Zev Ballen, LCSW, PC

• U.S (845) 362-8600 • : 054-840-9499 • Zevballen @yahoo.co • Thehypnosistrainingcenter.com • New York License: R20393 • Israel License: 25388

I am licensed to practice psychotherapy in Israel and New York. I learn in the Chut Shel Chesed , of Rav Shalom Arush, Shlita in where I also give a weekly Shior and write about Torah and Therapy for a weekly web-magazine (see Breslev.co.il). I maintain a private practice at night specializing in sexual addiction. I graduated from Fordham University in 1976 and studied clinical hypnosis with prominent practitioners from 1980–1984. I received post-graduate training at the Society for Psychoanalytic Study and Research, SPSR, from 1988–1992. I received a year of intensive training and supervision in the treatment of sexual addiction with a Board Certified M.D. Psychiatrist who specializes in Sexual Addiction.

I have been a licensed therapist for 32 years, and have been working exclusively with the Orthodox Jewish Community for the past 20 years to the full satisfaction of institutional and community leaders. I have the endorsements of prominent Gadolei Yisrael and professionals such as the Nikolsberger Rebba, Shlita from Monsey, Reb Yitzchok Fagelstock, Shlita, Rosh HaYeshiva, Mesifta of Long Beach, Reb Chaim Leibesh Rottenberg, Shlita, the Kasaner Rebbe of Forshay, Rav Shalom Arush, Shlita, Jerusalem (author of the Garden of Emunah), Lazer Brody, Shlita, (lazerbeams.com), and Dr. David Pelcovitz, Ph.d. (see thehypnosistrainingcenter.com for additional endorsements).I reside with my family in Jerusalem.

I see psychotherapy clients who are suffering from the effects of addictive problems, abuse, trauma, anxiety, and relationship issues. I see hypnosis clients that suffer with chronic pain, insomnia, phobias, nausea, psychosomatic problems and habits. I provide: initial assessments, individual treatment consultations, and speaking engagements. In 1995 I founded and chaired the Clinical Hypnosis Practice Committee of the New York State Society of Clinical Social Work. The Clinical Hypnosis Practice Committee was the first educational and training forum for Licensed Clinical Social Workers in New York State. I have served as the Director of Professional Education at the New York Institute for Hypnosis and Psychotherapy Research of the Morton Prince Center and as Adjunct Professor of Social Work, Adelphi University Graduate School of Social Work.

In addition to my private practice, I have been affiliated with: Creedmore Psychiatric Center, Mercy Hospital Outpatient Department of Psychiatry, the Stepping Stones Program, the North Shore Child Guidance Center, the New Hope Guild, and the New York Center for Hypnotherapy and the New York Institute for Technology, Department of Behavioral Science.

My publications about sexual addiction, hypnosis and psychotherapy can be found in scientific books, professional journals as well as in popular publications such as: The Jewish Press, Community Magazine and The Voice of Lakewood (see publications on thehypnosistrainingcenter.com) I write a weekly web-article on Breslev.co.il and give a weekly virtual shior. I have been an invited speaker at professional conferences and meetings sponsored by the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis, the New York State Society for Clinical Hypnosis, the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, and the New York State Society of Clinical Social Workers. In addition I have presented my work at Jewish Conferences and meetings sponsored by: Nefesh International, Torah U- Mesorah, and the Brooklyn Youth Council. My book, The Rabbi’s Guide to Crisis Intervention, was published in 1995 — the profits from the book go to Charity.

In 2005 I founded the Hypnosis Training Center which has the endorsements of numerous Rabbonim, Mechanchim, Roshei Kollelim and professionals (see: thehypnosistrainingcenter.com, Endorsements). The introduction of hypnosis into the Orthodox Jewish community has stimulated a great deal of interest by a wide spectrum of Torah Jewry: Teachers, business people, and parents — from the teens to the nineties — a veritable cross-section of Klal Yisrael attended these 75 hour classes.