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Don’t Memories of Archbishop special report communication kill Bill Christmas Past elected and human rights PM# 40069670 Anglican Journal Inspiring the faithful since 1875 vol. 138 no. 10 december 2012

“Glory to God in the highest heaven” —Luke 2:14

j. alan vokey / www.javok.com From the editor Taking Christmas to task

k r i s t i n j e n k i n s and your wallet is empty. In trying to make That’s what happened to Jane Christmas. Christmas special for my own family, I ques- (Yes, that’s her real name.) A glass of Pinot Christmas is such a special time of year tion the example I have set for my daughter. Grigio and a couple of mouse clicks jump- for every Anglican. Whether you are cel- After years of watching me go into high started a series of events that led to a com- ebrating the birth of Christ with family and gear, she is now experiencing her own per- plete re-invention of her life. But in moving friends (including church family) or helping formance anxiety...at the tender age of 22. closer to God, she found the relevance that others less fortunate—or­ both—this is the Vanessa confessed at the beginning of had been missing. You’ll find her story on p. 5. time of year that conjures up a lifetime of November that she’s feeling anxious about memories. helping me host the family dinner this As we head into our 138th year of connecting For many women, saddled with making Christmas. “I’m dreading it, Mom,” she told you to the Anglican Church of Canada and sure that Christmas is indeed merry and me. I felt shocked, particularly as I know the worldwide Anglican Communion, I would bright, the burden of cleaning, decorating, how much she loves cooking. “What about like to thank everyone for their support and shopping, gift-wrapping and cooking can all the cousins?” I wondered to myself. guidance. Your enthusiastic response to the so eclipse the joy. You go to bed with a list Wasn’t she looking forward to seeing them? readership survey has provided us with a in your head. You wake up in the night with Then, I tried to assuage her fears by making roadmap for better meeting your needs. Your items to add to it. In the morning, you hit the her laugh. “What are you talking about?” I letters, emails and phonecalls, many of them ground running. asked, peering into her worried eyes. “Can’t directed to me personally, have benefited this What One Christmas, while staying with you handle picking up takeout?” ministry tremendously. And your continued are you friends, I greeted Helen just as she was dis- financial support is helping keep us alive. appearing into the kitchen. It was 7 a.m. and Ever wonder what your life would be like if On behalf of all the staff at the Journal, talking she was getting ready to wrestle The Bird you had taken the other fork in the road? I who work so very hard to bring you the most “ into the oven. do. I guess that’s just part of my curious na- professional newspaper and website pos- about? Can’t “Merry Christmas, Helen,” I called out ture. Then too, there are certain times in life sible, God bless you. And to each and every you handle to her retreating back. “How are you this when this kind of rigorous self-examination one of you, Merry Christmas! picking up morning?” seems biologically determined. Certainly “How am I?” she spit out. “It’s Christmas!” at mid-life. But against the backdrop of a Kristin Jenkins is editor of the Anglican takeout? Yessir, Christmas with all the trimmings constantly changing world, an ongoing re- Journal. can feel like a marathon for many women. view and revision of one’s direction seems Your feet are sore, your head is pounding required just to stay in the picture. email: [email protected]

Walking together What it takes to change the world

m a r k m a c d o n a l d rational and effective spiritual and political noted that, at first glance, these three didn’t leaders (David Salmon became the traditional look at all like ministerial material—at least I’ve met very few people who have made a chief of all Athabaskans), and by their exam- to an Anglican clergyman. But when he ap- more important and strategic contribution to ple, let multiple generations know that they proached them, much to his surprise, they all a community than Archdeacon Walter Han- could be native, Christian and whole. There had been feeling a call to ordained ministry. num (not to be confused with another fine are very few days when I don’t think of them. He trained them for ministry in a way that person, Walter Hannam, who teaches at Em- Both Fr. David and Fr. Titus gave much of kept them active in service to their commu- manuel & St. Chad Seminary in Saskatoon). the credit to Walter Hannum for their min- nity. The training was strict in its demands for Saddened to hear that he had passed away a istry. It made me seek him out. He acknowl- personal discipleship. Later, their dedication few weeks ago at age 81, I was reminded of edged, as they had, that they were the least to learning made them surpass seminary- the great contribution he made to my under- likely ministry candidates in the Yukon. Curi- trained clergy in their knowledge and wis- standing of God’s work in the world. ous, I pressed him to tell me more. dom. Though none of them had much formal His work will be known to anyone inter- Archdeacon Hannum said he had been academic training, they taught themselves to If we look ested in mission work over the past 60 years. frustrated that no one was coming forward for be scholars. The example of their discipline for God’s He broke trail on innovative forms of ministry ordination and that those who seemed appro- and hard-won knowledge still prods me for- and leadership and inspired an uncountable priate, from his point of view, were often inef- ward today. miracles, number of clergy to commit to God’s mission. fective or worse. He began to look elsewhere. Space won’t let more be said, but Arch- “ His most remarkable and innovative contri- Scripture and faith challenged him to believe deacon Hannum’s simple central idea must we will witness bution, however, might not be so easy to see that God loved the people more than he did be proclaimed: God is working in this world, great things, outside of Arctic Alaska. and that the Holy Spirit must be calling peo- beyond our imagination, expectations and— inspire great Archdeacon Hannum was essential to the ple to ministry leadership. If he couldn’t see thanks to God—our prejudice. If we trust in recruitment and training of Milton Swan (Inu- the people God was calling, it must be that the the presence and power of the Spirit and in others and piat from the Arctic coast) and David Salmon problem was on his side. God would not leave look for God’s miracles, we will witness great see our world and Titus Peter (both Gwich’in from Inte- a people leaderless. Perhaps, his missionary things, inspire great things in others and see rior Alaska). For many decades, these native prejudice could keep God’s chosen leaders our world change. change. priests, each in his own challenging context, hidden from view: his view. led thousands of people to a new life of grace He began to look for the people who were Mark MacDonald is national indigenous in Christ. They served their people as inspi- making a difference in the community and bishop of the Anglican Church of Canada.

Anglican Journal Concerns and complaints: Advertising Deadline: Email: [email protected] Anglican Journal Editor: editor@anglican journal.com; 25th day of the second month 416-924-9199 ext. 259/245 (fax) 416-925-8811 First published as the Dominion Churchman in 1875, Bishop M. , Chair of the Anglican Journal preceding publication date. Anglican Journal is the national news magazine of the Anglican Church of Canada. Subscription rate: $10 a year in Canada, It has an independent editorial policy and is published by the Anglican Journal Committee. Committee: [email protected]; Acceptance of advertising does not imply endorsement $17 in U.S. and overseas. Excepting these inserts: Niagara by or the Anglican Church of Canada Vianney (Sam) Carriere, General Synod Director of Anglican Journal Anglican $15; Crosstalk (Ottawa) $15 suggested donation; Communications and Information Resources: scarriere@national. Indexed in the Canadian Magazine Index, Canadian Periodical Rupert’s Land News $15; The Sower (Calgary) $15 suggested Editor: Kristin Jenkins Advertising Manager: Larry Gee anglican.ca Index and online in the Canadian Business & Current Affairs donation; Huron Church News $15 a year in Canada, $23 Art Director: Saskia Rowley Publisher: The Anglican Journal Committee Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome but prior queries are Database. U.S. & overseas; Diocesan Times (NS & PEI) $15; Anglican The is published monthly (with the exception Printed in North York, ON by Webnews Printing, Inc. Senior staff Writer: Marites N. Sison Anglican Journal advised. Life (Nfld) $15, Nfld & Labrador $20 outside Nfld, $25 in U.S. staff Writers: Leigh Anne Williams of July and August) and is mailed separately or with one of 23 diocesan or regional sections. It is a member of the Canadian Advertising: and overseas. diana Swift PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 40069670 Church Press and the Associated Church Press. We acknowledge Larry Gee Change of Address: include old label with new address and Assistant to the editor: Janet Thomas the financial support of the Government of Canada through the 1138 Jonathan Dr., Oakville, ON L6J 7J3 parish. Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Jane Thornton Home Office: 905-829-9243 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ISSN-0847-978X CIRCULATION: 150,000 circulation Manager: Beverley Murphy Letters: [email protected] Office phone: 416-924-9199 ext. 310 ADDRESSES TO: CIRCULATION DEPT. Circulation: cynthia Herrera, or mail to: Letters, Anglican Journal, Fax: 416-925-8811 80 HAYDEN ST., TORONTO, ON M4Y 3G2 Mirella Ross 80 Hayden St., Toronto, ON M4Y 3G2 Email: [email protected]

2 anglican journal • December 2012 Come and see Peace, I just want peace

F r e d H i l t z and bring hope to a family in Tanzania Marks of Mission or a pair of rabbits for refugees in Kenya. At this time every year, my wife, Lynne, Our gift could provide tents for emergen- asks me what I would like for Christmas. share the good news cy shelter in the aftermath of earthquakes My usual response is, “Peace, I just want and hurricanes. The list goes on. peace.” teach new believers help people in need Lynne and I are really looking forward In part, it’s about a need and in part, to this kind of giving this Christmas. It it’s about a desire. This need is for peace work to make things fairer reminds us that “Christianity is an out- in my soul, that peace of God in Christ look after the planet ward looking, outward acting faith” (Sign- that is deep and holy and abiding. The marks of mission adapted from marketing the anglican way by roderick mackin posts on a Common Journey, Theological desire is for peace in the world, for the Education for the Anglican Communion, coming of that day when war shall be no 2007). church’s commitment to God’s mission in There was more. The nations shall be gathered face As we once again celebrate the great to face. There will be no more violence in the world. mystery of the coming of God among us, a silence the streets. There will be peace and plenty It will be a challenge to select those and give thanks for the mission of Christ for all. ministries we gift. They are all amazing. in the world of our day, I pray your giving marked In the spirit of peace, Lynne and I are They include supporting the ministry of is joyous and your Christmas filled with “ giving gifts of a different kind this Christ- dioceses in the Council of the North and love and peace. by gratitude mas. In the coming weeks we are browsing helping in the spiritual battle against sui- P.S. The gift guide was in last month’s for the witness the Anglican Church of Canada’s Gifts for cide in indigenous communities across edition of the Anglican Journal. If you’ve of previous Mission catalogue. It highlights a number Canada. We have an opportunity to give misplaced yours, you can access it at of ministries associated with the General a child in Haiti hot lunches, and music anglican.ca/giftguide. generations. Synod, the Anglican Foundation, and Pri- and sheer joy to kids in Cuba. We could mate’s World Relief and Development support medical services in clinics in the Archbishop Fred Hiltz is primate of the Fund. All of them are grounded in our West Bank and Gaza. We could buy a goat Anglican Church of Canada.

the flexible, for they shall Letters never break!” Alison Filteau Let us listen Kingston, Ont. I read with great interest An- drew Stephens-Rennie’s Youth Beautiful tribute View column [So I’ll be bold, I read with interest Musical Nov. 2012, p. 5]. I am 68 years memorial to a fallen soldier old but, like young people in [Nov. 2012, p. 9], a beautiful, the church, I “crave a liturgy tribute to an exceptional whose prayers and music and young lady. homily and sacraments all Nichola Goddard was root me deeply in the stories an outstanding graduate of of God’s coming kingdom, and the Royal Military College spur me to live God’s kingdom in Kingston, Ont., and by come in the here and now.” Let all reports, an exceptional us listen to our young people. soldier and officer in the They can teach us much. Canadian Armed Forces. When I heard of her death Donna Cousineau Guelph, Ont. in 2006, I wrote a poem in her honour. It was published Relocation sealed in Veritas, the magazine of the Royal Military College ABC’s fate Club of Canada, along with Closing ABC will have sig- my photograph of Nichola’s nificant negative impact on memorial stone. Anglican identity and ministry. Ron Stewart In addition to complicating the London, Ont. business of locating Anglican david anderson http://davidandersonillustration.com resources, ABC had an impor- A fun piece…and yet Not again! tant intangible ministry for the church. Staff and other custom- The online article, Christian life outside the for me. Hanging out with youth and young I was very disappointed ers often offered counsel and box [anglicanjournal.com, Oct. 4, 2012] was adults keeps me the most connected with to find a copy of World advice and anecdotal com- a fun piece. The line that made me laugh life outside of church, with mainstream soci- Vision magazine with mentary on available materials (or be distressed, can’t figure out which one ety, social trends and yes, the “unchurched.” my [October] copy of the and resources for ministry. yet) was: “...They see Anglicans as stiff-up- For people in the church, this article rein- Anglican Journal. Last year, Impersonal online sales will per-lip types who have no time for fun and forces the stereotype that people without a in a household of two, we never duplicate this. are more likely to spend Friday or Saturday life are the ones involved in youth ministry. received no less than four I visited ABC at least once night with a youth group than go out on the For people outside of church, it reinforces copies. I can only conclude a month when it was located town.” the idea that church youth groups are some- that this organization uses at 600 Jarvis St. [in Toronto]. I With 30 years in youth ministry, stiff up- how irrelevant or out of touch with contem- an enormous portion of never left empty-handed. Since per lips are not something I’ve encountered. porary life. Neither is helpful. their funds for this, and their the store was relocated to a However, the idea that “boring people spend Judy Steers television slots. basement on a non-arterial, Saturday night with youth” rather than go Coordinator for Youth Initiatives There are so many other, dead-end street, I doubt I have “out on the town” is the biggest disconnect Anglican Church of Canada worthy charities that receive visited ABC once a year. far less publicity, but hope- The loss of passing foot fully use their funds for bet- traffic and the absence of us back to the table, back to ship, making it something ter purposes than publicity. Blessed are the I was very pleased to any nearby parking sealed the cross, back to the life we that speaks to, nurtures and flexible receive the Anglican Church the store’s fate years ago. Its find in Jesus Christ.” empowers all Anglicans. If of Canada’s Gifts for Mission. demise could not have been In his Youth View column, Traditional hymns have we don’t, how can we invite made more certain, even if it Andrew Stephens-Rennie a place in our liturgy, as do others into a faith community Muriel I. Gilbert had been planned! [So I’ll be bold, Nov. 2012, p. newer, contemporary ones. that is rigid and inflexible in Kelowna, B.C. 4] says that songs from the We must find a way to mingle worship? The Rev. John Lockyer secular canon “…can also call Caledon, Ont. them, to enrich our wor- Remember: “Blessed are more Letters p. 4

anglicanjournal.com 3 2 Anglican Journal Youth view ? December 2009 More than crumbs Andrew Stephens-Rennie One man responded. “Dig- be extended less and less in called to do more than this. nity? What dignity? By the supplication.” Our young people and their I recently found myself in the time we’ve lined up in the What struck me as Joy was leaders need to know that we midst of a conversation about rain, people walking by and recounting this story was that support them in deep and the difference between charity staring at us waiting to get a this attitude can inform not meaningful ways that do more and justice. free meal, what dignity do we only our ministries among the than leave them scrounging This isn’t surprising, of have left?” poor but also our ministries for crumbs. We’re called to course, as so much of my time The church had no choice among young people. Both are deep mutuality and friendship is devoted to these questions but to change. problematic. (yes, even with young people). in my work with Word Made The meal program is now The movement from char- We’re called to building up Flesh Canada. Conversations a co-operative endeavour. To- c lity a to sjustice s i frequires i e d a deeps the body of Christ (includ- regularly turn to the spectrum gether, rich and poor serve the sense of mutuality. It requires ing young people). Taking between arm’s-length charity, meal. Together,FOR Sal richE and poor that Swetai NEDwalk GwithlaSS and come seriouslyStaiNED our G lachurch’sSS Marks mutuality and friendship, and Neareat new side 11-circuit, by side. Chartres-model Over time, to know the other, so that we of Mission, each of us has a Our young the striving for shalom. portableseveral ca socialNVaS laby enterprisesRiNth have canEDWARDS respond to one another in covenanted role in the teach- people During this conversation, for beensale. Eggplant built, offeringon beige canvass. meaning - love.GLASS If we COMPANY refuse toLTD. walk with, ing, nurturing and baptism of Joy, a local Baptist pastor, Threeful sections work velroeto former together. clients Comes of to get• tocustom know designed and to listen to young and old. and their shared the story of the weekly withthe tupperware program, carrying now case. friends Paid and youngmemorial people, windows how then will As weRL examine our min- dinner they had been serving $5,000.00,colleagues. for sale at $3,000.00 firm. we• traditionalfind ways - contemporary to move forward istries amongstM youth, do “ • releading & restoration leaders need to Telephone Barbara: (604) 421-4250 to the homeless in their com- In Pedagogy of the Op- together?• storm How glazing then will we they emphasize mutuality or know that we munity for more than 12 years. email:pressed [email protected], Paulo Freire writes: know• custom what woodworking affirms (and what dependency? Do they affirm During that time, the church “True generosity con- denies)enquiries the invitedGod-given dig- the dignity of everyone? And support them and its leadership became sists precisely in fighting nity of471 theNewbold young Street, people in as weRobert take stock of all that is, in deep and increasingly aware that some- to destroyStaiNED the G lacausesSS which our midst?London, Ont.How N6E then 1K4 will we andMcCausland all that has been, will we thing was not quite right. nourish false charity. False participate(519) 649-7225 in their Christian dare to ask what it will take so Fax: (519) 649-7226 Limited meaningful Speaking to men and wom- charity constrains the fear- formation,www.edwardsglass.net as friends, mentors that all have a seat around the en who had attended these ful and subdued, the ‘rejects and elders? Artable?tists & Craftsmen of ways. Proud Supporters of The Arthritis Society meals, they asked: what would of life,’ to extend their trem- We could easily continue Stained Glass since 1856 Established 1920 TRADITIONAL OR make this place better? What bling hands. True generosity an arm’s-length approach by AnCONTEMPORARYdrew Stephens- Rennie could be done to affirm the lies in striving so that these tossing a few hundred budget is aORIGINAL member ofDESIGNS the national youth EXPERT RESTORATIONS dignity of those who attended hands—whether of individu- dollars to youth ministry and initiativesAND teamREPAIRS of the Anglican week-in and week-out? als or entire peoples—need to calling it a day. And yet, we are Church of Canada. Email: [email protected] ARTISTS AND CRAFTSMEN Website: www.eternalglass.com IN STAINED GLASS (905) 669-4244 30 Chauncey Ave., Toronto, Ont. M8Z 2Z4 EUxNITp e#6,c 8481te dKEELE better STREET you’re at it, you might also tell Letters continued CONCORD, ONTARIO L4K 1Z7 Telephone (416) 233-9530 DSR HARCOURTS LTD. I was disappointed to read your meF axwhy (416) our 234-5450 bishops encourage such disrespect of my saviour. 19 Duncan St., 3rd floor, Toronto, Ont. M5H 3H1 headline about Gary Paterson’s Call Toll Free 416-977-3857 E-mail: [email protected] My lens shifted election as moderator of the Graham1-800-563-1555 Patterson Custom Tailored Academic and Choir Robes — Preaching Gowns and Stoles United Church of Canada Innisfil, Ont. I read with interest Murray [United Church elects gay SabbaticalS MacAdam’s article in the leader, Oct. 2012, p. 1]. Aren’t PlaPowerNNiNG af ulSabbatical response or November issue [Seeing with we past that kind of identifica- ThePERSON Goodal News REtRE is atin? action new eyes, p. 4]. I attended tion? If someone else had been be renewed,in the Anglicanhealed and churchenergized in the 2010 Community Justice elected, would the title have at thethe Queenswood diocese ofRetreat Rupert’s Centre, Land a 14-acre sanctuary by the sea in Camp in Hamilton, Ont., and read, “United Church elects [Rupert’s Land goes to bat for experienced “having my lens Victoria, BC. Spiritual direction, straight leader”? counseling,refugees vocational, Oct. assessment;2012, p. 5]. shifted.” Why not “UCC elects spiritualityThank & theology you library,for reporting work- this Having worked at the Yukon-born leader,” or “first shops,powerful courses. Pool, response, walking withtrails, the diocesan, national and leader from Vancouver,” or “dy-labyrinth,Roman great Catholic food. Daily Archepiscopal yoga; international levels in Moth- namite preacher” or “visionary massage,Corporation reflexology, of reiki. Winnipeg, Anglican to ers’ Union on various family pastor-theologian?” Gary parishthe nearby. withdrawal Explore the of possibilities government at www.queenswoodcentre.com and justice programs, I hoped Paterson is all of those. funding for church-sponsored to find a way to help at a local I know that that is how the refugees.t RaVEl level through Justice Camp. mainstream media referred tOUR ENGI believeliSh cath thatEDR letteralS writ- I was fortunate enough to to him when he was elected; You anding your receives family and little friends attention. can enjoy PWRDF wishes everyone connect with Colleen Sym, I expected better from the a bespokeThe tourpresent in a six government passenger Ford can Galaxy visiting Cathedrals of your choice. then the social justice co- Anglican Journal. scarcely ignore the lawsuit ordinator for the diocese of Or may be a group from your church. a truly Holy and blessed Christmas. Donald Grayston Reasonablefiled rates.against Please it. refer I look to forward Niagara, and we have worked Vancouver http://www.allseasons.demon.co.uk/to future stories about this together since. the primate’s world relief and development fund and checkaction. the testimonials page or Voices for Change-Halton contact [email protected]. Anglican Church of Canada You call this Helene Hannah is a grassroots group of Kingston,VO Ont.catiONS 80 Hayden St., Toronto, ON M4Y 3G2 individuals with lived experi- inspiring? www.pwrdf.org ence of poverty who joined The Anglican Journal’s logo cONtEMPlatiNG REliGiOUS liFE? together to dispel the myth reads, ”Inspiring the faithful Members of the Brotherhood and the since 1875.” Please tell me how Sisters of Saint Gregory are Anglicans, that there is no poverty in clergy and lay, without regard to Halton and to work toward I am to be inspired by the front marital status. poverty eradication through page story about an openly To learn more about our contemporary education and advocacy. In homosexual man, married (?) Rule of Life, visit www.gregorians.org 2011, the Niagara Mothers’ to another homosexual man, (The Brotherhood of Saint Gregory) or Union partnered with Voices, being elected to the top job of www.sistersofsaintgregory.org (The Sisters of Saint Gregory). journeying together in true the United Church of Canada community. [United Church elects gay Do you crave a life with meaning? This partnership has shown diedleader peacefully, Oct. on Friday2012, November p. 1]. 14, 2008 atOr, North tell Yorkme what General is Hospital.inspira- us that we can achieve true She was born March 15, 1912 at J.D Aarela to nJoin v theo Sisterskey tional about the photo in The justice only when everyone Moorefield near Palmerston Ontario, is aof Toronto-based St. John the Divine Christian Anglican [Summer in the city, has an equal say in the com- daughter of the late Alfred Morden fine artist, poet and illustrator. Oct. 2012, p. 8], which shows contact: [email protected] munity we live in. Carthew and Ethel Margaret McIntyre. His remarkable illustration on Thank you for sharing Predeceasedtwo lesbian by brothers priests Morden defying and For classifiedpage one advertising was commissioned contact: these truths with us. eterGod and assister they Alice. march She graduated in the as aforNG thelica ChristmasN JOURN issue.al Annette Graydon [Toronto] Pride parade. Rather You can visit him online at than being inspirational, this larry Gee PWRDF’s inspiration for caring for mothers and children Diocesan President (416)www.javok.com. 924-9199, ext 310 Niagara Mothers’ Union is spitting in God’s face! While Fax: (416) 925-8811 Email: [email protected] 4 anglican journal • December 2012 feature Woman at the crossroads Something more was being demanded of my life

By Jane Christmas up doing both). Further along a small group, says Sr. Eliza- the age spectrum, the program beth. We were taught new ways What is a woman to do when has resonated with women to pray—from the Ignatian she gets the itch to change di- who have lost a spouse either method to creative forms using rection? What is she to do when through death or divorce, and visual art, poetry and journal- the direction itself is as mysti- several have entered the com- ling—and how to incorporate fying as the reason to change munity proper via Women at a modern and historic spiritual in the first place? And what is Crossroads. practices into hectic modern a woman to do when during the While an all-expenses-paid lifestyles. Far from being ar- rare moments that she is still month in a convent in Toronto’s cane, the discussions struck and alone, she hears the Little north end might not be every a chord with those of us who Voice Within whisper, “Psst... woman’s ideal summer get- were stuck in the middle of our time to move on.” away, for those with big ques- modern lives grasping for pur- A few years ago that was me. tions and big decisions, there pose. Not surprisingly, given I was hunched in front of the are few places better suited. the intensity of the program, computer one night—a glass of Monastic practice focuses and lasting friendships were made, Pinot Grigio might have been disciplines the mind, and can and by the end of the month close at hand. I felt as blank as calm the distractions of the it was difficult to bid adieu to the subject line of the search secular world. That said, SSJD cloistered life. engine and as impatient as the has Wi-Fi, so the urban zoo is “The recent spurt in monas- cursor blinking inside it. only a click away. tic and intentional communi- Something more was being Living alongside the sisters, ties worldwide indicates a defi- demanded of my life, though chanting four offices a day and nite and enduring hunger for a I was helpless to articulate it. helping with daily chores, offers simple, God-centred life,” says

Classic midlife crisis? Meta- j. Alan vokey / www.javok.com a taste of religious life. As men- Sr. Elizabeth. “Our aim in the phorical brick wall? Monastic life focuses the mind and can calm distractions. tors and instructors, the sisters Crossroads program is to help Instead of typing “little red are disarmingly candid about women find ways to draw it into sports car” into the search en- where God might be calling women would come through their lives, and preconceived their daily lives.” gine, I typed, “Anglican nuns in them, be it to marriage, to start the program and join SSJD, but notions of nuns in black habits For more information on Canada.” Seconds later, I was a new business, to retirement, over time we saw that most of and starched white wimples Women at a Crossroads, visit trolling the website of the Sis- to become a priest, or to explore the participants just wanted to floating serenely along sun- www.ssjd.ca or contact Sr. terhood of St. John the Divine monastic life with the sisters. experience being in commu- bathed cloisters are quickly put Elizabeth at [email protected]. (SSJD), reading about a pro- Sr. Elizabeth, SSJD’s novice nity for a month, learning to to rest: SSJD sisters seldom gram called, fittingly, Women mistress and curriculum plan- pray and learning the tools of wear their blue habits; convent Jane Christmas is an associate at a Crossroads. ner of Women at a Crossroads, discernment.” life is busier than expected; and with the Sisterhood of St. John the Since 1995, Toronto-based says the sisterhood saw the One of the first participants, nuns are not saints. Divine, and the author of the travel SSJD has been inviting wom- sense of making the program a newlywed in her 20s, was dis- There were nine partici- memoirs The Pelee Project; What en—regardless of age or stage— appeal to a wide audience. “Ob- cerning whether to start a busi- pants in the program the year the Psychic Told the Pilgrim; and to spend a month pondering viously, the hope was that some ness or have a baby (and ended I attended: it works best with Incontinent on the Continent.

After the glorious service, our ancient joyfully. And then, we saw the veterans. car screamed in protest and would not The face of one man in particular I will start. “The starter motor is shot,” pro- never forget. Tears filled my eyes. They nounced Tony. Ever tried to get a cab on had given us “Peace On Earth.” Christmas night? Ever tried to get a car Gwen Hale towed and a new starter motor installed Kaslo, B.C. Memories on Boxing Day? We did, thanks to an old of Christmas past boyfriend, who did not bear a grudge. Merry Christmas. In September, we asked readers to share much later.) Sheila Welbergen some of their most poignant memories of One year, I wanted skis for Christmas. Winnipeg Christmas. Here are but a handful. Mom and Dad didn’t think they were right for me, but I was so disappointed on A wartime Christmas Christmas Eve that Dad went out and got Scarlet The year was 1944, and I was 17 years Candies raining down fever, them. I think I used them once, when I fell and scared myself. old. My parents sent me off to boarding We were in southern Spain in January stockings school—Branksome Hall in Toronto—be- and Three Kings Day was upon us. To Nola Stoddart cause they felt it would give me the op- escape the rain, we stopped at an almost and skis Head of Jeddore, N.S. portunity to “experience life” away from empty restaurant. The owner gave us One year, our home for the first time. free drinks to celebrate the day. Then family was quar- Christmas As Christmas we went to an afternoon parade in antined because 1961 approached, en- Fuengirola town centre. We did not of scarlet fever. It was getting close to Christmas 1961 tertainment plans get to see much of the parade itself, Christmas, and Mom was wondering how was our first as were made. Most the crowds being too deep and we she would get her shopping done. The husband and of us, as boarders, being too short, but we experienced doctor came to the house and took the wife. We sat would be going the local tradition. There we stood, sign off the door. He gave it to Mom “as a waiting for the home. Others pelted by a shower of hard candies, Christmas present.” midnight service would be visiting just as we had been pelted by rain There was a fireplace in the living to begin. “Did you turn down the ther- friends and a few would remain at hours earlier. Adults and children alike room, and I remember burning letters to mostat?” I whispered to Tony. We lived school. The most exciting event would be were laughing and scrambling for the Santa Claus. (That was how you “mailed” in a rented house with a temperamental an evening at Chorley Park—now a mili- treats. We joined in. In North America, for them.) You got an orange in the toe of furnace and had turned the thermostat tary convalescent home. so many, the Christmas season ends on your stocking. (It was an everyday stock- up high. “No,” he said, leaping up from We practised “In Excelsis Deo,” among December 26th. The holiday decorations ing; fancy Christmas stockings came the pew and heading out the door. He others, in the library (and I had never come down and with them the sentiment. made it back before the sermon. Thank sung in Latin!) and on the appointed But not here! illustrations courtesy of visiblespirit.com “faith-based art for worship goodness I went back,” he said. “The night, off we went to Chorley Park. Up the Elissa Zacher communications” house was vibrating with heat.” grand staircase we proceeded, singing Ottawa

anglicanjournal.com 5 With his hands-on background in business and civil conflict resolution, Justin Welby may be just what the Anglican Communion needs right now.

Across Canada + the communion Former oilman elected Archbishop of Canterbury

The 105th prelate to ascend the throne of St. Augustine will be the Rt. Rev. Justin Welby, 56, bishop of Durham. He will be enthroned as Arch- bishop of Canterbury in Canter- bury Cathedral on Mar. 21, 2013, according to the Anglican Com- munion News Service (ACNS). Named to the episcopacy just last December, Welby succeeds Dr. Rowan Williams, who is re- tiring at the end of December after 10 years as Archbishop. Williams was quick to issue his own statement, express- ing his delight. “He has an Diocese of Durham extraordinary range of skills Bishop Justin Welby and is a person of grace, pa- tience, wisdom and humour,” England. His hands-on experi- said Williams. “He will bring to ence as an executive in the oil Mary Frances Schjonberg/ENS this office both a rich pastoral industry in Africa and his later Canadians at the Anglican Consultative Council meeting in Auckland, New Zealand. experience and a keen sense experience in conflict resolution of international priorities, for will likely stand him in good Church and world.” stead as he deals with divisive optimism for Communion future A married father of five, Wel- factions within the 77-million- by is considered a flexible but member Anglican Communion. The Anglican Consultative to November 7 in Auckland. their diversity, Anglicans evangelical clergyman holding a From 2002 to 2007, he led Cov- Council (ACC) concluded its Formed in 1969, it is one everywhere share “a high traditional view of marriage but entry Cathedral’s ministry of 12-day New Zealand meeting of the four instruments of common ground” over the also supporting women bishops. reconciliation around the world, optimistic about the future of communion, along with the place of the Bible in their Admitting that he likes to “just serving in dangerous areas of the Anglican Communion. It Archbishop of Canterbury, lives. hang out with people, listen and severe civil conflict such as also renewed its commitment the Lambeth Conference of • Adjusted the wording of participate,” he may prove to be Nigeria. to addressing gender-based Bishops, and the Primates’ the fourth Mark of Mission a very accessible primate. Last month, he took the violence, the environmen- Meeting. to read: “To seek to trans- “I don’t think anyone could financial sector to task in a tal crisis and social justice The ACC: form the unjust structures be more surprised than me at lecture on rebuilding after the issues. • Passed a resolution of sup- of society to challenge vio- the outcome of this process,” post-2008 financial meltdown. Outgoing Archbishop of port for the continuing lence of every kind and to ACNS quoted Welby as saying. Speaking on ethics to finan- Canterbury Rowan Williams indaba process, describ- pursue peace and recon- Educated at Eton and later a ciers in Zurich, he said: “Banks noted that the work actu- ing it as “honest conver- ciliation.” The Canadian graduate in law and history of and financial services gener- ally questions “what kind of sation that works to build church recommended “to Cambridge University, Welby ally need a culture of service, of humanity we’re seeking to community…and provide pursue peace, confliction worked in the oil industry dur- care for the poor and refusal of promote and serve, which is a context in which conflict transformation and recon- ing his 20s, resigning in 1987 injustice. We need to build from a deeply Christian question.” can be resolved.” ciliation” as a sixth Mark to study divinity at Cranmer the ruins something that looks Suzanne Lawson, Angli- • Urged Anglicans to “show of Mission in 2007. Hall in Durham. Ordained as a as if it helps people rather than can Church of Canada lay moral courage” in ad- • Passed a resolution call- deacon in 1992, he rose quickly being there for people to help delegate, said the meeting dressing the cause and ing on the Communion within clerical ranks, becoming it.” Welby further noted that, proved that “the Anglican impact of environmental to implement a charter to a canon at Coventry in 2002. “financial services are crucial to Communion actually works. change. make churches safer. Welby became dean of Liver- human development, but they It’s alive and well, it’s excit- • Heard from the Bible in pool in 2007 and was enthroned only do their job when the work ing, it’s mission-focused.” the Life of the Church —with files from ACNS and the last December as bishop of they carry out is done in a way The ACC met October 27 Project that, in spite of Episcopal News Service Durham, the fourth-most senior that is truly a service.” clerical post in the Church of —diana swift

Gifts for Mission inspires generous bequest im has always been a loyal and generous donor a priority. But the workshop prompted him to Jto the General Synod, The Primate’s World wonder aloud, “What more could I do to provide Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF), and the a legacy for tomorrow?” Anglican Foundation of Canada. He is very fond Jim decided to seek legal counsel, so that his of the Gifts for Mission catalogue because it helps updated will could reflect this shift in his priorities him understand, in real and practical ways, the and he has shared the details with his immediate ministries to which the church is deeply committed. family. They understand that Jim will set aside funds Jim recently attended a gift planning workshop in to help his grandchildren with their educations, but his parish church. He was impressed with what he that he has also made a bequest of 10% to be split learned and left the session with not only a renewed three ways between the General Synod, PWRDF and desire to update his will, but to make an enduring the Anglican Foundation of Canada. provision in it for the mission and ministry he has Jim is grateful for the opportunity to be generous been so dedicated to every year. and to make a difference in the lives of others by Because Jim lives in a spirit of gratitude for God’s making this enduring gift. For their part, Jim’s family many blessings in his life—and the role the church is humbled by his kindness and generosity—he has played in it—he has always made gifts for today continues to be an inspiration to them all.

For further information about gift planning – for various purposes and through various means – please contact Archdeacon John M. Robertson Senior Gift Planning Officer, Resources for Mission General Synod of The Anglican Church of Canada 80 Hayden St., Toronto, ON M4Y 3G2 • Telephone 416.924.9199 ext. 268 Toll-free 1.888.439.GIFT (4438) Kingston home study: 613.384.5608 • Email: [email protected] or your diocesan stewardship and gift planning consultant

6 anglican journal • December 2012 anglican journal special report communication and human rights

december 2012 Telling the truth The right to public memory

By Diana Swift

In North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia and Australasia—wherever groups of people have been systemati- cally victimized—thousands are still liv- ing with the pain of past atrocities, acts that have remained publicly unacknowl- edged. Their right to public memory has been suppressed. The World Association for Christian Communication (WACC) has been a pio- neer in advocating for the right to public memory. “It came out of our long-term work in communication rights,” says Philip Lee, WACC’s deputy director of programs. “You can’t really claim to have freedom of expression unless you have the right to know and remember what happened in the past, and to tell your stories in public.”

Sometimes, governments and others museum of memory and human rights may try to repress these stories in an At the Museum of Memory and Human Rights in Santiago, Chile, a young girl touches a wall that names victims of the brutal dic- effort to move on and leave the past LEST WE FORGET behind. Not surprisingly, those most af- tatorship of General Augusto Pinochet (1973–90), in which more than 3,000 people “disappeared.” The museum functions as a healing bridge between fected by the loss of their history are the past and present, and aims to restore a sense of dignity to those who lost family and friends. WACC has been a pioneer in the concept of the right to most vulnerable: minorities, indigenous public memory, insisting that public memory and acknowledgment are essential aspects of political justice. peoples and the poor. But to reconcile should not mean to forget, Lee points out, adding that sweeping tragic events under the national rug is no foundation for social renewal. WACC, therefore, supports projects that help people reclaim the past and bring them into the public sphere so that all citizens can under- stand the basis on which their country moves forward. “We are looking at the role of the mass media in this process since they Read all about it are often owned by government or con- WACC’s flagship publication,Me - servative business interests that stand dia Development, is an international to reap political and economic gains by quarterly journal dedicated to the suppressing these stories,” says Lee. theory and practice of commu- After the 12-year civil war in El Salva- nication around the world. Many dor ended in 1992 and left some 75,000 contributors write from the perspec- people dead, WACC supported the wikimedia commons tive of the South, highlighting that production of several videos document- A THOUSAND WORDS An audience watches the film Colima, which served as a catalyst for the hemisphere’s social, cultural and ing government-sanctioned massacres. exhumation, identification and return of the bodies of massacred victims in El Salvador’s civil war. spiritual values. Each issue offers One of these was the 59-minute 2008 informed opinions on topics related documentary Colima, recounting a 1980 family representatives and local action Continuing WACC’s role as a stan- to a main theme. The journal also massacre by the paramilitary in a remote groups, and set up a witness web page dard bearer for the right to know the publishes relevant documents and village. It broke the silence and opened for posting stories and testimonies. It past, Philip Lee served as editor of the conference reports, as well as film up the long path toward acknowledg- also co-ordinated training programs for book Public Memory, Public Media and and book reviews. To order, go to ment and restoration of dignity. In 2010, young people wishing to take part in the the Politics of Justice (Palgrave Macmil- http://tinyurl.com/adz5erm or email WACC supported the production of project. In special workshops, families lan, 2012). This collection of papers [email protected] or call 416- several short videos documenting other from different parts of the country came explores how memory is constructed 691-1999, ext. 221. massacres that took place in El Salvador together to share information about their and controlled in different societies, and during the 1980s and ’90s. legal rights and the role of communica- identifies links between the politics of WACC also supported the creation tion in restoring public memory of sup- memory, media representations and the This report was made possible of a communication network for the pressed events. “Some 240 individuals politics of justice. “It basically questions with a grant from the World families of victims. The group CO- were empowered to communicate their what we think we know about recent Association for Christian DEFAM organized discussions with stories and needs,” says Lee. history,” says Lee. Communication.

special report: communication and human rights 1 communication and human rights Knowledge is power

By Diana Swift munication (WACC) is striving to change, Think of the pain of replacing silence with an inclusive climate Most of us in North America believe that living in a society where of communication and knowledge sharing. communication is free—like the air we WACC believes that the absence of com- breathe. Yet that is not always the case. the records of past munication, the withholding of informa- Many countries face communication “ tion at both the national and community atrocities are ploughed restrictions or censorship. Many are levels, are just as much a part of unjust information-poor. under in a field of silence global structures as unfair wages, inequita- Imagine living in a society where you so that victims’ stories are ble land ownership, gender discrimination do not have the right to listen, view, read and restricted access to nutrition, water, or be heard; where you are denied access rarely heard. education and health care. It believes that, to information deemed essential in other through communication, many wounds societies for human dignity and quality the pain of living in a society where the can be healed and many unjust structures of life. Imagine being ostracized like a records of past atrocities—of massacres can be made right. Read on to learn about medieval leper for having HIV because and disappearings and genocides—are some of WACC’s important projects your country lacks the means to dissemi- ploughed under in a field of silence so that around the world. nate accurate information on transmission, victims’ stories are rarely heard. prevention and treatment, and citizens This is the kind of society that the Diana Swift is a contributing editor to the lack the literacy skills to read it. Think of World Association for Christian Com- Anglican Journal.

Human dignity and the right to know

with its headquarters based in Toronto. It also maintains an Strengthening office in London, England. The association’s broad networks of base of international funding partners includes churches, communicators government agencies, chari- ties and social justice groups. Do you know what WACC is? Today, WACC has 1,500 If not, you’re in good com- corporate and personal pany. The World Association members and affiliates in 120 for Christian Communication countries across eight regions: (WACC)—an international Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, organization that promotes Europe, Latin America, the communication as a basic hu- Middle East, North America man right—may be one of the and the Pacific. best-kept secrets in Christian Under the leadership networking today. of WACC’s Toronto-based WACC strongly supports general secretary, the Rev. the communication of human Dr. Karin Achtelstetter—a rights through the arts. In Lutheran minister and former 2010, it gave its annual hu- director of the Lutheran man rights award to the docu- World Federation in Ge- mentary film The Garden at neva—members champion the End of the World. Directed communication for social by Australian filmmaker Gary change. Their abiding belief Caganoff, the film explores is that communication defines the tragic consequences of people’s common humanity, war in Afghanistan and the strengthens cultures, enables widespread hunger, homeless- participation, creates commu- ness and lawlessness that war nity and challenges tyranny leaves in its wake. In particu- and oppression. lar, it focuses on the lives of Significantly, WACC is widows and orphans. genuinely ecumenical in its Rooted in the Christian composition and activities, faith, WACC works with all encouraging co-operation those denied the right to com- between Protestant, Anglican, municate because of status, Orthodox and Roman Catho- identity, gender or illiteracy. It lic communicators. While advocates inclusive informa- challenging Christian denom- tion and knowledge, promotes inations to seek the broadest societies with full access to possible base for their com- communication and supports munication activities, WACC open and diverse media. also promotes co-operation “WACC strengthens between people of other faiths photo: teach for tomorrow by chetan soni networks of communica- and ideologies. OPENING UP THE WORLD A volunteer teaches basic computer skills to tribal children in India. tors to promote greater For more information understanding of peace and about the World Association social justice,” says Philip history dates back to 1950, for Christian Broadcasting registered as a not-for-profit of Christian Communication Lee, WACC’s Toronto-based the current organization was merged with groups of North business in Canada in 2006 and how you can become a deputy director of programs. established in 1968 when the American communica- and became a Canadian chari- member, go to Although the association’s former World Association tors. WACC Canada was table organization in 2008, www.waccglobal.org —D.S.

2 special report: communication and human rights • anglican journal • December 2012 Maybe it’s easier for university students to lose their fear. But for us women, because we have only a basic education, to lose our fear is a very big challenge. Thanks to the varied training we’ve received in communities such as this, we have overcome, bit by bit,“ our fear of speaking into microphones, and have gone on to explain, to show our faces and to say, ‘I belong to the community.’ For women it is especially difficult, but I feel proud to be a people’s reporter who transmits news from her community to society. — Marta Condori Tambillo de Laja, Bolivia

empowering indigenous and disabled people in Bolivia

You’re a member of Bolivia’s first is building capacity and Index, this instrument is indigenous Aymara empowerment so that people designed to evaluate access community, living in a small can make their rightful claims to communication at different rural village. As a speaker of an to entitlements like housing, levels of society, from local to aboriginal language (one of 36 education and health care. The national. Is communication in the country), you have only other is a novel pilot project available to speakers of a few years of primary school, a establishing a communication indigenous languages? And sketchy knowledge of Spanish index, which is a tool to since the project also focuses and therefore limited ability measure the degree to which on people with disabilities, to communicate your needs communication freedoms exist is information available in and to understand and receive in the country.” Braille or via devices for the your rightful entitlements as a In the first arm of the project, hearing-impaired? citizen. community leaders attend WACC chose Bolivia for That’s why WACC’s current workshops in media structure this experiment because flagship project—based in and organization. They learn about two years ago, Bolivia Bolivia’s capital city of La Paz how to write stories clarifying became the first country in and its sister city, El Alto—is their needs and aspirations, the world to write into its directed at helping indigenous and how to approach, say, their constitution the universal right people, particularly women. community radio stations to to communication. “If it works Co-funded by the Canadian spread important messages in the context of Bolivia, the International Development and draw more people into model can be replicated in Agency, this year-old the discussion. In case their other countries,” says Aveggio. project is working with two requests for a village teacher, For the Rev. Dr. Karin Bolivian partner groups to doctor, housing or water are Achtelstetter, WACC’s general train indigenous citizens to ignored, they also learn how to secretary, the ultimate outcome understand how the mass take their concerns up a step of this communication project media work and how grassroots to a newspaper or television is human dignity for indigenous organizations can harness them station in a nearby city, and so and disabled citizens: “A person to their benefit on issues that on up to the national level, until will be able to say, ‘This is my affect them. their issues are addressed. right. I am not begging. I am “The program has two Aveggio is particularly not asking for charity. This is strands,” says María Teresa excited about the second in the constitution and it is my CECOPI (Center for Education and Communication for Indigenous Communities and Peoples) Aveggio, program manager aspect of the Bolivian project. right to ask for it because I am Marta Condori communicates her needs as a citizen of Bolivia’s indigenous for recognizing and building Based loosely on the United a full member of society.’ ” ­ Aymara community. communication rights. “The Nations’ Human Development — D.S.

Promoting Acceptance of People with Hiv/aids In the Nigerian city of Lagos, home Among the perceived stumbling to almost eight million souls, WACC The two major faith groups are blocks were the project’s clearly Chris- works with Hope for HIV/AIDS Interna- willing to work together as a team, tian sponsorship and training venue tional (HFA) to promote acceptance of and the presence of biblical messages people with HIV/AIDS. as community change agents. in the program materials. Should they “Mainstream society tends to ostra- “ — Lolade Abioye hold separate sessions for Muslims? cize whole families because of HIV/ Project Administrator But when men in skullcaps and women AIDS in violation of their rights,” says Hope for HIV/AIDS International, Lagos in hijab showed up, it was clear that a Dr. Sarah Macharia, WACC’s Kenya- separate training course would not be born program manager for HIV/AIDS responding in Arabic with “As-salaam nity will take ownership and continue necessary. communication and stigma. So WACC alaykum” (peace be upon you). on with it,” she says. Funded chiefly by As follow-up after training, the is helping HFA sponsor a communica- After training, clergy return to their the U.K. government’s department for Christian and Muslim clerics in each tion training program for Christian and congregations and act as communica- international development, this initia- of the 10 municipal districts served by Muslim clergy to combat the stigma. tors to challenge the stigmatization of tive receives input from WACC in terms the communication program meet once Upon completing the joint training affected people and their next of kin. of staff time and consulting visits to a month with a community leader to program, Christian pastors receive a The clergy remain the principal purvey- Lagos. discuss their experiences. wooden cross tied with a red ribbon. ors of information in their regular ongo- In the early planning stages, the “The inter-religious connection was Muslim imams get a wooden crescent ing interactions with congregants. But project was targeted at the Christian a big surprise for us and our partners,” tied with a red ribbon. During recent at the same time, there’s a “knock-on community only. Recognizing, however, says Macharia. “The Muslims come to sessions, which take place at a Chris- effect in the congregations, a snowball that 30 per cent of the population of a Christian office and see beyond the tian office, some Imans may well have effect,” Macharia says. Lagos is Muslim, the organizers asked, faith divisions. They see how they can stood up and graciously said, “Praise Conceived in 2010, the project will “Why not include Muslims since they better serve those who look up to them.” the Lord,” with the Christian pastors end in 2014. “But we hope the commu- live alongside Christians?” — D.S.

special report: communication and human rights 3 communication and human rights

looking to the future

divide,” says the Rev. Dr. Karin Achtelstetter, WACC’s general secretary. “It is vital to understand the relation- ship between information and communication technol- ogies and the current global SOCIAL MEDIA financial system.” WACC is exploring ethical questions raised by the explosion of online informa- tion platforms and citizen journalists. “We have a plan to come up with a code of ethical practice that bloggers and citizen journalists could subscribe to—a standard that JUSTICE AND PEACE would encourage objectiv- ity and impartiality in their WACC will have a strong leslie knott reporting of events,” says presence at the World Coun- BREAKING WITH TRADITION Shrouded in a burka, a female journalist conducts an interview in the northern Philip Lee, deputy director of cil of Churches’ Assembly Afghanistan village of Maimana for her radio station’s agriculture program. The program runs on Radio Quyaash, an programs. in Busan, Korea, in 2013. Its independent broadcasting facility managed by women. This photo, taken by Leslie Knott, a photojournalist based in vision of communication Kabul, was a recent winner in WACC’s annual photo competition. for all will be explored in presentations, workshops and an exhibition of practical resources—yet one more way in which WACC is seeking a voice for healing in Sierra Leone to change the world for the better. ­ In November 2012, Radio Sha- October and was set up in lom, a peace-and-reconciliation the station,” says Philip Lee, GLOBAL FINANCE station run by the Council WACC’s deputy director of WACC is throwing its of Churches of Sierra Leone, programs in Toronto. support behind efforts to began broadcasting—thanks In an initial fundraising push redesign the global financial to funds raised by the World during April 2012, WACC met and economic architecture to Association for Christian Com- the qualifying target amount of be fairer to poor and mar- munication (WACC). US$4,000 and became a perma- ginalized people. At a recent Operating from Sierra nent member of GlobalGiving, international meeting in São Leone’s capital, Freetown, Radio an online funding platform for Paulo, Brazil, it argued that GENDER BALANCE Shalom is expected to be an humanitarian aid and develop- since the global information important voice for healing and reconciliation, and work ment (www.globalgiving.org). and communication system WACC is planning to launch in this West African country, toward healing war trauma and As of mid-October, the is part of this unjust struc- a learning resource kit for which is still recovering from a promoting harmony between campaign was just a few ture, communication rights gender-ethical journalism decade of devastating civil war different ethnic and religious thousand dollars short of its and access to communica- and media-house policy, pre- in which 50,000 people died. groups. It will focus especially goal of US$12,000. One gift of tion technology must be part pared in collaboration with Broadcasting is an essential on youth and children, filling US$4,000 came from a donor of the transformation. the International Federation medium of communication in in gaps in their education and in Tahiti who wanted to show “To achieve economic of Journalists. This resource this country since an estimated encouraging them to become solidarity with the people of and social justice, we need will promote fair gender 80 per cent of the population peace ambassadors in schools Sierra Leone. Donations can be to bridge the digital divide coverage and non-sexist cannot read. and communities. made at www.globalgiving.org. as much as the North-South language in the media. — D.S. The station will broadcast “The broadcasting equip- — D.S. programs aimed at peace ment reached Freetown in

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4 special report: communication and human rights • anglican journal • December 2012 Across Canada + the communion A natural revolutionary yes to more Anita Bundy, who passed Closure of ABC ‘the end of an era’ away on Oct. 23 at the age blessings of 93, was a “natural revo- Augsburg Fortress Canada— lution- the bookseller for the Angli- Two more dioceses within the ary,” can Church of Canada—has Anglican Church of Canada— says announced the closure of the Edmonton and Rupert’s Land— the Rev. Anglican Book Centre (ABC), have now exercised their right Clarke effective Jan. 18, 2013. Patrons to “local option” and will offer Ray- will now be served online and blessings of civil marriage mond. by phone (800) 265-6397. to same-gender couples. At Bundy Founded more than 100 its 2010 meeting, General Bundy worked years ago, ABC is an inter- Synod recognized that the lo- as his executive assistant nationally known retailer of cal option has been exercised during her 30-year career books, vestments and church without the approval of the with the church. “She supplies. Sales were down by national church. taught me a lot—about 28 per cent in 2011, which is Parishes in both Rupert’s confidentiality, the im- “below the break-even level,” Land and Edmonton will need portance of letting people said a joint statement released to pass a formal resolution know, keeping people in by the Anglican Church of expressing their desire to have

the loop,” Raymond says, Canada and Augsburg Fortress. marites n. sison such blessings before they can praising her contribution “In spite of hard work and inno- THE HOT STOVE of the church, ABC bookstore offers informal fellowship. be offered. And in both dio- to the General Board of vation, the trend has continued ceses, clergy must ask for the Religious Education and in 2012,” said the statement. Andy Seal, director of ABC/ you wanted to see.” bishop’s permission to offer the program departments The decline in revenues was Augsburg Fortress Canada. Brianna Locke, ABC sales the blessing. of General Synod. attributed to competition from Archdeacon Michael Thomp- associate, said the bookstore’s Approximately one-third of Raymond also remarked web-based book retailers and son, general secretary of the closure represents “the end of the Anglican Church of Canada’s on Bundy’s support for the increase in readership of Anglican Church of Canada, an era.” So many people have 30 dioceses now have moved women working at the An- e-books. “Religious book and called ABC the “hot stove” enjoyed the fellowship and the forward with same-sex bless- glican Church of Canada’s gift stores across Canada have of the church, a place “where personal experience of being in ings, an issue that has deeply national office in Toronto. faced significant challenges people gathered to buy books a bookstore, she said in an in- divided Anglicans in Canada —Leigh anne williams resulting in the closure of 120 and other things, and where of- terview. “That’s something rare and worldwide. stores in the past 10 years,” said ten you would run into someone nowadays.” —staff —staff

FEDS urged to rethink cuts The Anglican diocese of Mon- rehabilitation and reintegra- treal has urged the federal gov- tion into society.” According to ernment not to go through with published reports, a surprise an- the proposed abolition of 49 nouncement in October by Pub- part-time prison chaplains, in lic Safety Minister Vic Toews federal prisons across Canada. means chaplaincy service in Delegates to the annual dioc- federal prisons will be left to 71 Know the Bible? esan synod called on the gov- full-time chaplains, almost all Take this quiz and find out! ernment instead to “properly Christian. All three chaplains in fund those human resources the Montreal diocese would be which assist inmates in their affected. —Harvey Shepherd 1. What verse in the Old Testament told which town the Messiah would be born in? 2. To whom did God appear to in a dream and warn not augsburg fortress bookstore to go to Herod? 500 Trillium Drive, Kitchener, ON • (519) 748-2200 3. How many times did an anglican book centre angel appear to Joseph in 80 Hayden Street, Toronto, ON • (416) 924-1332 a dream? 4. How many women are mentioned in the genealogy in Matthew 1? 5. After seeing the Babe in the manger, what did the shepherds do?

Conover Swofford is The perfect gift for kids the author of three Bible trivia The Josie Project books, Bible Trivia Challenge, new So You Think You Know The Deep Blue Kids Bible Bible? and Can You Outsmart Newly graduating/graduated? Using the new Common English Bible A Sunday Schooler? (Barbour What’s next? translation, this new kids Bible is sure to be a Publishing). She lives in The Anglican churches of Agassiz and hit! Fun, engaging call-outs and in-text notes western Georgia. Hope, B.C. are planning to offer a help kids navigate through the Bible and lay the foundation for sound biblical knowledge. Ideal residential vocational discernment program for kids aged 8-12. Several editions are avail- Sept. 2013 – May 2014 to post-secondary able, including hardcover and gift editions. graduates,19-30 years old, thinking of Introductory pricing starts at $26.99. entering intentional ministry. Visit www.afcanada.com/deepblue for full selection. For more information & application form contact www.allsaints-agassiz.ca 1-800-265-6397 • afcanada.com AN S W ERS 1. Micah 5:2 2. the wise men 2:12) (Matthew (Matthew 3. three 1:20; 2:13; 2:19) 4. five (Tamar, she Ruth, Rahab, wife Uriah’s who was Mary) [Bathsheba], the news spread 5. 2:17) (Luke augsburg fortress bookstore 500 Trillium Drive, Kitchener, ON • (519) 748-2200 anglican book centre 80 Hayden Street, Toronto, ON • (416) 924-1332

anglicanjournal.com 7 Across Canada + the communion former journal chair to retire It’s time for someone else to take the ministry of the York-Simcoe area in the diocese of Toronto to its next chap- ter, says Bishop George Elliott, who has an- nounced plans to retire April 30, 2013. “I think the ministry is in good shape,” Elliott said Elliott, who was ordained a priest in 1980 and elected a suffragan bishop in the diocese of Toronto in December 2000. “I’ve got a great group of clergy,” he told the Journal. York-Simcoe is comprised of 66 congregations and 44 parishes in one of the fastest growing regions in southern Ontario. Looking back, Elliott said some of his most enjoyable memories as a bishop have come from his Sunday morning visits to congregations. contributed “From Day One, I have found it re- Japanese kindergarten students hold Hope Bears and Hope Bear colouring books from the Anglican Foundation of Canada. ally life-giving and exciting. People are unbelievably welcoming. This has made it easy for me to offer my Impact of Canadian missionaries felt in Japan support.” Elliott said he also enjoyed his Archbishop Fred Hiltz says The diocese was established Communion in Japan (The The primate visited the stint as chair of the now-defunct respect for the work of Cana- by Canadian Anglican mis- Nippon Sei Ko Kai). graves of Canadian mission- Anglican Journal Board. dian missionaries that began sionaries in 1911, said Hiltz, At a kindergarten class- aries in Karuizawa, Nagano, “Bishop Elliott has been a tre- in Japan in 1888 is very much adding that everywhere he room in Shinchi-cho, where and attended the 80th anni- mendous source of strength and alive today. went, there were tributes to 11 children and a teacher versary celebration of New encouragement to the Journal “It’s pretty humbling,” Canadian missionaries and died in the tsunami, Hiltz Life Hospital, established by and its staff,” said Kristin Jenkins, said Hiltz, who visited Ja- Canadian Anglicans. signed a memory book and the Anglican Church of Can- editor. “I am deeply grateful for his pan to take part in the 100th In Sendai, Hiltz spoke then went to the new kinder- ada in 1932. The first director wisdom and support and will miss anniversary celebration of with survivors of the 2011 garten, where he delivered of New Life, now a general his optimism and gentle counsel.” the diocese of Chubu at St. earthquake and tsunami who Hope Bears and Hope Bear hospital, was Dr. R. K. Start, Elliott plans to mentor and Matthew’s Anglican Cathe- were being cared for by a colouring books from the An- a Canadian. coach young clergy. —M.s. dral, in Nagoya, on Oct. 8. program run by the Anglican glican Foundation of Canada. —Marites sison

Christmas A simple gift. remembered subscriptionand treasured service for new Years to January come Most IMportant Bible Readings Place label in this space. If not available, print old address here. IF… c You have moved c You are receiving more than one copy c You have moved to a new parish c Your name, address or postal code is incorrect Are not two sparrows sold Please check the appropriate box above and print new information below. for a penny? Yet not one of Name ______them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. Address ______Shopper’—MatthewS 10:29 City/Town ______Marketplace Day Reading Day Reading Province ______Postal Code ______Shoppers’ Marketplace 01 Genesis 18.16-33 c 17 1 Corinth. 10.18–11.1 c New Church ______c c 02 Numbers 14.1-25 18 Luke 9.18-27 Previous Church ______03 Numbers 24.1-19 c 19 John 2.1-12 c 04 Isaiah 60.1-22 c 20 1 Corinth. 12.1-11 c Mail this information to: Circulation Department 05 Micah 4.6–5.5 c 21 1 Corinth. 12.12-31a c aThank you nglican Journal, 80 Hayden street, toronto, on M4Y 3G2 06 Matthew 2.1-12 c 22 Nehemiah 8.1-12 c E-mail: [email protected] 07 Exodus 1.8–2.10 c 23 1 Samuel 2.1-11 c Wedding 08 Judges 13.2-25 c 24 2 Samuel 7.1-17 c Privacy Statement Anglican Journal is responsible for managing subscriber information collected A symbolic statement of unity for various church publications as well as specific types of information collected for the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Oak Memory Bench and commitment. Two names 09 Judges 16.4-22 c 25 Acts 9.1-19a c Canada. We respect Anglicans’ rights to control information collected on their behalf. We value the trust of members of the Anglican with carved names and dates Church of Canada and recognize that maintaining this trust requires that we be transparent and accountable in how we treat informa- joined togeher by the date. 10 Hosea 11.1-11 c 26 2 Samuel 7.18-29 c tion that is shared with us. Wedding –- A symbolicsymbolic statement statement 11 Matthew 2.13-23 c 27 Luke 4.16-30 c Subscriber information for Anglican Journal is primarily collected from parish subscription lists. Information is also received directly of unity andand commitment.commitment.Two Two from subscribers, Canada Post (changes of address), and diocesan offices. Occasionally we make subscription lists from selected dio- names joined togethertogether by by the the date. date. 12 Luke 3.1-14 c 28 1 Kings 3.1-15 c ceses available to specific companies whose products or services we believe may be of interest to you. An opt-out option is provided in every issue of the newspaper (see above) that allows you to advise us if you do not wish to receive this material. Visit: www.thisgift.com 13 Luke 3.15-38 c 29 Psalm 71.1-12 c A complete copy of our privacy policy is available at www.anglicanjournal.com or by contacting (416) 924-9199 Ext. 241. or call: 1-800-644-7534 14 Amos 5.1-15 c 30 Psalm 71.13-24 c 905-642-7437 To readers in the diocese of: Arctic, Athabasca, British Columbia, Caledonia, Edmonton, Montreal, Moosonee, Parishes of the Central c c Interior, Quebec, Qu’Appelle and Saskatchewan. Occasionally we make our subscription lists available to specific companies Handmade in Canada, 15 Amos 5.16-27 31 Jeremiah 1.1-19 Shipped across North America 16 1 Corinth. 10.1-17 c whose products or services we believe may of interest to you. c if you do not wish to receive this material, please check this box.

Phone number is missing 8 anglican journal • December 2012 the last number ‘7’ 905-642-7437 arts and culture Those who sing, pray twice

Musicians Allison Lynn and Gerald Flemming recently re- turned from a month-long tour of Canada’s east coast feeling tired but elated. The husband and wife duo performed to packed concert halls as well as worship ser- vices at Anglican and United Churches, the Salvation Army and Christian camps. Their music blends gospel, praise and worship, country and jazz music. The duo has released two new CDs—Infinitely More and Every Church is a Small Town— and feel “crazy blessed” to

have their CDs backed by top contributed Nashville musicians, Lynn said MUSIC IS DEEP in our humanity, says husband and wife song-writing duo. The sacred journey in an interview. Every Church is a Small Town is Flemming’s spirituality. [As people say], ral Canada to gospel nights at Juno award-winning singer- poems are incorporated in solo vocal and songwriting those who sing, pray twice.” Moonshine Cafe, a live enter- songwriter Steve Bell has several songs. Bell also offers debut and it features 10 of his The couple, who have de- tainment café/bar in Oakville, released Keening for the his “off-the-beaten track” in- inspirational country songs. grees in drama and playwrit- Ont. Of the latter, Lynn says Dawn, a new album that ex- terpretation of “In the Bleak Infinitely More is the duo’s ing, hold workshops on music the experience reminded her plores the deeper tradition of Midwinter,” a Christmas debut album of “praise, reflec- and songwriting for children of the parable of the sower and Christmas, as a sacred jour- carol based on an ancient tion and encouragement,” fea- as well as performance. “There the seed. ney that begins in Advent poem written by the English turing eight of their original are so many people who need “The sower didn’t look for and ends in Epiphany. “Sel- poet Christina Rosetti in the compositions and two familiar to hear a message of hope,” the good soil,” she notes. “He dom has Christmas drawn 1870s. Artists from James hymns (“How Great Thou Art” says Lynn. And while music sowed the seed in different near with greater beauty in Taylor to Sarah McLachlan and “Amazing Grace”) that are can create good feelings, she places.” Like the sower, “we song,” says Kevin Belmonte, have given voice to this carol, given a fresh interpretation. says that “through the gospel never presume to know where author of the award-winning and Bell’s version is elegant- “There’s something about we have the chance to give the good soil is,” says Lynn. “It biography, William Wilber- ly arranged with a symphony music that really reaches us hope and encouragement be- could be someone in that bar force: A Hero for Humanity. orchestra. and takes us to a place that’s yond the moment.” who’s ready for the gospel or Keening for the Dawn The album also includes not limited by our own expec- The duo have performed there could be people in that (Christmastide) includes col- “Glory,” a ballad written by tations or baggage,” Lynn told in many unique venues—ev- beautiful church who are just laborations with the English Canadian songwriter Alana the Journal. “It’s deep in our erything from cathedrals to not ready yet.” poet-priest Malcolm Guite, Levandoski. humanity and it’s deep in our small country churches in ru- —M.s. whose powerful spoken word —Marites n. sison Breaking the silence a good alternative For Giles Walker, the process of writing Wake Me in the Morning—a book about attending Bishop’s In this religiously pluralistic College School (BCS) in Lennoxville, Que. in the age, “interfaith” usually entails 1950s—required him people of goodwill from differ- to hold very tightly to Wake me ing spiritual traditions meeting one biblical principle: in the morning temporarily for a service or a the truth will set you Self-published project—homelessness, say— free. Kindle e-book $9.99 and then going back to their His book offers an Paperback $20.00 own paths. inspiring account of www.wakemebook.com In The Interfaith Alterna- two BCS students who isbn 978-0-9877931-0-2 tive: Embracing Spiritual Di- found the courage to contributed versity, the Rev. Steven Greene- speak out about the INSPIRING ACCOUNT of courage baum, the Jewish founder of abuse students were suffering at the hands of an the Living Interfaith Church Anglican priest. Breaking the silence is essential, Walker spent three decades researching his book. in Lynwood, Wash., argues that Walker told present-day students. “There is no Although health problems have interrupted his today’s divided world needs The Interfaith turning your back on your past. You have to face plans to turn the book into a film, he is producing more. Interfaith, as a spiritual Alternative it truthfully and acknowledge that it happened.” a new edition of the book with an epilogue that practice, he writes, can serve Embracing Spiritual A filmmaker who was staff director at the includes letters of thanks from many other former as a new model for how we Diversity National Film Board of Canada for 20 years and students. deal with each other and a new by Steven Greenebaum received an Oscar nomination for a short drama, — Leigh Anne Williams vision for how we act on our New Society Publishers, religious beliefs to live com- 2012 isbn 978-0-86571-705-3 passionate lives and share the $14.95 An ancient family united under one roof world in harmony. In this book, which at its core A historic compilation of the edition features a coffee table is about human community and sacred writings of Jews, Chris- format, calligraphy, charts and justice, Greenebaum explores and compassion with the Chris- tians and Muslims features artwork. how we can celebrate religious tian or Jewish or Hindu faiths, respected English translations According to Dr. Brown, the diversity—what he sees as our what is important is that your of the complete texts of the scriptural trilogy points out different religious languages— spiritual path leads you to seek Torah, the New Testament and that these writings, sacred to without losing our own spiritual love and compassion in your the Quran. the family of Abraham, Sarah identity. He posits a new creed, life.” Edited by the Rev. Dr. Brian and Hagar, are all related, tell- Interfaith, which is a faith rather Greenebaum tackles provoc- , a United Church ing many of the same stories than a religion with system- ative topics such as religions as of Canada theologian and min- but from differing perspectives. atized beliefs. Of himself, he languages, the sin of tolerance ister, Three Testaments: Torah, They are also supplementary— says: “My faith is Interfaith. My and right belief versus compas- Gospel, and Quran is prefaced critiquing, confirming and spiritual path is Judaism.” sionate action. This brief and Three Testaments Torah, Gospel, and Quran by scholars who are also active amplifying one another in ways Interfaith does not try to es- clearly written book may re- members of in their respective that can lead the often-warring tablish a new religious language kindle hope for the possibility Edited by Brian Arthur Brown faith groups, with additional members of this ancient family but rather, writes Greenebaum, of an inclusionary and harmo- commentary on prevailing to better mutual understanding “seeks to acknowledge that nious world. Rowman & Littlefield, 2012 isbn 978-1-44221-14927 $65. conditions in ancient times. today. —diana swift whether you seek a life of love Seven years in the making, the —d.s.

anglicanjournal.com 9 education directory

AtlAntic School of huron uniVerSity college trinity college The oldest centre education. TCS, a caring and supportive been introduced such as the master of theology, an ecumenical university London, Ontario Whether you’re seeking for theological studies in the Anglican educational community, exists to prepare divinity for Pioneer ministries and serving Christ’s mission, cultivates excel- personal development, a critical graduate Church of Canada, the Faculty of young men and women to thrive in the master of theological Studies in lence in graduate-level theological educa- research environment, or ministry skills for Divinity offers a wide variety of accred- university and beyond. This community urban and international development. tion and research, creative and faithful ordination, Huron can accommodate your ited programs, at master’s and doctoral values developing habits of the heart The flexibility of part time study and online learning in the masters programs formation for lay and ordained ministries, needs. Affiliated with The University of levels, in ecumenical collaboration within and2 A mindNGLICAN and continuesJOURNAL the tradition CLASSIFIEDS December 2007 and understanding among communities of Western Ontario, the Faculty of the Toronto School of Theology and in of beginning each day with a chapel provides accessibility. Financial support in faith. Courses are offered both on campus Theology is ATS accredited. Offering: federation with the University of Toronto. service before heading off to classes. Our all programs is available. Liberal and catholic in theology, and online. AST is fully accredited by the B.Th., M.Div., MTS, MA degrees; Lay supportive and close-knit community of Visit us at www.wycliffecollege.ca consciously reflective of the liturgy and Association of Theological Schools (ATS) Certificate; and spring or summer youth students, parents, alumni, staff and friends or telephone (416) 946-3547 for the spiritual life, encouraging excellence Anniversaries Church Windows Education Directory Education Directory Education Directory in Canada and the US. Program offer- program, “Ask & Imagine.” 2 ANGLICAN JOURNAL make the School on the Hill a truly special December 2007 For info: Dean of Theology, 1349 in the practice of ministry, engaged in furtherCLASSIFIEDS information. ings include: Master of Divinity degree place. Western Rd., London, ON, N6G 1H3. current issues of society, connected to We extend an invitation to all former CONFLICT MANAGEMENT FOR COLLEGE OF EMMANUEL ST JOHN’S COLLEGE (Est. 1866), To set up a visit or obtain more informa- (honors, on-campus, and summer distance Email: [email protected] church communities and offering financial parishioners and clergy of St. Thomas EDWARDS FAITH COMMUNITIES AND ST. CHAD University of Manitoba, Winnipeg options), Master of Arts (Theology and Phone: (519) 438-7224, x289. support in all programs. For more tion,Anglican please Church contact, Wainwright,the Admissions Alberta, GLASS COMPANY LTD. Institute of Peace and Conflict Member of the Saskatoon Theological People come to St John’s to find a Religious Studies) degree, Graduate OfficeCanada atto (905) join us885-3209 in celebrating or our Union, affiliated with the University of Web: www.huronuc.ca informationAnniversaries please contact: Churchth Windows Education• custom designed Directory Studies, Waterloo,Education Ontario Directory Education Directorywarm community on a large campus. Certificate in Theological Studies, Adult Faculty of Divinity, Trinity College, Email:100 [email protected], July 19-20-21, memorial windows Yes, there is conflict in faith communi- Saskatchewan. Founded in 1879 as Become part of a close knit academic 2008. For more details go to: Education Certificate inTheological Stud- 6 Hoskin Avenue, Toronto ON M5S 1H8 • traditional - contemporary ties! How well is it addressed in your the first university in northwestern community while taking advantage of montreAl dioceSAn We extend an invitation to all former [email protected] or phone Ruth at CONFLICT• releading & MANAGEMENT restoration FOR COLLEGE OF EMMANUEL ST JOHN’S COLLEGE (Est. 1866), ies, and Diploma in Youth Ministry. AST is (416) 978-2133 Wycliffe college, at the Univer- church community? Take skill-building Canada, Emmanuel and St. Chad everything the University of Manitoba theologicAl college, affili- parishioners and clergy of St. Thomas 1-780-842-2478EDWARDS FAITH• stormCOMMUNITIES glazing AND ST. CHAD offers a challengingUniversity theological of Manitoba, cur- Winnipeg located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and facili- [email protected] sity of Toronto is an evangelical Anglican workshops and gain confidence to has to offer. Our residence has single ties include a student residence, a chapel, ated with McGILL UNIVERSITY and a Anglican Church, Wainwright, Alberta, GLASS COMPANY LTD. Institute• custom of woodworking Peace and Conflict Member of the Saskatoon Theologicalriculum focusedPeople on Anglican come tofound- St John’s to find a member of the ecumenical MONTREAL Canada to join us in celebrating our community of learning within the Toronto enquiries invited deal with conflictUnion, inaffiliated creative andwith posi- the University of rooms and 3 suites for a total of 100 and a library with over 86,000 volumes. trinityth college School, School of Theology• custom offering designed both masters Studies, Waterloo, Ontario ations, depth ofwarm Bible community study, and solid on a large campus. SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY, is a 100 ANNIVERSARY, July 19-20-21, memorial windows 471 Newbold Street, tive ways. TopicsSaskatchewan. include understand- Founded in 1879community as formation for strong con- students, as well as excellent services, Academic Department community of scholars and ministers Established in 1865, TCS is one of level and advanced degree programs Yes, there is conflict in faith communi- Become part of a close knit academic 2008. For more details go to: Church• traditional Windows - contemporary London, Ont. N6E 1K4 ing conflict,the spiritual first university practices inand northwesterngregational leadership in a changing and the best food on campus. College telephone: (902)423-5592, offering programs designed to help Canada’s oldest and most respected edu- Our programs are designed to challenge, ties! How well is it addressed in your community while taking advantage of email: [email protected]. [email protected] institutions. orThe phone School Ruth places at a encourage and• releading equip students & restoration from many (519) 649-7225 healing ritualsCanada, for conflict Emmanuel resolution, and St. Chadworld. Be part of the only ecumenical members are eligible for scholarships students develop theological depth, grow churchFax: community? (519) 649-7226 Take skill-building everything the University of Manitoba website: www.astheology.ns.ca. 1balanced-780-842-2478 emphasis on academics, service denominations to •livestorm out theirglazing faith and mediation,offers racism, a challengingfacilitation skills, theologicaltheological cur- school in Canada where and bursaries (over $60,000 awarded in spiritual maturity and exercise pastoral • custom woodworking workshopswww.edwardsglass.net and gain confidence toand theological perspectives. Take has to offer. Our residenceannually). has single The Faculty of Theology, a leadership. Programs lead to L.Th., B.Th., learning, athletics and the arts—as both a provide leadership as either ordained riculum focused on Anglican found-Anglicans and Lutherans study and enquiries invited dealProud with Supporters conflict of The Arthritis in creative Society and posi- rooms and 3 suites for a total of 100 the centre for chriStiAn Dip.Min. and M.Div. L.Th. may be com- long-held TCS tradition and a rethought, or lay leaders in their church and wider workshopsations, for interest depth only of orBible obtain study, a andworship solid together on the same campus. contributing member of the Winnipeg StudieS is a national theological school bined with distance education. Certificate reinvigorated approach to 21st century communities. Innovative471 Newbold programs Street, have tive ways.Established Topics 1920 include understand-Certificatecommunity in Conflict Management formation for for strongDegrees con- offered:students, B.Th., M.T.S., as well M.Div., as excellentTheological services, Cooperative, offers of the Anglican and United Churches of- in Theology available through home Church Windows ARTISTS ANDLondon, CRAFTSMEN Ont. N6E 1K4 ing conflict, spiritual practices andFaith Communities.gregational Clergy leadership receive ain a changingS.T.M., some coursesand the available best food on-line. on campus.accessible College theological education at the IN STAINED GLASS Principal: Dr. Walter Deller, fering community based education. CCS study.2 ANGLICAN AdvancedJ OURNALdegrees (S.T.M., M.A., (519) 649-7225 healing rituals for conflict resolution,10% discount.world. 519-885-0220 Be Decemberpart of ext.the 242542007only ecumenical members are eligible for scholarshipsM.Div. level: a Diploma in Applied CLASSIFIEDS(905) 669-4244 114 Seminary Crescent, Saskatoon, SK offers two-week Leadership Develop- Ph.D.) offered through McGill. Located Fax: (519) 649-7226 mediation, racism, facilitation skills,[email protected] school in Canada where and bursaries (over $60,000Theology awarded and an Advanced Certificate ment Modules, and year-long certificate in downtown Montreal. For information, UclassifiedsNIT #6, 8481www.edwardsglass.net KEELE STREET Education Directory S7N 0X3; Phone: (306) 975-3753; and theological perspectives. Takegrebel.uwaterloo.ca/certificateAnglicans and Lutherans study and annually). The Faculty of Theology,in Priestly aMinistry. (204) 474-8531. programs in Pastoral Care, Education and please contact : The Principal, CONCORD, ONTARIO L4K 1Z7 ______Fax: (306) 934-2683; [email protected] 3473 University St., Montreal, Quebec Proud Supporters of The Arthritis Society workshops for interest only or obtain a worship together on the same E-mail:campus. [email protected];contributing member of the Winnipeg Social Justice Ministry, preparing people Anniversaries Churchstained Windows Glass Education Directory TRINITYEducation COLLEGE DirectoryThe oldest centre Education Directory ______H3A 2A8. (514) 849-3004. stainedEstablished Glass 1920 Certificate in Conflict Management for Degrees offered: B.Th., M.T.S.,Website: M.Div., www.usask.ca/stu/emmanuelTheological Cooperative, offers for lay, diaconal and related ministries. 2 ANGLICAN JOURNAL for theological studies in the Anglican TRINITY COLLEGE SCHOOL, December 2007 www.dio-mdtc.ca. CLASSIFIEDS S.T.M., some courses available______on-line. CCS is committed to a theology of justice We extend an invitation to all former ARTISTS AND CRAFTSMEN CONFLICT MANAGEMENT FOR COLLEGEChurchFaith of Canada,OF Communities. fEMMANUELor allthe Faculty Clergy of receiveSTPort a JOHN’S Hope, COLLEGEON is one (Est.of the 1866), most accessible theological educationHURON at UNIVERSITYthe COLLEGE and to contextual education. Students parishioners and clergy of St. Thomas IN STAINED GLASS AND ST.10% CHAD discount. 519-885-0220 ext. 24254 Principal: Dr. Walter Deller, M.Div. level: a Diploma in Applied EDWARDS FAITH COMMUNITIES Divinity offers a wide variety of accred- Universitywell-established of Manitoba, coeducational, Winnipeg inde- RENISON COLLEGE, University of London, Ontario Whether you're seek- at CCS learn through integration of Anglican Church, Wainwright, Alberta, (905)GLASS 669-4244 COMPANY LTD. [email protected] of the Saskatoon changes, Theological 114 Seminary Crescent, Saskatoon, SK Theology and an Advanced Certificate Queen’S college Institute of Peace and Conflict ited programs, at master’s and doctor- Peoplependent come schools to St in John’s Canada. to findSince a Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario ing personal development, a critical experience and academics, intentional Canada to join us in celebrating our UNIT #6, 8481 KEELE STREET Education Directory Union, affiliatedplease with contact: the University of S7N 0X3; Phone: (306) 975-3753; Moreth than academics. More than Anniversaries• custom designed Studies,Church Waterloo, Windows Ontario alE levels,ducationgr ebel.uwaterloo.ca/certificatein ecumenical Directory collaboration warm1865,Education communityTCS has built onDirectory aa reputationlarge campus. of GiveEducation your childin the Priestly Directorybest in Ministr educationy. (204) 474-8531.graduate research environment, or community building and personal growth 100 ANNIVERSARY, July 19-20-21, CONCORD, ONTARIO L4K 1Z7 Saskatchewan.Say it with Founded a picture in 1879 as Fax: (306) 934-2683; community. Queen’s College offers memorial windows Yes, there is conflict in faith communi- within ______the Toronto School of Theology Becomehigh academic part of standards, a close knit small academic class and resident [email protected] Residences provide a ministry skills for ordination, Huron and transformation. For more information 2008. For more details go to: • traditional - contemporary the firstm universityirell inA northwestern roSS E-mail: [email protected]; students the opportunity to integrate We extend an invitation to all former ties!TRINITY How well COLLEGE is it addressedThe inoldest your centreCONFLICTand in federation MANAGEMENT with the University FOR of communityCOLLEGEsizes, an int OF ernationalwhile EMMANUEL taking flavour, advantage and aof STfamily JOHN’S atmosphere COLLEGE______and (Est.build 1866), commu- can accommodate your needs. about the Centre for Christian Studies knowledge,[email protected] skills and or experience phone Ruth with at • releading & restoration Canada, Emmanuel and St. Chad Website: www.usask.ca/stu/emmanuel parishioners and clergy of St. Thomas churchfor theological community?EDWARDS studies Take skill-building in the AnglicanFAITHphone: COMMUNITIES (416) 924-9199 everythingANDdevoted, ST. caring CHADthe University faculty. TCSof Manitoba prides Universitynity spirit. ofRooms Manitoba, are spacious, Winnipeg com- Affiliated with The University of please visit our website at www.ccsonline.ca personal1-780-842-2478 spirituality in preparation for a • storm glazing offersToronto. aTRINITY challenging Liberal andCOLLEGE theological catholic SCHOOL, in cur- theol- Anglican •Churchcustom, woodworkingWainwright, Alberta, workshopsGLASS and COMPANY gain confidence LTD. to InstituteA picture of Peace extis worth and259 Conflict hasMemberitself to on offer. maintainingof______the Our Saskatoon residence a unique Theologicalhas balancesingle Peoplefortable, come with to modern St John’s conveniences, to find a Western Ontario, the Faculty of or call us at (204) 783-4490. life of faith. Situated on the campus of Church of Canada, the Faculty of riculumogy, consciouslyPort focused Hope, onreflective AnglicanON is ofone found-the of liturgy the most HURON UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Canada to joinenquiries us in invitedcelebrating our deal with conflict• custom in designedcreative and posi- Studies, Waterloo, Ontario roomsUnion, andaffiliated 3 suites with for the a total University of 100 of warm community on a large campus. Memorial University, St. John’s, NL, we th Divinity offers a wide variety of accred-ations,anda email:thousand thewell-established depth spiritual mross@national. of words...Bible life, encouragingstudy, coeducational, and solid inde-between tradition and progressiveness. such as InternetLondon, hook-ups. Ontario General WhetherTheology you're seek- is ATS accredited. Offering: 100 ANNIVERSARY, July 19-20-21, memorial windows Saskatchewan.RENISON Founded COLLEGE, in 1879 as University of 471 Newbold Street, tive ways. Topics include understand- Yes, there is conflict in faith communi- students,From Latin as classeswell as andexcellent daily services,chapel Becomeand Honours part of BA a programsclose knit academicin Arts and B.Th., M.Div., MTS, MA degrees; Lay college of emmAnuel are a degree granting institution and an 2008. For more details go to: ited •programs,traditional - atcontemporary master’s and doctor-communityexcellenceEnterpendent the inanglican.ca formation the M schools arkspractice offor in ofMstrong Canada. ministry,ission con- Sincethe first university in northwestern ing personal development, a critical London, Ont. N6E 1K4 ing conflict, spiritual practices and ties! How well is it addressed in your andservices the bestto Waterloo,wireless food on Internet campus. Waterloo, and College the OntariocommunitySocial Development. while taking Honours advantage of Certificate; and spring or summer associateChurch member Windows of the Association of [email protected] or phone Ruth at • releading & restoration gregationalengaged in leadershipcurrent issues in a of changing society, And St. chAd (519) 649-7225 al levels, in ecumenical collaboration Photofax:1865, Competition (416) TCS has925-8811. built a reputation Canada,of Emmanuel and St. Chad graduate research environment, or Theological Schools offering programs in healing rituals• stormfor conflict glazing resolution, world.church Becommunity? part of the Take only skill-buildingecumenical membersannual Me areGivexican eligible your vs. Caribbean forchild scholarships the Islanderbest in educationeverythingBachelor of the Social University Work. of Asian Manitoba Studies youth program, "Ask & Imagine." Be a part of the only ecumenical 1-780-842-2478Fax: (519) 649-7226 connectedhigh toacademic church communities standards, andsmall classoffers a challenging theological cur- ministry skills for ordination, Huron M.Div., M.T.S., B.Th., B.Th. (by distance), mediation,within• thecustom racism, Toronto woodworking facilitation School skills, of Theologytheologicalworkshops andschool gain in confidenceCanada where to andhockey bursaries game,and (overit’s resident a $60,000community life. awardedResidences that providehasand to ESL offer. a programs. Our residence has single For info: Dean of Theology, 1349 theological school in Canada where www.edwardsglass.net ofDeadline:fering financial January support 1, in 2013 all pro- riculum focused on Anglican found- A.Th. (by distance) as well as Diplomas in andand theological in federationenquiries perspectives. invited with the Take University ofAnglicansdeal withsizes, conflictand an Lutherans int inernational creative study and flavour,and posi- andannually).allows a young Thefamily people Faculty atmosphere to of find Theology, their and pas- a build commu-roomsFor further and 3information suitescan accommodatfor a contact total of 100e your needs.Western Rd., London, ON, N6G 1H3. Anglicans, Lutherans, and United Church grams.anglican.ca/photocontest For more information please ations, depth of Bible study, and solid Theology and Ministry, Pastoral Care, and Proud Supporters of The Arthritis Society workshopsToronto. for Liberal interest and only catholic or obtain in atheol-worshiptive ways.devoted, together Topics caringincludeon the faculty. sameunderstand- campus. TCS pridescontributingsions and challengenity member spirit. the ofRooms ordinary.the Winnipeg are spacious,students,519.884.4404 com- as well Affiliatedext. as 610excellent for with residence services, The University Email: of [email protected] partners study and worship together 471 Newbold Street, contact: Faculty of Divinity, Trinity community formation for strong con- Youth Ministry. To learn more about this Established 1920 Certificate inLondon, Conflict Ont. Management N6E 1K4 for Degreesing conflict,itself offered: onspiritual maintaining B.Th., practices M.T.S., a and M.Div.,unique balanceTheologicalEducation fortable,is Cooperative, the most with valuable offersmodern invest- conveniences,andor e xt.the 633 best for food Westernprogram. on campus. Ontario, College the FacultyPhone: of (519) 438-7224, X289. on the same campus. We are proud unique educational experience contact Church Windows ogy, consciously reflective of the liturgyCollege, 6 Hoskin Avenue, Toronto gregational leadership in a changing www.renison.uwaterloo.ca members of the Saskatoon Theological ARTISTS AND CRAFTSMEN Faith Communities.(Vocations519) 649-7225 Clergy receive a S.Thealing.M.,between ritualssome courses for tradition conflict available resolution,and on-line.progressiveness.accessibleworld.ment and Be parttheologicalultimately,such of as the Internet onlyTCSeducation ecumenicalis hook-ups.the invest-at the Generalmembers are eligibleTheology for scholarshipsis ATS accredited.Web: Offering: www.huronuc.ca The Provost, Queen’s College Faculty and the Fax:spiritual (519) life, 649-7226 encouraging ON M5S 1H8 (416) 978-2133 IN STAINED GLASS 10% discount. 519-885-0220 ext. 24254 Principal:mediation,From Dr. racism, LatinWalter classesfacilitation Deller, and skills, daily chapelM.Div.theologicalment of level: a andlifetime. school a Diploma Honours inTo Canada set in BA upApplied aprogramswhere visit or in and______Arts bursaries and (overB.Th., $60,000 M.Div., awarded MTS, MA degrees;______Lay Union, affiliated with the University of of Theology, 210 Prince Philip Drive, St. www.edwardsglass.net (905) 669-4244 [email protected] in the practice of ministry, [email protected] Seminarytheological Crescent, perspectives. Saskatoon, Take SK Theology and an Advanced Certificate annually). The Faculty of Theology, a Saskatchewan. Founded in 1879 as the John’s, NL, A1B 3R6, or telephone toll Forservices all your to wirelessadvertising Internet and theAnglicansobtain more andSocial information, Lutherans Development. study please and con-Honours Certificate; and spring or summer UNIT #6, 8481 KEELE STREET Education Directory engagedProud in Supporters current of The issues Arthritis Societyof society, S7N______0X3; Phone: (306) 975-3753; MONTREAL DIOCESAN SAINT PAUL UNIVERSITY first university in northwestern Canada, free 877-753-0116 or check our website at grcontemebel.uwaterloo.ca/certificatePlAting religiouS workshopsrequirementsannual for Meinterestxican contact: only vs. orCaribbean obtain a Islanderinworshiptact Priestly Admissions together MinistrBachelor Of y.on f(204) icetheof atSocial same 474-8531.905-885- campus.Work. Asiancontributing Studies memberyouth prof ogram,the Winnipeg "Ask & Imagine." Emmanuel & St. Chad offers a chal- CONCORD, ONTARIO L4K 1Z7 ______connectedEstablished to church 1920 communities andFCertificateax: (306) 934-2683;in Conflict Management for [email protected] or offered:Email: [email protected] B.Th., M.T.S., M.Div., TheologicalTHEOLOGICAL Cooperative, COLLEGE offers, affiliated Faculty of Theology http://www.mun.ca/queens/. life? Members of the Brotherhood E-mail:hockey [email protected]; game, it’s a community that and ESL programs. with McGILL UNIVERSITYFor info: Dean and aof Theology, 1349 lenging theological curriculum focused TRINITYARTISTS COLLEGE AND CRAFTSMENThe oldest centre offering financial support in all pro- FaithCANTERBURY Communities. COL ClergyLEGE receive a ______S.T______.M., some courses available on-line. accessible theological education at the ANGLICAN STUDIES PROGRAM and the Sisters of Saint Gregory are Website:allows www.usask.ca/stu/emmanuelLarry young Gee people to find their pas- For further information contact Western Rd., London, ON, N6G 1H3. on Anglican foundations, depth of bible for theologicalIN STAINED studies GLASS in the Anglican TRINITY COLLEGERL SCHOOL, 10%Windsor, discount. Ontario 519-885-0220(affiliated ext.with 24254 the Principal: Dr. Walter Deller, M.Div.member level: of the a Diplomaecumenical in MONTREAL Applied Academic and pastoral formation take SAint PAul uniVerSity Anglicans,grams. clergy For more andM lay, information without regard please ______519.884.4404 ext. 610 for residenceSCHOOL OF THEOLOGY, is a commu- study, and solid community formation for Church(905) of Canada,669-4244 the Faculty of Port Hope, ON is one of the most [email protected] of andWindsor) challenge Ecumenical the ordinary. HURON114THORNELOE Seminary UNIVERSITY Crescent, UNIVERSITY COLLEGESaskatoon, SK Theology and anEmail: Advanced [email protected] Certificate place in the unique setting of a Roman faculty of theology tocontact: marital status. Faculty of Divinity, Trinity ANGLICAN JOURNAL or ext. 633 for program. nity of scholars and ministers offering strong congregational leadership in a UNIT #6, 8481 KEELE STREET Education Directory Education is the most valuable invest-S7NSudbur 0X3;y, Phone:Ontario (306)An innovative 975-3753; and Phone: (519) 438-7224, X289.Catholic University with a crosscultur- AnglicAn StudieS ProgrAm Divinity offers a wide variety of accred- well-established coeducational, inde- RENISONgrDoctorateebel.uwaterloo.ca/certificate ofCOLLEGE, Ministry ProgrammeUniversity of for London, Ontario Whether you're seek- in Priestly Ministry. (204) 474-8531. changing world. CONCORD, ONTARIO L4K 1Z7 ToCollege, learn more 6 aboutHoskin our Avenue, contemporary Toronto ment and ultimately, TCS is the invest-Fax: (306) www.renison.uwaterloo.ca934-2683; programs designedWeb: to www.huronuc.ca help students al, bilingual milieu. The program pre- Academic and pastoral formation take ited programs, at master’s and doctor- pendent schools in Canada. Since Waterloo,______active clergy Waterloo, and a Pr ogrammeOntario for the ingthriving personal Anglican development, College within a critical [email protected] Degrees offered: B.Th., D.Min in Rural RuleON of M5S Life, visit 1H8 www.gregorians.org (416) 978-2133 E-mail: [email protected];______develop theological depth, grow in place in the unique setting of a Roman al levels, in ecumenical collaboration 1865,TRINITY TCS COLLEGE has built aThe reputation oldest centre of GiveCommunity yourment child of Deaconsthea lifetime. best infor educationTo lay set training up a visitgraduateLaurentian or research University, environment, our Fine Arts, or ______pares candidates for both lay and Ministry and Community Development, ([email protected] Brotherhood of Saint Gregory) or Home Office: Website: www.usask.ca/stu/emmanuel spiritual maturity and exercise pastoral Catholic University with a cross-cultural, within the Toronto School of Theology highfor theological academicRobert standards,studies in the small Anglican class andTRINITYand residentenrichment.obtain COLLEGE life. more Residences The information,SCHOOL, College provide provides please a con-ministryClassics, skills Theatre for ordination,Arts, Women’s Huron ordained ministries in the Anglican L.Th., M.Div. in Youth Ministry, M.T.S., www.sistersofsaintgregory.org (905) 829-9243 ______MONTREAL DIOCESAN leadership. Programs lead to L.Th., bilingual milieu. The program prepares and in federation with the University of sizes,Church______an McCauslandof int Canada,ernational the flavour, Faculty and of a familyPortaccommodation Hope, tatmosphereact AdmissionsON is f or oneandany ofbuild Ofstudent thefice commu-most at of 905-885- the canStudies, accommodat and Religiouse your Studies needs. pro- HURONB.Th., Dip.Min. UNIVERSITYSAINT and M.Div. PAUL COLLEGE L.Th. UNIVERSITY may Church. Academic formation is pur- S.T.M., some on-line courses available candidates for both lay and ordained (The Sisters of Saint Gregory). grammes leadTHEOLOGICAL to Laurentian UniversityCOLLEGE, affiliated sued through the undergraduate civil Toronto. Liberal and catholic in theol- devoted,Divinity offers caring a faculty.wide variety TCS pridesof accred- nitywell-establisheduniversity spirit.3209 inRooms 102or Email:Fax:coeducational, single are spacious, [email protected] in inde-com- 11 AffiliatedRENISON with COLLEGE, The University University of of London,be combined Ontario withFaculty Whether distance of Theology you're education. seek- Principal: The Rev. Terry Wiebe ministries in the Anglican Church. Limited degrees. Wewith also McGILL offer Theology UNIVERSITY at the and a Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.) and the ogy, consciously reflective of the liturgy itselfitedCANTERBURY programs, on maintaining at master’s COL a uniqueL EGEand balance doctor- fortable,pendentfurnished______schoolswith houses modern in and Canada. forconveniences, married Since stu- WesternWaterloo, Ontario, Waterloo, the FacultyOntario of ingCertificate personal in development, TheologyANGLICAN available a STUDIEScritical PROGRAM Contact: Lisa McInnis, Registrar Academic formation is pursued through Artists & Craftsmen of (416) 925-8811 Bachelor’s memberand Diploma of the level. ecumenical MONTREAL Master in Pastoral Theology (M.P.Th.) 114 Seminary Crescent, Saskatoon, and the spiritualRL life, encouraging betweenal levels,Windsor, traditionin ecumenical Ontario and progressiveness.(affiliatedcollaboration with thesuch1865,dents as inTCS Internet 37 has apartments. built hook-ups. a reputation For General informa- of TheologyGive your ischild ATS the accredited. best in education Offering: graduatethrough homeresearch Academicstudy. environment, Advanced and pastoral or formation take the undergraduate civil Bachelor of M FromStained Latin classes Glass and since daily 1856 chapel andhigh Honoursacademic BA standards, programs small in Arts class and B.Th.,Programmes M.Div.,SCHOOL on MTS, campus MAOF THEOLOGY,degrees;and by dis- Lay is a commu-ministry skills for ordination, Huron Programs of the Faculty of Theology. SK S7N 0X3 Phone: (306) 975-1558 Theology (B.Th.) and the Master in excellence in the practice of ministry, withinUniverHave thesity Toronto you of been Windsor) School called byof Ecumenical God?Theology tion contTHORNELOEact: TheEmail: Principal, UNIVERSITY Canterbury and resident life. Residences provide a degrees (S.T.M.,place M.A., in Ph.D.)the unique offered setting of a Roman services toTRADITIONAL wireless Internet OR and the Socialsizes, an Development. international Honours flavour, and a Certificate;tance education.nity andof spring Callscholars for summerdet andails ministersand a offeringcanthrough accommodat McGill. Locatede your needs. in downtown The Faculty also offers an eight-course Fax: (306) 934-2683 Pastoral Theology (M.P.Th.) Programs engaged in current issues of society, andDoctorate in federationCONTEMPORARY of Ministrywith the UniversityProgramme of forCollege,[email protected] 2500 yUniversity, Ontario Ave.An West,innovative andfamily atmosphere and build commu- Catholic University with a crosscultur- annual Mexican vs. Caribbean Islander Bachelordevoted, caringof Social faculty. Work. TCS Asian prides Studies youthcourse pr calendar.ogram, "Ask Information: & Imagine." The AffiliatedMontreal. with Residence The University and apartments of certificate in Anglican Studies. E-mail: [email protected] of the Faculty of Theology. The Faculty connected to church communities and Toronto. ORIGINALLiberalJoin and the DESIGNS catholic Sisters in theol- of Windsorthriving, Ontario Anglican N9B 3Y1. College Phone within nity spirit. Roomsprograms are designedspacious, com-to help students al, bilingual milieu. The program pre- hockeyactiveEXPERT game, clergy it’s RESTORATIONS and a community a Programme that for theanditself ESL on maintainingprograms. a unique balance Forfortable,Provost, info: Thorneloe withDeandevelop modern of Theology, theologicalUniversity, conveniences, 1349 Ramsey depth, growWesternfor instudents Ontario, and visitors.the Faculty For ofinforma- Director: Prof. Kevin Flynn, 223 Main, Website: www.usask.ca/stu/emmanuel also offers an eight-course certificate in offering financial support in all pro- ogy, consciouslySt. reflective John the of theDivine liturgy 519-256-6442,Laurentian fax University,519-256-3382, our Fine Arts, pares candidates for both lay and Anglican Studies. allowsCommunity youngAND people of REPAIRS Deacons to find their for laypas- trainingForbetween further tradition information and progressiveness. contact WesternsuchLake asRoad, Internet Rd.,spiritual Sudbury, London, hook-ups. maturity ON ON, P3E GeneralN6G and2C6. 1H3. exercise Theology tion,pastoral please is ATScontact accredited. : The Principal, Offering: Ottawa, ON K1S 1C4 grams. For more information please and the(Anglican) spiritual in responselife, encouraging to God’s call. e-mail: [email protected] or visit our ordained ministries in the Anglican Robert sionsandEmail: and enrichment. [email protected] the The ordinary. College provides519.884.4404From LatinClassics, classes e xt.Theatre and610 dailyfor Arts, residence chapel Women’s Email:and1-866-846-7635 Honours [email protected] BA Fax:programs (705) 673-in Arts 4979. and B.Th.,3473 UniversityM.Div., MTS, St., Montreal,MA degrees; Quebec Lay Phone: 613-236-1393, Ext. 2427 hAVergAl college Director: Prof. Kevin Flynn, excellencewww.ssjd.ca in the contact: practice [email protected] of ministry, leadership. Programs lead to L.Th., 223 Main, Ottawa, ON K1S 1C4 contact: Faculty of Divinity, Trinity EducationWebsite: is thewww most.eternalglass.com valuable invest- orweb ext. sit Studies,633e: http://www for program. and Religious.uwindsor .ca/Studies pro-Phone:SocialE-mail: Development. (519)[email protected] 438-7224, Honours X289. Web H3A 2A8. (514)Church. 849-3004. Academic [email protected] is pur- Havergal College has been preparing McCausland engagedaccommodation in current issues for anyof society, student of theservices to wireless Internet and the B.Th., Dip.Min. and M.Div. L.Th.Certificate; may and spring or summer Phone: (613) 236-1393, Ext. 2427 College, 6 Hoskin Avenue, Toronto ment and ultimately, TCS is the invest- www.renison.uwaterloo.cageneral/canterbury/grammes lead to Laurentian UniversityWeb:Bachelorsite: http://thorneloe.laur www.huronuc.ca of Social Work. Asianentian.ca/ Studies www.montreal.anglican.org/mdtc.sued through the undergraduatwww.ustpaul.cae civil young women to make a difference since university30 Chaunceyin 102 single Ave., rooms in 11 annual Mexican vs. Caribbean Islander be combined with distance education.youth program, "Ask & Imagine." [email protected] ON M5S 1H8Limit (416) 978-2133ed connected to church communities and ______and ESL programs. 1894. Founded on Anglican values and ment ofT oronto,a lifetime. Ont. To setM8Z up 2Z4 a visit or hockeydegrees. game, it’sWe a community also offer thatTheology at the Certificate in Theology availableFor info: DeanBachelor of Theology, of Theology1349 (B.Th.) and the www.ustpaul.ca [email protected] & Craftsmen of offeringfurnished financial houses support and infor all married pro- stu- For further information contact traditions, the school community gathers obtainTelephone more information, (416) 233-9530 please con- allows Bachelor’syoung people and to Diplomafind their level.pas- through home study. AdvancedWestern Rd., London,Master ON,in Pastoral N6G 1H3. Theology (M.P.Th.) ______grams.dentsHope For in 37more apartments. information Bear Forplease informa- forMONTREAL Christmas DIOCESAN SAINT519.884.4404 PAUL UNIVERSITY ext. 610 for residence with the Chaplain for Morning Prayers Stained Glass since 1856 tact AdmissionsFax (416) Off 234-5450ice at 905-885- sions andProgrammes challenge the on ordinary.campus and by dis- Email: [email protected] of the Faculty of Theology. contact:tion cont Facultyact: ofThe Divinity, Principal, Trinity CanterburyTHEOLOGICAL COLLEGE, affiliated or ext. 633degrees for program. (S.T.M., M.A., Ph.D.) offered three times weekly. A special highlight is thorneloe uniVerSity TRADITIONAL OR 3209 or Email: [email protected] Education is the most valuable invest- Faculty of Theology Phone: (519) 438-7224, X289. College, 6Call Hoskin Toll Avenue, Free Toronto Youwith or McGILL yourtance parish education.UNIVERSITY may buy Call anda f aor details and a through McGill. Located in downtown The Faculty also offers an eight-course our traditional Carol Service held at St. Sudbury, Ontario An innovative and CANTERBURYCONTEMPORARY COLLEGE ______College, 2500 University Ave. West, ment and ultimately, TCS is the invest- ANGLICANwww.renison.uwaterloo.ca STUDIES PROGRAM Web: www.huronuc.ca 1-800-563-1555 Hopemember Bearcourse of for the Christmas calendar.ecumenical with MONTREAL Information: a The Montreal. Residence and apartments certificate in Anglican Studies. Paul’s Anglican Church, the school’s original thriving AnglicanRL College within Lauren- Windsor,ORIGINAL Ontario (affiliated DESIGNS with the ONWindsor M5S 1H8, Ontario (416) 978-2133 N9B 3Y1. Phone ment of a lifetime. To set up a visit or Academic______and pastoral formation take ______M EXPERT RESTORATIONS donationSCHOOLProvost, of OF $20. THEOLOGY, ThorneloeThat money is aUniversity, is commu- Ramsey for students and visitors. For informa- Director: Prof. Kevin Flynn, 223 Main, parish. Today Havergal girls develop into tian University, our Fine Arts, Classical University of Windsor) Ecumenical [email protected] UNIVERSITY obtain more information, please con- place in the unique setting of a Roman Studies, Theatre Arts, Women’s Studies, AND REPAIRS 519-256-6442, fax 519-256-3382, donatednity of Lakescholars to the Road, Kids and Sudbury,Helpingministers Kids offeringON P3E 2C6. Ottawa, ON K1S 1C4 extraordinary young women with inquiring Doctorate of Ministry Programme for Sudbur______y, Ontario An innovative and tact Admissions Office at 905-885- CatholicMONTREAL Universitytion, DIOCESAN please with contacta crosscultur- : The Principal,SAINT PAUL UNIVERSITY and Religious Studies programs lead e-mail: [email protected] or visit ourprograms designed to help students minds, global capability and self-awareness. Email: [email protected] thriving Anglican College within Trust Fund1-866-846-7635, and a child inFax: need (705) 673- 4979.al,THEOLOGICAL bilingual3473 milieu. UniversityCOLLEGE The progr ,St.,affiliatedam Montreal,pre- F Quebecaculty of TheologyPhone: 613-236-1393, Ext. 2427 to Laurentian University degrees. We active clergy and a Programme for the develop3209 or theologicalEmail: [email protected] depth, grow in They are encouraged to investigate and Website: www.eternalglass.com LaurentianCANTERBURYweb site: University, http://www COLL EGEour .uwindsorFine Arts, .ca/ right hereE-mail: in Canada [email protected] benefits. parwith Webes McGILL candidatH3A UNIVERSITYes 2A8. for both (514) layand 849-3004. and a ANGLICAN [email protected] PROGRAM also offer Theology at the Bachelor’s, Community of Deacons for lay training spiritual______maturity and exercise pastoral explore the world around them while Robert RL Classics,Windsor,general/canterbury/ Theatre Ontario Arts,(affiliated Women’s with the site: http://thorneloe.laurentian.ca/ordainedmember of ministries www.montreal.anglican.org/mdtc.the ecumenical in the MONTREALAnglican Academic and www.ustpaul.capastoral formation take Diploma, and Certificate level. Programs and enrichment.30 ChaunceyM The College Ave., provides leadership. Programs lead to L.Th., discovering their own unique capabili- Studies,University and of ReligiousWindsor) StudiesEcumenical pro- THORNELOE UNIVERSITY Church.SCHOOL Academic OF THEOLOGY, formation is a commu-is pur- place in the unique setting of a Roman availableMcCausland on campus and by distance accommodationToronto, Ont.for any M8Z student 2Z4 of the B.Th., Dip.Min. and M.Div. L.Th. may nity of scholars and ministers offering ties. As Old Girls, they will join our proud grDoctorateammes lead of Ministry to Laurentian Programme University for Sudbury, Ontario An innovative and sued through the undergraduate civil Catholic University with a crosscultur- education. CallLimit for detailsed and a course universityTelephone in 102 single(416) rooms 233-9530 in 11 be combined with distance education. programs designed to help students continuum of 8,000 alumnae who are calendar. Information: The President, degrees. We also offer Theology at the thriving Anglican College within Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.) and the al, bilingual milieu. The program pre- furnishedF axhouses (416) and 234-5450 for married stu- active clergy and a Programme for the Certificate in Theology available develop theological depth, grow in networked to each other and the world. To ThorneloeArtists University, & Cr 935aftsmen Ramsey of Lake Bachelor’s and UseDiploma the level. Laurentian University, our Fine Arts, Master in Pastoral Theology (M.P.Th.) pares candidates for both lay and dents in 37 apartments. For informa- Community of Deacons for lay training through home study. Advanced spiritual maturity and exercise pastoral learn more about the Havergal difference, Rd, SudburyStained ON Glass P3E 2C6since 1856 CallRobert Toll Free ProgrammesANNIVERS on campusARIES and by dis- Classics, Theatre Arts, Women’s Programs of the Faculty of Theology. ordained ministries in the Anglican visit www.havergal.on.ca or contact the tion contact: The Principal, Canterbury and enrichment. The College provides degreescall: (416) (S.T.M., 924-9199 M.A., ext Ph.D.) 244 or email:offered leadership. Programs lead to L.Th., Phone: 1-866-846-7635TRADITIONAL Fax: OR705-673-4979 1-800-563-1555 tance education. Call for details and a throughStudies, andMcGill. Religious Located Studies in downtown pro- The Faculty also offers an eight-course Church. Academic formation is pur- Admission Office at (416) 482-4724 or CONTEMPORARY College,McCausland 2500 University Ave. West, accommodationHEADING for any student of the B.Th., Dip.Min. and M.Div. L.Th. may Email: [email protected] course calendar. Information: The [email protected] lead Residence to Laurentian and apartments University certificate in Anglican Studies. sued through the undergraduate civil [email protected]. Website: www.thorneloe.caORIGINAL DESIGNS Windsor, OntarioLimit N9Bed 3Y1. Phone universityin the classifiedsin 102 single to rooms inform in past 11 be combined with distance education. EXPERT RESTORATIONS Provost, parishionersThorneloe University, & clergy Ramsey fordegrees. students We and also visitors. offer Theology For informa- at the Director: Prof. Kevin Flynn, 223 Main, Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.) and the 519-256-6442,Artists & fax Cr 519-256-3382,aftsmen of furnished houses and for married stu- Certificate in Theology available AND REPAIRS Lake Road,of Sudbury,upcoming ON events. P3E 2C6. tion,Bachelor’s please and contact Diploma : The level. Principal, Ottawa,through homeON K1S study. 1C4 Advanced Master in Pastoral Theology (M.P.Th.) e-mail:Stained [email protected] Glass since 1856or visit our dents in 37 apartments. For informa- Email: [email protected] 1-866-846-7635 Fax: (705) 673- 4979. 3473Programmes University on St.,campus Montreal, and by Quebec dis- Phone:degrees 613-236-1393,(S.T.M., M.A., Ph.D.)Ext. 2427 offered Programs of the Faculty of Theology. 10 anglican journal • December 2012 web site: http://www.uwindsor.ca/ tion contact: TheContact: Principal, Canterbury 1 Website: www.eternalglass.com TRADITIONAL OR E-mail: [email protected] Web H3Atance 2A8. education. (514)anglicanjournal.com 849-3004.Call for det ails and a [email protected] McGill. Located in downtown The Faculty also offers an eight-course CONTEMPORARY College, 2500AD UniversityVERTISING Ave. West, general/canterbury/ site: http://thorneloe.laurentian.ca/ www.montreal.anglican.org/mdtc.course calendar. Information: The www.ustpaul.ca certificate in Anglican Studies. 30 Chauncey Ave., ORIGINAL DESIGNS ANGLICAN JOURNAL Montreal. Residence and apartments Windsor, Ontario N9B 3Y1. Phone Provost, Thorneloe University, Ramsey Director: Prof. Kevin Flynn, 223 Main, Toronto, Ont. M8Z 2Z4 EXPERT RESTORATIONS Larry Gee for students and visitors. For informa- AND REPAIRS 519-256-6442, fax 519-256-3382, Telephone (416) 233-9530 416-924-9199, ext 310 Lake Road, Sudbury, ON P3E 2C6. tion, please contact : The Principal, Ottawa, ON K1S 1C4 e-mail: [email protected]: 416-925-8811 or visit our Fax (416) 234-5450 Email: [email protected] 1-866-846-7635 Fax: (705) 673- 4979. 3473 University St., Montreal, Quebec Phone: 613-236-1393, Ext. 2427 Website: wwwUse.eternalglass.com the web site: http://www.uwindsor.ca/ E-mail: [email protected] Web H3A 2A8. (514) 849-3004. [email protected] Email: Call Toll Free general/canterbury/ site: http://thorneloe.laurentian.ca/ www.montreal.anglican.org/mdtc. www.ustpaul.ca 1-800-563-1555 ANNIVERS30 Chauncey ARIESAve., [email protected] Toronto,HEADING Ont. M8Z 2Z4 Telephone (416) 233-9530 in the Fclassifiedsax (416) 234-5450 to inform past parishioners & clergy ofCall upcoming Toll Free events. 1-800-563-1555 Contact: anglicanjournal.com 1 ADVERTISING ANGLICAN JOURNAL Use the Larry Gee 416-924-9199, ext 310 ANNIVERSARIES Fax: 416-925-8811 HEADING in the classifieds to inform past Email: parishioners & clergy [email protected] of upcoming events. Use the ANNIVERSARIES Contact: ADVERTISING HEADING ANGLICAN JOURNAL in the classifieds to inform past Larry Gee parishioners & clergy 416-924-9199, ext 310 of upcoming events. Fax: 416-925-8811 Contact: Email: ADVERTISING [email protected] ANGLICAN JOURNAL Larry Gee 416-924-9199, ext 310 Fax: 416-925-8811

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CanadianCanadian Church Church Calendar Calendar 2013 2A n g l0 i c a n 1 e d i t 3i o n

Lord, teach us contributed to pray Love and acceptance trump inflexibility. Luke 11:1 On bending the rules

Patrick Tomalin weds calling to ask, “Would you baptize our baby?” It was Monday evening just We arranged to get together after supper when the rectory to talk about the meaning of 2013 Canadian Church Calendar phone rang. Rather cautiously baptism. Then we set a date. a woman’s voice said, “Can you The baby was welcomed into Limited quantities available marry us…on Friday?” the church through baptism. I explained that the church The congregation also wel- A beautiful calendar showcasing our own Anglican required at least 30 days’ notice comed the parents into the heritage with inspired photographs of Anglican before a wedding. There was a church. They continued coming pause. Then she said, “Oh! That to church on Sunday mornings churches from across Canada. Significant Anglican will put us in the maternity and, before I left the parish, that church dates and spiritually uplifting verses make ward.” Seeing the conflict be- baby was old enough to start it the perfect calendar to give or keep. tween strict adherence to rules coming to Sunday school. On sale and actual pastoral needs, I re- I sometimes wonder what plied, “You and your boyfriend would have happened if the now! Celebrate our Anglican heritage and raise funds for come on over to the rectory and rules did not get “bent” to meet we will talk.” that couple’s needs. I suspect your parish with this year’s delightful calendar. They came. We talked. that they would never have Only There was no reason, apart gone near a church again. I sus- Augsburg Fortress/Anglican Book Centre from the required notice, why pect they would never have felt $5.00 they should not be married so I welcome. I suspect they would Phone: 1-800-265-6397 • Fax: 519-748-9835 agreed to “bend the rules.” not have come to know the ac- 500 Trillium Drive, PO Box 9940, The marriage took place that ceptance either of God’s grace Kitchener, ON N2G 4Y4 Friday. The bride held her flow- or of a Christian community. I E-mail: [email protected] ers rather lower than usual for suspect that their child would the photos. Otherwise, it was a not ever have gone to Sunday Web site: www.afcanada.com normal and joyful occasion. school nor been brought up to Kitchener Store: As the Canons require, I live a Christian life. Augsburg Fortress, 500 Trillium Drive, Kitchener, ON reported the waiving of the 30 Bending the rules was far days’ notice rule to the bishop. more important than their Toronto Store: He wrote back saying, “I would strict enforcement. Love and Anglican Book Centre, 80 Hayden Street, Toronto, ON have done the same thing.” acceptance trump inflexibility But that was not the end of every time. the story. Twenty-six days later, the bride was indeed in the ma- The Rev. Patrick Tomalin ternity ward, where she deliv- and his wife, the Rev. Dianne ered a beautiful, healthy baby. Tomalin, served Trinity Anglican/ A few weeks after that, again in Lutheran Church, in Port Alberni, Calendars may be ordered from Augsburg Fortress/Anglican Book Centre Ontario the early evening, the rectory B.C., where they now live in phone rang. It was the newly- Phone: 1-800-265-6397 or from the calendar secretaries listed below: Church Book Room retirement. 90 Johnson Street APCI Resource Centre Calgary Fredericton Kingston, ON K7L 1X7 Sue Cane Mrs. Joan Hanna Kevin Richardson (613) 544-1013 360 Nicola Street 3355 Oakwood Drive SW Church of England Institute Ottawa Kamloops, BC V2C 2P5 Calgary, AB T2V 4V6 116 Princess Street Mrs. Catherine Hannah (250) 819-5753 (403) 281-5049 Saint John, NB E2L 1K4 1003-1356 Meadowlands (506) 693-2295 Brandon Central Nfld Drive East Mrs. Bev Parsons New Westminster Nepean, ON K2E 6K6 Resource Centre Diocesan Synod Office Mrs. Marjorie Henry (613) 727-9331 Provost Ellen Strange 34 Fraser Road ACW Place Qu’Appelle 403 - 13th Street Gander, NL A1V 2E8 7012B Merritt Avenue, Mrs. Ruth Moffat Queens College is seeking to hire a Provost and CEO. The Brandon, MB R7A 4P9 (709) 256-2372 Burnaby, BC V5J 4R6 103-2225 Angus Street (204) 727-6613 604-876-3720 starting date for this position is August 1, 2013. If you Edmonton Regina, SK S4T 2A3 decide to apply, please forward an application by January (306) 522-4791 British Columbia Margaret Marschall Nova Scotia 15, 2013. Judith Coleman Synod Office Anna Langille Western Nfld Diocesan Synod Office 10035 103rd Street 6017 Quinpool Rd Mrs. Ethel Rumbolt Details regarding this position and the application 900 Vancouver Street Edmonton, AB T5J 0X5 Halifax, NS B3K 5J6 Box 16 process can be obtained by visiting Queen’s College Victoria, BC V8V 3V7 (780) 439-7344 (902) 423-8697 St. Anthony, NL A0K 4T0 website (http://www.mun.ca/queens/) or by emailing (250) 386-7781 (709) 454-2147 [email protected]

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12 anglican journal • December 2012