
The Bread of Life Discourse Setting the Scene

This weeks passage is a long one, but it is also an extremely important one for our Catholic faith. Today’s study, with a focus on the Bread of Life, forms the foundation for our love and devotion to the as the centerpiece of our faith.

Chapter six of John’s begins with performing His fourth and fifth signs. Does anyone know what they are? In :1-15 He feeds five thousand people with ​ ​ ​ five loaves and two fish and in John 6:16-21 he walks on water. You probably recognize these because they are also mentioned in other .

However, beginning in John 6:22, Jesus then launches into His special teaching on the Bread of Life. You will notice how much of the teaching is about who Jesus is. One thing about John’s Gospel is that in it Jesus teaches “”, which is what God first refers himself as in Exodus 3:14. In today's reading Jesus will also use the “I AM” to emphasize his divinity when he says “I AM the Bread of Life” and “I AM the living bread”.

The climax of the chapter rests in the powerful words of John 6:51-58. We will spend most of the study focusing on these words that have inspired believers throughout the entire history of the Church.

Read John 6:22-69

Discussion Questions

This passage contains some of the most significant words of the Gospel and the Catholic faith. Re-read John 6:22-69 ​

● This is a long passage so lets start with what three things most fascinate you ​ or most capture your attention? (maybe go around the table to hear from ​ everyone) ● This passage is loaded with references to the Old Testament. Compare the ​ following Old Testament passages with the teachings in today's passage. ​ - Exodus 16:2-4 (pg. 116) ​ - Psalm 78:23-25 (pg. 761) ​ - Numbers 11:11-13 (pg. 200) ​ - 2 Kings 4:42-44 (pg. 442) ​ ● What do you notice from these passages compared to today’s? ● Jesus often appears to repeat Himself in John 6:22-69. Note briefly what He says in each of the following verses: - John 6:35, 48, 51,53-58 ● Why do you think Jesus emphasizes these points so much? ● What does he mean by “ I AM the bread”? ● Remember what we said happened before this discourse? Jesus fed the crowds, and before breaking the bread he gave thanks. He does this again at the . When do we see this done in our life? ​ - In Greek, the word for “thanksgiving” is eucharisto, which is where we get ​ ​ the English word “Eucharist.” When we celebrate the Eucharist at mass, we are giving thanks to God just as Jesus did. ● Read John 6:56. In this verse Jesus makes a bold promise, in your own words ​ what is that promise? Read :4-7 for further explanation of the promise. ​ ● Read John 6:60-66. Why do you think so many disciples turn away and ​ leave Jesus at this point? They didn’t understand his teaching and what he was saying when he says “I AM the bread of life”. ● Are there parts of Jesus’ life and teachings that you find difficult to understand or obey? ● For you, what is the hardest part of being a follower of Jesus? ● In John 6:67, Jesus asks the Twelve Apostles, “Do you also wish to go away?” What is Peter’s response and what does it mean to you? ● Have you ever felt the way Peter did, as though you had no one else to go to except Jesus? If so, describe that time in your life? O.P.R

In John chapter six, Jesus paints a very detailed and passionate picture of the Eucharist. The Catechism of the Catholic CHurch calls the Eucharist the “source and summit of the Christian life” (CCC,1324).

What do you remember about your FIrst Communion - the first time you received the Echarist? ______Describe that day. How did you feel before, during and after Mass? WHo was there? What were you wearing? ______In John 6:56, Jesus says, “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him.” With Jesus’ words in mind, do one of the following things this week: ● Attend daily mass (Monday-Friday at 8:30 am at St. Joseph). As you ​ receive Communion at this additional Mass, invite Jesus to remain in you and to transform you with His divine presence in the Eucharist. ● Spend 30 minutes to an hour of Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament in an Adoration chapel near you. Here we have adoration ​ on Thursdays and Fridays from 9:00 am- 6:00 pm. Invite Jesus to remain in you. Ask Him to saturate every portion of your body and soul.