Vienna City 18. April 2010 run vienna – enjoy classic


World Champion Luke Kibet returns to the

Austrian record holders Günther Weidlinger & Andrea Mayr aim for prestigious marks

One world champion and the two national record holders will run the Vienna City Marathon on 18th April. After winning the race in 2007 and then taking the marathon gold medal at global stage in Osaka a couple of months later, ’s Luke Kibet will now come back to Austria’s biggest and best quality running event. With Günther Weidlinger and Andrea Mayr the two Austrian record holders have also confirmed their participation. Organisers of the 27th edition of the Vienna City Marathon expect a field of up to 30,000 runners on 18th April. This will include races at shorter distances. Online entry for all events is still available at www.vienna- .

Sensational breakthrough for Kibet in 2007

Luke Kibet had staged a sensational breakthrough in 2007. First the Kenyan took the Vienna City Marathon, clocking 2:10:07 despite very warm weather in the final part of the race. At that time this had been his biggest success so far, but then Luke Kibet went on to even more glory: The Vienna Champion surprisingly dominated a field packed with world-class runners at the World Championships in Osaka. In brutally hot and humid conditions the Kenyan ran away from his rivals in the final 10 k. Crossing the line in 2:15:59 he had an advantage of well over a minute to second placed Mubarak Shami (Qatar).

After set-backs, Kibet is well on the way to his best form

After this triumph Luke Kibet sadly experienced a time of set-backs due to injuries. Despite this he won the Marathon twice, in 2008 and 2009. It was especially his recent race in December that showed that Luke Kibet is well on the way back to his best form. In warm weather the 26 year-old broke the Singapore course record, clocking 2:11:25.

Weidlinger plans to race with the best

A year after his debut race at the Vienna City Marathon Günther Weidlinger returns to Austria’s most prestigious running event. Hampered by an injury he had finished ninth with 2:12:39 in 2009, but then Weidlinger clearly improved in Frankfurt in October. Clocking 2:10:47 he smashed the 23 year-old Austrian record and established himself as one of Europe’s most promising marathon runners. Weidlinger, whose current training in Chiclana (Spain) goes very well, intends to go with the leading group in Vienna and could well break the 2:10 barrier.

Organiser: Enterprise Sport Promotion GmbH, Gußhausstrasse 21/19, 1040 Wien Press Contact: Andreas Maier, Tel. +43 650 350 14 88, E-Mail: [email protected]

Vienna City Marathon 18. April 2010 run vienna – enjoy classic

Andrea Mayr dreams of breaking the 2:30 barrier

There is also a prestigious mark to break for Andrea Mayr at the Vienna City Marathon. The defending champion had improved the national record to 2:30:43 at her debut in 2009. Andrea Mayr, who is one of the strongest mountain runners worldwide and also the national steeplechase champion, is now looking for a sub 2:30 at her second marathon race.

Athens’ marathon flame at the Vienna City Marathon

This year marks a unique jubilee for marathon running. It is 2,500 years ago that the marathon was born, when the Battle of Marathon took place in Greece 490 BC. To announce the Greek victory against the Persians the messenger Pheidippidis is said to have run the distance from the battlefield to Athens. After doing so he collapsed and died. To mark the birth of the marathon a flame is lighted annually at a tomb on the former battlefield. This happens on the day before the Athens Marathon in autumn. After the big flame was lighted in November 2009 representatives of the Vienna City Marathon proudly received a smaller flame in a lantern. They brought it back to Vienna. The original marathon flame will feature during the Vienna City Marathon on 18th April. Runners will for example pass it in the finish area at the Wiener Hofburg.

Organiser: Enterprise Sport Promotion GmbH, Gußhausstrasse 21/19, 1040 Wien Press Contact: Andreas Maier, Tel. +43 650 350 14 88, E-Mail: [email protected]

Vienna City Marathon 18. April 2010 run vienna – enjoy classic

27th Vienna City Marathon

18th April 2010 – A quick overview

Competitions Vienna City Marathon (42.195 km): Fascination in the world capital of music. ANKER (21.0975 km): Half the distance – the full experience. tele.ring Relay-Marathon (Teams of four runners: 16,1 km / 5,7 km / 9,1 km / 11,295 km): The largest marathon relay in the world. Coca-Cola Run 4.2: For children aged 10-18 years, 4.2 km Run 1.0 Kids Challenge: For children aged 6-10 years, 1 km

Pink Ribbon Run: 2.5 km for a good cause – A Charity Run without timing for the Austrian cancer trust for Pink Ribbon on Saturday, 17th April.

Entry | Information

Specials (a selection) • Vienna City Marathon celebrates the biggest jubilee in sports: 2,500 years of the Marathon myth! • The Marathon Flame from Greece bursts into life in Vienna. • International Friendship Party in the ballroom of the Vienna Town Hall, Saturday, 17th April • Hospitality & Party Zone at the finish area in Heldenplatz • Kids Corner at the International Friendship Party and at the Heldenplatz on race day • “Marathon Sound of Vienna” – Music and Entertainment Programme along the course • You can go SIGHTJOGGING while running the Vienna City Marathon! • Interim times every 5 km • Lots of free services, such as worldwide SMS (text messages) result service, professional training plans, medical centre at the Expo and a large internet community. • Trade show „Vienna Sports World” on the 16th and 17th April 2010 • VCM Medical Centre at the “Vienna Sports World” trade fair • A network of “VCM Friendship Runners” who act as ambassadors for their fellow runners.

Winners 2009 Gilbert Kirwa | KEN 2:08:21 Andrea Mayr | AUT 2:30:43

Course Records Abel Kirui | KEN 2:07:38 (2008) Maura Viceconte | ITA 2:23:47 (2000)

Organiser: Enterprise Sport Promotion GmbH, Gußhausstrasse 21/19, 1040 Wien Press Contact: Andreas Maier, Tel. +43 650 350 14 88, E-Mail: [email protected]