DOI: 10.17110/StudBot.2019.50.1.185 Studia bot. hung. 50(1), pp. 185–224, 2019 ADDITIONS TO THE DISTRIBUTION ATLAS OF VASCULAR PLANTS OF HUNGARY Attila Rigó Department of Botany, Hungarian Natural History Museum H–1431 Budapest, Pf. 137, Hungary;
[email protected] Rigó, A. (2019): Additions to the Distribution atlas of vascular plants of Hungary. – Studia bot. hung. 50(1): 185–224. Abstract: Th is paper presents additions to the Distribution atlas of vascular plants of Hungary with 661 new occurrence records for 497 taxa from 49 CEU grid cells. Th e new data are from the territory of Hungary, mainly from Budapest and its surroundings and the Danube and its tributar- ies. Th e second confi rmed occurrence of Allium ursinum in the Pilis Mts, the confi rmed occurrence of Ceratocephala testiculata in Budapest, the two new localities for Astragalus asper, the two ruderal localities for Atriplex littoralis, the new occurrence record for Lindernia procumbens near Göd, the occurrence of Salvinia molesta in Dunaalmás, Physalis peruviana and Silybum marianum in Buda- pest, and Azolla fi liculoides at Dunaszeg are the most signifi cant records presented in the paper. Key words: fl ora mapping, occurrence record, adventive plants, Ceratocephala testiculata INTRODUCTION Th e development of Hungarian fi eld botany in the 21th century enabled Hungarian botanists to prepare a comprehensive distribution atlas for the vascu- lar plants of Hungary. Th e fi eld research was carried out with standard methodol- ogy (Király et al. 2003). As a result of the process, the Distribution atlas of vas- cular plants of Hungary (Bartha et al.