REPORT ANNUAL Konecranes Annual report 2010 lifting Businesses™ Corporate Headquarters Konecranes Plc P.O. Box 661 (Koneenkatu 8) FI-05801 Hyvinkää, Finland Tel +358 20 427 11 Fax +358 20 427 2099 Konecranes is an industry shaping, global group of dynamic Lifting Businesses™. Global Business Area Headquarters We have a strong commitment to provide our customers with products Service Equipment Konecranes Service Corporation Konecranes Finland Corporation and services of unrivalled quality, safety and reliability, which results in P.O. Box 135 (Koneenkatu 8) P.O. Box 662 (Koneenkatu 8) improved efficiency and performance of our customers’ businesses. FI-05801 Hyvinkää, Finland FI-05801 Hyvinkää, Finland Tel +358 20 427 11 Tel +358 20 427 11 Fax +358 20 427 4099 Fax +358 20 427 3009 Through applying both our unique knowledge and technology, and responsive service attitude of never letting the customer down, we are able to develop innovative and integrated lifting solutions that our Regional Headquarters customers can trust. Americas Nordic, Eastern Europe and India Konecranes, Inc. Konecranes Region NEI These solutions help increase customers’ productivity and profitability, 4401 Gateway Blvd. P.O. Box 662 (Koneenkatu 8) Springfield, OH 45502, USA FI-05801 Hyvinkää, Finland thus showing that we are not just lifting things, but entire businesses. Tel +1 937 525 5533 Tel +358 20 427 11 Fax +1 937 325 8945 Fax +358 20 427 3009 Western Europe, Middle East and Africa Asia-Pacific Konecranes Region WEMEA Konecranes (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. P.O. Box 662 (Koneenkatu 8) No. 789 Suide Road FI-05801 Hyvinkää, Finland Putuo District Tel +358 20 427 11 Shanghai, 200331, China Fax +358 20 427 2299 Tel +86 21 6662 9999 Fax +86 21 6363 6145 Corporate responsibility For corporate responsibility matters please contact
[email protected] This publication is for general informational purposes only.