Zeszyty Naukowe Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. Witelona w Legnicy ISSN 1896-8333, e-ISSN 2449-9013 nr 32(3)/2019

Yaroslav Komarnytskyi Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University Department of Jurisprudence, Sociology, and Political Science numer ORCID http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8043-9248 e-mail: [email protected] Nazarii Yurchyshyn Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University Faculty of History numer ORCID http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3027-0127 e-mail: [email protected]

Transformation of forms of political participation of youth in present-day Ukrainę


This paper analyses various forms of political engagement of the youth in chrono- logical order, taking modern as an example. The important role of the youth in the development of a civil society has been indicated, with a particular stress on their participation in the events of the and the Revolution of Dignity. It has been established that the political activity of the youth in Ukraine is characterized by both decrease and increase of sociopolitical activity, by periodic disappointment with the course and results of some political processes, a scarce representation of youth in the power structures, and the absence of the unified state system of political sociali- zation. This paper supports the view that the idea of European integration has become one of the most significant causes of noticeable changes in the political consciousness of the youth towards its activation and has brought to life some new forms of its political activity.

Key words: youth, political participation, political engagement, forms of political engagement, political activity, political socialization of youth.

The introduction

After 2013 - 2014 revolutionary events Ukraine has firmly stepped forward on a paved road of European development. It is now experiencing a period of deep reforms in all spheres of social life, formation of a civil society, and a lawful state. At the realization of the before mentioned and several other implied tasks the exclusive role belongs to younger genera- tions who have always acted as a force capable to cany out positive changes in the coun­ try defined by concrete situations and circumstances of time. After all, the attitude of the young to the deep transformational processes in contemporary Ukraine is evidently very 146 Yaroslav Komarnytskyi, Nazarii Yurchyshyn demanding, and they react to incompetence and dishonesty of the representatives of the power and disrespect of freedom and justice with considerable sharpness. Besides, it is a sig- nificantly important fact that in a democratic society the young view political participation as a means of achievement of their purposes, the realization of the requirements for their self- expression and self-affirmation and upbringing of good citizenship. All the above-mentioned facts actualize the research of the essence, forms, and roles of political participation of youth in the conditions of contemporary development of Ukraine Nowadays there are many works devoted to the problems of political activity or the civic position of the youth. The concept of political participation as the activity of a group of peo- ple guided by political interests is analyzed in the research works of G. Almond, S. Verba, R. Dal’, and many others. Among the most influential Ukrainian researchers of the prob­ lems concerned with political participation of youth the following ones should be mentioned: V. Bortnikov, M. Holovatyi, O. Karetna, A. Kolodiy, O. Korniyevskyi, I. Kresina, N. Rotar, and others. The question of an influence of social-psychological factors on the level of readi- ness of the Ukrainian youth to political participation has been investigated in L. Kyiashko’s monograph1. The problems of youth and youth movement in Ukraine have been studied by V. Ossovskyi, O. Balakirieva, V. Holovenko, and others. At the same time, despite a con- siderable number of publications, multifarious directions and approaches, the investigation of political participation of youth ought to be continued and reconsiderated, as the role of the young people in political processes is changing over time and in the course of transforma- tions, which take plce in the Ukrainian society. The article’s purpose, hence, is to analyze the transformation of forms of political par­ ticipation of youth in the period of independ Ukraine.

The statement of the basic materiał

There exists a considerable amount of interpretations of the concept of “political participa­ tion”, which displays an evolution from its special to more general representations. On the basis of an analysis of the discourse of political participation in the contemporary domestic political science, political participation is understood as the influence of citizens, including young ones, on the institutes of the power and on decision-making processes, that is, as their active engagement into the political process. The political participation of the young is real- ised through their actions in protest manifestations (meetings, rallies, demonstrations, strikes, picketing, etc.), participation in the activities of public organisations, political parties, voting at elections, control of the state activities and municipal authorities, and so on. In their defini- tion of political participation N. Nie and S. Verba1 2 specify the necessity of a legal character of this participation, that is, that this participation should have a lawful basis. As a matter of fact, different regions of Ukraine have their particular specificity of political consciousness and forms of the participation of youth in the political life. Therefore, there exists a necessity of political integration of youth aimed to achieve the stabilization of the society. During the latest decades the Ukrainians have become participants of several social

1 L. Kyiashko, Politychna uchast’molodisucgasnoyi Ukrainy:psykholohichni chynnykyaktyvizatsiyi, 2013, 216 s. 2 S. Verba, N. Nie, J. Kim, Participation and political equality, Cambrige University Press, 1978, p. 6. Transformation of forms o f political participation o f younth in present-day Ukrainę 147 revolutions. The protest actions of students which took place in October, 1990 and acquired the name “a revolution on granite”, accelerated the processes of the acquisition of independ- ence by Ukraine. Since then, political participation has obtained different forms and scales. At the same time, no mass activity was observed at that time, as there was a fear of repres- sions from the authorities. After the revolution on granite its participants could not take part in parliamentary elections, because the Verkhovna Rada (alias Supreme Council) blocked such a possibility, having introduced the age qualification of 25 years3. The young were not admitted into the politics, so, the revolution’s leaders could not use the achieved victory in the country’s interests. From the mid 1990s, in the period of democracy curtailment in Ukraine, political par­ ticipation of youth was reduced to voting at elections and participation in the activity of political parties and youth public associations. However, the number of the youth taking part in the activity of these establishments was insignificant. The youth then kept away from the political processes. It was not that the power showed no interest to the young, but their engagement into the politics occurred rather by directions “from above”, that’s why it was not successful. The attitude of the young generation to the youth organisations, which were created by the political parties, was quite sceptical. Probably, O. Petrun’ko is right to consider the reasons of low political activity of youth as follows: the lack of cor- responding motivation, presence of other interests, unwillingness to bear any responsibil- ity, negative attitude to politics in general, and disappointment in certain political public leaders and ideas4. A sharp increase of political activity of youth took place in the presidential election cam- paign in November - December of 2004, which received the name of “Orange revolution”. The youth then chose active forms of protestant electoral participation, whereas their tents pitched on the Square of Independence and participation in numerous meetings oviously demonstrated their aspirations for political changes in the country. Their political conscious- ness and conviction in their rightfulness caused their internal firmness to be on the Maidan until a more or less significant result would have been achieved. It should be noticed, that the Orange revolution generated new experience of electoral participation, outlined new forms of political activity, and became the evidence of a successful mobilisation for protest actions of a significant number of Ukrainian citizens. The young people attempted to change the world for better and hoped for a fast embodiment of the Maidan ideals in the state right after the elections. However, less than a year had passed when the tendency of social pessimism prevalence in the country returned practically its previous level, demonstrating the same disbelief in poli- ticians and loss of interest to political life altogether. It is confirmed by the data of a socologi- cal polling held in 2006 on the subject “The Position of Ukraine’s student youth”, in which only 16% of the surveyed students declared that they constantly follow political events, 46,2% stated that they paid their attention to politics but periodically. For 36% of the respondents showed no interest in politics, 16,9% of which said they did not interest in politics deliberately 34

3 V. Stetsiuk, Studentska revolutsiya na graniti:pohliad cherez 20 rokiv, http://kr2012.com/community/ blogs/?page=post&blog=stecyuk&post_id=525#.UtP2Duxs6TM, the access date: 28.06.2018 r. 4 O.Petrun’ko, Motyvy vidchudzhennia suchasnoyi molodi vadaktyvnoyipolitychnoyidiialnosti [in:] “Pedahohika i psykholohiya” 1996, N° 1, s. 101. 148 Yaroslav Komarnytskyi, Nazarii Yurchyshyn as it “gave rise only to irritation”5. It is necessary to emphasize, that those were students, who were the most active participants of all the revolutions that took place in independent Ukraine. The following surveys, conducted in 2011, fixed that the negative attitude of the youth to the state institutions increased even more, particularly, to law enforcement authorities (mili- tia, courts, offices of public prosecutors, etc.). At the same time, the survey found out also pos- itive changes in the mood of the young people. I.Bekeshkina, a sociologist and director of fund “Democratic initiatives”, underlined: “In comparison with 2009 the attitude of the Ukrainian youth to the values of democracy and freedom has esentially changed to a positive one. Much more young people in Ukraine have appeared to crave for democracy in this country, and their number has increased for 12% in the lastest years. In the dilemma “freedom or well-being” the values of freedom prevail among the young”6. Thus, it is possible to explain a lessening of the young people’s interest in politics in 2004 -2005 by a long political crisis and some disappointment in the political leaders of Maidan. At the same time, the youth confirmed that democratic values are of great importance for them. Therefore, O. Karetna’s thought that the young people can be politically passive not because they are politically irresponsible, but because they do not support some form of political administration and the political course of the country in generl as it does not satisfy their specific needs and interests7. In 2013 political activity of Ukrainian youth grew again. It was mainly caused by a belief that signing of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union would be a chance for the state to change people’s life for better. According to O. Antypovych, the head of sociological group “Rating”, by January of 2013 almost two thirds of 18 - 29 year-old surveyed Ukrainians had chosen the European vector8. In connection with that, the youth began organizing actively measures aimed at the spread of the educational infor- mation on advantages of entering the EU. At the celebration of the Europe Day in Ukraine on May 18th, 2013, much effort was spent to turn it into the informative day for all Ukrainians on the subject “The Agenda of Ukraine - EU Association”. Additionally several conferences, seminars, and “round tables” were organized, the hour-long dialogues entitled “Ukraine’s Euro-integration through the eyes of the young”, “Euro-integration: its realities and pros- pects” etc. were conducted. On October 18th the activists of the All-Ukrainian public cam- paign “Evronastup” (“European advance”) performed the informative campaign “The EU - Ukraine Association: what will it give You”. The automobile rallies aimed at wide commu- nications with the population were sponsored, during which the EU flags were gifted to those who supported Euro-integration. As is obvious, having seen a prospect of the country’s refor- mation through the European integration, the youth became an active subject of the political process and began playing a weightier part in political life. As it is known, the young people’s actions of protest, among the participants of which there were many students, and which took place after the authorities had refused to sign the Agree­ ment, eventually lead to the Revolution of Dignity. The apt words about the Euro-Maidan’s

5 Politychna uchast’ molodi suchasnoyi Ukrainy: psykholohichni chynnyky aktyvizatsiyi, za nauk. red. L. Kyiashko, Kyiv, 2014, s. 49. 6 Molod ’ pochuvaiet sia siohodni rozcharovanoiu, aleprahne hromads ’koyi aktyvnosti, https://dif.org. ua/article/molod-pochuvaetsya-sogodni-rozcharovanoyu-ale-pragne-gromadskoi-aktivnosti, the access date: 28.06.2018 r. 7 O. Karetna, Politychna aktyvnist’ molodi yak chynnyk stanovlennia nezalezhnosti [v:] Aktualmi problemypolityky, Vyp. 48, Odessa 2013, s. 215-216. 8 Yevrointehratsiyupidtrymuiut’dvi tretyny molodi, “Hazeta po-ukrainsky” 2013, 10 sichnia. Transformation of forms o f political participation o f younth in present-day Ukrainę 149 participants were pronounced by a historian Ya. Hrytsak: “Unlike 2004, in 2013 on the Euro- Maidan there gathered mobile people, people from social networks and the youth of which 90% had higher education, but had no future”9. In addition to the beforesaid, sociologist Ye. Holo- vakha confirmed the next: “In general, the participants of the Euro-Maidan were mainly young people, students first of all, who realized they had no alternative, except the EU. It was not that they were overwhelmed by mere emotions: they were definitely more rational people who knew precisely, what they stood for. For a participant of the Euro-Maidan not so much politics was important, but his / her own conviction”. The young wanted social, economic, and politi- cal changes, the European standards of life, but the authorities could not give that, as it would demand a radical transformation of the society’s political system. So it was the youth who - by its participation in the revolutionary events - generated a critical weight of protest movement at its initial stages (which is very important). Also new forms of political participation emerged, such as auto-Maidan (which was used for picketing of country manors of grandees), boycott of enterprises of the pro-power deputies, etc. Besides, the auto-Maidan participants played an important role in the protection of the protest activists and separate objects against the attacks of the so-called “titushkas” (masked bribed bandits). Also, Ukrainian ultras, who made their first appearance in the centre of the society’s attention during the revolutionary events, should be noted. The Euro-Maidan showed that there was a lack of knowledge about them and that the people got used to the stereotypes imposed on them. Hooligans and radicals who were not deprived of a desire of justice, set out in the cities for the protection of the Euro-Maidan’s activ- ists10 11. Thus, the ultras became the examples for the young supporters to be followed. There also should be considered the fact that a part of the young people, - mainly, for the purpose of earning money, - become executors and participants of extremist actions; it can be proved by the resonant events on May 18th, 2013. V Titushko, one of the par­ ticipants who appeared in a scandal epicentre of the beating of mass media representatives, named material hardships the main reason of his participation in this paid street action11. As it is clear, the unsettled social state of a part of the young people makes them a convenient object of various manipulations. A participation in elections is the most widespread form of political activity. Generally dur­ ing the period of carrying out of all the elections the level of electoral activity of the Ukrain­ ian youth was lower than the average level of electoral activity of the country’s population. As the results of the national exit-polls which were conducted by the two leading sociological organisations, namely by Kiev International Institute of Sociology and by Razumkov Center, testified that at the Ukrainian 2014 presidential election the citizens aged 18 - 29 years made up 44%, and at the parliamentary election in 2014 they were amounted only to 35%12. It is hard to believe, but it was the lowest rate of participation of youth in the elections during

9 Yaroslav Hrytsak: Yevromaidan - tse revolutsiya molodi z vyshchoiu osvitoiu, iaka ne maie maibut- nioho, http://vikna.if.ua/news/category/ua/2013/11/26/15388/view, the access date: 28.06.2018 r. 10 T. Malyi, Profanativ bezfanatyzmu, http://zaxid.net/home/showSingleNews.do?pro _fanativ_bez_ fanatizmu&objectId= 1304278, the access date: 28.06.2018 r. 11 Sportsmen Vadim Titushko "rasskazalpravdu” o drake v Kieve vo vriemia mitinga oppozitsii, http://lenta.lviv.ua/other/2013/05/21/5091.html, the access date: 28.06.2018 r. 12 Natsional’nyi ekzyt-pol iak renthen elektoratu politychnykh syl v Ukraini: sotsiolohy pidbyly pidsumky svoho doslidzhennia u den’parlaments’kykh vyboriv, https://dif.org.ua/article/natsionalniy- ekzit-pol-yak-rentgen-elektoratu-politichnikh-sil-v-ukraini-sotsiologi-pidbili-pidsumki-svogo- doslidzhennya-u-den-parlamentskikh-viboriv, the access date: 28.08.2018 r. 150 Yaroslav Komarnytskyi, Nazarii Yurchyshyn all the years of Ukraine’s independence. The voting in 2004 - with the youth’ participa- tion rate of 71% - became a certain exception. Thus, since the end of the 1990s the level of participation of youth in elections has tended to decreasing despite the fact, that the elec- tions’ results influence their own future. It should be mentioned that young people also sel- dom make use of their passive electoral rights. Thus, in the parliament of 2014 the quantity of deputies who belong to the category of “youth” made up approximately 8%13. Such a pas- sivity of young electorate really can be surprising: if the young want changes, then, why do they ignore the elections? One of the explanations is too evident: the major factor of such an absenteeism of electoral participation on behalf of the Ukrainian youth can be explained by the lack of the feeling of duty, total apathy to politics, a low self-estimation of one’s own political culture (“I do not understand it”), also, confusion - they do not see worthy candi- dates, and technical conditions (lack of registration, etc.). But the problematic is not only a low political participation, but also in the imperception by the society of a young candidate as a potentially successful leader, viewing him as the one lacking necessary skills, experi- ence, knowledge, and ability to conduct the pre-election struggle with the senior colleagues on the same level. Besides, the election of youth to public authorities and local governments is complicated by “selling” perspective places in electoral lists of influential political forces that, certainly, demands a change of the elective legislation. Their participation in propaganda campaign is an important mode of activity of the young in elections, which can be represented by such forms, as meetings, “round tables”, con- certs, sports competitions, organisation of meetings with voters, rallies, distribution of elec- tive printing propaganda materials, collecting of signatures, campaigns “from the door to the door”, and many others. The youth is an important resource of political parties, which include young people into the staffs of their representatives in election committees and offi- cial observers, aiding them financial support14. With the development of newest means of mass communication the forms of political activity have been changing essentially and getting more improved. Among them the follow- ing can be mentioned: acquaintance with political news, on-line correspondence by e-mail, participation in political debates at forums and chats, voting for candidates in on-line polls, distribution of information about where one can vote and where he should address in case of unforeseen problems on the day of voting, the right of the voters, expression of one’s own political position in a certain form of creativity (jokes about the elections, videoclips, verses, etc.). The new possibilities, which were provided by the Internet for the expression of one’s political activity appeared most brightly in Ukraine during the Revolution of Dignity, when the Internet resources were used for the mobilisation and coordination of the actions of the protestants. Since 2008 in Ukraine a new protesting type of political participation of youth has come into use, namely flashmobs. A storming growth of such actions has begun since 2013. Among the most famous and the most mass flashmobs the following ones can be singled out: “Russian things kill” in the frames of a campaign “do not buy goods made

13 Ukraińska molod’u suchasniy politytsi, cmj.org/Ukraina-molodi-v-ukraini, the access date: 28.08.2018 r. 14 Ya. Komarnytskyi, Tradytsiini i novi formy uchasti molodi uvyborchomy protsesi pislia yevro- maidanu [v:] Molodizhnapolityka:problemy taperspectyvy: zbirnyknaukovykhprats, red. S. Shchudlo, P. Dluhosh, Drohobych - Zheshuv, Vypusk 6, d. 79. Transformation of forms o f political participation o f younth in present-day Ukrainę 151 in Russia”, “The United Ukrainę”, which is organized annually in the mid of February both in Ukraine and beyond it (amidst the Ukrainian diaspora) and is devoted to the Day of Ukraine’s sovereignty, “STOP PUTIN! STOP THE WAR!”, which is the world pro­ test action of the Ukrainians against Putin’s politics and the Russian aggression concern- ing Ukraine. Also, the action “Glory to Ukraine” became well-known; it was conducted through the Internet networks on 10.07.2018 and as a result of it the Ukrainians spoiled the FIFA site page. Fleshmob actions are also held on local levels. So, on 13.07.2018, in Ivano-Frankivsk a flashmob for the support of Oleh Sentsov as a part of the world movement #FreeSentsov took place; on 14.03.2017 in a musical flashmob dedicated to the Day of the volunteer was organized; on 8.11.2017 a flashmob against corruption was initiated; and on 19.03.2018 in Ternopil region a flashmob to support of the Ukrainians in the Crimea started. The information on all these and many other actions can be found on the Ukrainian Internet resources. Political performance has become another one bright and relatively new form of political activity of the young. The visualized form of a protest against the authoritative laws of Janu­ ary 16th, 2014 forbidding to wear masks and helmets during peace street actions became an embodiment of a post-modern performance. To the national rallies in the several next days the protesters came in pans, bowls, colanders and military helmets, tied up with scarfs, and covered with medical masks ornamented in blue-and-yellow colours. The motorists deliberately made columns of over five autos in each. The art-performance of the Mustang Wanted roofer (Pavlo Ushevets) was dedicated to Ukraine’s Independence Day and included the colouring of the spike of a building on Kotelnicheskaia naberezhnaia in Moscow in blue and yellow colours of the Ukrainian flag at night on 20.08.2014. The national symbolics was also used in a courageous performance of Donetsk artist Mariia Kulykovska, who during the biennale of the modern art Manifesto 10 (St.-Petersburg, the Hermitage, 01.07.2014), layed on museum stairs being wrapped in the Ukrainian flag. Pretending to be dead, she protested against the Russian politics which caused her compelled internal migration from Donetsk to Kiev15. As it can be seen, in the recent years young people have become more active and have started to use new forms of political participation. According to a research, conducted by the Center of Independent Sociological Researches “OMEHA” ordered by Ukraine’s Ministry of Youth and Sport in July-August, 2017 in con- cern of the political activity of the young, the picture is the following: only 9.3% of the young constantly keep up with the political life in Ukraine, and 22,4% trace the main events in the political life of the country. 86,3% of the youth have no membership in political parties. Never- theless, the young positively estimate the actual geopolitical and sociopolitical processes taking place in Ukraine: 71,9% support Ukraine’s joining the European Union, 56% support Ukraine’s enterance to the NATO, 71,6% support the creation of a constant professional army, and 60,2% support the strengthening of sanctions against Russia16. While analyzing the sociological researches, it is possible to conclude that even after the Euro-Maidan and Russian aggression against Ukraine, the level of the young people’s interest in the Ukrainian traditional politics remains low. The main reasons for the political “apathy” of the modern youth do not change for years: disappointment and mistrust to the politicians and the authorities with which they

15 N. Khoma, Politychnyi peformens iakpostmoderna forma sotsial’noho protestu [v:] Visnyk NTUU “KPI”, Politilohiia. Sotsiolohiia. Pravo: zbirnyk naukovykh prats’, Vypusk 1 (21), 2014, s. 20 - 21. 16 M olod’ Ukrainy - 2017: rezultaty sotsiolohichnoho doslidzhennia, Ternopil’, 2017, s. 12 -17. 152 Yaroslav Komarnytskyi, Nazarii Yurchyshyn no longer connect any expectations to solve their vital problems; disillusionment in a possibil- ity to influence political processes in the state and to realise their own political plans. As far as only a small enough part of the youth intends to build their political career and desires to hold high elective posts, a considerable part of it actively began to busy itself with various forms of public work. Youth organisations play a role of an intermediary between the young and the state with all its political institutions. This includes their participation in public organisations, volunteers’ activity, and so on. The public activity of modern youth is realised mostly in the arrangement of the space of their towns and villages and organisa- tion of social life in their communities. Notwithstanding that, it is yet too untimely to speak about a real control of the youth over the functioning of the power. The youth initiated sev- eral public initiatives, such as movements “Stop the censorship!” and “This is faif’ intended for a public filtration of the future parliament. Evidently the work of the existing earlier public initiatives has become more vigorous; but it especially concers newly created public organisations, such as “Hromadianskyi secktor Maidanu” (“The Maidan’s public sector”), “Spil’na sprava” (“The Common cause”), political organization “Syla ludei” (“The People’s Force”), Students’ka koordynatsiina Rada” (the Students’ Coordination Council), the Union of the veterans of Afganistan, association “Ne zly Maidan” (Do not make Maidan angry”), organizations “Volia” (“Freedom”), Hromadianskyi operatyvnyi shtab (the Public emergency response centre), “Vidsich” (“The Repulse”), public organizations “The Ukrainian alterna- tive”, Parental committee, UNSO, auto-Maidan, and the scouting organization “Plast”17. The youth becomes more and more enthusiastically involved into the All-Ukrainian actions devoted to commemorations (the All-Ukrainian action “Light a candle” in the memory of victims of 1932 - 1933 Great Famine, etc.). Russia’s aggression has caused the tendency that a part of the youth has started to use the , as it considers inadmis- sible to continue speaking in the other state’s language; they close their accounts in Russian social networks such as “V kontakte” (“In contact”) and “Odnoklasniki” (“Schoolmates”); different flashmobs and actions in support of the Antiterrorist operation (ATO) and Operation of the United Forces (OUF) are arranged. A considerable distribution of volunteering has become a popular form of the participation of youth in the country’s political life18. Their services were particularly necessary for Ukraine’s Armed Forces at the beginning of the mili- tary opposition with the Russian Federation. The present-day events in Ukraine show that its youth is enough patriotic and is considerably more actively engaged in public sctivities.

The conclusions

In general, it is possible to ascertain that the youth participates in sociopolitical processes, but its activity is more intensively shown in the forms of meetings and protests. The Orange Revolution and Revolution of Dignity have became vivid examples of this activity. Politi- cal participation of the overwhelming majority of the youth is but of incidental character, whereas only an insignificant quantity of the youth shows a constant interest to the political

17 A. Kolodiy, Fenomen Maidanu v konteksti poshuku modeli vriaduvannia v Ukraini [v:] Ahora, Kyiv 2014, Vypusk 13, s. 25. 18 O. Kavyliv, Dynamika politychnoyi uchasti molodi v nezalrzhniy Ukraini [v:] Hileia: naukovyu visnyk, Kyiv 2015, Vypusk 93, s. 361-364. Transformation offorms ofpolitical participation o f younth in present-day Ukrainę 153 life. The majority of the young does not take part in elections, is not interested in the activi- ties performed by the youth organisations, evidently lacks political competence, information distribution, and experience of the cooperation with the authorities on all the levels. Concerning the forms of political participation at different stages of the contempo- rary history of Ukraine, they were constantly changing, the youth selected those of them which appeared to be the most accessible and could influence the actual political events (the auto-Maidan, boycotts of the enterprises of the pro-power deputies, flashmobs, politi­ cal performance, volunteering, etc.). Political participation of youth is influenced by peri- odic disappointments with the course and results of political processes in Ukraine, by its not reformed political system, which does not meet their needs and interests, the weakness of the youth movement, insufficient experience of political participation, absence of consolidating ideas, and a low level of material maintenance. At the same time, during the recent years the level of the young people’s interest to poli- tics has considerably decreased. Nevertheless, the youth positively estimates the actual geo- political and political processes, which take place in Ukraine: it supports Ukraine’s joining the European Union and NATO, creation of a constant professional army, and strengthening of sanctions against Russia. The part of the young people who choose their personal initiative as the main means of solution of their problems is increasing; their independence and practi- cality is growing, they are actively integrating into the global economic, political, and humani- tarian processes. At the present stage of transformation of the Ukrainian society, the political activity of the young generation depends on how the state will construct its work with it. The absence of prospects causes the spread of emigratory tendencies among the young people.


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Yaroslav Komarnytskyi, Nazarii Yurchyshyn

Transformacja form uczestnictwa politycznego młodzieży w dzisiejszej Ukrainie

W artykule na przykładzie współczesnej Ukrainy dokonano analizy różnych form poli­ tycznego zaangażowania młodzieży w kolejności chronologicznej. Wskazano ważną rolę, jaką pełni młodzież w rozwoju obywatelskiego społeczeństwa, podkreślając zwłaszcza jej udział w protestach w trakcie wydarzeń Pomarańczowej Rewolucji i Rewolucji Godności. Ustalono, że polityczne zaangażowanie młodzieży Ukrainy charakteryzuje się zarówno spadkiem, jak i ożywieniem aktywności społeczno-politycznej, okresowym rozczarowaniem przebiegiem i skutkami procesów politycznych, słabą reprezentacją młodzieży w strukturach władzy oraz brakiem jednolitego państwowego systemu socjali­ zacji politycznej. Stwierdzono, że idea integracji europejskiej stała się jedną z głównych przyczyn znaczących zmian w świadomości politycznej młodych ludzi w kierunku jej aktywacji, przede wszystkim powołała do życia nowe formy aktywności politycznej.

Słowa kluczowe: młodzież, polityczny udział, polityczne zaangażowanie, formy po­ litycznego zaangażowania, aktywność polityczna, polityczna socjalizacja młodzieży.

Data wpływu artykułu: 29.10.2018 r. Data akceptacji artykułu: 5.06.2019 r.