free hard disk space and you have the statement DEVICE= C:\DOS\EMM386.EXENOEM S in your CONFIG.SYS, you will receive the following error, (00032) An unknown error occurred during install initialization. To prevent this error. from occurring, you must specify Expanded Memory in your CONFIG.SYS, e.g., DEVICE= C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE 1024 RAM. If you are using a commercial memory manager, such as QEMMt or 386MAXt, this precaution may not be necessary, and if you have less than 537 MB of free hard disk space, this precaution is unnecessary; however, you may still want to specify as discussed in the “IC641 Software Performance” section below. 3. Demo Version (IC641SWP733): The demo version of the IC641 software will install into the LM90DEMO directory on the hard disk specified during the INSTALL procedure. For example, if you specify that the demo version of software be installed on the C: drive, it will be installed in the C:\LM90DEMO directory. To run the demo software, enter the following at the MS-DOS prompt:


The demo version is fully functional. However, the program size is limited to 750 bytes for _MAIN and 750 bytes per program block.

4. IC641 Software Performance: The IC641 software requires a CONFIG.SYS file with BUFFERS set to at least 15 (BUFFERS=15). To increase performance, the buffers should be increased. If you have MS-DOS 5.0 (or higher) and load DOS High, you should be able to set buffers up to 48. This will help the performance of program searches, program loads, program stores, and other disk operations. The variable tables that were once in memory have been moved to disk. While up to 5000 nicknames are now allowed in the _MAIN variable declaration table, the performance of the software may be affected. For best performance, Lotus/Intel/Microsoft Expanded Memory (EMM) Version 3.2 or higher of at least 1024K bytes and SMARTDRV should be provided. A memory manager is provided with MS-DOS 5.0 (or higher) for a 386 or higher computer. However, some computers or PC configurations will require a memory manager such as 386MAXt, produced by Qualitas, or QEMM-386t or QRAMt, produced by Quarterdeck, to provide the maximum amount of memory for the IC641 software as well as other applications. The following configuration will assist you in setting up your computer system to run the software optimally:

IC641 Software (Standard MS-DOS Version 5.0) Configuration CONFIG.SYS DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS DOS=HIGH ,UMB DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE 1024 RAM FILES=20 BUFFERS=48

t 386MAX is a trademark of Qualitas, Inc. t QEMM-386 and QRAM are trademarks of Quarterdeck Office Systems. Important Product Information 3


5. Using MS-DOS to Copy Folder Files:


Do not use MS-DOS to copy individual files from one program folder to another or to delete files. Doing so may result in corrupted folders. MS-DOS may only be safely used to copy an entire program folder to another program folder of the same name.

6. Serial Printing: The serial ports, COM1 and COM2, can be used for serial printers. Beginning with Release 5, the serial printer port must be configured with the MS-DOS mode command to match the printer settings. For more information, refer to the Programming Software User’s Manual. 7. Interaction of the IC641 Software with Closed Programming Window: If you intend to change the PLC sweep modes or timers (e.g., Constant Sweep Time, Program Window Times, etc.) while the program window is closed, use Service Request #1 – #4. The PLC Sweep Control and Monitor screen in the IC641 software cannot be used.


To change PLC modes (e.g., STOP, RUN, etc.) while the programming window is closed, use the CPU switch rather than the IC641 software.

8. Running the IC641 Software from a Disk That Does Not Contain the IC641 Software: If you need to run the IC641 software from a disk that does not contain the IC641 software, set up the $PLCROOT environment variable in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to point to the location of the IC641 software:

SET $PLCROOT=(drive ID):\LM90 4 Important Product Information


9. IC641 Software under Windows 3.x: The IC641 software can run under Windows 3.x. With Windows 3.1, the IC641 software may be run in WINDOWED or FULL SCREEN mode.

To run the IC641 Software under Windows successfully, observe the following guidelines: A. At least 49K in Expanded Memory (EMS), an Upper Memory Block (UMB), or the High Memory Area (HMA) must be available for the serial communications driver. If EMS memory is used for the IC641 software, you must ensure that no other device driver or TSR is also using EMS memory. B. The IC641 software should be run using a PIF file. A default PIF file is provided in the program directory. Example screens of the default settings are shown below: Important Product Information 5


C. Do not attempt to run more than one session of IC641 software at the same time. Doing so may result in corrupted program folders. D. You may, however, bring up the programming and configuration software at the same time as long as one of them is offline, or they both use different COM ports. Be careful not to change the CPU model configured from the configurator while you are in the program editor or reference tables in the programming software. To access the same folder from both the programming and configuration software packages, be sure that .EXE is not used in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, or you will receive the message “File System Error.” E. For some display adapters and drivers, you may find that the IC641 software is not displayed in color in WINDOWED mode. However, the software will be displayed in color in FULL SCREEN mode. You may switch between WINDOWED and FULL SCREEN mode by pressing ALT-Enter. Problems Resolved by Release 5.02 1. Greater than 127 Program Blocks and ID: 01255 EX: 00000: If more than 127 program blocks are created and a CALL exists to one above 127, an error log ID: 1255 EX: 0000 would occur when attempting to view the rung with the CALL instruction. This problem has been corrected. 2. ID: 3235 EX: 0015 Error Log During Printing: While printing a program, the error log ID: 3235 EX: 0015 could occur. This problem has been corrected. 3. ID: 3250 EX: 0000 or ID: 3247 EX: 0000 Error Log During Printing: While printing cross references for a program, the error log ID: 3250 EX: 0000 could occur. This problem has been corrected. 4. Listing Abort During Print Error: A printout will no longer abort if there is a printer error (e.g., out of paper, etc.). Instead, the listing will be paused so that you can correct the printer problem, and then you may resume printing by pressing the softkey (F9) pause. 5. The IC641 Software Installed on Hard Disks Larger than 512 MB: Previously, the IC641 software was only able to run on hard disks that were 512 MB or less (or hard disks larger than 512 MB that were partitioned). The IC641 software has been changed to allow it to run on hard disks larger than 512 MB. 6. IC641 software Lockup: On some computers the IC641 software would lockup or cause the computer to reboot during the second attempt to run the IC641 software. This problem was reported while using a Compaq LTE Elite 4/40 CX computer. This problem has been corrected. 7. ID: ????? EX: 01950: If the hexadecimal equivalent of the low byte of a constant that is being fed directly into any DINT instruction is ’1B’ hex (27), then ID: ???? EX: 1950 would appear when attempting to scroll past the rung containing that instruction, or attempting to print the program containing that instruction. A workaround was to pass the numeric value from another instruction instead of directly feeding it as a constant. This problem has been corrected. 8. Continuation Coil and ID: 00499 EX: 01959: An attempt to replace a coil with a continuation coil would result in system error ID: 00499 EX: 01959. This problem has been corrected. 9. Librarian Reference Offsetting: When importing a library element using the reference offset template, the word references (e.g., %AI) in the program were incorrectly shifted twice the offset. This problem has been corrected. 10. VME Full Mail Address: An incorrect Address could be entered for the FULL MAIL mode of Third Party VME module configurations. The Address is now checked for correctness. 11. VME Slot B Module: A VME module in slot B would be deleted when slot A is modified. This problem has been corrected. 12. Remote I/O Scanner Store and ID: 1601 EX: 1751: If a DROPID had not already been assigned to a Remote I/O Scanner and an attempt was made to store a configuration to the Scanner, a system error ID: 1601 EX: 1751 would occur. This problem has been corrected. 6 Important Product Information


13. CMM711 Module Configuration: Selecting the CCM/RTU mode for the CMM711 module and storing the configuration would result in an “Unsupported Feature Error” fault being logged in the PLC Fault Table. Selecting the RTU/SNP mode and setting the parity to even would result in ID: 001827 EX: 00000. These problems have been corrected.

Restrictions and Significant Open Problems

1. The IC641 software Install Using MS-DOS 6.0 or Later: MS-DOS 6.0 or later supports multiple configurations in the same file. However, during an the IC641 software installation, changes in the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files are only made to the first sections for files, buffers, and the IC641 software path. 2. FOR Loop Restriction: Data flow between instructions in a FOR loop must be 16 bytes or less. If you wish to move more than 16 bytes of data between instructions, you should move the output data of an instruction into reference(s) and use the same reference(s) as input to the next instruction. 3. SFC and PSB Side Files: If you attempt to include side files with SFC and/or PSB logic into a folder using a release of the IC641 software software earlier than Release 5.00, a system error will occur. 4. %S Bits and PSB Parameter Restrictions: %S references as bit parameters of a PSB call are only allowed if the bit length is 1. 5. Invalid SFC Element: An SFC step name can only be used in Relay Ladder Diagram (RLD) logic to access the step timer, step fault bits, or step flags. A transition name can only be used to access or set the transition variable. If you attempt to use the step or transition other than as described here, the message “Invalid SFC Element” will occur. 6. Incorrect Fault Sense: If the minimum or maximum step times are changed while the SFC graph is evolving, an incorrect fault sense (+ or –) may be reported. 7. Force Overridden Bit: If you attempt to force an overridden bit by entering a 0 or 1 from the command line in the reference tables, the bit will not be changed. You must use the toggle key (keypad – or F12 key) to toggle the bit. 8. Search Reference Descriptions: If a program contains references that have the same reference description text and you attempt to search for the reference description, the first occurrence of the reference description will always be found. 9. Indirect References: When an indirect reference address is used, its reference description will not be displayed in DISPLAY ALL (EXPANDED) mode. 10. PC-Kwikr: If you use the disk cache PC-Kwikr, you may not be able to install the IC641 software software without using the switch /D- for the PC-Kwik device driver. The /D- switch enables the generic support of diskette transfers. Important Product Information 7


11. Multiple Attachments: It is possible for more than one computer running the IC641 software to be connected to the same PLC. When this occurs, the serial connection or other Ethernet connection is maintained as a view-only connection (MONITOR mode). If either the %P or %L data size is changed by the parallel programmer attachment, the change will not be reflected in the secondary programmer attachments. In order for the change to be reflected, you must disconnect and then reconnect the secondary programmer attachment.