Hunting Price List 2021
Hunting Price List 2021 Species Price in Species Price in Black Impala Ram ≥ 18" R 8,000 Ostrich R 6,000.00 Black Impala Ram < 18" R 6,500 Red Hartebeest Bull R 6,500.00 Black Impala Ewe R 4,000 Red Hartebeest Cow R 6,000.00 Blesbuck Ram R 3,500 Sable Bull < 40" R 15,000.00 Blesbuck Ewe R 2,300 Sable Bull 40 to 45" R 25,000.00 Blue Wildebeest Bull ≥ 25" R 6,000 Sable Cow R 6,000.00 Blue Wildebeest Bull < 25" R 5,000 Saddleback Impala Ram R 10,000.00 Blue Wildebeest Cow R 3,850 Saddleback Impala Ewe R 8,000.00 Buffalo <42" R 77,000 Springbuck R 4,000.00 Buffalo 42" - 44" R 93,000 Steenbuck R 3,000.00 Buffalo ≥ 44" R 150,000 Warthog ≥ 9" R 2,800.00 Buffalo Cow R 15,000 Warthog R 1,500.00 Bushbuck Ram R 9,000 Waterbuck Bull R 12,500.00 Bushbuck Ewe R 3,500 Waterbuck Cow R 5,600.00 Bush pig R 2,500 White Blesbuck Ram R 4,500.00 Duiker R 3,000 White Blesbuck Ewe R 3,500.00 Eland Bull ≥30" R 25,000 White Flanked Impala Ram R 10,000.00 Eland Bull <30" R 14,500 White Flanked Impala Ewe R 4,000.00 Eland Cow R 12,000 Zebra R 4,500.00 Gemsbuck Bull R 8,500 Gemsbuck Cow R 20,000 Accomodation Visitor Fees Giraffe R 15,000 Cussonia Camp Golden Gemsbuck Bull R 12,500 Full catered Hunter / Day R 1,200.00 Golden Gemsbuck Cow R 25,000 Full catered Non Hunter / Day R 950.00 Golden Wildebeest Bull ≥ 27" R 20,000 Self catered Hunter / Day R 750.00 Golden Wildebeest Bull < 27" R 15,000 Self catered Non Hunter / Day R 550.00 Golden Wildebeest Cow R 5,500 Children ≥ 3 R - Impala Ram ≥ 20" R 2,800 Monkey Thorn Camp Impala Ram < 20" R 1,800 Full catered Hunter / Day R 1,000.00 Impala Ewe R 1,400 Full catered Non Hunter / Day R 750.00 Kudu Bull ≥ 55" R 35,000 Self catered Hunter / Day R 550.00 Kudu Bull < 55" R 20,000 Self catered Non Hunter / Day R 350.00 Kudu Bull < 52" R 13,500 Children ≥ 3 R - Kudu Bull < 48" R 10,000 Kudu Cow R 6,500 Day Visitors Fees Mountain Reedbuck R 8,000 Hunting Fees / P / Day R 450.00 Nyala Bull ≥ 25" R 11,500 Nyala Bull < 25" R 8,000 Farm If Used Fees Nyala Ewe R 6,000 Rifle and Ammo / P / Day R 250.00 Please note the following: 1.
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