Community-Based Mediation Training Advancing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Kosovo

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Community-Based Mediation Training Advancing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Kosovo Mediation Concept Design Workshop: Community-based mediation training Advancing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Kosovo 11 March 2019, Hotel Pristina, Pristina INVITEE LIST SN Contact Person Place Title, Institution / Organization RWL SEE Steering Committee & Members 1 Edita Tahiri Kosovo RWLSEE Chair; Former Minister for Dialogue Director of Helsinki Committee for Human Rights; RWL SEE 2 Sonja Biserko Serbia Steering Committee Member Eglantina RWL SEE Steering Committee Member; Member of Parliament, 3 Albania Gjermeni Former Minister of Urban Development RWL SEE Steering Committee Member; Former MP / Chairwoman 4 Gordana Sobol Croatia of the Mandate and Immunity Committee, Parliament of Croatia Republic of Member (Former President) of Women's Chapter of SDA political 5 Irina Pockova North party of Sv. Nikola & RWL SEE Steering Committee Member Macedonia Memnuna Zvizdić Bosnia & RWL SEE Steering Committee Member; Director “Žene Ženama” 6 Herzegovina MP, Head of the Parliamentary Commission for Gender Equality & 7 Nada Drobnjak Montenegro RWL SEE Steering Committee Member General Consul, General Consulate in New York; RWLSEE Member, 8 Teuta Sahatҁiu Kosovo Kosovo Civil Society Representatives, Kosovo Municipalities 9 Ružica Simić Mitrovica -north Executive Director NGO “Zensko Pravo” 10 Olivera Milošević Mitrovica-north Executive Director, NGO WBA 11 Hasime Tahiri Mitrovica- south Executive Director NGO “Mundesia” 12 Myrvete Hasani Mitrovica-south Director “Handicos” NGO 1 | P a g e Florentina Mitrovica-south 13 Program Manager NGO “Mundesia” Hajdari - Hajra Gordana Djorić Laplje Selo, NGO - Avenija 14 Gračanica Jelena Aksić Laplje Selo, Zamenica “Avenija 15 Gračanica 16 Nevenka Rikalo Ugljare NGO “Ruka Ruci” Shefkije Mehmeti Novo Brdo Assembly Member 17 “Women's Center for Rural Tourism Development “ 18 Vesna Stajić Novo Brdo NGO “Naš Dom” Radica 19 Štrpce Officer for Gender Equality Milosavljević Ana Staletović Štrpce NGO” Fame space” 20 Vesna Jovanović Parteš Director for Education, Health, Social Affairs, Youth, Culture and 21 Sports of Parteš Municipality Dragana Petrović Parteš Coordinator, Women Association “Moravski biser” 22 Marija Rakić Vitina Assistant Mayor, Municipality 23 Nexhibe Behluli Vitina Lawyer, Municipality of Vitina 24 Zorica Natić Ranilug Gender Equality Officer, Ranillug Municipality 25 26 Valbona Zeqiri Ranilug Vice president, Informal Group of women UNITED NATIONS Prof Miriam The Philippines United Nations Standby Team of Expert Mediators 27 Coronel Ferrer Ms. Vilma New York, USA Policy and Mediation Division, Gender, Peace and Security Unit, 28 Kyyrönen, Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Jo-Anne Bishop Kosovo UN Gender Advisor 29 Katerina Kosovo Chief, UN Office of Political Affairs 30 Limenopoulou Vlora Nushi Kosovo Acting Head of UN Women, Kosovo 31 2 | P a g e Diana Ҫekaj- Kosovo UN Women, RWL SEE Coordinator 32 Berisha Arbëresha Kosovo UN Women, RWLSEE Project Assistant 33 Dedinja Camille Florence Kosovo UN Volunteer, UN Women, Kosovo 34 Goy 3 | P a g e .
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