The Hilltop 8-27-1999
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Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1990-2000 The iH lltop Digital Archive 8-27-1999 The iH lltop 8-27-1999 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 8-27-1999" (1999). The Hilltop: 1990-2000. 240. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1990-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ILLTOP The Student Voice of Howard University Since 1924 V OLUME 83, No. 3 FRIDAY, A UGUST 27, 1999 Photo 8) Eric Holl File Pho4o IIUSA \ 'ice lmldcnl Q. l~r:1h Jaclt...,11 and P,...klcnl Mnri- Dr. Janitt 'ldM>lson. head or Enrollment ~t nm\~ment 1) n Hoosen. db,t'tts.~ ~l-stml.ion "Kitka studettts. BUSA System Slow, Lines Long, Scorns Students Say By F\RAll A, 1O1,. Process S111d<·nts s.lood i11 rtw~tr.ation lines ror up to W'\l"n hours "t-ek. A1 tirno lines would snuke rrom tbe BL-tckbum center 10 lbunde~ Hill1op Siaff Wnter l.ibnir). l letto Uud<'nt r('\k.""~u rouM boo~ to pass the- time.. Ho1-.ird Univer ii\ Pre,1dcnt II. Patrick By CHARI FS Cou\l ,111, J11 Hilltop Staff Writer Sw) gcrt apologized lhi~ \\Cek for Ifie Uni1er,;it) ', incffo.:icncy dunng rcg.,,cr.ition ln a press release from 1hc excculht office of "It is very important for everyone A, reports of record seuing regi,u-ation tine, HUSA. Marilyn Hoosen. HUS,\ Prc,idcn1. and Q. and failed computer ,y,tem, continue h> roll m Torah Jackson Ill. HUSA Vice President. expressed from irnte p.u-cn1, and ,1udcn1,, !he Unil'ersi1y concern over 1he "diflicul11e., and delays of 1he reg to understand this is not a student searches for :mw,crs. At 1hc root of 1hc prohkm i,tralion process." seemc-d to be 1hc 1mpkmcn1a1mn of BANNER, J "We fully empathize wi1h s1uden1s in understand computer S)'!-olCm meant to c.1,c rcg1,1mt1on. problem, this is an administrative "Clearly we J1d no1 ,pend enough 1,me in ing that Ihis regi,1ra1ion cri,i, has lefl many !hey remain unsure of tlicir enrollmcnl al Howard Uni preparing and u-ainmg ,rnff for the new u-an,i1ion," versity during 1hi, and future semesters.'' read lhe he ,aid. "I ,un l'cry upset that with all lhe progre,, problem. This is on us. This should we were making, part1cularly :bis summer. we are statement. which was is,ucd at the close of the busi ness day on Wcdnesd;iy. Aug. 25. going through a registration that I\ c ar · nn1 proud In addition 10 i1, many concerns, Unity 2000 plnns not be repeated." of, Our student, dc,tr1 c lx1te1 ·• 10 rnke measures such as C'1ending the ,1ude111 rcgis The adminbtratinn does not )Cl lu11.: a ""Y to u-a1ion program and holding an open panel forum 10 -President H.Patrick Swygert rectify 1hc problem, but II hope, to come up wilh examine way:i to make the regi~tration process more a solution. "Once regi,tration i, over, we are effective and efficielll. going to examine ever) thmg that took place to sec Al the lop of Jackson's lisl of 01her impor1an1 IOp· on the registration process. that i1 does not happen again," Sw)gert ,aid ics are the Mude111 code of conduct revisions, lhe pro• On more than one tx:casilln. linc:s ,trct1.:hl!J trnin posed core curriculum and street closings, In addition Blackhurn 1<> f'ounder, Lihr,lf). There 11ere 10 this, Unity 2000 is also heavily concelllrate<l on report, of ,cume, between frustrntcd people. ensuring thal students are more inl'Oll'ed in ,1ude111 BANNER Gets Off to Disappointing Start, Some Say Junior English major11unmie Link i, among the many \\'ho wnnt to know what went wrong \\ 1th government and 1ha1 !hey understand the importance By STn I N Jo:sK~ BANNER, lloward's new com istrativc proceS\es including recruit of its issues, I lilltop Staff Writer puter ,y,tem, is an integrated data mcnl, admi\\iOlh, regi,tr:uion, hous regi~1ration. '1'his is 1ruly the 1\01,1 e,penence I ha,e had "We phm 10 have a lot more commillcc, on the dif base program composed of sever.ii ing, financial aid, ,1udent accounts at Ho,-ard Unhersity," ,he said. "The lines were ferent issues that arc coming up. Our goal with that is In prepam1ion for the new millen• differelll componenL,: the student and and records. horrendous, It took fore,er to get to 1he Ballroom 10 rnnximize Mudent invoh·cment ;:md awart.:ness," nium, Howard rece111ly underwent financial aid system, the human According to Joseph Collin,, asso in Blackburn, let alone to an actual financial aid Jackson said . major changes, conver1ing to new resources system and 1he alumni sys ciate vice president for Information ad, isor," 1h help in that effort, Unity 2000 Executil'cSecre• technology aimed nt meeting 1he tem. The s1uden1 and financial aid Systems And Service.s (I.S.A.S). the 1ary Jerylin Jones has been working with differelll needs of its studems fa.,ter and more system wa\ 1he first 10 be imple BANNER System adopted to wa, See, Regis1ralion, A4 efficiently. mented nod supports :111 of 1hc ndmin• Sec BANNER, A4 See UUSA, A4 Students, Faculty Waiting to Exhale as TB Scare Catches Capstone by Surprise By 1\1.AKII B \\ wm1i-.s1 Department of Health some time dur riers of M_\'~Obacteritu11 111berc11/osis. tuberculosis cases in !he D.C, area is McLain G Garret, Jr., the director have lxen exposed 10 active tubercu• Hilltop Staff Wri1c1 mg the 1998-1999 school year. Or. According to 1he National Institute of on !he dccl me,'' said Mundy. of the Howard Unilersity Smdent losis. Only a person with the active Lyne11e Mundy, associate director of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Concerns have been voiced by the Health Cen1er, stated 1ha1 ,1andard form of the disease i, contagious, While most students were w,titing the Studem Heahh Center, wants the tuberculosis has "re-emerged as a student body about the possibi[ity of procedures are being taken to ensure and luckily. the ,tmin of tuberculosis to receive their course confirrnution student population 10 be clear about serious health problem." with 18,371 their own exposure to TB. Ali,.,i student safety. '1'he students do 001 diagnost-d 1s nOI one resbtam 10 med and validation stickers, some MIi· the situation. active cases reported in !he 50 stares Stanchel, a senior health manage• need to panic over this situation:· u.:ation. dents and faculty from the School of "Howard University was nm trying and 1he Dis1ric1 ofColumbia in 1998. ment major, wa., taken aback by the said Garret. '1'he lcners sent to the Many ,1uden1, have raised 1he Communic:11ion, were receiving let to 'cover up' anything," said Mundy. The report goes on to say 1ha1 news. ''I think ir's a serious mntter student body were from the D.C. question about the infected per;ons' ters saying !hat they might have been "111e Depar1men1 of Health con1ac1- African-American~ and Hispanics because tuberculosis is an airborne Department of Health, and cvcry- friend, and acquaintances at Howard e.,posed to tuberculosis. ed us in July and we volunteered all are disproportionately affected, wi1h disease. Precautions should be taken 1hing i, being done to en,urc 1hat the University. 1\vo Howard Unhersity students, 1he information that 11e had to assist mies in minority communities now because evidently 1he [students) were cru,ual contact is being traced." "The students were commuting who have both remained anonymous, them with the situation,'' "surpa"ing 1hose in the world's poor on Howard's campus 11i1h ac1i1e TB Casual contacl tracing, n standard ,1udent,, and did 001 Ii ve on campus," have been diagnosed with the active Tuberculosis, also known as TB, is esr countries." and anyone could ha\'e contracted protocol u,ed by 1110,1 heahh depart said Garret. There is not much 1,.nown form of lhe disease. Both cases were a chronic bacterial infection that i, "Although tuberculosis i, on the the disease at that time," said ment:,, auempts 10 disclo,e exactly about the daily l'hereabout, reported to the Oi'1rict of Columbia spread through 1he air by infected car• ri~e, the actual percentage of active Stanchel. how many people could possibly See 1\Jberculosis. A4 THIS WEEK'S HILLTOP SIMPLY THE BEST STYLIN' RED HOT WeekendWeather Wide receiver Elijah Joseph's does Fredro Starr and TODAY: Parth Sunm Thurmon, and the Bison Howard Hair. Usher Raymond star 80 llIGH, 12LOW prepare for the upcoming See City, A6 football season. in the upcoming SATURDAY: Thunderstom~ See Sports, B8 movie "Light It Up." 86 HIGH. 72 LOW See TEMPO, B2 SUNDAY: Part!) Cloudy _ 86HIGH. 66 LOW AZ FRIDAY, AUGUST 27. 1999 THE HILLTOP CAMPUS Myriad Factors Attract Howard Class of 2003 Nongauw said. "But. all in all, after validation. everything B)' V\LERIF. TIIOMAS was cool. The campus is beauriful. the girls are pretty, and Hilltop Staff Writer the Campus Pals are good to me." Orhcr freshmen had different views of their first week Biology major Thando Nongauw from New.irk, N.J .