Foundations and Facets FORUM third series 3,2 fall 2014 Assessing the work of Rudolf Bultmann lane c. mcgaughy Preface 5 schubert m. ogden The Legacy of Rudolf Bultmann and the Ideal of a Fully Critical Theology 9 philip devenish Reflections on Konrad Hammann’s Biography of Rudolf Bultmann—with Implications for Christology 21 william o. walker, jr. Demythologizing and Christology 31 gerd lüdemann Kêrygma and History in the Thought of Rudolf Bultmann 45 jon f. dechow The ‘Gospel’ and the Emperor Cult From Bultmann to Crossan 63 publisher Forum, a biannual journal first published in Polebridge Press 1985, contains current research in biblical and cognate studies. The journal features articles on editors the historical Jesus, Christian origins, and Nina E. Livesey related fields. University of Oklahoma Manuscripts may be submitted to the publisher, Polebridge Press, Willamette University, Salem Clayton N. Jefford Oregon 97301; 503-375-5323; fax 503-375-5324; Saint Meinrad Seminary and
[email protected]. A style guide is School of Theology available from Polebridge Press. Please note that all manuscripts must be double-spaced, and editorial board accompanied by a matching electronic copy. Arthur J. Dewey Subscription Information: The annual Forum Xavier University subscription rate is $30. Back issues may be Robert T. Fortna ordered from the publisher. Direct all inquiries Vassar College, Emeritus concerning subscriptions, memberships, and permissions to Polebridge Press, Willamette Julian V. Hills University, Salem Oregon 97301; 503-375-5323; Marquette University fax 503-375-5324. Roy W. Hoover Copyright © 2014 by Polebridge Press, Inc. Whitman College, Emeritus All rights reserved. The contents of this publication cannot be reproduced either in Lane C.