LPSS Matters Official Alumni Newsletter of Lorne Park Secondary School School Lorne Park’s dramatic play! Commemorates Lorne Park’s dramatic 1972 play! Volume 13, Issue 3 ‘A‘A UU NN TT II EE MM AA MM E’E’ October 2013 —- Years Later— 40
[email protected] www.LPSSMatters.com SPECIAL ISSUE Lorne Park Matters COMMEMORATES 1972’s ‘AUNTIE MAME’ —40 Years Later!—- (With photos) Pages 1—29 “Another Lorne Park Memory Gone” —Richard Lukas (‘79) Page 30 Fred Hilditch (‘64) Page 32 F. Ross Murison (‘79) Page 49 Every Now & Then by Janet Price (‘81) Page 54 ‘Mame’ Reunion Page 59 We Remember . Page 60 Musings Page 62 January 2014 issue Please email your news, thoughts, ideas, etc:
[email protected] Volume 13, Issue 3 Page 2 Auntie Mame: 40 years Later Commemorative Why Commemorate an LP play?? 40 years have passed since I first started being such a sentimental fool when it comes to dramas, musicals and plays. By my graduation year of 1985 I had seen quite a number of Lorne Park Productions, like the remarkable rendition of ‘Anything Goes’. But anything never did go when it came to the one that stuck out in mind as a young boy; 1972’s production of ‘Auntie Mame’ remains, not just to me, but to many of those who fondly remember a Lorne Park triumph! I was only 7 when I saw Mame with my play-loving mother. Quickly forgetting the uncomfortable wooden straight-backed chairs, we were quickly held captive to the unfolding brilliance. The character of Dwight Babcock, played by Keith Nelson, had a boisterous voice that was loud and clear, perhaps too loud for my tender ears, but nevertheless powerful.