IN THISISSUE Sun SeniorNewsClassifi -43 eds...... 42 Thoughts From Jack ...... 41 Neighborhood Watch ...... 41 SCLH Writer 39 ...... Observations, ...... 37 Cribbage, DuplicateBridge,Shooting ...... 32 Bulletin Board ...... 31 Out &AboutinLincoln 30 ...... Pickleball, Bowling ...... 29 Water Volleyball, Bocce ...... 28 Men’s GolfClub,T 27 Golf18Holers Cyclists, Lincsters,Ladies ....25, Bird, Hiking -24 ...... 23 Sports Car,Garden ...... 22 RV, Rods &Relics, RoadRunners ...... 21 Bosom Buddies,HealthyEating 19 Stamp, EyeContact,Alzheirmer/Dementia ...... Investors, S.C.H.O.O.L.S.,Veterans, ...... 19 Computer, Apple Friends, 16 Lavender Singles,Genealogy ...... Astronomy, T 14 &Compass Square ...... Woodcarvers, OCBook,AmateurRadio ...... 14 Antiques Appreciation ...... 13 Needle Arts,P Painters’ Club 11 ...... 10 LH Foundation AnnouncesMajorGrants ...... Annual FineArtsShow 10 ...... Ballroom, C Favorite Restaurants ...... 8 Players, CommunityChorus,Vaudeville ...... 7 The MusicManComestoLincoln ...... 5 2017 Tax SeasonisHere! ...... 4 Placer CountySupervisor 3 totheEditors Letters ...... 3 From theEditors ...... Sun Senior News 5098 Foothills Blvd., #3-405 PRSRT STD Roseville, CA 95747 U.S. POSTAGE ountry Couples 9 ......

tla...... 15 ravel, Italian...... C

PAID aper Arts,Photography ...... 13

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...... 20 ...... I

N ECRWSS G POSTAL CUSTOMER Philip andMarlySpurgeon:ShallWe Dance? Helper willappearatyourdoortohelpyou. Neighbors InDeedat223-2763,andaHandy programming yourexistingthermostat,call this classisdismissed.Ifyouneedsomehelp how toprogramitforthedifferentseasons, happy withyourcurrentthermostatandknow home environmentmanagement.Ifyouare remote programmingofthemanyaspects because theydidnotprovidealltheappsfor thermostats, thoughnotconsidered“smart,” were builtandequippedwithprogrammable work, intransit,oronvacation? Automatically, whetheryouareathome, very comfortablelivingenvironment? usage whilemaintaininga to optimizeyourenergy to useyourthermostat do youreallyknowhow The nextquestionis, not topoftheclass? a grandchildthatis anyone outtherehave brilliant grandchildren– to thermostats,cars, from cellphonestoTVs, days, withsmarteverything, live ina“smart”worldthese truth is,probablynot.We ARTWORK BY RUDIFRANKE BY GARY REEDER experience andanincreasedinterestintheart of self-expressionandachievement,saysPhilip. meet people.Inaddition,it’sawonderfulform “Dancing Cowboy.” long beforehewasknownasthe a ranch,breakinghorses.Itwasn’t was semi-retiredandworkingon near Yuba City.At thetime,he after movingtoSmartsville,Calif., dance lessonssome20yearsago, lives forever. time --aneventthatchangedtheir they dancedtogetherforthefi Marly Spurgeon,whometwhen especially trueforPhilipand seems tosayitall.Thismaybe the movie,WhiteChristmas, While You’re Dancing,”from song, “TheBestThingsHappen have beenontosomething.His BY LINDA LUCCHETTI Are You ThanYour Smarter Thermostat? Smart Most of the homes in Sun City Lincoln Hills Most ofthehomesinSunCityLincolnHills The painfullyhonest Throughout theyears,aftergainingmore Dancing wasfun,ahobby,andwayto Philip startedtakingballroom Composer IrvingBerlinmay Neighbors InDeed rst

he continuestogiveprivatelessons. range ofstudentsfromages16to80.Today, and Yuba CityCollege,instructingawide has sincetaughtdanceclassesatSierraCollege in Sacramentotobecomeaninstructor.Philip form, Philipventuredastepfurtherbytraining yourself, fi cooling system,andifyouplantodothework to workwithyourhome’sexistingheatingand you needtofind aproductthatisguaranteed endorsed byotherLincolnHillsresidents. give youareferraltoagenciesthathavebeen smart thermostats,butNeighborsInDeedcan install foryou.HandyHelperswillNOT not yourbag,hireanelectricianorhandymanto manual thantodotheinstallation!Ifhandyis yourself, anditcouldtakeyoulongertoreadthe type, youmaybeabletohandletheinstallation “smart” thermostat.Ifyouarethe“handy” If yougoshoppingforasmartthermostat, you caninvestfrom$99to$249ina Philip andMarlySpurgeon technology and all its bells and whistles, technology andallitsbellswhistles, hand, youareinterestedinthenew nd onethatoffersaneasy-to-follow It won’tcostyouacent and won’ttakemuchof your time. just thehelpyouneed. like tosimplyreplace call toNIDmayprovide thermostat, someof your programmable trained todoso,anda our HandyHelpersare If, ontheother In fact,ifyouwould (cont’ onpage42) PHOTOBY JEFFANDERSEN complete 2017Bingoscheduleatourwebsite org. Print freepop-upcertifi cates andour an e-mailtobingo@lincolnhillsfoundation. a tableforseventotenplayersbysending pre-game luncheonspecial.You mayreserve games beginat1:00pm. Thursday, February 16.Doorsopen12:30pm, Celebration Bingo,OrchardCreekBallroom• thanks withyou. community. So,wewanttoshareourjoyand and expandourservicestoyourLincoln #1 fundraiserthatenablesustomaintain with allattendees.Bingocontinuestobethe we’ll shareaspecial15thAnniversarytreat us atBingoonThursday,February 16where Lincoln HillsFoundation invitesyoutojoin and 14whenshedecidedtocomeAmerica. and soonshewaslaidoff.Theboyswere16 was employedbyconvertedtoaprivatebank and raisinghertwosons.Thestatebankshe Celebration — Meridians Restaurant willofferitsusual Join thefun!Markyourcalendar: Our year-longcelebrationcontinues! divorced, becomingasinglemother married, butafteronlyfi time managementposition.She for 10years,andtheninafull- at abankinBrazil,fi siblings. Sheworkedfor20years family, andwasraisedamongfi Brazil toanItalianandPortuguese the Rumba. in lovewithhimwhiledancing Fox Trot, butperMarly,shefell Their first dancetogetherwasthe met Marlywhocameinforlessons. dance studioinRoseville whenhe know. Philipwasassistingatalocal instructor,” Marlysaid.Sheshould BINGO! Marly wasborninGoiania, “He isaverypatient FEBRUARY 2017 (cont’ onpage33) rst part-time veyears, ve

Jeff andJanJohns 2 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2017

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Our Family Means Business Courtney Carolan Arnold We Have Been Serving Lincoln Hills Since 1999 916.258.2188 Integrity - Exceptional Service - Outstanding Results Property Manager CA BRE # 01471287 Together We Serve You Better CA BRE # 01272617 916.253.1833 Serving All of Your VtÜÉÄtÇ cÜÉÑxÜà|xá Real Estate Needs CA BRE # 01468489 916.253.1833 Penny Carolan Full Service On-Site 916.871.3860 Property Management Broker Associate Megan Carolan Top Selling Broker 2012, 2013 & 2015 916.420.4576 CA BRE # 01053722 Realtor CA BRE # 01937273 945 Orchard Creek Lane, Suite 300, Lincoln, CA 95648 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2017 3

The Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills is a monthly publication, published by EGnews Inc. Mailing Address: 5098 Foothills Blvd., #3 PMB 405 • Roseville, CA 95747 (916) 727-6383 • Fax: (916) 727-6373 • E-mail: [email protected] From the Editors Ad rates are available on the Internet at I started 2017 by celebrating Liz EDITORS Goldthorpe my big 50th birthday — Gregg & Liz Goldthorpe As I turned half-a-century old, PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS I was able to celebrate it like a Mark Bernard, Targa Funk, Madison Goldthorpe-Lewis kid, at one of my favorite places,

ADVERTISING with my favorite people… here’s Gregg Goldthorpe to another 50! Gregg & Liz Goldthorpe — Liz Goldthorpe CONTRIBUTORS Linda Lucchetti, Gary Reeder, Rudi Franke, Robert M. Weygantdt, Graig Stults, Jeannine Newcum, Frances Swanson, Barry Mackintosh, Patricia Howle, Martin Green, Diane Carney, Donna Pick, Diane Pargament, Frima Stewart, Joan Musillani, Jean Storms, Brad Senn, Genevieve, Tewart, Lionel Rainman, Russel Steele, Bette Ahrens, James Fullcomer, Teena Fowler, Joe Orsini, Darla Purdy, Kathy Shaddox, Elaine White, Karl Schoenstein, Paul Gardner, John Noon, Sandra Frame, B.L. Lewis, Tim Miles, Joan Brant-Love, Jeff Andersen, Val Singer, Don Rickgauer, Marsha Richardson, Elna Ragan, Mike Smith, Rob Phillips, Lorraine Immel, Ruth Baylis, Stephanie Huntingdale, Tom Frady, Susan Pharis, Candice Koropp, Doug Hinchey, Barbara Davis, Warreen Akey, Candy Castro, Paul Mac Garvey, Mike Gardner, John Vogeli, Richard Pearl, Dale Stephens, Larry O’Donnell, Patrick Crenshaw, Ed Kasper, Jeanie Robertson, Kathy Gire, Jack Fabian. CIRCULATION with completed form to the Sun Senior News The Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills is - Lincoln Hills. Deadline for the classifi ed delivered free directly to 7,500 homes in the Sun ads is the 15th of each month. The publisher City - Lincoln Hills community. The delivery is (EGnews Inc.) reserves the right to refuse any targeted for the fi rst week of each month. classifi ed ads it deems unsuitable. SUBSCRIPTIONS SUBMISSIONS For a one year mailed subscription to the The Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills, send address welcomes announcements from social clubs, and $48 to the Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills, schools, charitable organizations, non-profi t 5098 Foothills Blvd., #3 PMB 405, Roseville, organizations, local government and com- CA 95747. Please make checks payable to: Sun munity events. Also, editorial contributions Nick, MaMadison, Gregg, Emily and Liz Senior News. Subcriptions are for those who as well as articles, cartoons and photographs dison, want to have their paper mailed outside of are welcomed and considered for publication. Gregg, Emily at DisDisneyworld!neyworl and Liz Lincoln Hills. Deadline for submissions is the 15th of each d! DISPLAY ADS month. Please submit via email. A variety of display ad sizes are available All information submitted to the Sun Senior to fi t your business needs and budget. For rate News - Lincoln Hills must be accompanied by information call Gregg at 916-727-6383. your name, phone number and written consent. Display ads must be submitted by the 10th All letters received become the property of the of each month to guarantee placement in the publisher (EGnews Inc.). The Sun Senior News - following month’s issue and to avoid late fees. Lincoln Hills reserves the right to condense and Letters to the Editors... The publisher (EGnews Inc.) reserves the right edit letters for publication and liability purposes. to refuse any display ads it deems unsuitable. Authors are solely responsible for the content of their letters. CLASSIFIED ADS The Sun Senior News - For classifi ed ads, please complete the form Lincoln Hills is Printed on Recycled Paper See for yourself the provided in this issue. Send appropriate payment Compliance Committee making presentations. All content and letters to the editors represents the opinion of the various authors and all content and inner workings of SCLH... It was the fi rst one of these I had been to, and letters should be considered as opinion and editorial in nature. Any representations expressed by the various Here we are at the start of a New Year, it was well worth the time. Each presentation authors are not necessarily shared or verifi ed by the publisher. and already there are exciting things happening was followed by a Q&A session with residents. Advertisers are solely responsible for all representations made by their advertisements. EG NEWS As I listened to my fellow residents, I heard INC. is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any advertisements. The presence of an ad within within our community. With all that’s going our publications or electronic communications does not imply endorsement of the advertised company, on, I am pleased to be an involved resident. comments refl ecting concern, praise and even product, or service. Readers should use all due diligence regarding representations, products or services I recently attended an informative some mistrust toward the respective HOA before an transaction is preformed. Community meeting with the HOA Board segments, as well as some of the proposals Sun Senior News is not associated with Del Webb Corporation. put forth. Several of the residents who spoke Del Webb’s Sun City is a registered trademark of Del Webb Corporation. of Directors, as well as the Chairperson of EG Graphics, publishers of the Antelope News, Sun Senior News - Roseville, the Architectural Review Committee and Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills & Woodcreek News. (cont’ on page 41)

Computer Solutions 25% Discount to Sun City Residents! Visit Our Julie DeCarlo, Agent New Location We come to you. We are licensed, On 8/30/16 certifi ed, and insured. We are Next To 916-783-4010 McDonald’s! effi cient and confi dent we can Get to a better state. Contact me 24/7 for a quote today! help for an excellent price.

1402 Blue Oaks Blvd #120 Roseville, CA 95747 (916) 209-0134 N/W Corner of Blue Oaks & Foothills [email protected] License #0B98828 4 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2017

telephones, mobile phones, emails and text 2017 Tax Season is Here! From Your Placer County Supervisor messages, for all the places they care about. BY ROBERT M. WEYGANDT, Supervisor Again, I want to give a very sincere thank you to everyone in the community for pulling Lincoln AARP Foundation Tax-Aide together to help our neighbors, friends and volunteers are ready to assist you with your The new year is off to a wild With the winter storm strangers. It is this spirit that makes Placer 2016 tax returns! This 40-year-old program and wooly start, thanks to an epic approaching, OES activated the County a place I am proud to call home. provides free income tax return preparation winter storm that brought torrential Emergency Operations Center and counseling for low to middle-income rain, fl ooding, blizzard conditions, to respond to emergencies and taxpayers with special attention to those 60 funnel clouds and powerful wind emerging concerns ranging from years and older. This joint IRS and AARP gusts throughout Placer County. fl ooding to road closures to massive Foundation administered program is staffed by But what’s more impressive snow impacts in the Sierra. volunteers from Lincoln who are trained and than the impact of Mother Nature I would like to take this IRS certifi ed each year to ensure they know is the overwhelming response by Robert M. Weygandt opportunity to recognize the In Memoriam — about and understand the latest changes and county public safety agencies and county’s Public Works and Facilities additions to the U.S. tax code. These returns residents alike. department for their herculean efforts to Judith Lee Leimer will be fi led electronically (e-fi led) with the I am proud to say that as our county keep our roads open and warn residents from IRS and Franchise Tax Board, was tested by rain, wind and snow, we pulled dangerous driving conditions. Our county Judith Lee Leimer, beautiful mother, which allow clients to have their tax refunds together and showed our true colors by looking roads and highways faced a relentless onslaught grandmother, sister and friend, passed away deposited directly into their bank accounts after each other. of fl ooding, washouts, debris, downed trees and at age 76 on December 15, 2016 after a with two weeks. Nationwide, volunteers In the days leading up to the Pineapple power lines, mudslides and snow - lots and lots courageous 3 year battle with cancer. are using computers to complete and e-fi le Express’s arrival the Placer County Offi ce of of snow. These men and women were on the Judie was born in Bancroft, Nebraska approximately three million tax returns to Emergency Services coordinated preparation frontlines to help keep our residents safe and on August 7, 1940 and lived in Nebraska with meet the April 17th, 2017 fi ling deadline for efforts with county departments, cities, utilities traffi c moving. her family. She married on May 28, 1961 and 2016 income. companies, fi re departments, the American As we continue to recover and dry out I moved to California and worked as a nurse This service will be available by Red Cross and other agencies. cannot stress enough that all of our residents and real estate agent before retiring in 2000. appointment only this year at Granite Springs OES sent pre-storm alert messages to sign-up for the Placer Alert notifi cation system. She is survived by 2 sons, Scott and Bradley Church, 1170 E. Joiner Parkway. Beginning thousands of residents who live in fl ood-prone Placer Alert is the best way to receive timely (Marcia) Leimer and two grandsons Oliver and January 16th, 2017, people can make income areas via Placer Alert emergency notifi cation alerts during future wildfi res, severe winter Henry and siblings Jerry, Jackie, and James. tax preparation appointments by calling 916- system. The message advised residents to take storms and other emergencies that affect you A celebration of life was held on January 14, 878-6249 from 9:00AM to 5:00PM, Monday precautions such as clearing leaves from drains and your community. 2017 where more than 150 family and friends through Friday. The Intake/Interview Sheet is and gutters and having emergency supplies of If you’d like to receive emergency alerts celebrated Judie’s continuous curiosity in required of all clients and may be downloaded food, batteries and other necessities available on mobile phones, though, you’ll need to nature, art, painting and many other groups or completed online from by in case of extended power outages. register them with Placer Alert. It’s quick and clubs in Sun City Lincoln Hills. entering Form 13614-c in the search box and The Placer County Public Works and and easy. Simply log on to www.Placer-Alert. She will be remembered by her joy for life pressing enter, then clicking on the form. This Facilities Department in coordination with org and provide the requested information. that made everyone that knew her love her. form is also available in the Orchard Creek local fi re departments provided more than All personal information is kept strictly She will be sadly missed. Lodge lobby and Kilaga Springs library. 110,000 free sandbags and 530 tons of sand confi dential. In lieu of flowers, please donate Interested people can also call to residents concerned their properties might By registering mobile devices, residents to American Cancer Society at donate3. 1-800-AARPNOW to obtain the location and fl ood. That’s over 25 miles of sandbags! can ensure they receive alerts through landline hours of other Tax-Aide location near them. %5( Thinking of Upsizing or Downsizing?



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Michelle Cowles, Realtor 1500 Del Webb Blvd. Suite 101, Lincoln, CA 95648 9 1 | [email protected] 6 295-8532 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2017 5

many of the musical sounds familiar to this to many additional upgrades with new wonderful production. Songs including comfortable seating, new over-head stage The Music Man Comes to Lincoln “Seventy-Six Trombones”, “Goodnight lighting and a new color design for an enhanced BY CRAIG STULTS Ladies”, “Pick-a-Little (Talk-a-Little)”, theater atmosphere. Continuous upgrades for “Lida Rose” are selections of the 20+ the theater are supported through generous Love is in the air this month as songs that will provide bring this story donations from the community in conjunction we approach Valentine’s Day and The to life, and provide great entertainment. with the support of the City of Lincoln. Lincoln Theatre Company present This is a show that lives on forever and Tickets are going fast which is an “Music Man” a con man’s love story no matter how many times you see indication that this is a show that you will not which happens to be one of the most it, the feelings of fun and excitement want to miss! celebrated productions in musical remains with you. Show Dates: February 24 & 25 - 7:30 PM theater. February 26 – 2:00 PM “The Music Man” which became The “Music Man” is under March 3 & 4 – 7:30 PM March 5 – 2:00 PM a hit when it premiered on Broadway the direction of Peggy Schechter, a Doors open Fri/Sat at 7:00 PM and 1:30 in 1957 opens the last weekend of seasoned and well-respected director PM Sunday February and continues through the in the Lincoln community and the San Show Location: Lincoln Civic Auditorium fi rst weekend of March at the Historic Francisco Bay Area. Mrs. Schechter 511 Fifth St, Lincoln CA Civic Auditorium in downtown Lincoln. Harold Hill, played by Spencer Sanders, attempts to woo has performed and directed on stage Tickets: All Reserved Seating - $17.50 The cast will include over 30 performers Marian Paroo, played by Bianca Christianson, during in numerous Premium $15.50 General including young adults and early teens locations and is a member of the Placer Order Tickets: www. rehearsal of the MUSIC MAN production in Lincoln. telling the story written by Meredith Pops Chorale and Lincoln Theatre Willson in collaboration with Franklin Photo by Ron Nabity Choristers. Peggy has taught both vocal Box Offi ce: 916-409-7030 Lacey. The show is based on Meredith to be seen again. and acting skills and has been nominated for Willson’s six-time Tony Award winning best For Professor Hill’s scheme to work in several theatre awards and has won “Best Lead musical. River City, he must gain the trust of the local in a Musical” award. “This is a timeless show that appeals to music teacher, his usual manner of doing this, Dance is choreographed by Jeff Teague, people of all ages,” said Stage and Musical is by wooing her. The music teacher is also a well respected and sought after Director/ Director Peggy Schechter. “With the the town librarian and unlike other citizens choreographer who has directed at theaters addition of the incredible choreographer Jeff of River City is suspicious of Harold Hill. throughout California with extensive HAPPY Teague, the show will provide a high level of Complications for Harold ensue when he choreographic work for The Alameda Civic entertainment for all.” starts to fall for Marian and members of the Light Opera. Mr. Teague has received The musical is set in a simple fi ctional town start fi nding out more about the scheme numerous awards for his artistic presentations town in Iowa called River City. Harold Hill, of Professor Hill. Harold Hill continues to in many different venues throughout California. who claims to be a professor, has an on-going risk being caught to win Marian’s affections. Set production is under the direction scam that involves posing as a band leader/ Ultimately Marian, the librarian, of multi-award winning set designer, master organizer who sells musical instruments and transforms Harold Hill into a respectable carpenter and actor Lee Basham. The show Tuesday, February 14th! uniforms with promises to train the band. He citizen by the end of the show. is being co-produced by Paul Schechter and has no college degree, knows nothing about The high energy production is a toe Craig Stults. music and after all materials arrive and he is tapping crowd-pleaser that features a Patrons of the local historic downtown paid – plans to hightail it out of town never barbershop quartet, incredible dancing and Lincoln Theatre Company will be treated


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Players Club Sunday, February 12 at 3PM Vaudeville Troupe Rehearsals: * denotes required attendance Where: Kilaga Springs Presentation Hall by cast BY JEANNINE NEWCUM & • • • BY PATRICIA HOWLE *Wednesday, April 26th - Meeting with FRANCES SWANSON 2016 is behind us and the Vaudeville cast 6-8 pm Another year has begun. Remember LH Community Chorus Troupe is looking forward to its annual show *Monday, May 8th -Entire Cast Including when 2017 sounded so very far away? Well, this year to be held on July 7th and 8th! BY BARRY MACKINTOSH Dancers-Show Run-through 6-8 pm it is here and we have with a whole new slate Much preparation is necessary for our Rehearsals are underway for our spring *Thursday, May 11 - Dancers Only 1-4 pm to fi ll. We, of the Players Club, hope that you productions. The fi rst stage is putting the acts concert on April 30 and May 1-2. Featuring *Tuesday, May 23rd -Entire Cast will apply some of your time with us—either together. Auditions will be held on Tuesday, favorite music from Broadway, it’s sure to be Including Dancers-Show Run-through 6-8p as a participant or in the audience. April18th and Thursday, April 20th. They a crowd pleaser. Wednesday, May 24 - Optional rehearsal The first play of the year has been will be held in the Presentation Hall at Kilaga A sampling of what we’ll sing for you then: time- individual or group requests scheduled; the director, the producer and the starting at 6:30 pm and running until 8:30 pm. • “Anything Goes” from Cole Porter’s *Tuesday, June 6- Entire Cast Including cast have been selected. It is the fi rst Readers If you know you want to audition, please let show of that name Dancers-Show Run-Through 6-8pm Theater production of 2017 and the name of Yvonne, our director, know by calling her • “Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You,” a *Tuesday, June 20th -Entire Cast the play is “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” (no-- not the at 408-2040. She will reserve a time slot for Frankie Valli hit reprised in Jersey Boys Including Dancer-Show Run Through 6-8p 2005 movie, but the 1941 Lux Radio Theatre you. At this time intervals will run every ten • “Hallelujah” from Hit the Deck Thursday, June22nd-Optional rehearsal version of a 1936 movie). minute. If there are many of you requesting • “Hernando’s Hideaway” from The time open to all 6-8 pm Per the director, Paul Gardner: “The Play audition time, the time may be reduced to 5-7 Pajama Game Friday, June 23rd- Optional rehearsal is the story of a young married couple who minutes. Your audition will be videotaped and • “I Dreamed a Dream,” “On My Own,” time open to all 6-8 pm suddenly discover, to their own amazement, the Audition Committee will meet on April and “Suddenly” from Les Misérables Wednesday, June 28th- Optional rehearsal that they are not legally married at all. The time 22nd to make the fi nal decisions. If you can • “One” and “What I Did for Love” from time open to all 6-8 pm is the late 1930s; the place is New York City. not attend the auditions, arrangements can be A Chorus Line Show Week David is an attorney who, with wife Ann, lives made to have you videotaped at another time. • “Send In the Clowns” from A Little *Wednesday, July 5th-Set-up and Tech - in style with servants, in an apartment house This must be done prior to the April 22nd Night Music Entire Case-Show Run-through 1-5p near Central Park. He is brash, with a mouth meeting of the Audition Committee where • “The Impossible Dream” from Man *Thursday, July 6th-Final Rehearsal and that has a mind of its own. She is a romantic, fi nalists for the show will be determined. All of La Mancha Tech-Entire Cast. Times to be determined with a very independent spirit.” participants will be notifi ed within a few days • “Try to Remember” from The Fantasticks later. We invite you join the Lincoln Hills as to the results. We’ll be mastering these great songs and Showtime: Players as we journey back in time to the early The rehearsal schedule for the show has more every Tuesday afternoon until concert Friday, July 7th, 2 pm and 6 pm 1940s. The performance will be presented in been set up. In the past, a lot of vacations got time. You’ve come to expect the best from us, Saturday, July 8th, 2pm and 6 pm. an authentic “old radio show style”. Watch us in the way resulting with a lot of absenteeism. and we guarantee you’ll get it! Cast Party: as we enter into a radio studio and broadcast By providing this schedule, it is hoped that For more information about us visit Friday, July 21st, at Kilaga, 5-9 pm this entertaining episode of “Mr. And Mrs. these absences will be avoided. our website: We are looking for new and unusual acts. If Smith”. If you enjoy a good comedy and like All rehearsal dates have been set up and Direct any questions or comments to our you would like to share your talents, we are just to laugh, you mustn’t miss this one. they will be held in the Presentation Hall. membership chair, Suzanne Rosevold (587- the venue for you! Our troupe is so supportive We have a great cast of entertainers, In addition to regular rehearsals, there are 3035, [email protected]), or our and will make you feel very welcomed. Please brilliant sound effects and terrifi c direction-- dedicated rehearsals for dancers only so it is director, Bill Sveglini (899-8383, sveglini@ call for an audition or if you have any questions. ---and here’s the icing on the cake------IT’S not necessary for them to come to each time. On with the Show! FREE!!!!! See you at the theater!!! The comedians will have minimal rehearsals as • • • • • • When: Saturday, February 11 at 7PM well and are not required to come each time. (more Club News cont’ on page 9)

Lincoln Hills Community Chorus

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service by our waitress Nicole, at a very busy we were fi nally seated. Another caution, the Favorite time, was very good. Outback doesn’t open on weekdays until 4 PM Help our community Other menu entrees include a Mondays through Thursdays, 3:30 PM Friday. Harrison Ranch filet mignon and a It’s open on Saturday 12-11 and on Sunday Restaurants Harrison Ranch skirt steak, veal picatta, veal 12-9. The address is 181 N. Sunrise Avenue; grow strong — marsala and chicken Kiev. There are also the the phone number is 772-6060. BY MARTIN GREEN old favorites: pot roast, meat loaf, liver and Another restaurant I’ve written about Beverly and I decided to try the new onions and chicken fried steak. here before is the Claim Jumper. We had support our Timbers restaurant (SCR) for lunch. We On the way out, we looked into the new lunch there in December, again with Jan and were also curious to see what it looked like. glass-enclosed lounge, which has a nice long Martin. I recall that when Claim Jumper fi rst Our initial impression was that it looked very bar, is very light (and that day sunny) and is opened it was almost impossible to get in during advertisers and good, light, airy and spacious. We’d called probably a fi ne place to have a meal and/or a normal lunch hours it was so crowded. The for a reservation and were seated at a table drink (there’s a separate bar menu) but I found reason is that it serves a generous amount ot community for two, but the table was larger than most it a bit disappointing as I’d pictured something of food at reasonable prices. The prices have tables for two we’ve been at. As might be more like a lounge that was intimate with gone up since but you still get a lot of food. expected, because I’m sure many other SCR comfortable chairs and perhaps sofas where We went on a Saturday, so it was crowded but organizations! residents were curious about the new Timbers Beverly and I, who ordinarily stay in after not overfl owing, and they do take reservations and because there were many younger family dark, could go after a tiring retirement day and for four. Claim Jumper is at 250 Harding members here for the holidays, the restaurant have a drink. Interestingly, another resident I Boulevard; the phone number is 788-1705. was crowded and servers were busily going talked to expressed the same opinion. At any A Roseville restaurant that’s been around back and forth. From our table we could see rate, I would advise giving the new Timbers a even longer than Claim Jumper is the Pacifi c out to the golf course, not as well as at the old try; it’s well worth it. Street Café, which dates from 1990. Our Timbers, but still a pleasant view. In December, we went out to dinner at the LEO (Let’s Eat Out) group went there for The lunch menu seemed about the same Outback for my birthday because I’d expressed breakfast in December. I didn’t go but Beverly as at the old Timbers, with prices, as far as I a desire for steak and our friends Jan and did and she reports that it was much as usual, could remember, also about the same. I noticed Martin Wolf, who are younger and who still pretty crowded but good service and everyone that my old favorite, the Timbers Burger don’t mind driving at night, kindly took us there. satisfi ed. Besides breakfast, which is served all ($10), was on it, as was another favorite, the I’ve written several times about the Outback day, Pacifi c Street has many lunch offerings, French dip (only 470 calories) and also the and can report, once again, that we were all including burgers and hot sandwiches. The Caesar salad. Other lunch offerings were the very satisfi ed with our dinners, six ounce fi let restaurant is at 301 Lincoln Street in Old shrimp Louie (gluten-free), the turkey burger, mignons except for Martin’s, which was a larger Town, next to the railroad tracks and has a toy the vegan burger and the fi sh and chips. In ribeye or sirloin . At the Outback, you give train on a track running inside. It’s a breakfast keeping with the spirit of a “new” restaurant, your steak specifi cations to your server and and lunch place; hours Monday-Friday, 7-2; I tried something new to me and which I the results are invariably good. One caution, Saturday and Sunday, 7-3. didn’t recall being on the old menu, the steak we went there without reservations (they don’t Hoping for some reader recommendations sandwich ($10). This was marinated Harrison take them for four) on a Friday night and it next month. My e-mail is mgreensuncity@ Ranch beef sautéed with onions on a toasted seemed that everyone else in Roseville having telera roll topped with lettuce, tomatoes with a birthday was there plus many other people, a whole grain aloli. Beverly had her usual wrap, resulting in almost an hour’s wait. We’d arrived BLTchicken, which she pronounced good. The early, around 5:30, so weren’t starving when

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Ballroom Dance Club variety of dance music being played. Country Couples Karen and We should mention and give thanks to the BY DIANE CARNEY Gary Allington outgoing members of the Steering Committee BY DONNA PICK After celebrating the holidays with a for all the hours that they have contributed to Our Lincoln Hills Country Couples well-attended Christmas-themed potluck make this club and its events a success. Gary dancers celebrated New Year’s Eve with their dinner dance in December 2016, members of and Karen Allington and Chris Geist have fi rst New Year’s Eve party at the Lincoln the Ballroom Dance Club glided into the New worked diligently by, respectively, taking care Veterans Memorial Hall. Year by learning and practicing the beautiful of club fi nances, preparing articles for the Sun During the afternoon, the Hall was Waltz, with lessons taught by Belinda Burns Senior News and Compass, and creatively transformed into a spectacular, dazzling dance and Nancy Lane. If you have seen the movie planning and preparing for all of the dance hall. Under the guidance of Phyllis Svetich “La La Land” you know of what we speak. events enjoyed by us all. Thank you Gary, and Irene Hesson, the decorating team re- Well, maybe our moves are not quite those Karen and Chris! arranged tables, put up banners, balloons, and of Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, but for Our returning Steering Committee decorations around the dance hall. Tables were those who took the waltz lessons in January, members, Sal Algeri and Wood McCann, and adorned with candles, New Year’s fan-fare, you can certainly maneuver some lovely box our newly elected members, Jim Luckey, Jim La bows, candy and horns. Everything sparkled. steps, twinkles, and turns and look graceful Nier, and Olivia Eckert have begun planning The hall was a dazzling venue for dancers on the dance fl oor. and preparing for 2017 Club events with focus to mingle, socialize, sample snacks and, of The pace will change in February when on the eight scheduled dance parties as well as course, dance. Sal and Ruth Algeri teach East Coast Swing. the weekly dance lessons. The fi rst event of 2017 When Jim and Jeanie Keener were unable This upbeat dance reminiscent of the Jitterbug will be Ballroom Saturday Night on February to attend, and be our DJ’s, Larry Brigleb, our popular in the 40’s will get your heart beating 4 from 6:00 - 9:00 PM in KS Multipurpose club photographer, graciously stepped in to and put a smile on your face. Yes, dancing is room with a Mardi Gras theme. We will get a play all our favorite country music. He did a a wonderful activity which contributes to your Chris and jump start on Mardi Gras, or “Fat Tuesday,” wonderful job on such a short notice. physical exercise program while having fun and John Geist which offi cially is February 28, the last day of During the evening, many dancers won learning something new. Throughout the year, the Carnival season in New Orleans and the (cont’ on page 11) our talented instructors will be teaching seven day before Ash Wednesday. Club members different ballroom dances with basic steps for will celebrate by dancing and reveling while those just beginning and more advanced steps enjoying dessert and light refreshments. Look for those who want to add a little more to their for some spectacular decorations and some repertoire of dance moves. interestingly outfi tted dancers. Membership is open to residents of SCLH Contacts: Sal Algeri 408-4752, Olivia and sponsored guests, couples and singles, who Eckert 740-6972 would like to socialize with congenial people • • • and learn the art of ballroom dance. Club dues are only $7 per year per person. Lessons are free and are offered every Tuesday in the KS Multipurpose room. Beginner’s class is from 2:00 to 3:00 PM and the advanced class is Jim Kiley, Phyllis Svetich, Irene Hesson, from 4:00 to 5:00 PM. The three o’clock hour is “open dance” to just practice and enjoy the Randy English and Ralph Svetich.

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s-ERCURY &REE$ENTISTRY &LAVIANE0ETERSEN $$3 \hirkb`am+)*,\akblZ] !BDON-ANALOTO $$3 x Seniors Real Estate Specialistlist s7E7ELCOME-OST)NSURANCE #HRIS#OOPER $$3 x Certified Negotiation Expertert ~ — ^— ^— ~ — ~ — ~ — ~ — ~ — ~ — ~ — ~ — ~ 4HAIS"OOMS $$3 -3 /RTHODONTIST x Coldwell Banker Internationalonal "RAD4OWNSEND$$3 -3 s&ORAMORECOMFORTABLEVISIT 3EDATIONDENTISTRYISAVAILABLE 0ERIODONTIST President’s Elite s0ROFESSIONALLY4RAINED #ARING AND#OURTEOUS3TAFF &OLLOWUSON x Outstanding Life Masters s.OWOFFERING/RTHODONTICS"RACES Club Member WWW,INCOLN$ENTISTSCOM Each office independently owned and operated x e-PRO® Certified 945 Orchard Creek Lane, Suite 200, Lincoln, CA 95648 | (916) 408-5557 10 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2017 Annual Fine Arts Show Specializing in BY DIANE PARGAMENT LINCOLN HILLS It’s nearly here! The best art show in Placer County, the 14thh Annual HOME SALES Fine Arts Show, takes place this month at the Lincoln Since 1999 Hills Orchard Creek Ballroom. Every year this is a “can’t miss” event, and this year’s show will be no exception. Featuring Juror Dennis Car (2nd from Left) with award 2016 award more than 60 Lincoln Hills winners Diane Chan, James Brunk, and Allen Adler. As a former New Home Sales Associate in Lincoln Hills, artists, the show begins with I specialize in the sales of homes in the two Sun City Preview Night on Friday, communities. My clients find tremendous value in my February 24, from 5:30 pm to 8 pm, and professional artists who are nationally continues on Saturday, 9 am to 5 pm, through recognized in their own right; beginners knowledge of the communities, the lifestyle and the Sunday, 9 am to 3 pm. All dates are free making their fi rst tentative strokes of floor plans. and open to the public! paint on canvas or paper or clicks of a The Fine Arts Show at Lincoln Hills camera shutter; and many in between. When you list your home with me, I provide: showcases the fi nest in artwork created All have contributed to the important exclusively by Lincoln Hills artists and role art has played in our lives. They have • Strategy for getting the highest price for your includes watercolor, oils, pastels, mixed formed several groups and clubs and have media, photography, and sculpture. furthered the arts not only in Lincoln Hills home, including photography and staging We are honored this year to have David but the community at large by participating Peterson from Sacramento Fine Arts Center in activities and events sponsored by local • Excellent exposure for your home on my jury our show. David is an award winning art venues. website which is dedicated to your Lincoln Hills artist, using water media, acrylics on paper Many on the FAS committee have been and canvas. He has paintings in private working together for several years, but we community, as well as on national real estate collections across the country. David was welcome new members each year. Chair websites such as Zillow and Trulia. recently awarded Northern California Arts Joyce Bisbee and 2017 committee members (NCA) Master Painter Signature status and Marlin Anderson, Paulette Pesavento, • Referrals to trusted tradesmen and oversight to is presently on the board of directors of Bonnie Dunlap, Gordon Powers, Diane Sacramento Fine Arts Center. Pargament, Chuck Gebhardt, and Barb make your move easy Musical accompaniment will be Iniguez appreciate the several volunteers provided during the show by several talented from the community who assist with the • 30 years of Real Estate Experience working on Lincoln Hills musicians. Thank you to all setup of the show. The Fine Arts Show your behalf these volunteers who enhance the show of Lincoln Hills honors these artists and with their music. volunteers and thanks them for their Call me for a free home evaluation today. The show is proud to feature such participation in our annual event. a diverse group of artists who call Sun We hope you will join us at our 14th City Lincoln Hills home. We include Annual show!

Lincoln Hills Foundation Announces Major Grants for 2017 BY FRIMA STEWART

The Lincoln Hills Foundation, founded these grants contribute to the following in 2002, is committed to its mission to services in our greater Lincoln community: promote and fund solutions and programs Bosom Buddies to assure education, support that enhance the quality of life for senior and special activities for women (and residents of the Lincoln Community. Since men) dealing with breast cancer; Lincoln its inception, the Foundation has awarded Hills Neighborhood Watch for activities grants totaling over $350,000. As the Board to support volunteer work by residents to of Directors celebrates the 15th anniversary assure community safety; Lincoln Theatre SHELLEY WEISMAN of the Foundation, we are pleased to Company to purchase an assistive hearing 916.595.0130 announce our major grants for 2017. These device system for senior residents attending grants are made possible by the donations dramatic productions; Friends of the Lincoln from the residents of Sun City Lincoln Library to purchase large print and audio Hills in support of all senior residents of books; Del Oro Caregiver Resource Center the city of Lincoln as well as the residents to provide respite services to 30 families of Sheridan, our neighboring community. who care for their physically or memory All donations made to the Lincoln Hills challenged loved ones at home; The Salt Foundation go directly to support the Mine to provide food and essential adult work of the organizations we fund. The supplies to low income seniors; Seniors First administrative and governance work of the My Meals Program for meal and delivery Foundation is done by volunteers. cost to 70 low income homebound seniors. BRE# 00892873 The grants approved by the Board of The Foundation wishes to thank and Directors in December 2016 fund services is grateful for the support of our wonderful that indeed enhance the quality of life for community as we endeavor to make a seniors in our community. Totaling $58,850, difference in the lives of our senior residents. Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2017 11

Country Couples LH Painters’ Club (cont’ from page 9) BY JOAN MUSILLANI The annual Fine Arts Show will be held raffl e prizes to take home. February 24-26 in the Orchard Creek Ballroom. The New Year was brought This event always showcases the wide range in with a toast and song. of artistic talent in our community, with the Now during January, beautiful art work for sale (you can fi nd just we are working on “Let’s the right thing for that bare spot on your wall!). do that Again” in the Be sure to come check it out, it will be open beginner group and Friday night, all day Saturday, and Sunday until “Castaways” and Mexican 3 p.m. Watch for the announcements. In the Wind” in intermediates. It January meeting Diane Pargament provided a is also time to renew your great review of the guidelines for club members membership. Our dues are that are participants of this annual show. $6 per person. Application Marv and Margo Zamba, Rene’ and In February our program will be a forms have been emailed. Deb and Jim Christie, Peggy Phillips, Kathy Lopez, Sylvia Passaglia, Ralph and presentation by Patty Miller, owner of We are all looking Sue Kirby and Gary Wermuth. Phyllis Svetich and Gary Moulton. Patris Studio and Gallery on 2nd Avenue in Sacramento (check out her website: http:// ). She will focus on plein air skills and mindset with a study of perspective using a limited palette. The meeting will be on February 21, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. in the Fine Arts Room in Orchard Creek Lodge. Hope we see you there! There is still work being shown at the Waffl e Corner (Del Webb Blvd. across from OC Lodge) – have you checked it out yet? Grab a friend and have breakfast or lunch and enjoy the art work! If you have questions, the following are Ivan and Irene Hesson contacts for the club. President: Joan Musillani, E-mail: [email protected] or 712-4393 forward to our Sweetheart’s Dance on Membership: Gordon Powers, E-mail: February 11th. We will share our good time [email protected] or 408-3667 and pictures with you next month. • • • For any information on how to join our fun, please contact Marsha Brigleb at 916-434- Alice and Al Martig, Jack and Shelley Coate and April Cederburg. 5460 or Rich Pick at 650-867-0035. • • • (more Club News cont’ on page 13)


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Needle Arts… Threads of Carol Matthews, Program Chair, they will provide a forum for the exchange of Palmolive in 1926 and then with Colgate in has lined up a great year of programs. You technical and creative ideas and techniques 1928 dropping the Pete’s name. There was a Friendship won’t want to miss any of them. regarding video. Their mission statement 1907 publication on the Czar and his family BY JEAN STORMS Jean Storms, 2017 Communications says it all, “The video SIG is formed to expand who were assassinated a short time later. One Needle Arts had a great kick start to the Chair, 916-408-1515; JeanMovingOn@gmail. one’s knowledge of videography and related gentleman told how his father (who’s specialty New Year with a humorous and informative com technology, and have fun in the process. We was French cooking) was Chef for the De presentation on Art Quilting from Melinda • • • provide enthusiastic and passionate support, Young family. He used to help his father in Bula on January 10, 2017. She demonstrated education and training for all levels.” the kitchen for big events. All the recipes were her many beautiful art quilts and shared many Paper Arts Group Merging this group with the Photography informally written in Chinese! One lady shared of her techniques and products that she has BY LINDA LUCCHETTI Club is a natural and benefi cial action for a WWII letter (covered with kisses) from her developed over the years. As Melinda states, We reconvened after the holidays at our both organizations. It simplifi es and reduces mother (who built bullets for the war effort) “Creativity and Perfection do not mix.” You can January meeting. President Shirley Rainman the duplication of organizational duties and to her father lying in a hospital bed far away learn more information at www.melindabula. introduced her daughter Jennifer as our special increases the ability of all members to take with war injuries. We saw a 1920 postcard from com. Thank you, Melinda, for your wonderful guest. An avid crafter herself, Jennifer spoke advantage of each program. Since many of Sweden (interesting stamp), a 1912 California presentation. of another interest --sending and receiving the digital cameras as well as smartphones postcard of the historic Pioneer Cabin Tree The meeting was conducted by incoming postcards. She shared an online program called today have video capability, this is a wonderful also known as the ‘tunnel tree’, a souvenir President Shirli Lent. We want to thank “Postcrossing” whereby people can exchange opportunity to improve one’s techniques from the 1948 Vallejo Police & Fireman’s Ball, outgoing President Kay Kelley for her two postcards from all over the world. Postcards and editing capabilities to produce more 1919 discharge papers from WWI along with wonderful years as President of our group. can be purchased or handmade with artistic meaningful videos of vacations, family outings, fun stories, 1937 Rex ocean Liner First Class She is moving out of Sun City but as she says, designs. For more information, go to the Web hobbies or just hikes around our beautiful Tourist brochure, 1954 Matson Lines Lurline “I will not be a stranger to our Needle Arts at open spaces. Menu, and a vintage ad for a month’s cruise Group and will be back periodically.” Shirley outlined the group’s activities The meetings for this SIG will be held to Maui and Kauai for $400-$500! And on the During the January meeting, the for the upcoming year. The annual, “It’s The on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 9:00AM subject of ocean liners, one member shared Community Service Group announced that Lifestyle” event featuring clubs and activity in the Orchard Creek Multi-Purpose Room. how her grandfather had come to this country they donated 279 quilts in 2016 – what an groups of Sun City is scheduled for Feb. 28 at The Lincoln Hills Photography Club is in 1909, got a job and sent for his family. His accomplishment; hats off to all the quilt the Orchard Creek Lodge Ballroom. If you a very active organization with fi ve meetings wife tried to get passage on the Titanic, but it contributors! They are anticipating another are interested in helping and representing per month. A General Meeting usually with was totally booked. She was very disappointed great year in 2017. If you want to contribute, Paper Arts at our table, please contact Shirley. a guest speaker specializing in a particular but came over in November 1912. Later she you can join them in the sewing room every Shirley also talked about “Secret Blue aspect of photography, an Enhancement SIG had a baby here and our member had the Thursday morning from 9 – 12. Butterfl y” (www.SecretBlueButterfl y) -- a (Special Interest Group) focusing on using itemized hospital bill, which was amazing! The The upcoming February 14, 2017 program she’s interested in which promotes various software to take the photographic total bill came to $37.50 - not a typographical program will be with Jonella Tannahill, who paying it forward by demonstrating random creative process even further, a Print SIG error! WOW! will provide a presentation on home design. acts of kindness. She has challenged group that investigates various printing methods Can you tell the difference between “real Her company, Impressions ReDesign, assists members and others to follow the program’s and showcases the fi nal product, the Video ivory” and “fake” ivory? At our February their client’s by rearranging what they have, goal of “pollinating the world with kindness SIG that investigates all aspects of taking and 6 meeting a member of our club will share then recommending the right lighting, fl ooring, and love.” From something as small as getting a showing videos and fi nally the Round Table some of his knowledge of Ivory with examples paints, and window coverings, all which work shopping cart for someone at a store to buying SIG that offers a forum to show your images, of carvings, scrimshaw, and other items. We with today’s busy lifestyles. Come share your the person behind you a cup of coffee, there ask questions, discuss ideas or any other topic are looking forward to a fascinating morning! 2017 Valentine’s Day by attending and learning are many things each of us can do every day. related to photography. We meet on the fi rst Monday of each about new possibilities for your home décor. What will you do? For more information about us and our month at 10:00 AM in the breakout rooms There are still some openings for the We meet on the fi rst Thursday of each meeting times see our website at lhphotoclub. of the Ballroom, Heights and Gables. If you Needle Arts retreat at Mercy Auburn, May 1-5, month at 9 a.m., in the Terra Cotta Room at com. collect or just appreciate antiques, we’d love 2017. It is open to ALL forms of needle arts. the Kilaga Springs Lodge. New members are Contact: Brad Senn 530-409-2499 to have you join us! You can work on any type of needle arts that always welcome. Come for the paper crafting, Website: Contacts: Rose Marie Wildsmith 409- you want. It is a fun-fi lled time sharing your enjoy the camaraderie, meet new friends, and • • • 0644; Barbara Engquist 434-1415. work and learning other members. For more have fun. Contact: Shirley Rainman at shirley. • • • information on signing up, contact Kris Volker, [email protected] Antiques Appreciation Club [email protected] or (916) 543-9668. • • • BY GENEVIEVE TEWART Don’t forget that Needle Arts has many Ephemera shared by our members at our breakout groups or small special interest groups LH Photography Club January meeting Show and Tell included a – Applique, Beading, Community Service, BY BRAD SENN variety of interesting items! Starting with a 1913 Cross-Stitch, Hardanger, Knitting/Crocheting, The Photography Club is very pleased Harper’s Bazar Fashion Magazine, then 1930 Machine Embroidery, Needlepoint, Quilting/ to announce the Videography Group has postcards from Cuba, a 1943 child’s Ration Sewing, UFO (unfinished objects), Rug offi cially been welcomed into the Photography Book, old canceled checks showing the cost Braiding, Wearable Art. The Breakout Groups Club as of January 3 and will now be called of items at that time, an 1888 wedding license, for both beginners and the experienced. the Video SIG (Special Interest Group). The 1919 jewelry catalogue, 1933 Tournament of PLUS, you can join as many breakout groups purpose of this SIG is to educate and foster Roses Program with Mary Pickford the Grand as you want. knowledge in the use of video recording, video Marshall (1st woman, 1st celebrity!), a 1918 ad Future meeting schedules and information editing (post production) and video storing/ for Pete’s Crystal and a bar of Pete’s Crystal soap with an explanation how it merged with can be found at the Needle Arts Website, www. showing hardware and software. In addition (more Club News cont’ on page 14)


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Woodcarvers Club March 16: The China Dolls, by Lisa See communications infrastructure be destroyed, Bill Hovey who is now living in Pleasanton with April 20: 1776, by David McCullough we have portable radio equipment with a message that he hopes to be able to join us BY LIONEL RAINMAN May 18: The Sun Also Rises, by Ernest antennas and batteries to handle emergencies. at one of our luncheons sometime during the To some people a block of wood is just that, Hemingway If you are an amateur radio operator and live coming year. It would be so good to see him. a block of wood. To those that carve a block of June 15: A Man Called Ove, by Fredrik in the Lincoln Hills community, we would like And, we have just learned that wood could become a Santa Claus, a fi sh, or a Backman to know your call sign. If you are interested congratulations are in order for Ollie Guinn four legged animal. Every carving project is an July 20: The Virginian, by Owen Wister in our group you are welcomed to come over upon his engagement to Susan Hutch. They adventure… something that will emerge, at a August 17: Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy: any Monday night at 6:30 to the South Gate both reside at Acadia Creek in Union City, time later, as a carving masterpiece. Four Women Undercover in the Civil War, by Entrance Building to join in the conversation, CA. Perhaps they will be able to come to one Everyone has the ability to carve and those Karen Abbott participate as a net control operator, just visit of our luncheons this year. that do carve have a desire to create an image September 21: Big Little Lies, by Liane and talk about radio. Regardless of your choice, By unanimous vote, we will go to the Olive in their minds and try to create it with a knife Moriarty please call into the net held Monday evenings Garden on Galleria Boulevard in Roseville and/or chisel. A wood carving, like any form of October 19: Alexander Hamilton, by Ron at 7 PM to let us know that you are out there for our February 8th luncheon. To avoid the art, is an individual thing. It can be somewhat Chernow in case of an emergency. crowds, we will meet at 11:30 a.m. Mark your duplicated, but never exactly. November 16: The Rosie Project, by Additional information about the LHAR calendars and plan to attend. If anyone needs Many of the members of the Woodcarvers Graeme Simsion Group can be found on our website at www. a ride, call Jesse Thompson at 434-0386 and Club enjoy the camaraderie and the challenges December 21: Holiday Luncheon or contact President Jim Darby at he will be happy to arrange to pick you up. wood carving provides. We meet for discussions on the third 916-408-8599; or VP Claire Schloenvogt at Do you have a favorite restaurant you If you are curious or have an interest in Thursday of the month at 1 p.m. in the Orchard 916-253-9155. would like to recommend? Let me know and carving please stop by and see what we are Creek multipurpose room. Do you like to • • • we will check it out for an upcoming luncheon. doing. We have carving tools that you can use. read? Do you enjoy sharing your critiques We are always interested in hearing about Woodcarvers Club meet every Wednesday with others? Stop by. Newcomers are always Square & Compass Club favorite restaurants. from 1:00-4:00 PM in the Sierra Room at (KS). welcome. BY BETTE AHRENS If you have a background or interest Contact: Dick Skelton, 626-0895 For more information, check out our It was a great beginning to the New in Masonry and/or Eastern Star, we would • • • Website at http://LHocbookgroup.blogspot. Year with 13 of our members at the January welcome you at our monthly gatherings. OC Book Group com/ or Wiki: 11th luncheon at Siino’s at Twelve Bridges. To be advised of upcoming luncheons and Contacts: Darlis Beale 408-0269, Penny Everyone enjoyed the delicious food. It was other events, contact one of the following for BY LINDA LUCCHETTI Pearl 409-0510, Dale Nater 543-8757. great to have Les and Joan Schibilion there information and to be added to our mailing list: “Anyone who says they have only one life • • • and we’re so happy to have them back in our Glenn Stanphill - 408-8885 - to live must not know how to read a book.” – midst. Les, our candyman, had sweets for all, [email protected] Author Unknown LH Amateur Radio Group this time wonderful peppermint patties. Many Bette Ahrens - 408-5325 - bisybette@ Join us on February 16 when we BY RUSSELL STEELE, KF6TAR thanks, Les. discuss The Language of Flowers, by Vanessa The Lincoln Hills Amateur Radio Glenn and Betty Stanphill joined us Take away love and our earth is a tomb. Diffenbaugh. Called moving and mesmerizing, Group is as an emergency communications but both have been quite ill with respiratory Happy St. Valentine’s Day! this debut novel weaves the past and present group for the Lincoln Hills residents and problems – Glenn has had pneumonia twice. • • • of a woman whose gift for fl owers and their the City of Lincoln. To provide emergency Also, Betty had rotator cuff surgery and had meanings helps her change the lives of others communications we operate a repeater at her right arm in a sling. Both are still not while she struggles with secrets from her past. 443.225 MHz with a PL code of 167. We “out of the woods” but are looking forward The following is the schedule of remaining are available if there is a natural disaster or to feeling better soon. meeting dates and book selections for 2017. terrorist attack. Should cell towers or local The Club received a Christmas card from (more Club News cont’ on page 15)

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Astronomy Club The other subgroups will have their own AMA Waterways 7-Day Cruise – 3349 [email protected]; Louise Kuret: presentations as well. The Cosmology Interest Amsterdam to Basel on the Rhine (July 408-0554 [email protected]; Judy Peck: BY JAMES FULCOMER Group will meet on Monday, Feb 20 at 6:45 15-22, 2017) 543-0990 [email protected]. The Astronomy Group continues to in the Fine Arts room at Orchard Creek. The 2 optional post-cruise stays: 2 nites • • • supply the curious and the star-crossed with a program will be a continuation of the recorded Lucerne, 2 nights Zurich. (Louise) range of opportunities, even during the rainy lectures of Alex Filippenko regarding Wild Collette Canadian Rockies & Glacier LH Italian Club season. 2016 turned out to be a lees-than Rides through the Universe and Possible Short National Park (Aug 5-11, 2017) BY JOE ORSINI cooperative year for observing the dark skies Cuts. As always, there will be a Q&A period Calgary, Waterton Lakes Natl. Park, Our “Senior Prom”, featuring dance music mysteries from Blue Canyon. Each reserved following the lecture. “Going to the Sun Road”, Banff, Columbia of the ‘50s and ‘60s, will be held on February 17 date was spoiled by bad weather, but the Lunar The Telescope Interest Group will meet Icefi eld (Teena) at Orchard Creek. Whether you just tap your Eclipse, late last year was visible for those who on February 23ed. No program has been Collette Washington D.C. (Sep 7-12, 2017) toes or do some fancy dancing, come and be waited patiently for the clouds to part. This is announced so far, but Ron and Bob will put Includes:D.C.,Arlington Cemetery, Mt prepared to have a night of fun reliving the the essence of Astronomy; the results of waiting one together before that date. Those in the TIG Vernon. Option-New England Isles trip(see ‘good ‘ol days!’. Don’t forget to send in a photo to see something new and amazing. can go to the Website to learn what is planned. below)(Sheron) from your high school senior yearbook, if you Our Annual Holiday party in December • • • Collette Islands of New England (Sep have it. Call Karen Zimmerman at 253-7418 was a success - the food being plentiful and 15-22, 2017) for details, or email it to her at bobzkarenz@ delicious with lively conversation. Later, there The Travel Group Newport, Boston, Cranberry Bog, Also, be prepared to encounter a few was a multi-question test which provided the BY TEENA FOWLER Plymouth Rock, Cape Cod, Hyannis, “surprises” at the dance. Astronomy trivia buffs an opportunity to test their We are pleased to announce we will hold Nantucket (Louise) If you like pizza (are you kidding?) put knowledge of things astronomical and stellar. our meetings next year in the Kilaga Springs Collette Niagara Falls to NYC (Oct 13- March 18 on your list of things to do, because The new year started early, with the Kitchen the fourth Thursday of the month 21, 2017) that is the night of our Pizza Party at Kilaga General meeting featuring Nina Mazzo as the at 6PM. 3 nights Niagara Falls, 2 nights Springs. Ummm! Entertainment will be presenter with her report on her favorite and Cooperstown, visit West Point, 3 nights New brovided by comedian Michael Rappa. most intriguing moons of some of the other Our next meeting is on Thursday, York City (Judy) Curious about your Italian cultural planets in our Solar System. Her program was February 23rd at 6:00PM in the KS Kitchen. Collette America’s Music Cities (Oct heritage? You will want to be sure to attend concluded with a dessert of “Moon Pies,” a Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings. 29-Nov 6, 2017) the fourth in our series Regions of Italy; this perfect compliment to her excellent presentation. Ilene Ferguson will feature Alamo World French Quarter, Swamp Tour, Graceland, one is “All things Puglia/Basilicata”. The event The next General Meeting will be on Travel cruises. The Travel Group Committee Grand Ole Opry, Country Music Hall of Fame will be held on April 22 at Kilaga Springs. It will February 1st, when Bill Goff will present a will present information about the other (Linda) include the food (of course), and the unique program on Variable stars. This should be booked and planned trips listed below. See Proposed Future Trips: geography, art and culture of the “heel” and of particular interest to those members to our website for detailed trip information. Barcelona & Madrid (2017) “arch” portions of the “boot” of Italy. challenge their “inner physicist,” but should Premier French Riviera/Nice, France Scandinavian Capitals & Norway Coastal Are you of Italian ancestry? You might be be interesting to all to learn what they are (Mar 21-29, 2017) Cruise (2018) interested in Club membership; if so, please and why they are valuable to astronomers. Chagall Msm, Flower Mkt, Perfume Mississippi River Cruise or East Coast contact Virginia Halstenrud at mistergeh@att. The program will begin with “What’s New in Fctry, Monte Carlo, Aix-en-Provence+, 1 Small Ship Cruise (2018) net or call her at 543-3293. And, you can visit Astronomy,” a quick re-cap about on-going and Hotel (Judy) Kenya, South Africa (2018) the Club’s website at brand new fi ndings in our fascinating Universe. Collette Croatia, Slovenia & Adriatic Travel Group Committee Member for more information about any Club-related The fl oor is always open to questions. For Coast (Apr 1-12, 2017) Contacts — Sheron Watkins: 434-9504 events or questions. more information, contact Morey Lewis at: Dubrovnik, Split, Docletian’s Palace, [email protected]; Linda Frazier: 434-8266 • • • [email protected] Plitvice Lakes Natl. Park, Opatija (Judy) [email protected]; Teena Fowler: 543- (more Club News cont’ on page 16)

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Lavender Friends Club cafeteria. Check their website for information more fun. Geneaology Group on guest speakers. On Saturday, February 11th at 9:00 a.m. BY DARLA PURDY For more information contact: Sheila we have our 2nd Saturday Breakfast in Orchard BY ELAINE WHITE The Lavender Friends Club is a social Rose-408-2802, Carol-295-0610, or visit www. Creek Sports Bar. Be sure to join us and for Our Speaker for February 20th, Presidents organization serving the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual $10.00 you get eggs, potatoes, bacon, sausage, Day is Jim Rader who will talk about DNA and Transgender Community and those in • • • pancakes, orange juice, coffee and that also testing from the simple to more complex. Lots friendship in Sun City Lincoln Hills. includes tax and tip. No reservations needed. of people do DNA testing to learn about their Dog Walkers and Friends gather on Dynamic Singles Club On Sunday, February 12th we will have ethnicity and Jim will discuss the accuracy Saturdays at 9 AM (weather permitting). After and value of that result as reported today. In BY KATHY SHADDOX our Birthday Celebration at 4:00 p.m. in the the walk, the group meets at Kilaga Springs addition he will discuss the different kinds Our members are still very active in spite Sports Bar (OC). If you are a member and Café for coffee. If you aren’t a dog walker, you of DNA testing available and the companies of all the bad storms we had in January. We have a birthday in the month of February, be can still join us for coffee at about 10:00 AM. that offer them. did welcome the rain and the extra water our sure to come and you will receive a free drink (Call for the meeting place for the dog walk.) For people who have tested and wonder yards need. from our group. We will even sing to you! Our monthly breakfast event at the what their test results mean, Jim has offered At our January General Meeting, we played On Thursday, February 16th we will have Thunder Valley Buffet is scheduled for the a trivia game called Two Truths and One Lie. on monthly Dining Out gathering with location fi rst Wednesday of the month at 9:30AM. Everyone had to guess which one was the lie! to be determined. Jim Rader We always have a good time, and there are a Great way to learn more about each other. On Thursday, February 23rd we will have lot of food types to pick from. If you have a Our biggie event for January was our our Social for the month at Orchard Creek Thunder Valley membership card, bring it to Pre-Super Bowl Party held at Kilaga Springs. Ballroom at 6:00 p.m. The Theme will be White get the Senior Day discount. As always we had a full house of our members Elephant Exchange. Please bring a wrapped Our Movie Dates are on the third Tuesday who got in FREE, if they prepaid their 2017 gift which can be something you may have of the month, with Happy Hour following dues. We enjoyed our ball park hot dogs and received during the holidays that you really do the movie. Call for information or check the trimmings, followed by trivia games. Thanks not want or can’t use. Join in the fun. website on movies, times, and Happy Hour to Sarah Lambrose and Mike Caporale for Let’s not forget our weekly activities which location. If you can’t make it to the movie, putting together a great event. are: Every Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. is Let’s Dance join us for the Happy Hour anyway! And now here is some of our February at the Meridians (just look for the Singles We are having a Valentines Potluck on activities: Table); Every Wednesday is Bocce Ball at Friday, February 10. We have some great On Thursday, February 2nd at 4:00 p.m. 3:00 pm. at the Sports Park; Every Friday is cooks, so we should have some tasty treats. we will have our monthly Cocktail Party at Singles Golf. Be sure to call Bill 253-7551 for Our speaker, Professor Johnnie Terry of Sierra Buonarotti’s in downtown Lincoln. This tee times, course and details. College, will talk about the LGBT Major, the is one of our favorite spots for the Singles So now you can see how very busy we try oral history project, and local issues. We will Cocktail time. to keep the Singles. Are you thinking about have another auction of cool items, so be sure to * Please note that birthday celebration has joining us? We hope so! Just come out to one bring some money! We will soon be asking you been moved to 2/12 because the fi rst Sunday of our meetings or activities as a guest and then if you’re coming, and what you will be bringing. of the month is Super Bowl Sunday. you may want to join for only $15.00 a year. Community Activities: Greater Placer to review the printed results individually after On Thursday, February 9th at 6:00 p.m. Call Mari, our membership chair at 409-9136 PFLAG meets on the second Monday of the the formal meeting during the coffee time. we will have our monthly General Meeting in for an application. month from 7 to 9 pm at the Sutter Faith Finally Jim will share what he has learned Orchard Creek Ballroom. As always, we will If you have any new ideas for fun thing to Auburn Hospital, 11815 Education Street, about the “next generation” of DNA tests, what have a no-host bar set up for your enjoyment. do, feel free to contact our President, Kathy Auburn, in Conference Room 4, next to the Plan on attending and having fun, fun, and at 209-3307. (cont’ on page 17) • • •

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Geneaology Group If you constantly reset passwords and Apple Group usernames, or worse, recycle the same password (cont’ from page 16) you’ve been using for the past seven years, it’s BY PAUL GARDNER New macOS Sierra The long-awaited they do and how to utilize them. time for an upgrade. You need a password approval of Apple’s new As many of you know, our Genealogy management tool. Password managers are macOS Sierra has now come group has a very active DNA special interest great because they store all your passwords, from the Technical Staff of group that meets monthly and shares a wealth generate strong ones for you, and in general, the Lincoln Hills Apple User of information for both beginners, fi rst hour the only password you have to remember is Group. Log onto of the meeting and intermediate/advanced the one to open your password manager. In and you will fi nd, on the the second hour. Look at the Genealogy Club this talk Jim will discuss and compare three Home Page, the link to a website for more information of the highest rated password managers, Last printable .pdf fi le providing Our meeting is in Kilaga Springs Pass, Dashlane, RoboForm. very specifi c instructions, Presentation Hall starting at 6:30pm. Arrive Clinic Feb. 10, 03:30PM :”Two Factor with screen prints, on how a few minutes early as members get a raffl e Authentication by Terry Rooney Two-factor to download and install this ticket for the door prizes for February which authentication (also known as 2FA) is a latest iteration of the Mac are are 2 DNA kits. method of confi rming a user’s claimed identity OS series. As usual there will be refreshments and a by utilizing a combination of two different But please, before you chance to network with others across the hall components. Two-factor authentication is a proceed with the upgrade, follow this extremely 934 Gold Nugget Circle - Lincoln, CA 95648. after the meeting. type of multi-factor authentication. important fi rst step: backup on an external One more thing: for those of you who Contact Maureen Sausen 543-8594 A good example from everyday life is the drive using Time Machine. With a Seagate 1.5 need a bit more assistance with a specifi c or Arlene Rond 408-3641. Website: withdrawing of money from a cash machine; Terabyte drive available at Best Buy or Fry’s for application on any Apple computer or device, only the correct combination of a bank card under $100, and installation measured in just one-on-one tutoring help is available. For the • • • (something that the user possesses) and a PIN (personal identifi cation number, something a few minutes, there is absolutely no reason nominal fee of $25 per hour, a member of our SCLH Computer Club that the user knows) allows the transaction to to run the risk of any data loss. Even better, Technical Force will come to your home and be carried out. This is much stronger security! for members who don’t have an external hard provide instruction. Please see the “tutoring” BY KARL SCHOENSTEIN (Both meetings at KS Presentation Hall) drive, one of our Technical Volunteers will tab on our website for a list of tutors and their Windows 10 Forum: Feb. 3, 10:00 AM a Ask The Tech. Feb. 24, 10:00 AM Our deliver and install a new drive for just the cost individual specialties. small group session where members give and regular monthly meeting where all members of the drive itself. And the priceless peace of • • • get Windows 10 tips and How To’s. (OC Multi can come to get solutions to their technical and mind is free. Purpose Room) non-technical WINDOWS PC, ANDROID The LHAUG continues to be the most Main Meeting Feb. 8, 6:30 PM “Password PHONE and ANDROID TABLET problems. populous sanctioned group in our community: Managers” presented by Jim Prosser (OC Multi Purpose Room). 843 households totaling 1263 individual How many internet logins do you have? Contact: Karl Schoenstein members. With 4 seminars and 2 open labs Email? e-reader? Cell phone provider? More [email protected] each month, and a free help line, the annual than you can remember? How strong are your Website: (more info) membership fee of $15 is the best deal in town. passwords? trivial (12345)?,easy (jimp1234)? • • • Please consider this a reminder that 2017 Dues hard to remember? Do you use same password should be paid by the end of this month. You on all accounts? Do you have a spreadsheet may pay at any LHAUG meeting, or send your with dozens of email addresses and passwords? check, payable to LHAUG to: Bonnie Esker - (more Club News cont’ on page 19)

Specializing in the Sterling Pointe Family Dentistry WE WELCOME NEW PATIENTS Western Placer Area Low-Dose Digital Xrays General & Cosmetic Dentistry t"DUJWFJO3FBM&TUBUFBOE-FOEJOHGPSPWFSZFBST Implant Restorations Dentures, Partials, Repairs Laser Gum Therapy & Surgery Friendly, Caring Staff Oral Surgery - Including Wisdom Teeth Extractions Most Insurance Plans Accepted t$POTJTUFOU1MBDFS$PVOUZ5PQ1SPEVDFS Pediatric Dentistry Emergency Care Senior or Veteran Discounts May Apply Crowns & Bridges FREE HOME MARKET EVALUATION Over 30 Years Experience in General Dentistry '3&&1"35*"-45"(*/( VIRTUAL TOURS ON A NEW LISTING! Dr. Feroz M. Nawabi (Next to Raley’s) Call Us Today 800 Sterling Parkway, Suite 20, Lincoln, Ca 95648 (916)434-7116 Let Me Help You Find Your New Home! New Office Location Dr. Brian P. Keller, DPM Board Certified in Podiatric Surgery by the ABMSP Donna Judah 0O4JUF93BZ%JBHOPTUJD6MUSBTPVOE 916-412-9190  t*OHSPXO/BJMT t)BNNFS5PFT  t)FFM1BJO t%JBCFUJD'PPU$BSF EKVEBI!TCDHMPCBMOFU  t#VOJPO4VSHFSZ t'PPU1BJO $BM#3&  t$VTUPN0SUIPUJDT t1MBOUBS'BTDJJUJT %FM8FCC#MWE  t$PSOT$BMMPVTFT t/BJM$BSF  t"OLMF*OKVSJFT t1BJOGVM%JBCFUJD/FVSPQBUIZ -JODPMO $"


-JODPMO)JMMT6QEBUF .PEFM "$5*7& "WFSBHF 1&/%*/( "WH1FOEJOH 40-% "WFSBHF "-."3$*" -JTUJOHT -JTU1SJDF 4BMFT -JTU1SJDF -BTU.POUIT 4BMF1SJDF Santa Clara Carmel 1 $845,000 (*#40/ Santa Barbara 1 $859,000 1 $879,000 Meadowgate 1 $779,000 Sonoma 1 $750,000 1 $880,000 Springcrest 1 $699,500 2 $735,000 Marin 1 $770,000 1 $605,000 Tiburon 3 $695,700 Monterey San Mateo 2 $647,000 Atherton Napa 3 $728,700 1 $735,000 Shasta 1 $669,000 2 $574,500 Sausalito 2 $590,000 1 $595,000 Ventura 1 $599,000 1 $669,000 Annadel 1 $534,950 1 $465,000 1 $559,000 El Dorado 2 $567,000 1 $589,900 3 $591,000 Ventana Fremont 1 $600,000 Orchard Crest 1 $489,000 2 $470,000 Plumas 2 $547,000 Tehama Tahoe 1 $559,000 1 $485,000 Santa Cruz 1 $519,000 Mendocino 771-3177 Baldwin 1 $440,000 Echo Ridge 1 $465,000 2 $491,500 Trinity 2 $425,000 4 $445,600 [email protected] Lassen 2 $452,500 1 $423,000 Quail Cove 1 $445,000 1 $433,625 t0WFS :&"34PGDPNCJOFE3FBM&TUBUF Alpine 3 $433,300 1 $426,000 &YQFSJFODF Pine Hill 1 $399,000 1 $424,500 Almanor 2 $399,200 t-POHUJNF4VO$JUZ3FTJEFOUT Madera 1 $385,000 1 $414,000 Bridgegate 1 $398,450 3 $367,300 t'PSNFS#30,&308/&3PG4BO+PTFPGmDF Calaveras 1 $369,000 2 $362,500 /BUJPOBM3FBM&TUBUF$PNQBOZ Sequoia 1 $370,000 Millpond 2 $377,000 2 $356,000 t.PSF,OPXMFEHF.PSF&YQFSUJTF.PSF4FSWJDFT Mariposa 2 $340,000 Woodleaf t$VSSFOU-JTUJOHT 'MPPSQMBOTBOE$PNNVOJUZ NOTE: The statistics above do not reflect any consideration in value for model options nor location. “We appreciate the opportunity to compete for your business” *OGPSNBUJPOBUXXXBNHJCTPO(P-ZPODPN &9$-64*7&46/$*5:4&37*$&4 1. '3&& professional house cleaning 2. '3&& professional carpet cleaning 3. '3&& professional window cleaning 4. '3&& professional yard clean-up 5. '3&&property evaluations for Estate Purposes BRE# 00456442 & 01243980 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2017 19

Investors Study Group TB test are required and we will help you Stamp Club we lose vision we also lose depth perception with the process. and are more susceptible to falls. Connect with BY JOHN NOON For further information and questions, BY TIM MILES others as we delve into a discussion on the Fear Our January meeting welcomed new contact: We’re into the year 2017 and things in our of Falling and ways to prevent it. guests and members and we were fi lled to Crystal Elledge (Elementary) 543-8617 hobby are rolling along. Linn’s Stamp News Living Skills Workshop, 2/23/17, 10:30 almost over-fl owing. Our February speaker as [email protected] always has an interesting section on expertizing AM, Multi-media Room, Orchard Creek announced earlier will be Daniel Goldberg of Irma Mendez (High School) jmeidm@ (authenticating) our stamps and things that Lodge, Facilitator, Elaine Small J.P. Morgan. Our March speaker will be John the average collector can do to make sure “Info for Medical Emergencies” - We will Tousley with Goldman Sachs. We welcome Sandy Frame (Questions?) 408-1453 that he is getting his money’s worth. There be discussing how to keep our documented all residents to join us. Our consultant, Russ [email protected] are a lot of stamps that are misrepresented health information up to date so that it is Abbott, will present his monthly playbook. • • • in value and we have to be able to recognize available to medical personnel in the event Our meetings are always on the fi rst Thursday the run-of-the-mill stamps from the valuable of an emergency. As Lincoln Hills residents of the month so you can join us at 2:30 PM LH Veterans Group ones. Now, during the rainy season, is the Neighborhood Watch provides us with Vial in Presentation Hall (KS) on Thursday, time to check the watermarks, type of paper, BY B.L. LEWIS of Life forms that help fulfi ll that purpose. March 2nd and stick around for coffee and and perforations on our stamps to validate the Russell W. Steel, Air Force Electronics Updating documents can be a special challenge refreshments afterwards to meet the speaker identity of questionable stamps. Warfare Offi cer will be the guest speaker for those with vision loss. and fellow members. DUES: Bring your check If anybody has any “old” mailings from at the LHVG general meeting, February General Meeting, Tuesday, 3/7/17, 2:00 book. We will be collecting dues which are $15 loved ones overseas during WW2, check them 16, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. in the Kilaga Springs – 3:30 PM, Fine Arts Room, Orchard Creek per household. John Noon, 645-5600. for unusual postmarks, stamps, originating Presentation Hall. Russ fl ew in B-52s and Lodge The Active Investors sub-group meets in areas, etc. These factor into the value of FB-111s, but his most widely recognized Our speaker will be Dr. Samuel Lee the Multimedia Room (OC) at 3:00 PM on the article and can be a huge infl uence on accomplishment was the development of a of Sacramento Eye Consultants. Their the second Monday of each month. Norm price. Everything is collectable. Recently, concept for reprogramming aircraft computers ophthalmologists/surgeons have extensive Quattrin, 645-4675 there was an article on a topical collection during combat operations, the Extendable experience enhancing vision not only for • • • revolving around James Bond and his movie Integration Support Facility. He will discuss patients with refractive errors, but also locations. There are hundreds of stamps that his service as the FB-111 Category III Test and for those in need of a corneal transplant, S.C.H.O.O.L.S. can be amassed that qualify under the “Bond” Evaluation Team Leader where he learned cataract surgery, or glaucoma treatment. The BY SANDRA FRAME heading- from the Barbary Apes on Gibraltar about the challenges created during the Air Sacramento Eye Consultants group is affi liated The S.C.H.O.O.L.S. program is now in its to the islands off Thailand in another movie. Force’s transition to digital avionics. After with Twelve Bridges Vision Care right here 15th year. Our acronym stands for Sun City This is what makes our hobby so inviting. There retiring from the Air Force in 1980 as a Lt. in Lincoln. Helping Our Outstanding Lincoln Schools. are no reasonable limits to the direction you Colonel, Russ and his wife Ellen and four Group Contact: Cathy McGriff 408-0169 We are very proud of the progress hundreds of want to go. daughters moved back to California where he or [email protected] students have made because of our motivated Our meetings this month are on the 2nd joined TRW, an aerospace company, where • • • and conscientious volunteers. We have served and 4th Thurs. (Feb 9th & 23rd) at 6:30 pm at he served as a Conceptual Designer, Product students from kindergarten to 12th grade and the Sierra Pines Clubhouse (7600 Whistlestop Developer, Project Leader, and Laboratory Alzheimer’s/Dementia we continue to have teacher requests for help Way at Del Webb Blvd.). Come and join our Manager. Russ and Ellen are now residents throughout the school year. Western Placer group. Annual dues are nominal. Bring your Caregivers Support Group of Lincoln Hills. Unifi ed School District teachers report that old album and get a “quick” appraisal from The first social of 2017 is the St. BY JEFF ANDERSEN our volunteers are reliable, positive, motivated our group and feel free to access our stamp Patrick’s Day Luncheon where Rocky Deal, It’s been suggested that “rather than and willing to help and make a difference in catalogs to get an idea of the current value. Congressman Tom McClintock’s District trying to bring the person with dementia the classroom. A teacher recently wrote, “It’s You will be surprised. Director. Rocky will brief us on the legislative back to reality, why not try to enter their amazing how helpful and supportive the SCLH Our president, Al Capparelli, can be issues that will impact veterans. The reality?” It’s a reasonable question with a volunteers are and they have such a positive contacted at 771-8288 about any information reservation form and menu selection will be reasoned answer. Because our understanding impact on students learning. I hear nothing needed. available at the February 16 general meeting of their reality is possible, but their ability to but praises from fellow staff members and we • • • The Group welcomes new member, Will understand our reality only continues to erode. are so appreciative. These volunteers help so Jennings, U.S. Navy. Welcome Aboard Will! An interesting byproduct of this process is the much in creating a positive school environment Eye Contact SCLH Low Vision As of December 31, 2016 the group’s paid gift of additional patience (like the rest of us, that involves the community and helps our membership stood at 132, including 86 Life Support Group you’ve probably often wished you had more). students meet their learning goals. Thank you Members. The 2017 membership dues are due As caregivers, insight into the world of those for this amazing program.” BY JOAN BRANT-LOVE now, mail your check of $15.00 to Jon Hodson, we care for is the magical lever to lift some of Feeling like you need a kid fi x? You can General Meeting, Tuesday, 2/7/17, 100Turtledove Court, Lincoln, CA, 95648. our frustration. Our speaker for the February make a difference! Visit us at our exhibit at 2:00 – 3:30 PM, Fine Arts Room, Orchard Remember to fl y your Flag Proudly on meeting will be Laura Wayman, aka “The Orchard Creek, in the hall by the ballroom, Creek Lodge Presidents Day, February 20, 2017! Dementia Whisperer.” Laura is a nationally on Tuesday, February 28th from 10:00AM “It’s All a Matter of Balance!” Come join In Memoriam — known keynote speaker and presenter. You to 1:00PM. We’ll welcome your questions us to hear our guest speaker, Brenda Cathey. Julio Cirerol, U.S. Army Air Corps can meet and hear her from 1:00PM-2:30PM and hopefully inspire you. An educational Brenda has worked in the senior industry for Charlotte Williams, U.S. Army in the Multi-Purpose Room at the OC on background is not required, just the desire over 16 years with Senior’s First, Classes on • • • Aging Parents at Sierra College, BrightStar February 22nd. to work with kids. The tutoring schedule is Contacts: Judy Payne, 434-7864; Cathy fl exible to accommodate your lifestyle and Care and now is doing classes on balance. When people have a fear of falling, they often limit Van Velzen, 409-9332; Maria Stahl, 409-0349; volunteering is a rewarding intergenerational Al Roten, 408-3155. experience where you can share your talents, their activities. How do you move on without fear? How do you reduce the risk of falls? As • • • skills and knowledge. Fingerprinting and a (more Club News cont’ on page 20)

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Bosom Buddies the second Thursday of each month at 1:00 pm. If you wish to go to lunch at the Meridians BY VAL SINGER before the meeting, please call Jan Warren Ahhh February!!! (916-408-5034) and she will make the The heart month (and my birthday, reservation. but I won’t dwell on that (not much!). I did We end each meeting by holding hands some research on the heart. “The heart is a and saying: muscular organ about the size of a closed fi st “Together we are strong. Together we will that functions as the body’s circulatory pump. make a difference. Together we will survive. It takes blood through the veins and delivers it And, we will, hopefully with a little fun… to the lungs for oxygenation before pumping it • • • into the various arteries. “ So, here’s this little thing that we rely on to keep us going. We all The Healthy Eating Club just take for granted that this organ is going BY DON RICKGAUER to keep beating until it doesn’t. At the Healthy Eating Club February Valentine’s Day is all about the heart. meeting on the 27th, we will be sampling a Heart shaped everything appears on the store selection of freshly harvested local foods. We’ll shelves. This day is all about showing your heart box of candy this month, it is symbolic also be viewing a short video produced by the love by doing something special for your loved for as close to the real thing as you can give! Culinary Institute of America on vegetable one. “My heart beats for you”. We hear that The January general meeting was a real preparation techniques. many times but do we really know what we are treat. There were 17 ladies for lunch and We are blessed with a climate and soils hearing? First of all, one person’s heart can’t the meeting room was fi lled to capacity. Dr. here in Placer County that produce table beat for the other person without complicated Yona Barash, M.D., FACS, Sutter Roseville vegetables and fruits in all twelve months of surgery. It’s not like the liver or the lung; you Medical Center, was our speaker and he was the year. We’ve also been blessed with the fi rst can’t take a part of this organ to give to someone delightful. He was so down to earth and his wet winter we’ve had in far too many years and else. It’s all or nothing. If you give your heart presentation on statistics and new methods our local growers are looking forward to a year away, you can’t live. Your heart can, however, dealing with breast cancer was done in a Dr. Yona Barash of abundant harvests throughout the calendar fl utter when it sees someone you really care light-hearted manner with a few jokes thrown year. We keep close tabs on what our local for or get frightened, but in the long run it’s in. He seemed to understand what a woman food producers are bringing to market and we your heart alone. feels when the decision has to be made on February meeting is going to have Jeanie share with each other all that we learn from So what’s my point? First, we can’t take the surgery options. Dr. Barash (see picture) Robertson, our resident poet, come and share our reading about nutrition and from other for granted that this closed fi st looking heart was so personable that I think most ladies in with us some of her originals poems that will credible sources. Our new meeting format (not sure what size fi st) will continue forever. the room wanted him as their doctor! Thank leave us laughing out loud. Jeanie has a wacky for 2017 will fi nd us spending more time in Nor can we take for granted the love we receive you Dr. Barash! sense of humor that is so welcomed by our the Kilaga Kitchen actively participating in from another person’s beating heart. So, the Once again, Bosom Buddies was delighted group. Don’t miss her as she will be defi nitely hands-on demonstrations and less time sitting moral to this message is: Give Love, Accept to receive a grant of $2,000 from the Lincoln tickle your funny bone. in Presentation Hall. Love, and most of all Love Yourself. For after Hills Foundation. The Foundation enables If you have any questions regarding Our new offi cers for 2017 are all in place all, we were all given this little heart so we can our ladies to receive our newsletter, have fun Bosom Buddies, please contact: Marianne and we look forward to another year of working do all the nice things for those we love and to luncheons, and take care of our members. Our Smith (916-408-1818) or Patty McCuen (408- take care of ourselves. When you buy that many thanks go to the Foundation. 4185). We meet at Orchard Creek Lodge on (cont’ on page 21) Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2017 21

The Healthy Eating Club members and we encourage our male members Rods & Relics us for a tasty breakfast and to catch up on to get involved in cooking through our men’s Car Club-related news. Everyone is welcome. (cont’ from page 20) group activities. BY ELNA RAGAN February 16: General Business Meeting There’s one major local indoor Car Show together toward our mission of improving our Contact Don Rickgauer, Club Events at Strikes Unlimited at 5681 Lone Tree Blvd. event coming up: the Sacramento Autorama relationship with food. Pam Abad will head Manager, at 253-3984 for information about our in Rocklin. Dinner is available from 5:00 p.m. at Cal Expo on February 17 – 19. There will up the club and will be ably assisted by an Club, or email us at SCLH13HealthyEating@ on and may be followed by a speaker at 6:00 be a wide range of incredible cars and trucks offi cer slate that includes Gary Nyberg and Our monthly meetings will p.m. The meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. Everyone on display along with a host of interesting Bobbi Frantti. Several of our regular helpers continue to be on the 4th Monday of each is invited. vendors. Award winners from the recent Grand will also be on hand to pitch in with ideas and month at 2:00PM in Presentation Hall Contacts: Rich Ragan, President 916- National Roadster Show in Pomona will be labor as needed. throughout the 2017. Our next meeting is 408-1950 there. A number of our members will have The Healthy Eating Club’s stated February 27 and the March meeting is on Norm Penrice, Membership Director their vehicles on display in the Butch Gardner mission is to educate our members about the March 27th. Guests are welcome at our 916-791-6023 Club House. Plan to stop by and say “Hello!” importance of healthy eating and to improve meetings and our food samplings in the Kilaga Website: Plans are progressing on our two Car our relationship with food. All our general Kitchen with no advance notice required. The • • • Shows. The fi rst one on Friday, June 2 hosted meetings and smaller gatherings center around annual household membership fee is $20, good by Thunder Valley Casino Resort and the food topics and food-related activities. We talk for all members of your household. You can join RoadRunners Motorcycle Club second one on Saturday, June 3 in Downtown on various food-related topics, and we have the Healthy Eating Club for 2017 by mailing BY MIKE SMITH Lincoln. The proceeds from these Car Shows a members-only potluck supper each year in a check for $20 made payable to the Healthy February is here, which means the club’s will be going to the National Down Syndrome October at the Sports Pavilion where we share Eating Club 885 Bridalveil Lane in Lincoln Road Captains have met to lay out the 2017 Coalition, Lincoln High School Model A Club, healthy dishes prepared by the members. At 95648, along with your name, email address, riding schedule. and Ride to Walk. our monthly meetings we discuss such diverse street address and phone number. Living here in Lincoln Hills offers the The Club’s By-Laws have been updated topics as upcoming site tours of food-related • • • perfect opportunity to enjoy some great and can be seen on the Club’s website listed businesses, local farmers’ market schedules, rides, ranging from the Sierra Nevada to the below. how to make everyday dishes healthier plus RV Club Pacifi c Ocean and everything in between! There will be four Board positions a mix of other food-related topics currently BY MARSHA RICHARDSON The RoadRunners have scheduled rides on opening up: Treasurer, Activities Director, in the news. We sample healthy foods and The RV club met for our monthly meeting the second Saturday of the month, March – Membership Director, and Member-at-Large. discuss food preparation techniques in the on Thursday, January 12th. We confi rmed that November. The club also has numerous social Nominations were due in January and will Kilaga Kitchen, guests welcome. We encourage we have enough rigs for the Chula Vista Rally events and impromptu rides throughout the be voted on in February. These activities suggestions and participation from our on February 26th through March 6th. We also year. take place at the General Business Meeting. discussed the upcoming trips to Calistoga in If you like motorcycle touring and have Members are encouraged to step up and April and Jackson Rancheria in May. Later a road worthy motorcycle or trike – check us contribute their talents to ensure continued trips this year include San Juan Batista, Lake out! The RoadRunners meet on the fourth smooth operation of our great Club. Let me Almanor, Eureka, and Albuquerque for the Thursday of the month at 6:00PM Multimedia know your interest! annual balloon festival in September/October. Room (OC) The next meeting will be on Upcoming Events — After our meetings we always socialize February 23. Guests are always welcome. February 7 & 21: Breakfast at the Waffl e with shared appetizers. “Ride Safe – Ride With Friends” Farm in the Twelve Bridges Shopping Center. The club meets the second Thursday of Contact: Manny Perez 253-9121 Members start arriving at 7:45 a.m. Join each month at 4:30 at Kilaga Springs. Visitors [email protected] with an interest in RVing are always welcome! • • • Sumo Citrus • • • (more Club News cont’ on page 22)

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SCLH Sports Car Club Garden Group BY ROB PHILLIPS BY LORRAINE IMMEL Golden Pond Nursery As the rains come down most LHSCG Looking for something new to spark up Members are keeping their cars warm and dry your garden? The February 23 (KS, 2-4 pm) in their garages. Our fi rst meeting of 2017 was General Meeting will feature Sue Golden held on January 2 and in spite of the holiday (Golden Ponds Nursery) presenting “Floating we had a good turnout with 50 members in Water Garden Creations & Kokedama String attendance. Just like hospitals welcome the Balls!” Sue will be demonstrating her unique fi rst births of a new year our club welcomed style of combining aquatic plants and fl oral our fi rst new members of 2017, welcoming supplies to create a one-of-a-kind fl oating Larry and Tamara Redmond, Ken Suiker and arrangements. Floyd and Joyce Painter. Returning President Gary Musser reintroduced the 2017 Board Members. In addition to celebrating January Birthdays for Carol Schmidt, Jim Clark and Chuck Jacoby, it was announced that Nikki and Joe Hobby are celebrating their 50th Anniversary in January. A new meeting event was introduced titled “Who Are They Now”, where old pictures of members are shown and those in attendance guess who they are. The Social Events that are in the planning Kokedama Plants stages for 2017 will include a Saint Patrick’s Day Dinner, an event in June, a Halloween Party and the Christmas Party at Catta Verdera. She will also demonstrate the art of Road Trips are also being planned. Members, Kokedama by creating a hanging string garden while grateful for the rains, are looking forward with succulents and natural materials. to sunnier days. At Golden Pond Nursery, Sue has been For Members, don’t forget that dues are concentrating on providing an inspirational due by the February 6, 2017, $20 per household. environment with many unique water garden From the time Sue was a young sprout, she concept while her parents were out of town, If you are not currently a member and you and planting ideas sprinkled with tropical had a passion for watching her tropical fi sh in digging her fi rst pond in their front yard, now own a sports car and want to enjoy your car fi sh and Koi in ponds and water features her many aquariums she strategically placed part of Golden Pond Nursery. Little did she with other enthusiasts contact tom.breckon@ throughout the nursery grounds. In addition to throughout her bedroom. At the age of 16, know that after attending Cal Poly San Luis propagating and growing all of her own plants, when she planted her fi rst offi cial vegetable Obispo and earning her degree in ornamental • • • she provides clients with expert advice and garden, she was hooked on horticulture. Not horticulture that she could merge her two creative solutions for water garden enthusiasts missing a beat, she wanted to blend fi sh and passions, fi sh and plants, into one thereby in a Zen-like botanical garden setting. plants to create a special synergy and visual effect, Sue decided to experiment with this (cont’ on page 23)

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FD#734 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2017 23

Garden Group Bird Group could hunt and kill the most birds on Christmas Lincoln area, as the total count of individual Day. Today, CBC data gathered by volunteers birds for the entire Lincoln count circle was (cont’ from page 22) BY RUTH BAYLIS throughout the western hemisphere, acting well above average (150,000), with a bit above The Bird Group again ended the year by creating Golden Pond Nursery, the focal point as citizen scientists, is used by the scientifi c average count of species (138). In Lincoln Hills, participating in the annual Audubon Society of her professional career for the last 23 years. community to follow trends in the bird we again did not count any Wood Ducks, but sponsored Christmas Bird Count (CBC), All members checked-in by 2pm on Feb population. did fi nd a good cache of Hooded Mergansers held this year on December 28. This was the 23 will receive a ticket for a drawing of Home In Lincoln Hills, we had 7 teams of birders hiding in golf course ponds. Counted for the 117th year that the count has been held since Depot’s donated plants! who walked our trails compiling count data. fi rst time this year were 2 Eurasian Collared its inception on Christmas Day, 1900. It was Membership 2017 is due by the end of This was not a remarkable year for our count Doves, 6 Horned Larks, and 2 Golden Eagles started by U.S. ornithologist Frank Chapman, this month. If you have not signed-up by then, with one of our lowest counts of individual who fl ew over the heads of one team of birders. founder of the Audubon Magazine, who you will be dropped. You can renew or start birds (3221), although the number of species Unfortunately, a Bald Eagle waited until the proposed a bird census as an alternative to new before the next General Meeting (Feb found was about average (74). Our missing next day to make its fl yover so could not be the prior practice of a competition to see who 23) or go to the web-site “lhgardengroup. birds were likely found somewhere else in the counted. org.” Membership checks may be made out In early January, 30 to LHGardenGroup for $20 per household. of us headed down to the Contact: Margie Anderson, 408-7685. Dancing Sandhill Crane by Truman Holtzclaw. Lodi area to view Sandhill Spring is a busy time for all of us in the Cranes on Staten Island Garden Group…time to get your Roses and and at the nearby Isenberg Flowers groomed-ready for our “April Rose Sandhill Crane Reserve. Show and May Flower Show.” We were not disappointed The Annual Plant Sale to raise funds for as many cranes were civic garden projects will be on Friday, March present on Staten Island, 31. Please start saving any surplus plants, bulbs, along with Aleutian pottery, vases, baskets, garden art objects, etc. Cackling Geese and to donate for this sale. Contact: Marie Salers, other types of waterfowl. 408-3895. The photographers Is this the year that your yard is ready to in our group enjoyed be shown on the Spring Garden tour in April? photographing a Great The 2017 tour will include yards in Villages Horned Owl who in most 18-27, 34A&B and 40. If you are ready to years we fi nd peering out show your yard, download a nomination form of an old deteriorating from the Garden Group home page and send water tower. That tower is it in, or leave a message for Carol Thompson certainly not going to last at 295-1912. much longer, especially The Bonsai Group meets the 3rd Thursday with this winter, so the of each month (KS, Terra Cotta Room, 2-4pm) owl will have to fi nd a new and welcomes any members who have an hideout. A burrowing Owl interest to join us. There are no dues as this was also sighted, as were is an extension group of the Garden Group. Contact: Larry Clark, (409-5214). (cont’ on page 24) • • •

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Bird Group Sun City Hiking Group backpack. Do these need to be waterproof Great Horned Owl by Larry White. for damp or cold weather hiking? (cont’ from page 23) BY STEPHANIE HUNTINGDALE Hiking boots, on the other hand, offer Important! Mark your calendars for the some not common Cattle more support and protection than hiking March 2, 2017 Hike Leaders Meeting, 6:30 Egrets that were hanging out shoes. They usually are higher and support the pm at Orchard Creek Lodge Multipurpose with a herd of sheep. As is ankle. You shouldn’t be able to feel rocks or Room. Hikes will be planned for May through traditional for this trip, we stones through the soles. You will fi nd them August. All club members invited to attend. ended the day at a Mexican to be stiffer and heavier. You may fi nd these With all the rain, the UC Davis Arboretum restaurant in Woodbridge. boots will help with less-developed muscles. hike on February 28th should be spectacular; Our January meeting Are you a little clumsy, like me? Boots are however, if you can’t attend the hike come to starred live birds brought good if you are prone to rolled ankles or weak the “It’s the Lifestyle” club event at Orchard to us by “Hawks, Honkers, knees. (I want to remind you, in the middle Creek from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. and Hooters”. This is the of a boot article that poles will help with knee February really starts our hiking season. second time we have invited and balance problems too. Poles were covered We do hikes in January, but sometimes we get this organization to visit us, in the February 2016 article). rained out. So far, we have had several hike and again, we found them to 1. What brand should I buy? We all come cancelations since the fi rst of the year. Good be incredibly entertaining. in different shapes. The best boot for you, news, well needed rain; bad news, fl ooding. Featured were Digger, a Burrowing Owl; canceled or rescheduled. and the one you should buy, is the one that Since we are getting ready this month for Turbo, an American Kestrel; Trek, a Swainson’s Feb 13, Mon, 1:30PM: Monthly meeting, fi ts YOUR foot. some serious hiking let’s talk about Hiking Hawk; Whisper, a Barn Owl; and Murphy, Kilaga Presentation Hall. This is our annual 2. Hiking boots should fi t snug everywhere, Shoes and Boots. a Red-tailed Hawk. These birds have been Bluebird program presented by Heath tight nowhere. When you put it on you should Hiking shoes and hiking boots come in injured and rescued, or raised in captivity, and Wakelee. Come and learn about these beautiful feel plenty of space in the toe box. You should a variety of designs and have improved over are unsuitable to be released into the wild. The birds and learn how to set up and maintain a not feel squished on the sides of your foot by the years and become specialized. They now “Hawks, Honkers, and Hooters” organization Bluebird nest box in your yard. your little toes, but shouldn’t feel like you’re include trail running shoes (these have become is licensed to use them as educational birds. Feb 24, Fri, 8:00AM: Davis Wetlands, swimming around in it, either. my personal favorite). This is all good news, The following are our upcoming events Davis. This includes viewing the ponds at the 3. Best time for trying them on is at the but it has made the selection process more for February. Unless otherwise noted, our Davis wastewater treatment plant, visiting end of the day (after feet swell) and with the diffi cult and confusing. Maybe, at this point, birding trips meet for carpooling at the far the adjacent wetlands, and possibly looking socks you plan to wear. you already know a brand that is comfortable western end of the Orchard Creek parking for Burrowing Owls on the outskirts of Davis. 4. You don’t want to feel odd bumps or and you want to stick with it. What happens lot, near the fi tness center indoor pool. For For information about the Bird Group, seams, or pinching. if it is discontinued? Read on for some tips to longer walks, bringing water and snacks is a email: [email protected] 5. Your toes should not be hitting the end help you choose. good idea. Rain could cancel or reschedule a • • • of the boot going up or down an incline. I know First, you’ll want to settle on a category: trip so monitor your email for announcements. many hikers who have lost toe nails because hiking shoe or hiking boot? Consider the Feb 3, Fri, 8:00AM: Vic Fazio Yolo Bypass of the pushing on the toes. You need room strength of your feet, ankles, calves and legs? Wildlife Area, Davis. This is primarily a driving in the toe area. A Backpacker article says, “A Asking yourself this question, may help you trip where we follow an auto tour route. Expect good way to test the length of the shoe is to decide on a shoe or boot. good sightings of all kinds and number of stand upright in unlaced shoes, and then slide Hiking shoes may be what you need if you waterfowl. However, as of this writing, the your foot forward until it does touch the front. are going to be sticking to well-defi ned trails area is already fl ooded by Sacramento River and shorter hikes; perhaps, carrying a light and Putah Creek waters. Expect this trip to be (cont’ on page 25)


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Sun City Hiking Group shoe/boot for your hiking experiences. But poll to determine which of three of our favorite incline, like one would fi nd using a protractor whatever you have on your feet, just get out ascents and descents (that means uphills and (you do remember protractors, right?). (cont’ from page 24) there and enjoy! downhills) were favored, not that I will pay any Grade and degree are not the same. You should be able to comfortably slip your Mark your calendars and plan on joining attention to the results when planning rides. I will try to illustrate this in my non- index fi nger in between your heel and the heel one of these hikes in the New Year. It is very I chose Baxter Grade, from Wise Rd to engineerical and wannabe-scientifi cant way. of the shoe. Once you have your shoe laced, important for you to check the website, www. the top by the old house, Mt. Vernon, just the The chart shows the difference (Note: the feel should be snug enough that, as you, on the morning of the climby part and Chili/Crater from where Chili The actual slant of the lines in the chart may roll up onto your toe, you don’t feel your foot hike as rain and mud usually means the hike is gets steep to the Fire House on Wise. I was a not be accurate, depending on how the chart sliding forward to touch the front of the boot; canceled or now we may have an alternate trail. bit surprised to discover the preferred climb appears in this publication). however, it shouldn’t be so snug that it cuts off Upcoming Easy Hikes: February 28th, (60%) was Baxter Grade (Mt. Vernon and The top line is roughly Baxter’s 7.3% your circulation or causes hot spots.” U.C. Davis Arboretum. Chili/Crater split the remainder). Some pollees average grade. While there is some variation, 6. Socks are just as important as boots. The Upcoming Moderate Hikes: February commented they liked Baxter’s constant Baxter is pretty consistent. Average grade is thickness of the socks should be appropriate 7th, Filbert Street steps, SF, February 16th, grade with little traffi c. Not surprisingly, Mt. computed by dividing the rise (425 feet) by the to what you intend to wear them for. Hiking Deer Creek – Nevada City. February 23rd, Vernon was the favorite downhill (77%). The distance (1.1 miles or 5808 feet) to obtain a socks should add comfort, be synthetic or wool Rattlesnake Bar, Loomis, February 28th, UC good road surface and high-speed turns were percentage. Using a protractor, 7.3 degrees rather than slow drying cotton socks. Socks Davis Arboretum, March 9th, Spenceville mentioned. Baxter (9%) being very narrow yields a rise of approximately 120 feet. are a key ingredient to preventing blisters. Wilderness, Beale. with blind corners and Chili/Crater (14%) were Chili/Crater Hill averaged 4.2%, but the OutdoorGearLab says, “Once you start Upcoming Strenuous Hikes: March 23rd, far less popular. However, Chili/Crater was steepest part of Chili was 10% (our Garmins say wearing your boots, try a few socks to fi nd out Stevens Trail, Colfax declared the winner in the Electoral College. 15% at the turn). Mt. Vernon, is 6.7% average, which one works the best for you. Models that • • • The average grade of Baxter is about 7.3%. but it has a very steep spot at the hard right initially fi t well with a thin sock may require Now, to the non-rider, that doesn’t’ seem very a thicker sock for the same fi t after you put LH Cyclists steep, because they are picturing a 7.3 degree (cont’ on page 27) some miles on them.” BY TOM FRADY 7. Break your boots in before your fi rst Ya gotta climb something. trip. This is an important step and should not This is true if you live in Lincoln be overlooked. Even if your boots feel good at Hills, even if you never leave home, there’s never an absolute guarantee that campus. OK, I know. You they’ll feel great on the trail. You should shop can ride out to Wheatland and at a reputable outdoor shop that specializes back and not hit anything worse in hiking and backpacking equipment. Ask if than your drive way, but give they have a “try at home” (walk around your me a break! house, indoors, if they don’t feel right, you can I’m not a fan of hills, and usually take them back). lately it seems I’m even less This research was done through REI, fanlike. But as a ride leader, Back Country, Backpacker, OutdoorGearLab I must plan rides and make and LL Bean to help out with this article. decisions about how to get from Whew! I could go on and on, I read for hours, here to there and what hill(s) however; above is the short version. Take we will climb on the way. To some time to look; these are great sites with help with that decision-making lots of information to help you pick the right process, I took a semi-scientifi c

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LH Cyclists If your buddies are leaving you far behind A general meeting of the membership was 2/11/17- Valentine’s Day on hills, stop to take a picture so you can use that held in mid-January. The club will institute 3/18/17- The Wearing of the Green (cont’ from page 25) as an excuse at the regroup. My usual excuse three new local rules. A couple of the new rules 4/10/17- Men’s Doubles turn near the top, maybe 18% for a few feet, has been stopping to rescue puppies from a concern movement of the ball on the green and 4/12/17- Women’s Doubles if you stay to the inside of the hairpin. Plus, burning building, but I think my friends are sprinkler interference in close proximity to the 4/05/17- Spring LITT there is even a little bit of downhill. getting suspicious of the veracity of that claim. green. The club is in good fi nancial shape and 6/08/17- Woman’s Singles Here are some more. I’m not using • • • there will be more emphasis on the social aspect 6/08/17- Men’s Singles sophisticated survey equipment here, but the after golf. Players are encouraged to join one 9/21/17- Mixed Doubles numbers are good enough for comparisons. LH Lincsters another for lunch after play in the Meridians. 9/05/17- Fall LITT • Sierra College is about .7 miles from BY SUSAN PHARIS January was a rainout for the fi rst three 10/14/17- Octoberfest Delmar to where it begins to fl atten out. That At the time of this writing, the Lincsters weeks, and we anxiously await the course Bob White will continue as our trusty section averages about 5.4%. have had no playdays. Captain Sharon recovery from the ten inches of rain yet this Webmaster for 2017. Go to the website, www. • Indian Hill from Newcastle Road McMillan wisely canceled play on both year. Cart path only restrictions may impact to see what a great site your club to where it fl attens out is 1.7 miles, averaging Wednesdays: January 4 and January 11, the number of players willing to do a lot of has and keep up on all the happenings. 4.5%. I have noticed at least 7.5% where because of stormy weather. The 2017 Executive walking, during this season. New membership is a high priority for Glenview comes in. By the way, Glenview is Board consists of Sharon McMillan, Captain; Our club welcomes new players all year our club. Applications are at the courts. We 8.8%. This may explain why we seldom ride Linda Salmon, Co-Captain; Mary D’Agostini, long. For information on membership, please continue to look for ways to bring new players Glenview. Treasurer; Brenda D’Andre, Secretary and contact Julie Storer: jastorer@sbcglobal. in. Our drop-in will continue on Saturdays and • Ridge averages less than 4%, and Judy Josse, Tournament Chair. Other board net, New Member Liaison, or Donna Sosko: Wednesdays. Court times are from 9 a.m. to stairs steps for almost three miles, varying members are Jane Steffes and Madelyn [email protected], Membership Chair. 11 a.m. PST and 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. DST. We from double digits to nearly fl at. Merola, Awards; Margie Jewett and Barbara Either one of these ladies can answer questions are looking into adding scheduled ball machine I was unable to fi nd anything defi nitive Gordon, Mamas and GAL; Sharon Winslow, and get you started. practices on these days as well. Stay tuned. about maximum grade allowed on state Web Master; Pat Shafer and Patty Alderete, • • • If you haven’t sent in your $12 dues for highways, but have heard it to be 8%, although Membership; Joyce Kozuki, Historian; Sue 2017, now is the time to do it. The roster is there may be some older roads grandfathered Pharis, Publicity; Nancy McDonald, PWGA LH Men’s Golf being updated for 2017 so be sure to get your in. This is why, in part, the tops of many roads Representative; Joyce Bauer, Sunshine; BY DOUG HINCHEY dues and any information changes to Cathy go through a cut at the top of a hill. Cuesta Linda Salmon, Handicap; Kathy Lindner, The rains postponed the January Sloshfest Garrison [email protected] in time to Grade, on 101 just above San Luis Obispo is Social Chair; Alyce Stanwood, WNHGA Tournament, appropriately named, result next get your information in the new roster. listed at 7%. The Grapvine, on 5 in Southern Representative. month. Next up is the Spring Fling tournament. For more information pertaining to California, 6%. Of course, both of these grades Welcome to new members Karen Bode, This 2 man scramble played on the Hills will be LHTG please contact Pam Flaherty at are very long, making it slow-going for heavy Ingela Butters, Gay Gladden, Elaine Hagen, a blind draw to see who will be your partner. pamlfl [email protected] trucks going up and easy to pick up more Susan Peterson, and Judy Radman. Next up is the Spring Fling, a two man Phone 531-0142. speed than is safe going down. Alp d’Huez Contact: Pat Shafer, [email protected]; scramble on the Hills will be played on March • • • is an average of 7.9% with some spots 14%, Website: 14, sign up by March 7. This tournament is a and it is 9 miles long. This may explain why • • • blind draw for your partner, and a good way Table Tennis we seldom ride Alp d’Huez. to mix and meet new players and friends. BY WARREEN AKEY Climbing, whether you care for it or not, is Ladies Golf—18-Holers Mark your calendar for the NCGA two man The author of Change Your Brain, Change one of the most challenging aspects of cycling, BY CANDICE KOROPP Best Ball Tournament on April 4, signup by Your Life, Dr. Daniel Amen is on the right nearly as tough as fi nding a good scone. If The 2017 edition of the Club will by March 28. This tournament will be played on track. He is an avid ping pong player. As you are like me, and I pray you’re not, you headed by Donna Sanderson, a former non- the Orchard Course. a clinical neuroscientist, psychiatrist and a hate climbing and hate people who don’t hate profi t executive director. Her co-captain • • • man familiar with extensive research in brain climbing. But, theoretically, you can make is Gayle Petersen, with Edda Ashe serving imaging his Amen clinics in over 111 countries climbing easier. as secretary, and Rosemary Heckman, ably LH Tennis Group have performed over 100.000 brain scans. I Pace yourself. Don’t start out too hard helping with fi nances as treasurer, to make BY BARBARA DAVIS am very interested in brain health because just because you feel good at the beginning. up the Executive Board. Another 16 ladies The new board of LHTG had their in 2012 my brain aneurism, according to my Sit and Stand. You will use more energy fi ll the board positions essential to keeping the fi rst meeting on January 5, 2017. President, Kaiser neurologist, put me in the top 2% of if you stand while climbing, but there are times 18-Holers operating. While Donna appears to Pam Flaherty treated her new board and the those alive after a brain aneurism. The two when you must stand for a steep section (I’m be a low-key gal, she is adept at organization outgoing board to a beautiful buffet at her platinum wires installed in my head by Dr. Ji looking at you Butler!) or just to stretch some and is primarily focused on recognizing home. stopped the bleeding and saved my life. Was leg muscles, if you have any left. individual accomplishments and expanding our The meeting was called to order and that a miracle ? In Warrensworld of brain Spin. Try around 80-85 rpms and keep a membership. She will re-institute recognition reports were given by each board member. development and with a totally non-scientifi c steady pace all the way up. This may necessitate of reaching milestones in golf like breaking 100, Tournament information and entry fees diagnosis I have been blessed with a wonderful some gear shifting. or 90 or 80, for example. Interestingly, it is have started coming in for the Mixed Doubles and exciting addiction to ping pong. So, for an Speaking of gears, my philosophy is you Donna, who achieved quite a feat for the last Valentine Tournament to be held Saturday uncommon and playful, exciting experience might as well have as wide a range of gearing calendar year. She quietly took her handicap February 11. Our Tournament Director, come on Friday 8-11 am or Tuesday 6:30-9 as possible. Like Dumbo’s feather, it will give from 22 to 17 during the year, earning the David Mateer, is planning 10 events for our pm or Sunday 12-5 to Kilaga Lodge for table you confi dence, even if you don’t need them Most Improved Golfer award at our Christmas membership. These are always fun and a great tennis play. Ping pong is a brain changer! Join all very often. awards luncheon. Now, she has earned a spot way to become better acquainted with your us. Warren Akey Use a more upright position while among the club’s top ten, to begin the new fellow tennis lovers. Mark your calendars and • • • climbing, grip the handlebars more loosely year. Congrats to Donna. be ready for these upcoming events. and relax. (more Club News cont’ on page 28)

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LH Water Volleyball players have never played volleyball except in school. Water volleyball is less strenuous on BY CANDY CASTRO the body than land volleyball, and the rules Luxury Senior Living 2017 Water Volleyball Club activities and are adapted to water play. goals are the key agenda items for the Steering Committee lead by Claudia Bernt, Chairman. LH Water Volleyball Club is so fortunate Assisted Living • Memory Care Every year an election brings together new to have the expertise of our trainer Mel. Many and returning committee members with of our members have grown tremendously this new ideas and directions for this fabulous year due to his undying dedication. Various club. 2016 was amazing and fun with a new advance level club members offer their tireless Recreational player mentoring and training time and effort as mentors to new and old program elevating the skill levels of our new members. The mentors under Mel’s direction members. We thank all of our volunteers who rank you according to your abilities while continue to create a great experience for our playing with others. Once a player reaches club and work tirelessly to support our club’s Recreational Level 3, a peer ranking process goals. Thank you to the outgoing Steering twice a year determines who the Net 1 and Net 2 Committee, led by Chairman Jim Puthuff, for Competitive players will be. Those dates TBA. all of your time and support. We welcome the We have lots of games throughout the week. newly elected Steering Committee, and look Recreational level play uses the lightweight red forward to new ideas striving to improve our ball. Competitive level play uses the leather unique water volleyball experience. blue and white ball. Most of the time there Water volleyball is a sport for all ages are two nets set up going at the same time. and abilities. Currently we have ages 55-92 This is a very fun and social club, and we playing and having a great time. Offering both all get plenty of laughs. This sport can change recreational and competitive play keeps the your life! Please check us out and see for members busy with a variety of play times at the yourself. See you in the water! KS. We welcome LH residents to check us out • • • soon and hopefully consider joining us in the “Next Steps – Made Easy” water. Not to be confused with other fi tness Mad Hatters Bocce Group programs, this is not a drop-in activity. Check BY MIKE MAC GARVEY An informational seminar about “next steps” in the aging process out our website at It wasn’t forty days and forty nights but the Please come by and meet some of us at the recent rain was enough to fl ood Auburn Ravine Lifestyle Expo on February 28 where we can and it also fl ooded the front Bocce Courts. We answer questions. Residents wanting to join had people tell us late last year that they had Thursday, February 23th should call Rhonda George at 907 242-3161. seen the Bocce Courts fl ooded and we were Rhonda will meet with you and start the skeptical. In past years the drainage on the 1:00pm – 3:00 pm • Orchard Creek Ballroom orientation process and get you playing ASAP. courts has been so good you could play in the Annual dues are $20. We have a hardworking rain but we visited the courts during the recent recreational subcommittee that created an Enjoy delectable hors d’oeuvres, wine and desserts as amazing program for new players. Most of our (cont’ on page 29) LaDonna Hasty and Cathy Katz from Oakmont of Roseville and Connie James from Smooth Transitions share step-by-step information to help you or your family members make the move to Assisted Living. Learn from past residents as they ESTATE PLANNING share their personal experiences taking this next step. LAW OFFICE OF JAMES S. HALL Oakmont Senior Living is a recognized leader in the retirement (916) 772-2522 industry. Our company is dedicated to hearing, understanding Offering our clients experienced professional services and responding to the needs of aging seniors. We offer with convenient access to their attorney. Independent Living, Assisted Living and Memory Care and AARP LEGAL SERVICES PROVIDER are pleased to serve the Rocklin, Roseville, and Lincoln areas. • Living Trusts • Wills • Powers of Attorney • Health Care Directive Smooth Transitions provides individuals and families the • Document Review & Updates • Probate emotional and physical assistance needed in making a change in your living arrangements. We will provide you with 1380 Lead Hill Blvd., Suite 106 • Roseville, CA 95661 Phone: (916) 772-2522 • Email: [email protected] resources to help make the daunting task of moving and Website: down-sizing manageable and less stressful. Member: California State Bar, Placer County Bar Association, AARP Legal Network Attorney Kindly RSVP to [email protected] or call LaDonna at 916-993-3140, as space is limited. There will be special door prize drawings during the event.

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Mad Hatters Bocce Group The inaugural event is March 25. permitting. Cal Meissen explains the rules Paul Greenhaw) in the position round roll-off Drop by between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. and playing basics. Paddles are provided and by a score of 7-0. Dave Fisk rolled a nice 678 (cont’ from page 28) for an introduction, enjoy beginner games no reservations are necessary. series with high games of 255 and 233. Very heavy rain and the front courts were indeed with current players and snack on light New players are encouraged to participate nice bowling Dave. Our next position round fl ooded. Some courts were worse than others complimentary refreshments. in fun and challenging events. There are which will decide our 3rd Quarter champion but most had two to three inches of standing The welcome program for novices will ladders, similar to leagues, and tournaments will be on March 7th. water when we viewed them. continue at the same time on the second based on skill level. There are also social events I’d also like to acknowledge some fi ne The front eight courts were resurfaced in Saturday of each month. throughout the year on and off the courts. bowling in this position round. Dale Mellberg 2016 so this is the fi rst real winter weather the Paddles will be provided. No reservations • • • from “EZDuzit” rolled a very nice 611 series front courts have seen. Our understanding is needed. with a high game of 227. Mike Becze from “Hit that, along with a new artifi cial turf surface, It’s all part of our resolution to reach out Tuesday Sun Seniors Bowling or Miss” rolled a 616 series with a high game they added a layer of decomposed granite to all residents who want to take up a healthy, BY JOHN VOGELI of 244. Roy Hackman from “Roll X’s” rolled to the bed. By contrast they did not change fun sport. Hi Bowlers, I’ll start with congratulations a very steady 601 series with games of 209, the surface on the rear four courts and those Can’t make the Saturday event? No to 2nd Quarter Champion “Hot Pockets” 205, and 187. Dave Harriman from “Shuda courts appear to be draining normally and problem. (Linda Zierman, Pat Fisk, Jack Galazin, Dave Been” also rolled a very steady series with a did not accumulate water. Something has The Club continues its popular introductory Fisk) as they defeated “Where’s George” 595, including a 205, 190, and 200. Roy and compromised the drainage on the front courts lessons every Wednesday at 1 p.m., weather (Judy Greenhaw, Pamela Mock, Ann Kelly, Dave are leading the league in high avg for the and it appears to be related to either the new season. Hackman is at 217.60 and Harriman is turf material, the decomposed granite layer, Kathy Salli readies a ground stroke while partner Alain Girard charges the net. at 216.19. Dale Bahn from the “Alley Gators” or both. SCLH maintenance personnel were also rolled a very nice 627 series with a high removing the excess water on one of our visits. game of 246. Facilities Manager Cesar Orozco is aware of the Now I would like to congratulate my situation and , in a brief conversation, indicated team-mate from “Stars & Strikes” Renee to us that he will be contacting the contractor Gann for her best season series so far. She to come and look at the situation. Please do rolled a 510 series with a high game of 218, not use the courts for boogie boarding while which ties her with Ann Holbak of “X Factor” we try and resolve this situation. Fly fi shing is for high handicap game of the season with OK as long as you’re using fl oating lures but 286’s. Congratulations to all of these Teams absolutely no spin casting. and Bowlers. Contact: Paul Mac Garvey, 543-2067, Remember all of you closet bowlers who [email protected]; Bob Vincent, 543-0543 would like to join this league or any other to • • • test your skills against some of the best senior bowlers around you may contact, Stacey Pickleball Club Pudge at Strikes Unlimited in Rocklin @ 916- 626-6361, or Linda Zierman at 916-408-2397 BY MICHAEL GARDNER or [email protected]. Keep knock’em The Pickleball Club invites residents down. curious about the sport to attend a new once- • • • a-month program called “Welcome Saturdays” at the courts. (more Club News cont’ on page 32)

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5IF1PXFSPG5XP'VMM4FSWJDF3FBMUPSTUIBUBEEQFSTPOBM UPVDIFTUPDMJFOUTQVSDIBTFTBOETBMFT We offer our Clients ~ &YQFSJFODFt,OPXMFEHFt*OUFHSJUZ 1FSTPOBMJ[FE4FSWJDFt5SVTUt%FQFOEBCJMJUZ !LL-ECHANICAL2EPAIRS 3-/'#ERTIlCATION #JMM+BO3FYSPEF 3FTJEFOU3FBMUPS4QFDJBMJTUT   +3ERVICES 916.408.3997 | 916.770.9661 CJMMKBOSFYSPEF!TCDHMPCBMOFU   MJODPMOIJMMTIPVTFTDPN %3&t&BDIPGmDFJOEFQFOEFOUMZPXOFEBOEPQFSBUFE 30 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2017 Speakers to Discuss Social Soroptimist International Out & About in Lincoln... Security & Medicare of Lincoln “Purses with BY RICHARD PEARL What’s in the future for Social Security Purpose” Fundraiser and Medicare? February 4th – Saturday – Lincoln Host February 24th & 25th (7:30 PM) and That is the topic of a community Soroptimist International of Lincoln will Lions Club Crab Feed. McBean Park Pavilion. 26th (2:00 PM). Lincoln Theatre Company. presentation set for Thursday, Feb. 9, in the be holding a luncheon fundraiser on February No host bar starts at 6:00 PM; dinner starts at Presentation of Meredith Wilson’s The Presentation Hall at the Kilaga Springs Lodge, 4 at Orchard Creek’s Grand Ballroom. Called 7:00 PM; dancing 9:00 PM thru 11:00 PM. $45 Music Man. This will be the full Broadway 1167 Sun City Blvd., in Lincoln. Doors will “Purses with Purpose”, the event will have per ticket. Contact bob Collins: bobpcoll@ production performed by the Lincoln Theatre open at 6:30 pm, a brief meeting will start at handbag raffl es, along with a fashion show by; 916-253-9890 Company and the Young Performers Theatre. 6:45 and the program will follow. “Haute Trash”, featuring unique and creative Tickets are $15.50 general seating and $17.50 Featured speakers Kathleen Newton fashions made out of trash. “Haute Trash”, is February 11th – (Saturday) - Chocolate reserved seating. Tickets now on sale at www. and Carolynn Washington will describe the a troupe of resourceful artists who produce Ball – Who doesn’t love chocolate? This is or 916.409.7030. current structure and fi nancing of the Social runway fashion shows using materials made the fourth year for this semi- to-full formal Security and Medicare systems and provide from society’s trash. attire dinner dance hosted by the Lincoln Major Upcoming Events: information about current Congressional All the money raised goes towards Downtown Association. It’s been so popular April 12th thru May 20th – America’s legislative initiatives that may affect both Soroptimist of Lincoln’s yearly scholarship that the event had to be moved to the Orchard ClayFest V. International exhibition of ceramic programs. and community awards, as well as their yearly Creek Ballroom. The event includes a no- art returns to Lincoln. Not at the Gladding Newton, who works with the National “Teen Esteem Day”, a conference that gives host bar, chocolate-themed appetizers, plus McBean foundry, but close. More to follow Committee to Protect Social Security & local high school girls access to professional a three-course special dinner…and dancing. next month. Medicare, is a former journalist and newspaper role models, motivational speakers who talk 6:00 PM through 11:00 PM. Tickets ($85 publisher. Washington is education and about setting and achieving goals and how to per person). It’s recommended that you call Friday & Saturday -June 3rd and 4th . outreach coordinator for the Health Insurance move forward after setbacks or failures. immediately as tickets went on sale January Lincoln’s premier car show. Friday night at Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP), Tickets to the luncheon can be purchased 2nd and are guaranteed to sell out. Contact Thunder Valley Casino & Resort and Saturday in Sacramento. A question-and-answer session by calling Brgitta Agopian at 916-660-2024. [email protected] ASAP. downtown Lincoln. Hundreds of America’s will follow their presentation. best-loved cars. The free event is sponsored by the February 1st thru March 31st. Art Exhibit. June 10th (Saturday) – Lincoln AirFest Democratic Club of Lincoln, but is open to Lincoln Art League’s inaugural exhibit of 2017. Aerial action and entertainment the public. artwork from city employees and Western at Lincoln Regional Airport. Hot air For further information, contact the President’s Day! Placer Union School district employees. balloons, War Birds, military static and aerial Lincoln Democratic Club via email at Monday, February 20, 2017 Lincoln City Hall, second fl oor Rotunda. 600 demonstrations, six aerobatic performances, [email protected]. 6th Street, Lincoln. gourmet food trucks, classic cars; Friday night dinner dance. Thunder Valley Resort & Casino performances. February 11th - Valentine’s If you have a special event outside our Soul Jam; Dennis De Young: The Music of “compound” walls but in Lincoln or in the Styx. Contact TVC: immediate surrounding area, contact Richard for details. Pearl at: [email protected]



Parkinson’s Support Group information for everyone. ideas and dreams to fi nd someone who may FEBRUARY / MARCH All U.S. military veterans that have like to join you. If interested fi nd out about The Parkinson’s Support Group will be served in time of war or recognized confl icts our next meeting. Call 916-408-0968. Multiple Sclerosis Group meeting on February 21 at the Granite Springs are eligible to join. Contact us at ph: 916-409- Church on E. Joiner Parkway. We meet from 6750 & e-mail: commander@lincolnlegion. A DVD Exploring Resilence for those 10:00-11:30 on the third Tuesday of each org. “For God and Country” The Spiritual Discussion with MS will be shown at our February month. In addition to interesting speakers, and Study Group Meeting. we provide encouragement, friendship, and Resilience is the process of adapting information about this disease. Our speaker LH Lions Club Meeting Are you spiritual but not religious? Join well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, for February will be Nancy Barcal. She is the us as we seek answers to Life’s big questions, The Lincoln Hills Lions Club meets the threats or signifi cant sources of stress. Founding Director of Granite Bay Speech and study the world’s great religions 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at noon at Bring your friends, as all interested are and has over 32 years experience treating to find commonalities, and encourage the Lincoln Veterans Memorial Hall, 541 5th welcome to attend: individuals who stutter and clutter. Come understanding. Street. We brown bag it so bring your lunch Tuesday, February 7 • 1:00 • Kilaga join us! For more information, call Brenda We meet twice a month. On the second and a drink and come join a group of service Springs Sierra Room Cathey at 916-253-7537. Sunday of the month from 2 to 4 p.m. we have mined men and woman who are interested Questions regarding the Multiple open discussions or speakers on a variety in improving our community while having Sclerosis Group call Marilyn Sharp 837-4464.. of subjects. On the fourth Sunday of every ONGOING — fun. Call Sue and Bob Olin for information month from 2 to 4 we meet to watch a lecture 916-543-0002. series on the great religions of the world. Glaucoma Support Group Motor Scooter Riders, Join Us! Sunday, February 12th at 2 p.m. discussion - subject to be determined. January was Glaucoma Awareness We are a friendly group of motor Lincoln Kiwanis Club Meeting Sunday, February 26- part 5 of the lecture Month, but it is never toe late to become more scooter enthusiasts and would welcome Lincoln Kiwanis dinner meeting is at 6:00 series on Buddhism. aware of Glaucoma and it’s treatments. If you your participation. Our group rides are both p.m. on the fi rst Tuesday of the month and Email Marilyn for details and location. would like to know more about this chronic planned and spontaneous. We take rides of breakfast meetings are from 7 to 8 a.m. all [email protected] condition, please plan to attend the Glaucoma various lengths (no freeways) in our local other Tuesdays at Buonarroti’s, 460 Lincoln Support Group meeting on February 8, 2017 area, usually including a lunch stop. For more Blvd. Guests are welcome. Info: President, in the Multimedia Room at Orchard Creek info telephone: Mike Marculescu, 408-3972. Mike Maul at 645-3623 or 849-5060 or LH Airport Co-Op Lodge. The meeting begins at 4:00. For more information, please contact Bonnie Dale at The Lincoln Hills Airport Co-Op is open 543-2133 or [email protected] Semper Fi Association to Lincoln Hills residents to share rides to and from the Sacramento International Airport. Semper Fi Association, open to all active Kiwanis Club of Lincoln Foothills The cooperative works on a point Lincoln Democratic Club and inactive Marines, plus Navy Corpsmen, The Kiwanis Club of Lincoln Foothills system. Drivers earn points taking travelers meets at the Legends Sports Bar & Grill (at holds a luncheon meeting the fi rst and third to and from the airport while travelers spend Thursday, February 9th, our guest the Woodcreek Golf Cluib), 5880 Woodcreek Friday of each month at Turkey Creek Golf points to receive rides. Membership is $15 speaker will be Kathleen Newton. Ms Newton Oaks Ln., Roveville on the fi rst Monday of the Club on Highway 193. Lunch is served at per year (Jan-Dec) per household. is a volunteer with the National Committee month. Breakfast (optional) available at 8:30 11:30. The meeting is from noon to 1pm. To join, visit our website www.lh- to Preserve Social Security and Medicare. a.m., meeting starts at 9:00 a.m. Contact Mike Guests are welcome. For more information click the membership Check out the organization’s website at Scott, 916-435-4940, or Richard Martinez, about the Kiwanis Club of Lincoln Foothills or tab, download the application, mail, Our meeting will 916-543-7965. to come to one of our meetings please contact along with required documentation to focus on proposals and potential changes by our membership chair Rae Cook at raesun@ the address on the application. Call Congress to Medicare and Social Security. Grupo De Conversacion or call her at 916 251-6241. Barb Iniguez at 916-408-7812 for more info. We meet at 6:30 in the Presentation Hall Nos reunimos para practicar y mejorar of Kilaga Springs Lodge, 1167 Sun City nuestro español. We meet every Tuesday at Blvd, Lincoln; meeting starts at 6:45. For 4:00 pm in the “Living Room” area of Kilaga Rotary Club of Lincoln Essential Tremor Support Group questions, see our club website http://www. Springs Lodge, call Manuel 408-8163. Essential Tremor Support meets on the We have weekly meetings Thursday noon (12-1:30) at the Lincoln Woman’s Club 5th 1st Saturday of each month with the exception and E Street and sunset meetings are on the of July and December. The meetings are CPR - AED - First Aid Training Sons in Retirement Branch 98 fi rst and third Thursdays of each month at open to all and are held at the Kaiser Hospital The Rocklin/Rosevile Branch of SIR Beermann’s Restaurant (645 5th St.) from on Douglas in Roseville. We meet at 10AM The Lincoln Hills Foundation again meets monthly on the 2nd Wednesday in 7:00 to 8:00pm. Interesting speakers and in Building D, 3rd fl ., Conference room 2-3. offers training in CPR, AED’s and First Aid the ball room of the Timbers at Sun City service to the community. For information For more information, please contact for residents at a very low cost, $10 or $20 Roseville beginning at 10:30a.m. Join retirees visit or call us at Judy Doughty at 916-543-4882 in SCLH. depending on certifi cation. The 2017 dates are for fellowship, lunch, golf, fi shing, cards, and 916-844-2582. February 14, April 13, July 25 and September even bocce ball… many other activities also COMMUNITY — 7. The instructor includes CPR for infants and available. Call Tom Werth at 782-3536 for children also. This fun 1/2 day class is held more information. Senior Peer Counseling at Orchard Creek Lodge. Call 916-434-0749 Grief Support Group for more information or check our website: Sons In Retirement Branch 13 Senior Peer Counseling provides free, in- GriefShare is a weekly faith-based We have trained home counseling to Placer County residents seminar/support group for people grieving 122 residents in the past three years. Sign up Sons In Retirement Branch 13 (Lincoln/ age 55 and above who are experiencing the death of someone close to them. Whether now. It’s a lifesaving skill. Roseville) will hold its monthly luncheon depression, anxiety, substance abuse, family the loss is recent or some time ago, you are on Tuesday, February 21st at Catta Verdera confl ict and fi nancial stress. Please call: 530- welcome. It’s a place where you can be around Country Club, 1111 Catta Verdera Drive 886-3413. people who understand how you feel and Caregiver Support Group in Lincoln. Guest speakers will be Sharon the pain of your loss. At GriefShare, you’ll Did you know that the statistic is that Stanners, foreperson of the Placer County Family Mental Illness Support Group learn valuable information that will help 65% of all caregivers have something happen Grand Jury 2014-16 and David Cesio, past you through this diffi cult time. The group to them before their loved one passes? The member of the Placer County Grand Jury. This group is for SCLH residents goes from February 7th through May 2nd. stress involved in caregiving can be great no A three course gourmet lunch costs $20. who have immediate family members who We meet each Tuesday from 9:30-11:30 a.m. matter what the disease or frailty of a person. Arrive at 11:30AM; luncheon adjourns experience serious mental illnesses such as at Granite Springs Church, 1170 E Joiner Come join the group that can help you walk at 1:30PM. Sons In Retirement is a social bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, Parkway, Lincoln. Phone 916.645.9620 or through this diffi cult journey. We meet at group dedicated to promoting the dignity, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive email [email protected] for more info. the 12 Bridges Lincoln Library on the third independence, and camaraderie of retired disorder, clinical depression, etc. Thursday of each month. For February we men. If you are interested in joining SIR We meet on the second Friday of the Blood Drive or attending the luncheon as a guest, please month at 2pm. For more info: Dede Ranahan will be meeting on Feb 16 and March will be Blood Drive in Lincoln is scheduled contact Chet Winton (916-408-8708). at 408-4541 or [email protected] on March 16 from 9:00 to 11:00. Please come for Friday, February 17th from 1 to 6 PM. It in through the back employees entrance. For will be held at the Veteran’s Memorial Hall more information contact Brenda Cathey at Lincoln American Legion Post #264 at 541 Fifth Street, and will be for whole 916-253-7537. Solo Travel Network blood donations only. The blood drive is Meetings 7:00 P.M. the fi rst and third If you are a Single traveller looking for sponsored by the Rotary Club of Lincoln, Wednesday of the month at the Veterans someone to travel with come visit the Solo and BloodSource. Memorial Hall 541 5th St, Lincoln. The Travel Network (STN). We meet monthly You may pre-register online at https:// business meeting for members is the fi rst to socialize and plan new trips both locally, . meeting and the second meeting is general nationwide and internationally. Bring your Walk-ins are also welcome. 32 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2017

Thursday AM Sun Seniors at Cribbage Club Master Points playing Duplicate Bridge. That Shooting Group is quite an achievement. Congratulations Strikes Unlimited BY LARRY O’DONNELL Doug! BY ED KASPER The Sun City Cribbage Club plays Would you like to join a friendly group BY DALE STEPHENS Our club will host the annual winter Tuesdays from 8:00 AM until 12:00 PM, at of residents enjoying recreational shooting Winners of the 1st two quarters are now exchange with the Roseville Sun City Duplicate the Card Room (Orchard Creek). After sports? The shooting group may be just what in the books, Castaways (1st quarter) and Time Bridge Club. It is scheduled for Wednesday, beginning with an hour of preliminary games, you are looking for. Our purpose is to make to Spare (2nd quarter). We are half through Feb. 22nd in the Orchard Creek Lodge the six game mini-tournament starts at 9:00 friends among residents who are interested in the 3rd quarter with many teams fi ghting for Ballroom. The brunch gets underway at 10:30 AM. We play four handed partner games, enjoying safe recreational shooting sports. If the top spot. A.M. and bridge begins as soon as everyone adding a two handed or three-handed game you have not shot in years, or have never shot Exceptional scores rolled are as follows: has fi nished brunch. See or call Kay Kerenyi when necessary. We use a rotation system to before, you will fi nd the group welcoming with Owen Brosh (184 avg.) – 216, 237, 245 (434-6050) if you would like to attend this mix players, and lately we’ve had 20 or more members available to help. You may join our for a 698 series event but have not signed up yet. to enjoy the competition. shooting activities on any of our scheduled Doug Tran (176 avg.) – 179, 239, 224 for Nancy Rise is collecting the 2017 club dues Our December weekly winners were: dates, regularly or intermittently. Just come a 642 series of $5.00 per person before the Wednesday and Hugh Duberley (1st week), Rae Cook (2nd out and have fun! Ed Keyton (181 avg.) – 181, 214, 224 for Saturday games. She will be at her post in the week), Rae Cook (3rd week), and Sharon Weather permitting we meet on Tuesday a 619 series hallway outside of the game rooms. Make it Cuchetti (4th week). of each week for Trap and on Thursdays for Herb Cantwell (171 avg.) – 164, 203, 235 a point to see Nancy and pay her by check or We always welcome those new to Skeet at Coon Creek Trap and Skeet, 5393 for a 602 series cash if you have not already done so. Cribbage, or new to Sun City, to come and Waltz Road, Rio Oso, CA 95674, just minutes Garland Covington (149 avg.) – 182, 155, The SCLH duplicate bridge club is a join in the fun. from Lincoln. Occasionally other shotgun 183 for a 520 series friendly invitational club with games open Contact: Larry O’Donnell 406-672-6493. sports such as International Trap, Sporting Susan Moore (144 avg.) – 160, 143, 173 to all residents of Sun City and their invited Ken VonDeylen 916-599-6530. Clays and 5-Stand are enjoyed. We have no fees for a 476 series guests. All our games are played in the Kilaga • • • but each shooter must pay for their own clay Rich Connell (176 avg.) – 225 game Springs Lodge on Wednesdays at 12:30 P.M. targets. For more information about shotgun Dale Bahn (168 avg.) – 223 game (also includes a 199er section), Fridays at 5:00 SCLH Duplicate Bridge Club shooting sports contact John Kightlinger at Howard Beaumont (158 avg.) – 213 game P.M., and Saturdays at 12:30 P.M. (also includes 408-3928 or [email protected] Ann Kelly (157 avg.) – 199 game BY PATRICK CRENSHAW, a 299er section). Our game table fees are $2.00 Generally, the rifl e and pistol activities Bill Jowers (137 avg.) – 197 game Congratulations are due our club winners per person for members and for the fi rst three occur on Tuesdays at the Lincoln Rifl e Club Jo Anne Dunn (149 avg.) – 185 game who attended the Monterey “Clam Bake” visits of nonmember residents. The fee for a located at 150 Lincoln Boulevard. For Sharlene Zielinski (137 avg.) – 176 game Regional Tournament. It was held January 2 non-resident invited guest is $5.00. If you need information about rifl e or pistol shooting We have an opening for a female bowler nd through the 8 th. We had only four of our a bridge partner for any of the open games, call please contact Jim Trifi lo at 434-6341 or wishing to the join the league. All bowlers club members challenge the weather as well as Barbara Dorf (434 8234), or Squeak Conner trifi [email protected]. wanting to substitute is always welcome. For the Bridge competition to earn red and gold (645 9085), or Lynne White (253 9882). For a more information or to sign up, contact Claudia Master Points there. Again, just like last year, partner in the Wednesday or Saturday limited • • • Dehart by email at [email protected] or by Jack Uppal was the overall top point winner games, call Sheila Ross (434 6165 or Lynne phone at 916-645-9345. from our club winning just a fraction less than White (253 9882). For more information, • • • 32 total Master Points. Congratulations, Jack! visit the club website: Further, congratulation are due Doug lincolnhills, or call club president Jim Collart Allen, also. Doug has achieved the American (995 7233). Contract Bridge League Status of Ruby Life • • • Master. That is, he has earned at least 1500 Roseville Toyota & Scion

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but divorced. Much like Marly, he became a Whether it be while cruising on the seas, or single parent. He taught auto body repair for back on dryland, they enjoy again and again SUN SENIOR PROFILES Getting to know you... the State of California and worked for State the ‘moving experience’ that fi rst brought Farm Insurance as an inspector for 10 years. them together. Philip and Marly Spurgeon It was after his son went off to college that Philip moved to rural Smartsville and worked Want to share your story or know a (cont’ from page 1) on a ranch. When his son visited, and saw the neighbor who should be recognized? strenuous work he did, often dangerous in the Just let us know! She had a sister who lived in Lake Tahoe. presence of snakes, he encouraged his father Call us at 916-727-6383 or e-mail She moved with her boys to the Sacramento to move to Lincoln Hills. area without a job, but with only a car. From If there ever was an advocate of dancing, us at: [email protected]! there she went back to school to be a medical it’s Philip. “Aside from being such great assistant and to improve her English. She is exercise, even a help for depression, one of fl uent in Portuguese. the best things about dancing is that you can Marly worked in a hospital, and later carry it as far as you want to.” became a hospice aide for Vitas Healthcare, Some students have signed up for one or visiting patients in care facilities, retiring only two lessons, and then stayed for years – it’s Help our community last December. that rewarding. Hospice work is where Marly’s heart is. “I think that young people like ballroom grow strong — You can tell just by listening to her describe dancing because of its structure and discipline,” her job. “I got involved,” she said about Philip said. immersing herself in the care of patients along “And, for young men, it’s also a great way support our advertisers with comforting their families. to meet girls!” She talks about offering dignity and Many of his students come to him and community compassion to those patients nearing death. convinced they have two left feet, in which case “Sometimes, I would fi x a lady’s hair and apply he simply assures them: “I’ll be your right foot.” a little makeup before her family members When Philip and Marly married in 2013, organizations! arrived to visit.” they had moved into their current home – his Families got very close to Marly, often Philip and Marly Spurgeon during second in Sun City. Philip adds bicycling to his list of hobbies and is in the Cyclists Group. reaching out to her directly to check on their one of their many cruises. loved ones. “The exercise from bicycling provides many “Once, a dying patient’s son was very far benefi ts to dancing,” he said. away, out of the country, and she was quickly hate,” is her philosophy. Marly admits that she hasn’t been able fading. He called me and we talked for a while. Upon retiring, she knows she will miss to get involved in the community because she I wanted to reassure him, ease his guilt that he the patients but is reminded of the care and has been working, but now that she is retired, could not be by his mother’s side,” she said. love her co-workers will continue to give them. hopes to do just that. Even today Marly receives notes to keep Philip was born in Iowa but moved to The couple enjoys traveling, especially in touch and letters of appreciation from many the Sacramento area when he was six. A going on cruises and has a future one planned different people she has helped over the years. career in auto body work led him to open for the Panama Canal. Rest assured that Philip “There is room in my heart for only love – not his own shop. He married and had one son, and Marly will be found on the dance fl oor.

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Lincoln Civic Auditorium 511 Fifth Street, Lincoln, CA On-Line Tickets: Box Office: 916-409-7030 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2017 35 4$3&&/4-&44 .JSBHF3FUSBDUBCMF4DSFFO4ZTUFNT4DSFFO $VTUPN4VO4DSFFOT t4FDVSJUZ%PPST t4XJOHJOH4DSFFO%PPST $BMM6T5PEBZ t7FSUJDBM%SPQ4VO4IBEFT 'PS"'3&&  NBOVBMSFNPUF &TUJNBUF t3PMMVQ(BSBHF%PPS 8JOEPX4DSFFOT  $POU-JD GARY’S SPRINKLER St. John’s Episcopal Church 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd. Roseville REPAIR SERVICE welcomes YOU “to come experience the love of JESUS CHRIST” 3FTJEFOUJBM&YQFSUTt:FBST&YQFSJFODF Troubleshooting & Repairs SUNDAY WORSHIP 8 a.m. Traditional Holy Eucharist t5JNFST$IBOHFEt8JSJOH*TTVFTt#BE7BMWFT 9:30 a.m. ADULT EDUCATION 10:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship t%SJQ4ZTUFNTt#SPLFO1JQFT Praise Music / Sunday School 5 p.m. Youth Group t"MM8PSL(VBSBOUFFE The Reverend Cliff Haggenjos, Rector LIC#   t

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starts out with half a dozen different scenes The new orderly, Osama, may or may not be episode begins with a fairly simple task for the Observations... going off in different directions, some with a terrorist. In the season’s fi nal episode, if geniuses, such as defusing a nuclear weapon or ominous music, which will come together at the the series lasts that long, an explosion (was it preventing a dam from breaking, but evolves BY MARTIN GREEN end and reveal the killer, and if you can’t follow Osama?) blows up one wing of the hospital into something really dangerous, leaving one it, well, what can you expect from Americans. and you won’t know who died and who didn’t or more genius in peril but the group comes Okay, the TV season is pretty well along Inspector Morris is a classical music lover until the next season, if there is one. through with high IQs fl ying and is ready for and there’ve been the usual cancellations, so and in each episode is shown listening to his Chicago Garbage: The members of the next week’s adventure. it’s time to look at the replacements that are phonograph alone in his house while solving this garbage “house” contend with personal Well, as you can see, TV viewers are in sure to be hits (just like the cancelled shows a crossword puzzle and cutting his toenails. problems while, in between times, going out for a treat. The only thing missing will be those were). Here’s a sample: Morris and Lewis also spend most of their to clean up the city’s garbage, and trying not exciting presidential debates. Uptown Alley: This British import brings time hoisting pints in a pub, which may be why, to get shot by one of the city’s many gangs. Downton Abby into modern times as Lord after the initial murder, the killer has time to Chief Hogan’s long-lost father suddenly turns Uptown tries to maintain his home and estate dispatch a few more victims. up. Handsome Lieutenant Steveroid tries with organic farming and free-range chickens. NCIS San Francisco: This spinoff from to remember which woman he’s currently Meanwhile, Lady Uptown is being hit on by NCIS, also known as NCISSF, has a unit located involved with. Ginny Larson wants to become an American millionaire who wants to buy the in the City by the Bay. The taciturn “boss” the city’s first female garbage collector. Camellia Society of estate (and her) because that’s what American communicates with grunts and shrugs. Very Lieutenant Chase rescues the son of a crime millionaires in British shows do. To engender Special Handsome Agent Ronnie Rizzuto is boss from a burning nightclub and is in trouble Sacramento’s 93rd interest (and boost ratings), the Uptowns’ actually a transgender. Nerdish Tommy also when the son turns against him after he refuses stunning older daughter Griselda is actually plays in a jazz band in a gay San Francisco to date the son’s sister. Newbie Osama, a a transgender. The younger daughter, frumpy night club. Obligatory female agent Amanda refugee from Kurdistan, may or may not be Annual Show Hilda, secretly goes to London to perform in a has just joined an online dating service. Other a secret litterbug. Watch out for a spin-off, nightclub. Meanwhile, down below, Carlson, unit members are forensics expert Libby, Chicago Streetcleaners. The Camellia Society of Sacramento’s the major domo who’s run the household who dabbles in the occult, and crusty old Doc Tarantula: A group of geniuses known as 93rd Annual Show will be held Saturday for years, is revealed to have been a crooked Duckie, who hopes to climb Mount Everest. Tarantula (don’t ask me why) save the country, March 4th and Sunday March 5th 2017 at the stockbroker in his previous life. Tom, the The unit investigates murders of Navy, Marine and sometimes the world, from disaster each Sacramento Memorial Auditorium 1515”J” third underfootman, is blackmailing Carlson and sometimes Coast Guard, personnel, which week while, in between, trying to cope with St. Sacramento, CA 95814. The show is open because he wants to be promoted to second for some reason happen every week, causing personal problems. Charles, the head genius, to the public from 3:00 to 6:00 PM Saturday underfootman. Mrs. Hudson, the cook, signs extreme shortages in those services. In the is in love with Wendy, the one normal member and 10:00 am to 5:00 PM Sunday. March 5th. up with an online dating service; and scullery third episode, a man named Osama, becomes of the cast (don’t ask me how she got in there) Admission is FREE. maid Lily is studying to enter Oxford. Osama, the unit’s newest member; he’s a refugee from but doesn’t realize it. Wendy is preoccupied Anyone wishing to enter their blooms the new footman, is a refugee from Syria, who Afghanistan and may or may not be a terrorist. with raising her genius son and making enough may do so Saturday March 4th from 7:30 may or may not be a terrorist. Generic Medical Show: A bunch of actors soup to feed everybody. Tony, a psychiatrist, to 10:00am. Entry cards will be available as Inspector Morris: Another British import, and actresses get to play doctors and nurses and Hippy, a mechanic, have an on-and-off well as people to assist in fi lling them out. this one guaranteed to delight mystery lovers. and run around saying things like “Stat” and relationship, complicated even further when For information about the show contact Don Inspector Morris, aided by his assistant “Code Blue.” In every episode, someone gets Hippy reveals that she’s a kleptomaniac. Craig, Lesmeister at 916-967-8420 or Julie Vierra, at Sergeant Norris, is based in Oxford, a high to yell “Clear” and shock a patient whose heart the government guy assigned to shepherd this 916-371-2174. For fl oral arrangements contact crime area where university professors are has stopped. There are numerous liaisons group, is still suffering from being left on the Frankie Raymond at 916-995-2550. For the murdered at such a rate they may soon have among the doctors and nurses. The hospital doorstep of a Social Security offi ce, which is photo contest, open to the public contact Jackie to shut down for lack of faculty. Each episode administrator is accused of stealing funds. why he became a government agent. Each Randall at 916- 421-2456.

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Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2017 39 In Many Mansion: A Centennial Celebration of The SCLH WRITER... Traveling... Robert Treat Hotel — By SCLH Resident Bruce Robinson Don’t Miss an Issue! When the Robert Treat Hotel first available in paperback and Kindle formats opened its doors to the public on May on After The Rain The Sun Senior News 17, 1916, described When the Robert Treat Hotel first BY JEANIE ROBERTSON it as “Newark’s first-and only high-class opened its doors to the public on May Available On-line at: modern hotel.” In the years that followed, 17, 1916, The New York Times described After the rain the skies overhead this luxury hotel would host presidents, it as “Newark’s first-and only high-class Turned to a bright azure blue governors, and congressmen as well as such modern hotel.” In the years that followed, And billowy clouds, distinguished guests as Albert Einstein. this luxury hotel would host presidents, As white as fresh snow, A century later, despite the Great governors, and congressmen as well as such Were sailing along in my view. Depression and two World Wars, the distinguished guests as Albert Einstein. A original building still stands. Now completely century later, despite the Great Depression Yes, after the rain a rainbow appeared renovated and owned by the Berger and two World Wars, the original building With the promise of sunshine ahead Organization, the Robert Treat Center is still stands. Now completely renovated and And people in search of today part of the Best Western world-wide owned by the Berger Organization, the The big pot of gold chain of hotels and motels. Robert Treat Center is today part of the To the end of the rainbow were led. In 1935, however, the United Hotels Best Western world-wide chain of hotels Corporation realized its prized property and motels. After the rain the world was refreshed was on the verge of bankruptcy, so the When in 1935 the United Hotels The dust didn’t cling to the trees Board of Directors put the author’s father, Corporation realized its prized property The branches were covered Lloyd G. Robinson, in charge. One of the was on the verge of bankruptcy, its Board With glistening leaves first challenges this new General Manager of Directors put the author’s father, Lloyd That swayed to and fro in the breeze. faced was the arrival of the Dutch Schulz G. Robinson, in charge. One of the first gang, which had just moved its illegal challenges this new General Manager faced Rose petals unfolding had glittery drops gaming operations from Brooklyn to was the arrival of the Dutch Schulz gang, Like dew, many droplets remained Newark, occupying an entire floor of the which had just moved its illegal gaming And the world, washed clean, Robert Treat Hotel. operations from Brooklyn to Newark, Was a sight to behold In Many Mansion: A Centennial occupying an entire floor of the Robert When you looked out after the rain. Celebration of The Robert Treat Hotel, Sun Treat Hotel. City Lincoln Hills resident Bruce Robinson In Many Mansions, Bruce Robinson provides an eye-witness account of what it provides an eye-witness account of what was like living at the Robert Treat Hotel it was like living at the Robert Treat from 1935 to 1945 while his father lead a Hotel from 1935 to 1945 while his father team of dedicated employees in rebuilding lead a team of dedicated employees in We welcome your submissions such as the reputation and restoring the profi tability rebuilding the reputation and restoring the humorous observations and poetry. of one of Newark’s greatest business success profitability of one of Newark’s greatest Please see page 3 for submissions information. stories. This newly published memoir is now business success stories.

Gilbert’s Landscaping Son-in-law of SCLH


916-759-7233 [email protected] 40 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2017


Open Daily 9am to 5pm and after hours by appointment. Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2017 41

Information forms. background, although both might be helpful. Only a few Coordinators remaining who They do, however, require a desire and need to fi nd a backup person for those mail commitment to be part of maintaining the Neighborhood Watch stations that they are either a Mail Box Captain standards of this wonderful place we live. I for or the position is vacant. It is important that moved here six years ago, and at 61, consider BY KATHY GIRE two people have a copy of the Resident Contact myself on the young end of the age spectrum. Information form in case the Coordinator is But, I also work full time, with a busy personal Here we are in February! Be careful not available. Remember, an individual can life. Yet, the time and effort required to serve not to get a case of triskaidekaphobia. Never also adopt a mail station even if he/she does on a committee is entirely manageable. I heard of it? It is fear of the number 13. This not reside there. encourage my fellow residents to join us and year we get two Friday 13s on our calendar, The villages in need of Coordinators are: see for yourself the inner workings of SCLH February and October. The word combines Village 24C, Village 40A, and Village 40B. while meeting so many interesting people Greek and Latin and is more interesting than If you are interested in participating, please along the way. what it means. contact Larry Wilson at [email protected] Steve Horrell Alerts — or Mary Cranston at [email protected]. • • • A residential burglary took place on Here is a reminder that the Association December 12 when a rear window was smashed is holding its annual Its the Lifestyle event on Send your letters to the editor... and a bedroom was ransacked. The loss was Thursday, February 28 from 10:00 a.m. until See page 3 for details! cash and jewelry, and the Lincoln Police were 1:00 p.m. at the Orchard Creek Ballroom. called. Come and visit your favorite Neighborhood On December 25, an auto in the 2200 Watch offi cers and directors who will be block of Kingfi sher Lane had its rear window manning a table in the main lobby of Orchard smashed while it was parked in the driveway on Creek Lodge. Feel free to ask any questions. Christmas night. Thieves stole a Christmas gift. Mission Statement of Neighborhood A commercial work trailer was burglarized Watch while being parked on Canyon Oak Lane on • To strengthen neighborhood ties December 30. The loss included power and Cindy Kenna, new Coordinator for SCLH. • To increase personal safety and security hand tools. awareness On New Year’s Day, a residential burglary • To be the “eyes and ears” of the Lincoln occurred in the 1500 block of Millpond Lane likes to swim laps and takes advantage of other Police and Fire Departments in Village 27 at 8:00 p.m. The point of entry activities including table tennis and cribbage. • To encourage emergency preparedness was a small bedroom window. The residents She also attends all the concerts offered during Neighborhood Watch welcomes the were out of town, but the house alarm was the summers and likes riding her bike. following new Mail Box Captains: Einar activated and the Lincoln Police responded. Cindy’s neighborhood goes out to lunch Anderson, Village 30B, Patti Brookshire, Thoughts From Jack— On January 3, a truck burglary took place every month and also supports a neighborhood Village 38D, Fred Raach, Village 28, Gary on the 200 block of Wisteria Court (Village card game. As a change of pace, she recently Russ, Village 38D and Gary Sloan, Village 21. Things We See and Hear 38D) during the night. A side window was took advantage of the AARP Tax Program and BY JACK FABIAN forced open on the vehicle that was parked enrolled in its fi ve days of classes. in the driveway. We welcome Cindy into the Neighborhood I was in Penney’s just prior to Christmas, A resident spotted a bobcat sitting on Watch family. She also revealed that as soon looking for some fl annel shirts, when all of a his fence on El Capitan Court in Village 14. as the remodel of her house is completed, she sudden, coming from the fi tting rooms, came New Coordinator for Village 26C — would strongly consider adding a four-legged See for yourself the this male voice hollerin’, “Hey! There’s no Cindy Kenna, who has stepped up to be companion to her household! inner workings of SCLH... toilet paper in here!”. Immediately over the Coordinator for her Village 26C, has lived in A Neighborhood Watch New Volunteer P A system came this order: “Code 3, Room Sun City Lincoln Hills since January 2015. She Orientation session will take place on Friday, (cont’ from page 3) 7, URGENT”. The Code 3 was for janitorial was born in Chicago but spent much of her life February 3 for all new directors, coordinators seemed to have backgrounds and experience service, and the word URGENT meant, “Bring in Colorado. Cindy became acquainted with and mail box captains at Orchard Creek that would be valuable to both the HOA, and the POO-POURRI”. our community through friends who lived here, Lodge, in the Gables/Heights Rooms from the greater community. I don’t know if you’ve tried it yet, but this and every time she visited, she was impressed 1:30 until 3:30 p.m. Seasoned volunteers are Before joining a committee last year, Poo-pourri thing brings real magic. The stuff by the variety of activities available. encouraged to attend. Anyone interested in I held many of the same suspicions and works so great for us, we don’t even fl ush the When it came time for retirement in 2005, knowing more about Neighborhood Watch is misconceptions about the inner workings of toilet anymore. As Wells Fargo has stated, Cindy retired to Colorado, but she got tired of welcome to attend. Come and learn the ABC’s the Homeowners Association. I would like “Keep an eye on all your deposits.” “being cold” and moved here two years ago. of Neighborhood Watch. to remind our residents that they can also be This product Poo-Pourri was started Cindy fi nally found a suitable house and is now Here is a reminder to Coordinators to involved in the workings of this community by in England, and the TV commercials they making a major remodel. She got involved in notify their Mail Box Captains that they need to joining any of the many volunteer positions came up with are unbelievable. You know, Neighborhood Watch in October of 2016 and start the “review and update” process for their available, and there are many openings at we all picture the British as prim n’ proper, became a Mail Box Captain. She knew that Resident Contact Information forms which this time. Please join us. We need your help gentlemanly and reserved and all that stuff, was a great way to meet her neighbors while are due by February 15 to their Coordinators. to ensure the continued effectiveness of the but their humor is in a class of its own, creating also giving service to her community. Also due by February 15 but to the Executive community. laughter like no other. And I’m sure the Cindy also likes to play cards and is Director and Secretary are the Director’s These volunteer positions do not require term Royal Flush has a place in this effort involved in several types of games. She also List of Coordinators and Emergency Contact advanced education, or a sophisticated somewhere.

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Coldwell Banker Sun Ridge Real Estate them know you saw their ad in the %FM8FCC#MWEt-JODPMO$" CA BRE #01900767 twww.LiveLincolnHills.comtCA BRE #01844625 Sun Senior News! Master’s Club – Top Producers Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2017 43 SUN SENIOR NEWS CLASSIFIEDS GARY’S SPRINKLER REPAIR: Lic# FOR SALE: Cycle Ops Fluid indoor FOR SALE: Black and Decker ANNOUNCEMENTS 869624. Valves replaced, drip systems cycling trainer. $175. Like New! Call Workmate w/removable drill press, checked, timers, broken pipes. 916- Dan 916-425-9947 $35. B&D Cordless weed eater w/ IN TIMES OF CHANGE, Meditation 223-3706. charger and battery, $35. B&D hedge brings us back to our center. Join in Stargate • • • Meditations, learn to reconnect to your • • • FOR SALE: Barely used 2014 clippers, $20. Kitchen step stools, $10. Call 916-408-3616. Quantum nature beyond this ordinary AFFORDABLE COMPUTER HELP. PowerAssist KIRBY SentriaII vacuum/ time and space. Thursdays at Orchard Computer help in your Home. 15% carpet cleaner/accessories. $650 916- • • • Creek Lodge. Visit: www.astarsoulution. SENIOR DISCOUNT! Speed Up your 240-1273 FOR SALE: Pro-form 5.0 ES Exercise com or call/text Marilyn at 916 203-1370 Computer! Viruses, Bugs, Spyware, • • • bike. Electronic console, w/heart for information/schedule. Malware, Adware, Tracking Cookies, FOR SALE: Wurlitzer piano, sheet rate monitor. Barely used, $275 or • • • Trojans & Internet Popups removed. New acceptable offer. Call 916-543-6908. music, side tables, bridge bidding COME LEARN HOW to interpret your PC setup, Wireless, High Speed Internet, boxes, poker chips. Information call • • • Tune-ups, Upgrades, System Restores, dreams and activate more fully your 916-844.8036. FOR SALE: Toro electric leaf blower/ intriguing dream life. A Dream Circle meets New installation, Customized PC Training mulcher/vac with bag, $30. 20ft. in your HOME, or general PC HELP. PO • • • one afternoon a month in LH. Call Joyce FOR SALE: Bocce ball set, brand new. Aluminum extension ladder, $70. Call for info: 916-543-7195. Box 981, Lincoln, CA 95648. Reg #85117. 916-408-2130. Call Jerry at 916-663-4500. Never used. $30. Call 916-847-8094. • • • • • • • • • • • • DIAMOND RESORT OWNERS: FOR SALE: Yamaha Baby Grand BUYING ANY YEAR CAR, TRUCK, SUV: FOR SALE: Art deco mirror heart Let’s get together and share! Call Bill shaped, $125. Burlwood wall clock walnut piano, and bench, $2,750 OBO. or Gloria at 916-543-2081. Any condition or milage. I always Call 916-434-5657. paying more than CARMAX. Montie 9”x12” $25. Call 916-408-4899. • • • Boatwright LH res., 916-434-5089. • • • • • • • • • FOR SALE: Sam Spa walk-in tub, 5 star rating, 17” high, ADA compliant seat. WANTED/LOST/FOUND/ Whirlpool, used 5 times, new $12,000. Selling for $6,000. Call 530-305-9916. Classifi ed ads may be submitted by EMAIL at: FOR RENT/FOR SALE • • • WANTED: BUYING OLD COINS, [email protected] pay cash, free appraisals, discreet, FOR SALE: Power recliner, grey, I pay more! Private collector, SC lay-flat, upholstered, bought 11/21/16 Please include in the resident. Call Jerry 772-4268. at $525. Sell at $385. Used little. Call 916-209-3072. • • • • • • subject line: SCLH CLASSIFIED and WANTED: Old/Antique Rifles, Double BarrelShotguns. Damascus FOR SALE: Large dog crate, new. your phone number! OK. SCLH collector. Call John: $50. Poulan 16” chain saw w/case, $80. 916-408-4442. Homelite 18” chain saw w/case, $90. Example: SCLH Classifi ed 916-123-4567 Call 925-918-0231. • • • • • • WANTED: Records, 1950’s 1960’s Choose one of the following categories: - Jazz, Blues, Rock, Classical, etc. FOR SALE: Treadmill, been in storage Buying small and large collections. for a few years, slightly used, $200 SERVICE LP’s, 45’s and 78’s. Also looking for OBO. Call 415-465-2912. FOR SALE reel-to-reel tapes (all types) and music • • • memorabilia. Call 530-273-8490. FOR SALE: New Twin XL mattress, WANTED • • • $70. Call 916-408-7414. ANNOUNCEMENT MAUI & TAHOE Condos 2BR/2BA from • • • $170/nt. By SCLH owner Gil FOR SALE: Nespresso VertuoLine If your ad needs a payment because it’s a Business Service Van Valkenburg. 800-733-3603. Deluxe Coffee and Espresso machine. Maui, Ocean - Used for 3 months, $100 OBO. Call (see info on next page), or exceeds the 15 words Maui, Wailea - 916-408-4105. for a FREE non-business ad, payment must be mailed Tahoe, Incline - • • • with a copy of your classifi ed ad or it may be paid by Visa or MC. • • • FOR SALE: 40x40 Granite top cocktail WANTED: To buy Sun City Lincoln table, beautiful, excellent, $300. Call Hills Villa/condo 1100 to 1300 Sq. ft. 916-580-4305. All classifi ed ads must be received by the 15th of the month Call 916-408-4069. • • • to be published in the following issue. • • • **F R E E A D S — INCLUDE: B U S I N E S S A D S ✦ First 15 words are FREE (for Sun City LH residents only), additional words $1 each ✦ Anything of a commercial nature, including pet sitting, ✦ ONE AD PER HOUSEHOLD, PER MONTH real estate, rentals, timeshare/condos, etc. ✦ Any Real Estate or Business Ads NOT INCLUDED! ✦ 15 words for $35. Additional words $1 each. ✦ Lost and found items/pets. Notices of meetings or events by local non-profi t groups. ✦ $90 for three months, same ad!

Sun Senior News has a distribution of 7,500 copies, which go directly to ✄ Classifi ed ads must be received by the 15th of the month. residents in Sun City the fi rst week of each month. PLACING A CLASSIFIED AD: LH SUN SENIOR NEWS CLASSIFIED FORM Write your ad on the form provided and mail to: Ad: ______EMAIL YOUR FREE CLASSIFIED Sun Senior News - Mailing Address: ______INFORMATION! 5098 Foothills Blvd., #3 PMB 405 Roseville, CA 95747 [email protected] Classifi ed ads are not taken over the phone. Submit by mail only. Ads must be received ( Any business ad 1-month $35 ❏ • Any business ad 3-months $90 ❏ ) by the 15th of the month to appear in the following issue. ( ❏ Service ) ( ❏ Wanted ❏ Lost / Found ) ( ❏ For Sale ) ( ❏ Announcement) WE DO NOT ACCEPT illegible ads, incomplete forms, and ads not accompanied by payment. Please make checks or money orders to Sun Senior News. Additional words (over 15) ______x $1 = $______EGnews Inc./SUN SENIOR NEWS reserves the right to refuse any ads they deem Number of months ad is to run: ______Total enclosed: ______unsuitable. ERRORS can be compensated only if the negligence is ours, and we are Name: ______notifi ed within the fi rst week of the insertion, and insofar as the error, in our judgement, materially affects the content and advertising value of the ad. Compensation will be in Address: ______the form of additional advertising space or credit, and will not exceed the value of the City: ______Zip: ______Daytime Phone: ______ad. Your canceled check is your receipt. 44 Sun Senior News • LINCOLN HILLS • FEBRUARY 2017


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