Organosilicons in the Marine Environment
UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME GESAMP: Organosilicons in the marine environment UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 78 Prepared in co-operation with ~ ~ . \'t ~ .~ II Uti ~ ~ ~~M) /ff {~) ~ ~ 1Y ~ ~ ~ ~ United• Nations FAD .UNESCO -WHO •WMO IMO IAEA UNEP 1986 ~hio ~"''""""'''- b>en <"""''"'ecl i>)" ln~ .bJ,,c ~''"ui' o[ "X~e,-t, on l!w Sdentitic. "">""C'" of l!adno P~ll"tlv.1 (G"Snl'l spm••on•rl 0, lhc Hn; t.ed ~•t>On•, Un i ted •~lion" """' •'"""""t PCOE'"""··· (lm"P) , Food ~M Ao;o·icultu,., Or;;•,.;_<~l.icn of th~ lfnit-·<1 ""'ti""" (PM), United H~li""' ""'"'"''"""'· sci«o\Jf>e_ •nd ~'uiturol <)cgwization {UNESCo), WurlU Health Oc~o,.;_<~Cion (~'liO), wnclrl He<eOt•o!o&iool ucoanizatl~n (o-11101. fntem•t1onal !<~.-iti"" O,.,;ani<"! "'n III§O\ and lHL••ro"'-'""·d Onergy At"""Y (l~""J uo6er ~rojc·c••· ,-,.,010! B'>-05 "'·'' eo;0],11 '-'-03 n,•• "'-'Pio;o~•J '"""the '"""~OLahw of Ch~ m•tecial ;., thcs oloeum~nt ""not i"'l'lY the- •'"" o( any ""'"'"" "hat•oeoe,, "" ""' part of t"" '""·"'izations , . ., "ponsc-rin" <;~SAiiP concern>n~ \h" leeal "'"'-'" vf '"J Stote, Tct-cit.o,y, cd} ,,, a'""' or of lto ""thc-H>e<, o~ """"'''""'" tloe ddi .. >ltatior. of its h-..." I .or• or ooundari•o. 'Lho Mc•-nt """'-"'"" the "'"~" exprecoe~ o, ._..,.,.,.t_o .>e'-inf, ;., "'"'' ln·Ji~)rlual cc•podti~s. awl '"·'Y not nec~oesrily c_,,rrr;pflnd w•C.h ihr ne~c QC C.ho w~nsori"~ "'"""i~~l oon' Thi" cloou<"'"' hdC abo> '""'" ioou•'~ by WHO ln 1986 as GESt.HP (!MO/f-'0/Um'"CO,".m(>/IAO>IOI/IU~ep Jo<nt G'O<'P nt Exp<'>(" ou u"' Scm\\ if;< h''f''-"'" of H•riuc !'Dllutiu"), ll.·o>ew of pot~nitally ho<mt<d subo\onc,•<- Orgono,,);c_nn Co,,,ounds (Sil""'" and Sll""'"~"J Re~orb an<l 0\wll,s, GOOAHP.
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