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YI' : i I 'l sltould lihe to see a Gtamophone cnd a suitaltle selectin ol Recotds in eoeu schoorrondt rst"frj ;trt, tLffifr:r'6:i;. EDUCATNONAT PUTtNCATNONS Issued by Tur GR,*ropsoNr Couplny, Lro., 363-367, Oxford Street, London, W.l. Colloquio.I French for the English Bv E. M. STEPHAN, Senior Lecturer in French, IJnioersitg College, London, and DANIEL JONES, Prolessor o! Phonetics, L)nioersits College, London. A Practical Course for learnlng to speak French with the ald of " His Master's Voice " GramoDhone Records. The Complete Course comprises l5 Double-;ided 12-inch Records in a specially durable Album, Text ]look of 586 paees and Key tlook. The price of the Complete Course is 94 4 O, oi Separately:- Records, 4 6 each. Album, 10/6. Text Book and Key Book (together), 1216. Pupil's Text Book, 2l-. The Golden Treq.sury of Recorded Music Vol. I.-Blcn lxo BsrrHoveN. (Second Edition) Price U-. Vol. II.-WrcNzr'. Price ll-. BV ALEC ROBERTSON, A.R.A.M. These books contain notes on each side of each record mentioned, and copious i.llustrations in music type. They deal with great recorded works of the composers chose!, and are invaluabl€ for a teacher's home or school use. A Chort Booh of English Literature, History ond Music f,o^ l3oo-tgoo. Second Edition. Pricell- net. Tuteloe Tolhs on Melody Bv SIR WaLFORDT.DAVIES. " Playutays " An Educational Series of Records for Young Childre& Planned by Mrs. J. MURRAY MACBAIN. Music arranged by ALEC ROWLEY. Text Book, Price l/-. How to Use the Gramophone in School I.-LISTENING TO AN ORCHESTRA (7th Edition) I.-PICTURE AND STORY MUSIC @th Edition) (Programme Music) III.-WHY AND HOW ? O,d Ed""ttion) IV. SCHUBERT @th Edition) By ALEC ROBERTSON, A.R.A.M., and PETER LATHAM, M.A. V"-THE RHYTHMTC ROAD TO MUSIC LAND By HILDA HABBESHA'W, L.R.A.M. (Gratis.) TIisMasfe*\6icd CATALOGUE of EDUCATIONAL RE,CORDS W THE GRAMOPHONE COMPANY, LTD., Education Department, 363.367, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W.l. PREFACE '' \{/HAr:re:;ff ri: J ;;1,:"' *TI ::T*J; is an attempt to answer it, The General Catalogue is embarrassingly full of good things and the busy teacher hardly knows where to begin, or upon what music the choice is to fall. This little Cataiogue, then, besides showing the fuli range of special educational records, also contains a number of short lists of records covering every need the teacher is likely to experience. Should the complete recorded works of any com- poser be wanted, reference to the General Catalogue (which should be kept with this one) will at once show what these are. Do not fail to have the monthly and mid-monthly lists of new issues of records sent to you by your dealer, for only thus can you be aware of what is being published' We shall welcome any criticisms of, or suggestions for, the improvement of this Catalogue. THE GRAMOPHONE COMPANY, LrP. (Education Department), 363-367, Oxnoru Sr:nnrr, LoNnoN, W.1. CONTEN S Pece Rrconos 5 ." Derr-v Expness " RlllreMen.tNcE FESTTvAL Roconos 6 Pr-e:rwevs Rqcon:>s. 7 Nunspnv Reconos .. 8 RBconos ron Rurrrnltrc TnarNrNc:- Pr,errwevs OncrrBstne. I Mencnos. 10 MancnrNc Soxcs 11 Rrconos ron Qumr Lrsrennrc 1l INsrnulmNrs or' THE Onclrosrne, l2 Eucr-rsn Forr< Dalrcp Reconos . l4 ScertorxavreN DaNcp Roconos 16 Tou Cr,oucn (Tae Nonrrrurmnrex Prras) 16 TwBrvB Telr<s oN MBroov l7 " Ptcrunr .r,*o St:onrr4 Musrc:- For.r SoNcs 18 INstnuuouter- R-aconns 18 OncngstnA,r, Rrconos 18 TowN exo CouNtnv Musrc 19 TUB Musrc or Fenresv 19 Se.cnsn Musrc 20 SoNcs 2t Ltoopn 90 Sprntru.a.r-s lNo See Crrenrrns LO Cnonar- Wonrs .J Openetrc Polpounnrs 24 Twrlvp SupnDlrBr-rr Gooo Roconr:rNcs . , 25 " PLUM Llepr. " Cr-essrcs Or-o auo Now 26 MolouES FRoM rnn Cr,e,sstcs 27 Stwcr-e MovrlrBnrs rnoM Wnr-r,-KNowN WoRris 29 TuNrrur, Mooenrrr Oncnpsrner- Wonr<s 31 CrrerrmBn Musrc 32 Colrogurar, FRENcrr FoR TrrE Ewcrrsn .. 34 GnBer FnBNcs Aurr.lons 36 Slcne Gurrnv eNo YvoNNB PntNtrvps. Booxs non Tr,ecrr-a.ns 38 Lecruns Spnvrce .. 40 ) PRICES OF RECORDS Nursery Records-AS (Orange) Double- sided 7-inch, 1/6. (Each Series of six records in Album, 10/-). j Colou of l0- Gg t2- d,r'l Label. inch. rnc!. ae5e Jj PLUM r/- B 416 C BLACK... 416 E 616 D SPECIAL 3l- RB 416 RC SPECIAL 516 RE 516 RD RED 6l- DA 816 DB The above are all Double-sided. Any Dealer will be glad to give you particulars of special terms accorded to teachers purchasing " His Master's Voice " Gramophones for use in school. A CATALOGUE OF " HIS MASTER'S VOICE '' RECORDS OF EDUCATIONAL VALUE ROYAL RECORDS HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE V ILM. The King stahding hefore lhe tkrane deliuering hts s,eech to the Naoal Conference' [H.M. The King's Speech at the Opening of the Five- --^^ | Power Naval Cbnterence on January 2lst' 1930' iJ29u \ Parts I and 2 I lltetordecl in the Rovai Gallerl' of tlre House of Lords') ..HIS MASTER'S VOICE '' ROYAL RECORDS- (continued). H.M. KING GEORGE THE FIFTH AI{D H.M. QUEEN MARY I Empire Day Messa!,es-To the Boys and Girls of the I British ErnPire t(u ^.,6+] nruo oF H.M-. coLDsTREAM GUARDS lGod Save the KinS, and llome, Srveet Home H,R.H. THE PRINCD OF WALDS i Sportsrnanship RD 887i BAND OF H.M. COLDSTREAM GUARDS I God Bless the Prince of Wales I Speech on Armlstice Night, November llt\ 1927 RB 2628 I Recorded at the " Daily Express " Remcmbrance liestival, l_ Royal Albert llall, London H.R.H. THE DUKE OF YORK Camp Purpose 1 My -Its I Carnp Songs(actually recorded at H.R.H. The Duke cd York's | New Romney) RC 1804 . r"Tp' '""- t (o) Dashing azuay uith the smootlring iron ; (b) On llhley I Moor : (c\ lVid.d.itonfte Fair ; (d) Loch Lomonrl ; | (r) Here's a Hcalth; (f) Camp Calt .. DAILY EXPRESS '' REMEMBRANCE FESTIVAL Actually /eco/d.ed. at the Royal Albert Hall, Noacmber llth, 1928. Proceeds derived {rom the sale o{ thcse records rvill be devoted to the fund of the late Earl Haig's British Legion. (a) Fanfare ; (b) National Anthem (Entrance of Theirl Majesties the l(ing and Queen) ; (c) Second Fanfare ; l (d) Pipers I llfaroh to the Trenches (Conrmunity Singing) ; A J\Icmory lC 1601 Cf 1914-1918 : (a) 7'ahe nte bach to dear old |Jlightv ; l (c) (b) There's a Lutg, long trail; Tipperary ; (d) Land I oj Hope end G|ofy J An Addiess by Admiral of the Fleet Earl Jellicoe, G.C.B.,] O.M., G.C.V.O., President of the British Legion { - 1an) Funeral March (Cho.lrin), lllassed lSands ; Prayer ofJucd (" by lhe Bishop of London -) (a\ " Lead, Kindly Light " (Community Singing) ; (b) Anthem, I " I heard a voice from lleaven " I ^ rour (a) " O God, our help i.n ages past" ; (b) Ad,d.ress b1t the lw Defuty Chaplain-General to the Foraes ) Abide with me (Community Singing) " " 1604 (a) Last Post; (b) Reaatlle ; (c) National Anthent )c EDUcATToNAT- clrllocUE .. PLAYWAYS '' Planned by Mrs. J. MurraY MacBain This set of si.x double-sided records has been speciaily designed by a well-known tea.ching ,expert for use by teachers of youlg-children-1.1ttt1. or Kindergart"r, oi;onlior stages of the school. It includes pop.ular Marcli Music /Naiional'tuois the chil<iren knorv alrd like), music specially selected {or Eai-training, for beating time and other rhythmic activities such as "quick-changeY; stepping, iiding -o,re*e-nt-s, ball exepcises, etc' Voice Exbrcises anda SongModel-a Schubert Lullaby-are also gjvea as p-atter4s for tone and. in the"latter, interpretation. The record of Nursery Rhyrr.res is a recent addition and concludes this popular series' A Bookiet by Mrs. MacBain giving full de,scription- of. how to use the records, and dirictions for the dances and other rhythmic exercises with music examples, is issued I'ith the records Price ls' On Six 10-in. Doublc-sided PLUM LABEL records' B 2805 B 2AO7 SMALL ORCHESTRA SMALL ORCHESTRA Music for Simple Dances. Part 1. Arr. Alec Rowley. .4 Little March Past. Part I' (a) Circle Dance (b) Little Peasant Arr. Alec RorvleY' Dance. {c) Curtsey Dance. BoY." Music for Sirnple Dances. Part 2. Introd. : " The Minstrel (Beethoven). " Ivline eves (a) Step-stately " Men of t{arlech." (b) l'hc Wild Horsenian (Schumano). .have seen." B 2308 A littl.e Matgh Past, Part 2- MASTER NORMAN WARE [n'trod.: "Johg freel/' "When (Boy Soprano), f ohnny comes nlqao\i4g rhqlle." ';sith pianoforte accont paniment by '' Ilr,itish Grenadiers." llpNnrr F. Herr- foice Excrcises. Part 1. .!.t rt Paft 2. B 2806 F 2809 Ear-Trailli+9.. Part l. SMALL ORC*{F,STI[.7 [-ul]aby (Schuber.t). (a) Voice and piano. (6) p4d piano. RhYthrnic Exerelses. Violin Music for Ear.-Trai.nip9, Part ?. Part l. Arr. Alec RorvleY. Lullaby ,(Schrrtrert). (a) iQelio and piano. (b) String !)ance Steps.- Introd. : " Yanhee Quartef. Doodle." " On the Bridge oJ Hare." B 3150 Avignon." " Hunting the VMAN LAMBELET (SoPrano) Rhythrnic Dxercises. Part l-Old Rhyrnes with New Sltusie for Tunes (R. R. Terry) part 2. (a) I{ush-a-bye, Baby; (b) Georgie Steppr,Rg, ,laeadrcg lime and ball Porgy ; (c) The Little I3oY and the mo,+ernents. lntrod.. .: " Once I Little Girl ; (d) Dapple Grey ; toved ,a maiden fair." " Lass of (a) A Child's Grace before l\{eat.