Agenda information for

Editorial & Breakouts +​ November 16-19, 2020 Day 1 Information accurate as of October 30, 2020. Session titles Day 2 and descriptions may be subject to change. Day 3 Day 4

Day One: Finance/Trade MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2020

8:00 am EST Opening Address of the Bloomberg New Economy Forum 2020 (GMT -5) ● Michael R. Bloomberg, Founder of Bloomberg L.P. and Bloomberg Philanthropies; Three-Term Mayor of

8:05 am EST Opening Spotlight: #OurNewEconomy: The Global Fight Against Inequality Epidemics show the world as it really is. Covid-19 has exposed a deep sickness in global society: inequality. Will the recovery entrench divisions, or can humanity build back together, regardless of race, ethnicity or income level?

Speakers: ● Christine Lagarde, President, European Central Bank ● Ursula von der Leyen, President, European Commission

Moderator: ● Francine Lacqua, Anchor,

8:40 am EST Panel: A ‘New Deal’ for Workers Low-income essential workers suffered disproportionately in Covid-19 lockdowns. Their livelihoods are now threatened by a wave of digitization, and reduced spending on travel and leisure by the wealthy, which will exacerbate inequality. As governments and companies begin the task of economic rebuilding, what would a new social contract look like?

Speakers: ● Chris Kempczinski, President and Chief Executive Officer, McDonald’s Corporation ● Ginni Rometty, Executive Chairman, IBM ● Stephen Schwarzman, Chairman, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Blackstone ● Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Senior Minister, Republic of

Moderator: ● Jason Kelly, Co-Anchor, Television and Radio

9:20 am EST In Conversation with Dr. Henry A. Kissinger on the Post-Covid World Order ​ ​ ● Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Former U.S. Secretary of State and National Security Advisor, Honorary Chair, Bloomberg New Economy Forum ● , Editor-In-Chief, Bloomberg

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Day One: Finance/Trade (continued) ​ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2020

9:35 am EST Panel: Deglobalization? Reglobalization? Slowbalization? The global pandemic has exacerbated U.S.-China tensions and created new barriers to cross-border movement of goods, services, money and people. Does globalization thrust into reverse, or continue advancing at a regional and local level?

Speakers: ● Ning Jizhe, Vice Chairman, National Democratic Redistricting Committee; Director, National Statistics Bureau ● Cecilia Malmström, Former European Commissioner for Trade ​ ● Luis Alberto Moreno, Former President, Inter-American Development Bank ● Raj Subramaniam, President and Chief Operating Officer, FedEx

Moderator: ● Richard Haass, President, Council on Foreign Relations

10:15 am EST Remarks

10:30 am EST Panel: Main Street or Wall Street? A New Mandate for Central Banks Central banks have flooded the capital markets with liquidity to prop up prices, begging the question: do they exist to serve Wall Street or Main Street? If central banks had a new mandate to build a more equal society, what would they have in their toolkit?

Speakers: ● Mervyn King (Lord King of Lothbury), Former Governor, Bank of England ● Raghuram Rajan, Former Governor, Reserve Bank of India; Professor of Finance, University of Booth School of Business ● Lawrence H. Summers, Former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury; President Emeritus and the Charles W. Eliot University Professor, ● Janet Yellen, Former Chair, U.S. Federal Reserve Board of Governors

Moderator: ● Stephanie Flanders, Head of Bloomberg Economics, Bloomberg

11:10 am EST Closing Address with Henry M. Paulson ● , Former U.S. Treasury Secretary; Chairman, Paulson Institute; Co-Chair, Bloomberg New Economy Forum

11:25 am EST Main Broadcast Ends

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Day One: Breakout Sessions MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2020

11:30 am - America Has Voted: What Does it Mean for the Economy? 12:30 pm EST Panel and Q&A

How might the next U.S. administration impact the health and direction of the U.S. economy? What are the implications for actors across the global economic landscape? In this breakout following the plenary, leading economists and business executives will forecast the short- to medium-term outlook on the heels of a historic U.S. election.

Speakers: ● Stephanie Kelton, Professor, Stony Brook University ● Thomas Nides, Vice Chairman, ● Penny Pritzker, Former U.S. Secretary of Commerce; Founder, PSP Partners

Moderator: ● Matthew J. Slaughter, Paul Danos Dean and Earl C. Daum 1924 Professor of International Business, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth University

11:30 am - Cross-Sector Mobilization in Times of Crisis: Perspective 12:30 pm EST Hosted by the Dangote Group Panel and Q&A

Like most countries around the world, Nigeria was underprepared for the Covid-19 outbreak. To support the government’s pandemic response, private sector leaders formed the Coalition Against Coronavirus, marshaling commitments and acting fast to boost capacity of health infrastructure. How is corporate leadership evolving in the face of new threats to collective wellbeing? This session, hosted by the Dangote Group, is a clarion call for cross-sector mobilization in times of crisis—in Nigeria, , and beyond.

Speakers: ● Aliko Dangote, President and Chief Executive, Dangote Industries Limited ● Dr. Paul Farmer, Chief Strategist and Co-Founder, Partners in Health

Moderator: ● Francine Lacqua, Anchor, Bloomberg Television

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Day One: Breakout Sessions (continued) ​ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2020

11:30 am - The Future of the Internet: Is there a Splinternet risk? 12:30 pm EST Co-Hosted by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) Panel and Q&A

Heightened strategic competition between the U.S. and China has raised concerns about the splintering of the internet: the move away from a global cyber commons based on open infrastructure, to a series of national or regional networks that each operate and are regulated according to their own rules and norms. However, the concept of a ‘splinternet’ is not new and in some ways, it is already here. What is different this time that warrants alarm?

Speakers: ● Nigel Inkster, Senior Adviser for Cyber Security and China, International Institute of Strategic Studies; Former Director of Operations and Intelligence, British Secret Intelligence Service

Moderator: ● Tracy Alloway, Head of the Asia News Desk, Bloomberg

1:00 pm - Innovating for an Inclusive Economic Recovery 2:00 pm EST Hosted by Mastercard Panel and Q&A

With public finances battered and demand for services rising, governments must deliver more with less. Public-private partnerships leveraging digital have a vital role to play. How might data and technology be a foundation for inclusive and sustainable recovery while safeguarding personal privacy? This session, hosted by Mastercard, will explore the possibilities of data-driven inclusive growth in the wake of Covid-19.

Speakers: ● Fabricio Bloisi, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Mobile ● Gita Gopinath, Economic Counsellor and Director of Research Department, International Monetary Fund ● Tim Murphy, General Counsel, Mastercard

Moderator: ● Stephanie Flanders, Executive Editor and Head of Bloomberg Economics, Bloomberg

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Day One: Finance/Trade (continued) ​ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2020

7:00 pm EST Opening and Welcome ● Zeng Peiyan, Co-Chair, Bloomberg New Economy Forum; Former Vice-Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China; Chairman, China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE)

7:05 pm EST In Conversation with Lee Hsien Loong on the Future of Trade ● Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore ● John Micklethwait, Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg

7:20 pm EST Panel: The Post-Pandemic World The coronavirus has devastated lives and livelihoods around the globe. Borders have been sealed, cities locked down. The impact has disproportionately affected blue-collar workers in almost every country, from restaurant staff to hospital cleaners, while setting back economic development among the world’s developing nations — and returning tens of millions into poverty. The world must come together to meet this unprecedented challenge, yet Covid-19 has exacerbated geopolitical rivalries. Who will lead the global revival?

Speakers: ● William J. Clinton, 42nd President of the

7:55 pm EST Panel: U.S. and China in the 21st Century ● Kevin Rudd, Former Prime Minister, Australia; President, Asia Society Policy Institute ​ 8:00 pm EST Panel: U.S. and China in the 21st Century The world’s two largest economies risk decoupling, even though businesses in both countries see opportunities in closer ties in areas from finance to technology — and policymakers in both Beijing and Washington have a mutual interest to collaborate on pressing global problems like climate change. How can the U.S. and China balance legitimate security concerns with the imperative to keep trading and investing? Where is the new U.S.-China equilibrium?

Speakers: ● Charlene Barshefsky, Former United States Trade Representative; Senior Partner, Wilmer Hale ● Gary Cohn, Former Assistant to the U.S. President for Economic Policy; Former Director of the National Economic Council ● Fang Xinghai, Vice Chairman, China Securities Regulatory Commission

Moderator: ● Andy Browne, Editorial Director, Bloomberg New Economy

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Day One: Finance/Trade (continued) ​ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2020

8:35 pm EST Presentation: China Connects: Exploring China's Global Digitalization Footprint The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend of global digitization. China offers digital connectivity through its Belt & Road Initiative and other infrastructure investments. Yet geopolitics has also gone digital, threatening to split the world into competing technology blocs and disrupt data flows. Without global dialogue, regional initiatives around trusted vendors, clean networks and global data security could splinter the world’s digital ecosystem with consequences for future security and prosperity.

Speaker: ● Meia Nouwens, Research Fellow, Institute of International Strategic Studies

8:45 pm EST Panel: The Rise of New Regional Champions: The Search for Resilience in a Fragmenting Global Economy As the global economy fragments, multinationals are building resilience by diversifying production around the world, while portfolio investors look for safety in new countries and companies. Where are the opportunities all over the world? Who will be the new regional champions?

Speakers: ● H.E. Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology, United Arab Emirates; Group Chief Executive Officer, Abu Dhabi National Oil Company ● Rania Al-Mashat, Minister of International Cooperation, Arab Republic of Egypt ● Bruce Flatt, Chief Executive Officer, Brookfield Asset Management ● Ángel Gurría, Secretary-General, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Moderator: ● Manus Cranny, Anchor, Bloomberg Television

9:30 pm EST Closing Remarks

9:35 pm EST Main Broadcast Ends

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Day One: Breakout Sessions (continued) ​ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2020

9:30 pm - Mapping the Travel Sector’s Recovery 10:30 pm EST Roundtable

China is enjoying a remarkable surge in domestic travel, while international travel remains stagnant as a result of closed borders and other restrictions. How can health and environmental support the industry’s long-term growth and sustainability? Will business travel ever bounce back? What can the world learn from China’s recovery?

Moderator: ● Jackey Yu, Associate Partner, McKinsey & Company

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Day Two: Cities TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2020

8:00 am EST Welcome Remarks ● Michael R. Bloomberg, Founder of Bloomberg L.P. and Bloomberg Philanthropies; Three-Term

8:05 am EST Remarks

8:20 am EST Panel: New “Cities of Light” Cholera and yellow fever spurred 19th century New York to create Central Park; London installed sewerage and drainage systems; overcrowded Paris transformed itself into the “City of Light.” How can cities use this moment to imagine a better urban environment?

Speakers: ​ ● Lord Foster OM, President, Norman Foster Foundation; Founder and Executive Chairman, Foster + Partners ● Edward Glaeser, Professor of Economics, Harvard University ● Yu Liang, Chairman, Vanke

Moderator: ● Reuben Abraham, Chief Executive Officer, IDFC Institute

9:00 am EST Panel: Digital Cities ​ From Seattle to Shanghai, urban lockdowns have propelled the rise of digital enterprises, while hastening the demise of countless restaurants, bars and corner stores. Can technology save cities? Or will the urban economies that emerge from Covid-19 replicate the bubble of the Roaring Twenties?

Speakers: ● Jean Liu, President, Didi Chuxing ● Carlo Ratti, Director, MIT Senseable City Laboratory ● Neil Shen, Steward of Sequoia Capital; Founding and Managing Partner, Sequoia Capital China

Moderator: ● Emily Chang, Anchor, Bloomberg Television

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Day Two: Cities (continued) ​ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2020

9:40 am EST New Economy Game Changers on Cities

9:45 am EST Panel: Startup Cities: The Post-Pandemic Reboot A good way to build urban prosperity: invest in communities. Lifting the most neglected populations through better housing and infrastructure will boost consumption, while improving health and the environment. Cities are the engines of growth and are the place where connections are made. How will it work if people choose to work outside of cities? What does the future look like for office culture and urban life?

Speakers: ● Mohamed Alabbar, Founder, Emaar Properties ● KT Rama Rao, Minister for IT, Industries and Urban Development, Government of Telangana, India ● Xin (Shynn) Zhang Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, SOHO China

Moderator: ● Jonathan Woetzel, Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company; Global Leader, McKinsey’s Cities Special Initiative; Co-Chair, The Urban China Initiative

10:30 am EST Panel: The Changing World Order: Impact on the Global Economy

Speakers: ● Ana Botín, Executive Chairman, Banco Santander ● Anne Richards, Chief Executive Officer, Fidelity International

Moderator: ● Erik Schatzker, Editor-at-Large, Bloomberg Television

11:10 am EST Closing Remarks

11:15 am EST Main Broadcast Ends

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Day Two: Breakout Sessions TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2020

11:30 am - Reimagining Urban Health After Covid-19 12:30 pm EST Roundtable

This year exposed deep structural vulnerabilities in urban health systems around the world. As the pandemic endures, what are the hardest lessons we have learned? Are they being absorbed locally and shared globally? This roundtable will bring together healthcare executives, policymakers, and digital health entrepreneurs for a discussion on securing the health of city populations through the crises to come.

Moderators: ● Penelope Dash, Senior Partner, London, McKinsey & Company ● Matthew Wilson, Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company

11:30 am - Smart Cities, Empty Offices: New Urban Economies 12:30 pm EST Roundtable

The pandemic-induced rush to remote work is upending commercial real estate and fundamentally altering the office as we know it. Look around: technology has never played a more vital role in shaping how we live and earn a living. What steps are leaders in commercial property and digital innovation taking to reorient around new realities? This roundtable discussion is focused on staying ahead of the changing nature of urban economies.

Moderator: ● Aditya Sanghvi, Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company

1:00 pm - Retail’s Sustainable Future 2:00 pm EST Roundtable

Consumers increasingly demand transparency from retailers, and new innovations disrupt the model on a near-quarterly basis. And in 2020, leaders in consumer goods and specialty goods are reevaluating what survival—let alone success—looks like. How is the retail sector charting a course toward a sustainable future? Can a true circular retail model be achieved? What effects will this have on the workforce, supply chain, and bottom line?

Moderator: ● Kweilin Ellingurd, Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company ● Clarisse Magnin, Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company

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Day Two: Cities (continued) ​ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2020

7:00 pm EST Welcome Remarks ● Zhang Xiaoqiang, Executive Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE)

7:10 pm EST Remarks

7:35 pm EST Panel: Financing the “Real” Economy Too little of the world’s savings is channeled into investment and growth. Will the pandemic force a fundamental rethink of the goals of finance? How can banks and other financial institutions shore up small and medium-sized enterprises buried under the Covid-19 economic collapse?

Speakers: ● Ajay Banga, President and Chief Executive Officer, Mastercard ● Lei Zhang, Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Hillhouse Capital Management Group

Moderator: ● Caroline Hyde, Anchor, Bloomberg Television

8:15 pm EST Panel: After the Lockdown: The Future of Travel When the world starts traveling again, where will we go, how will we get there — and will we be welcome once we arrive? The travel question goes beyond just tourism dollars: a disrupted global travel system has huge implications for labor markets, cross-border investment, supply chains and ultimately the entire structure of the global economy. How will the global travel industry reinvent itself?

Speakers: ● Karen Chan, Chief Executive Officer, ● Arnold Donald, President and Chief Executive Officer, Carnival Corporation & plc ● Arne Sorenson, President and Chief Executive Officer, ● Jane Sun, Chief Executive Officer, Group

Moderator: ● Peter Greenberg, Travel Editor, CBS News

8:55 pm EST Closing Remarks

9:00 pm EST Main Broadcast Ends

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Day Two: Breakout Sessions (continued) ​ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2020

9:30 pm - Building Healthy, Resilient Cities 10:30 pm EST Hosted by Vanke Panel and Q&A

Enduring shifts toward sustainability were already afoot in the visions of future cities. Then the pandemic hit, temporarily upending our conceptions of shared space and the built environment. What steps are policymakers, health practitioners, and builders taking to improve resilience and thoughtfully integrate health into urban planning? This session, hosted by Vanke, will showcase the new ideas and technologies paving the way for healthier city living.

Speakers: ● Dr. Margarget Chan, Emeritus Director-General, World Health Organization; Standing Committee Member of the 13th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference;President of Global Health Forum of Boao Forum for Asia;Dean of Vanke School of Public Health of Tsinghua University ● Carlo Ratti, Director, MIT Senseable City Laboratory ● Michelle Williams, Dean, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health ● Haibei Yi, Head of Vanke Future City Lab, Vanke ● Liang Yu, Chairman of the Board, Vanke

Moderator: ● Haimeng Zhang, Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company

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Day Three: Breakout Sessions WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2020

7:00 am - Moonshot: Accelerating Life-Saving Cancer Cures through U.S., China and 8:00 am EST International Collaboration Roundtable

Despite heightened tensions in the bilateral relationship, recent U.S.-China regulatory collaboration on cancer therapies has sparked hope for a new era of international co-operation on clinical trials to accelerate approvals of effective treatments. Cancer kills 10 million people every year and significantly heightens the risk of death and complications from Covid-19. This discussion with US, Chinese, and European biopharmaceutical CEOs, leading academics, and regulators is oriented toward accelerating the approval and availability of life-saving cancer cures.

Host: ● Kevin Rudd, Former Prime Minister, Australia; President, Asia Society Policy Institute

Moderator: ● Bob Li, Physician Ambassador to China and Asia Pacific, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

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Day Three: Climate WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2020

8:00 am EST Welcome Remarks ● Michael R. Bloomberg, Founder of Bloomberg L.P. and Bloomberg Philanthropies; Three-Term Mayor of New York City 8:05 am EST Remarks

8:20 am EST Panel: Jobs, Growth, Sustainability: The Case for a Green Recovery Covid-19 is a warning. Climate change is a looming disaster of vastly greater proportions. A green — G-shaped — recovery will create jobs, improve competitiveness and accelerate growth. How can governments, companies and investors align on how to build back better and stronger?

Speakers: ● Carlos Brito, Chief Executive Officer, Anheuser-Busch InBev ● Natarajan Chandrasekaran, Executive Chairman, Tata Sons ● Gita Gopinath, Economic Counsellor and Director of Research Department, International Monetary Fund ● Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal, European Commission

Moderator: ● Aaron Rutkoff, Executive Editor, Bloomberg Green

8:55 am EST CEO Spotlight: In Conversation with Alan Jope ● Alan Jope, Chief Executive Officer, Unilever ● Francine Lacqua, Anchor, Bloomberg Television

9:00 am EST Panel: Unleashing the Power of the Green Consumer Consumers increasingly demand green products and services. How is the power of the consumer changing, especially in a social media-driven world where reputations can be built and lost in days? How can retail brands move beyond green marketing and toward new business models to build consumer loyalty around sustainability?

Speakers: ● Rose Marcario, Former Chief Executive Officer, Patagonia ● Takeshi Niinami, President and Chief Executive Officer, Suntory Holdings Ltd. ● Joey Zwillinger, Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer, Allbirds

Moderator: ● Francine Lacqua, Anchor, Bloomberg Television

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9:35 am EST New Economy Game Changer on Climate Spotlight on a new economy entrepreneur working on an innovative idea to meet the challenge of climate change.

Day Three: Climate (continued) ​ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2020

9:40 am EST Panel: Energy’s New “Prize” The history of oil has been framed as an epic struggle for wealth and power. More importantly, though, it has been about economics and modernization. What do the economics of supply and demand tell us about the future energy requirements of high, middle and low income countries? How will new fuels help some countries modernize, cleaning the air and improving health? How can 21st Century corporations be clean, green and mean?

Speakers: ● Mark Carney, Finance Adviser to the Prime Minister for COP 26 and UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance ● Ernest Moniz, Former U.S. Secretary of Energy; Chief Executive Officer, Energy Futures Initiative ● José Ignacio Sánchez Galán, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Iberdrola

Moderator: ● Alix Steel, Anchor, Bloomberg Television

10:20 am EST Panel: Investing in Net Zero Whether equities, corporate debt, gilts or indexes, investors are demanding green investments. But what is green? How should investors benchmark performance? Is it better to divest or push for change from the inside?

Speakers: ● Leila Fourie, Group Chief Executive Officer, Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) ​ ● Ma Jun, Founding Director, Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs ● Scott Minerd, Co-Founder & Global Chief Investment Officer, Guggenheim Partners ● Noel Quinn, Group Chief Executive, HSBC

Moderator: ● Nathaniel Bullard, Chief Content Officer, BloombergNEF

11:00 am EST Closing Remarks

11:10 am EST Main Broadcast Ends

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Day Three: Breakout Sessions (continued) ​ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2020

11:30 am - Clean Mobility: Paving the Way for a Sustainable Future 12:30 pm EST Hosted by Hyundai Motor Company Panel and Q&A

Sustainable transport is considered one of the most effective means of mitigating climate change. A new era of clean mobility is here, with both electric and fuel cell vehicles contributing to greener living. This session, hosted by Hyundai, will highlight the innovations enabling a low-carbon, hydrogen-powered present and future.

Speakers: ● Sae Hoon Kim, Senior Vice President, Hyundai Motor Group ● Andreas Schierenbeck, Chairman of the Management Board and Chief Executive Officer, Uniper ● Jan Vapaavuori, Mayor of Helsinki, Finland

Moderator: ● Nicholas Stern, IG Patel Professor of Economics and Government, London School of Economics

11:30 am - Economic Transitions: A Green Pathway toward 2050 12:30 pm EST Presentation and Roundtable

Companies from a diverse range of industries are pledging sweeping sustainability goals by 2050. To meet those goals, companies and countries will invest in the most economic solutions. Drawing on the recently published 2020 New Energy Outlook, the BloombergNEF team will present data on economic transitions and the pathway to a greener 2050, which include cutting-edge advances in electrification and hydrogen energy. The discussion portion will explore what these advances mean for businesses as they navigate changes to workforces and supply chains.

Speaker: ● Seb Henbest, Chief Economist, BloombergNEF

Moderator: ● Nat Bullard, Chief Content Officer, BloombergNEF

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Day Three: Breakout Sessions (continued) ​ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2020

11:30 am - Investing in Health for Economic Growth in Africa 12:30 pm EST Co-Hosted by Mandela Institute for Development Studies (MINDS) Panel and Q&A

The coronavirus pandemic has laid bare the huge disparities in health outcomes between rich and poor, particularly in countries across Africa where investment in public health is low and essential workers do not always have sufficient safety nets. Beyond the tragedy of loss of life, these disparities also act as a significant drag on economic growth. This session, hosted by the Mandela Institute for National Development Studies, will explore how Africa can leverage its learnings from this pandemic and others to build urgency around greater investment in public health and as a pre-requisite to faster economic growth.

Speaker: ● Dr. Nkosana Moyo, Founder, Mandela Institute of Development Studies (MINDS)

Moderator: ● Trevor Manuel, African Union Special Envoy for Covid-19; Former Finance Minister, South Africa

1:00 pm - Driving Investment Communities Toward Sustainable Funds 2:00 pm EST Roundtable

Sustainable investment trends are accelerating, with ESG-focused funds reaching over $250 billion globally. What are financial institutions doing to leverage these trends for the long term? Can traditional institutions keep up? This roundtable will bring together leaders from finance, business, and policy to outline the steps toward ensuring maximum impact across the ESG investment landscape.

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Day Three: Breakout Sessions (continued) ​ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2020

1:00 pm - The Domino Effect: The Impact of US-China Decoupling on the 2:00 pm EST Technology Industry Presentation and Roundtable

U.S.-China decoupling will continue to have major economic impacts, and a number of industries will be particularly affected. This session will present a deepdive on Bloomberg’s U.S.-China decoupling research, focusing on hardware, software, and the semiconductor industry which is both at the center of this issue and a key component in other industries. How can businesses manage the risks associated with competing national security demands? How can they continue to access the Chinese market?

Speaker: ● Anand Srinivasan, Senior Analyst for Global Semiconductors and Technology Hardware Industries, Bloomberg Intelligence

Moderator: ● Aude Gerspacher, Director of Research, Equities, Americas, Bloomberg Intelligence

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Day Three: Climate (continued) ​ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2020

7:00 pm EST Welcome Remarks ● Peter T. Grauer, Chairman of the Board, Bloomberg L.P.

7:10 pm EST CEO Spotlight: In Conversation with Larry Fink ● Laurence D. Fink, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, BlackRock, Inc. ● David M. Rubenstein, Co-Founder and Co-Executive Chairman, The Carlyle Group

7:20 pm EST Spotlight on Eskom’s “Just Energy Transition” ● Andre de Ruyter, Chief Executive Officer, Eskom ● Andy Browne, Editorial Director, Bloomberg New Economy

7:35 pm EST Panel: A “Just Transition:” Pathways to a Low-Carbon Energy Future Covid-19 shows that humankind’s relationship with nature is broken. Many of the root causes of climate change, including deforestation, also make societies more vulnerable to pandemics. Scores of countries, including China, have pledged to become carbon neutral. What are the pathways to net-zero? How can industries from power generation, to finance, to the auto sector work with governments to lead the transformation without leaving anyone behind? The fate of our planet is at stake.

Speakers: ● Darius Adamczyk, Chief Executive Officer, Honeywell ● Anshula Kant, Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer, World Bank Group ● Jean-Pascal Tricoire, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Schneider Electric SE

Moderator: ● Zhu Min, Former Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund; Former Deputy Governor, PBOC; Chairman, National Institution of Financial Research, Tsinghua University

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Day Three: Climate (continued) ​ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2020

8:20 pm EST Panel: Asia’s Energy Destiny Energy demand in Asia is growing faster than anywhere else, and Asia is already the world’s largest source of carbon emissions. The future composition of the global energy mix — and, to a significant extent, the future of the planet — will largely be shaped by the continent, and by China and India especially. What energy sources will fuel Asia’s future growth? Can China and India turn away from coal as they restart their economies? Will the battle against climate bring the world together, or create new sources of geopolitical tension?

Speakers: ● Jin Liqun, President, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank ● Yeo Bee Yin, Member of Parliament for Bakri, Malaysia; Former Minister of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change, Malaysia ● Zhang Yuzhuo, Chairman, Sinopec

Moderator: ● Haslinda Amin, Anchor, Bloomberg Television

9:00 pm EST Closing Remarks

9:05 pm EST Main Broadcast Ends

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Day Three: Breakout Sessions (continued) ​ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2020

9:30 pm - Asia and the New World Economic Order 10:30 pm EST Roundtable

In the wake of Covid-19, will Asian economies emerge in the lead? The region was the first into the pandemic and is setting an example for how to get out. This is the result of discipline, social cohesion and an enthusiastic embrace of technology in countries across the region. Can the world’s economies and most dynamic companies build on those strengths to forge stronger regional trading, investment and financial links?

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Day Four: Health THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2020

8:00 am EST Welcome Remarks ● Justin B. Smith, Chief Executive Officer, Bloomberg Media; Executive Chair, Bloomberg New Economy

8:10 am EST Spotlight on Virus Hunters Wild animals are hosts to thousands of deadly viruses, some with the potential to infect humans. We speak to some of the scientists studying zoonotic pathogens about the lessons learned from Covid-19 — and how to head off the next pandemic.

Speakers: ● Peter Daszak, President, EcoHealth Alliance ● Wang Linfa, Professor, Programme in Emerging Infectious Diseases, Duke-NUS Medical School ● Anne W. Rimoin, Professor of Epidemiology, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health

Moderator: ● Andy Browne, Editorial Director, Bloomberg New Economy Forum

8:30 am EST Panel: Never Again: Rebuilding Global Public Health Covid-19 cost hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions in economic damage. Entire populations have been thrown back into poverty. How can the world ensure that such a catastrophe never reoccurs?

Speakers: ● Stéphane Bancel, Chief Executive Officer, Moderna ● Regina Dugan, Chief Executive Officer, Wellcome Leap ● Wu Zunyou, Chief Epidemiologist, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Moderator: ● Carol Massar, Co-Anchor, Bloomberg Businessweek, Bloomberg Television and Radio

9:10 am EST CEO Spotlight: In Conversation with Anne Wojcicki ● Anne Wojcicki, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, 23andme Inc. ● David M. Rubenstein, Co-Founder and Co-Executive Chairman, The Carlyle Group

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Day Four: Health (continued) ​ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2020

9:20 am EST Panel: The Age of Digital Health ​ The pandemic has accelerated what might have been a 10-year adoption curve for digital medicine into a few months. How can the world scale up the digital migration of every aspect of healthcare, from wellness, to medical records, to deployment of AI to training, consumer and provider behavior?

Speakers: ● Lauren Gardner, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Systems Engineering, Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering ● Nandan Nilekani, Chairman and Co-Founder, Infosys Limited ● Mike Wells, Group Chief Executive, Prudential plc

9:50 am EST New Economy Game Changer on Health Spotlight on a new economy entrepreneur working on an innovative idea to meet a public health challenge.

9:55 am EST Firestarter: Saving Lives and Livelihoods in Africa ● Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

10:00 am EST Panel: Saving Lives and Livelihoods in Africa Africa faces an unprecedented public health catastrophe. What role can China’s “Health Silk Road” play in rebuilding the continent’s stressed health systems? How can the rich world answer Africa’s urgent funding needs?

Speakers: ● Aliko Dangote, President and Chief Executive, Dangote Industries Limited ● Graça Machel, Founder, Graça Machel Trust; Former Minister of Education and Culture, Republic of Mozambique ● Strive Masiyiwa, Founder and Executive Chairman, Econet Group

Moderator: ● Zain Verjee, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Zain Verjee Group

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Day Four: Health (continued) ​ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2020

10:30 am EST Closing Panel: #OurNewEconomy Rebuilding a shattered global economy begins by acknowledging a reality: public health is the foundation of global prosperity and security. We are all in this together: no country can be safe until every country is safe. How can we restore trust in multilateral institutions? Where is the new resilience?

Speakers: ● Michael R. Bloomberg, Founder of Bloomberg L.P. and Bloomberg Philanthropies; Three-Term Mayor of New York City ● Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund

Moderator: ● Ian Bremmer, Founder and President, Eurasia Group

Presentation: “Prioritizing Health: Why Investing in Global Health is an Investment in Global ​ Growth” ● Kevin Sneader, Global Managing Partner, McKinsey & Company

11:25 am EST Building Back: Vision 2021

11:30 am EST Program Ends

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