ESSEX. Hornchl RCH

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ESSEX. Hornchl RCH • DIRECTORY .J ESSEX. HORNCHl RCH. 3!5 piscina in the south wall. The charities are of £35 owners are Lord Lucas and Dingwall, and Mr. 'P8l'ly value, arising from a. messuage and lands, Herbert Page. The soil is mixed loam; subsoil, par'i. called "Engli8h," in Elmsted, left in 1509 by John gravel and part clay. The ehief crops are wheat, barley~ Guyon, and from a charity left in 1564 by Thomas oats, turnips and mangold wurtzel. The area is 3,197 Love, of Littler Horkesley. The Great Horkesley Club acres of land and 7 of water; rateable· val~e, £4,045 ;: Room, opened in 1878 and enlarged in r88o and 1887, the population in rgn was 779 in the civil parish and is a. plain structure of brick, formerly a Primitive 754 in the ecclesiastical parish. _\fethodist chapel, a.nd is also used as a parochial Under the provisions of the " Divided Parishes Act. hbrary ; there are about 150 members, who elect a 1!.'82," a part of Bergholt Road has been transferred committee of management annually; the property is from Little Horkesley to Great Horkesley. 'rested in twG trustees. Horkesley Park is the resi­ Post, M. 0. & T. Office. Joseph "'homas Smith, sub­ dence of Commander Edward Barrington Purvis Kelso p<Jstmaster. Letters arrive through Colchester at 4 5 R.N., D.L., J.P. who is lord of the manor. West­ & 10.35 a.m. ; dispatched at ~ 25 &; 8.15 p.m wood House, &ceupied by Captain William James ~lontagu Hill, late Scots Guards, is a mansion in the Public Elementary S'chool (mixed), built m 1873, for 124 Tudor style, which has been almost entirely rebuilt children; average, ro8; W. Fred E. and greatly enlarged by the present owner. The park, Harris, master of nearly roo acres, is finely timbered, and the pleasure Constable in Charge, l:dward George Perry grounds cover some 15 acres. The principal land- ' Scarfe Albert, The Grove Macer Charles. boot &; shoe maker PRIVATE :RESIDENTS. Smith Major Percy, Bay Tree house .M:>cer Frederi<:k Charles, builder Cant William Edmund M.D., F.R.C.S. Storr Rev. John B.A. (rect<~r),Rectory r.~askell Berners S. c{)al dealer The Rookery COMMEBCIAL. 1\'Iaskell George Berry, farmer Cobbe Henrry Alexander, Woodlands Nevard Edward John, grocer <'onstable Ml's. The .Nest 1llen Edgar. farmer, The Lanrels Page Herbert, farmer, Ridgnalls k Daniell William Augustus Bamp- Banham Ctlarles, blacksmith Coveneys farms fylde, The Turrets Bradd:f" Alfred, farmer, Tile house Partridge Benj.Grant,frmr.Spring fro de Havilland Hngh, ~lanor house Chamberlain William, nurseryman &; Prior David &; Son, rose growers Eley Capt. Harry, Altyre house assistant overseer Rose Waiter, cattle dealer, Causeway Hawkins Charles E.W. The Old Louse Churchman Geo. frmr. Westwood grn Scace Sidney, head gardener to Capt. Hill Capt. William Jame' Montagu, Clarke Joseph, farmer, Knowles farm W. J. M. Hill West•ood housE.' (postal address, Daniels Richard Lewis, pig farmer, Smith Jsph. Thos. shopkpr. Post oft West Bergholt, Ess~x) Old Mill home Smith William, farmer Hindes William Frederick, The Croft, Halls Henry, farmer, Terrace hall Studd Joseph, carpenter BoxtPd road Halls William, farmer, Black Brook Tyler Edward James, Yew Tree inn Kelso Com. Edwd. Barrington Purvis Hawkins Charles E. W. farmer, The Vale James B. beer retailer R.N., D.L,, J.P. Horkesley park Old house Ward Isaac, blacksmith Lermitte Lt.-Col. Hy.Jas. Woodhous& Horkcsley Miniature Rifle Club (Com- Working Men's Club (Rev.J~hn Storr. MJlrea Ma:for William Percy Garland mander Kelso R.N., D.L.,J.P.pres.; hon. sec.; E. J. Nevard, assistani .A..S.C. Hospytts Chas. E. W. Hawkins esq.vice pres) sec.; Herbert Appleby, librarian) O'Kinealy Peter, Mount hall Jackson Wm. Albt.Rose & Crown P.H Wyncoll Goorge Ernest, farmer, Bre- Page William, The Cedars Lord Arthur, butcher wood Hall & W{lodlands farms LITTLE HORKE'SLEY is a parish, 4 miles north led, Langham, Worruingford, Fordham Dedham, Lexden~ from Colchester, in the North Eastern division of the West Bergholt, Nayland, Mount Bures and Hedley; the county, Lexden hundred, Lexden and Winstree onion charity for this parish now amounts to about £13 yearly,. and petty sessional division, Colchester, Clacton and and is distributed among the poor. Here was formerly Harwich Joint county court district, rural deanery of a priory of Cluniac monks belonging to the monastery De-dham, archdeaconry of Colchester and diocese of of Thetford, said to have been founded in the time C'ht>lmsford. The church of SS. Peter and Paul, erected of King Stephen, circ. I ISO, by Robert Fitz Godebold ln the Isth century, is an edifice of stone in the Perpen- and Beatrix, his wife, and dedicated to SS. Peter and dicnllrr style, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, Paul: the revenues at the Dissolution were £27 7s. ud. l!outh porch and an· embattled western tower containing Henry and Charles Grimwade, of Hadleigh, Suffolk, are 5 bells and a clock: a vestry and organ chamber were lords of the manor and the principal landowners. The added in 1878 and the church thoroughly restored at a soil is loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, cost uf between £2,ooo and £3,ooo: there are 250 sit- barley, beans and turnips. The area is 1,026 acres ; tings: there are several very ancient monumental effigies I"ateable value, £1,351; the population in 19II was 184 in the church, and some ancient brasses, including in the civil parish and 209 in the ecclesiastical parish. a brass shield. The register dates from the year 1568, Under the provisions of the "Divided Parishes Act, bnt has been inaccurately kept. The living is a vicar- 1882," a part of Bergholt Road has been transferred agt>, net yearly va~ue £63, in the gift of trustees, and from this parish to Great Horkesley. held since 1897 by the Rev. John Storr B.A. of Corpus Post Office.-.Ml'S. Eliza Southernwood, sub-postmistress. f'hristi College, Cambridge, who is also rector of and Letters arrive through C<llchester at 6.40 &; u.4o resides at Great Horl{esley. Thomas Love, of this parish, a.m.; dispatched at 11.40 a.m. & 7·35 p.m. Nayland {\'ave by will in 1564 the sum of £120 in trust to is the nearest telegraph & money order office Thomas Rich, of Lexden, with which he should buy a Public Elementary School, built in 187o, & re-opened in parl't>l of land and distribute the rent at Shrovetide 1894 & enlarged in 191o, for 66 children; . average amongst the poor of Great and Little Horkesley, Box- attendance, 45; :Miss Brewer, mistress PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Munson Arthur, farmer, Vinesse & Fowler Capt. Cole C., R.N. Josselyns COMMEROUL. I Lower Dairy farms house Fletcher Fredk. Lambert,Beehive P.H Osborne Owen, baker Otter-Barry Robert Meh·il Barry, The Howlett Henry, farmer, The Priory & 1 Pettitt Leonard, fruit grower Hall Upper Dairy farms Richardson Ezra, blacksmit'h Rharp Lewin, The Q{)ttage Morley George, farmer, Hall farm IThurston George, head gardener to Wiseman Qharles J. The Holts Munson Alfd. farmer, Gladwins farm R. M. B. Otter-Barry esq. The Hall HORNCHURCH is a large village and parish, on the recast in 1778, 2 being added in 1901 : the chancel was road from Romford to Upminster, and bounded on the restored in r869 and a stained east window erected as a east and west by the rivers Ingrebonrn and Rom, with memorial to Thomas Mashiter esq. of Horn()hurch Lodge. a station {ID the London, Tllbury and Southend railway, d. 1862; and there are five others: the chancel has a 2 miles north-west, and the junction of the line to Rom­ reredos of carved stone, a piscina and sedilia; on the ford and 14 from London. The parish is in the Romford north wall of the tower is a curiously carved marble division of the county, Romford petty sessional division, tablet to Thomas Witherings esq. chief postmaster of nnion and county court district, and in the rural deanery Great Britain, ob. 1651: the church was restored in of Chafford, archdeaconry of Essex and Chelmsford 1871, at a cost of about £2,ooo, and again iu Ig<>o, at. a diocese. The village is lighted with gas supplied from further cost of £goo, and there are soo sittings. The Romford. The church of St. Andrew is an ancient register, which is in good condition, dates from the year building of stone in the Early Decorated and Perpen­ 1576. The living is a vicarage temporal, or chaplaincy,. dicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave with clerestory, and was formerly exempt from ecclesiastical jurisdic­ B1sles, north po:rch and a large embattled western towe.r tion, net yearly value £6oo, with residence, in the gift 1rith a turret and spire, the whole rising to a height of 120 of the Warden and Fellows of New College, Oxford, who feet and containing a clock and 8 bells, 6 of which were grant the benefice to the vicar by a special form of .
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