Quick Reference Chart for Clinical Breast Examination Normal Breast Lump Change in Volume/Shape
Quick reference chart for clinical breast examination Clinical breast examination (CBE) Normal breast includes careful history-taking, visual inspection, palpation of both breasts, arm pits and root of the neck as well as educating women on breast self- examination and awareness, particularly on breast lumps. History-taking should include the following: 123 456age at menarche, marital status, parity, Normal female breasts: Note Lateral view of normal female breasts: Note Normal female breasts: Note Normal nippple Inverted nipple, horizontal age at first child birth, history of lactation similar size and shape, similar size and shape, nipples at the same similar size and shape, nipples and areola slit is a normal variation. It and breast-feeding, age at menopause, nipples at the same level, level, normal nipples, areola and skin at the same level, normal should not be diagnosed family history of breast and ovarian normal nipples, areola and nipples, areola and skin as retracted nipple as skin there is no underlying cancers in first degree relatives (mother, lump or other sign of sisters, aunts, grandmothers), history and breast cancer duration of oral contraceptive use, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), Lump treatment for infertility and tobacco use. After taking history, both breasts should be visually inspected, both in the sitting and lying down positions and with arms down and up, for any of the following: swelling, lumps, changes in size and shape, skin dimpling, skin retraction, skin thickening, 789101112skin nodules, skin ulceration, the level of Single, painless, hard lump in Single, painless, hard lump Painless, hard lump in the upper outer quadrant of the left Lobulated hard Large, lobulated hard both nipples, retraction of either nipple, the lower outer quadrant of in the lower quadrants of breast with restricted mobility.
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