Spring 2015 - Trinity News A Seasonal Publication of Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill (Established in 1830) Trinity News 140 Brooke Street Thornhill, ON L4J 1Y9 Tel: 905 889 5931 Fax: 905 889 5632 www.holytrinity-thornhill.ca
[email protected] Celebrating Our Past, Embracing Our Future Something good is happening here!!” 185th Off To A Good Start It was quite appropriate for Vic Steyck, who assumed the York-Credit Valley and a former assistant curate who leadership of the 185th anniversary committee, following spent the weekend with us at Breakfast on February 21 the sudden passing of Ross Creber, to inaugurate the when he discussed the future of the church and was celebrations of our anniversary year on Sunday, January 4. celebrant and preacher on the following day. He was the chair of the 175th committee. The launch was The sermons and Bishop Poole’s address can be heard on supported by an impressive display in the auditorium the church’s website www.holytrinity-thornhill.ca/sermons mounted by the Archives Committee. We were pleased to welcome back two young men, Dave Vic and Elaine, his wife, gave us a 17-minute overview of Addison and Andrew Brown, who shared in the ministry these past 185 years. Starting with the arrival in 1820 of of Bishop Poole during his time as curate. William Parsons and his brother-in-law, Benjamin Thorne, two years later, to that snowy Sunday, on February 28, The month of 1830, when the first service was conducted by March will end with What’s Inside Archdeacon John Strachan officiating, they gave glimpses The Footlights Club Lent & Easter 2 of the ministry of the first full time rector, the Rev.