Sheffield Country Market Newsletter - 4

Taste & Talk Mornings at the Scout Hut, Extra Markets Broomhill The Country Market will have a range of produce at: Every couple of months we hold a „Taste and Sheffield Food Festival @ 'A Taste of Broomhill' Talk‟ morning, focussing on some of the Saturday 5 June 2010 at mouth-watering home-made food that our The Mount, Glossop Road producers make. You will have the opportu- 10 am - 4 pm nity to try before you buy and chat to the cooks about what goes in to the delicious food that we sell and get ideas for how to serve it; you never know, they might even let you in to their trade secrets! Gluten Free Food - Saturday 12 June with Carol and Lynne

Introducing Spring Welcome to the 4th Edition of the Sheffield Country Market Newsletter. After a long hard winter, fine weather is finally on its way. In this edition we will be looking at: preserves, Nether Edge 10th Farmer's gluten free cooking, cooking with herbs, growing your own Market and Summer Fair Sunday 13 June 2010 on vegetables, and our events guide. Nether Edge Road & Glen We are always looking for new producers for the Market. If Road 11 am - 4 pm you are a keen cook, creative craftsperson or a gifted gar- dener and would like to test your entrepreneurial skills then get in touch. It may be just what you are looking for, why don‟t you call in and see us at our Saturday market . For further details, find us via Google by enter- ing “Sheffield Country Market Broomhill” or go to Sharrowvale Market Day Sunday 4 July 2010 on Sharrowvale Road 12 noon to 4 pm The Market is held every Saturday at The Scout HQ Spooner Rd, Broomhill between 9.00am – noon 180th Bakewell Show On 5 June only - we will be open until 3 pm for the Wednesday 4 & Thursday 5 August 2010 on the ‘Taste of Broomhill’ Day Bakewell Showground 8.30 am to 6.30 pm

Lowedges Festival Sunday 15 August 2010 in Greenhill Park, Gresley Road 12 noon to 5 pm Did You Know? Country Markets has always been famous for its quality and selection of jams, marma- lades and chutneys. We have sold in the last year over 2,700 jars at our Market, all made from the finest ingredients without the addition of artificial colours, preservatives or colours. Many of the recipes have been handed down from generation to generation ensuring that many of the old ways survive and the ingredients often only travel from the garden to the pot! Marmalades

Seville St Clements Orange, Lemon & Lime Lemon Ginger Dark Secrets Whisky Orange with Peach Liqueur Pickles & Chutneys Jams & Jellies

Apricot Apricot Apple orange and walnut Apple Ginger Beetroot Blackberry and Apple Canadian fruit Blackcurrant Green tomato Damson Hot hedgerow Gooseberry and Elderflower Mango Gooseberry and Strawberry Moroccan Lemons Raspberry Minted Apple Redcurrant & Nectarine Old Doverhouse Rhubarb and Ginger Strawberry Pickled onions Three Summer Fruits Redcurrant and cranberry Plum Red onion marmalade Crab Apple Shropshire apple Quince Spiced orange Redcurrant Spiced plum Wensleydale

Some of these are of course seasonal but if you see something that takes your fancy just talk to one of our producers and we will be happy to help. Gluten Facts With so many people gluten intolerant, it is refreshing to find that at Country Markets you can find a group of producers who share the similar challenge of making tasty food from good quality ingredients. We have a wonderful range of foods made with gluten free ingredients, from quiches and pies to cakes buns, many of which are available to order each week. On the ingredients list of many gluten free products you will find Xanthan Made with gum. It replaces the gluten “stretch factor” and works in a similar way to gluten by helping to bind together other ingredients during baking proc- esses. Available in powder form, it is mixed with the dry ingredients before adding any liquids or wet ingredients. Ingredients Use as follows: Bread making: add 5ml (1tsp) Xanthan gum for every 450g gluten free flour Pastry making: add 1.5ml (1/4tsp) Xanthan gum for every 225g gluten free flour It is not normally needed when baking sponge cakes, but fruit cakes usually benefit from its addition. Spring in the Garden Sunny days are finally here, but it is easy to get complacent. Frost can still strike right through until the end of May, so extra protection of tender plants such as tomatoes, cour- gettes and bedding plants should always be taken. Be prepared to wrap in fleece or bring indoors at the very first sign. If you are buying in plants or have reared them yourself indoors, it is important to harden them off and ensure that anything that is tender is only planted out without protection once the risk of frost has disappeared. Hardening off Young seedlings and plants that have been grown either indoors or in a greenhouse need to acclimatise before planting outdoors; basically they need to toughen up. Begin a week or so before planting out, increasing the amount of time each day they are outside, bringing them in each night. Try to plant them out on a cloudy day and be sure to water well after planting. It‟s not too late to get your vegetable garden going, try sowing such seeds as runner beans, courgette, lettuce and squash which can all be sown in May under cover. How- ever, if you are unsure or have left it too late, then Country Markets have a selection of vegetable, herbs and bedding plants at this time of year all ready to plant with plenty of advice should you need it. Availability varies so please ask for further details. Fresh Garden Produce Throughout the summer season we have a popular selection of fresh produce such as spinach, herbs, , runner and broad beans even soft fruits and apples. In high sum- mer you can even pick up a bunch of seasonal flowers that haven‟t flown half way round the world!!!!. They are all grown locally by our group of enthusiastic producers, so there is always something different each week. May-June 2010

Fresh Coriander (or Producer Profile - Jane Stammers flat leaf parsley) Home-baked Bread 50g pine nuts There is nothing more inviting than 2 small shallots the smell of freshly baked bread to 2 garlic cloves awaken the senses and this is the 70g fresh coriander (or flat leaf parsley) smell that pervades the air around 30g Parmesan , producer Jane Stammers house grated every week. Pinch red chilli flakes 80ml sunflower oil Most Friday evenings you will find Sea salt & freshly ground Jane hard at work proving, kneading, black pepper shaping and baking a variety of delicious home-made bread Half a lemon to serve for Market on Saturday morning. Unlike the tasteless, mass produced bread we find in super- markets these days, filled with enzymes and additives to speed the process, real bread takes time to develop and with time comes flavour, reminiscent of the bread of our childhood. What could be better than a slice of freshly baked bread, Preheat oven to 200° spread thickly with butter and home-made jam or marma- C/400°F/Gas Mk6 lade – delicious! Roast pine nuts until browned. Place shallots, Jane regularly makes the popular Yorkshire Teacakes garlic, coriander, Parme- (available toasted and buttered from our cafe at the Market); san, chilli, good pinch Apple & Cinnamon Bread (a recipe she developed); Whole- salt & pepper in food meal Bread with Sunflower Seeds and Yorkshire Honey; processor with half the oil. Blitz until smooth. Walnut Bread (delicious with cheese), and plaited White Add more oil as desired. Loaves with various seed toppings. Just before serving add a Jane uses Allinson‟s Flour, English Flour grown and milled in squeeze of lemon to Hertfordshire and is currently looking into sourcing Yorkshire bring out the flavours. grown flour to make her bread with. Then just add to your favourite pasta Cooking With Fresh Herbs They add so much flavour and colour to any dish, don‟t be afraid to try some of these ideas. They may inspire you to experiment and look through old cookbooks, magazines or even the internet with renewed enthusiasm. Chives A greatly underrated herb which beautifully decorates any savoury dish, even the purple flower heads can be used as a garnish in . Try making cheese and chive potato mash by adding a couple of teaspoons of finely chopped chives with some rich mature cheddar. Blend chopped chives with butter to garnish fish. Use in place of raw onion in beef burgers for a milder flavour. If you are making cheese scones add also to enhance the savoury flavour. Produced by Sheffield Country Market Mint part of Homemade mint sauce now there‟s a treat. Really simple to make. Finely South Yorkshire chop a handful with enough white wine to make a nice „spoonable‟ Country Markets Ltd which is an Industrial Provident Society consistency; add caster sugar to taste, stir well and leave to stand for 15 Reg. No: IP25104R minutes before serving. If you want a fine texture, blitz in a processor or © 2010 grind in a mortar and pestle. Infuse in hot water for a refreshing tea to aid digestion.