Rosenstein, Rod (ODAG) From: Rosenstein, Rod (ODAG) Sent : Monday, May 22, 2017 3:39 PM To: Wroblewski, Jonathan; Morales, Michelle; Crowell, James (ODAG) Cc: Mann, James (CRM); Terwilliger, Zachary {OOAG) Subject : Meeting POC: Marcia Murphy, Nathalliel Gamble 202-514-2101 Atten-clees: ODAG,: DAG Rosenstein, James CroweU, Zach TerwilLiger CRM: Jamie Mann OPL: Jonathan Wroblew ski, Michelle Morales Judge Amy St 'Eve Hote: This meeting is limited to the invited attendees only. Yo u are not authori:ted to forward this invrta1ion. If you believe other ioclividuaJs should be included, please contact the ODAG Front Office. Document ID: 0.7.22218.197169 20190702-0000157 i@WM11riiffidt1ifif'if■-------------------------- From: (b)(6) Lisa Emsel. US Comis Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 2:17 PM To: Rosenstein, Rod (USAMD) Subject: Another name Rod, I don't know how far you have gotten, but another name you might consider with bipartisan credentials and relevant experience is _ _ Larry Silberman Document ID: 0.7.22218.38168 20190702-0003375 -•'(U_s_A_o_c)____________________ From: (b )(6) {USADC) Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 1:04 PM To: Raman, Sujit (ODAG); Cardwell, Christine (ODAG); Schools, Scott {ODAG); Rosenstein, Rod (OOAG) Ce: Atwe ll, Tonya (ODAG); Lofthus, Lee J (JMD) Subject: RE: Correspondence from the Office of the Deputy Attorney General Attachments: (b)( 6) Good afternoon: (b)(6) Thanks, (b)( 6) Special Assistant U.S. Attorney U.S. Attorney's Office for the District ofColumbia Civil Division 555 Fourth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20530 (b)(6) From: Atw ell, Tonya (ODAG} (mai lto:
[email protected]) Sent: Thursday, May 18, 201712:16 PM To: (b )(6) Subject: Correspondence from the Office of the Deputy Attorney General Importance: High Document ID: 0.7.22218.29598 20190702-0003385 Dear_ , Please see attached for correspondence from the Office of the Deputy Attorney General regarding your (b)(6) Please, confirm a receipt ofthese materials.