•Aduates Get Awards Fr. O'keefe, One Year in Office, T Encaenia
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SECOND ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT EDITION IVcl. 46, No. 13 Fcfdham ColleSe. Bronx, N.Y., 10458-lune 10, 1964 Eight Pages •aduates Get Awards Fr. O'Keefe, One Year in Office, t Encaenia Ceremony To Deliver Graduation Address Last evening before a large gathering of College seniors After an estimatsd 1,550 grad- [their parents and friends, Fordham College held its annual uates don their white, purple, mark of Jesuit education." Awards Night and Encaenia ceremony. blue, yellow and scarlet silk Expansion has characterized James S. Donnelly presided as Master of Ceremonies and hoods this afternoon to receive the University dining the last .ntroduced the various speakers the first of whom was John degrees from eight schools of the few years: Lincoln Square, p. Quinn who delivered the "Lord of the Manor" address. University, Pordham celebrates Thomas More College, Dsaly Hall Tlie second speaker was James an age-old tradition when Fr. renovation and other projects, Ibgarty, President of the Vincent T. O'Keefe, president planned or underway. For the ;;ass of '64 who was selected of the Unlversity,~aelivers the Past lour years, however, Father commencement address to the has worked with the University's present the annual Encaenia Rose Hill community. wards to the ten graduates of "Self-Study" Committee insure tordham College who have ob- This myriad-colored June ex- that quality will not be sacri- tained "outstanding achieve- cercise also marks the first anni- ficed to the pressures of our col- ment" in their chosen fields. versary of Father O'Keefe's ten- lege, age population incre-is?. ure as University president. Kx- Phis honor is the highest award Problem of Expansion Vordham College can actly one year ago this month upon its graduates. lie succeeded to the post held for Among the problems Ford- This year's awards were pre- 14 years by Fr. Lawrence J. Mc- ham's president confronts are iented to the following alumni: Ginley. the need for a new library and His Eminence Francis Cardi- increased housing facilities as Hon. John \V, Clancy, '09: ap- nal Spellman, Pordham College Fr. Vincent T. O'Keefe well as the challenge of main- winted by President Roosevelt '11, will preside at the ceremony, taining and holding an excellent U. S. District Court -Judge; which will include the special in institutions of higher learn- faculty. toncrairy recipient >yt Vv. of honoring of 27 alumni celebrat- ing and the -tendency of bur- geoning intellectual establish- Fordham's primary represen- aivs degree from Fordham' ing their fiftiieth year of gradu- tative to the educational world lordham Law graduate. ation. ments to turn into academic fac- tories, Fordham paranis, and and in the civic community is a ! William J. Jackson, M.D. }oscph ). Me Covern Ordained a priest in 1950, Fa- students too, have applauded realist. "There is a crying need B4: Member of Naw York to the twelve men who had suc- ther O'Keefe pursued a success- Fr. O'Keefe's belief that Jesuit for money," he once commented, ftate Workman's Compensation cessfully participated in the ful teaching career before his education must shun excessive "and the money is found in the toard; Pioneer in evaluation of^ Fordham college Honors Pro- appointment to administrative numbers so that personal care corporations, government agen- psabiUtics; Cornell Medical gmm throughout their soph- positions. can be maintained. "Cura per- cies and foundations. The man School graduate. sonalis of the Ratio Studiorum," that these organizations want to omorj, junior and senior years. With the current trend to- see is tlie president. [Paul T. O'Keefe, '19: twice (Continued on Page G) ward skyrocketing enrollments Father has said, "is the hall- Deputy Mayor of New York City; "If you don't have money, you Fi'.airman of Board of Charles don't have a chance. Ideally, a . Noyes Real Estats: author of president should be the father o£ books concerning Real the family, but obviously this is impossible when you have reach- | Jumps II. Kiildcr. '24: Bvii- ed a size such as ours." Idier General, Ret. U.S. Army; ALL-AMERICAN NEWSPAPER CRITICAL SERVICE The popularity Father O'Keefe [rofessor of Clinical Sur?erv at has enjoyed among his students, York Medical College: both as teacher and administra- prmcr Dean of Fordham Schjo! tor, is paralleled by his high '• Pharmacy. praise for Fordham students. He [Joseph G. Hopkins, '29: H:s- has described them "as "interest- |o'.y editor of Charles Scribnev's ed, discerning, relatively inde- Publishing Company; for- pendent," with "great potential, » teacher at both Fordham but frequently not realized," M Columbia; received Master's relatively sophisticated, loyal, pree from Columbia University. critical, neat and a great credit to the University. (Joseph T. Quintavalle, '34: The Fordham Ram lnnan of Regis High School Father O'Keefe instructed Ptln Department; Recipient of ji ' '''''>'.<'.'< fledgling scholars in Latin and pne Merenti award from Regis In recognition of its merits is awarded , , mathematics at Manhattan's '62; received Masters Degree Regis High School before becom- •oni Fordham. ing an associate professor of AU-Antertran Hmmr Sating fundamental theology at Wood- S William II. Mulligan, '39: stock College, Maryland. He also of Fordham Law School; the Seventieth National Newspaper Critical Service of the Associated Collegiate taught at Georgetown Univer- Illkinson Professor of Law; ap- sity. |>inted to New York State Law Press at the University of Minnesota, School of Journalism, this Twentieth Jay of ^vision Commission by Gov. Writer and Reviewer Jarrlman and reappointed by April, 1964. After taking his master's de- w. Rockefeller. gree and a licentiate in theology berl Priaulx, '45: TeUvislon at Louvain, Belgium. Father wa3 **s Director of NBC television; awarded a doctorate in theology f I pPient of Silver Star Purple from Rome's Gregorian Univer- f«t and Crolx de Guerre in sity. He has written numerous " W War I; received Masters scholarly pieces and book re- Doctorate in psychology views for theological journals 1 Columbia. and "America" magazine and "flcs H. Burger, '.19: A=- RAM Merits' ALL AMERICAN Rating has also contributed articles on ••>' executive, Merrill, Lvnc'.i, an attempt to enlarge the scope miracles and apologetics to the The Fordham Ram, the un- The RAM received "excellent" Catholic Youth Encyclopedia. " Fcnner & Smith, Inc.; ratings In the categories of edi- of a college paper with a probing '•'man, Red Cross Fund R.iu- dergraduate weekly of Fordham coverage of significant events on The 44-year-old Jesuit began Committee; Columbia an;! College, has been awarded the torials, news coverage and sports his administrative career as the coverage. The newspaper also the campus and of national in- *• U. Graduate Business All-Anu-rican Honor Rating for terest," he stated. University's academic vice-presi- wools. superior journalism, it was an- achieved its highest score in dent. Appointed executive vice- "creatlveness." Mr. Leabo term- "We attempted to to present a nounced recently- Tills was the dynamic, informative college president in 1962, Father O'Keefe T. DeGeorsr. '31; first time since 1955 that The ed The RAM "superior" with served in this capacity until as- authority oa Ru.s- some "truly superb material" in paper. This could not have been ¥ RAM has received the award. suming his new position in June Mllitury Inti lH".;enco this category. achieved without the hardwork- 'JW:; Professor of Philosophy ing and dedicated staff that I of 1963. University of K.ntua an I T h e Associated Collegiate Tlie Fonlliam Forum was privileged to work with," he Fordham's president Is a mem- ^wor of several book, li;id ;..:••• Press, an organization of pro- ber of the Council of Higher Ed- fessional journalists, awarded The physical properties of the said. newspaper also were commend- The RAM senior editors who ucation of the City of New York, the rating for the first semester, the Regents Examination and Wlowlnp; the presciuatio:. of cl1 i35ue ed for excellence: editorial page. worked under Nastro are Robert honorary awards El;v.-. Sept. 1963-Jan. 1964- E» Inside news pages, style, typog- Meury, managing editor; Bren- Scholarship Center of the New » J. McMahou, S.J!, De.m published during the semester raphy and printing. dan Ryan and Joseph Soollan, York, State Education. Depart- hn\ Co)leee, commenced th<; was carefully examined and crit- ment, Catholic Bible Associa- r Nastro credits the award to associate editors; James Fogarty P 'outlon of academic honor.* icized by C. J. Leabo, assistant the introduction of the Pordham and William Kammer, sports ed- tion, Middle States Association e class of HUM. director of ACP. Charles P. Nas- under editors Donnelly itors; Angelo Donofrlo and James and the International Associa- "rst award was that of tro was editor-in-chief during Donofrlo. "The seotlon was Donnelly, Forum editors. tion of Universities. le Golden Alpha ptvaented this period. THE FORDHAM RAM 10, ,964 Page 2 University To Construct Graduating Class Accumulates Cornm unications Cenlev Fnrdham University is plan- More Than 180 Scholarship ning to build a $;j millijn Com- B.TH! Us tinIXIf. \\we 13 lift: Y:irs. Dame. inunic.atiunj-Center on its Lin- At Uast 100 ol t ° Stai i! 1^:cfji'lltS Teaching peilow- John Tancredi, a: : , , coln Square Campus ij .serve all iu-aduaus accoi I rt i t t shir.s aiid 7 Woodrjw Wilson Na- if.try major and Ht-i;rv )<k, the comnmnit'ation ails from tal of 180 feilo 1 tion al f'ji Linda [iu:i Felknvshi;^. I math major, won .-iv ..'.-.. Motion pictures ta public reia- ships and assist 1 ' 'I lu IV V.enu al*) several National awards respectively, A ,' ,! fons. This announce.ncnt, com- uati; and prof l 1 Edu cjti on Del,.-:i>e Act Fellc-v- physical sciences, Kei,'!t.," jirj out of an exclusive inter- lie Qmithi, Wiili'j.n lu',' view with til!1 Herald Tribinu1, according to th ' .•j!!Ps.