National Register of Historic Places Lnventory;...Nomination Form 1
7 . ;> . ., : Oz-I\ 'V'L \< ' FHR-&-300 (11-78) .~-1 -7 _,' ,:..: ,/ ''i. ,:' t,l f, f' ,. ' ~ . United States Department of the Interior Hei'itage Conservation and Recreation Service National Register of Historic Places lnventory;....Nomination Form See instructions in How to Complete National Register Forms Type all entries-complete applicable sections 1. Name historic Carrsbrook and/or common 2. Location Carrsbrook Subdivision; State Route i424 street & number Ni.A_ not for publication Charlottesville Seventh (J. Kenneth city, town ~ vicinity of congressional district Robinson) state Virginia code 51 county Albemarle code 003 3. Classification Category Ownership Status Present Use _district _public ___K_ occupied _ agriculture _museum i building(s) iprivate _ unoccupied _ commercial _park _structure _both _ work in progress _ educational --1L private residence _site Public Acquisition Accessible _ entertainment __ religious _object _in process ~ yes: restricted · _ government _ scientific _ being considered ~ yes: unrestricted _ industrial _ transportation N/A _no _military _other: 4. Owner of Property name Dr. James McClellan street & number 313 Gloucester Road city, town Charlottesville N / A vicinity of state Virginia 22901 5. Location of Legal Description courthouse, registry of deeds, etc. Albemarle County Courthouse N/A street & number city, town Charlottesville state Virginia 6. Representation in Existing Surveys (2) (See Continuation Sheet #ll (1) Historic American Buildings !Ille Survey has this property been determined elegible? _ yes ~ no date 1939 --1l. federal _ state _ county _ local depository for survey records Library of Congress city, town Washington state D. C. 7. Description Condition Check one Check one __ excellent __ deteriorated __K_ unaltered -1L original site N/A __K_good __ ruins __ altered __ moved date --~----------- __ fair __ unexposed Describe the present and original (if known) physical appearance Carrsbrook was once part of a thousand-acre tract of land.
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