Monthly Newsletter of the Volume 17 Number 6 Rockland PC Users Group June 1997 ELECTION CONTROVERSY CleanSweep and QEMM 97 Election News Quarterdeck Visits At the May meeting, Nominating Committee chairman Jim Trying to keep a computer’s hard drive neat has become a frus- Mullins announced the slate that would be presented at the June trating, futile task ever since Microsoft sweet-talked the world meeting. For president: newsletter editor Sy Ribakove, who had into using Windows. No longer do applications remain com- agreed to serve for one year, during which fortably in their own directories; no longer can an time he would continue to edit the unworthy application be banished newsletter; for vice president: with a single DEL C:\BADAPP\*.* program chairman Sondra Coulter; command. Now, when we invite for secretary: long-time member a new application into our Win- Dick Blumenthal, experienced as dows environment, it tracks muddy Secretary of the Council of footprints into the Windows and Research Scientists; for Treasurer: Windows\System directories. It is Paul Shapiro, the current treasurer. also likely to write to WIN.INI, The Nominating Committee had SYSTEM.INI, the Registry and polled sitting officers; only trea- in the case of Windows 95, may surer Paul Shapiro wished to stand also create a \SharedFiles direc- for re-election. However, shortly tory under C:\Program Files, no before the May meeting, with the matter what measures you take to slate complete, Stan Smith in- prevent this proliferation. formed board members that he had What’s a user to do? One of the changed his mind about stepping better things to do is to monitor instal- down and that he would oppose the slate’s lations with Quarterdeck Corporation’s candidate for president and would, if necessary, elegant uninstaller, CleanSweep.
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