EUROPEAN POLITICAL PARTIES Contributions and Donations Related

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EUROPEAN POLITICAL PARTIES Contributions and Donations Related EUROPEAN POLITICAL PARTIES Contributions and donations related to financial year 2018 The information below is published pursuant to Article 32(1)(e) and (f) of Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 1141/2014 Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party Contributions from parties and political formations Contributor Country ALDE RO Alliance Party UK ANO 2011 CZ Centerpartiet SE Centerpartiet, Ȧland FI Ciudadanos ES Croatian People's Party - Liberal Democrats HR Darbo Partija LT Democraten 66 NL Demokratesch Partei LU Eesti Keskerakond EE Eesti Reformierakond EE FDP DE Fianna Fáil IE Glas HR Iniciativa Liberal PT HSLS HR 1 Contributor Country Istrian Democratic Assembly HR Keskusta FI Latvijas attistibai LV Liberal Democrats UK Liberal Party GI Liberalerna SE Liberalisok - Magyar Liberális Párt HU Liberals' Movement LT Mouvement Réformateur BE Movement for Rights and Freedoms BG NEOS AT Nowoczesna PL Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten BE Pametno HR Partit Demokratiku MT PDeCAT ES Radicali Italiani IT Radikale Venstre DK SMC - Stranka Modernega Centra SI Svenska Folkpartiet FI Union of Democrats and Independents FR United Democrats CY Venstre Danmarks Liberale Parti DK Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie NL Zaveznistvo AB SI Total €417.294,64 Minor donations in accordance with Article 32(1)(e) Value Number of donors €12.682,00 486 2 Other donations Donor Country Value American Chamber of Commerce to the EU BE 6.000,00 Bayer AG DE 18.000,00 Deloitte to Deloitte Services & Investments NV BE 13.000,00 Eli Lilly Benelux SA BE 1.200,00 European Telecommunications Network Operators Association BE 1.200,00 Fleishman-Hillard SA BE 1.200,00 Fooddrinkeurope AISBL BE 18.000,00 Fti Consulting Belgium SA BE 5.000,00 Google Belgium NV BE 15.000,00 GSM Association UK 18.000,00 Microsoft SA/NV BE 18.000,00 Pangea Public Affairs BE 1.200,00 Philip Morris Benelux BVBA BE 2.400,00 Sky UK Limited UK 12.000,00 Stuart Delivery SL ES 7.000,00 Syngenta Crop Protection NV BE 18.000,00 The Walt Disney Company Benelux BVBA BE 18.000,00 Uber BV NL 15.000,00 Yelp Ireland LTD IE 18.000,00 Total €206.200,00 3 European Christian Political Movement Contributions from parties and political formations Contributor Country Bündnis C – Christen für Deutschland DE ChristenUnie NL Hrvatski rast / Hrast-Movement for Successful Croatia HR Human Dignity Alliance / Comhaontas Dhínit an Duine IE Kristigi Demokratiska Savieniba / Christian Democratic Union (KDS) LV Movimento IDEA / Identity and Action (IDEA) IT No Sirds Latvijai / For Latvia from the Heart LV Parti chrétien-démocrate / Christian Democratic Party (PCD) FR Partido Popular Monárquico / People's Monarchist Party PT Prawica Rzeczypospolitej / Right Wing of the Republic PL Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij / Reformed Political Party (SGP) NL Uniunea Democratica a Slovacilor si Cehilor din Romania / Democratic Union of Slovaks and Czechs of RO Romania (UDSCR) Total €40.754,00 Minor donations in accordance with Article 32(1)(e) Value Number of donors €11.025,84 125 4 Other donations Donor Country Value Estiom NL 500,00 European Coalition for Israel BE 714,50 European Dignity Watch BE 10.000,00 Forum Plus Hrvatska HR 3.000,00 Foundation for International Christian-Democratic Development NL 8.535,00 Fundatia Beraca-Sighisoara RO 1.800,00 Henk's Finance & Advice NL 600,00 M.T.I. SPRL BE 500,00 Meine Stimme - Verein AT 10.000,00 Stichting ForumC NL 500,00 Stichting voor CHRISTELIJK FILOSOFIE NL 500,00 Stichting Vormingsactiviteiten Oost-Europa NL 8.500,00 Total €45.149,50 European Conservatives and Reformists Party (previously Alliance of Conservatives and Reformists in Europe) Contributions from parties and political formations Contributor Country Conservative Party UK Croatian Conservative Party - HKS HR Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance - AWPL-ZCHR LT Total €87.890,00 5 Minor donations in accordance with Article 32(1)(e) Value Number of donors €0,00 0 Other donations Donor Country Value Alfred Oscar JACOBY PT 6.000,00 All Faiths Network UK 2.000,00 AT&T Global Network Services Belgium Luxembourg SPRL BE 12.989,82 Eva Maria BERGER AT 18.000,00 Fundacion para la Mejora de la Vida, la Cultura y la Sociedad ES 2.000,00 Ingrid SCHIER AT 18.000,00 Interaktywne Muzeum Państwa Krzyżackiego PL 11.922,57 Peter TAKACS AT 18.000,00 Stowarzyszenie Twórców Dla Rzeczypospolitej PL 4.820,48 Triple A Analytics Institut für wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Studien GmbH AT 18.000,00 Ursula SCHAEFF AT 18.000,00 Utopia Lab s.r.l. IT 2.000,00 Total €131.732,87 6 European Democratic Party Contributions from parties and political formations Contributor Country Asociatia Italienilor din Romania RO Coalicion Canaria ES Enosi Kentroon EL Europska Demokraticka Strana SK Euzko Alderdi Jeltzalea (EAJ-PNV) ES Freie Wähler DE Mouvement Démocrate FR NS Reformisti HR Partido Democratico Republicano PT Partito Democratico Europeo Italia IT Stronnictwo Demokratyczne PL Symmaxia Politon CY Total €112.550,00 Minor donations in accordance with Article 32(1)(e) Value Number of donors €0,00 0 7 Other donations Donor Country Value - - 0,00 Total €0,00 European Free Alliance Contributions from parties and political formations Contributor Country Alands Framtid FI Autonomie - Liberté - Participation – Écologie (ALPE) IT Bayernpartei DE Bloc Nacionalista Valencia (BLOC) ES Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG) ES Chunta Aragonesista (Cha) ES Dostluk Esitlik Baris Partisi (DEB) / Party of Friendship, Equality and Peace EL Enotna Lista (EL) AT Erdélyi Magyar Néppárt / Hungarian People's Party of Transylvania RO Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) ES Eusko Alkartasuna (EA) ES Fryske Nasjonale Partij (FNP) NL Inseme per a Corsica FR Kaszëbskô Jednota (KJ) PL L’Altro Sud IT Latvian Russian Union (RSL) LV Lausitzer Allianz (LA) DE Liga Veneta Repubblica (LVR) IT 8 Contributor Country Lista Per Fiume / Lista Za Rijeku HR Maďarská kresťanskodemokratická aliancia – Magyar Kereszténydemokrata Szövetség SK Mebyon Kernow (MK) UK Moravané CZ Mouvement Région Savoie (MRS) FR Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie (N-VA) BE Nueva Canarias (NC) ES Oljka Party SI Omo Ilinden Pirin (OMO) BG Partit Occitan (PÒc) FR Partit Socialista de Mallorca-Entesa Nacionalista (PSM-Entesa) ES Partito Sardo d’Azione (PSd’Az) IT Partitu di a Nazione Corsa (PNC) FR Patrie Furlane IT Plaid Cymru UK Rainbow (Vinozhito) EL Ruch Autonomii Slaska (RAS) PL Schleswigsche Partei (SP) DK Scottish National Party (SNP) UK Südschleswigschen Wählerverbands (SSW) DE Süd-Tiroler Freiheit IT Union Démocratique Bretonne (UDB) FR Unitat Catalana (UC) FR Unser Land FR Yorkshire Party (YP) UK Total €122.621,66 Minor donations in accordance with Article 32(1)(e) Value Number of donors €6.490,00 123 9 Other donations Donor Country Value Inseme Per a Corsica FR 500,00 Régions et Peuples solidaires FR 9.915,00 STG Ter Bevordering vd. Nederlandse Kenniseconomie NL 825,00 Total €11.240,00 European Green Party Contributions from parties and political formations Contributor Country Alternattiva Demokratika – the Green Party MT Bündnis 90/Die Grünen DE Cyprus Greens - Citizens Cooperation CY déi gréng LU Die Grünen AT Ecolo BE Eestimaa Rohelised EE EQUO ES Europe Ecologie - Les Verts FR Federazione dei Verdi IT Green Party of England and Wales UK Groen BE 10 Contributor Country GroenLinks NL Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds ES Irish Green Party / Comhaontas Glas IE Lehet Más a Politika HU Miljöpartiet de gröna SE Oikologoi Prasinoi / Ecologist Greens EL Partido Ecologista Os Verdes PT Partidul Verde RO Scottish Green Party UK SMS Zeleni Evrope SI Socialistisk Folkeparti DK Verdi - Grüne - Vërc IT Vihreät - De Gröna FI Zelení / Czech Greens CZ Zeleno dvizhenie / Green Movement BG Zieloni PL Total €301.355,00 Minor donations in accordance with Article 32(1)(e) Value Number of donors €1.050,43 14 Other donations Donor Country Value - - 0,00 Total €0,00 11 European People’s Party Contributions from parties and political formations Contributor Country Centre Démocrate Humaniste | cdH BE Centro Democrático e Social - Partido Popular - CDS-PP PT Chrëschtlech Sozial Vollekspartei | CSV LU Christen Democratisch Appel - CDA NL Christen-Democratisch en Vlaams | CD&V BE Christlich Demokratische Union - CDU DE Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern | CSU DE Croatian Democratic Union - HDZ HR Democratic Rally of Cyprus CY Det Konservative Folkeparti | C DK FIDESZ HU Fine Gael IE Forza Italia IT GERB - Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria BG Homeland Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats - TS/LKD LT Isamaa EE Kansallinen Kokoomus | KOK FI Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt - KDNP HU Kristdemokraterna - KD SE Les Républicains FR Moderaterna - MOD SE Most-Hid SK Nova Slovenija krščanski demokrati - NSi SI 12 Contributor Country Österreichische Volkspartei │ ÖVP AT Partido Popular - PP ES Partido Social Democrata - PSD PT Partidul Naţional Liberal - PNL RO PATT - Trentino Tyrolean Autonomist Party IT Popolari per l'Italia - PpI IT Romániai Magyar Demokrata Szövetség / Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România | RMDSZ / UDMR RO Slovenska demokratska stranka - SDS SI Slovenska Ljudska Stranka SI Strana Madarskej Komunity/ Magyar Közösség Pártja - SMK-MKP SK Suomen Kristillisdemokraatit - SK(KD) FI The Christian and Democratic Union-Czech People's Party - KDU-CSL CZ TOP 09 CZ Total €1.090.563,50 Minor donations in accordance with Article 32(1)(e) Value Number of donors €0,00 0 Other donations Donor Country Value - - 0,00 Total €0,00 13 Identity et Democracy Party (previously Mouvement pour une Europe des Nations et
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