Death of His Royal Highness Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany
., I,,. ',,'.· -. , '' .' :• ' I ._I.·. ,·· '; ' ' '' '' ' ). • j . '!. -' ,"': ·, (Iio~ · 66.) .__ \, ' _/ ,,-• ,· 18 8 4. PARLIAMENT · OF TASMANIA. ... .-., ' . DEATH OF HIS ROYAL HJ;GHNESS PRINCE '' - LEOPOLD., . DUKE OF ALBANY: '~ ;I' DESPATCHES, ANI> TELEGRAMS RELATIVE TO. · Presented to both ·House~ ·of Parlia~ent by His -Excellency's Command. · ' ,- ,, . ,.. '~' I . ' '' ,, I - j -_ (. ,',> DESPATCHE$ RELATIVE . TO TH_E DE,ATH OF HIS ROYAL, HIGHNESS PRINCE LEOPOLD, DUKE OF ALBANY.. [CIRCULAR.] · Downfng-street,3lst Marek, 1884. Srn, . - IT is with the deepest regret that I have to communicate to you the melancholy intelligence of the death of His Royal Highness. Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany, K.G., fonrth son of Her Majesty the Queen. - , His Royal Highness expired at C~nnes, at two o'clock in the morning on th!;' 28th instant, to the inexpressible grief of Her J.v.I;ajesty, the Royal Family, and· t!ie Nation. · I .have the honor to be, Sir, . Your iuost obedient humble Servant, __ DERBY. The Offecer A(iministering the Government of Tasmania. ', -TELEGRAM, _ . Tasmania; 31st March, 1884. TASMANIA deeply' sympathises with the Queen, Duchess of Albany, arid 1Royal · · Family in their great bereavement. · ·· _ · . ·I would ask Your Lordship to convey to the Queen my personal sympathy,_ with an expression of my humble duty. _ - - - . GOVERNOR. Colonial Secretary, London: TASMANIA, No. 13. Downing-street, 1st 4-pril, 1884•. S-IR, , I HAVE received and ·laid before the . Queen your. telegram expressing :your per~onal sympathy and_that of the inhabitants of-the Colony of Tasmania wit~ H~r :M.aJesty, Her Royal Highness the .Duchess of Albany, and.
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