Journal of Applied Communications

Volume 96 | Issue 2 Article 3

The ewN Community Rules: Marketing on the Social Web Kelsey Hall

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Recommended Citation Hall, Kelsey (2012) "The eN w Community Rules: Marketing on the Social Web," Journal of Applied Communications: Vol. 96: Iss. 2.

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Abstract Book Review: The eN w Community Rules: Marketing on the Social Web by Tamar Weinberg

Keywords Community Rules, Social Web,

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This review is available in Journal of Applied Communications: Published byNewPrairiePress, 2017 Book Review between acompany andcustomers, would which beviolated ifsocialmediatoolswere usedtoonly tion, andalong-time commitment. building authenticrelationships for Participation isnecessary withoutgood entersocialmediamarketing planning, campaigns blindly marketing goals,- participa traffic, increase awareness, brand andincrease salesofproducts andservices. Yet, companies cannot stresses usesocial media marketing that companies to improve can search engine results, increase traditional tacticsadvertising companies because no longer have control of their messages. Weinberg social mediamarketing. The authorexplainsthatsocialmedia marketing are strategies different than keting tactics. ing sites, , socialnews for writing media tactics, usingnew socialmediamar- andpackaging twittering, joiningsocialnetworks, socialnetworks, informational answering usingsocialbookmark- goal socialmediamarketing settingfor campaigns, insocialcommunities, participating blogging, keting ideasandproducts usingsocialmedia. Rules:Community Marketing ontheSocial Web mar- toprovide readers successfully for withstrategies usedtomakewell-researchedsites togatherinformation choices. Tamar Weinberg wroteTheNew individuals interactwithpeersthrough , Twitter, social networks, , web- andsocialnews Additional Information Publisher Author Book Title Social Web the The New Community Rules: Marketing on In thefirst chapter, concepts of ofsocialmediaandreviews thebook defines thedifferent types topics:The bookthatdiscussthefollowing isdividedinto12chapters socialmediamarketing, from hasevolved The Internet beingasource tobecoming ofinformation a “social web” where 346 pages. $24.99, paperback, ISBN978-596-15681-7 Media,O’Reilly Sebastopol, CA, 2009. Tamar Weinberg The NewCommunityRules: Marketing on the Social Web Hall: TheNewCommunityRules:MarketingontheSocialWeb Journal ofApplied Communications, Volume96, No.2• 11 Kelsey Hall 1 DOI: 10.4148/1051-0834.1141 Book Review pany hasusedone socialmedia toolissue awareness,to develop improve customer relations, orcreate keting andreceive do. whatothercompanies ideasfor can on studyfocuses how acom Eachcase - ofmar- Readers would how are learn socialmediamarketing campaigns different thanothertypes Airlines,Southwest andBurger Kinghave usedsocialmedia topromote theirproducts andservices. their teacher’s bookmarking site toconduct research on atopic. share ablog or with a group of Diigo users who have similar interests. could search Students marked page, andshare bookmarks withotherusers. Marketers couldusethissocialmediatoolto anywhere, search bookmark collections, abookmarked notesfor page, write highlighttextinabook- about Diigo, a social bookmarking network. Diigo allows registered users to access bookmarks from on communityinvolvement. However, couldbenefit marketers andteachingfaculty from reading bookmarking ifcompanies have toolmightbechallenging socialmedia marketing goals thatfocus bookmarking features, areusers. novice theinstructions vaguefor thatthe claims The authoreven Weinberg provides onStumbleUpon, information installing enginewith asocialcontent discovery userstostore,allows Internet organize, andshare theirbookmarks on theInternet. Even though thor added about the background information and use of social bookmarking. bookmarking Social ity, number offollowers, authority, reach, andinfluence. searchers interested in Twitter use the tools related can to Twitter about their accountto learn activ- (, TinyURL, since Twitter limitstweets to140characters. Marketers andacademicre- TwitterFox instead oflogginginto Twitter directly. The book recommends three URL shorteners munity. accessThe authorexplainshow userscan Twitter Desktop, through Seemic TweetDeck, and For users, novice Weinberg does an excellent job in defining Twitter tools used by the Twitter com- tantly, themostsuccessfulbusinessesuse Twitter tomonitor conversations andrespond totweets. stress thatsuccessful Twitter users engage inbuildingandfacilitating relationships. More impor- in how use companies can Twitter marketing for purposes. posts, existingbloggers. areusersandtoobasicfor which novice not detailedenoughfor Social of MediaMarketing.Hyder inTheZen Kabani rehashes writing only basictipsfor Kabani blogs asamarketing tool. However, Weinberg’s advice ismore detailedthantipspublishedby Shama blogs to better provideunderstand the advice how more studies for of goodto use corporate case ofrelevantproducts/services,interviews, reviews writing and listening to readers. Weinberg could blog posts,corporate headlines, writing especially using visual elements, linking to resources, using orproducts.than traditional press releases services thatadvertise provides advice on She writing forms. Additionally, the author explains how and content the appearance are different blog posts for morefor than10years, Weinberg onofdifferent elaborates thefeatures blogplat- andfunctionality with usingthesetools. anaudiencewithlittletonoexperience for Even thoughblogshave existed plain howmarketing tousethetoolsfor campaigns. The sections aboutblogsand Twitter are written customed tactics tothenewer ofsocialmediaengagement” (p. 64). who have eithergrown tired ofthesameoldmarketing message orwhohave strategies gotten ac - isanoutdatedtacticnotbewell received thatwill among individuals products and services Pitching anddon’tticipate inthecommunities service they products justaimtosell tothepeople… directly promote products. Weinberg thatthebestmarketing mindsare writes asserts thosewhopar- “Heuer Weinberg how companies studiesthatdescribe like case includes Tyson Foods, Home Depot, The book isdifferent from othersocialmediaandmarketing books inthattheau- onThe chapter Twitter relates presented tothestrategies inthebook provide chapters background on socialmediatools,Seven how thetoolswork, describe andex- Journal ofAppliedCommunications,Vol.96,Iss.2[2012],Art.3 Journal ofApplied Communications, Volume96, No.2• 12 Twitter Powerand Weinberg’s book both Twitter Power, particularly 2 Published byNewPrairiePress, 2017 Book Review University. the Author About blogroll. eachchapter,endnotes for asocialmedia etiquette handbook, andalistofrecommended books and campaigns. usesocialmediafor and efficiently The book isalso usefulasareference since itincludes 2007. Additional onat befound herpersonal bloglocated socialmediamarketing can information gine marketing. manager &advertising atMashablesince asthecommunitysupport hasserved She inblogger outreach,specializes socialmedia, marketing, viral reputation management, andsearch en- marketingcial mediatoolsfor purposes. Weinberg marketing andInternet consultant who isawriter industry. usingablogcouldgenerateawarenessdia marketing campaign andappreciation theagricultural for Americans. for material whoprovideandclothing farmers food posts aboutthefamily Asocialme- employed industry, intheagricultural blog communications practitioners agricultural couldwrite employees. abouttheairline stories 2%ofitspopulation hasroughly directly theUnitedStates Since Additionally, studywould show case how bloggers enjoyed Airlines theSouthwest reading personal ideas, for ners couldgeneratesupport services, orproducts withoutusing persuasive salesmessages. of individualsconcernedabouthunger relief andtocreate awareness ofhunger problems. Tyson Foods its launched Tyson Foods Hunger Reliefblogtoshare withacommunity information no socialmediatoolthatdiscusseditsinterest hunger innationalrelief andlocal efforts. Therefore, mation. Specifically, study about the author uses a case Tyson Foods to show how the company found - followers oftheinfor thatiseffective indeveloping implement asocialmediamarketing campaign paragraphs. communicationshow studiesasideas for to practitioners Agricultural couldusethecase media marketing, studies would the providecase realistic in clear, situations that are written concise awareness.brand teachingundergraduateorgraduatestudentshow for tousesocial Asatextbook Kelsey Hall is an assistant professor of agricultural communication and journalism at Utah State communication atUtah isanassistantprofessorandjournalism State Hall ofagricultural Kelsey Overall, thebook would practitionershow bevaluablefor whowanttolearn more effectively The author’s andknowledgeexplainwhy cover many credibility thoroughly so- can thebook can The Tyson Foods communications study provides how anpractitio- example for agricultural case Hall: TheNewCommunityRules:MarketingontheSocialWeb Journal ofApplied Communications, Volume96, No.2• 13 3