Hydrolysis of Polydimethylsiloxane Fluids in Controlled Aqueous Solutions

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Hydrolysis of Polydimethylsiloxane Fluids in Controlled Aqueous Solutions See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/256201018 Hydrolysis of polydimethylsiloxane fluids in controlled aqueous solutions Article in Water Science & Technology · August 2013 DOI: 10.2166/wst.2013.308 · Source: PubMed CITATIONS READS 10 1,323 6 authors, including: Gaëlle Ducom Baptiste Laubie Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon University of Lorraine 26 PUBLICATIONS 615 CITATIONS 30 PUBLICATIONS 138 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Claire Chottier Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon 7 PUBLICATIONS 18 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: H2S emissions in sewer systems View project Agromine des terres rares View project All content following this page was uploaded by Vincent Chatain on 01 July 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Provided for non-commercial research and educational use only. Not for reproduction or distribution or commercial use. This article was originally published by IWA Publishing. IWA Publishing recognizes the retention of the right by the author(s) to photocopy or make single electronic copies of the paper for their own personal use, including for their own classroom use, or the personal use of colleagues, provided the copies are not offered for sale and are not distributed in a systematic way outside of their employing institution. Please note that you are not permitted to post the IWA Publishing PDF version of your paper on your own website or your institution’s website or repository. Please direct any queries regarding use or permissions to wst@iwap.co.uk 813 © IWA Publishing 2013 Water Science & Technology | 68.4 | 2013 Hydrolysis of polydimethylsiloxane fluids in controlled aqueous solutions Gaëlle Ducom, Baptiste Laubie, Aurélie Ohannessian, Claire Chottier, Patrick Germain and Vincent Chatain ABSTRACT Accelerated degradation tests were performed on polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) fluids in aqueous Gaëlle Ducom (corresponding author) Baptiste Laubie solutions and in extreme chemical conditions (pH 2–4 and 9–12). Results confirmed that silicones can Aurélie Ohannessian Claire Chottier be degraded by hydrolysis. Higher degradation levels were achieved in very acidic and alkaline Patrick Germain Vincent Chatain conditions. Degradation products are probably polar siloxanols. In alkaline conditions, the counter- Université de Lyon, ion was found to have a strong influence on degradation level. Degradation kinetic studies (46 days) INSA-Lyon, Laboratoire de Génie Civil et d’Ingénierie were also performed at different pH values. Supposing zeroth-order kinetics, degradation rate Environnementale LGCIE, 20 avenue Albert Einstein, W 1 1 1 constants at 24 C were estimated to 0.28 mgSi LÀ dayÀ in NaOH solution (pH 12), 0.07 mgSi LÀ F-69621 Villeurbanne, 1 1 1 France À À À day in HCl solution (pH 2) and 0.002 mgSi L day in demineralised water (pH 6). From these E-mail: gaelle.ducom@insa-lyon.fr results, the following hypothesis was drawn: PDMS hydrolysis could occur in wastewater treatment plants and in landfill cells. It may be a first step in the formation of volatile organic silicon compounds (VOSiCs, including siloxanes) in biogas: coupled to biodegradation and (self-) condensation of degradation products, it could finally lead to VOSiCs. Key words | degradation kinetics, hydrolysis, landfill, polydimethylsiloxane, wastewater INTRODUCTION Silicones are widely used in consumer and industrial pro- applications, cosmetics, toiletries and medical/pharma- ducts because they present interesting properties such as ceutical preparations, papercoatings and defoamers thermal and chemical stability, low flammability, low sur- (mainly backing for self-adhesives), paints, coatings and face tension and water repelling properties (Buch & waxes, mechanical fluids (hydraulic fluids and lubricants/ Ingebrigtson ). Silicone is a generic term to describe a greases) (Lassen et al. ). Polydimethylsiloxanes class of polymeric compounds. They consist of an alternat- (PDMSs) are the most widely used silicone fluids. Due to ing silicon-oxygen backbone with organic substituents their intensive production, PDMSs can be found in all bonded to silicon. Substituent nature strongly influences environmental compartments: sediments, soils, water, air, polymer final properties. Thousands of different kinds of sili- etc. (Fendinger et al. ; Graiver et al. ). cones are commercialised. Silicones can be classified as Two studies tried to assess the fate of organosilicon fluids, elastomers or resins depending on their molecular materials (including fluids) as a function of disposal mode. weight, the extent of cross-linking, and the type and The first one (Allen et al. ) concerned the environmental number of organic groups bonded to the silicon atoms. loadings of industrial organosilicon materials for the USA in Worldwide production has reached several million tons 1993. The material was apportioned into five environmental per year (Oku et al. ). In 2006, European production entry modes: air, wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), was 480,000 tons (CES ). This represents a silicone con- soil, landfilled/incinerated/recycled, and dispersed (in sumption around 1 kg per inhabitant per year in Western more than one compartment). It was estimated that PDMS Europe and North America (Ohannessian ). mainly ended up in WWTPs (26%), and landfill/incinera- This study focusses on silicone fluids, representing more tion/recycling (48%). The second study (Ohannessian than 50% of silicones. In Europe, silicone fluids are mainly ) concerned the fate of organosilicon materials in used in the following applications: processing aids, textile 2007 in France. It was estimated that silicone fluids mainly doi: 10.2166/wst.2013.308 814 G. Ducom et al. | Hydrolysis of PDMS fluids in controlled aqueous conditions Water Science & Technology | 68.4 | 2013 ended up in WWTPs (38%), landfills (30%) and incineration free. These precautions were adopted to prevent possible plants (26%). pollution due to silicon from silicone grease or silicone It is commonly admitted that most volatile organic sili- tubing. con compounds (VOSiCs, including siloxanes) in biogas result from silicones and/or their degradation products pre- sent in landfills and WWTPs (Schweigkofler & Niessner Chosen PDMS fluids ; Dewil et al. ), but degradation of silicones was not demonstrated. Yet, this is of particular interest since PDMS fluids used in this study were three different linear VOSiCs are the main compounds penalising biogas-to- PDMSs (silicone oils) provided by BlueStar® Silicones: a energy conversion, in gas engines for instance (Dewil et al. methyl-terminated PDMS (H 47V 1000) named ‘M’,a ; Ohannessian et al. ). hydroxyl-terminated PDMS (H 48V 750) named ‘H’ and In a previous paper (Ohannessian et al. ), it was a vinyl-terminated one (621V 1500) named ‘V’.The shown that biological degradation of PDMS might occur. chosen PDMSs were not water soluble, not volatile, and In the present study, it was planned to demonstrate at they were different from each other in their chemical laboratory-scale that PDMS chemical hydrolysis is also end groups (Table 1). The H PDMS is a (polydimethyl)- likely to occur. As PDMS degradation in the environment siloxanediol. The generic formula of M, H and V was of interest (WWTP and landfill), only hydrolysis PDMS is shown in Table 1,wheren corresponds to the was studied (in aqueous matrix). Extreme pHs (acidic or number of siloxane units and may vary from 10 to alkaline) were used in order to accelerate chemical degra- >10,000. The viscosity of PDMS generally increases as dation. The influence of pH was pointed out. Moreover, a afunctionofincreasedchainlengthandisusedtoclas- kinetic study was performed (for 6 weeks) on PDMS degra- sify PDMS fluids (in the nomenclature, the number 2 1 W dation in aqueous solutions. indicates the viscosity level in mm sÀ at 25 C). The chosen PDMSs (M, H and V) have a medium viscosity. PDMS is not a single discrete compound, but a distri- MATERIAL AND METHODS bution of homologous structures with varying molecular weights. Little information is given in the technical data Batch degradation tests were performed at laboratory scale sheet. For instance, the average value of n is unknown. under controlled chemical conditions. The tests were car- It was only found that the M PDMS has a molecular 1 ried out in the dark (no photodegradation could occur). mass between 38,000 and 40,000 g molÀ (Bluestar Sili- The materials used for all experiments were organosilicon cones ). Table 1 | Linear PDMS fluids studied: methyl-terminated (M), hydroxyl-terminated (H) and vinyl-terminated (V) Physico-chemical characteristics End group Water Vapour Volatile fraction Density at PDMS chemical Viscosity at solubility at pressure at at 150 W C (2 25 W C W 2 1 W W 3 naming nature Chemical structure 25 C (mm sÀ ) 25 C 20 C (kPa) hours) (kg mÀ ) M Methyl 1,000 Insoluble <0.01 <0.2% ∼970 H Hydroxyl 750 Insoluble <0.01 <1% ∼973 V Vinyl 1,500 Insoluble <0.01 <1% ∼980 815 G. Ducom et al. | Hydrolysis of PDMS fluids in controlled aqueous conditions Water Science & Technology | 68.4 | 2013 Preliminary chemical degradation tests in the introduction, PDMS hydrolysis in the environment was of interest, especially in wastewater and landfill leachates. For Preliminary degradation tests were achieved with the three this reason, it was chosen to quantify degradation products in PDMS fluids (H, M and V). These batch degradation
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    UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME GESAMP: Organosilicons in the marine environment UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 78 Prepared in co-operation with ~ ~ . \'t ~ .~ II Uti ~ ~ ~~M) /ff {~) ~ ~ 1Y ~ ~ ~ ~ United• Nations FAD .UNESCO -WHO •WMO IMO IAEA UNEP 1986 ~hio ~"''""""'''- C.ao b>en <"""''"'ecl i>)" ln~ .bJ,,c ~''"ui' o[ "X~e,-t, on l!w Sdentitic. "">""C'" of l!adno P~ll"tlv.1 (G"Snl'l spm••on•rl 0, lhc Hn; t.ed ~•t>On•, Un i ted •~lion" """' •'"""""t PCOE'"""··· (lm"P) , Food ~M Ao;o·icultu,., Or;;•,.;_<~l.icn of th~ lfnit-·<1 ""'ti""" (PM), United H~li""' ""'"'"''"""'· sci«o\Jf>e_ •nd ~'uiturol <)cgwization {UNESCo), WurlU Health Oc~o,.;_<~Cion (~'liO), wnclrl He<eOt•o!o&iool ucoanizatl~n (o-11101. fntem•t1onal !<~.-iti"" O,.,;ani<"! "'n III§O\ and lHL••ro"'-'""·d Moc.io Onergy At"""Y (l~""J uo6er ~rojc·c••· ,-,.,010! B'>-05 "'·'' eo;0],11 '-'-03 n,• Oe~iouoCJ.cn• "'-'Pio;o~•J '"""the '"""~OLahw of Ch~ m•tecial ;., thcs oloeum~nt ""not i"'l'lY the- •'"Pces.io" o( any ""'"'"" "hat•oeoe,, "" ""' part of t"" '""·"'izations , . ., "ponsc-rin" <;~SAiiP concern>n~ \h" leeal "'"'-'" vf '"J Stote, Tct-cit.o,y, cd} ,,, a'""' or of lto ""thc-H>e<, o~ """"'''""'" tloe ddi .. >ltatior. of its h-..." I .or• or ooundari•o. 'Lho Mc•-nt """'-"'"" the "'"~" exprecoe~ o, ._..,.,.,.t_o .>e'-inf, ;., "'"'' ln·Ji~)rlual cc•podti~s. awl '"·'Y not nec~oesrily c_,,rrr;pflnd w•C.h ihr ne~c QC C.ho w~nsori"~ "'"""i~~l oon' Thi" cloou<"'"' hdC abo> '""'" ioou•'~ by WHO ln 1986 as GESt.HP (!MO/f-'0/Um'"CO,".m(>/IAO>IOI/IU~ep Jo<nt G'O<'P nt Exp<'>(" ou u"' Scm\\ if;< h''f''-"'" of H•riuc !'Dllutiu"), ll.·o>ew of pot~nitally ho<mt<d subo\onc,•<- Orgono,,);c_nn Co,,,ounds (Sil""'" and Sll""'"~"J­ Re~orb an<l 0\wll,s, GOOAHP.
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