The Missionary Magazine for 1902
0 March, 1902: FLT 5L r1 , ' ';', P9INTN't'• EDITORI AL. The Outlook — Holding the Winds -In Every. Country = Front the Fields L- In China - Under the _ I ' Law —in Othet longues =Death ,of a Worker — The :Annual Offering — Increase in. Home '. Funds ' ,The Haskell Home . raining School --:- GoOd Circulations— Our Mexican Health' Journal 90 ', •\ , (Illustrated)Doing Good.— The Simplicity of His Greatness , , GENERAL ARTICLES. 'The Anglo-Chinese" Academy (Illustrated) ' ;103'. Calcutta, India . , . - . '. ' ' 104, Natal (Illustrated) . ,, 105 ' Belgium ' ....' .. ' 108 Tidings frOni Helsingfors, Finland ('illustrated) 109 Medical Missionary Students in Foreign Fields 111- -The Message in 'Japan (Illustrated) ' 112 Kolozsvar, Hungary- • .,- . , ,. 114 e, . Our:Literatbre in AuStralia (Illustrated) - 115 Missionary Onportunities in Chicago ' . ' , , , 116 From Southern Russia Through ,Asia Minor (Illustrated) , 118 The Work 'Among the Mexicans of Atizona (illustrated) ' 121 ' .. We$ Coast Mission Field, Smith America (Illustrated) ,. 122. RenOtt from EurOpe (Illustrated) . 124. ilARCH STUDY' OF THE FIELD" ,' ' ' . ' \ 126- .- 'INCIDENTS' IN THE 'MISSION STORY.'.„ ," , ..t, iliSitionary, . Heroine 7,Telitgu Missionaries 127 CILIMPse* OF UNENTERED FIELDS.: ' ' The Herthit Kingdom = The Island of Guam —.Micronesia 129-, BUR MISSIONARY SANITARIUMS., --,' , The Bittie Creek Sanitarium and Hospital —.The Nevi England .Snnitariun —, Portland (Oregon) ' Sanitarium — Lone ' Star ' Sanitarium, Texas — Egypt :— Calcutta Sanitarluni —Jeritsalem,
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