The Tale 2002-2003 To
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Snyder High School • 3801 Austin Ave., Snyder, TX 79549 • Dec. 17, 2002 • Vol. 82, Issue No. 4 Calendar Semester Exam Schedule Dec. 18 - Regular 1st and 2nd Senior Options periods, Lunch, TEST 3rd, TEST 4th In-school work gives students Dec. 19 - TEST 5th, TEST 6th, experience in classroom Lunch, TEST 7th, Early Release 2 p.m. catherine whitworth A student’s final year of of what I will be doing in the st nd Dec. 20 - TEST 1 , TEST 2 , high school brings many new future,” senior Melissa Lunch, TEST 8th, Early Release responsibilities and oppor- Maguire said. 2 p.m. Senior Katie tunities. Seniors have the Although working with Harper helps a chance to take part in activities children can be fun, seniors student with his Personal such as helping in the must take their job seriously. assignment. She principal’s office or working at For instance, each student must works with stu- Profile dents at West El- a local elementary school. sign in and out at his or her ementary. Photo Introduces This year 54 students are school every day. Also, by Chad Martin “SHS Today” taking part in the in-school students can receive dis- page 8-9 work program. These students ciplinary actions for tardiness go to the elementary schools, or failure to comply with dress Office aides more than Q&A where they work with children or discipline codes of the high of all ages and grades. school. just roll-runners Q: What do you want for The seniors have a wide If an underclassman wants Christmas? range of duties. Senior Katie to participate in the program albert rocha Kerley spends time grading his/her senior year, he/she A: “An ‘A’ in Miss Bowen’s papers and working with Mrs. must sign up on the schedule An office aide: someone went to the wrong class and class.” Doolittle’s second grade class when registering for senior Randal Rich who helps out in the office by felt really dumb. And that at Stanfield. year classes. Also, a student A: “A new car!” picking up roll cards, taking wasn’t the first time I did it.” Scotti Boone “ I really love working with must fill out an application and passes to students, putting the Billy Pena said. the kids. I would tell anyone be approved by the counselors A: “A George Foreman Grill.” teachers’ mail in their boxes, Another embarrassing Paul Clanton to be part of this program and Larry Scott, principal. filing, and doing anything else A: “My pilot’s license.” because it is a lot of fun,” she moment, according to Laura Cory Cochran said. The in-school work that needs to be done for the Hager, was when “I was A: “A DVD player for my truck.” Students are given the program is a way for students teachers. There are 24 office walking up the stairs being Kyle Clifton aides. silly and my foot got caught A: “I want a puppy.” chance to see what being to experience the duties and Atasha Arrendale teacher is really like. responsibilities of being a Most students signed up to and I nearly busted really A: “A 2003 Benz with Dubs.” “I’m glad I took this class teacher before committing be an office aide because hard!” Demetris Brandon because I want to be a time and money to college they “thought it would be an Even though they don’t A: “A big fat cat that’s black teacher. Now I have a taste classes. easy class,” Aaryn Stewart get a credit for the class, office with little gray spots.” said. aides do get a grade, and Austin McCormack A: “Tanning membership, my The class can also be fun. most enjoy their work. own cell phone, and new According to Gerrico Green- “It’s fun working with the clothes.” lee, the reason she signed up teachers and staff,” Maria Laura Boyd for office aide was because “I Ramirez said. A: “A silver ring with my name needed an extra class and Ana Arce would recom- on it.” Laura Hager puts Jennifer Campbell notes in the teachers’ thought office aide would be mend being an office aide A: “8 mile CD.” boxes. Office aides fre- fun.” because “it’s fun working with quently do odd jobs for Niki Hernandez the secretaries. Photo Being an aide can have its the staff, and it’s a good way A: “X-box with games.” by Chad Martin embarrassing moments. “I to get to know everybody.” Veronica Aguilar It’s All Inside Summer Trip Plans ........................................................................ 6 7 ..........................................................................College Prep Deadlines “SHS Today”................................................................................ 8-9 11 ..................................................................... SWAT Team/Web Design Sports ......................................................................................12-15 16........................................................... ‘Candid Camera’ Photo Gallery 222 viewpointsviewpointsviewpoints Dec. 17,17, 20022002Dec. Editorial ‘Tis the season for helping others The holidays have rolled around, and everyone is probably thinking pretty much the same things - ‘Will I get that stereo I want?’ ‘I bet I can out-eat my big brother this year,’ ‘Have I left anyone off my Christmas card list?’ Most people are thinking about stuff like this, but for some families, presents are out of the question, and moms and dads are wondering if their kids will get to have anything at all for Christmas dinner. You’re probably thinking, “Sure, some inner-city families or drug addicts are on the street for Christmas, but people here don’t have to worry about their next meal.” If that were true, then the Noah Project and Scurry County Food Cupboard wouldn’t exist. Several families in Snyder are just one paycheck ahead of the bill collectors. It’s a pretty safe bet that the people we collect cans for every winter don’t enjoy applying for welfare or getting handouts for Christmas, but when a person’s children are hungry, sometimes there’s no other choice. It’s time to eat Student Council members Sara Thornhill, Beth Clements, Zipporah Peoples and Sarah Crawford debone a turkey in order to feed the homeless on Thanks- Now that some of you feel bad for these people, what are you going giving. to do about it? Believe it or not, there are tons of ways you, a teenager, can help It’s time to help Beth Clements and Laura Arellano help put up Christmas lights for give a child or even a whole family the Christmas they don’t think senior citizans. Miss. Beth Bowen and several of her junior and senor English students have spent the last three weeks helping put up Christmas decorations. they’ll get right now. This season is a celebration of the birth of the Savior and the freedom He brings us. Everyone should be able to celebrate that without worry. Have you heard of the Angel Tree Project? Lots of churches participate in this program that takes donations of toys for kids whose parents can’t afford Christmas presents. Toys for Tots also accepts toys for underprivileged kids. Girl Scouts are collecting for this project. If you can’t sponsor a kid’s entire Christmas, it’s okay; most teenagers can’t. Raid your kitchen pantry and get out all the cans of which you have too many, and bring them to school. You get a warm, fuzzy feeling inside, and you might get to go to lunch early. Another option is taking all your pocket change out before you walk into super Wal-Mart in Abilene or the mall in Lubbock and giving it to the Salvation Army bell-ringers. The change in your car’s cup holder will help feed and clothe a homeless person for longer than just Christmas. So, whether you give your outgrown coats to Noah’s Attic, help your elderly neighbor hang her Christmas lights or get involved with your church’s community service project, get out there and help people this season. After all, wouldn’t you want someone to help you have a great Christmas? Stands taken in the editorial, editorial cartoons, opin- advertising space may do so. The staff reserves the ion columns, letters to the editor, and entertainment right to refuse any advertising it believes to be in reviews do not necessarily reflect the views of the poor taste, libelous, irresponsible or advocating an administration, faculty, or adviser. Letters to the edi- illegal activity. tor are welcome and must include the writer’s name, The Tiger’s Tale is a member of the Interscholas- Co-Editors Ashley Edwards, Christy Essery home telephone number and grade classification. Let- tic League Press Conference (ILPC). As a member News Editor Bonnie Cleveland Staff Writers Sara Cantu, Molly Haire, Taz ters will be edited for material that fails to meet legal of the ILPC, this publication is governed by all Uni- Moorehead, Albert Rocha, Paige Smith, Jeff Stanfield, and ethical guidelines, and for spelling and grammar. versity Interscholastic League (UIL) guidelines for Catherine Whitworth Spelling and grammar should be edited by the author eligibilty in its annual contest and in the individual Reporters Tass Baze, Adrian Brooks, Kristel Fitts, of the letter, and the letter should be limited to 500 literary meet in the spring. Acee French, Valerie Kay, Taren Knipe, Jeff Scott, words in length, typed. If mailed, the letter should be The Tiger’s Tale can be viewed online at Romana Zamora addressed to: Snyder High School, Student Publi- Photographers Katie Haggard, Jana Lewis, Bianca Gonzales, Mandy Burns, Desiree Braziel, Kim Coop- cations, 2901 37th Street, Snyder, TX 79549. er, Lacey Kincaid, Dondi Brock, Jessica Robbins, Financing of The Tiger’s Tale is provided by ad- This school district and its Career and Technol- Christi Williams, Chad Martin vertisements.