VILLAGE BOARD PROCEEDINGS VILLAGE of NEW GLARUS 1/7/03 REGULAR MEETING: President Eisenmann Called Meeting to Order at 7:30 P.M
VILLAGE BOARD PROCEEDINGS VILLAGE OF NEW GLARUS 1/7/03 REGULAR MEETING: President Eisenmann called meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Mark Eisenmann, Ben Kahl, Craig Foreback, Julie Jennrich, Steve Preston, Susan Janowiak and Lloyd Lueschow. Also Present: Attorney Tom Vale, Administrator Jim Mielke, and Clerk Lynne Erb. AGENDA: Eisenmann moved for approval of the 1/7/03 agenda, 2nd by Jennrich. Motion carried. MINUTES: Eisenmann moved for approval of the minutes for the 12/17/03 meeting, 2nd by Jennrich. Motion carried. CLAIMS: Motion by Eisenmann to approve Checks 15582 to 15644 issued 12/30/02 for 2002 expenses totaling $223,977.92 and Checks 15645 to 15682 in the amount of $155,744.55, and payroll direct deposit 206-230 totaling $20,583.30, 2nd by Jennrich. Motion carried. TEMPORARY ALCOHOL BEVERAGE LICENSE-NEW GLARUS FIRE DEPT.: Motion by Kahl to approve a temporary alcohol beverage license for the New Glarus Fire Department for 1/17/03 (Winterfest) waiving the 15-day filing requirement per 7-2- 4(e)(2), 2nd by Foreback. Motion carried. AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE LEAF VACUUM: Kahl informed the Board that the Public Works Director had looked over the used Vacuum Leaf Loader and found it to be in very good condition. Upon recommendation of the Public Works Committee, Kahl moved to approve the purchase of a used leaf vacuum and truck box from Burke Truck & Equipment at a total cost of $2,500.00, 2nd by Preston. Motion carried. Monies from the public works vehicle replacement fund will be utilized for payment of the equipment.
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