CONTENTS Page Notices 2 Articles 7 Books and Publications 8 Conferences and Courses 9 Lectures and Events 11 Local Society Meetings 14 NOTICES Newsletter : Copy Dates The copy deadline for the following issue of the Newsletter is 17 November 2010 (for the January 2011 issue). Please send any items for inclusion to Meriel Jeater at Museum of London, London Wall, London EC2Y 5HN, or you can email me at
[email protected] **************** LAMAS Lecture Programme 2010 Unless otherwise stated, meetings take place in the Clore Learning Centre at the Museum of London on Tuesday evenings at 6.30pm – refreshments from 6pm. Meetings are open to all; members may bring guests, and non- members are welcome. 19 October 2010 Dreams for Dinner: The Natural and Social History of Nightshades , Dr Sandra Knapp, Curator, Natural History Museum (joint lecture with London Natural History Society) 16 November 2010 Volunteer Inclusion Programme: Inclusive Archaeology at the London Archaeological Archive and Research Centre , Glynn Davis & Adam Corsini, Archaeological Collections Officers, LAARC, Museum of London 14 December 2010 How the Portable Antiquities Scheme is Changing Our Understanding of Roman Coin Use in Britain and London , Sam Moorhead, Finds Adviser for Iron Age & Roman Coins, Portable Antiquities & Treasure Department, British Museum **************** 2 Milk Street Mikveh Goes on Display in the Jewish Museum LAMAS members may recall that in an article in Vol. 52 of the Society’s Transactions it was stated that the dismantled medieval Milk Street Mikveh (Jewish ritual bath) from the City of London was then seeking a suitable home. After some years of languishing in crates at LAARC, Eagle Wharf Road, this search is now over as on the 17 March 2010, England’s only surviving medieval Mikveh went on display in the newly enlarged Jewish Museum, 129-131 Albert Street, Camden Town, London.