October 12-13 2018 Parshas Noach ד חשון תשע‘‘ט פרשת נח Erev Shabbos Shabbos Day Shabbos Shiurim Parsha Shiur 8:15a Candle Lighting 5:54p Early Minyan 7:25a Mincha/Kabbolas Shabbos 6:00p Daf Hashavuah Following the Eight Twenty Minyan 8:20a Dr. Yakov Weil Early Minyan Following the Daf Hashavuah Chaburah Main Minyan 8:45a 8:20 Minyan

Sof Zman Krias Shema 9:49a Lomdos from the Parsha Following the Menachem Rosenbaum Main Minyan Youth Minyan 9:00a Pirchei 4:15p Early Mincha 2:00p Rabbi’s Gemorah Shiur 5:15p Mincha 5:45p Father & Son Learning 7:45p Maariv 6:55p

Mazel Tov  Mr. Nochi & Mrs. Chani Stein on the marriage of their grandson, Nesanel Cohen to Shira Etzman.  Rabbi Baruch Klagsbrun on the birth of a grandson.  Mr. Shalom & Mrs. Sarit Abowitz on the birth of a granddaughter, born to Yossi & Edit Schechter.  Rabbi Menachem & Mrs. Aliza Rosenbaum on the birth of a daughter.  Rabbi Levy & Mrs. Avigayil Sheinfeld on the birth of a son. Shalom zachor is at 3016 W. Jarvis after 8:15pm. Mazel tov to the grandmother, Mrs. Marsha Sheinfeld.  Mr. Dovid & Mrs. Gittel Dissen on the birth of a son. Shalom zachor is at 3011 W. Jarlath.

Sponsorships Kiddush is sponsored by:  Mr. Eric & Mrs. Gale Rothner on the occasion of Natan Nussbaum’s 10th anniversary.  The 8:20 Kiddush is sponsored by Mr. Joey & Mrs. Elka Abramchik in honor of the bar of their grandson next shabbos

Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by:  Mr. Eric & Mrs. Gale Rothner on the occasion of the yahrzeit of Rabbi Moshe Kushner.  Mrs. Millie Prero on the occasion of the yahrzeit of her father in law, Rabbi Samuel Prero, a"h. Mr. Gavriel & Mrs. Lena Prero have made a donation in memory of his grandfather. Rav Dovid Nojowitz, Menahel of Torah Umesorah will be the guest speaker. Announcements  Stewart Sheinfeld a”h Father and Son Learning Program continues this week at 7:45pm with learning, prizes, pizza, and a super story. This week is sponsored by Mr. Eric & Mrs. Gale Rothner on the occasion of the yahrzeit of Rabbi Moshe Kushner. To sponsor a week please email [email protected]

 A new season of Pirchei begins this week at 4:15pm Shabbos afternoon. Doughnuts will be served.

 Ray Stein a”h Scholar in Residence will take place on Shabbos, Parshas Lech- Lecha October 19-20 featuring noted author and speaker Rabbi Yonason Rosenblum. For sponsorships and reservations please go to www.adasyeshrun.com/scholar. Please make your reservations for lunch by this Monday.

 A new Father and Son Mishna Shiur with Rabbi Cohen for boys in grades 3-5 will be beginning this Monday at 7:45pm.

 Rabbi Cohen’s Teffilah shiurim continues this Tuesday night with a new season of learning. Women 7:45- 8:15. Men 9:30-10:00pm.

 Nshei Yeshurun invites women of all ages to a special food demonstration featuring nationally acclaimed chef and cook book author, Miriam Pascal, Sunday October 28 at 8pm at the shul.

 Bnos Tzion will be meeting on Sunday night from 8-9 pm with Mrs. Faith Neuman who will be speaking on the topic of "Handling Nisyonos".

 If you are interested in a Sunday morning 7:15am Shacharis, please speak to Levy Sheinfeld or Ranaan Zimmerman. Shul Announcements:

 The Shul maintains a list of cholim. This list is updated monthly. You can add a name and download this list on the right side of the Shul’s homepage.

 Shul office hours are from 11:00am-4:00pm Monday through Thursday & 9:00am-1:00pm Friday. Community Announcements:

 YU Torah Miztion Kollel invites the community to the Dr. Allen Goldstein a”h Medical Halacha Series for men & women with Rabbi Yehuda Meyers on Sunday, October 14 at 8pm at Yeshurun.

 First time in Chicago! Don’t miss Rabbi Shalom Arush, author of worldwide bestsellers Garden of Emuna, Garden of Peace, Women's Wisdom and much more. Join Rabbi Arush (and Rabbi Lazer Brody, who will provide a live translation) for “Emuna is Our Future” on Wednesday, October 17 at 8 pm at Adas Yeshurun (3050 W. Touhy Avenue). For both men and women. Free admission.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekdays October 14 October 15 October 16 October 17 October 18 October 19

5:50a 5:55a 5:55a 5:50a 5:55a 6:45a 6:15a 6:15a 6:15a 6:15a 6:15a Shacharis 8:00a 6:45a (behab) 6:45a 6:45a 6:45a (behab) 6:45a 9:00a 7:15a 7:00a 7:00a 7:15a 7:15a 8:00a 8:00a 8:00a 8:00a 8:00a

Menachos 65 Menachos 66 Menachos 67 Menachos 68 Menachos 69 Menachos 70 Rabbi Prero z”l Daf Yomi 6:00a 6:00a 6:00a 6:00a 6:00a 6:00a 8:20p 8:20p 8:20p 8:20p 8:20p

Earlier 1:30p 1:30p 1:30p 1:30p 1:30p 1:30p Mincha

Mincha/Maariv 5:50p 5:50p 5:50p 5:50p 5:50p 5:50p

8:15p 8:15p 8:15p 8:15p 8:15p Additional Maariv 9:30p 9:30p 9:30p 9:30p 9:30p 10:00p 10:00p 10:00p 10:00p 10:00p

This week’s Daf Hashavuah is Sukkah 28

Many thanks to those who have יין לקידוש signed up to sponsor the To join this group and receive .ולהבדלה please speak to מי שברך the special Rabbi Millunchick.